Academic literature on the topic 'Impact de marché temporaire'
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Journal articles on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Lapoire-Chasset, Mireille. "Travail temporaire, marché permanent." Droit et société 77, no. 1 (2011): 19.
Full textMesnard, Alice. "Migration temporaire et mobilité intergénérationnelle." Recherches économiques de Louvain 67, no. 1 (2001): 61–90.
Full textVultur, Mircea, Jean Bernier, and Marie-France Richard. "Les jeunes Québécois en processus d’insertion professionnelle." Perspectives 29, no. 1-2 (February 19, 2018): 254–70.
Full textWohrer, Paul. "Le secteur spatial européen pris dans une tenaille stratégique." Politique étrangère N° 233, no. 3 (August 4, 2023): 61–72.
Full textBernier, Jean. "La location de personnel temporaire au Québec : un état de situation." Articles 67, no. 2 (May 4, 2012): 283–303.
Full textGodin, Jean-François, and Jean Renaud. "L’intégration professionnelle des nouveaux immigrants : effet de la connaissance pré-migratoire du français et (ou) de l’anglais." Articles 34, no. 1 (March 9, 2006): 149–72.
Full textHouet, Sandrine, Laure Rouch, and Blandine Juillard-Condat. "Médicament sous autorisation temporaire d’utilisation ayant obtenu une autorisation de mise sur le marché en 2009." Actualités Pharmaceutiques Hospitalières 6, no. 21 (February 2010): 41.
Full textTeisseyre, Anne-Charlotte, and Blandine Juillard-Condat. "Médicament sous autorisation temporaire d’utilisation ayant obtenu une autorisation de mise sur le marché en 2010." Actualités Pharmaceutiques Hospitalières 7, no. 25 (February 2011): 35.
Full textWagner, Sophie, and Blandine Juillard-Condat. "Médicament sous autorisation temporaire d’utilisation ayant obtenu une autorisation de mise sur le marché en 2011." Actualités Pharmaceutiques Hospitalières 8, no. 29 (February 2012): 49.
Full textLefebvre, Sylvain, Jérémy Diaz, and Jean-Marc Adjizian. "Faire le point sur l’urbanisme tactique : entre innovations et dérives dans la fabrique de la ville." Revue Organisations & territoires 29, no. 2 (July 1, 2020): 15–23.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Lapoire, Mireille. "Travail temporaire, marché durable : le travail intérimaire en France." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2007.
Full textThere was a fairly steady increase in temporary agency work (TAW) in France between 1972 and 2004, whereas that work was strictly regulated by rules that remained unchanged. This doctoral thesis aims at accounting for this a priori paradoxical increase. The research is based upon multilevel, strategic and systemic studies. The behaviours of individuals who are involved in the TAW system and in a similar social network were observed : temporary workers, user firms, temporary work agencies, and agents of public services who belong to 8 segments of the labour market connected to 4 sectors - logistics, transportation, architecture and call centres. The contexts of their action, employment, economic and judicial situations were examined within several conceptual frameworks : sociologies of work, employment, market and law, economic and financial analyses. Thus, the legal constraints, the high cost of TAW for workers, users and agencies and the unpredictability of their behaviours, which at first sight seemed to interfère with the development of TAW, were thoroughly analysed ; they can accotait for the way the transactions between these individuals, developed and lasted. These elements turn out to be the very conditions for this collective gaine. More legally bound and controlled than the others, the agencies know how to control their constraints and those of theirs "partners". They also manage to turn them into resources, to make temporary workers and users dependent, even though the latter seem to be a priori free. They finally manage to share out the costs of those transactions. They transfer part of the costs to the 3 main parties of the TAW system and the rest to other parties
Faure-Guichard, Catherine. "La relation d'emploi intérimaire : identités professionnelles et sociales en questions et mobilités sur le marché du travail." Aix-Marseille 2, 1998.
