Academic literature on the topic 'In perlo'
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Journal articles on the topic "In perlo"
Nass, H. G., H. W. Johnston, E. Hansel, R. Blatt, C. Caldwell, J. E. Peill, and R. B. Walton. "Perlo winter wheat." Canadian Journal of Plant Science 71, no. 2 (April 1, 1991): 527–30.
Full textCarstens, Adelia. "Richard M. Perlo.: Persuading people to have safer sex." Information Design Journal 12, no. 3 (December 20, 2004): 233–36.
Full textJohn, Roy. ""Birds of Brazil" by Ber van Perlo. 2009. [book review]." Canadian Field-Naturalist 123, no. 3 (July 1, 2009): 268.
Full textHenderson, A. C., and R. S. Williams. "A new record of the sharpnose seven-gill shark Heptranchias perlo, from the north-east Atlantic." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81, no. 4 (August 2001): 707–8.
Full textMOORHEAD, JOHN. "Kinship and Killing: The Animal in World Religions - By Katherine Wills Perlo." Journal of Religious History 35, no. 3 (August 17, 2011): 458–59.
Full textFerrando, Sara, Lorenzo Gallus, Andrea Amaroli, Chiara Gambardella, Baradi Waryani, Davide Di Blasi, and Marino Vacchi. "Gross anatomy and histology of the olfactory rosette of the shark Heptranchias perlo." Zoology 122 (June 2017): 27–37.
Full textShipley, Oliver, Brendan Talwar, Dean Grubbs, and Edward Brooks. "Isopods present on deep-water sharks Squalus cubensis and Heptranchias perlo from The Bahamas." Marine Biodiversity 47, no. 3 (June 18, 2016): 789–90.
Full textMockevičienė, Lina. "Zlynda – naujos kartos progestogeninis kontraceptinis preparatas." Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynecology 24, no. 4 (December 22, 2021): 343–46.
Full textKryukova, Nadezhda V., and Alexander N. Kuznetsov. "Suboccipital muscle of sharpnose sevengill shark Heptranchias perlo and its possible role in prey dissection." Journal of Morphology 281, no. 8 (June 17, 2020): 842–61.
Full textPalm, H. "Cestodes parasites dËélasmobranches Heptranchias perlo et Deania du banc Meteor, Atlantique centre-est." Aquatic Living Resources 14, no. 2 (April 2001): 137–44.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "In perlo"
Perlo, Juan [Verfasser]. "Single-Sided NMR Tomography / Juan Perlo." Aachen : Shaker, 2006.
Full textJaved, Aqib. "UHRF1, an epigenetic target for an anti-cancer strategy." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textUHRF1 has been identified as a druggable epigenetic target for cancer therapy as it is overexpressed in many cancers promoting hypermethylation/silencing of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs), which lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation. This thesis aimed to investigate the anticancer potential of UHRF1-SRA inhibitors (AMSA2, MPB7 and UM63), and to explore their mechanism of action as well as their selectivity towards cancer cells. Using multiple cell and molecular biology techniques, we revealed that these compounds exert anticancer activity. They prevent co-localization of UHRF1/DNMT1 tandem and also downregulate their protein levels which lead to a decrease in global DNA methylation. Furthermore, a significant arrest in cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle was observed, followed by an upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins resulting in apoptosis. Methylome analysis revealed that these inhibitors decreased the hypermethylation at TSGs, reactivating their onco-protective role. Interestingly, these compounds exerted minimal impact on non-cancerous cells, validated in both 2D and 3D cell culture conditions
Vernet, Florian. "Edition critique d'un texte occitan du XVIIe siècle "La perlo dey musos et coumedies prouvensalo" de Gaspard Zerbin, réalisée d'après l'édition de Jean Roize, à Aix, MDCLV." Nice, 1992.
Full text"the pearl of the muses and provencal comedies" by gaspard zerbin (1590-1650?) a lawyer who lived in aix en provence, was first published in 1655. It consist of five comedies in verse written in provencal occasionally blended with standard and local french. (43) the farce is typical of the carnaval feasts and, through the mixed influences of the humanist comedies and the commedia dell'arte, gives to a unique masterpiece loaded with all the material of the comedy of manners, including constant burlesque. (40) this satiric and parodic play - a counter-text in which the diglossia is constantly made clear - is a guide for the history of the language, for the story of the culture of occitania in the baroque period and of the theatre in france. (42) it can be regarded as the utmost outcome of the creativity of the first provencal renaissance. Although it did not give birth to a new generation of plays, it definitely stands as the starting point of the trend that was to resist the decline of the specific culture of occitania and the triumphant vawes of classiscism. (56)
Spillman, Craig W. (Craig Warren). "An Historical Analysis of the Published Works of Fritz Perls." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1989.
