Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'In perlo'
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Perlo, Juan [Verfasser]. "Single-Sided NMR Tomography / Juan Perlo." Aachen : Shaker, 2006. http://d-nb.info/1166515109/34.
Full textJaved, Aqib. "UHRF1, an epigenetic target for an anti-cancer strategy." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAJ070.
Full textUHRF1 has been identified as a druggable epigenetic target for cancer therapy as it is overexpressed in many cancers promoting hypermethylation/silencing of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs), which lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation. This thesis aimed to investigate the anticancer potential of UHRF1-SRA inhibitors (AMSA2, MPB7 and UM63), and to explore their mechanism of action as well as their selectivity towards cancer cells. Using multiple cell and molecular biology techniques, we revealed that these compounds exert anticancer activity. They prevent co-localization of UHRF1/DNMT1 tandem and also downregulate their protein levels which lead to a decrease in global DNA methylation. Furthermore, a significant arrest in cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle was observed, followed by an upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins resulting in apoptosis. Methylome analysis revealed that these inhibitors decreased the hypermethylation at TSGs, reactivating their onco-protective role. Interestingly, these compounds exerted minimal impact on non-cancerous cells, validated in both 2D and 3D cell culture conditions
Vernet, Florian. "Edition critique d'un texte occitan du XVIIe siècle "La perlo dey musos et coumedies prouvensalo" de Gaspard Zerbin, réalisée d'après l'édition de Jean Roize, à Aix, MDCLV." Nice, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992NICE2009.
Full text"the pearl of the muses and provencal comedies" by gaspard zerbin (1590-1650?) a lawyer who lived in aix en provence, was first published in 1655. It consist of five comedies in verse written in provencal occasionally blended with standard and local french. (43) the farce is typical of the carnaval feasts and, through the mixed influences of the humanist comedies and the commedia dell'arte, gives to a unique masterpiece loaded with all the material of the comedy of manners, including constant burlesque. (40) this satiric and parodic play - a counter-text in which the diglossia is constantly made clear - is a guide for the history of the language, for the story of the culture of occitania in the baroque period and of the theatre in france. (42) it can be regarded as the utmost outcome of the creativity of the first provencal renaissance. Although it did not give birth to a new generation of plays, it definitely stands as the starting point of the trend that was to resist the decline of the specific culture of occitania and the triumphant vawes of classiscism. (56)
Spillman, Craig W. (Craig Warren). "An Historical Analysis of the Published Works of Fritz Perls." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1989. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc332429/.
Full textCuba, Cárdenas Roddy Osnar. "Análisis comparativo entre los pernos cementados e hydrabolt en el sostenimiento para labores de 3*3 de sección en la Mina Azulcocha Mining S.A. Concepción – Junín 2017." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Continental, 2017. http://repositorio.continental.edu.pe/handle/continental/3827.
Full textTesis
Oliveira, Joana Isabel Remoaldo. "Lesões endo-perio." Master's thesis, [s.n.], 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/4586.
Full textIntrodução: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de uma revisão de literatura sobre a doença endo-perio. Nesta medida, foram exploradas as relações biológicas entre a polpa e o periodonto, nomeadamente as vias de comunicação existentes, os fatores que contribuem para o seu aparecimento, persistência e/ou agravamento, tendo sido sublinhados os factores etiológicos e a influência da patologia pulpar no periodonto e viceversa. Foram, também, referidas as principais classificações das lesões endo-perio e a problemática do diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico dos dentes envolvidos. Materiais e métodos: Esta revisão foi realizada com o limite temporal de 1975 a 2014, recorrendo ao motor de busca Google e às bases de dados Medline/ PubMed, B-on, Science direct, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: endo-perio lesions, classification of endo-perio lesion, microbiology, pathways of communication, diagnosis in endoperio lesions, treatment of endo-perio lesions. Após a leitura dos resumos, a seleção dos artigos foi efectuada de acordo com a especificidade do tema e com os limites temporais acima referidos. Foram, ainda, consultados livros na área de Endodontia na biblioteca da FCS-UFP. Os critérios de exclusão dos artigos foram os artigos pagos e aos quais não se obteve resposta por parte dos seus autores e os que não abordassem directamente o tema em estudo. Resultados: Na literatura consultada, a principal causa apontada para as lesões é de origem microbiana: a microbiologia de lesões endo-perio combinadas, dominada por anaeróbios facultativos e/ou obrigatórios, reflete a microbiota da lesão endodôntica e periodontal em separado e permite infeção cruzada entre o canal radicular e a bolsa periodontal. Os tratamentos endodônticos inadequados, as infiltrações coronais, o atraso da colocação da restauração definitiva, as características anátomo-morfológicas do sistema de canais radiculares, as obturações anteriores, as técnicas de instrumentação e de obturação e a escolha dos materiais, são factores amplamente referidos na literatura que influenciam as falhas do tratamento. Enquanto a polpa mantém funções vitais, mesmo com infeção, a probabilidade desta causar problemas no periodonto é baixa; pelo contrário, a necrose pulpar já é, frequentemente, associada a inflamação do tecido periodontal. Conclusões: Como principal conclusão, deve ser salientado o facto da polpa e do periodonto se constituírem como uma unidade biológica contínua, com múltiplas vias de comunicação, pelo que as doenças pulpares e as doenças periodontais podem influenciarse mutuamente. Pode, igualmente, ser realçado que as doenças endodôntica, periodontal e endodôntica- -periodontal podem apresentar os mesmos sintomas, aspectos radiográficos e sinais clínicos muito semelhantes, sendo que o tratamento e o prognóstico dependem, em primeiro lugar, do diagnóstico da doença endodôntica e/ou periodontal específica, pelo que os principais fatores a considerar na tomada de decisão do tratamento devem ser a vitalidade pulpar e também o tipo e extensão da doença periodontal. A classificação mais utilizada pela maioria dos autores e nos livros da área é a de Simon et al. 1972, que se baseia nos fatores etiológicos e descreve o desenvolvimento deste tipo de lesões; no entanto, os seus fatores etiológicos e os seus padrões patológicos são muito diversos, facto que, ainda, não permitiu o aparecimento de uma classificação totalmente satisfatória. Introduction: This study aimed to conduct a literature review regarding the perio-endo disease. To this extent, the biological relationship between the pulp and the periodontium were explored, including the existing means of communication, the factors that contribute to its onset, persistence and / or worsening, and highlighting the etiological factors and the influence of pulp pathology in the periodontium and vice versa. The main classifications of endo-perio lesions were presented along with the problem of diagnosing, treating and the prognosis of teeth involved. Materials and Methods: This review was performed with the time limit of 1975 to 2014, using the search engine Google and several databases such as Medline / PubMed, B-on, ScienceDirect using the following keywords: endo-perio lesions, classification of endoperio lesion, microbiology, pathways of communication, diagnosis in endo-perio lesions, treatment of endo-perio lesions. After reading the abstracts, the selection of articles was performed according to the specificity of the topic and the time limits mentioned above. Books in the field of endodontics were also consulted in the FCSUFP library. Excluding criteria was used on articles that needed purchase and to which there was no response on the part of their authors and on the ones that didn’t directly address the topic under study. Results: In this review, the main reason given for the lesions is of microbial origin: the microbiology of combined endo-perio lesions that are dominated by facultative and / or strict anaerobes, reflects the microbiota of endodontic and periodontal lesion separately and allows cross-infection between the root canal and the periodontal pocket. Inadequate endodontic treatment, coronal leakage, delay placing the final restoration, the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the root canal system, previous fillings, technical instrumentation and obturation, and the choice of materials, are widely referred to factors in literature that influence treatment failures. As long as the pulp retains vital functions, even when infected, the likelihood of this infection causing problems in the periodontium is low; in contrast, pulp necrosis is often associated with tissue inflammation of the periodontium. Conclusions: As the main conclusion, it should be emphasized that the pulp and periodontium are constituted as a continuous biological unit, with multiple communication paths, so the pulp diseases and periodontal diseases can have a mutual influence. It may also be noted that the endodontic, periodontal and endodontic-periodontal diseases may present the same symptoms, radiographic features and similar clinical signs, therefore the treatment and prognosis depend, firstly on the diagnosis of the specific endodontic and/or periodontal disease, and the main factors to consider in making the decision to treat should be the pulp vitality and also the type and extent of periodontal disease. The classification used by the majority of authors and books in the area is that of Simon et al. 1972, which is based on etiological factors and describes the development of such injuries; however, their etiological factors and their pathological patterns are very diverse, which makes it difficult to have a fully satisfactory classification.
Amieva, Garza Debbie. "Manual de rehabilitación y fisioterapia del miembro pelviano en perros (con pérdida de masa muscular)." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/65688.
Full textCervantes, Oliveros Pilar. "Parámetros morfométricos de la uretra del macho canino." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/95204.
Full textThe male urethra binds the urinary with the reproductive tract, this structure has been described as a cylinder divided into a pelvic and a peneal portions. There are descriptions of many pathologies affecting the male urethra of dogs, however, the most commonly reported is the obstruction by uroliths. The aim of this study was to measure the caliber of the urethra at different sites by means of a corrosion cast model with epoxy resin and to analyze where are the narrowings of this structure which can be more affected for this obstructions.
Prokop, Ursula. "Rudolf Perco 1884-1942 : Von der Architektur des Roten Wien zur NS-Megalomanie /." Wien : Böhlau, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38942798t.
Full textSamaniego, Velásquez Nathaly Melissa. "Surgimiento, recursos y estrategias de un líder para lograr mantenerse en el poder : el caso del distrito de La Perla." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015. http://tesis.pucp.edu.pe/repositorio/handle/123456789/11606.
Full textTesis
Sawakuchi, Andre Oliveira. "Sistemas deposicionais eólicos quaternários na costa centro-sul catarinense: relações com o nível do mar." Universidade de São Paulo, 2003. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44136/tde-04012013-153635/.
