Academic literature on the topic 'Independence'

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Journal articles on the topic "Independence"


Satkauskytė, Dalia. "Independence’s Dependence, Dependence’s Independence." Colloquia 54 (January 7, 2025): 149–53.

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Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai independensi kekuasaan kehakiman yang ditinjau dari Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Independensi kekuasaan kehakiman merupakan keharusan dalam sebuah negara hukum (rechtstaat). Negara hukum baik dalam konsep Rule of Law ataupun Rechtstaat, menempatkan peradilan yang bebas dan tidak memihak (independence and impartiality of judiciary) sebagai salah satu cirinya. Akan tetapi, kemerdekaan tersebut bukanlah tanpa batasan sehingga dapat diterjemahkan dengan seluas-luasnya. Sering kali dalam praktiknya independensi didalilkan untuk berlindung atas suatu perbuatan yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Oleh karenanya, perlu dilakukan penggalian makna independensi kekuasaan kehakiman sebagaimana amanat Pasal 24 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Pasal 24 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 menyatakan bahwa “kekuasaan kehakiman merupakan kekuasaan yang merdeka untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan”. Oleh karenanya, pertimbangan dari Mahkamah Konstitusi terkait putusan-putusan yang menjadikan Pasal 24 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai batu uji dalam pengujian undang-undang layak untuk dikaji dan diangkat menjadi tafsiran mengenai makna independensi kekuasaan kehakiman. Tulisan ini menggali pandangan hakim dalam putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang memuat pertimbangan mengenai independensi kekuasaan kehakiman. Penulisan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Tulisan ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan bahan hukum primernya adalah Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif.This article examines the independence of judiciary by reviewing the Constitutional Court Decisions. Independence of judiciary is an absolute fact in a state of law (rechtstaat). A state of law, in the concept of Rule of Law or Rechtstaat, lists independence and impartiality of judiciary as one of its characteristics. However, independence is not as free as everybody can freely interpret the law. Often, in practice, independence is postulated so as to provide protection from an act that cannot be accounted for. Therefore, it is necessary to delve into the meaning of judicial power independency as mandated by Article 24 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Article 24 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states that “judicial power is an independent power to administer judicial proceedings to enforce the law and justice”. For that reason, it is reasonable that the Constitutional Court’s reasoning in relation to the decisions that render Article 24 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution a touchstone in the judicial review of the laws be investigated and regarded as an interpretation of the meaning of judicial power independence. This paper studies the views of the judges in the Constitutional Court decisions that contain the court’s reasoning regarding the judicial power independence. This paper was written by employing a juridical-normative method through a conceptual approach and a case approach. This paper uses secondary data with the Constitutional Court Decisions as the primary legal materials. The data were analyzed using a qualitative method.
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Dalipi, Liridon. "Independence of Independent Institutions." Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu 53, no. 4 (November 15, 2016): 1119–26.

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This paper addresses the issue of independent institutions in Kosovo that are constitutional category, their operation and role within the state, problems and challenges that arise especially in those areas that the issue of regulation is very sensitive. The key focus in this study is IMC. This paper contains analysis of political influence on financing and appointment in decision making bodies. Furthermore, it includes analysis of the political independence from industry. These issues will be addressed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the European Union compared with domestic legislation and various European practices. This study has been done using secondary data, and it concludes that Independent Institutions in Kosovo are not immune from the political and industry influences, and it provides some recommendations on how to avoid such influences.
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Nigam, Attendra. "Women in Pre Independence and Post Independence." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-5 (August 31, 2018): 1212–16.

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Le Mire, Suzanne, and George Gilligan. "Independence and Independent Company Directors." Journal of Corporate Law Studies 13, no. 2 (October 2013): 443–75.

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Manzel, Sarah, and Michael Schürmann. "Non-commutative stochastic independence and cumulants." Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 20, no. 02 (June 2017): 1750010.

