Academic literature on the topic 'Impact of Corporate'

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Journal articles on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Awwad, Mohammad Suleiman, and Abdullah Aref Abu-Karaki. "The Impact of Corporate Entrepreneurship on the Performance of Jordanian Telecom Corporates." Studies in Business and Economics 24, no. 1 (December 2021): 31–60.

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The Telecom sector in Jordan is highly competitive in a way that affects the performance of firms working in this sector, many solutions were provided to enhance performance, but corporate entrepreneurship as a solution to significantly improve performance still not have fully adopted, that is why this research was carried to highlight the importance of such concept to improve performance. This research was aimed at determining the impact of corporate entrepreneurship dimensions (innovation, risk-taking, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, and autonomy) on the performance of Jordanian telecom corporates in Jordan. Data were collected from 39 telecom corporates in Jordan. The questionnaires entail assessing the degree of corporate entrepreneurship in relation to the performance of telecom corporates in Jordan. SmartPLS 2.0 Statistical program was used to conduct descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the research indicated that corporate entrepreneurship dimensions (innovation, risk-taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness) positively affect the performance of Jordanian telecom corporates except for the autonomy dimension.
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Rahman, Khalilul, and Asniati Bahari. "Factors Affecting The Level of Corporate Resilience as The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia." Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 7, no. 3 (April 8, 2023): 321–36.

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This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the impact of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, sales growth, and corporate size on corporate resilience. The purposive sampling technique obtained a sample of 44 companies registered in IDX80 as of February 2020. This study uses corporate quantitative methods with secondary data from sustainability reports and annual reports published by each corporate through the website or its official website. Data analysis in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis with IBM SPSS 25 software. The findings of this study are that partially, CSR on the topic of Environment has no significant effect on corporate resilience, but the topic of Economics and Social affect corporate resilience significantly. Corporate governance on the board of commissioners and directors has no significant effect on corporate resilience, but the board of audit committee significantly affects corporate resilience. Sales growth and corporate size significantly affect the corporate's resilience. Then, CSR, corporate governance, sales growth, and corporate size significantly affect the corporate's resilience.
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Popoola, Ayeni, Aina Adeyemi, and Ibitoye Temitope. "GLOBAL ACCOUNTING REGULATION: IMPACT OF IFAC ON FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY." International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research 4, no. 8 (February 1, 2020): 1–7.

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This paper provides an analysis of various dimensions of accounting and corporate governance that have led to the currently troubling state of affairs in the financial reporting environment. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a mandatory requirement in today’s corporate world by every stakeholder groups. Failure of giant corporate groups in the last twothree decades strengthens the demand further. And surprisingly, in some of such failures, accounting as a discipline is held liable. The way accounting is practiced or the interpretations that may give different prescriptions in similar situations are some dark areas that may open some scope for the corrupted accountants. The paper covers the concept of corporate governance, its legal framework, its current status and how accounting may be practiced to protect corporates from corruption by establishing governance. The paper analyzes how IFAC is succeeding as an international standard setter with an established place in the global financial infrastructure and it reveals a growing reliance on governance by experts together with a growth in influence of the large, multinational accounting firms. Until corporate boards are truly independent of corporate management and are knowledgeable enough to act as effective shareholder advocates, changes in accounting will be of limited impact.
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Vaanmalar, M., and M. Devarajan. "Impact of corporate governance on corporate financial performance." ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 8, no. 2 (2018): 115.

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Aggarwal, Priyanka. "Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Financial Performance." IOSR Journal of Business and Management 13, no. 3 (2013): 01–05.

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Mukherjee, Tutun, and Som Sankar Sen. "Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Sustainable Growth." International Research Journal of Business Studies 12, no. 2 (August 1, 2019): 167–84.

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G, Silpa Monica Chandran. "Impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate sector." Journal of Management and Science 12, no. 2 (June 30, 2022): 20–23.