Full textThe control exerced by relative sea level (RSL) on the filling of sedimentary basins became a sedimentary geology paradigm. This paradigm is the fundamental principle of the sequence stratigraphy model which is characterized by the subdivision of sedimentary deposits in stratigraphical units (depositional sequences) separated by unconformities (sequence limits) or correlative conformities developed during RSL fall. The cyclic and global character of RSL (considering that RSL reflects eustasy) explains the high capacity of prediction and correlation of the model. The sequence stratigraphy model was originally developed to interpret and subdivide sedimentary deposits in seismic sections. Later, it was adapted to outcrops, cores and well log data. The parassequences are the building units of the depositional sequences. They change according to the depositional systems. Therefore, parassequences definition depends of the knowledge of how facies of a specific depositional system change in response to RSL variation. This context characterizes the problem that justify this dissertation: to analyze the correspondence between Quaternary coastal eolian depositional systems and RSL changes. When associated to RSL fall, the Quaternary coastal eolian systems would be originated by reworking of sediments exposed on the shelf during a forced regression. When associated to RSL rise, coastal eolian systems would be fed by sediments derived from the coastal erosion occurred during transgression. In the RSL fall hypothesis, the maintenance of eolian systems is not likely, because the exposition of sediments above the high tide level favors its stabilization by vegetation or early cementation. There are studies that suggest the global formation of transgressive dunefields as a result of coastal erosion caused by RSL rise subsequent to the last glaciation (Würm). This supposition is confirmed by the depositional ages of dunefields in different parts of the world. Thus, the eolian supply induced by RSL rise was chosed as the fundamental principle of this dissertation. The RSL rise induces coastal erosion to restore the depositional surface equilibrium profile. In the presence of an adequate wind pattern, the sediments in disequilibrium in the foreshore are transported to the continent and can generate a dunefield. A new equilibrium is reached with the end of RSL rise and the exhaustion of the eolian sedimentary source. This fact favors dunefield stabilization. During RSL fall there are wheathering and erosion of the eolian deposits. Therefore, in a genetic sense, episodes of coastal eolian accumulation induced by Quaternary glacioeustatic oscilations correspond to the fourth order depositional sequences (periodicity of a hundred thousand years). The \"eolian sequences\" would be characterized by an initial phase with crescent eolian sedimentary supply and a final phase with decreasing supply. When the RSL rise cease, there is gradual exhaustion of the eolian sedimentary source. In this way, the eolian supply and the eolian accumulation rate decrease. Consequently, the reworking of the eolian sediments increase. This favors the action and recording of less frequent sedimentary process because the sediments stay during a more long time on surface. The Quaternary coastal eolian deposits of southern Brazil (Laguna and Imbituba, Santa Catarina) were divided in two \"depositional eolian sequences\" (eolian sequences 1 and 2). These sequences are separated by an unconformity. The eolian sequence 1 (older) was associated to the eustatic rise of the Riss-Würm interglacial period. The eolian sequence 2 (younger) is active nowadays and it was related to the eustatic rise occurred after the Wurm glaciation. Thermoluminescence (TL) and optical simulated luminescence (OSL) ages were utilized to check the cronology of the eolian sequences 1 and 2. The existence of a depositional hiatuses between the two eolian sequences and the correspondence between eolian accumulation and periods of RSL rise was confirmed by the obtained TL and OSL ages. Eolian units equivalent to the eolian sequences described in Santa Catarina should exist in Brazil and in other parts of the world. This is a consequence of the presented model. The supposed relation between coastal eolian supply and RSL can be used as a guide for elaboration of a coastal eolian facies model coherent with the sequence stratigraphy. The decrease of eolian supply favors the recording of less frequent sedimentary process. The low frequency of occurrence of winds with high velocity (up to 10 m/s at the height of 10 m) is a characteristic of the wind climate in Santa Catarina coast. Thus, the decrease of eolian supply would be showed, in the sedimentary recording, by the presence of eolian deposits generated by winds with a relative high velocity. This deposits would be characterized by increase of heavy mineral concentration and grain size and by decrease of sorting. Considering these hypothesis, the analysis of the sedimentological properties variation shows a tendency of upward decreasing eolian supply in the eolian sequence 1. The initial tendency of upward increasing eolian supply was not observed in this sequence. This can be explained by the absence of subsidence which is necessary for the preservation of the initial phase deposits. Otherwise, the eolian sequence 2 showed a tendency of eolian supply increasing to the top. This indicates that the final phase (eolian supply decreasing) of eolian sequence 2 was not started yet. The analysis of sedimentological properties variation, measured along vertical succession, can be utilized as a correlation criterion between eolian units.
Giannini, Paulo Cesar Fonseca. "Sistemas deposicionais no quaternário costeiro entre Jaguaruna e Imbituba, SC." Universidade de São Paulo, 1993. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44136/tde-11032013-133424/.
Full textAn attempt of conceptual analysis of the language used in theory of systems, applied to Quaternary coastal sedimentation, allowed the recognition and description, on surface, of four types of depositional systems in the area of the big lagoonal complex of southern-central Santa Catarina coast (Garopaba do Sul, Camacho, Santa Marta, Santo Antônio, lmaruí and Mirim lagoons). Depositional system is defined as a set of facies formed by processes in connected and organized operation, having thus typical pattern of spatial arrangement of facies. Two of the recognized systems spread from Pleistocene to Holocene: the aeolian and strandplain systems. The other two systems, lagoon and barrier-bar, are considered as Holocene. Each depositional system is submitted to an external and internal description. The external description concerns to exchanges of sediments and energy between systems; these exchanges occur through two different ways, alternated in the time: the feedback (maintenance of the equilibrium steady state) and the events of spontaneous evolution (searching for a new steady state). Examples of alternance between mechanisms of exchange are the cycles of closing and opening of the Camacho lagoonal inlet (transfer channel between lagoon and barrier-bar systems) or the phases of activation and interruption of primary aeolian dunes (exchange relationship between the beach facies of barrier-bar and strandplain systems and the aeolian system). The internal description departs from the conception of spatialtemporal hierarchies of facies, for each depositional system, and bases itself on the physiographic and sedimentological characterization (sedimentary structures, grainsize and heavy minerals) of systems in different levels of this hierarchy. lt is outstanding the subdivision of the lagoon system into two associations of facies, the low-lagoon, generated by the partial transgressive drowning of other pre-existing systems, and the bay-lagoon, formed by deposition of a barrier during the transgression started at the end of Pleistocene. ln the aeolian system, besides the two associations of facies related to contrasting rates of sedimentary supply, at least four deposit generations are recognized. lt is supposed that there are laws of dependence between three factors: the types of associations of facies, the morphostratigraphy of aeolian generations and the way of dynamic interaction (feedback versus spontaneous evolution) between aeolian system and oceanic beach facies. The last factor is controlled by the behaviour of the relative sea level (RSL). ln that basis, general correlation between aeolian generations in the study area and of coasts of similar RSL pattern in other continents has been proposed.
Ma, Janaina. "A natureza do conhecimento administrativo: uma busca pelo seu objeto." Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2004. http://www.adm.ufba.br/publicacao/natureza-conhecimento-administrativo-busca-pelo-seu-objeto.
Full textSubmitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-19T19:29:29Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Janaina Ma.pdf: 425496 bytes, checksum: 0bbba6f33a893b2dcb29064b9baa3407 (MD5) Janaina Ma Capa.pdf: 80340 bytes, checksum: 23358eea8afc9909e077b0ced2d17de7 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-04-22T18:18:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Janaina Ma.pdf: 425496 bytes, checksum: 0bbba6f33a893b2dcb29064b9baa3407 (MD5) Janaina Ma Capa.pdf: 80340 bytes, checksum: 23358eea8afc9909e077b0ced2d17de7 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-22T18:18:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Janaina Ma.pdf: 425496 bytes, checksum: 0bbba6f33a893b2dcb29064b9baa3407 (MD5) Janaina Ma Capa.pdf: 80340 bytes, checksum: 23358eea8afc9909e077b0ced2d17de7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004
A administração, enquanto conhecimento sistematizado, dedicou-se exaustivamente ao estudo do trabalho, desenvolvendo formas de gestão cada vez mais elaboradas e eficientes, em busca do sucesso empresarial tão importante numa sociedade de mercado. Com o advento dos Estudos Organizacionais, a análise do fenômeno organizacional ganhou destaque, possibilitando a reflexão teórica acerca das organizações. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir o objeto de estudo da Administração, adotando duas perspectivas de análise: a gestão do trabalho, quando a disciplina se desenvolve de maneira mais prescritiva, e a análise organizacional, quando ela assume uma postura analíticoexplicativa. Considera também a influência da visão funcionalista e o predomínio da racionalidade instrumental no desenvolvimento do pensamento administrativo como limitação para o entendimento do seu objeto. Encontrar um objeto de estudo próprio da Administração faz parte do esforço de caracterizá-la enquanto campo do conhecimento, ou seja, dar à disciplina o status científico. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de literatura e análise de conteúdo das principais escolas do pensamento administrativo, desde a Escola Clássica, passando pelas Escolas de Relações Humanas, Comportamentalista, Estruturalista, Sistêmica e por fim a Contingencialista, representadas pelos autores mais significativos dentro de cada período histórico. Constitui-se portanto numa pesquisa essencialmente teórica. Esperando contribuir para o entendimento do papel da Administração dentro de uma sociedade complexa e cada vez mais desigual, este trabalho propõe a retomada dá ética e dos aspectos substantivos do ser humano e destina-se àqueles que, envolvidos no trabalho prático ou acadêmico, estejam em busca de uma Administração mais comprometida com o desenvolvimento humano.
Andriamanantena, Johary. "Etudes sédimentologiques et séquentielles de la partie médiane du groupe du Karroo (Permo-Trias) de la région de Malaimbandy (bassin de Morondava) Madagascar." Lyon 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LYO11737.
Full textWalter, Barbara. "Konzeption und Entwicklung eines webbasierten Autorenwerkzeugs in der Programmiersprache Perl." [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. http://www.bsz-bw.de/cgi-bin/xvms.cgi?SWB11675765.
Full textAravena, Díaz Jorge Luis. "Resistencia a la fractura de dos sistemas perno-muñón complementarios mixtos estructuralmente distintos :(estudio in vitro)." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2009. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/135145.
