Academic literature on the topic 'Impératifs'
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Journal articles on the topic "Impératifs"
Youssi, Abderrahim. "Impératifs linguistiques, inerties socioculturelles." Langage et société 143, no. 1 (2013): 27.
Full textTobelem, Jean-Michel. "Musées locaux et impératifs gestionnaires." Culture & Musées 2, no. 1 (2003): 79–99.
Full textTRIKI, Hiba, Sana BEKRI, Imen SADOURI, Najla TAKTAK, and Lamia MANSOUR. "Domaines d’utilisation des contre plaques." Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques, no. 289 (April 2018): 2.
Full textNurhayati, Eria, Isda Pramuniati, and Rabiah Adawi. "ANALYSE DU VERBE IMPÉRATIF DANS LE TEXTE INJONCTIF DANS LA RECETTE DE CUISINE." HEXAGONE Jurnal Pendidikan, Linguistik, Budaya dan Sastra Perancis 5, no. 1 (June 28, 2016): 45.
Full textSultan, Catherine. "Trois impératifs à la continuité des parcours." Les Cahiers Dynamiques 67, no. 1 (2016): 42.
Full textGrandjean, Alain. "Adapter la gouvernance budgétaire aux impératifs écologiques." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 102, no. 2 (March 19, 2021): 36–39.
Full textFLORICIC, Franck. "Les impératifs italiens entre verbe et interjection." Écho des études romanes 3, no. 1-2 (June 11, 2007): 71–92.
Full textLéger, P. "Chirurgie coronaire mini-invasive: les impératifs anesthésiques." RBM-News 20 (October 1998): 31–33.
Full textIraqui, Omar, Salwa Berrada, Nadia Merzouk, and Ahmed Abdedine. "Guide antérieur, impératifs physiologiques et restauration prothétique." Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques, no. 245 (March 2009): 83–98.
Full textLafond, Claudette. "La résistance actuelle." Filigrane 17, no. 2 (November 20, 2008): 6–18.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Impératifs"
Guerte, Yves. "Dérivation de programmes impératifs à partir de spécifications algébriques." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 1996.
Full textBain-Thouverez, Justine. "L’intégrité du déchet face aux impératifs environnementaux et économiques." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Full textWaste was previously apprehended along the classic summa division of public and private law while concealing its environmental dimension. This traditional distinction has been called into question ever since the notion of waste has gradually expanded in view of economic and environmental issues. The unity of the notion of waste around his inherent parts is now necessary. The ambivalent nature of waste dictates us to go further than this division of law. In order to respect waste’s integrity and its true nature, environmental law must work together with other branches of law towards a co-production that implies mutual constraints. Defining the different ways these legal disciplines collaborate constitutes the study’s objective. These are founded on one hand, on waste management’s integration into market laws, ensuring the meeting of environmental and economical considerations and on the other hand, on the application of competition law to waste management when practices integrate an environmental aspect. Only once the interactions between environmental and economical imperatives are defined can waste’s unity be recognised
Bourdoncle, François Jérôme. "Sémantiques des langages impératifs d'ordre superieur et interprétation abstraite." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 1992.
Full textIhsen, Saad. "Conception d'un système d'aide à l'ordonnancement tenantcompte des impératifs économiques." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2007.
Full textPonsini, Olivier. "Des programmes impératifs vers la logique équationnelle pour la vérification." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2005.
Full textTahar, Chloé. "La négation explétive : des impératifs aux connecteurs : approche diachronique et formelle." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2022.
Full textExpletive negation is a non-canonical negation marker whose distribution is limited, across languages, to a certain set of predicates: apprehensive attitude verbs (‘fear’) exceptive (‘unless’) and prospective connectives (‘before’), comparative clauses (‘more/ less than’). In synchrony, it proves difficult to determine (i) which formal property the heterogeneous set of predicates in the scope of which expletive negation occurs have in common and (ii) which kind of syntactic and semantic dependency to the matrix clause predicate it is involved in. This dissertation investigates those questions from a comparative and diachronic perspective
Saad, Ihsen. "Conception d'un système d'aide à l'ordonnancement tenant compte des impératifs économiques." Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2007.
Full textOur works deal with the implementation of methodologies for production resolution and optimization taking into consideration economic imperatives, which are important parts in industrial manufacturing control. For the flexible job-shop problem, five criteria are considered : Makespan, the workload of the critical machine, the total workload of machines, the penalties of earliness/tardiness and the production cost. In this direction, the decision and evaluation problems are introduced and studied, and three integrated approaches, based on genetic algorithms, improving evolutionary approaches which exist in the literature, are presented : static method based on Choquet's integral, approached method based on the Pareto-optimality concept as well as the method based on the concept of ε-dominance Pareto-optimality. The proposed approaches are used to generate a variety of optimal solutions needed to help the decision-maker, when he can not give a particular preference to one of the objective functions. Proposed results, obtained globally for the overall of criteria, are successfully compared with those obtained by other existing approaches on several benchmarks presenting different complexities
Pietrancosta, Alain. "Le droit des sociétés sous l'effet des impératifs financiers et boursiers." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textMakaga, Pea Vivien Patrice. "La souveraineté des Etats africains au 21e siècle : impératifs et menaces." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018.