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This paper gives a view on how companies enriched the brand Value, different innovations, and being competitive in the market through CSR. Corporate social responsibility is the main concept in the present business, especially in the corporate sector.CSR gained great importance because of the growing interest of people on social and environmental factors. Many companies have changed their working pattern by implementing corporate social responsibility. India is the first country that follows CSR legally and made a regulation in the constitution under the company’s act 2013. The government also initiates employee involvement,the contribution of companies for the promotion of CSR. Implementation of CSR in the corporate sector has witnessed remarkable changes towards social and economic factors. Even with the Globalization of the Indian Economy, CSR practices are evolving faster in India by Balancing economic, social, and environmental imperatives.
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Li, Yugang, and Xiuyuan Fang. "Officials’ promotion expectation, corporate strategic deviance and corporate growth in China: The moderating effect of corporate ownership." PLOS ONE 18, no. 8 (August 25, 2023): e0284872.

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Government (especially local government) plays an important role in China’s economic growth, the government is made up of officials, corporates are participants and the driving force of market economy, therefore, ignoring officials may not be able to directly explain the mechanism of corporate growth. This paper intends to discover how officials’ promotion expectation may be beneficial for corporates—directly and/or indirectly via corporate strategic deviance—in terms of corporate growth. We conduct an empirical analysis of Chinese listed companies to test these arguments, the results show that officials’ promotion expectation has a significantly positive impact on corporate growth; corporate strategic deviance has a mediating effect on the relationship between officials’ promotion expectation and corporate growth; compared with non-state-owned enterprises, corporate strategic deviance has less influence on state-owned enterprises’ growth. Our research generates a more comprehensive understanding of the political stakeholders-corporate growth relationship, provides direct evidence for the positive role of officials in corporate growth and expands the mediating research of corporate growth.
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Hapsari, Karina Erdian. "NGO-Corporate Partnerships: Sustainable Development Impact for Indian Children." Insignia: Journal of International Relations 9, no. 1 (April 30, 2022): 60.

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This paper reviews the importance of NGO-corporate partnerships towards sustainable development for Indian children. Specifically, this paper analyzes CRY India and the three big corporations – Marks & Spencer, Microsoft, Bajaj Finserv – as the research subject. The NGO-corporate partnerships are crucial in the sustainable development process. Moreover, in India, the number of child labor is increasing. Thus, in order to achieve sustainable development, the child labor issue must be tackled in the right ways as children are the basis for all dimensions of sustainable development. For analysis, this paper uses an explanative approach, with secondary data. The analysis found that there are two reasons to explain their significant partnerships, as a ‘bridge’ between the actors and long-term potential value. A bridge between the actors in this paper refers to CRY India-three big corporations (Marks & Spencer, Microsoft, Bajaj Finserv) interrelations. These interrelations illustrate the needs of NGOs in funding and on the other hand, NGOs provide ‘space’ for corporate social responsibility through their programs. A ‘space’ in this paper refers to the access given by CRY India for corporates to do their CSR through CRY India’s projects as an altruistic action for both CRY and corporates. Meanwhile, the potential value leads to the benefit and impact that goes beyond partnerships, which is a better sustainable development for Indian children. In conclusion, the NGO-corporate partnerships are still needed to tackle today’s problem, and it might give an incredible impact. Though, there are some debates about their relations.
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Koernia, Mellany, and Ari Dewi Cahyati. "The Impact of Corporate Governance, Leverage, and Profitability on Intellectual Capital Disclosure with Company Size as a Moderating Variable." Journal of Auditing, Finance, and Forensic Accounting 10, no. 1 (April 3, 2022): 27–43.