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En este trabajo se realizó un estudio experimental comparativo in vitro, en el que se utilizaron dientes unirradiculares recientemente extraídos y conservados en condiciones de 100% de humedad. Se comparó la resistencia a la fractura de dientes endodónticamente tratados rehabilitados mediante dos sistemas perno-muñón complementarios mixtos estructuralmente distintos. Los dientes seleccionados, se dividieron en dos grupos A y B, de 16 dientes cada uno. Grupo A: SPM con perno de resina y alambre de acero 0,8 mm. Grupo B: SPM con perno preformado de fibro-resina. A los dientes de cada grupo se les realizó tratamiento endodóntico (sin obturación) utilizando la técnica Crown-Down de la U. de Chile, y se les rehabilitó mediante el SPM correspondiente. Sobre los pernos construidos e instalados, se realizó un muñón complementario de resina compuesta, donde la altura final del muñón fue de 7 mm. Los dientes de todos los grupos fueron sometidos a carga con una inclinación de 130º respecto de su eje mayor, registrándose los valores de resistencia a la fractura (Kg) y el tipo de fractura (favorable o catastrófica). Los ensayos experimentales arrojaron como resultado, que el promedio del valor de resistencia a la fractura para el grupo A es de 25,18 Kg, y de 24,92 Kg para el grupo B. Los resultados de resistencia a la fractura fueron sometidos a análisis estadístico (test “t-student”), no encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos A y B (p=0,935). En cuanto al tipo de fractura, ambos grupos mostraron un alto porcentaje de fracturas favorables (grupo A= 81%, 13 favorables de 16 fracturas, y grupo B=88%, 14 favorables de 16), no encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los valores de ambos grupos (p=0,5). Se concluyó que no existe diferencia en el uso de pernos de resina con alambre de acero 0.8 mm y los pernos de fibro-resina, en cuanto a su capacidad de resistencia a la fractura y modo de fractura presentado
Martínez, Hernández Alejandra Gabriela. "ANALISIS DE 71 CASOS DE TRAUMATISMO EN PERROS." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/94385.
Full textBercovici, Antoine. "Reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales du domaine ouest téthysien à la transition permien-trias : impacts relatifs du climat, de la ré-organisation de la biosphère continentale et des topographies sur la préservation des systèmes sédimentaires continentaux." Rennes 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009REN1S194.
Full textThe final buildup of Pangea at the end of the Palaeozoic led to the formation of massive landmass unrivaled in later times. On a climatic perspective, the end of the Carboniferous ice age opened into a period of progressive warming, creating vast arid regions on land. The lower Triassic is the culmination of this trend, and represents a period where land vegetation is scarce or non-existent. Two causes can be inferred: the extreme aridification of climate or the slow recovery of terrestrial floras after the permo-triassic crisis (disappearance of 85% of species). During the lower Permian, continental sedimentation was limited in a series of isolated endoreic basins, in between differences in preservation and floral assemblages can be observed. In all sedimentary basins of the north-western tethyan domain, with the exception of the germanic basin, the Permian/Triassic transition is characterized by a lack of sedimentary deposition of variable time. All these observations imply the existence of a still active Variscan range, modifying the palaeoclimatic conditions and controlling sedimentation in the end-Permian sedimentary basins of western Europe. However, the general evolution of Permian floras is still linked at the first order to the global warming event, leading to profound modifications on terrestrial biotas long before the permian/Triassic biotic crisis
Perl, Markus [Verfasser], Mario [Akademischer Betreuer] Perl, and Mario [Gutachter] Perl. "Geriatrische Halswirbelsäulenverletzungen: Eine retrospektive monozentrische Studie / Markus Perl ; Gutachter: Mario Perl ; Betreuer: Mario Perl." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2021. http://d-nb.info/1234714183/34.
Full textKarlsson, Robert. "Tappning av datanätverk : Vad är det som gör att det går långsamt?" Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för informations- och kommunikationssystem, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-28253.
Full textIn a computer network there are many users that need to share the same resources and by that the user may experience the network to be very slow. This report investigate the network in Nya Slottet Bjärka Säby i Linköping why it is slow. Be doing a network tapping and collecting whats on the network, with a written Perl script that graphed out collected data, showed that no direct problem could be pointed out. It was noted that IPv6 was present on the network, that for this network is unnecessary and it's recommend to turn it off where it's possible. The investigation was for a week and shows to little information to find the real problem for the network speed. It recommends that more testing is performed to find the problem.
ARANDA, GUTIÉRREZ MAURICIO. "MANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS DENTALES BÁSICOS EN EL PERRO." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/66292.
Full textWinders, Christopher. "Cycles of cycles : ordering principles suggested by George Perle's twelve-tone tonality /." Digitized version, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1802/7600.
Full textIncludes vita and abstract. Accompanies: Concerto grosso for string quartet and string orchestra / by Christopher Clay Winders. Includes bibliographical references. Digitized version available online via the Sibley Music Library, Eastman School of Music http://hdl.handle.net/1802/7600
Rocha, Denise Brito da. "Vidas atravessadas pelo abuso sexual e pelo transtorno alimentar." Universidade de Fortaleza, 2017. http://dspace.unifor.br/handle/tede/103506.
Full textStudies report the strong association between child sexual abuse and the emergence of eating disorders, but very little has been identified in national surveys. Above all, it has been observed that the evidence is mainly quantitative. Based on these findings, this research aimed to identify the possible consequences of sexual abuse on the self-esteem and the body self-image of the deponents. We chose the qualitative method, with which five women with eating disorders and a previous history of sexual abuse were interviewed in an outpatient clinic for eating disorders located in Fortaleza-CE. We perceived that the feeling of rape and the sense of fragility when facing abuse weakened the relationship of trust established by family ties with the aggressor and the ability to maintain a self sufficiently flexible and firm to sustain intra-familial contradictions. The innocence of the victims did not allow to clearly identify what was happening by reacting through the silence and fragility of the self. In adolescence, with the appearance of curves and sexual arousal, the deponents felt uncomfortable with self-image and the need for retraction. They identified their appearances as wrong and inadequate, what made them uncomfortable with themselves. This dissatisfaction has caused the victims of abuse to seek body changes through inappropriate eating behavior that can trigger an eating disorder. It is thus believed that the abused body may result in the onset of an eating disorder.
Estudos relatam a forte associação entre o abuso sexual infantil e a emergência dos transtornos alimentares, no entanto muito pouco tem sido identificado em pesquisas no âmbito nacional. Sobretudo tem-se observado que as evidências são principalmente de esfera quantitativa. A partir destas averiguações, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as possíveis consequências do abuso sexual na autoestima e na autoimagem corporal das depoentes. Optamos pelo método qualitativo, com o qual foram entrevistadas cinco mulheres com transtornos alimentares e com história prévia de abuso sexual em um ambulatório de transtornos alimentares situado em Fortaleza-CE. Percebemos que o sentimento de violação e a sensação de incapacidade diante do abuso enfraquecia a relação de confiança estabelecida pelos laços familiares com o agressor e a capacidade de manter um self suficientemente flexível e firme para sustentar as contradições intrafamiliares. Por não identificarem claramente o que estava acontecendo devido a inocência, as vítimas reagiam ao abuso por meio do silêncio e da fragilidade do self. Na adolescência, com o aparecimento de curvas e o despertar sexual, as depoentes se sentiam desconfortáveis com a autoimagem e com a necessidade de retração. Enxergavam-se com a aparência indevida e inadequada, tornando-se insatisfeitas consigo. Essa insatisfação fez com que as vítimas de abuso buscassem mudanças corporais através do comportamento alimentar inadequado, o que pode desencadear um transtorno alimentar. Acredita-se, assim, que o corpo abusado pode trazer como consequência o desencadeamento de um transtorno alimentar.
Smith, Robert Roland. "A study of recombination centres in silicon solar cells." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.271577.
Full textGuterres, Silvane Dias da Rosa. "INVESTIGAÇÕES SOBRE POSICIONAMENTOS PELO MÉTODO DGPS USANDO TRANSMISSÃO DAS CORREÇÕES DIFERENCIAIS PELO NTRIP E PELO RDS." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009. http://repositorio.ufsm.br/handle/1/9522.
Full textO Sistema de Posicionamento Global (NAVSTAR-GPS) veio modernizar e permitir maior facilidade nos levantamentos relacionados às atividades que necessitam de posicionamento em tempo real. Este sistema é formado por uma constelação de satélites que envolvem a Terra fornecendo um serviço de posicionamento tridimensional durante 24 horas, informação de velocidade e tempo para seus utilizadores. Entretanto, certos fatores atmosféricos e outras fontes de erro podem afetar a precisão de receptores GPS. Desta forma, os usuários podem tornar os dados coletados mais precisos com o GPS Diferencial (DGPS). Ele consiste em uma rede de torres que recebem os sinais GPS e transmitem os sinais corrigidos por meio de transmissores de rádio. É eficaz para apoiar atividades nas quais se requer um posicionamento contínuo, em tempo real, onde são necessárias acurácias na ordem do metro (1 a 3 m). Tendo em vista que para ele é necessário um meio de comunicação para transmitir as correções diferenciais, e que a disponibilidade deste meio nem sempre existe de forma fácil e/ou econômica no Brasil, escolheu-se, para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o RDS (Radio Data System) e o NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) para tal finalidade, utilizando correções diferenciais transmitidas por meio do formato DGPSBRDS em sua implementação simplificada. Analisou-se estatisticamente e comparou-se precisão ou desvio padrão e acurácia ou média dos desvios absolutos de posicionamentos GPS com transmissão de correções diferenciais no formato RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) com os levantamentos efetuados pelos dois sistemas: RDS e NTRIP. Também foram comparados os modos de posicionamento, o absoluto e o diferencial. Concluiu-se que pelo posicionamento diferencial obtêm-se resultados mais satisfatórios cuja estimativa de precisão variou de 1 a 3 m. O sistema que satisfez os objetivos de precisão e acurácia foi o NTRIP, o qual permitiu obter coordenadas em tempo real com maior precisão.
Annová, Denisa. "PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354956.
Full textKuruc, Adam. "PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354973.
Full textTomková, Iva. "PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354977.
Full textLajtkepová, Lenka. "PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354979.
Full textPelikánová, Zuzana. "PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-354983.
Full textHyťhová, Martina. "Perla Ústí nad Orlicí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-355037.
Full textEngkvist, Tobias. "Remote Netlab." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för informations- och kommunikationssystem, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-28248.
Full textThe projects main focus have been to create a system mainly for the users that study network technology on a more advanced level. In order for the students to start to configure the switches and routers they need to access a server with the SSH protocol which was one of the requirements. Another requirement was that only one user should be able to configure at same time (so two users should NOT be able to configure the switches and routers at the same time). The scripting languages that was used was bash, shell, perl and expect in order to achieve these goals and requirement. The result shows a finished product and that this project was feasable. The solution is presented as a flowchart as an overview and some regular text that explains the scripts in more depth. There are of course a ton of other ways to solve this problem and a few of them are presented and discussed in the later chapters.
Silva, Filho Nelson [UNESP]. "Associação entre o diagnóstico adaptativo, indicadores de evolução clínica e o teste de relações objetais em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV-1, doentes ou não." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/100614.
