Academic literature on the topic 'Infections à Orthopoxvirus'
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Journal articles on the topic "Infections à Orthopoxvirus"
Shchelkunov, S. N., and G. A. Shchelkunova. "We should be prepared to smallpox re-emergence." Problems of Virology, Russian journal 64, no. 5 (October 20, 2019): 206–14.
Full textDouglas, Kirk Osmond, Claire Cayol, Kristian Michael Forbes, Thelma Alafia Samuels, Olli Vapalahti, Tarja Sironen, and Marquita Gittens-St. Hilaire. "Serological Evidence of Multiple Zoonotic Viral Infections among Wild Rodents in Barbados." Pathogens 10, no. 6 (May 28, 2021): 663.
Full textShchelkunova, G. A., and S. N. Shchelkunov. "40 Years without Smallpox." Acta Naturae 9, no. 4 (December 15, 2017): 4–12.
Full textTregubchak, T. V., T. V. Bauer, R. A. Maksyutov, and E. V. Gavrilova. "Cases of Orthopoxviral Infections around the World over a Period of 2008–2018." Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections, no. 3 (October 23, 2021): 33–39.
Full textKhlusevich, Ya A., A. L. Matveev, E. P. Goncharova, I. K. Baykov, and N. V. Tikunova. "Immunogenicity of recombinant fragment of orthopoxvirus p35 protein in mice." Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding 23, no. 4 (July 7, 2019): 398–404.
Full textScaramozzino, Natale, Audrey Ferrier-Rembert, Anne-laure Favier, Corinne Rothlisberger, Stéphane Richard, Jean-Marc Crance, Hermann Meyer, and Daniel Garin. "Real-Time PCR to Identify Variola Virus or Other Human Pathogenic Orthopox Viruses." Clinical Chemistry 53, no. 4 (April 1, 2007): 606–13.
Full textSmith, Scott K., Victoria A. Olson, Kevin L. Karem, Robert Jordan, Dennis E. Hruby, and Inger K. Damon. "In Vitro Efficacy of ST246 against Smallpox and Monkeypox." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 53, no. 3 (December 15, 2008): 1007–12.
Full textPrichard, Mark N., Kathy A. Keith, Debra C. Quenelle, and Earl R. Kern. "Activity and Mechanism of Action of N-Methanocarbathymidine against Herpesvirus and Orthopoxvirus Infections." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50, no. 4 (April 2006): 1336–41.
Full textShchelkunov, S. N., T. V. Bauer, S. N. Yakubitskiy, A. A. Sergeev, A. S. Kabanov, and S. A. Pyankov. "Mutations in the A34R gene increase the immunogenicity of vaccinia virus." Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding 25, no. 2 (April 29, 2021): 139–46.
Full textMaksyutov, R. A., S. N. Yakubitskyi, I. V. Kolosova, and S. N. Shchelkunov. "Comparing New-Generation Candidate Vaccines against Human Orthopoxvirus Infections." Acta Naturae 9, no. 2 (June 15, 2017): 88–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Infections à Orthopoxvirus"
Perino, Julien. "Implication de facteurs lipidiques (DPPG, sulfatide) et protéique (SP-D) dans un modèle d’infection respiratoire par les poxvirus." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textVariola virus was declared eradicated in 1980 after a worldwide vaccination campaign. A better understanding of the infection process of orthopoxviruses is nevertheless necessary because of the potential release of variola by bioterrorists. Here we report potential counter-measures against Variola virus that could result from studying mechanisms of viral entry and immunity against Variola virus. The purpose of this work was to study multiple factors in vaccinia virus entry in the lung and thus gain a better understanding of the infectious process that could be used to stop infection by Orthopoxvirus. The innate immune functions displayed by some phospholipids (DiPalmitoyl PhosphatidylGlycerol) in lung surfactant were studied. The discovery of the ability of DPPG to inhibit vaccinia virus infection in cell culture led to the evaluation of its in vivo activity during a lethal vaccinia virus infection. Furthermore, the analysis of the interaction between vaccinia virus and plasma membrane lipids (sulfatide) enabled the definition of a secondary receptor for vaccinia virus in addition to glycosaminoglycans that were characterized previously. Finally, examination of the specific innate immunity provided by proteins in lung surfactant allowed us to highlight interactions between one surfactant protein (Surfactant protein D) and vaccinia virus. These interactions were then characterized as inhibitory interactions for vaccinia virus infection. Our findings underline the importance of lipids and proteins inlung surfactant as well as lipids in the plasma membrane in the Poxvirus infection and suggest that these molecules may be potential new targets for the development of new therapeutic and prophylactic products to efficiently treat poxvirus infection
Jackson, Matthew Christopher. "The use of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as antiviral treatments against Orthopoxvirus infection." Thesis, Open University, 2009.
Full textFogg, Christiana Nichols. "Active and passive immunization strategies for protection of mice and monkeys against Orthopoxvirus infection." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2006.
Full textThesis research directed by: Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
Gan, Li Lin Verfasser], Christiane [Akademischer Betreuer] Stahl-Hennig, Claus-Peter [Gutachter] [Czerny, Stephan [Gutachter] Becker, and Stefan [Gutachter] Pöhlmann. "Pathogenesis of orthopoxvirus (OPXV) infection in common CM and identification of immune correlates after vaccination with differently attenuated vaccines / Li Lin Gan ; Gutachter: Claus-Peter Czerny, Stephan Becker, Stefan Pöhlmann ; Betreuer: Christiane Stahl-Hennig." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2018.
