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Journal articles on the topic "Indiens d'Amérique – Et la photographie"
Roche, Thierry. "Le cinéma des Indiens d'Amérique. Réflexions : I Thèmes et problématiques." Journal des anthropologues 56, no. 1 (1994): 97–100.
Full textPaquette, Gopesa. "Former l’oeil et l’âme." Anthropologie et Sociétés 36, no. 1-2 (August 10, 2012): 245–62.
Full textNavet, Éric. "Les Ojibway et l'Amanite tue-mouche (Amanita muscaria). Pour une ethnomycologie des Indiens d'Amérique du Nord." Journal de la Société des Américanistes 74, no. 1 (1988): 163–80.
Full textMorin, Olivier. "Inventer l'écriture: rituels prophétiques et chamaniques des indiens d'Amérique du Nord, XVIIe-XIXe siècles and Le geste et l'écriture: langues des signes, amérindiens, logographiesby Déléage, Pierre." Social Anthropology 22, no. 1 (February 2014): 122–23.
Full textTjepkema, M., R. Wilkins, N. Goedhuis, and J. Pennock. "Mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire chez les Premières nations au Canada, 1991-2001." Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada 32, no. 4 (September 2012): 223–31.
Full textCharest, Paul. "Louise CÔTÉ, Louis TARDIVEL et Denis VAUGEOIS : L'Indien généreux. Ce que le monde doit aux Amériques, Montréal, Boréal, 1992, 287 p., illust., photos. Jack WEATHERFORD : Ce que nous devons aux Indiens d'Amérique et comment ils ont transformé le monde. Paris, Albin Michel, coll. Terre indienne, 1993, 302 p., notes, bibliogr., index (traduction de Indian Givers, New York, Crown Publishers, 1988)." Anthropologie et Sociétés 18, no. 1 (1994): 223.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Indiens d'Amérique – Et la photographie"
Varet, Eric. "La figure de l'indien à travers la représentation et en particulier la photographie et le cinéma." Grenoble 3, 2008.
Full textThis thesis deals with the concept of the American Indian. To begin with, we deconstruct the idea of the American Indian and consider our understanding of the various elements and how they contribute to the overall meaning. It is the result of collating several figurative representations and it allows us to consider the contribution of different sources, for example mythology and ideology. The first chapter introduces the conceptual notion of the figure whilst also demonstrating other examples than the Indian. The second section considers how individual authors have influenced their portrayals of the American Indian and how these are interlinked. The pictorial representations by illustrators are an invaluable contributory source. The differences that exist between French and American interpretations are also considered in this chapter. The third part is devoted, in particular, to the construction of the Indian figure. The relationship between the figure itself and the assembled evidence allows us to explore the mechanism behind the construction "the Indian". A focus of the study is the “Western” film and how social and historical considerations have impacted on the American Indian as a figure. The mechanism of this is studied chronologically from the early twentieth century to the modern day. The last section demonstrates how a negative image of the American Indian has resulted in a distorted and inaccurate perception of this minority group. Moreover, it considers how this has had a detrimental impact on the integration of the Native American today into society as a whole
Valenzuela-Escobedo, Sergio. "Mänk’áčen : mécanique photographique, mysticisme et superstition chez les peuples originaires d'Amérique du Sud." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021.
Full textToumayacha Alakana : this popular expression lays at the root of my research. It means “to look with a veiled head”. It is how the Fuegians named the act of photographing in the19th century, when they saw their first cameras, as operators came to America around 1840.What names did native people give to those new images-cum-objects ? How was that unknown device perceived ? What does it mean to be looked at by a veiled head ? My doctoral research offers a shift of of focus and point of view on the act of photography in South America. Can our understanding of photography change if we take native peoples’ perspective on the camera as a starting point ?The idea that native people do not want to be photographed, especially because it would be “stealing their souls”, is a colonial myth. This western belief gave value to the images brought back by explorers. The reasons behind refusing the camera are much more complex and diverse : they can be about the camera angle, the circulation of the image of the self, the one-sided nature of the transaction, the lack of understanding of the device, or political and spiritual considerations
Arrivé, Mathilde. ""Utterly Lost" ? : l'Indien et la photographie à l'épreuve de l'(anti)-modernité dans "The North American Indian" d'Edward S. Curtis." Bordeaux 3, 2009.