Full textForam avaliados no Ambulatório Especial da Área de Doenças Tropicais, do Departamento de Doenças Tropicais e Diagnóstico por Imagem, da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP, 31 indivíduos, sendo 14 homens e 17 mulheres, com infecção pelo HIV-1, doentes ou não. Dezesseis pacientes realizaram duas avaliações psicológicas em momentos distintos. Para a avaliação psicológica foram utilizados o Teste de Relações Objetais de Phillipson, a Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada, sendo isolados os fatores internos e externos, positivos e negativos: qualidade do relacionamento familiar na infância, depressão, irritabilidade, impulsividade, fanatismo religioso, gravidez e/ou sexualidade precoce, predomínio do funcionamento psicótico da mente, ideação suicida e consumo abusivo de drogas ilícitas. A avaliação epidemiológica levou em consideração: opção sexual, escolaridade, estado civil, religião, profissão, residir sozinho ou com outras pessoas, forma de aquisição da infecção pelo HIV, existência de cônjuges e filhos com infecção pelo HIV e local de residência. Na avaliação clínico-laboratorial considerou-se: a carga viral plasmática, a contagem de linfócitos T CD4 + e CD8 +, o número de internações, ter desenvolvido ou não sintomas compatíveis com aids, ter apresentado doenças neurológicas, adesão e tipo de medicação ARV, tempo de diagnóstico da infecção pelo HIV, fase da vida (adolescência ou adulta) no momento em que adquiriu a infecção pelo HIV. Observou-se que 90,32% estavam em idade produtiva e uma parte significativa da amostra, 29,03%, contraiu a infecção pelo HIV na adolescência, sendo a quase totalidade por via sexual, em muitas vezes acompanhada por uma gravidez e/ou paternidade não desejada. Após adquirir a infecção alguns indivíduos tornaram-se usuários ou...
They were appraised in the Special National health clinic of the Area of Tropical Diseases, of the Department of Tropical Diseases and Diagnosis for Image, of the Ability of Medicine of Botucatu, UNESP, 31 individuals, being 14 men and 17 women, with infection for the HIV-1, sick or not. Sixteen patients accomplished two psychological evaluations in different moments. For the psychological evaluation they were used the Test of Relationships you Object of Phillipson and Adaptive Operational Diagnostic Scale, being isolated the internal and external, positive and negative factors: quality of the family relationship in the childhood, depression, irritability, impulsivity, religious fanaticism, pregnancy and/or precocious sexuality, prevalence of the mind’s psychotic operation, suicidal idealization and abusive consumption of illicit drugs. The epidemic evaluation took in consideration: sexual option, qualifications, marital status, religion, occupation, to live alone or with other people, form as he/she has acquisition the infection for HIV, spouses existence and children with infection for HIV and local of residence. The clinical evaluation has considered: the plasmatic viral load, the counting for linfocytes T CD4+ and CD8+, the number of internments, to have developed or not compatible symptoms with aids, to have presented neurological diseases, adhesion and medication type ARV, time of diagnosis of the infection for HIV, phase of the life (adolescence or adult) in the moment in that acquired the infection for HIV. It was observed that 90,32% were in productive age and a significant part of the sample, 29,03%, it contracted the infection for HIV in the adolescence, being almost the totality for sexual road, in many times accompanied by a pregnancy and/or not wanted paternity. After acquiring the infection some individuals they became users... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below)
Silva, Filho Nelson. "Associação entre o diagnóstico adaptativo, indicadores de evolução clínica e o teste de relações objetais em pacientes com infecção pelo HIV-1, doentes ou não /." Botucatu : [s.n.], 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/100614.
Full textResumo: Foram avaliados no Ambulatório Especial da Área de Doenças Tropicais, do Departamento de Doenças Tropicais e Diagnóstico por Imagem, da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP, 31 indivíduos, sendo 14 homens e 17 mulheres, com infecção pelo HIV-1, doentes ou não. Dezesseis pacientes realizaram duas avaliações psicológicas em momentos distintos. Para a avaliação psicológica foram utilizados o Teste de Relações Objetais de Phillipson, a Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada, sendo isolados os fatores internos e externos, positivos e negativos: qualidade do relacionamento familiar na infância, depressão, irritabilidade, impulsividade, fanatismo religioso, gravidez e/ou sexualidade precoce, predomínio do funcionamento psicótico da mente, ideação suicida e consumo abusivo de drogas ilícitas. A avaliação epidemiológica levou em consideração: opção sexual, escolaridade, estado civil, religião, profissão, residir sozinho ou com outras pessoas, forma de aquisição da infecção pelo HIV, existência de cônjuges e filhos com infecção pelo HIV e local de residência. Na avaliação clínico-laboratorial considerou-se: a carga viral plasmática, a contagem de linfócitos T CD4 + e CD8 +, o número de internações, ter desenvolvido ou não sintomas compatíveis com aids, ter apresentado doenças neurológicas, adesão e tipo de medicação ARV, tempo de diagnóstico da infecção pelo HIV, fase da vida (adolescência ou adulta) no momento em que adquiriu a infecção pelo HIV. Observou-se que 90,32% estavam em idade produtiva e uma parte significativa da amostra, 29,03%, contraiu a infecção pelo HIV na adolescência, sendo a quase totalidade por via sexual, em muitas vezes acompanhada por uma gravidez e/ou paternidade não desejada. Após adquirir a infecção alguns indivíduos tornaram-se usuários ou... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: They were appraised in the Special National health clinic of the Area of Tropical Diseases, of the Department of Tropical Diseases and Diagnosis for Image, of the Ability of Medicine of Botucatu, UNESP, 31 individuals, being 14 men and 17 women, with infection for the HIV-1, sick or not. Sixteen patients accomplished two psychological evaluations in different moments. For the psychological evaluation they were used the Test of Relationships you Object of Phillipson and Adaptive Operational Diagnostic Scale, being isolated the internal and external, positive and negative factors: quality of the family relationship in the childhood, depression, irritability, impulsivity, religious fanaticism, pregnancy and/or precocious sexuality, prevalence of the mind's psychotic operation, suicidal idealization and abusive consumption of illicit drugs. The epidemic evaluation took in consideration: sexual option, qualifications, marital status, religion, occupation, to live alone or with other people, form as he/she has acquisition the infection for HIV, spouses existence and children with infection for HIV and local of residence. The clinical evaluation has considered: the plasmatic viral load, the counting for linfocytes T CD4+ and CD8+, the number of internments, to have developed or not compatible symptoms with aids, to have presented neurological diseases, adhesion and medication type ARV, time of diagnosis of the infection for HIV, phase of the life (adolescence or adult) in the moment in that acquired the infection for HIV. It was observed that 90,32% were in productive age and a significant part of the sample, 29,03%, it contracted the infection for HIV in the adolescence, being almost the totality for sexual road, in many times accompanied by a pregnancy and/or not wanted paternity. After acquiring the infection some individuals they became users... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below)
Amat, Grau Marta. "Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/48517.
Full textThe present work is focused in the study of canine and feline aggression. The study of canine and feline aggression is important for several reasons. First, these problems are very common, and at least in referral behavior services, they are the main owner’s complaint. The canine and feline aggression is also important because represents one of the main causes of euthanasia and relinquishment of healthy dogs and cats. Moreover, the majority of aggression problems could affect the animal’s well-being since there is evidence that aggressive behavior may involve a stress response. The first objective was to study the epidemiology of feline behaviour problems, including their prevalence and the risk factors related to the breed, sex, neutered status, origin of the cat, the possibility to go outside and the number of cats that live in the same household. According to the results, the aggressive and elimination problems represent the majority of feline cases attended to the Animal Behaviour Services at the Barcelona School of Veterinary Medicine. The intercat aggression problems are more frequent that the aggression towards people. In relation to the aggression towards people, the family members are the most common target. In the category of elimination problems, most of the elimination cases involved urination, followed by urination and defecation, and defecation. Persian cats showed elimination problems out the litter box more frequently than other breeds. The most frequent diagnosis is litterbox aversion. In the category of aggression problems, most cases meet the criteria of play related aggression and petting related aggression. These results point out that the lack of knowledge of the owners about the normal behaviour contributes to the development of some of behavior problems in this specie. According the caseload of Animal Behaviour Services, cats purchased from petshops, without access to the outside, and living alone, show more behavior problems. First result suggests that an inadequate socialization may be an important factor in the development of feline behaviours problems. The intact females show more aggression problems that neutered ones. In relation to the prevalence of behavior problems, there are no differences between males and females. These results suggest that the hormones may play a different role in the canine and feline aggression. The second objective was to identify inciting causes, alternative targets, and risk factors associated with redirected aggression in cats. According our caseload, 9% of the aggressive cases are reported to have displayed behaviour compatible with redirected aggression. The most common inciting stimuli are loud noises followed by interactions with other cats. The most commonly reported alternative target is the owner, followed by another cat living in the same household. In the majority of episodes, the owner describes a defensive posture. Cats with redirected aggression are significantly more likely to have sound phobia and less likely to be outdoor. These results suggest that the physiologic and functional bases of redirected aggression may be related to fear and stress. The third objective was to study the aggressive behavior of English cocker spaniel (ECS) presented for aggression problems to the Animal Behaviour Services at the Barcelona School of Veterinary Medicine, including the prevalence and the risk factors related to the sex, neutering status, source from which the dog was obtained and coat color. According our caseload, English cocker spaniel is the breed that shows more aggression problems. Owner directed aggression is the most commonly reported problem in this breed. Males show more frequently aggression problems than females, and the golden coat cockers show are more common in the group of aggressive ECS than in the group of non-aggressive ECS. This result suggests that this breed coud be a good model to understand the relationship between the coat colour and the behavior of the animals. The fourth objective was to find out if this breed shows more frequently impulsiveness than other breeds. A population of aggressive ECS was compare with a population of aggressive dogs of other breeds. ECSs show impulsiveness more frequently than other breeds. The fifth objective was to analyze possible differences in serum serotonin levels between aggressive ECSs and aggressive dogs of other breeds as a mechanism to understand the impulsiveness. ECSs have lower levels of serum serotonin than aggressive dogs of other breeds. The last two results suggest that the ECS may be a good model to study the physiologic mechanisms underlying impulsiveness.
Esteban, Tello Rodrigo. "Manual Clínico de examen neurológico en el perro." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México , Facultad de Medicina veterinaria y zootecnia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/58589.