Full textBen, Halima Mohamed Ali. "Du contrat de travail temporaire à l’insertion sur le marché du travail : trois applications microéconométriques sur l’enquête emploi." Lyon 2, 2007.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the temporary contracts and its impacts on labour mobility in France. In a first part, we aim at investigating the determinant to use temporary contract. The theoretical analyses intend to explain that temporary contracts are a solution to the moral hazard, adverse selection, job matching and uncertainty affecting the external environment of the firm. The econometric evaluation from the French Labour Survey of these determinants confirms the positive effect of contracting costs evoked by the literature on the contract duration. The second part examined whether temporary contracts deserve to be considered as stepping stones to permanent ones. Using French Labour Survey, our results show that, for men and women, the transition to permanent contract decreases after 12th months. After a temporary contract in the public sector, compared to private, the workers are more likely to fall again into unemployment or another temporary contract. The third part studies the impact of the individual transition from a temporary job (CDD) to permanent job (CDI) on the wage. We present the transition from a temporary job to a permanent one as a simple tournament mechanism. The equilibrium properties of the model show that wages differences between temporary jobs and permanent ones are positively correlated with uncertainty during tournament. Using French Labour Survey, using a firm size as a proxy for uncertainty, our results do not reject the equilibrium property of the model according to which more uncertainty during tournament reduces players’ incentives and would be compensated by an increased wage gap between promoted and not promoted
Limon, Emeline. "Une Analyse du Dualisme Contractuel sur le Marché du Travail Français." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2017.
Full textThis thesis study the dualism existing on the French labor market. Especially, I study job and worker flows and the role played by temporary contracts in those flows. The employment protection legislation is stringent in France then firms are subject to important rules when they adjust their workforce. However, it seems that the employment legislation governing the use of temporary contracts is not so binding in practice since this type of contract is widely used and that their duration is more and more shorter. In order to have a better knowledge of the French labor market and of the dualism, this thesis is divided in three chapters. The first one quantifies job and worker flows over the 1998-2012 period and explores the possible impact of the 2008 crisis on those flows taking into account industry characteristics. In addition, I study the evolution of contracts' duration and I propose an econometric analysis that highlight the determinants of temporary hirings.The second chapter quantifies transitions existing on the French labor market and their impact on unemployment volatility. I use a three-state (employed, unemployed, inactive) and a four-state model (permanently employed, temporary employed, unemployed, inactive). This latest model has never been studied for the French case yet.Finally, the last chapter analyzes the consequences of the implementation of a tax on short-term contracts that is supposed to encorage firms to hire with permanent contracts and increase the duration of contracts. This kind of reform has been in several european countries. In France, this tax was implemented by the Interprofessional agreement in july 2013. A search and matching model is estimated on French data from UNEDIC using the model proposed by Caguc, Charlot and Malherbet (2016)
Mirza, Daniel. "Commerce international, structures de marché et impact sur le marché du travail." Paris 1, 2001.
Full textLehouck-Puissant, Laurence. "Evolution des systèmes productifs et intérim cadre-professions intermédiaires : enjeux et stratégies des acteurs face à de nouvelles pratiques de travail et d'emploi." Rouen, 2003.
Full textThis enquiry studies the birth and the development of high level temporary workers (professionals). The aimis the explanation of the conditions of emergency and developement of this new way of working. The objective is to show all actors concerned act to create a development of temporary work and how they regulate this specific employment market. The hypothesis is that organisational transformation of the firms leads to create high level temporary work. Actually enterprises employ so much high level temporary workers that temporary compagnies decided to get this new market ; to succeed they changed their structures to adapt themselves to this new market. The observations demonstrate that organisations develop a supplementary level of rationalisation and externalisation. This study shows how bad conditions of the employment market create new norms about work concerning professionals
Desbiens, Josué. "Impact des changements démographiques sur le marché immobilier québécois." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018.
Full textThe study presents a regional, panel-based model of the long term and short-term evolution of real estate prices in the administrative regions of Quebec. Allowing that dynamic adjustment to be different from one region to another, we find income elasticity (i.e. cointegration coefficients) that differ considerably one region to the next. In addition, since migratory shocks have potentially different effects from equivalent shocks related to natural increases, we show that migration has a higher effect on the real estate market. The age composition of the population also has a significant effect on average prices, both for young people (25 to 54 years) and for older people (65 years and over). These results suggest that using a panel model not allowing for differentiated regional dynamics leads to potentially less robust conclusions.
