Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Immigrés – Droits'
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Jouan, Marie-Pierre. "Les mauvais traitements à enfants en milieux immigrés d'Afrique noire en France." Paris 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA010268.
Full textChild abuse and neglect in black family circles originating from africa are usually analysed as a result from an opposition between educational system and cultural values which can't match. In such situations the victimized is at the center of a competition even a conflict between norms. As a matter of fact, everything can't be negociated from a legal point of view especially if the situation is a violent one. Reminding the law is essential but proves to be inadequate. In france, the protection of ill-treated children is based on formal legal terms which is a problem since it must apply to families with difficult backgrounds whose normative references result from another logic. However the study of social and cultural mores of the adoptive country and especially the families involved makes it clear that the meeting of these two logics will not necessarily result in a conflict. Immigration is a complex process which, in spite of the vulnerability it induces, allows some flexibility (between various legal registers) which will favour dialogue. Of course preventing ill-treatments means the symbolical function of the law has to be understood and accepted. To do so, a socialization policy enhancing a set of lawful rules and roles in everyday life should be set up. On both sides, innovating ways of regulation show that the quest for an equal dignity between human beings can match plural identities
Farrugia, Emilie. "Le statut de l'étranger en France." Nice, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NICE0033.
Full textAouizerate, Davy. "La situation des étrangers malades en irrégularité de séjour." Paris 8, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA082140.
Full textAmellou, Akila. "Le statut des mineurs étrangers isolés : les droits de l'enfant à l'épreuve des politiques migratoires." Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100010.
Full textSince the end of the 90’s the arrival of isolated foreign minors in France (children without any legal representative) has been a phenomenon which tends to strengthen and which destabilizes the french authorities. Children are facing serious risks of economic and sexual exploitation, their presence seriously questions their protection: if the french laws are relatively detailed, are they really effective ? In other words, does the notion of ‘danger’, which is mentioned in article 375 of the Civil Code, or at least the way it is interpreted, guarantee real protection against exploitation and abuse ? This study aims at showing that they are more often regarded as aliens than considered as children who are in danger. Indeed, for some years the government has expressed its will to control the flow of migrants and it lead the government to favor its security policies to the detriment of the laws protecting children rights (notably, the law concerning the higher interest of children that is specified in the 3rd article of the International Convention of Children Rights). In spite of the extent of the resources meant to take care of the isolated foreign minors, we must admit that this issue highlights numerous gaps : if they reveal the ineffectiveness of the current solutions, these gaps especially reflect an inadequate consideration of children rights
Righi, Anissa. "Les droits sociaux de l'étranger en situation irrégulière." Aix-Marseille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX32057.
Full textGonzález, Olga L. "La « débrouille » : migrants andins en France et accès aux droits." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0118.
Full textThis research analyzes Andean migrants' individual and collective behaviour in France, in their attempt to reach social integration. The field work carried out in the Parisian region shows that the Andean migrants' preferred strategy can be characterized as "individual husding". The term points to the relationship between the individual and the law and institutions. The migrants deal with their situation by placing themselves outside of the legal framework as well as largely outside of institutions. This strategy is defined by the author and compared to other similar sociological concepts; it is then used to examine the behaviour of migrants of other origins. A number of recurring strategies can be analyzed using the concept of 'home society transfer', which explains the link between the migrants' home society's social and political context and the types of behaviour they display as immigrants
Genonceau, Cassandre. "Les droits du migrant en mer." Thesis, Brest, 2022. http://theses-scd.univ-brest.fr/2022/These-2022-SML-Droit_prive-GENONCEAU_Cassandre.pdf.
Full textWhile “spontaneous” migratory flows are on the increase since the beginning of the 21st century, the sea has become the scene of a humanitarian drama that seems endless. On all the European seaboards, the deaths or disappearances of migrants remain frequent due to extreme transport conditions, most often linked to the smuggling in which they are the object, or dangerous maneuvers carried out during their boarding. In addition to the risk of losing their life at sea, there are repeated attacks on the dignity and freedom of the migrant attributable to certain coastal States of departure and destination which seek to interrupt his navigation, including when he requires international protection. The fight against irregular immigration or organized crime constitutes a legitimate reason for interception under the international law of the sea; however, the actions (abusive use of force, refoulement, collective expulsion, arbitrary deprivation of liberty) and inactions (refusal to coordinate a rescue or to cooperate in the disembarkation of the survivors in a place of safety) of some states in this space constitute a serious disregard for human rights, refugee law and the law relating to the safeguard of human life in sea. The behavior of private users of the sea can also be detrimental to migrants in distress, survivors or stowaways. This observation requires to think about how to ensure the effective enjoyment and exercise of the rights of migrants at sea. In this respect, the thesis proposes to resolve issues that are insufficiently or not apprehended by positive law and which concern the content and scope of the fundamental right to emigrate applied to the maritime space, the question of the legality of a refusal to disembark opposed to a surviving migrant, or the apparent inability of supranational jurisdictions to control the practices of European States which attempt to dilute their responsibility with regard to the migrant at sea in that of third States
Abichou, Ali. "La circulation en Europe des ressortissants des pays tiers : entre les impératifs de sécurité intérieure et le respect des droits fondamentaux." Paris 11, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA111003.