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In a fundamental lemma we characterize “generating functions” of certain functors on the category of algebraic non-commutative probability spaces. Special families of such generating functions correspond to “unital, associative universal products” on this category, which again define a notion of non-commutative stochastic independence. Using the fundamental lemma, we prove the existence of cumulants and of “cumulant Lie algebras” for all independences coming from a unital, associative universal product. These include the five independences (tensor, free, Boolean, monotone, anti-monotone) appearing in Muraki’s classification, c-free independence of Bożejko and Speicher, the indented product of Hasebe and the bi-free independence of Voiculescu. We show how the non-commutative independence can be reconstructed from its cumulants and cumulant Lie algebras.
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Mulyadi Dwi Hariyanto and Faris Ramadhan. "Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Independensi Terhadap Kualitas Audit Dengan Etika Auditor Sebagai Variabel Moderating Study Kasus Auditor BPK Perwakilan KEPRI." Akuntansi 2, no. 4 (December 31, 2023): 342–60.

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This study investigates the influence of competency and independence against the quality of audit and also examines whether competency and independence moderated by auditor ethics influence the audit quality, remember both of those are important to result in good audit quality. The result indicates that the independent variable competency affected audit quality significantly and the independent variable that independency affected audit quality but not significantly. Besides that, this research found that the interaction between competency and auditor ethics and also the interaction between independence and auditor ethics have a significant effect on the quality of audit. The conclusion obtained is competency, the interaction between competency and ethics, and also the interaction between independence and ethics that influence the audit quality significantly. and independent variable that independency effected audit quality but not significantly, For future research expected can use other moderating variables influencing independence, competency, and also audit quality
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Rattanamoong, Jittinart, and Vichian Laohakosol. "Degree of independence of numbers." Mathematica Slovaca 71, no. 3 (June 1, 2021): 615–26.

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Abstract A new concept of independence of real numbers, called degree independence, which contains those of linear and algebraic independences, is introduced. A sufficient criterion for such independence is established based on a 1988 result of Bundschuh, which in turn makes use of a generalization of Liouville’s estimate due to Feldman in 1968. Applications to numbers represented by Cantor series and product expansions are derived.
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Ariska, Tisa. "Penerapan Prinsip Independensi di Kalangan Wartawan Foto Kota Bandung." Annaba: Jurnal Ilmu Jurnalistik 2, no. 1 (October 26, 2021): 1–22.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana wartawan foto menerapkan prinsip independensi dalam pemahaman pemaknaan dan pengimplementasiannya selama bekerja di media, karena praktik intervensi dalam pemberitaan menjadi salah satu fenomena yang sudah biasa dalam pers Indonesia yang bertentangan dengan prinsip independensi wartawan. Dengan menggunakan deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif, metode tersebut dapat memberikan deskripsi, gambaran, atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini pertama, Wartawan Foto Bandung memahami independensi berdasarkan pengetahuannya melalui latar belakang pendidikan, dunia kerja dan lingkungan, memahami independensi sebagai kebebasan dari masyarakat pemilik modal dan media dan memahami pandangannya bahwa independensi itu penting untuk menjaga kebenarannya agar tetap dipercaya oleh masyarakat. Kedua, Wartawan Foto Bandung memaknai prinsip independensi berdasarkan pengalaman yang dirasakan saat bekerja This study aims to find out how photojournalists apply the principle of independence in understanding its meaning and implementation while working in the media, because the practice of intervention in reporting is one of the common phenomena in the Indonesian press which is contrary to the principle of journalist independence. By using descriptive and qualitative approaches, these methods can provide descriptions, descriptions, or paintings in a systematic, factual and accurate manner. So that the results of this study are first, Bandung Photo Journalists understand independence based on their knowledge through educational background, the world of work and the environment, understand independence as freedom from the people who own capital and the media and understand their view that independence is important to maintain the truth so that it remains trusted by the community. Second, Bandung Photo Journalists interpret the principle of independence based on the experience they feel at work.
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Nurmala, Emilda, Jusmani, and Aryo Arifin. "Analisis Independensi, Kompetensi, Program, Pelaksanaan Dan Laporan Audit Auditor Internal Terhadap Pemasaran Dan Penjualan Pada PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah III Palembang." Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika 20, no. 2 (July 30, 2023): 337–54.