Full textColonization then independence require a deep knowledge of Africa in all its geographic, historical, demographic, ethnic, religious and political diversity. Where does Africa stand today as regards economic and political freedom and good governance? Independence has not been given to the people but was rather entrusted to the independence opponents and was maintained in their hands for almost 50 years. Power which is the independence’s concrete expression and sovereignty its symbol have been diverted and given to individuals chosen by the colonial power. Hence, through an intermediary, the colonizer was still in fact managing people’s fate. In order to free itself from dependence, Africa shall supply a tremendous effort by gathering its intellectual, spiritual, moral, material and scientific strengths. Since models cannot be copied, Africa-in order to achieve its goal-will have to build its own patterns from scratch and tailor them to suit various societies. Such models shall be implemented by national and local innovative stakeholders as well as States so-called “nurseryman”. By doing so, the youth will develop themselves through training, funding, organizational and association systems altogether constituent of ecosystem and mutual dependence within African territories. Digital revolution, information technologies and communication have been a game-changer both in Africa and in the rest of the world. Civil society rise in power by the assertion of people’s power is now manifest
Rakibi, Amal. "L' utilisation duale des technologies spatiales : entre impératifs sécuritaires et émancipation commerciale." Paris 11, 2009.
Full textBooks on the topic "Impératifs"
Laplante, Jacques. Psychothérapies & impératifs sociaux: Les enjeux de la connaissance de soi. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 1995.
Find full textLaplante, Jacques. Psychothérapies & Impératifs sociaux: Les enjeux de la connaissances de soi. Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1995.
Find full textBarker, Kathryn Chang. L' alphabétisation des adultes au Canada en 1992: Initiatives, questions et impératifs : rapport. Ottawa, Ont: Comité directeur de la prospérité, 1992.
Find full textLes finances publiques et les impératifs de la performance: Le cas du Maroc. Paris: Harmattan, 2011.
Find full textThil, Adolphe. Construire l'avenir, la nouvelle donne!: Urgences et impératifs = Building up the future, the new deal! : emergencies and demands. Paris: Officine, 2010.
Find full textStout, Mark. Exploiting the new high resolution satellite imagery : Darwinian imperatives? =: L'exploitation de la nouvelle imagerie satellitaire haute résolution : des impératifs darwiniens? Ottawa, Ont: Canadian Security Intelligence Service = Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité, 1998.
Find full textAbichou, Ali. La circulation en Europe des ressortissants des pays tiers: Entre les impératifs de sécurité intérieure et les respects des droits fondamentaux. Lille: ANRT. Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2004.
Find full textMichel, Tremblay. L' impératif présent. Montréal, Québec: Leméac, 2003.
Find full textImpératif technologique ou déclin économique. Paris: Harmattan, 2005.
Find full text1958-, Baptista João, ed. Croître: Un impératif pour l'entreprise. Paris: Village Mondial, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Impératifs"
Franck, Floricic. "Impératif et ‹Mot Minimal› en catalan." In Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románica, edited by Emili Casanova and Cesáreo Calvo, 551–64. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2013.
Full text"Durand: Colonisation et impératifs internationaux." In Constructing International Law, edited by Miloš Vec and Luigi Nuzzo, 403–28. Klostermann, 2012.
Full textMuller, Charles. "À propos de quelques impératifs." In Les formes du sens, 275. De Boeck Supérieur, 1996.
Full textGervais, Julie. "Chapitre 5. Desseins privés versus impératifs publics." In L’impératif managérial, 185–226. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
Full textVallat, Jean. "Autonomie des petites régions et impératifs économiques." In L’homme inachevé, 159–69. Graduate Institute Publications, 1987.
Full text"Perspectives de croissance et impératifs budgétaires à long terme." In Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE. OECD, 2013.
Full text"Perspectives de croissance et impératifs budgétaires à long terme." In Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Volume 2014 Issue 1. OECD, 2014.
Full textMarx-Scouras, Danielle. "« On tue des instituteurs » : Camus et les impératifs pédagogiques." In Albert Camus et les écritures du xxe siècle, 297–309. Artois Presses Université, 2003.
Full textGervais, Julie. "Chapitre 3. Les grandes Écoles entre impératifs ministériels et enjeux d’internationalisation." In L’impératif managérial, 111–46. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
Full textLaude, Laëtitia, Lucie Michel, and François-Xavier Schweyer. "4. Comment les professionnels de santé s’approprient-ils les impératifs gestionnaires ?" In Manager une organisation de santé, 75–97. Presses de l’EHESP, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Impératifs"
Gossiome, C., F. Rufino, G. Herve, M. Benassarou, P. Goudot, V. Descroix, and G. Lescaille. "Découverte fortuite d’une lésion mandibulaire, un cas de kyste anévrismal." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Impératifs"
Hotz-Hart, Beat. Synthèse thématique «Conditions du marché et réglementation» du PNR «Energie». Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), November 2019.
Full textTouré, Mustapha, and Thomas G. Poder. Mesure des années de vie ajustées par la qualité de vie globale au Québec : le 13-MD. CIRANO, August 2022.
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