Journal articles on the topic 'Indigenous training and learning'
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Grant, Megan. "‘Building Bridges’ and Indigenous Literacy: Learning from Indigenous Families." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 2, no. 1 (March 2001): 95–103.
Full textChibuwe, Albert, and Abioudun Salawu. "Training for English language or indigenous language media journalism: A decolonial critique of Zimbabwean journalism and media training institutions’ training practices." Journal of African Media Studies 12, no. 2 (June 1, 2020): 137–56.
Full textKingi-Ulu’ave, Denise, Chris Framptom, Tania Cargo, Karolina Stasiak, and Sarah Hetrick. "Evaluating the Impact and Cultural Relevance of LifeKeepers Gatekeeper Training Across Three Training Modalities." Crisis 45, no. 6 (November 2024): 417–24.
Full textSchwieter, John W., and J. Luis Jaimes-Dominguez. "Maximizing Indigenous Student Learning In The Mainstream With Language And Culture." Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) 2, no. 3 (January 10, 2011): 39.
Full textKoller, Katalin Eve, and Kay Rasmussen. "Generative Learning and the Making of Ethical Space: Indigenizing Forest School Teacher Training in Wabanakik." Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning 7, no. 1 (June 2, 2021): 219–29.
Full textDurán Kairies, Javiera-Violeta, Emma J. Rice, Sterling Stutz, Sharon W. Y. Tan, Anne Simard, Heather Ross, and Angela Mashford-Pringle. "Transform[ing] heart failure professionals with Indigenous land-based cultural safety in Ontario, Canada." PLOS ONE 19, no. 5 (May 23, 2024): e0302816.
Full textYekple, Sampson L. K., Innocent Yao Vinyo, and Maxwell Seyram Kumah. "Developing Literacy and Numeracy in Early Childhood Education in Ghana: The Role of Traditional Ewe Play Games." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 25, no. 1 (February 22, 2021): 215.
Full textRoberts, Lisa R., and Barbara A. Anderson. "Simulation Learning Among Low Literacy Guatemalan Traditional Birth Attendants." International Journal of Childbirth 7, no. 2 (2017): 67–76.
Full textHelme, Sue. "Indigenous Students and Vocational Education and Training in Schools: Ladder of Opportunity or Corrugated Iron Ceiling?" Australian Journal of Education 49, no. 2 (August 2005): 169–81.
Full textKutay, Cat, and Janet Mooney. "Linking Learning to Community for Indigenous Computing Courses." Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 37, S1 (2008): 90–95.
Full textPayad, Arlan. "High School Aetas’ Course Experience: Benchmark for Streamlining Curricular Program Management." JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research 56, no. 1 (March 28, 2024): 1–23.
Full textThackrah, Rosalie D., and Sandra C. Thompson. "Applying a Midwifery Lens to Indigenous Health Care Delivery: The Contribution of Campus Learning and Rural Placements to Effecting Systemic Change." Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 50, no. 4 (May 4, 2018): 179–88.
Full textWilson, George R., Melanie J. Edwards, and Jennifer K. Smits. "Support for Indigenous wildlife management in Australia to enable sustainable use." Wildlife Research 37, no. 3 (2010): 255.
Full textSilva, Eliuvomar Cruz da, Laury Vander Leandro de Souza, Francisca Silva do Nascimento, Ariana Lucas Moraes, and Samara Soares de Freitas. "Educação Superior." RCMOS - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar O Saber 3, no. 1 (January 22, 2024): 1–8.
Full textMackinlay, Elizabeth, and Katelyn Barney. "PEARLs, Problems and Politics: Exploring Findings From Two Teaching and Learning Projects in Indigenous Australian Studies at The University of Queensland." Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 43, no. 1 (August 2014): 31–41.
Full textResing, Wilma C. M., Froukje M. de Jong, Tirza Bosma, and Erika Tunteler. "Learning During Dynamic Testing: Variability in Strategy Use by Indigenous and Ethnic Minority Children." Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 8, no. 1 (February 2009): 22–37.
Full textHanna, Nathan, and Sandra King. "Reflecting on Cultural Training Outside of Cultural Place." Journal of Scholarly Engagement 6, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 44–52.