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis independensi, kompetensi, program, pelaksanaan dan laporan auditor internal terhadap pemasaran dan penjualan pada PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah III Palembaang, dimana data penelitian berupa kuesioner yang di isi oleh 40 responden merupakan pegawai PT Pegadaian Kantor Wilayah III Palembang. Variabel independen ada lima yaitu independensi, kompetensi, program, pelaksanaan dan laporan audit, variabel dependen pemasaran dan penjualan. Analisis data menguji asumsi klasik, regresi linear dan hipotesis dengan program SPSS. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan independensi, kompetensi, program, pelaksanaan dan laporan audit mempengaruhi pemasaran sebesar 43,8% dan mempengaruhi penjualan sebesar 40,4%. Secara simultan independensi, kompetensi, program, pelaksanaan dan laporan audit berpengaruh terhadap pemasaran dan penjualan. Secara Parsial Pelaksanaan audit berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pemasaran dan penjualan sedangkan independensi, kompetensi, program dan laporan audit tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Kata Kunci : Independensi, kompetensi, program, pelaksanaan, laporan audit, pemasaran dan penjualan. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze independence, competence, programs, implementation and reports of internal auditors on marketing and sales at PT Pegadaian Regional Office III Palembang, where the research data is in the form of a questionnaire filled out by 40 respondents who are employees of PT Pegadaian Regional Office III Palembang. There are five independent variables, namely independence, competence, programs, implementation and audit reports, the dependent variable marketing and sales. Data analysis tested the classical assumptions, linear regression and hypotheses with the SPSS program. Research results show independence, competence, programs, implementation and audit reports affect marketing by 43.8% and affect sales by 40.4%. Simultaneously independence, competence, programs, implementation and audit reports affect marketing and sales. Partially the implementation of audits has a significant effect on marketing and sales while independence, competence, programs and audit reports have no significant effect. Keywords: Independence, competency, program, implementation, audit report, marketing and sales.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Independence"


Chism, Lyrial Marie. "On independence polynomials and independence equivalence in graphs /." Full text available from ProQuest UM Digital Dissertations, 2009.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Mississippi, 2009.
Typescript. Vita. "May 2009." Dissertation director: Dr. William Staton Includes bibliographical references (leaves 71-72). Also available online via ProQuest to authorized users.
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Ali, Shara. "The 'pronunciamiento' in Yucatán : from independence to independence (1821-1840)." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2011.

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Unique to nineteenth-century Spain and Central America, the pronunciamiento can be interpreted as an act of insubordination against ruling authorities, which included a written document with a list of complaints or demands. The practice was almost always carried out by members of the army, but usually involved heavy participation by political and civilian sectors of society as well. The pronunciamiento more often than not contained a threat of military violence if the grievances of the pronunciados were not listened to; as a result, it carried with it the implicit consequence of armed revolt. The pronunciamiento was responsible for major political changes in early nineteenth-century Mexico and Yucatán, and was also one of the most powerful forces of political and societal destabilisation during this period. Indeed, the pronunciamiento was responsible for the establishment of federalist and centralist systems, changes of constitutions, and constant overthrows of presidents. This was also true on a smaller scale in Yucatán, as the pronunciamiento was not only used to depose governors and administrations, but was the key negotiatory mechanism between the Yucatecan and Mexican administrations; yucatecos resorted to the pronunciamiento to realise their secessions from and reunifications to Mexico throughout the early nineteenth century. The aim of this thesis is to expose the dynamic of the Yucatecan pronunciamiento. It will challenge the present depiction of the pronunciamiento as military exercise of destabilization, and will instead concentrate on exposing it as a highly intricate process of political representation and negotiation, at both local and national levels. This will not only contribute toward a greater understanding of pronunciamiento culture on a local and more general scale, but will also reveal a more comprehensive analysis of the socio-political and economic circumstances of nineteenth-century Yucatán. This in turn will aid in re-defining early nineteenth-century Mexico, questioning its traditional depiction as an age of “chaos”, and instead exposing it as one dominated by political and ideological forces and factions, who used the pronunciamiento to express their beliefs and to negotiate for change.
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Bugeja, Martin. "Independent Expert Reports and Takeovers." University of Sydney. School of Business, 2004.