Full textATALLAH, M. C. "Uma análise de performances de personagem feminino por personagem masculina: O filme Tootsie em questão." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/3765.
Full textA presente dissertação analisou quatro principais práticas performáticas de Michael Dorsey, personagem principal do filme Tootsie (interpretado pelo ator Dustin Hofmann), destacando essas performances, no que tange à questão de gênero na situação comunicativa. O interesse nesse estudo surgiu quando constatamos que, para produzir o filme, foi preciso um estudo científico sobre o assunto. A justificativa do trabalho está no fato de a autora, Lillian Glass, ajudar Dustin Hoffman a performatizar uma mulher. Buscamos, então, subverter o que Glass (1992) estabelece, discutindo a noção de gênero, desde o paradigma da diferença, centrado em suas ideias e Lakoff (1975) até o paradigma da teoria performática, centradas nas ideias de Butler (2003) e Eckert e McConnell-Ginet (2010). Portanto, enfatizamos uma perspectiva de desconstrução do paradigma da diferença em relação ao estudo do gênero, assumindo uma postura crítica e posicionando pela adoção da teoria da performatividade no tratamento de gênero. Analisamos, contudo, a geração de dados cenas do filme Tootsie a partir da noção teórica de que a Sociolinguística Interacional é instrumental para a performance. Vimos, portanto, que o filme Tootsie não é mais uma arte hollywoodiana de estancar valores essencialistas, mas de questionamentos sobre esses valores. A sátira faz parte desse conjunto de elementos, ridicularizando a questão de gênero social na realidade. O fato de buscar a especialista em gênero Lilian Glass se justifica por conseguir espaço para lançar as melhores interpretações estereotipadas de ser homem ou de ser mulher. Mas não significa que essas interpretações estejam vedadas e limitadas naquilo que parecer ser. É, na verdade, a co-construção dessas interpretações que emanam os significados subentendidos; a comédia que satiriza o real; a constatação de que na sociedade ser homem ou ser mulher não é estanque. Isso quer dizer que os indivíduos são capazes de possuir várias identidades de gênero, pelas situações contextuais, históricas e sociais, a partir das práticas performáticas.
Plourde, Laurie. "La figure paradoxale des adolescents dans Amos Daragon de Bryan Perro : entre humanité et divinité." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28030.
Full textGalvão, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz [UNESP]. "Aplicação do instrumento HAT-QoL para análise da qualidade de vida de mulheres com infecção pelo HIV, ou com AIDS e sua correlação com variáveis sócio-demográficas, epidemiológicas e clínicas." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/101496.
Full textA AIDS caracterizou-se como a mais importante doença no final do século XX. Indicadores epidemiológicos mostram que a AIDS tem comprometido cada vez mais as mulheres, por apresentarem fatores biológicos e sociais que as tornam mais suscetíveis ao risco da contaminação. Os avanços científicos têm proporcionado aumento da expectativa de vida dos portadores, devido à utilização de terapias mais adequadas, assim, a qualidade de vida tem sido uma preocupação freqüente entre os contaminados. Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar, entre mulheres com infecção pelo HIV: as características sócio-demográficas, epidemiológicas e clínicas, a qualidade de vida por meio da escala HAT-QoL, e a influência das variáveis sócio-demográficas, epidemiológicas e clínicas na qualidade de vida. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida, utilizou-se um instrumento denominado HAT-QoL, desenvolvido para portadores do HIV, que apresenta 42 questões, em nove domínios: atividades gerais, atividade sexual, preocupação com o sigilo sobre a infecção, preocupação com a saúde, preocupação financeira, satisfação com a vida, questões relativas à medicação e confiança no médico. Estudaram-se 73 mulheres com infecção pelo HIV, de dezembro de 2000 a abril de 2001, que realizavam seguimento no Ambulatório Especial de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias, do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-SP. A maioria tinha idade inferior a 39 anos, era de mulheres casada, de donas de casa, e era composta por mulheres que freqüentaram escola por período menor ou igual a oito anos, e que foram quase exclusivamente contaminadas por relação heterossexual. Entre elas, 50,7% tinham aids, as demais infecção pelo HIV. Grande parcela era procedente de municípios com menos de 100.000 habitantes, e sobrevivia com menos...
AIDS represents the most important disease of the end of the 20th century. Epidemiological indicators show that AIDS has been increasingly involving women since they present biological and social factors that render them more susceptible to the risk of contamination. Scientific advances have led to an increased life expectancy for infected patients because of the use of more adequate treatment, so that the quality of life has been a frequent preoccupation among contaminated subjects. The objective of the present study was to assess HIV-infected women in terms of their sociodemographic, epidemiological and clinical characteristics, their quality of life using the HAT-QoL scale, and the influence of the above characteristics on their quality of life. To assess quality of life, we used the instrument denoted HAT-QoL, developed for HIV-infected subjects, which consists of 42 questions divided into nine domains: general activities, sexual activity, preoccupation with secrecy about the infection, preoccupation with health, financial worries, satisfaction with life, questions concerning medication, and trusting one’s physician. The study was conducted on 73 HIV-infected women followed up at the Special Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, SP. Most women were younger than 39 years, were housewives, had eight years of schooling or less, and had been almost exclusively contaminated through a heterosexual relation. Of these, 50.7% had AIDS, and the remaining ones were infected with HIV. A large proportion came from municipalities with less than 100,000 inhabitants and survived on less than a minimum wage (R$ 151.00 at the time of the study). Approximately 50% of the women had been aware of their disease for at least four years and 83.6% were taking antiretroviral... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Karmann, Ivo. "Evolução e dinâmica atual do sistema cárstico do alto vale do rio Ribeira de Iguape, sudeste do Estado de São Paulo." Universidade de São Paulo, 1994. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44134/tde-22042013-163755/.
Full textThe geomorphology and the conduit aquifer, and associated cave systems, of a karst area (74 km²) in dolomitic and calcitic metalimestones of the Middle Proterozoic Açungui Group have been studied in the Upper Ribeira river valley, between Apiaí and Iporanga, southeastern São Paulo, Brazil. The transition between fluvial and karst landforms was recognized through detailed aerial photointerpretation and field observations. The fluvial system has been gradually disrupted by the growth of closed drainage basins with a polygonal pattern. Based on this transition, a morphological zonation has been defined over the limestones. Three main landform categories are recognized in the limestone: the fluviokarst zone (with dominant surface runoff), the transitional zone (characterized by large composite closed depressions) and the polygonal karst zone (with simple closed depressions). The karst topography exhibits strong structural control. Autogenic swallets occur mainly at the intersections of bedding planes, fractures and faults. These inlet points for autogenic recharge are preferentially aligned on bedding traces where dip is high. In areas where the dip is low to moderate, swallets preferentially follow long fracture and fault traces of steep dip. The observed population of closed depressions is interpreted as resulting from competition and coalescence processes between depressions in response to different rates of depression enlargement, as well as by the multiple generation process described by Kemmerly. In this model, larger depressions, connected by effcient underground drainage routes, trigger the initiation of other depressions over and in the vicinity of the larger depressions. The competition between depression enlargement rates leads to topographic inversions, where ancient depression bottoms now occupy hill crests. Morphometric analysis of the karst topography of the Upper Ribeira polygonal karst shows similarities to New Guinean and Jamaican polygonal karst landscapes. Within the limestone area above the Perolas-Santana cave system, the best developed polygonal carst is related to conduits in depth, close to the southeastern contact of limestone with metapelites. Among the variety and large number of discontinuities present in the metamorphic limestone, the most favorable structures for cave development are bedding planes, Iong simple fractures and faults. The planimetric patterns of cave systems are controlled by the structural style of the limestone. Rectilinear and angular cave map patterns are related to steeply dipping strata, whereas sinuous and curvilinear patterns reflect low-dipping, folded limestone. The sinuosity of conduits is mainly controlled by the angle between the direction of the general hydraulic gradient and the strike of the favorable subvertical discontinuities for conduit development. The greater this angle is, the higher the sinuosity, confirming Worthington\'s (1991) model. The initiation of proto-conduits mainly follows the intersections between bedding planes and simple long fractures and faults. Worthington\'s model for prediction of mean conduit depth is confirmed by the Pérolas-Santana cave system. The mean depth of 200 to 300 m beneath the watertable for the initiation conduits of this system agrees well with the prediction of the exponential equation which is based on the stratal dip and the horizontal length (catchment length) between the main insurgence and the ressurgence of the cave system. Vadose canyons with up to 50m of vertical entrenchment were produced during the speleogenetic development phase, as the result of moderate rates of base level lowering, which itself was due to moderate rates of regional tectonic uplift. Based on preliminary Th/U ages of secondary calcite covering ancient fluvial deposits in vadose cave canyons, an average maximum rate of 0.0042 cm/year (42 mm/ky) is proposed for the vadose entrenchment within the studied caves. This rate gives a minimum age of 1.7 My for the development phase in the Santana cave. Including the theoretical time span of the initiation phase, the total age of the Pérolas-Santana cave System is around 2 My. The correlation between the cave river entrenchment rate and the external river channel lowering over the limestone, close to the cave syslem, allows an age estimation of \'16,4 POT. +7.4 IND. -3.1\' My for the Betari valley in the studied area. The calculated baseflow recession coeficients, tsuggest that he karst aquifer of the Pérolas-Santana system has a high degree of interconnected fissures. The initial analysis of the surface drainage systems, using concepts of topographic divides, indicates the presence of two separate drainage basins over the Furnas-Santana Iimestone area, each related to a cave system. The hydrological balance of the Perolas-Santana cave system suggests, however, that the catchment area must be larger (25,4 km²) than indicated by this initial interpretation. It is therefore suggested that two adjacent cave systems (Perolas-Santana and Grilo systems) are cannected at depth, in order to balance the annual discharge measured at the Santana cave ressurgence. The following hydrochemical facies have been defined: allogenic surface runoff, fluviokarstic runoff, vadose autogenic fissure seepage, vadose autogenic conduit flow, deep phreatic conduit flow and karst ressurgence flow. The hydrochemistry indicates that the carstification is basically controlled by meteoric water enriched in carbonic acid. Minor dissolution of carbonate by sulphuric acid produced by oxidation of pyrite disseminated in impure limestone is thought to occur in deep flow routes. The modern erosive dynamics of the studied karst has been quantified according to the following parameters: saturation rate in calcite and dolomite of allogenic rivers entering the limestone surface, the seasonality of the saturarion index of the main hydrochemical facies and the rate of limestone surface lowering through dissolution (chemical denudation). The calculated mean chemical denudation rate for the Pérolas-Santana basin is 31.1 \'+ ou -\' 6 mm/ky.