Full textGan, Li Lin. "Pathogenesis of orthopoxvirus (OPXV) infection in common CM and identification of immune correlates after vaccination with differently attenuated vaccines." Doctoral thesis, 2018.
Full textByrd, Daniel James. "Vaccinia Virus Binding and Infection of Primary Human Leukocytes." Thesis, 2014.
Full textVaccinia virus (VV) is the prototypical member of the orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family, and is currently being evaluated as a vector for vaccine development and cancer cell-targeting therapy. Despite the importance of studying poxvirus effects on the human immune system, reports of the direct interactions between poxviruses and primary human leukocytes (PHLs) are limited. We studied the specific molecular events that determine the VV tropism for major PHL subsets including monocytes, B cells, neutrophils, NK cells, and T cells. We found that VV exhibited an extremely strong bias towards binding and infecting monocytes among PHLs. VV binding strongly co-localized with lipid rafts on the surface of these cell types, even when lipid rafts were relocated to the cell uropods upon cell polarization. In humans, monocytic and professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) have so far only been reported to exhibit abortive infections with VV. We found that monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), including granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-polarized M1 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-polarized M2, were permissive to VV replication. The majority of virions produced in MDMs were extracellular enveloped virions (EEV). Visualization of infected MDMs revealed the formation of VV factories, actin tails, virion-associated branching structures and cell linkages, indicating that infected MDMs are able to initiate de novo synthesis of viral DNA and promote virus release. Classical activation of MDMs by LPS plus IFN-γ stimulation caused no effect on VV replication, whereas alternative activation of MDMs by IL-10 or LPS plus IL-1β treatment significantly decreased VV production. The IL-10-mediated suppression of VV replication was largely due to STAT3 activation, as a STAT3 inhibitor restored virus production to levels observed without IL-10 stimulation. In conclusion, our data indicate that PHL subsets express and share VV protein receptors enriched in lipid rafts. We also demonstrate that primary human macrophages are permissive to VV replication. After infection, MDMs produced EEV for long-range dissemination and also form structures associated with virions which may contribute to cell-cell spread.
Books on the topic "Infections à Orthopoxvirus"
Riccardo, Wittek, and Dumbell Keith R, eds. The orthopoxviruses. San Diego: Academic Press, 1989.
Find full textReid, Hugh W., and Mark P. Dagleish. Poxviruses. Oxford University Press, 2011.
Full text(Contributor), S. N. Shchelkunov, S. S. Marennikova (Contributor), and R. W. Moyer (Contributor), eds. Orthopoxviruses Pathogenic for Humans. Springer, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Infections à Orthopoxvirus"
Schriewer, Jill, R. Mark L. Buller, and Gelita Owens. "Mouse Models for Studying Orthopoxvirus Respiratory Infections." In Vaccinia Virus and Poxvirology, 289–307. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2004.
Full textJordan, Robert. "CHAPTER 4. Discovery and Development of Antiviral Drugs for Treatment of Pathogenic Human Orthopoxvirus Infections." In Drug Discovery, 81–110. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013.
Full textRomero, José R. "Orthopoxviruses." In The Neurological Manifestations of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiency Syndromes, 151–55. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2008.
Full textPetersen, Brett W., Kevin L. Karem, and Inger K. Damon. "Orthopoxviruses: Variola, Vaccinia, Cowpox, and Monkeypox." In Viral Infections of Humans, 501–17. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2014.
Full textBonwitt, Jesse, Jeffrey B. Doty, Andrea M. McCollum, and Yoshinori Nakazawa. "Zoonotic Orthopoxviruses: Innocuous Rash or Global Public Health Threat?" In Zoonoses: Infections Affecting Humans and Animals, 1–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textCzerny, Claus-Peter. "Orthopoxviruses—Plagues of Mankind, Strategists in Immune Evasion, Teachers in Vaccination." In Zoonoses - Infections Affecting Humans and Animals, 497–525. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.
Full textMelamed, Sharon, Nir Paran, Tomer Israely, Noam Erez, Shaul Reuveny, Arie Ordentlich, and Shlomo Lustig. "Therapeutic Potential of Vaccinia Hyper Immune Sera in Mouse Models of Lethal Orthopoxviruses Infection." In The Challenge of Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms, 253–60. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.
Full textFenner, Frank, Riccardo Wittek, and Keith R. Dumbell. "The Pathogenesis, Pathology, and Immunology of Orthopoxvirus Infections." In The Orthopoxviruses, 85–141. Elsevier, 1989.
Full textDAMON, INGER K. "Orthopoxviruses." In Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 1923–32. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textPetersen, Brett W., and Inger K. Damon. "Orthopoxviruses." In Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 1694–702. Elsevier, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Infections à Orthopoxvirus"
Filatov, P. V., A. G. Poltavchenko, A. V. Ersh, N. D. Ushkalenko, K. S. Kungurtsev, and A. K. Gunger. "DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ACCOUNTING OF RESULTS OF PRIMARY SCREENING AND SEROMONITORING OF ORTHOPOXVIRAL INFECTIONS." In Molecular Diagnostics and Biosafety. Federal Budget Institute of Science 'Central Research Institute for Epidemiology', 2020.
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