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Target firms in Australian takeovers are required to obtain an independent assessment of the offer price in situations where the Corporations Law considers the bidder has a superior bargaining position. The intention of this requirement is to protect target shareholders from being offered a lower takeover premium. The only empirical study of expert reports, Eddey (1993), is consistent with expert reports achieving their purpose, as the results indicate no difference in target firm premiums in offers with and without an expert report. Eddey also reports that a revision in offer price is more likely where an expert indicates the bid is �not fair and reasonable.� Using all takeovers from 1990 to 2000, this thesis aims to re-examine and substantially extend the findings in Eddey. As the sample includes all bids, irrespective of the form of payment consideration, the thesis will assess whether the results in Eddey can be extrapolated from cash-based bids to all takeover bids. In addition, the analysis will extend Eddey�s results by investigating whether expert reports result in a higher probability of a revision in offer price relative to takeovers without an expert report. This study also investigates the impact of the expert report on bidder announcement abnormal returns and examines the returns to both bidders and targets when the expert report is released. This will add to the limited current knowledge on the impact of expert reports on the capital market. This thesis also tests the validity of public criticisms of expert independence. Firstly, experts have been publicly criticised on the basis that they are not independent from the target firm. It has been suggested that such experts will be more likely to provide an opinion that agrees with the recommendation of target directors. Secondly, it has been alleged that experts who are also the target auditor provide their reports at a lower fee by cross-subsidising the reports� preparation from other fees received from the client. The concern with this practice is that these reports may be of lower quality. This criticism is tested by developing an expert fee model. This fee model is then used to assess whether, similar to evidence in the auditing field, �quality� experts earn a fee premium. The results indicate that the need for an expert report does not affect bidder abnormal returns at either the announcement of the takeover or release of the expert report. On the other hand, target shareholders earn significantly lower abnormal returns at the announcement of a bid where an expert report is required. This result is inconsistent with Eddey (1993) and raises doubt over whether experts prevent bidders from using their superior bargaining position to offer target shareholders a lower premium. Consistent with Eddey, the probability of an alteration in offer price is greater where an adverse expert opinion is given. The results also show that the presence of an expert increases the likelihood of a bid revision relative to takeovers in general. Target abnormal returns on the release of an expert report are positive and significant, irrespective of the type of expert opinion. This result however, is sensitive to any association between the author of the report and the target. In the case that an expert discloses any prior or current business dealings with the target, abnormal returns are insignificant. The conclusion from this finding is that the market perceives expert reports prepared by an associate of the target as lacking credibility. In light of this lack of information content it is recommended corporate regulators review those experts permitted to prepare reports. Contrary to the published criticisms, experts who have business dealings with the target are just as likely as other experts to provide an opinion that agrees with the recommendation of directors. The tests of a fee reduction by experts associated to the target indicate significant lower fees where the expert is the target auditor. Further analysis shows this result is only significant where the auditor is also a non-Big 6/5 firm. These auditors are also found to provide reports that are significantly shorter than other experts, suggesting the cut in fee is achieved by reducing the amount of effort. The results also find that the top two experts, Grant Samuels and Associates and Price Waterhouse Coopers, earn a fee premium over other experts. The finding of a fee premium for a large accounting firm indicates that such firms may receive a premium for both auditing and non-audit services.
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Ahlström, Michael, and Malin Brandin. "Auditor independence : Auditor independence in Malaysia after the convergence to IFRS." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för handel och företagande, 2014.

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Petersson, Camilla, and Andréa Dagman. "Auditor Independence: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Knowledge of Auditor Independence Regulations." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2012.