Full textCuba, Cárdenas Roddy Osnar. "Análisis comparativo entre los pernos cementados e hydrabolt en el sostenimiento para labores de 3*3 de sección en la Mina Azulcocha Mining S.A. Concepción – Junín 2017." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Continental, 2017.
Full textTesis
Oliveira, Joana Isabel Remoaldo. "Lesões endo-perio." Master's thesis, [s.n.], 2014.
Full textIntrodução: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de uma revisão de literatura sobre a doença endo-perio. Nesta medida, foram exploradas as relações biológicas entre a polpa e o periodonto, nomeadamente as vias de comunicação existentes, os fatores que contribuem para o seu aparecimento, persistência e/ou agravamento, tendo sido sublinhados os factores etiológicos e a influência da patologia pulpar no periodonto e viceversa. Foram, também, referidas as principais classificações das lesões endo-perio e a problemática do diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico dos dentes envolvidos. Materiais e métodos: Esta revisão foi realizada com o limite temporal de 1975 a 2014, recorrendo ao motor de busca Google e às bases de dados Medline/ PubMed, B-on, Science direct, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: endo-perio lesions, classification of endo-perio lesion, microbiology, pathways of communication, diagnosis in endoperio lesions, treatment of endo-perio lesions. Após a leitura dos resumos, a seleção dos artigos foi efectuada de acordo com a especificidade do tema e com os limites temporais acima referidos. Foram, ainda, consultados livros na área de Endodontia na biblioteca da FCS-UFP. Os critérios de exclusão dos artigos foram os artigos pagos e aos quais não se obteve resposta por parte dos seus autores e os que não abordassem directamente o tema em estudo. Resultados: Na literatura consultada, a principal causa apontada para as lesões é de origem microbiana: a microbiologia de lesões endo-perio combinadas, dominada por anaeróbios facultativos e/ou obrigatórios, reflete a microbiota da lesão endodôntica e periodontal em separado e permite infeção cruzada entre o canal radicular e a bolsa periodontal. Os tratamentos endodônticos inadequados, as infiltrações coronais, o atraso da colocação da restauração definitiva, as características anátomo-morfológicas do sistema de canais radiculares, as obturações anteriores, as técnicas de instrumentação e de obturação e a escolha dos materiais, são factores amplamente referidos na literatura que influenciam as falhas do tratamento. Enquanto a polpa mantém funções vitais, mesmo com infeção, a probabilidade desta causar problemas no periodonto é baixa; pelo contrário, a necrose pulpar já é, frequentemente, associada a inflamação do tecido periodontal. Conclusões: Como principal conclusão, deve ser salientado o facto da polpa e do periodonto se constituírem como uma unidade biológica contínua, com múltiplas vias de comunicação, pelo que as doenças pulpares e as doenças periodontais podem influenciarse mutuamente. Pode, igualmente, ser realçado que as doenças endodôntica, periodontal e endodôntica- -periodontal podem apresentar os mesmos sintomas, aspectos radiográficos e sinais clínicos muito semelhantes, sendo que o tratamento e o prognóstico dependem, em primeiro lugar, do diagnóstico da doença endodôntica e/ou periodontal específica, pelo que os principais fatores a considerar na tomada de decisão do tratamento devem ser a vitalidade pulpar e também o tipo e extensão da doença periodontal. A classificação mais utilizada pela maioria dos autores e nos livros da área é a de Simon et al. 1972, que se baseia nos fatores etiológicos e descreve o desenvolvimento deste tipo de lesões; no entanto, os seus fatores etiológicos e os seus padrões patológicos são muito diversos, facto que, ainda, não permitiu o aparecimento de uma classificação totalmente satisfatória. Introduction: This study aimed to conduct a literature review regarding the perio-endo disease. To this extent, the biological relationship between the pulp and the periodontium were explored, including the existing means of communication, the factors that contribute to its onset, persistence and / or worsening, and highlighting the etiological factors and the influence of pulp pathology in the periodontium and vice versa. The main classifications of endo-perio lesions were presented along with the problem of diagnosing, treating and the prognosis of teeth involved. Materials and Methods: This review was performed with the time limit of 1975 to 2014, using the search engine Google and several databases such as Medline / PubMed, B-on, ScienceDirect using the following keywords: endo-perio lesions, classification of endoperio lesion, microbiology, pathways of communication, diagnosis in endo-perio lesions, treatment of endo-perio