Academic literature on the topic 'Industrie du recyclage des métaux'
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Journal articles on the topic "Industrie du recyclage des métaux"
Blais, J. F., S. Dufresne, and G. Mercier. "État du développement technologique en matière d'enlèvement des métaux des effluents industriels." Revue des sciences de l'eau 12, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 687–711.
Full textLabbé, Jean-François. "Les limites physiques de la contribution du recyclage à l’approvisionnement en métaux." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 82, no. 2 (2016): 45.
Full textGrollemund, Colas. "Les Gens du voyage dans la filière contemporaine du recyclage des ferrailles et des métaux." Etudes Tsiganes 64, no. 2 (2018): 46.
Full textBenmoussa, H., R. D. Tyagi, and P. G. C. Campbell. "Biolixiviation des métaux lourds et stabilisation des boues municipales: effet de la forme du souffre élémentaire utilisé comme substrat." Revue des sciences de l'eau 7, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 235–50.
Full textTrouvé, E., and S. Belloir. "Un procédé de fractionnement innovant au coeur du développement des stations d’épuration durables de demain." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 4 (April 2019): 37–44.
Full textSmith, Robert J. "Bouchayer et Viallet de Grenoble. Le développement et le déclin d’une industrie transformatrice des métaux (1870-1972)." Bulletin d'histoire de l'électricité 14, no. 1 (1989): 177–93.
Full textGreenough, John D., and Kevin MacKenzie. "Igneous Rock Associations 18. Transition Metals in Oceanic Island Basalt: Relationships with the Mantle Components." Geoscience Canada 42, no. 3 (July 29, 2015): 351.
Full textHanafi, Fatiha, Nadia Sadif, Omar Assobhei, and Mohammed Mountadar. "Traitement des margines par électrocoagulation avec des électrodes plates en aluminium." Revue des sciences de l'eau 22, no. 4 (October 22, 2009): 473–85.
Full textLabbé, Jean-François. "Illustration, à travers la légende classique des grains de blé placés sur un jeu d’échec, des limites incontournables de la croissance de la consommation des métaux et de la contribution du recyclage à leur approvisionnement." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N°99, no. 3 (2020): 29.
Full textBLAZY, Pierre, and Yves JEHANNE. "Recyclage des métaux précieux." Éco-conception et innovation responsable, December 2002.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Industrie du recyclage des métaux"
Menad, Nourreddine. "Traitements thermiques des déchets industriels dans différentes atmosphères contrôlées en vue de leur dépollution et/ou de leur recyclage." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1995.
Full textPillaud, Jean-Louis. "Application de l'oxydation anodique au traitement de certains effluents industriels." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textKanari, Ndue. "Extraction des métaux de valeur des concentrés de chalcopyrite et de chromite par chloruration." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1995.
Full textLakhchaf, Nadia. "Nanofiltration d'ions et de complexes en solution. Application au traitement d'effluents nickelés par couplage complexation, nanofiltration, électrolyse." Montpellier 2, 1996.
Full textKhalfi, Az-Eddine. "Etude du comportement dans diverses conditions de combustion, de déchets de bois, représentatifs de la filière ameublement." Mulhouse, 2000.