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The large accounting scandals in the early 21st century had large impact on the future discussion regarding the importance of auditor independence. This led to stricter auditor independence rules in Sweden as well as internationally. Small and medium-sized enterprises frequently hire their auditor for consulting services. A long and close audit-client relationship is common for small and medium sized enterprises. This is considered to be a threat towards the auditor independence. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Swedish small and medium sized enterprises, who are required to be audited, are aware of the auditor independence regulations. The thesis further aims analyze if the regulation of audit independence is as necessary for small companies as for large companies with additional number of shareholders. A qualitative study has been performed where data has been collected through 102 telephone interviews with small and medium-sized companies. A questionnaire consisting of both multiple choice and open questions has been used for the interviews. The collected data were compiled in SPSS which generated graphs and tables that then were analyzed. Small and medium-sized companies believe it is important that the auditor is independent towards their company. On the other hand, management in Swedish small and medium-sized enterprises has no direct knowledge of what the auditor independence regulation implies.
De stora redovisningsskandalerna i början av 2000-talet fick stor betydelse för den kommande diskussionen angående vikten av revisorns oberoende. Detta ledde till strängare regler för revisorerna i Sverige såväl som internationellt. Revisorn fungerar i många små och medelstora företag som en ekonomisk rådgivare. Små företag har ofta en lång och nära relation med sin revisor. Detta anses vara ett hot mot revisorns oberoende. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om revisionspliktiga små och medelstora företag är medvetna om reglerna gällande revisorns oberoende. Uppsatsen avser vidare att analysera om reglerna för revisorns oberoende är lika nödvändiga för små företag som för stora företag med en stor andel aktieägare. En kvalitativ undersökning har utförts där data från 102 telefonintervjuer med små och medelstora företag har samlats in. Ett frågeformulär med både flersvarsfrågor och öppna frågor har legat som grund för undersökningen. Den insamlade datan sammanställdes i SPSS vilket genererade grafer och tabeller som sedan analyserades. Små och medelstora företag anser att det är viktigt att revisorn är oberoende gentemot deras företag. Å andra sidan har ledningen i svenska små och medelstora företag ingen direkt kunskap om vad revisorns oberoende reglering innebär.
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Griffin, James Robert. "“I go for Independence”: Stephen Austin and Two Wars for Texan Independence." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Wassmer, Arnold. "A dual independence complex." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2005.

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Frances, Melanie. "Independence and other poems." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Riis, Søren. "Independence in bounded arithmetic." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994.

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Henderson, Robert S. "Independence in exponential fields." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2014.

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Zilber constructed a class of exponential�fields CFSK,CCP whose models have exponential-algebraic properties similar to the classical complex field with exponentiation Cexp. In this thesis we study this class and the more general classes ECFSK, also defined by Zilber, and ECF, studied by Zilber and Kirby. We investigate stable-like behaviour modulo arithmetic in these classes by developing a unique independence relation for each class, and in ECF we use this relation to examine types. We provide an exposition of exponential fields that is more model theoretic and type-oriented than preceding work. We then investigate the types in ECF that are orthogonal to the kernel. New ideas presented include a characterisation of these types, and the definition of a grounding set; these results allow us to�find su�fficient conditions to prove that a type over a set uniquely extends to a type over the smallest strong ELA-sub�field containing that set. For each class we define a ternary relation on subsets, and prove that these relations are independence relations, with properties akin to non-forking independence in first order theories. Applying work of Kangas, Hyttinen and Kes�al�a, we prove that in ECFSK our independence notion is the unique independence relation for this class, and that our independence notion in ECFSK,CCP is exactly the canonical independence relation for this class derived from the pre-geometry. Assuming the conjecture known as CIT, we use our independence relation in ECF to prove that types orthogonal to the kernel are exactly the generically stable types.
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Books on the topic "Independence"


Gupta, Ramkesh. Independence of independent directors. Bangalore: Centre for Research-Projects, Christ University, 2012.

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Scholl, Elizabeth J. Independence Day =: Día de la Independencia. Hockessin, Del: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2010.

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Bridges, Gailen. Independence. Charleston, S.C: Arcadia Pub., 2011.

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Debra, Bridges, ed. Independence. Charleston, S.C: Arcadia Publishing, 2011.

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(Firm), MPI Home Video. Independence. [S.l.]: MPI Home Video, 1989.

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Doyle, Peter Reese. Independence. Charlottsville, VA: Providence Foundation, 1997.

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Kenny, Maurice. Independence. [Buffalo, N.Y.]: Just Buffalo Literary Center, 1995.

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Wilson, Boenker Marietta, ed. Independence. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 2008.

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Brent, Schondelmeyer, ed. Independence. Independence, Mo: B.J.P., Inc., 1985.

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adapter, Beullens-Maoui Nathalie, Green Christina 1967 translator, Metz Lorijo, and Metz Lorijo, eds. The Declaration of Independence: La Declaración de independencia. New York, NY: PowerKids Press, 2014.