Khoojinian, Mazyar. "L'immigration, une main-d'oeuvre d'appoint temporaire? Marché du travail, politiques étatiques et trajectoires des travailleurs turcs recrutés pour l'industrie charbonnière belge, 1956-1980." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
Full textPlus largement, la thèse interroge la pertinence du postulat qui veut que les politiques migratoires conçues et mises en oeuvre par les pouvoirs publics, au cours des Golden Sixties, aient considéré les travailleurs migrants comme une main-d’oeuvre d’appoint temporaire.
La première partie de la thèse, qui porte sur la genèse de la politique d’immigration belge entre 1830 et 1960, recadre l’histoire de l’immigration turque dans l’industrie houillère belge et des politiques mises en oeuvre à son intention dans le contexte du double processus d’étatisation et de nationalisation des politiques migratoires au cours des XIXe et XXe siècles.
La seconde partie retrace la configuration des chaînes d’interdépendances qui relient les trajectoires migratoires des travailleurs migrants turcs recrutés par l’industrie charbonnière belge dans les années 1960 et 1970 aux dispositifs générés, séparément ou conjointement, par l’Etat belge, l’Etat turc, l’industrie charbonnière, les organisations syndicales et les services, associations et autres collectifs d’accueil et d’aide aux migrants pour organiser, stabiliser et intégrer cette immigration turque dans les régions minières du pays.
La troisième partie interroge le devenir de cette immigration turque au moment où les fermetures de charbonnages se succèdent et que de nouveaux besoins en main-d’oeuvre se font sentir dans les dernières sociétés charbonnières encore en activité. Elle esquisse en parallèle le processus d’étatisation des politiques d’intégration jusque-là principalement prises en charge par les modes de gestion paternalistes de l’industrie charbonnière.
Cette thèse aborde également, mais dans une moindre mesure, l’immigration originaire de Turquie avant 1960 et l’immigration turque qui se développe au cours des années 1960 et 1970, en marge de celle organisée en faveur de l’industrie charbonnière, à destination d’autres régions et secteurs d’activité du pays (Bruxelles, Anvers, Gand, Ardennes, etc.).
Son angle d’approche dépasse par ailleurs la seule immigration turque en Belgique et la seule politique migratoire belge. Elle s’intéresse ainsi, à travers des analyses comparées, au cas de l’immigration marocaine, qui lui est contemporain, ou encore à la politique migratoire néerlandaise, à l’origine d’un phénomène de désertion massive de l’industrie houillère belge par les ouvriers mineurs turcs.
Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie
Cai, Jiatu. "Méthodes asymptotiques en contrôle stochastique et applications à la finance." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textIn this thesis, we study several mathematical finance problems related to the presence of market imperfections. Our main approach for solving them is to establish a relevant asymptotic framework in which explicit approximate solutions can be obtained for the associated control problems. In the first part of this thesis, we are interested in the pricing and hedging of European options. We first consider the question of determining the optimal rebalancing dates for a replicating portfolio in the presence of a drift in the underlying dynamics. We show that in this situation, it is possible to generate positive returns while hedging the option and describe a rebalancing strategy which is asymptotically optimal for a mean-variance type criterion. Then we propose an asymptotic framework for options risk management under proportional transaction costs. Inspired by Leland’s approach, we develop an alternative way to build hedging portfolios enabling us to minimize hedging errors. The second part of this manuscript is devoted to the issue of tracking a stochastic target. The agent aims at staying close to the target while minimizing tracking efforts. In a small costs asymptotics, we establish a lower bound for the value function associated to this optimization problem. This bound is interpreted in term of ergodic control of Brownian motion. We also provide numerous examples for which the lower bound is explicit and attained by a strategy that we describe. In the last part of this thesis, we focus on the problem of consumption-investment with capital gains taxes. We first obtain an asymptotic expansion for the associated value function that we interpret in a probabilistic way. Then, in the case of a market with regime-switching and for an investor with recursive utility of Epstein-Zin type, we solve the problem explicitly by providing a closed-form consumption-investment strategy. Finally, we study the joint impact of transaction costs and capital gains taxes. We provide a system of corrector equations which enables us to unify the results in [ST13] and [CD13]
Tendelet, Jean-Ignace. "Les changements récents sur les marchés financiers internationaux et leur impact sur les liquidités internationales." Paris 2, 1993.
Full textBooks on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Serge, Luba. Impact d'un programme paramunicipal sur le marché du logement locatif. Ottawa, Ont: Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 1995.