Full textSourisseau, Sylvain. "Recyclage vs extraction minière : concurrence, externalités environnementales et politiques publiques sur les marchés du fer et de l'acier." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textIn addition to a solution for managing end-of-life products, recycling is also an alternative to the production of virgin raw materials. In this thesis, we are therefore wondering about this new form of competition that could potentially include recyclers, on a commodity market traditionally dominated by a mining oligopoly. To what extent can recyclers compete with mining firms and what are the effects on oligopoly? As a second line of research, we consider the differential of environmental externalities that exists between the two types of supply. We therefore include in our model a recycling subsidy and a tax on mining pollution, in response to the two market distortions: the non-competitive structure of mining extraction and the externalities that are associated with this activity. To give an empirical dimension to this thesis, we use the iron and steel industry. Prior to the analysis of the competition with recyclers, we carry out in Chapter 1, an analysis of the evolution of the markets of iron and steel following the demand shock since the year 2000. The concentration of the demand from Chinese steelmakers as well as the strategy put in place by the authorities from 2010, led to a new market structure of the world iron ore market: a thwarted monopsony.By focusing on the upstream value chain, Chapter 2 sets the theoretical framework for competition between mining firms and recyclers. Through a Cournot-Stackelberg model, we show that the market share of the mining sector increases with the degree of competition in this sector. Recyclers cannot significantly increase their market share if an efficient recycling technology is not associated with a high availability of waste. This dual condition is also necessary to ensure the reduction of the mining rent. In addition, we highlight the requirement of a minimum level of recycling technology for recyclers to enter the market.Taking into account the differential of environmental externalities in Chapter 3 strengthens the need for increasing the supply of secondary materials, with regard to its positive effect on social wellfare. For this purpose, the introduction of an environmental tax on mining extraction is less relevant than a subsidy for recycling. The tax reinforces the capacity constraint for recyclers, relies on a necessary assessment of mining pollution that is difficult to achieve for certain raw materials, and there are limits on its implementation which also seem to arise. On the other hand, the introduction of a recycling subsidy would have a significant impact on recyclers' market share and the necessary reduction of extraction-related damages. As we show, the difference in effects between the two policies is even stronger when the initial level of recycling is low.Finally, by focusing on a public policy based on the demand for materials rather than on supply, Chapter 4 highlights the weak incentive of the EU-ETS to reduce CO2 emissions from steelmakers, and therefore a potential increase of the secondary input instead of the virgin one. We also show how this climate policy interferes with the EU competition policy because it mainly benefits market leaders, to the detriment of the principle of free and undistorted competition prevailing in the EU market. More surprisingly, our results indicate that the market leader is the least efficient firm in the consumption of raw materials, considering the quantity of steel produced and the CO$_2$ emissions generated. Conversely, the firm that seems to be the most efficient would also have been least favoured when free allowances were allocated from 2007 onwards
Schrijvers, Dieuwertje. "Evaluation environnementale des options de recyclage selon la méthodologie d’analyse de cycle de vie : établissement d’une approche cohérente appliquée aux études de cas de l’industrie chimique." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textModeling of recycling – and allocation in general – is a heavily debated topic in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) domain. This thesis aimed to find a coherent scientific approach to model recycling in LCA that provides relevant information to companies. Existing allocation procedures are captured by mathematical formulas and linked to an LCA goal and an attributional or consequential approach in a systematic framework. A review of official guidelines showed that none of them provides recommendations on allocation that is consistent with this framework. A partitioning approach was identified for attributional LCA (a-LCA). This approach is based on subjective assumptions, which are made explicit by axioms. In consequential LCA (c-LCA), the market-price ratio between the recycled and substituted primary material is introduced as a new indicator to identify whether additional recycling substitutes the production of primary materials or avoids waste treatment. The processes that are affected by a changing demand for a product are identified by a causal loop diagram, which also includes stockpiling as a new element in c-LCA. The application of the allocation procedures is demonstrated by a case study of the recycling of rare earth elements (REEs) from used fluorescent lamps. The a-LCA indicated that recycled REEs are more sustainable than primary REEs. The c-LCA showed that recycling is environmentally beneficial as long as the REEs are used in fluorescent lamps that substitute less energy-efficient halogen lamps. This demonstrates that both LCA approaches provide different but useful information for companies. Suggestions are given for policy measures when the market situation does not stimulate environmentally beneficial behavior. It is recommended, among other options, to extend the causal loop diagram of c-LCA to include additional mechanisms, such as rebound effects
Vinson, Pierre. "Fusion sélective par laser de lits de poudre : Étude sur le recyclage de la poudre et détection de défauts au cours de la fabrication par imagerie thermique." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2015.