Cesar, Antonio Romalino Santos Fragoso. "Tectônica de placas no ciclo brasiliano: as orogenias dos cinturões Dom Feliciano e Ribeira no Rio Grande do Sul." Universidade de São Paulo, 1991. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44134/tde-23042013-162133/.
Full textThe Gaúcho Shield in Rio Grande do Sul State is made up of two tectonically juxtaposed NE-SW Late Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic mobiIe belts, the Dom Feliciano and Ribeira beIts. Before the Late Cambrian (\'< OU =\' 530 Ma) juxtaposition, these belts had separate and distinct evolutions related to the development of two Late Proterozoic oceanic basins and their interaction with an interposed continent. The Adamastor ocean eastward of the Rio de La Plata Continent is reLated to the Dom Feliciano Belt orogenies while the Charrua Ocean westward of that continent is responsible for the Ribeira BeIt orogrenies. The building up of the Dom Feliciano Belt is the result of three superposed orogenies, named Piratini, Porongos and serra do HervaI. The Piratini Orogeny (885-775 Ma) is an Andean-type system with calc-alkaline meta-granitoids and back-arc meta-volcanosedimentary sequences. The Porongos Orogeny (650-620 Ma ) is characterized by collision of the earlier system with the eastern margin of the Rio de La Plata Continent, affecting both its basement and miogeoclinal cover, with the piling up of nappes formed from the pre-collisional units. Metamorphism was of lower greenschist to upper amphibolite facies. Generation of syn and late-tectonic leucogranitic sheets and, reflecting the ongoing uplift, Iocally preserved flysch sedimentation also occur. The Serra do Herval Orogeny (ca. 550 Ma) is a Late- collisional transpressional event related to large sinistral sub-vertical shear zones, dome and basin-like folding, and generation of sub-alkaline granites associated to rhyolitic dyke swarms, rhyolitic plateaus, and small basic-ultrabasic bodies, due to mantle and deep crustal meIts, associated to the thick (ca. 6,000 m) flysch and molasse sedimentation in the Camaquã Foredeep. Three orogenies also occur in the Ribeira Belt and result from the interaction between the Charrua Ocean and the Rio de La Plata Continent. Their distinction is due to their occurrence either in the São Gabriel Block or in the Taquarembó Block, separated during the orogenic events by the lbaré Transform fault. The Cambaí Orogeny (\'> OU =\'770 - \'> OU =\'650 Ma), whose products are restricted to the São Gabriel Block, represents the generation of an island arc system in the Charrua Ocean by westward ocean plate subduction with the formation of an intraoceanic magmatic arc made up of low-K calc-alkaline meta-granitoids with low \'ANTPOT. 87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT. 86 Sr\' initial ratio (0.7040) and by metamorphosed volcanoclastic-volcanic sequences ranging from high-Al tholeiitic to fore-arc low-K calc-alkaline. This magmatic arc is separated at sw from a continental region by the Ibaré Transform Fault over which was formed a shear basin with flysch sedimentation. The Rio Vacacaí Orogeny (ca. 650 Ma) refers to the obduction, over the western margin of the Rio de La Plata Continent and its miogeoclinal cover, of nappes and tectonic sIices of ophiolites, orthogneisses and schists of the island arc system of the earlier orogeny. Metamorphism was of the lower greenschist to upper amphibolite facies. Generation of calc-aIkaline granitoids by residual subduction and molassic deposition occurred as well. The allochthonous terrain formed by this orogeny is restricted to the são Gabriel Block and was limited southwestwards by the Ibaré Transform Fault during the tectonic transport. The Bom Jardim Orogeny (\'< OU =\' 650 - \'< OU =\' 530 Ma) is a little deformed, non-metamorphosed, authocthonous Andean-type system exposed in the São Gabriel and Taquarembó blocks whose distinctions are due to the different locations of the subduction zones on either side of the Ibaré Transform Fault. The subduction zone under the são Gabriel Block is reftected by a calc-alkaline to shoshonitic pLutonIsm with eastward polarity and \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT. 86 Sr\' initial ratios ranging from 0.7045 to 0.7067 while that under the Taquarembó Block, with the same polarity, reaches alkaline compositions and has \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT. 86 Sr\' initial ratios of 0.7070 to 0.7077. This same eastward polarity was formed at the surface by a coeval back-arc basin with prograded flysch and molasse deposits intercalated with volcanism, consanguineous with the magmatic arc plutonism, particularly well exposed in the São Gabriel Block. At the end of the Dom Feliciano and Ribeira belts orogenic events, possibly when they came together due to the tectonic transport of the Dom Feliciano Belt terrains by late-collisional transcurrent faults, the Gaúcho Shield in Rio Grande do Sul State was restructured in horsts and grabens by crustal stretching with deposition of molasses in the grabens during the Guaritas Post-Orogenic Event (<530 Ma). After the end of the Brasiliano Cycle in Rio Grande do Sul state the Gaúcho shield was reactivated by the Serra do Tupanci Anorogenic Event during the ordovician (ca. 465 Ma) by localized plutonic and hypabissal granitic intrusions associated to alkaline acid volcanism. After this event, tectonically stable platform conditions were reached in Rio Grande do Sul State, as atested by the Late Paleozoic Paraná Basin sequences, reactivated during the Mesozoic due to the Atlantic Ocean opening with the beginning of a new of a new Wilson cycle.
Hachiro, Jorge. "O Subgrupo Irati (Neopermiano) da Bacia do Paraná." Universidade de São Paulo, 1997. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44136/tde-11032013-164814/.
Full textAn accurate examination of the lrati Subgroup facies associations in the Paraná Basin (southwestern Gondwana) authorized the admission of a syneclise, concealed under an intracontinental sea. At the end of Eopermian, an eastward tilting of its occidental margin, led to a progressive migration of the depocenter toward the northeast and therefore, to a consequence engulfing of the sea water somewhere in the Gondwanian inland. Converging eustatic and tectonic factors commanded the capture of the lrati sea. They were related to the tardihercynian evolution of the Andean Cordillera during a probable phase of accretion of the Patagonian plate. A more continuous supply of the terrigenous sediment in the basin\'s centersouth promoted the appearance of betuminous shales under anoxic conditions. On the other hand, at the oriental border, an ecologic restraint set the basis for the accumulation of carbonate facies. The more the carbonate accumulation expanded, the less abundant terrigenous clastics became. Even though the eroded basin borders turned into a stillstand area, a feeding of fine-grained terrigenous material did not cease. Nevertheless, the process was ineffective in bringing about an equipoising for the slow subsidence and so, the syneclise ended up with a tendency toward a starved basin with minimal sedimentation rate. The dispersed and thinned sedimentation typical of the lrati Subgroup derived from an intracontinental sea installed on an shallow shelf and should be regarded as the most extensive isolation and stagnation event through all the Paraná Basin.
Canuto, Jose Roberto. "Origem dos diamictitos e de rochas associadas do subgrupo Itararé, no Sul do Estado do Paraná e Norte do Estado de Santa Catarina." Universidade de São Paulo, 1985. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/44/44132/tde-23042013-162900/.
Full textThe present dissertation aims to discuss the results of a project of study of the facies and probable origin of the Late Paleozoic diamictites from the Itararé Subgroup, cropping out in southern Paraná and northern Santa Catarina States and of some of the associated sediments. The study was based on the megascopic examination of structural, textural features and of the stratigraphic relationships, besides the paleontologica1 analysis of the diamictites, and of other sediments exposed in road cuts along BR- 116 (between km 174, in Paraná State and 26, in Santa Catarina State), BR-476 (between km 48 and 114) and BR-277 (between km 158 and 226), both in Paraná State, also informally designated as Campo do Tenente-Itaiópolis, Lapa-São Mateus do Sul and Palmeira - Irati sections, respectively. The Itararé Subgroup in the area corresponds to a sequence of up to 760 m, subdivided into the three formations, namely: Campo do Tenente (200 m), Mafra (310 m) and Rio do Sul (250 m). Diamictites are widespread in the three formations, where they may constitute the main component together with sandstones, shales, siltstones, varvites and rhythmites. Basically, the diamictites make up two groups, the massive or non-stratified and the stratified, the latter of more common occurrence. At least 11 different types of massive and stratified diamictites could be distinguished and characterized. On the basis of this, an atempt was made to interpret the sedimentary processes involved in deposition of the diamictites, their facies and probable paleoenvironment, in the light of published information mechanisms and models of glaciogenic sedimentation in terrestrial and marine realms, of the Cenozoic and recent glaciations. Information derived from palynological and micropaleontological analyses of samples of diamictites and other rocks have also been complementarely used. Massive diamictites include lodgement and basal tillites formed under terrestrial or subaquatic conditions. Stratification may appear in parts of the basal tillites but is more common feature of the several types of diamictites deposited by different mass gravity flow processes (e.g., debris f1ow \"s1urry\" flow, turbidity currents). These may also include bodies formed subaerially, but are mainly subaquatic, in part marine, as demonstrated by the associated fossils. Diamictites of the different facies compose at least three lithological associations, namely: a) terrestrial/grounded glacier, represented by lodgement tillites resting on polished, striated or sheared basement, or in lateral contact with fluvio-g1acial deposits; b) internal shelf/grounded glacier, which may also include lodgement or basal tillites overlying polished, finely striated and sheared basement, but recovered by subaquatic sediments, including marine ones; c) external shelf/basinal represented by glaciogenic mass gravity flow sediments, some thick and extensive, associated with marine shales and thick varvites. Though the associations do not occur exclusively in any of the three formations of the ltararé, in general terms, the terrestrial/grounded glacier type seems to predominate in the basal interval of the Itararé Subgroup (Campo do Tenente Formation) , which may also include internal shelf/grounded glacier facies. The second association seems to be more common in the middle part of the Itararé Subgroup and locally in its upper section (Mafra and Rio do Sul Formation). The Mafra Formation also exhibits 1oca1ly a set of facies assigned to external shelf/basinal association. Some features of the diamictites and associated sediments of the Rio do Sul Formation suggest reccurrence of the terrestrial/grounded glacier association in the upper part of the Itararé Subgroup. On the basis of the identification of lodgement or basal tillites overlying polished, striated or sheared basement, at least 6-7 glacier advances have been recognized along one profile (BR-116). Not all of these phase however could be recognized along the other sections studied. The ltararé Subgroup in the area is also notable by the occurrence of extensive and thick, fluvial or glacio-fluvial sandstone bodies, belonging to the Mafra Formation, but cutting down being included within sediments of the Campo do Tenente Formation. The most important of these is the Lapa sandstone, a long sinuous and discontinuous channell fill, in erosional contact on diamictites, trending initially from SE-NW, later inflecting towards N, along at least 60 km, originating close to the present basin margin as indicated by paleocurrent measurements, disappearing in the area to the NW of Lapa. Besides the sandstones, varvites were identified at several levels within the Itararé Subgroup. Through, in general restrict to the basal interval (Campo do Tenente Formation), in the sections examined, thick sections of this rock have been found intercalated with marine shales and siltstones and glaciogenic flows, in the middle upper part of the Mafra Formation. In this case, the genesis of this sediment would depend on large amount of melt water flowing into the depositional basin. Paleogeographically, the parallel disposition of the striae, paleocurrents, axes of the glacio - fluvial linear sandstone bodies, of the folds and drag-lineations due to mass gravity flow affecting the diamictites, all point out to their deposition, directly by the ice or as result of redeposition of glaciogenic sediments, either in terrestrial or in subaquatic, in part marine environment, according to the pa1eoslope and from a permanent source towards S and SE. Isopachs of the lower interval of the Itararé Subgroup show elongated sulci extending from the margin towards the basin interior, also trending parallel with the above directional features. These may correspond to valleys cut in the basement and modified by glacial erosion. In general terms the sedimentation of the lower interval of the ltararé Subgroup is interpreted as having occurred under predominant continental conditions, both terrestrial and subaquatic. Deposition of the middle and upper sections on the other based is interpreted as mostly subaquatic, probably marine, but including also recurrence of the terrestrial conditions of the glaciation. Abundant evidences of mass gravity flow of diamictites and associated sediments and intercalation of several marine sections in the Rio Negro-Mafra area, as well as the isopach map are suggestive of the presence of a sizeable marine water body covering this part of the Paraná Basin, during sedimentation of the middle section of the Itararé.