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This research focuses to examine the impact of Corporate Governance, Leverage, and Profitability on Intellectual Capital Disclosure with Company Size as a Moderating Variable. This research method is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data, namely the annual report obtained from and the corporate governance perception index report obtained from The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance. The number of samples is 46 data with the technique of taking using the purposive sampling method. The findings of this study demonstrate that the Corporate Governance variable has no impact on Intellectual Capital Disclosure, Leverage and Profitability variables have a negative and significant impact on Intellectual Capital Disclosure, the company Size variable cannot moderate the relationship linking Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital Disclosure, and the company Size variable can strengthen the relationship linking Leverage and Profitability on Intellectual Capital Disclosure. This study can be implemented by corporates to analyze the role of corporate governance, leverage, and profitability on intellectual capital disclosure with company size as a moderating variable and is expected to be a reference in policy making by corporates management to increase its intellectual capital.disclosure.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Kanclerytė, Agnė. "The impact of corporate social performance on corporate financial performance." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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This thesis attempts to extend the research in the Corporate Social Performance – Corporate Financial Performance relationship. The studies conducted previously display mixed findings with no unified evidence of the relationship direction and impact. This study reviews the existing literature on CSP and CFP as well as their link, identifying main problems and brings forward the concepts of strategic CSP and ad-hoc CSP. These concepts in a wider term are referred as CSP maturity. The main aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between company’s financial performance and CSP maturity and if the relationship is present, the relationship direction and causality. A study sample was constructed from large European banks and insurance companies. A panel data containing the information of 86 companies measured separately three times in three years period was analyzed. The empirical study used return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on sales (ROS) ratios for CFP operationalisation. CSP maturity was measured as years of continuous involvement into strategic CSP. The correlation analysis was build in order to verify the hypothesis about the CSP maturity and CFP relationship direction. Additionally the average mean of ROA, ROE and ROS was compared between the companies engaged in strategic and ad-hoc CSP. The weighted least squares regression, including several control variables was constructed to test two models of CSP maturity and CFP... [to full text]
Šiuo magistriniu darbu autorė siekia praplėsti įmonės socialnės veiklos (CSP) ir įmonės finansinių resultatų (CFP) sąryšio tyrimus. Ankstesnių tyrimų rezultatai yra prieštaraujantys ir nepateikiantys vienalyčių įrodymų apie šių dviejų kintamųjų ryšio kryptį bei stiprumą. Šis tyrimas apžvelgia ankstesnius tyrimus, atliktus siekiant ištirti ryšį tarp CSP ir CFP, identifikuoja pagrindines problemas ir pristato strateginės ir atsitiktinės socialinės veiklos sampratas. Šios sampratos apibendrintai yra vadinamos CSP branda. Pagrindinis šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti ar egzistuoja priežastinis ryšys tarp CSP and CFP ir jei egzistuoja, nustatyti jo kryptį bei priežastingumą. Tyrimui naudojama imtis buvo sudaryta iš stambių Europos bankų bei draudimo kompanijų. Tyrimui buvo naudojami paneliniai duomenys, kurie buvo gauti 86 įmones matuojant 3 kartus tryjų metų periode. Tyrime įmonių finansiniai rezsultatai buvo matuojami turto grąžos (ROA), nuosavybės grąžos (ROE) bei pardavimų grąžos (ROS) rodikliais. CSP branda buvo matuojama nepertraukiamos strategines CSP veiklos metų skaičiumi. Koreliacijos analizė parodė neigiamą ryšį tarp CSP brandos ir įmonės finansinų rezultatų (koreliacijos koeficinetai kievienam finansiniam rodikiui buvo -0.438, -0.358, -0.350). Nepriklausomų imčių vidurkių palyginimo T-testas parodė statistiškai reikšmingą skirtumą tarp ROA ir ROS rodiklių lyginant įmones, kurios CSP vykdė strategiškai ir atsitiktinai. Įmonės, kurios vykdė CSP atsitiktinai, jų ROA ir ROS... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Kuo, Yi-Chun. "The impact of corporate stadium sponsorship." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2007.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact corporate stadium naming rights. In particular, this project will assess consumer perceptions of stadium naming rights as a means for determining its effectiveness as a marketing approach. A survey of CSUSB students was conducted in order to obtain their perceptions of the relative marketing attractiveness of naming rights for a local minor league baseball stadium.
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Wadhwa, Anu. "Impact of corporate venture capital on knowledge creation in corporate investors /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2005.

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Cavazzoni, Marco L. E. "Evaluating the impact of corporate executive leadership programs : impacts on executive behaviors /." Pepperdine University, 2002.

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Nöllgen, Bruno. "The impact of industrial diversification on corporate transactions." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2014.