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Book chapters on the topic "Independence"


Nešetřil, Jaroslav, and Patrice Ossona de Mendez. "Independence." In Algorithms and Combinatorics, 175–94. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Resnick, Sidney I. "Independence." In A Probability Path, 91–116. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 2005.

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Tibbetts, Yoi. "Independence." In Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 2220–21. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Chow, Yuan Shih, and Henry Teicher. "Independence." In Springer Texts in Statistics, 54–83. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1997.

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Renwick, Robin. "Independence." In Unconventional Diplomacy in Southern Africa, 96–105. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1997.

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Barlow, Horace B. "Independence." In Information Processing in the Cortex, 167–68. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Pakshirajan, R. P. "Independence." In Texts and Readings in Mathematics, 214–82. Gurgaon: Hindustan Book Agency, 2013.

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Vladimirov, D. A. "Independence." In Boolean Algebras in Analysis, 535–61. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2002.

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Monk, J. Donald. "Independence." In Cardinal Functions on Boolean Algebras, 69–75. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1990.

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Dekker, Rudolf. "Independence." In Childhood, Memory and Autobiography in Holland, 101–8. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Conference papers on the topic "Independence"


Alipour, Sharareh, Amin Gohari, and Mehrshad Taziki. "Relative Fractional Independence Number." In 2024 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 777–82. IEEE, 2024.