Full textBourassa, Carrie, Jennifer Billan, Danette Starblanket, Sadie Anderson, Marlin Legare, Mikayla Caroline Hagel, Nathan Oakes, et al. "Ethical research engagement with Indigenous communities." Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 7 (January 2020): 205566832092270.
Full textA. Lawler, L. M., P. A. Logan-Sinclair, L. E. Holland, and G. Troutma n. "Black and White Learning Interchange." Australian Journal of Primary Health 6, no. 4 (2000): 164.
Full textMelo, Elisângela Aparecida Pereira de, Gerson Riberiro Bacury, Pedro Ferreira Da Silva, and Domingos Anselmo Moura Da Silva. "O lugar das matemáticas na formação de professores indígenas da região do Alto Solimões/AM." education policy analysis archives 28 (May 11, 2020): 81.
Full textOlajuyin, Oyebanji, Oladele Olatunya, Toye Olajide, Ademola Olajuyin, Adebola Olajuyin, Femi Ogunboyo, and Kehinde Oluwadiya. "Use of indigenous language for clinical clerkship: a cross-sectional survey in Nigeria." Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 28, no. 2 (February 27, 2022): 158–62.
Full textHill, Barbara, Marian Tulloch, Susan Mlcek, and Melinda Lewis. "The ‘Within’ Journey: Assessment of the Online Indigenous Australian Cultural Competence Training Programme at Charles Sturt University." Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 49, no. 1 (September 14, 2018): 14–22.
Full textBANKOVA, O. S. "The importance of learning English in pilot training: world practice." Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of Integration to European Educational Space 89, (II) 1 (February 20, 2022): 150–57.
Full textBrowne, Annette J., Colleen Varcoe, and Cheryl Ward. "San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training as an Educational Intervention: Promoting Anti-Racism and Equity in Health Systems, Policies, and Practices." International Indigenous Policy Journal 12, no. 3 (August 13, 2021): 1–26.
Full textLee, Natasha. "Addressing the knowledge gap of Indigenous public health: reflections from an Indigenous public health graduate." Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 49, no. 2 (September 9, 2020): 110–18.
Full textWu, Ya-Ling, and Cheng-Wu Chen. "EXAMINING THE LEARNING EXPERIENCES OF SCIENCE TRAINING AMONG TAIWANESE ABORIGINAL ADOLESCENTS." Journal of Baltic Science Education 12, no. 3 (June 25, 2013): 312–21.
Full textLee, KS Kylie, Michelle Harrison, Scott Wilson, Warren Miller, Jimmy Perry, and Katherine M. Conigrave. "Integrated learning in a drug and alcohol university degree for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: a case study." AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 15, no. 1 (November 11, 2018): 44–51.
Full textRahmat, Abdul, and Mira Mirnawati. "Manajemen Pelatihan Permainan Tradisional Edukatif Berbasis Potensi Lokal Dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Orang Tua Anak Usia Dini." Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian 1, no. 4 (December 4, 2021): 137.
Full textBorrows, John. "OUTSIDER EDUCATION: INDIGENOUS LAW AND LAND-BASED LEARNING." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 33, no. 1 (January 29, 2017): 1.
Full textSuarta, I. Made, Rusma Noortyani, Ketut Yarsama, and Ida Ayu Iran Adhiti. "The role of Teachers’ Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Competencies in Enhancing Students’ Engagement and Learning Outcomes." Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 9, no. 1 (February 25, 2022): 244.
Full textTangkur, Michael, Michael Johnson Nabie, and Clement Ayarebilla Ali. "Mathematics teachers’ knowledge of indigenous games in teaching mathematics." Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 13, no. 1 (June 17, 2022): 165–74.
Full textDemssie, Yared Nigussie, Harm J. A. Biemans, Renate Wesselink, and Martin Mulder. "Combining Indigenous Knowledge and Modern Education to Foster Sustainability Competencies: Towards a Set of Learning Design Principles." Sustainability 12, no. 17 (August 22, 2020): 6823.
Full textRozi, Muhammad Fathur. "Model Pengembangan Kurikulum Merdeka Berbasis Integrasi Indigenous Knowledge." Global Education Journal 2, no. 3 (August 11, 2024): 235–52.