Find full textRodgers, Gerry. Les Emplois précaires dans la régulation du marché du travail: La croissance du travail atypique en Europe de l'Ouest. Genève: Institut international d'études sociales, 1990.
Find full textUnited Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia., ed. Social impact of restructuring with special reference to employment. New York: United Nations, 1999.
Find full text1963-, Vivarelli Marco, and Pianta Mario, eds. The employment impact of innovation: Evidence and policy. London: Routledge, 2000.
Find full textFréchet, Guy. Les personnes moyennement scolarisées et la précarité de l'emploi: Une analyse des données de l'Enquête sur l'activité. Québec, Qué: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1991.
Find full textLeontief, Wassily W. The future impact of automation on workers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Find full text1957-, Pirani Simon, ed. Russian and CIS gas markets and their impact on Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Find full textStaircases or treadmills?: Labor market intermediaries and economic opportunity in a changing economy. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2007.
Find full text1935-, Williamson Jeffrey G., ed. The age of mass migration: Causes and economic impact. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Pfitzner, Naomi, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Sandra Walklate, Silke Meyer, and Marie Segrave. "The Plight of Temporary Migrants: The Intersection of Migration Status, Family Violence and Support." In Violence Against Women During Coronavirus, 31–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textGoss, W. M., Claire Hooker, and Ronald D. Ekers. "The Final Year, 1962." In Historical & Cultural Astronomy, 695–719. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textDaher, Aurélie. "Escalation, Collapse, and Temporary Status Quo." In Hezbollah, 219–52. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full text"Impact de l'immigration sur le marché du travail." In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 123–50. OECD, 2018.
Full textMaphumulo, Nondumiso, and Andrisha Beharry Ramraj. "An Evaluation of How Tourism Entrepreneurs Were Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic." In Sustainability and the Future of Work and Entrepreneurship for the Underserved, 233–46. IGI Global, 2022.
Full textAktouf, Omar. "Chapitre 19. Faire attention à la confusion entre loi de la jungle et « lois du marché »." In Africa Positive Impact, 218–26. EMS Editions, 2020.
Full textDA CUNHA, Catherine, and Nathalie KLÉMENT. "Impact des ICPS sur les systèmes de production reconfigurables." In Digitalisation et contrôle des systèmes industriels cyber-physiques, 217–33. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textSchalck, Christophe, and Stephan Silvestre. "Impact de la révolution du gaz de schiste sur le marché américain." In Gaz naturel, la nouvelle donne ?, 61–70. Presses Universitaires de France, 2016.
Full textSaraceno, Chiara, David Benassi, and Enrica Morlicchio. "Afterword The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic." In Poverty in Italy, 146–50. Policy Press, 2020.
Full textMoreau-Feunteun, Annick. "Les Haviland, industriels de la porcelaine, leurs artistes et leur impact sur le marché américain dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle." In Faïence fine et porcelaine, 317–34. Presses universitaires du Midi, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Alema´n, Miguel A´ngel, Ramiro Bermeo, Andre´s Mendiza´bal, and Wong Loon. "Successful Social Environmental Management Model, Implemented in Ecuador to Overcome Impacts From a Heavy Crude Oil Spill." In 2010 8th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Impact de marché temporaire"
Wills, Gabrielle, Janeli Kotzé, and Jesal Kika-Mistry. A Sector Hanging in the Balance: Early Childhood Development and Lockdown in South Africa. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), November 2020.
Full textQuinn, Meghan. Geotechnical effects on fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing performance. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), July 2021.
Full textMurphy, Keire, and Anne Sheridan. Annual report on migration and asylum 2022: Ireland. ESRI, November 2023.
Full textMeunier, Valérie, and Eric Marsden. Analyse coût-bénéfices: guide méthodologique. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, December 2009.
Full textVargas-Herrera, Hernando, Juan Jose Ospina-Tejeiro, Carlos Alfonso Huertas-Campos, Adolfo León Cobo-Serna, Edgar Caicedo-García, Juan Pablo Cote-Barón, Nicolás Martínez-Cortés, et al. Monetary Policy Report - April de 2021. Banco de la República de Colombia, July 2021.
Full textFinancial Stability Report - Second Semester of 2020. Banco de la República de Colombia, March 2021.
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