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Prabhashwara, K. M. B. C., K. G. A. S. Waidyasekara, and R. D. W. W. Jayathilaka,. "An Assessment of skill and competency gaps in the construction industry: the case of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing workers." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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Most countries including Sri Lanka suffer from the skill and competency gap of labours in construction projects. Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) sectors are one of the main trades which takes maximum advantage of skilled labours. Although several researches have been conducted to find skills gap and labour shortage related to masonry work, carpentry, tiling, etc., few studies have been conducted related to MEP sector in the Sri Lankan construction industry. Hence, this paper focused on assessing skills gap and competency gap in MEP sector of Sri Lankan construction industry. Subsequent to the comprehensive literature review, questionnaire survey and expert interviews were carried out adopting mixed method approach, to analyze the skills gap. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed through mean weighted rating and manual content analysis respectively. The study revealed that learning, numerical, reading and writing are the skills which have highest skills gap while performing general physical activities, directing and training subordinates, and monitoring of activities have most competency gap. Enhancement of MEP related courses, improvement of training facilities, increment of awareness on MEP sector, and providing proper salaries can significantly address the current skills gap.
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Ranasinghe, R. A. D. M., and T. K. G. P. Ranasinghe. "Evaluation of the impact of multiple factors, elements and neighborhood patterns on the spread of dengue and covid-19: special reference to Colombo 15." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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During past decades, the mass movement of people from rural areas towards urban areas made cities vulnerable to environmental hazards, inequality, poverty, and communicable diseases identified as a huge threat. The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic causing more than five million deaths highlighted urban planning to rethink and rebuild cities to mitigate the pandemic and to create livable neighborhoods during future pandemics. The emergence of Dengue seasonally and the high number of victims and death rate is also critical health issue identified in Sri Lanka. After the emergence of covid-19, the urban areas have been highly affected and the urban households, lifestyles of people, and the corruption of countries’ economies caused an energy crisis, food crisis, unemployment, and increasing death rates that created a whole new chapter in urban planning to create comprehensive planning approaches to get back to normal while considering the risk factors. As Dengue fever is also more critical in the Sri Lankan context, the need for studies to identify the factors, and elements in urban areas including neighborhood patterns for the spread of Covid-19 and Dengue Fever is quite significant as a planner. The study focuses on the impact of urban elements, factors, and the different neighborhood patterns within the selected areas in Colombo-15 for the spread of covid-19 and dengue. The outputs indicate the vulnerability of different neighborhood patterns highlighting the measures that should be taken to mitigate the spread in the future. According to the study, the spread of dengue and covid-19 among people depends on the quality of housing and the characteristics of the neighbourhood and the comparatively high spread of diseases identified in horizontal neighborhoods with single-story housing and poor living condition.
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Iddamalgoda, I. D. M. P., and E. Warusavitharana. "Investigation of application of green infrastructure practices for storm water management in urban areas: a case study of Diyatha Uyana." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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With rapid urbanization, uncontrolled storm water runoff is one of the major problems facing urban areas at the present. Therefore, it can be seen as inducing flash flood events and water quality degradation in urban areas. In the Sri Lankan context, this same problem can be seen in urban areas. One of the issues facing urban areas is inadequate storm water drainage systems and limited space. At present, most urban areas have broadly used Green Infrastructure (GI) to reduce this situation in developing countries as an innovative and sustainable SWM approach. This Research is basically focused to examine the capability of reducing the impact of surface runoff using GI considering before- after situations (2005, 2021) in Diyatha Uyana and its surrounding as a case study area. When examining the research question, is explained the result with runoff retention index, runoff volume per watershed (m3), and runoff retention volume per pixel (m3) of the study area. Under various rainfall depths can be seen as a high retention index rather than before-situation of Diyatha Uyan
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Sewwandi, H. H. S. P. "Visual landscape characteristics and tourists’ satisfaction: a study with reference to Nuwara-Eliya, Sri Lanka." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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The power of the landscape to draw tourists seeking spectacle has a long tradition and landscapes are prone to the tourism industry. Sri Lanka is well-known as a popular tourist destination, because of the country's unique natural landscape characteristics. Even though the country's landscape is the main tourist attraction, there is no proper identification of the major characteristics that attract tourists and what meets their satisfaction in a landscape. With aiming that, the primary purpose of this study was to understand the impact of the visual landscape characteristics on the tourists’ satisfaction and the study was conducted in Nuwara-Eliya urban context. Study referred to various visual landscape characters and their quality by a visual landscape quality assessment which focuses on visual landscape qualities derived from visual concepts related to the field of study. The study highlights the inherent features of visual concept and the significance of the visual landscape characteristics of selected landscapes based on a theoretical framework, which can benefit in design improvising in such landscapes. The finding revealed that the visual characters of landscapes are a subjective measure taken by individuals based on their perception and the link between tourism and the visual landscape is unbreakable and vital to the tourism industry.
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Thisakya, P. G., and D. M. P. P. Dissanayake. "Occupational health and safety of municipal solid waste handlers in Sri Lanka." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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Due to improper Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM), waste has become one of the pollution sources and caused diverse environmental impacts as well as negative impacts on human health and safety. Despite adverse health impacts on many living organisms, MSW handlers are also subjected to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues in Sri Lanka. Although, they play a significant role in MSWM, the OHS of MSW handlers has been neglected in Sri Lanka. So far, no studies have been carried out on the same. Thus, it has become a timely requirement for exploring the OHS issues faced by MSW handlers. This paper therefore aimed to explore the occupational injuries and illnesses that MSW handlers are associated with, and the basic causes which leads to such OHS issues. Accordingly, a qualitative research approach with two case studies was utilised to achieve the aim of the research. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with both authority level and worker level employees. Collected data were analysed using content analysis with the support of NVivo 12 plus software. The findings reflected that MSW handlers mostly suffer from back pain, slipping and falling, knee/calf pain, and headaches/migraine due to the nature of the job. Manual handling, negligence of use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), poor working environment, inadequate training and instructions, careless behaviour, health condition and age level of MSW handlers are identified as fundamental causes that greatly impact of OHS issues. Both OHS issues and respective causes are bound with organisational, cultural, economic, financial, and individual aspects that are unique to the Sri Lankan context. Finally, the findings generated through this study can be employed in many ways by respective industry practitioners to take informative decision to enhance the OHS of MSW handlers.
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Rathnayake, S. D., and W. O. Gamage. "mpact of vernacular architecture elements on patient waiting experience in rural government hospitals in Sri Lanka." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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The role of architecture in hospitals is a sensitive topic; the prominence given to the programmatic requirements has led to disregard of the in-between function of waiting identified as the user experience in the recovery process. Healing, in other words cure means a state of physical & mental wellbeing that a patient experiences in a hospital. It’s a waiting process between the time of treatment & recovery. The waiting experience in Sri Lankan public hospitals is critical because spaces are designed only prioritizing standards while little consideration is given to the impact of local contextual parameters that generate familiar user experiences. This research investigates the impact of design options derived through principles abstracted by vernacular architecture elements on the waiting experience of patients in healthcare facilities. Vernacular elements of identification of centre and openness, articulation of transition space & domestic scaled spaces was used to interpret design options that can be adapted to reorganize the waiting scenarios of hallway, outpatient, and inpatient waiting spaces. The research further investigate how they will help alleviate the user experience of waiting and increase wellbeing.
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Mafra, M. T. F., M. Gowsiga, A. S. Asmone, and R. A. A. Dilogini. "Applicability of circular economy for the electronic waste minimization in Sri Lankan office buildings." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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Electronic equipment is one of the world’s fastest-growing waste types. Office buildings can be identified as a major contributor to the electronic waste generation of any country, including Sri Lanka. Several electronic waste management strategies are utilised around the world, including landfilling and incineration, export, urban mining, 3R concept, extended producer responsibility, and circular economy. Among all, the circular economy is considered the best approach for minimising electronic waste in an office building. However, the circular economy concept is not widely used in Sri Lanka. Hence, this research aims to examine the applicability of the circular economy for electronic waste minimisation in Sri Lankan office buildings. To collect the required data, a comprehensive literature review was carried out initially, followed by a questionnaire survey and expert interviews. Manual content analysis was used to analyse the collected data. The findings revealed that the barriers to implementing the circular economy are high cost, lack of skilled labour, limited rules and regulation, limited rules and regulation on the circular economy, lack of continuous monitoring system when issuing the license, and lack of allocated resources for research on the circular economy. Further, conducting awareness-raising campaigns, using electronic equipment responsibly, and enacting electronic waste-related legislations were suggested for the better implementation of a circular economy in Sri Lankan office buildings.
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Seneviratne,, T. T. A., and S. B. A. Coorey. "Apartment design for sense of wellbeing: a case study of apartment dwellers during the pandemic in Sri Lanka." In Independence and interdependence of sustainable spaces. Faculty of Architecture Research Unit, 2022.