Full textSamidi and Sarkawi B. Husain. "Actualization And Inheritance Of Pabitte Passapu Art In Tanah Towa Village, South Sulawesi." Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya 39, no. 3 (July 4, 2024): 271–82.
Full textJ. Woodley, Carolyn, Sean Fagan, and Sue Marshall. "Wadawurrung Dya Baap Ngobeeyt: teaching spatial mapping technologies." Campus-Wide Information Systems 31, no. 4 (July 29, 2014): 276–87.
Full textMaar, Marion, Lorrilee McGregor, Danica Desjardins, Kerri Z. Delaney, Nicole Bessette, and Maurianne Reade. "Teaching Culturally Safe Care in Simulated Cultural Communication Scenarios During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Virtual Visits with Indigenous Animators." Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development 9 (January 2022): 238212052210910.
Full textWalker, Robert S., and Marcus J. Hamilton. "Machine learning with remote sensing data to locate uncontacted indigenous villages in Amazonia." PeerJ Computer Science 5 (January 7, 2019): e170.
Full textThomson, T. J., Julie McLaughlin, Leah King-Smith, Aaron Bell, and Matt Tsimpikas. "Indigenous knowledges and perspectives in university journalism education: Exploring experiences, challenges and opportunities." Australian Journalism Review 44, no. 1 (June 1, 2022): 39–60.
Full textCunningham, Frances C., Majella G. Murphy, Grace Ward, Royden Fagan, Brian Arley, and Peter H. d’Abbs. "Evaluation of the B.strong Queensland Indigenous Health Worker Brief Intervention Training Program for Multiple Health Risk Behaviours." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 8 (April 16, 2021): 4220.
Full textBickel, Rachel, and Sarah Dupont. "Indigitization." KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies 2 (November 29, 2018): 11.
Full textMalik, Ashish. "Transcribe and Tally: jugaad in action." Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 3, no. 3 (June 28, 2013): 1–8.
Full textLines, Laurie-Ann, Shaun Anderson, Cindy Jardine, and Casadaya Marty. "Learning, Indigenizing, and Delivering Forum Theatre Activities in Indigenous Communities: Reflections of Community Facilitators." First Peoples Child & Family Review 19, no. 1 (2024): 30–31.
Full textRathore, Ranu. "Protocol for Conducting Ethnobotanical Research in Dry Tropical Forest Ecosystem of Chhattisgarh, India." International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 12, no. 9 (September 10, 2022): 205–16.
Full textDimakatso Mpanza, Choice. "The Emergence of Semilingualism in South African schools – Are the Stipulations of the Language in Education Policy to Blame?" African Journal of Development Studies (formerly AFFRIKA Journal of Politics, Economics and Society) 13, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 179–96.
Full textHwang, Shyh-Huei, and Hsiu-Mei Huang. "Cultural Ecosystem of the Seediq’s Traditional Weaving Techniques—A Comparison of the Learning Differences Between Urban and Indigenous Communities." Sustainability 11, no. 6 (March 13, 2019): 1519.
Full textMontenegro-Gracia, Edilberto Javier, and Jacob Eduardo Pitti-Rodríguez. "Adaptation to climate change in indigenous food systems of the Teribe in Panama: a training based on CRISTAL 2.0." Luna Azul 51 (July 1, 2020): 182–97.
Full textGómez-Zermeño, Marcela Georgina. "Strategies to identify intercultural competences in community instructors." Journal for Multicultural Education 12, no. 4 (November 12, 2018): 330–42.
Full textKlassen, Pamela N., and Catherine B. Chan. "Strategies for Restructuring Dietetics Education Programs to Improve Nutrition Equity in Indigenous Populations: A Narrative Review." Nutrients 16, no. 23 (November 29, 2024): 4136.
Full textLee, Hannah, Imaan Bayoumi, Autumn Watson, Colleen Davison, Minnie Fu, Dionne Nolan, Dan Mitchell, Sheldon Traviss, Jennifer Kehoe, and Eva Purkey. "Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Families from Marginalized Groups: A Qualitative Study in Kingston, Ontario." COVID 1, no. 4 (November 30, 2021): 704–16.
Full textWiggins, Trevor. "The world of music in education." British Journal of Music Education 13, no. 1 (March 1996): 21–29.
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