Gonçalves, Gislene Lopes. "Evolução dos fenótipos e estrutura do pelo em roedores : uma abordagem dos genes MC1r e Edar." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/142878.
Full textMorphological variation is present, in some way, in natural populations of all organisms, and is particularly evident in mammals, which has showed a high diversity on pelage coloration and hair structures among lineages. In this study, I investigated the role of the candidate genes Mc1r and Edar underlying morphological variation, such as on pigmentation and shape of modified guard-hairs (spines), respectively. Particularly, I characterized molecular variants of Mc1r for pale, brown and melanic phenotypes in the subteranean rodent lineage Ctenomyidae (tuco-tucos). Also, levels of Mc1r expression were analysed in those phenotypes for different body regions: dorsal, flank and ventral, as these regions had shown a gradient from dark to light coloration. High variability was observed in Mc1r sequences. However, changes could not be associated with any given phenotype in a causative way, indicating that variation in corresponding protein structure does not seems to be involved in determining coat color in tuco-tucos. Also, significant differences in levels of expression were not observed among phenotypes; however, distinct body regions showed significant differences across pale and brown specimens, except in the melanic form. I also investigated the rate and patterns of Mc1r evolution across nine mammal orders, including sequences from different lineages within each order, particularly rodents. The expected acceleration in the rate of substitution for the rodent lineage reported in previous studies (based on other nuclear genes) was tested using Mc1r data. Aditionally, the conservative degree throughout protein domains, as well as selective x pressures on such gene was analyzed. I observed a pattern of lineage-specific acceleration in mammals. Rodents did not show a conspicuous pattern of acceleration when compared to multiple groups, particularly when compared to several lineages within each of these groups. However, the results indicated that Mc1r is a fast evolved gene, as rates of non-synonymous substitution observed were similar to those reported for genes from the immune system. Also, a pattern of functional relaxation was evident for most of the protein domains, and four sites were under positive selection. Aditionally, I investigated the similarity of pelage and substrate coloration, and habitat characteristics in two pair of tuco-tuco species with convergent light (C. australis-C. flamarioni) and dark (C.talarum-C. minutus) phenotypes that occur in sympatry in coastal environments. Specifically, I characterized variation patterns of distribution and density of eumelanin and feumenalina deposited in individual hairs in dorsal, flank and ventral regions, as well as background characteristics (color of substrate and plant coverage). The results showed significant differences between light and dark phenotypes. Interestingly, similar mechanisms were observed to reach these phenotypes by a proportional increase in the length of the terminal and subterminal hair bands to generate light pelage and reduction, to produce dark ones. Also, different densities in hair and pelage, as well as substrate coloration between phenotypes were described. Not surprisingly, a strong association between substrate and pelage coloration among species was found, for either dorsal, flank or ventral comparisons. In addition, differences in vegetation coverage were observed across habitat, where a pattern of lesser coverage was evident in habitat of dunes, and greater in sandy fields. Together these results show similar independent mechanisms that generate xi similar phenotypes in the species surveyed. The criptic pattern evident in tuco-tucos clearly demonstrates the putative role of natural selection in shaping those forms. Finally, I investigated mutations in a highly pleiotropic gene and its associtation with morphological traits in hairs. Specifically, I worked with the Edar gene and its potential role in converting morphological guard hair features into spines and aristiformes hairs in different families of wild rodents. A broad scale approach in term of taxonomy, including major families with representative taxa of such phenotype was surveyed (Cricetidae, Echimyidae, Erethizontidae, Heteromyidae, Hystricidae and Muridae). A different pattern of spine/aristiform hairs was observed for each family, and two convergent traits were also identified, demonstrating a complex morphological evolution of modified guard-hairs. Four families (Cricetidae, Muridae, Echimyidae and Erethizontidae) showed unique amino acid changes in the corresponding taxa with spiny phenotype. Although some spiny taxa did not show amino acid changes, a role for Edar in shaping some morphological traits in guard-hairs was not completely ruled out. Nevertheless, similar to Mc1r, functional assays are needed to test differences in the receptors´activity for the amino acid replacements observed in these genes.
Decurcio, Rafael de Almeida. "Eficácia do tratamento da lesão endodôntica-periodontal frente à influência dos procedimentos endodônticos ou periodontais - revisão sistemática." Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2007. https://repositorio.ufu.br/handle/123456789/17054.
Full textAvaliou-se em estudos longitudinais a eficácia do tratamento da lesão endodôntica-periodontal, por meio de revisão sistemática. Utilizou-se de fontes de catalogação bibliográfica identificadas eletronicamente por MEDLINE, a partir de 1966 até 26 de março de 2007 e Cochrane Library, no mesmo período. Como estratégia de busca utilizou-se os termos endodontic-periodontal lesion or endodontic-periodontal lesions or endodontic periodontal lesion or endodontic periodontal lesions or endo-perio lesion or endo-perio lesions or endodontics periodontal lesion or endodontics periodontal lesions como palavras-chave. Os estudos foram selecionados por dois revisores, independentes, que também determinaram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. A busca apresentou 257 artigos relacionados, sendo que, destes, 55 artigos eram de revisão de literatura, 27 artigos relacionavam-se com estudos prospectivos, 70 estudos eram relatos de casos clínicos, 19 estudos foram desenvolvidos em animais e 25 envolveram estudos retrospectivos. Observou-se ausência de estudos longitudinais que satisfizessem os critérios de inclusão, com vistas à análise baseada em evidências. Contudo, frente à literatura aplicada verificou-se que o sucesso do tratamento das lesões endodônticas-periodontais está relacionado à breve identificação da etiologia, ao controle da microbiota presente, às características imunológicas do indivíduo, sendo que uma das estratégias e o possível prognóstico vincula-se à origem do processo infeccioso (endodôntico ou periodontal). Considerando a estimativa de êxito do sucesso clínico da lesão endodôntica-periodontal sugere-se um controle microbiano inicial na cavidade bucal, seguido pelo controle da microbiota endodôntica e, a seguir, a periodontal, para então realizar o tratamento. O sistema imunológico do indivíduo participa ativamente do processo como componente gerenciador.
Mestre em Odontologia
CONTRERAS, CARMONA JESÚS DEMETRIO. "PRESENCIA, USO Y SIMBOLISMO DEL PERRO DURANTE EL POSCLÁSICO TARDÍO EN EL CENTRO DE MÉXICO." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/95440.
Full textMARRON, TORRES GABRIELA 288851, and TORRES GABRIELA MARRON. "Correlación de la cinética de severidad de la enfermedad, conteo total de leucocitos y títulos IgG contra parvovirus canino en perros naturalmente infectados (vacunados y no Vacunados)." Tesis de maestría, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/98843.
Full textEl Parvovirus canino tipo 2, con sus variantes 2a, 2b y más recientemente 2c, es uno de los virus más importantes en perros cachorros, aunque puede afectar a perros de cualquier edad. Los cuadros clínicos característicos son de moderados a severos y se observa anorexia, vómito, diarrea de mucoide a sanguinolenta y alteraciones hematológicas como leucopenia. Diversos estudios reportan que la leucopenia es un buen marcador pronóstico, sin embargo, pocos estudios realizan cinéticas del conteo leucocitario. En cuanto al título de anticuerpos contra Parvovirus canino (PVC), diferentes autores reportan la importancia de títulos de anticuerpos considerados protectores, antes del contacto con el virus, para evitar que se desarrolle la enfermedad o que ésta sea grave y ponga en peligro la vida del perro, sin embargo, no se ha establecido la cinética de anticuerpos IgG contra PCV una vez establecida la infección. Actualmente, en México, no se han realizado estudios que evalúen las cinéticas de conteos leucocitarios, títulos de IgG contra parvovirus canino y los puntajes de la severidad de la enfermedad, en grupos de perros vacunados y no vacunados, por lo tanto en este estudio, se evaluaron estas variables en 56 perros que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, de los cuales 24 fueron vacunados y 32 no vacunados. Para obtener el puntaje de severidad, se utilizó la tabla modificada de Nakamura et al., en 2001. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas para ninguna variable entre los dos grupos. Sin embargo, al analizar los puntajes de severidad de la población total se observó que la enfermedad tiene un puntaje de severidad media, ya que 71% de los perros presentaron puntajes entre 6 a 10 puntos. Así mismo, perros que ingresen con un puntaje de severidad alto (11-15 puntos), tienen más probabilidades de morir (p<0.01). En cuanto al conteo de leucocitos, se observó que 27 de los 56 perros presentaron leucopenia al momento de ingresar a consulta y tuvieron más posibilidades de morir que perros con conteos leucocitarios dentro del intervalo normal (p<0.01). Para los títulos de IgG contra PVC, se determinó que los perros que ingresen con títulos iguales o mayores a 1:512 tienen mayor probabilidad de presentar un puntaje de severidad alto (p<0.05) y más probabilidades de morir (p<0.01).