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This doctoral thesis consists of three articles: one literature overview and two empirical articles. The first article provides a literature overview about industrial diversification, corporate acquisitions and the intersection of both research areas. This thesis secondly analyzes whether conglomerates invest externally differently from focused firms. This investigation provides new insights on the question how industrial diversification influences corporate investment. It allows to draw conclusions whether internal investment is independent from external investment in diversified firms, or whether weak internal investment in conglomerates is (at least partially) offset by more efficient external investment, or even whether value-destructive internal investment is accompanied by external investment eliciting the same effects. In this case weakly managed multi-segment firms could be also identified by their behavior and success in corporate acquisitions. Third, the thesis copes with the question how conglomerates are perceived and treated as potential targets of corporate acquisitions. This analysis adds further aspects to the question whether multi-segment firms are discounted due to their organizational form. Assuming that the sum of the single segment of a diversified company is higher valued than the conglomerate as a whole, one could expect that investors should strive to acquire such companies, to dismantle them subsequently in order to create additional value by reshaping these inefficiently composed entities. However, there are also contradicting effects of lower synergies and higher integration costs compared to the acquisition of stand alone firms. New insights in these discussions allow us to draw conclusions whether a diversification discount potentially being harvested by a bust up takeover outweighs lower synergies and higher integration costs.
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Karasamani, Isabella. "The impact of managerial traits on corporate investment." Thesis, Durham University, 2018.

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This thesis examines the impact of the firm’s dominant structure and ability on corporate, financing and investment activities. Particularly, CEO duality is examined as a structure whose power and board supremacy provides a single agent with highly centralized power. Second with the use of Demerjian et al. (2012) managerial ability index, CEO managerial ability is quantified and assessed in the context of corporate activity and performance. The empirical analysis shows that the impact of CEO duality engages to misallocations which affect investment efficiency and verifying that such regime increases unprofitable investment which is detrimental to the firm value. Furthermore, this thesis provides strong support that the adverse impact of CEO duality on investment efficiency prevails only among firms that face high agency problems, as captured by high free cash flows, firm complexity, staggered board structure, low board independence, and medium-sized board. However, CEOs’ equity-based compensation, high managerial ability, as well as the occurrence of externally promoted CEO curb the negative effect of CEO duality on internal capital allocation efficiency. Furthermore, this thesis evinces a positive relation between pre-crisis managerial ability and crisis period investments. This occurs because of the capacity of firms with higher pre-crisis managerial ability to secure greater financing and to keep their firms less vulnerable to financial constraints, which in turn help mitigate severe underinvestment problems evident during the financial crisis. Interestingly, the positive relation between managerial ability and investments holds only for firms with CEOs who have general managerial skills (generalists) rather than firm-specific skills (specialists). When looking at the value implications of the main findings, it is observed that the stock market positively assesses crisis period investments, yet this effect is solely evident among firms characterized by high levels (i.e., above-median) of pre-crisis managerial ability. Overall the evidence in this thesis informs, for the first time, the agency theory regarding the mechanism through which CEO duality is destructive for internal capital markets and firm value, and sheds light on the importance of certain moderators that can mitigate the negative impact of CEO duality on investment allocation and efficiency. Regarding the management team as a whole, the findings of this thesis show that managerial ability can ameliorate inefficiencies during distress times, through gaining access to more resources, investing at greater levels and more efficiently than less able peers, thus, adding to the value of firms.
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Tedla, Tewodros Bayeh. "The Impact of Organizational Culture on Corporate Performance." ScholarWorks, 2016.

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Lack of effective organizational culture and poor cultural integration in the corporate group affect organizational performance and decrease shareholders return. The purpose of this exploratory case study was to explore successful strategies that one corporate group used to establish an effective organizational culture to improve performance. The Denison organizational culture model served as the conceptual framework for the study. A purposive sample of 20 senior managers from a corporate group in Ethiopia participated in semistructured face-to-face interviews. The selected participant met the criteria of a minimum 5 years of experience with successful strategies in establishing an effective organizational culture in the corporate group. The interview data were transcribed, categorized, and coded; they were subsequently member checked and triangulated to increase the trustworthiness of interpretations. The findings included a well-defined mission that attributed to developing shared understanding between employees and managers, and employee-focused leadership that contributed to motivating employees. Core corporate value findings included the well-being of the society through self-regulated corporate social responsibility. The findings identified in this study could have potential for economic growth in the local economy and may contribute to social change with strategies business managers may use to sustain their business and improve the life standards of employees and the local community.
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Abdullah, Razimah Binti. "Redefining internal audit performance: Impact on corporate governance." Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2014.