Full textWhile some pervasive mythical wrap still lingers on around the name of Edward Curtis and some of his most iconic photogravures, the 20-volume encyclopedia The North American Indian (1907-1930) is a complex, unclassifiable iconotope where the photograph’s artistic and auctorial ambitions meet a vexed political question and a multifaceted cultural and technological moment. As a visual reservoir where identities and representations are imagined, produced and ultimately altered, it promotes dissonant, sometimes contradictory, visual propositions that test the resilience of the residual, 19th-century Indian imagery and negotiate the ambivalences of assimilationnist ideologies. Edward Curtis uses the myth of The Vanishing Race as a rhetorical ensign of his opus and thus builds a paradoxical monument, meant to pay the “last” tributes not only to the supposedly moribund tribal Native America, but also to the heroic ideals of the Frontier era. As a transitional and synthetic work, The North American Indian is a unique and paradigmatic example of anti-modernity, at the crossroads of “the age of confidence” and the “years of conscience”, in the interstices of romanticism and modernism, both in accordance with and in reaction to emergent, contemporary cultural and artistic dynamics. The negativity that pervades Edward Curtis’s pictorialist portraits of Indian life allows the photographer to question the value of his heritage and to tackle some of the major issues of American cultural modernity – the question of ethnicity, the meaning of tradition and memory, the bearing of the imperial past on the colonial present — and eventually to engage indirectly in the overhaul of some crucial categories of modern artistic experience – the question of authorship, the nature of graphic representation and the status of the photographic sign
Hamot-Pezeron, Simone. "Etre indien Caraïbe de nos jours à la Dominique, au Vénézuela et en Guyane française : Texte imprimé." Lyon 2, 1999.
Full textLittle is know of the Carib Indians who gave their name to one of the most beautiful regions on the globe. Half a millenium after the first fateful voyage of Columbus, they still exist and are proud of their famous ancestors. This study about the Carib Indians of Dominica island, Venezuela ethnic Guiana examines this indigenou people in terms of their history, ethnic and social structure, ecological and physical characteristics of the territory, economy and social organization, folk and religion
Emeras, Robert. "Les Squaxins conjuguent la tradition au présent : coutumes et modernité chez les indiens du Nord-Ouest américain de 1964 à 2004 : des fish-ins réprimés à la prospérité respectée." La Réunion, 2005.
Full textTraditionally established on the Puget sound in Washington State, the Squaxin indians have managed to remain in their ancestral region in spite of the 1854 treaty that confirmed the loss of their accustomed grounds and temporaly confined them to a tiny island. Helpless against the increasing wave of white settlers, they chose discretion, or even resignation. However the Squaxin identity emerged in the 1970's with an economic drive based on aquaculture. But it was the opening of a casino which allowed the financing of social, cultural and educational goals by this 750 member tribe, now the first employer of the Country. It has become a priority to define landmarks for the future in order preserve the uniqueness of their Nation while tightening their cooperation with other indians. The success of this choice essentially relies on the youths' active implication and adhesion to traditional values
Martinat, Françoise. "Les stratégies politiques et juridiques des leaders indigènes de la Colombie et du Venezuela." Lille 2, 2003.