Vieira, Priscila Oliveira. "¿\"Español sin fronteras\"? Ou entre fronteiras projetadas pelo imaginário e pelo real?" Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8145/tde-09112012-122007/.
Full textWe start this work from the assumption that the Spanish language (SL) is connected to the imaginary in which some statements repeatedly materialize themselves in certain discursive practices in school, giving to this language the status that we carectarize as non academic. According to this, we intend to analyze the senses that compose this imaginary in the school enunciation through an important element in the teaching-learning process: the textbook. To do so, we select as our study central object a SL collection of teaching materials which has expressive presence in primary school in Brazil: the Español sin fronteras (ESF) Spanish without borders collection, released in 1996 and republished in 2002 and 2007, by Scipione publishers. We adopt the French Discourse Analisis theory and, from this perspective, we put the referred collection in relation with its production conditions, in a broad sense; therefore, this analysis also covers the gesture of stablishing relations with senses series constituted in the functioning of discoursive memory about Spanish in Brazil, and in a specific way, referring to its teaching-learning process in school. To develop this analysis, we organize this dissertation in two parts. In the first one, we analyse how the SL signifies in the legal files, in a selection that refers specifically to teaching foreign languages in school and restrictively to the Spanish language. Besides, we identify senses series in the functioning of discoursive memory about SL and we interpret them on basis of introductory texts (paratexts) in certain language instruments, some of what we believe that have also had expressive presence in teaching this language at school between the 1930s and 1980s. In the second part we focus on our central object, the ESF collection, in its republished versions our starting point being its three paratexts (title, covers and introduction) in order to analyse how the SL is (re)signified. Through the study performed in the two first parts we will be able, on the one hand, to observe that in the constitution of the discoursive memory about the Spanish teachinglearning process in Brazil, the senses of informality and being easy have historically predominated; and on the other hand we consider that such senses would allow us to understand why, in the space of school enunciation, even in times in which this language is proclaimed as a vehicular one, it does not affiliate itself to a school subject status and because of that it does not get to occupy the place of a school subject in this space.
Shi, Xiao. "Fossil plants and environmental changes during the Permian-Triassic transition in Northwest China." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066588.
Full textPermian-Triassic transition is an important period in the Earth’s history. The end-Permian mass extinction is the Earth's most severe known extinction event. Previous studies mainly focused on the biotic events in the ocean. Recently more and more researches on the terrestrial events during the Permian-Triassic transition attracted many attentions. The Junggar and Turpan basins of Northwest China command a unique and significant position in the study of terrestrial Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) events as it contains well and continuously exposed PTB sections. The lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and cyclostratigraphy have been well established in the two basins. The problem we are trying to solve, based on paleobotanical studies associated with sedimentological analyses, is the environmental changes during the Permian-Triassic transition in the research area.The terrestrial facies in the Dalongkou section on the south flank of Junggar Basin and the Taoshuyuan section on the north flank of Turpan Basin have been selected as the researching ones for this thesis. The Permian-Triassic transition strata have been included in the “Wutonggou”, “Guodikeng” and “Jiucaiyuan” formations. Abundant fossil woods and plant impressions have been discovered and collected in these sections. Detailed sedimentary logs of the sections were drawn. The approach that we adopt to recognize the environmental changes is the fossil wood and plant impression species, growth-ring pattern, and sedimentary facies analysis.Five genera and six species of fossil woods were discovered. We establish three new genera: Junggaropitys, Xinjiangoxylon and a new genus (submitted for publication). The CSDM (Cumulative Sum of the Deviation from Mean diameter) curve was used to analyse the growth rings to determine the intraseasonal conditions and leaf longevity patterns of the trees. We recognise that Junggaropitys dalongkouensis is evergreen, and the leaf longevity may be 3–6 years; XTT-C-4 gen. et sp. nov. is evergreen too, and the leaf longevity may be 3 to 15 years. Septomedullopitys, Junggaropitys, Xinjiangoxylon and XTT-C-4 gen. nov. all show a Protophyllocladoxylon-type secondary xylem. According to palaeobiogeographic analysis, the Protophyllocladoxylon-type woods distributed mainly in the cool temperate climate zone of the southern hemisphere, various climate zones of the northern hemisphere and equatorial zone during the Late Paleozoic. The results of fossil woods analysis obtained in this research shows the climate in the Junggar terrane around the PTB was warm and humid and the temperature and precipitation remained relatively stable. It did not exist a heavy dryness in the earliest Triassic. Meanwhile, the Palaeo-Tethys megamonsoons did not influence the Junggar terrane along the east coast of mid-latitude Pangaea. Combined with the previously reported fossil woods, it shows that the climate had no prominent change from the Middle Permian to earliest Triassic.Plant fossil analysis show that the numbers of plant genera and species gradually decreased from 26 genera and 53 species in the Wuchiapingian, to 10 genera and 15 species in the Changhsingian, and only 6 genera and 7 species in the Induan. The trend in the plant assemblage reduction in the Junggar and Turpan basins appears to be indicative of a long, protracted extinction process that may have started well before the Permian-Triassic boundary. During the plant recovery period, the lycopsids (Annalepis) and ferns (Neocalamites and Pecopteris) played roles of pioneer species during the plant recovery period
二叠-三叠纪之交是地球历史上的关键时期。发生在二叠纪末期的大灭绝事件是最严重的生物灭绝事件。前人对此次灭绝事件的研究主要集中于海洋生物的变化,近年来越来越多的研究开始关注于这一时期陆地生态系统的变化。 位于中国西北部的准噶尔盆地和吐鲁番盆地出露了完整的陆相二叠-三叠系界线附近地层,因此在这一研究方面具有独特的优势。前期研究中在这一个地区建立了良好的岩石地层,生物地层和旋回地层格架。本文将集中解决二叠-三叠纪之交研究区的环境变化问题。我们选择了位于准噶尔盆地南缘的大龙口剖面和吐鲁番盆地北缘的桃树园剖面,两个陆相地层剖面作为论文的研究对象。在这一区域,二叠-三叠系之交地层是由梧桐沟组,锅底坑组和韭菜园组组成。我们在大龙口剖面和桃树园剖面二叠-三叠系地层中发现了大量木化石和植物印模化石,对剖面绘制了详细的地层柱状图。我们鉴定了木化石和植物印模化石种属,木化石年轮类型,分析了沉积相变化,进而用来识别研究区的环境变化。 我们对所采集到的130块木化石进行了切片,通过生物显微镜对其解剖结构进行研究,共发现了木化石5属6种,包括建立的三个新属:Junggaropitys,Xinjiangoxylon和 XTT-C-4 gen. nov.(还在审稿中)。这三个属均具有内始式的初生木质部和Protophyllocladoxylon 型次生木质部,其中Junggaropitys具有同质但异细胞的髓部;Xinjiangoxylon拥有具薄壁细胞和分泌管的髓部;XTT-C-4 gen. nov.的髓部中具有独特的板状支撑结构。我们应用CSDM曲线(平均值偏差累计曲线)分析木化石的年轮用以识别其生长季的条件和叶的寿命。CSDM曲线分析表明Junggaropitys dalongkouensis为一种常绿植物,叶的寿命为3-6年;XTT-C-4 gen. et sp. nov.也为常绿植物,叶的寿命3-15年。Septomedullopitys, Junggaropitys, Xinjiangoxylon和XTT-C-4 gen. nov.四个属的木化石均展示出Protophyllocladoxylon型次生木质部。我们对晚古生代全球发现的具有Protophyllocladoxylon型次生木质部的木化石进行了生物古地理分析,我们发现,在晚古生代,具有Protophyllocladoxylon型次生木质部植物,在南半球仅分布在冷温带地区;而在北半球和赤道地区,其分布在不同的气候带。对木化石的分析显示准噶尔地块在二叠-三叠系界线附近古气候温暖湿润,温度和降雨量相对稳定;古特提斯洋巨季风没有影响到东岸的泛大陆中纬度地区。结合前人对这一地区其他木化石研究,我们认为研究区的古气候自中二叠世至早三叠世早期没有显著的变化。植物化石分析显示,植物种属由吴家坪期的26属53种逐渐减少到长兴期的10属15种再到早三叠世印度期的6属7种。在准噶尔盆地和吐鲁番盆地,二叠-三叠系之交,植物显示了一个长时间的逐渐灭绝的过程。通过对比白垩纪-第三纪植物灭绝事件和现代恶劣环境下植物恢复的实例,我们发现石松类(脊囊属)和蕨类(新芦木属和栉羊齿属)在植物复苏阶段扮演着先驱分子的角色。我们对大龙口剖面,桃树园A和C剖面进行了沉积相分析。在大龙口剖面我们识别出4个主要的沉积相。梧桐沟组上部主要由辫状河相,短暂的河流系统或湖和冲积平原相组成。锅底坑组为湖(或池塘)相和洪泛平原相沉积。韭菜园组主要由冲积平原和湖(或池塘)相沉积组成。在桃树园地区,梧桐沟组上部至锅底坑组底部的一套地层主要是湖(或池塘)相和洪泛平原相沉积。锅底坑组下部为一套辫状河沉积。而锅底坑组上部为冲积平原和湖(或池塘)相沉积。韭菜园组主要为辫状河和洪泛平原沉积。对碎屑岩的样品岩相学分析显示跨越二叠-三叠系界线,沉积物物源一致。其中火山碎屑物来源于多个火山源。大龙口剖面和桃树园剖面在界线附近沉积物的物源保持一致,这说明,这两个剖面在二叠-三叠系之交时期处于同一个盆地,而博格达山隆起晚于这一时间。灰岩样品指示了湖泊环境的沉积。二叠纪末期的植物灭绝降低了河岸的强度,增加了坡地的沉积物的提供,进而增加了河道中沉积物的卸载。这导致了研究区在吴家坪期和长兴期界线附近和早三叠世的两次沉积相的改变。
Grechinski, Silvia Turra. "A decisão pelo aborto." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1884/36023.
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