lesions. After reading the abstracts, the selection of articles was performed according to the specificity of the topic and the time limits mentioned above. Books in the field of endodontics were also consulted in the FCSUFP library. Excluding criteria was used on articles that needed purchase and to which there was no response on the part of their authors and on the ones that didn’t directly address the topic under study. Results: In this review, the main reason given for the lesions is of microbial origin: the microbiology of combined endo-perio lesions that are dominated by facultative and / or strict anaerobes, reflects the microbiota of endodontic and periodontal lesion separately and allows cross-infection between the root canal and the periodontal pocket. Inadequate endodontic treatment, coronal leakage, delay placing the final restoration, the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the root canal system, previous fillings, technical instrumentation and obturation, and the choice of materials, are widely referred to factors in literature that influence treatment failures. As long as the pulp retains vital functions, even when infected, the likelihood of this infection causing problems in the periodontium is low; in contrast, pulp necrosis is often associated with tissue inflammation of the periodontium. Conclusions: As the main conclusion, it should be emphasized that the pulp and periodontium are constituted as a continuous biological unit, with multiple communication paths, so the pulp diseases and periodontal diseases can have a mutual influence. It may also be noted that the endodontic, periodontal and endodontic-periodontal diseases may present the same symptoms, radiographic features and similar clinical signs, therefore the treatment and prognosis depend, firstly on the diagnosis of the specific endodontic and/or periodontal disease, and the main factors to consider in making the decision to treat should be the pulp vitality and also the type and extent of periodontal disease. The classification used by the majority of authors and books in the area is that of Simon et al. 1972, which is based on etiological factors and describes the development of such injuries; however, their etiological factors and their pathological patterns are very diverse, which makes it difficult to have a fully satisfactory classification.
Amieva, Garza Debbie. "Manual de rehabilitación y fisioterapia del miembro pelviano en perros (con pérdida de masa muscular)." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2016.
Full textCervantes, Oliveros Pilar. "Parámetros morfométricos de la uretra del macho canino." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2018.
Full textThe male urethra binds the urinary with the reproductive tract, this structure has been described as a cylinder divided into a pelvic and a peneal portions. There are descriptions of many pathologies affecting the male urethra of dogs, however, the most commonly reported is the obstruction by uroliths. The aim of this study was to measure the caliber of the urethra at different sites by means of a corrosion cast model with epoxy resin and to analyze where are the narrowings of this structure which can be more affected for this obstructions.
Prokop, Ursula. "Rudolf Perco 1884-1942 : Von der Architektur des Roten Wien zur NS-Megalomanie /." Wien : Böhlau, 2001.
Full textSamaniego, Velásquez Nathaly Melissa. "Surgimiento, recursos y estrategias de un líder para lograr mantenerse en el poder : el caso del distrito de La Perla." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015.
Full textTesis
Books on the topic "In perlo"
Čechavičius, Rimantas. Dieviško perlo šviesa. Vilnius: Medinių konstrukcijų techninis centras, 2006.
Find full textPerlo, Victor. People vs. profits: Columns of Victor Perlo. New York: International Publishers, 2003.
Find full textSyrotynsʹka, Natali͡a. Perlo mnohotsinnoi︠e︡: Muzychno-poetychnyĭ svit bohorodychnoï hymnohrafiï : monohrafii︠a︡. Lʹviv: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ Teti︠u︡k T.V., 2014.
Find full textPerlo, Victor. People vs. profits: Columns of Victor Perlo : 1961-1999, volume 1, the home front. New York, NY: International Publishers, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "In perlo"
Gooch, Jan W. "Perlon." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 526. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Full textJoy, Mike, Stephen Jarvis, and Michael Luck. "Perl." In Introducing UNIX and Linux, 239–57. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2002.
Full textWalter, Thomas. "Perl." In Kompendium der Web-Programmierung, 125–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textKofler, Michael. "Perl." In MySQL, 365–96. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2001.