Full textDirect and additive manufacturing regroups several new technologies that are very different from conventional manufacturing processes such as casting. Aeronautic and space industries are really interested in those new processes such as the selective laser melting of metallic powder beds know as the SLM process. This PhD thesis report will show the issues of additive manufacturing and will describe some processes. A bibliography study has been done on two aeronautical alloys used in this work: titanium alloy TA6V and nickel-based superalloy Nimonic 263. This work also presents powder characterization (granulometry, morphology chemical composition) for the gas atomized powder. Besides, study has been done on the recyclability of the TA6V powder for the SLM process, for the powder itself and the mechanical properties of parts built from recycled powder. Moreover, this works deals with a powder bed consolidation model to estimate the productivity of the process. Then, a parametric and thermal study has been done on the Nimonic 263. The coaxial system for thermal visualization is described such as the image processing algorithm used. Finally, this reports deals with the study of thermal signature of typical SLM defects
Ndiaye, Mamadou Babacar. "Le recyclage de métaux d'origine industrielle au Sénégal." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2006.
Full textBrault-Vattier, Thierry Pierre Antoine. "L'aluminium au XXe et XXIe siècles. Étude d’économie industrielle." Thesis, Pau, 2015.
Full textAt different times and speeds, depending on the countries concerned, aluminium has transformed both the world of industry and our ways of life. In the early 20th century, the developing world was already divided between North America, where steel and concrete were beginning to shape cities linked by railroads, and Europe, where it was necessary to demolish before rebuilding, and the transformation therefore took longer. Aluminium and hydroelectricity emerged together, heralding a long period of growth that was accelerated by their complementarity. Technical progress in both domains had a snowball effect. The expansion lasted three-quarters of a century, until the rising household demand for electricity forced aluminium producers to look for new sources of energy, firstly in the United States. The developing countries followed the same path and provided continuity. China has been the leading aluminium producer in the world since 2003. Modernisation affected both domains at the same time, creating considerable needs for support. Economics and management sciences have developed theoretical and practical foundations in a network, amplifying the effectiveness of technical advances. The interest of this study lies in our revelation of the lasting interactions between economic theory and industrial production
Books on the topic "Industrie du recyclage des métaux"
Murray, William. Le recyclage des pneus. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1996.
Find full textBourdages, Jean-Luc. Le recyclage du papier au Canada: Une nouvelle réalité. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1993.
Find full textmétaux, Canada Secteur des minéraux et des. La politique des minéraux et des métaux du gouvernement du Canada: Des partenariats pour un développement durable. Ottawa, Ont: Ressources naturelles Canada, 1996.
Find full textCanada. Secteur des minéraux et des métaux. De la ressource minérale au produit manufacturé: Vers une stratégie canadienne de la valeur ajoutée dans l'industrie des minéraux et des métaux. Ottawa, Ont: Ressources naturelles Canada, 1998.
Find full textSector, Canada Minerals and Metals. Focus 2006: A strategic vision for 2001-2006. Ottawa: The Sector, 2001.
Find full textL, Means Jeffrey, and Barth Edwin F, eds. Recycling and reuse of industrial wastes. Columbus: Battelle Press, 1995.
Find full textCanada. Library of Parliament. Research Branch., ed. Paper recycling in Canada: A new reality. [Ottawa]: Library of Parliament, Research Branch, 1994.
Find full textCanada, Canada Natural Resources. Canadian mines perspective from 1994 : production, reserves, development, exploration =: Les mines au Canada : tour d'horizon à partir de 1994 : production, réserves, mise en valeur, exploration. Ottawa, Ont: Minister of Supply and Services Canada = Ministre des approvisionnements et services Canada, 1995.
Find full textCanada, Canada Natural Resources. Canadian mines: Perspective from 1992 : production, reserves, development, exploration. Ottawa, Ont: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1994.
Find full text(Editor), Stephen D. Cramer, Bernard S., Jr. Covino (Editor), Joseph R. Davis (Editor), Elizabeth MArquard (Editor), and Heather Lampman (Editor), eds. ASM Handbook: Corrosion: Environments and Industries. Asm Intl, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Industrie du recyclage des métaux"
Goffé, Bruno. "Chapitre 11 : Recyclage des métaux : mimer les processus naturels." In La chimie et la nature, 233–52. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textGoffé, Bruno. "Chapitre 11 : Recyclage des métaux : mimer les processus naturels." In La chimie et la nature, 233–52. EDP Sciences, 2020.
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