Full textAccepting that indigenous peoples from Colombia and Venezuela have constitutional rights deeply modifies the relations established between the State, the civil society and the indigenous peoples. The relations of domination give now way to a more complex situation between the different actors. This thesis will focus on two aspects. On the one hand, it will prove that the Constitution has become a strategic weapon in the politic and ethnic demands of the natives. On the other hand, it will show how the Constitution is a source of different interpretations which are dynamic though space and time. Focusing on tactics, political and juridical strategies of the different actors, it is now possible to give a new significance to " politics of recognition " (or " politics of difference ") and to the multiculturalism which these are connected with. Recognizing the ethnic and cultural diversity allows us to give a new meaning to the reform process of the State and to the democratic strengthening observed in Colombia and Venezuela
Maligne, Olivier Vincent. "Les nouveaux indiens : identification aux indiens d'Amérique du Nord et actualisations de l'indianité à travers le mouvement indianophile : mythe, loisir, utopie, mises en spectacles et ingénierie culturelle." Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Full textIndianophiles are people passionate for North-American Indians, and try to identify with them, up to a point. Indianophily is studied as a laboratory of cultural construction. This study is based on a fieldwork research, conducted in France from 1998 to 2002, completed with informations collected in Québec (1999-2000). The study is divided in three parts. First is the study of construction of an "indian universe" by indianophiles, based on three elements :
Gannier, Odile. "Les derniers indiens des Caraïbes : image, mythe et réalité." Bordeaux 3, 1993.
Full textThe indians of the caribbean islands have been haunting the european and west indian collective imaginary. Yet the image is distorted, depending on time and of opinions. Fantasies of paradise, memories of the fortunate islands, dreams of eldo rado, have been cast onto an effectively harmonious civilization. Even if some chroniclers have acknowledged the merits of advances sea-centered " republics", adapted to the natural medium, social organization and a philosophy of life, being too different from the european patterns, have failed to be properly analysed. But, on the contrary, explorers thought they had found monsters in these areas at the antipodes; once this aberration was denied, indians were still judged, be it by interest or ethnocentrism, as being carriers of all possible defects. Consequently they were exploited, reduced to slavery, and nearly wiped out. Once the indians had really disappeared, their image, a fancy one, a stereotype slightly modified according to circumstances, has served all sorts of causes that were not their own; thus the image of the ancient indians is still vivid
Tirard, Christèle. "Les indiens au sein de la confederation canadienne de 1867 a nos jours. Aspects politiques et juridiques." Paris 3, 2000.
Full textDubois, Paul-André. "Chant et mission en Nouvelle-France : espace et rencontre des cultures." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Indiens d'Amérique – Et la photographie"
Canada. Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. Les indiens inscrits et l'impôt. Ottawa, Ont: Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, 1997.
Find full textCreek, John. Rituels et pratiques magiques des Indiens d'Amérique. 2nd ed. Outremont, QC: Quebecor, 2005.
Find full textBrown, Joseph Epes. L' héritage spirituel des Indiens d'Amérique. Paris: Éditions du Rocher, 1996.
Find full textYwahoo, Dhyani. Sagesse amérindienne: Traditions et enseignements des Indiens Cherokee. [Montréal], Qué: Le Jour, 1994.
Find full textIsabelle, Langevin, ed. Le Huron et le huard. Saint-Laurent, Québec: Éditions du Trécarré, 1995.
Find full textKirkness, Verna J. Les écoles des Premières nations: Luttes et triomphes. Toronto, Ont: Association canadienne d'éducation = Canadian Education Association, 1992.
Find full textDeschênes, Jean-Guy. Pour parler des Amérindiens et des Inuit: Guide à l'usage des professeurs du secondaire, histoire et géographie : bibliographie sélective commentée. 2nd ed. Québec, Qué: Ministère de l'éducation, 1988.
Find full textCurtis, Edward S. Edward S. Curtis: Native american women : photographs from the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress : a book of postcards. San Francisco: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1993.
Find full textAllain, Jane. Les pêches autochtones et l'arrêt Sparrow. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1993.
Find full textCanada. Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada. Les affaires indiennes au Canada et aux États-Unis. Ottawa, Ont: Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, 1998.
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