Full textWünschiers, Röbbe. "Perl." In Computational Biology —, 221–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
Full textKofler, Michael. "Perl." In The Definitive Guide to MySQL, 495–521. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2004.
Full textWünschiers, Röbbe. "Perl." In Computational Biology, 255–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textbin Uzayr, Sufyan. "Regular Expressions in Perl." In Mastering Perl, 141–76. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textbin Uzayr, Sufyan. "File Handling in Perl." In Mastering Perl, 109–40. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textbin Uzayr, Sufyan. "Control Flow in Perl." In Mastering Perl, 77–108. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "In perlo"
Tang, Audrey. "Perl 6." In the 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.
Full textGoyeneche-Giraldo, Eugenia, Maria Raquel Paladines-Ruiz, Gabriela Valentina Quintero-Rojas, and Maria Camila Torres-Galvez. "Perro viajero en Choachi." In Encuentros Diseño Social RAD 2022. Bogotá & Barranquilla, Colombia: Red Académica de Diseño - RAD, 2023.
Full text"PerLS'19: PerLS'19 - Third International Workshop on Pervasive Smart Living Spaces - Program." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). IEEE, 2019.
Full textPereira, Tyarles Roberto Corriel, ANA CLARA ESPINDULA, BRENDA CHRISTIAN PATRICIO DE OLIVEIRA, and MARIA LAURA PEREIRA NAVES. "DESAFIOS ENCONTRADOS POR GESTANTES QUE DECIDIRAM PELO PARTO VAGINAL PELO SUS." In I Congresso Nacional de Integração em Saúde Online: um olhar sobre os sistemas primário, secundário e terciário. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2023.
Full textMünzberger, Josef. "Dantovo Peklo jako ArcGIS StoryMap." In Juniorstav. Brno: Fakulta stavebni VUT v Brne, 2022.
Full textCaires Abdalla, Carla. "Minha jornada pelo doutorado." In III Encontro Cultura e Consumo Brasil. ,: Even3, 2020.
Full textKoyanagi, Fernando. "IoT customizada pelo usuário." In Fórum Nacional Indústria 4.0: Estamos Preparados? Sorocaba, São Paulo: Even3, 2020.
Full textCoelho, Henrique, and Fernanda Canedo. "Hepatite pelo vírus C." In XVI Semana Brasileira do Aparelho Digestivo. Editora Manole, 2017.
Full textde Melo, Adriana Zenaide Vieira. "ALFABETIZANDO PELO MOVIMENTO (LAZ." In I Congresso Internacional Schoenstatt de Educação: Abordagens e Inovações Educacionais. Helio Hiroshi Suguimoto, 2016.
Full textBelém, Luciana Araújo. "VIAGEM PELO RIO ANDIRÁ." In I Congresso Brasileiro Multidisciplinar de Saúde e Comunidade On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "In perlo"
Wangge, Grace, and Lucky Susanto. Mengapa eco-anxiety perlu lebih sering diperbincangkan? Edited by Sri Hastjarjo. Monash University, October 2024.
Full textHargeaves, C. Accounting Data to Web Interface Using PERL. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2001.
Full textCerón, Diana, David Hernández Benítez, Katia Michelle Zayas Ferral, Mariano Flores, and Sagrario Lobato Huerta. Heridas por mordedura de perro en Amozoc, México 2022. Buenos Aires:, March 2024.
Full textAyala-García, Jhorland. La salud en Colombia : más cobertura pero menos acceso. Bogotá, Colombia: Banco de la República, July 2014.
Full textEbling, Maurício. Serviços públicos digitais: guiados pelo usuário ou pela burocracia? Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap), May 2023.
Full textCIFOR. Hutan dan Biofuel: apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para pembuat kebijakan. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
Full textCIFOR. Hutan dan air: apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para pembuat kebijakan. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
Full textCIFOR. Hutan dan jender: apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para pembuat kebijakan. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
Full textSambony, Evelin, Camila Andrea Domínguez Casas, Manuel Fernando Cuellar Esquivel, Gabriel Antonio Bohórquez, and María Angélica Cardozo Niño. El Rol del Perro en Personas con Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático. Dirección de Educación Policial, Policía Nacional de Colombia, November 2024.
Full textCIFOR. Hutan, pangan dan penghidupan: apa yang perlu diketahui oleh para pembuat kebijakan. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
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