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One of the preventive measures to situations akin to world financial crises increasingly forwarded is effective internal audit function (IAF) (e.g., Imhoff, 2003; Mohamad & Muhamad Sori, 2011). Internal audit, a component of corporate governance, continues to evolve due to changes in business strategies and requirements placed on it by legislators. The roles of internal auditors and audit committees (ACs), the key personnel in IAFs, are changing to a more value-added approach as business strategies move towards corporate sustainability and organisational excellence. Suggestions forwarded to improve the performance or determining the quality of IAF include effective involvement of ACs in internal audit activities, the employment of competent internal auditors and determining the impact of internal audit on corporate governance (e.g., Mohamad & Muhamad Sori, 2011, Sarens, 2009, Turley & Zaman, 2007). Research on the quality of internal audit has focussed mainly on the relationships of internal audit with internal control and ACs (e.g., Fadzil, Haron, & Jantan, 2005; Mat Zain & Subramaniam, 2007; Turley & Zaman, 2007). However, none has linked the impact of internal audit performance to corporate governance. This study provides an agency of value view, explaining the effectiveness of IAF and its impact on corporate governance. Using a convergent mixed methods approach, the main findings from survey data collected from corporate members of the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia are compared and integrated with perspectives from chief audit executives of selected public listed companies interviewed. The factors investigated are the structure of the IAF, activities of best practices in internal auditing, ACs’ involvement as stated by the Malaysian public listing guidelines (Bursa Malaysia, 2000, 2009b) and the World Bank’s corporate governance framework (World Bank, 1991). An exploration on the extent of collaborations and combined assurances in internal audit is also carried out. The primary analysis on the probability of an effective IAF and profiling of the internal audit activities, level of AC involvement and areas of corporate governance is made using the Rasch model. Non-parametric tests are also used to determine the statistical significance of the relationships of the components investigated. In-depth interview data are analysed using template analysis. The findings support the establishment of an in-house IAF with a definitive team size and professional expertise for an effective IAF. Other IAF components are member experience, combined audit activities and collaborations of audit activities. Although these other components are not significantly related to the effectiveness of IAF, the indepth interviews provided more explanations on their importance in internal audit. An important structure of the IAF is the AC’s oversight role. The findings also indicate that the level of ACs’ involvement in the reviews of each stage of the internal audit process contributes to the overall effectiveness of IAF. Due to issues in staffing and the changing business environment, collaborations particularly in risk management, information technology audits and quality audits, are increasingly being used as a strategy in internal audit to provide value add services. Further, as suggested by Sarens (2009), the level of internal audit performance could now be identified to its impact on corporate governance, for example such as in areas of expenditure management, revenue management, analysis of data and conflict resolution. The results have implications on the policy regarding internal control for public listed companies, favouring an in-house internal audit function as opposed to outsourcing the function, to address the recommendations on the effectiveness of ACs and its relationship with IAFs. The practice of internal audit in future should be more collaborative to harness the expertise and experience of other departmental personnel in producing effective internal audit, ultimately creating a greater impact on corporate governance.
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Chen, Shaoyu, and 陳紹俞. "The Impact of Corporate Diversification on Corporate Performance." Thesis, 2012.

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This study aimed to discuss whether internationalization and diversification would affect its firm performance according to the data of listed companies in Taiwan from 1986 to 2001. The regression results shows diversification will affect financial performance. The diversification had a quadratic curve relation with firm performance. Firm performance increased in the beginning of diversification: but firm performance falls while the products diversification is too high. There is no significant relationship between internationalization and firm performance . Firm performance would fall down while internationalization goes too far.
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YANG, SHU-HAN, and 楊舒涵. "The Impact of Corporate Happiness on Corporate Performance." Thesis, 2018.