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The impact of Apartment Design on the well-being of occupants has become even more critical during the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This health crisis is emphasizing the need for resilient built form, especially in the field of housing. Unlike standalone housing, communal housing in the form of high-rise apartments pose many challenges to the lifestyle and the sense of well-being of residents during a pandemic. Lockdowns, social isolation, and quarantine have an adverse impact on the physical, social, and mental well-being of apartment dwellers. This study aims to explore the sense of well-being, their adaptations, and resilience to living in apartments during the Covid-19 pandemic, through a case study of an upper-middle-income apartment complex in Sri Lanka. Primary data on respondents’ perceptions, lifestyle during the pandemic, and the challenges to their well-being are explored via online surveys among 38 respondents. Secondary data on the apartment design features are explored via observations and document analysis. Both descriptive statistics and content analysis is conducted to explore the quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Findings reveal apartment design considerations for more resilient and adaptable dwellings in the face of a pandemic, to address the sense of well-being of its dwellers.
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Reports on the topic "Independence"


An, Su Kyoung, and Cassandra Wentela. Wave for Independence. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University. Library, January 2019.

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Schennach, Susanne M. Convolution without independence. Institute for Fiscal Studies, September 2013.

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Phillips, David, and Paul Johnson. Scottish independence: the fiscal context. Institute for Fiscal Studies, November 2012.

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Bianchi, Javier, and Jorge Mondragon. Monetary Independence and Rollover Crises. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2018.

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Poirier, Alexandre, and Matthew Masten. Partial independence in nonseparable models. IFS, June 2016.

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Custer, James. Algae: America's Pathway to Independence. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2007.

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Masten, Matthew, and Alexandre Poirier. Partial independence in nonseparable models. The IFS, June 2016.

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Emmerson, Carl. Scottish independence: the fiscal context. The IFS, June 2013.

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Hall, John. Can Scotland win from independence? The IFS, January 1997.

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Tetlow, Gemma, and David Phillips. Policies for an independent Scotland? Putting the Independence White Paper in its fiscal context. Institute for Fiscal Studies, June 2014.

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