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The study references the methodology used by Chen, Tang, and Hung (2013) to construct a corporate social responsibility index, and the G-index model from Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003) to create a Corporate Happiness Index (CHI). Our main objective was to investigate potential differences in the profitability levels, corporate values, and growth rates between companies with high and low CHIs. The sample was divided into high CHI and low CHI groups. A mean test was done on Taiwan’s public companies between 2010 and 2015 to determine the impact of high- and low-CHI companies on various indices. The results of the empirical study revealed that the Tobin’s Q, dividend per share, earnings per share, return on assets, net ROI, operating profit margin, corporate social responsibility, and the aggregate shareholdings of the three institutional investors in Taiwan of companies with a high CHI were greater than those of companies with a low CHI. For high-CHI companies, the net value of their stocks in 2011 were less than those of companies with a low CHI. During 2010 and the period between 2012 and 2015, the net value of stocks of companies with a high CHI were all greater than those of companies with a low CHI. The analysis on company growth revealed that although the ROA average growth rate in 2010, the average net ROI growth rate in 2013 and 2014, and the average growth rate of the operating profit margins of companies with a high CHI in 2014 were all less than those of low-CHI companies, none of the differences were significant. High-CHI companies with high financial performance in the base period saw greater average growth rates than low-CHI companies over time. In addition, an increase in the prioritization of employee happiness and satisfactory work environments resulted in increased corporate value. Based on the various indicators, it seems high-CHI companies perform better than low-CHI companies. Thus, the results of this study support the importance of providing satisfactory work environments and putting appropriate systems in place to create a happy company environment.
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Books on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Political determinants of corporate governance: Political context, corporate impact. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Garrison, Sharon Hatten. The financial impact of corporate events on corporate stakeholders. New York: Quorum Books, 1990.

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Kudłak, Robert, Ralf Barkemeyer, Lutz Preuss, and Anna Heikkinen. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Poser, Timo B. The Impact of Corporate Venture Capital. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2003.

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du Plessis, Jean J., Umakanth Varottil, and Jeroen Veldman, eds. Globalisation of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Corporate Governance. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Sreeramulu, K. Impact of income tax on corporate finance in private corporate sector. New Delhi: Global Research Publications, 2011.

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Bussmann, Kai-D., Sebastian Oelrich, Andreas Schroth, and Nicole Selzer. The Impact of Corporate Culture and CMS. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Tina, Hope, ed. Emotional impact: Passionate leaders and corporate transformation. New York: Palgrave, 2000.

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Henriques, Adrian. Corporate impact: Measuring and managing your social footprint. London: Earthscan, 2010.

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Corporate impact: Measuring and managing your social footprint. London: Earthscan, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Busco, Cristiano, Alessandro D’Eri, and Valerio Novembre. "Corporate Disclosure." In Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance, 77–111. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Suwanprateep, Fabian, and Michael Alberg-Seberich. "Corporate Impact Investing und Corporate Volunteering." In CSR und Corporate Volunteering, 153–61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.

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Hawkins, David E. "Global business (local impact)." In Corporate Social Responsibility, 10–20. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Carbone, Federico, Aldo Bonaventura, Luca Liberale, Alessandra Vecchié, Matteo Casula, Franco Dallegri, and Fabrizio Montecucco. "Impact of Endocrine Disorders on Vasculature." In Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change, 1–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Plompen, Martine. "Measuring the Impact of Learning." In Innovative Corporate Learning, 93–95. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005.

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Dörr, Saskia. "Go for Impact! Show Effectiveness." In Corporate Digital Responsibility, 171–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.

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Bussmann, Kai-D., Sebastian Oelrich, Andreas Schroth, and Nicole Selzer. "Corporate Social Responsibility." In The Impact of Corporate Culture and CMS, 99–112. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Yontar, İbrahim Güray. "Environmental Impact Assessment." In Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility, 982–96. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Czerniawska, Fiona. "The Impact of Computer-Speak in the 1990s." In Corporate-Speak, 72–84. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1997.

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Jones, Stewart, Helena de Anstiss, and Carmen Garcia. "The evolution of corporate social responsibility concepts." In Social Impact Investing, 16–34. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Conference papers on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Gowdy, Van. "Evaluation of the Instrumented Ball Impact Procedure to Assess Head Impact Protection in Airplanes." In General, Corporate & Regional Aviation Meeting & Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1995.

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Soltis, Stephen, and Robert McGuire. "Small Airplane Vertical Impact Test Program." In General, Corporate & Regional Aviation Meeting & Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1995.

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"Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Environmental Disclosure: Indonesian Evidence." In International Conference on Trends in Economics, Humanities and Management. International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management, 2015.

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Ma, Ben-jiang, and Yun-fang Jiang. "Impact of corporate wealth on corporate financing —Corporate wealth is entrepreneurial ability' signal." In 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE). IEEE, 2011.

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Tasios, Stergios, Evangelos Chytis, Evangelia Proniou, and Alexandra Charisi. "COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the accounting profession." In Corporate governance: Theory and practice. Virtus Interpress, 2022.

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The pandemic significantly altered the working environment due to the shift to remote working, redesigned office functions and reengineered working protocols (Parker, 2020). In addition, employee stress levels increased, their autonomy and perception of hierarchy changed and relatedness within organizations was impaired (Delfino & van der Kolk, 2021). While most accounting literature focused mainly on public budgeting, accounting education, financial markets, public sector and corporate disclosure (Rinaldi, 2022) little research has been conducted on the accounting profession per se. Early results suggest that professionals employed in the accounting industry were significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (Carungu, Di Pietra, & Molinary, 2021, Heltzer & Mindtak, 2021, Papadopoulou & Papadopoulou, 2020). The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the pandemic on the accounting profession focusing on professionals who provide bookkeeping and taxation services to corporations and individuals
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Arnardottir, Audur Arna, Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson, and Patricia Gabaldon. "Regulation on gender quotas: Gauging the impact on corporate board." In Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook. Virtus Interpress, 2023.

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This research explores how increased gender diversity on corporate boards in Iceland, driven by applying a “hard” public policy, i.e., board gender quota legislation, has affected post-quota board directors’ perceptions of board functioning
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Petrov Stoyanov, Philip. "THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUILDING THE CORPORATE STRATEGY." In 2nd International Scientific Conference. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018.

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Dewi, Nurma Gupita, and Siti Alliyah. "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Tax Avoidance in Indonesia." In Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.

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Tompson, Graham, and Christopher Griffen. "Product Innovation: Impact on Corporate Transformation." In SAE 2003 Noise & Vibration Conference and Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2003.

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Mudholkar, P. K., and S. Maitra. "Impact of ERP on corporate performance." In the International Conference & Workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.

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Reports on the topic "Impact of Corporate"


Canelón, Agrivalca. Impacto de la Comunicación Corporativa - Impact of Corporate Communication. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, June 2011.

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Cai, Jing, Yuyu Chen, and Xuan Wang. The Impact of Corporate Taxes on Firm Innovation: Evidence from the Corporate Tax Collection Reform in China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2018.

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Eccles, Robert, Ioannis Ioannou, and George Serafeim. The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2012.

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Hall, Bronwyn. The Impact of Corporate Restructuring on Industrial Research and Development. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 1989.

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Soplop, Julia, Anna Wetterberg, Ignatius Indriartoto, María De León Pellecer, Tere Goicolea, and Manuel Roman-Lacayo. Increasing Development Impact: Channeling Corporate Social Responsibility Funds Through Public-Private Partnerships. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press, September 2009.

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Auerbach, Alan, Kevin Hassett, and Jan Sodersten. Taxation and Corporate Investment: The Impact of the 1991 Swedish Tax Reform. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 1995.

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Foley, C. Fritz, and Robin Greenwood. The Evolution of Corporate Ownership After IPO: The Impact of Investor Protection. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2008.

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Malmendier, Ulrike, Geoffrey Tate, and Jonathan Yan. Overconfidence and Early-life Experiences: The Impact of Managerial Traits on Corporate Financial Policies. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2010.

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Higgins-Dobney, Carey. News Work: The Impact of Corporate Newsroom Culture on News Workers & Community Reporting. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Goolsbee, Austan. The Impact and Inefficiency of the Corporate Income Tax: Evidence from State Organizational Form Data. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, September 2002.

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