Full textTicktin, Miriam Iris. "Between justice and compassion "les sans papiers" and the political economy of health, human rights and humanitarianism in France /." Paris, EHESS, 2002. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/61763840.html.
Full textSanchez, Rodriguez Francisco André. "Recherche sur la notion d’extraterritorialité à l’échelle des frontières : cas du royaume d'Espagne." Thesis, Pau, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PAUU2045/document.
Full textExtraterritoriality at the Spanish borders leads to the applicability of the rules of security and protection of human rights being considered when the Spanish Guardia Civil monitors the border from the enclaves of Ceuta and Melila and from the countries of origin and transit of the Western Horn of Africa. As a signatory of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, the Kingdom of Spain became a lead player in the immigration policy in the Mediterranean Region by organizing, alongside third countries, an integrated method of management of the southern frontier. This management of the borders questions the consistency of the principle of non-refoulement and the scope of prohibition of collective expulsions since potential refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied minors or ill persons are being intercepted by Spanish civil guards at the iberian-moroccan border and immediately handed over to the authorities of third countries without being able to ask for the rights and freedoms enshrined in Spanish law. The applicability of law is called into question when Spain responds to European requirements for external borders policy by preventing asylum seekers to enter Spanish territory or to leave their country of origin or transit. This leads to map the juridicity of refugees law and fundamental rights in a context of humanitarian crisis that triggers asylum seekers to move and leave their country to reach Spain trough Ceuta, Melila or the Canary Islands. This study upon extraterritoriality enables to explore the lawfulness of the right to leave a country, including one’s own, regarding the border security and protection policy of the states located at the outer borders of the EU
Da, Poïan Fanny. "L'harmonisation européenne de la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains." Lille 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006LIL20010.
Full textTrafficking in human beings (prostitution, labour exploitation, trafic in organs. . . ) is one of the forms of cross-border criminality the lost pread in Europe, requiring the intervantion of the supranational organizations. All relevant instruments adopted by the Council of Europe and the European Union are characteristic of the resolutely multi-disciplinary approach. In front of a criminal scourge and a major attack on humanrights, the difficulty is to combine a suppressive approach with one for the rights of the victims. In the perspective of creating a European criminal system of security, liberty and justice, the efforts to harmonise this offence, sanctions and criminal procedure, and the actual improvement of judicial and policing cooperation in criminal matters, are for the moment unconvincing. In the long tem, the management of the deep causes of the plague and the migratory phenomenon could be one of the conditions of a succesful fight against the draft
Dahdah, Assaf. "Habiter la ville sans droits : les travailleurs migrants dans les marges de Beyrouth (Liban)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3093/document.
Full textThis thesis of social and radical geography focuses on power relations in Beirut through an analysis of the housing of migrant workers in the outskirts of the city. As a population with few resources and subject to stigmatization, African and Asian migrant workers nevertheless try to find lodgings within the capital. Taking a micro and intersected approach to the study of specific neighbourhoods (Bourj Hammoud, Karm al-Zeitoun, Sabra and the Palestinian camp of Mar Elias) and their inhabitants reveals the interweaving of long- and short-term migrant groups and frictions between the commercial interests of the existing community and those, admittedly more chaotic, of newcomers. While the outskirts of Beirut have now become a transition zone, spaces in which new plural dynamics are emerging at various levels, they are also spaces of exclusion and poverty, where the coexistence of these communities is constantly being challenged and weakened by instances of social injustice and civil inequality. This study of mobility, rental accommodation, access to housing and the ethnic economy draws on observations of spaces, interviews with actors and video films and provides insights into the complex realities within a marginal urban population. It also highlights contemporary transformations and local tensions caused by the social, economic and political crisis in Lebanon and the Middle East through the prism of international migration. In fine, this thesis takes a decentralized and ordinary approach to analysing an urban structure usually observed from the perspective of confessional politics and, at the same time, questions the overall Lebanese political regime
Mbaye, Mamadou Théophile. "Le cadre juridique de l'intégration des immigrés en France." Saint-Etienne, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997STETT046.
Full textFrance wishes to integrate its immigrants, but deliberately mistakes integration, assimilation, and insertion, as well as immigrants and foreigners, although such notions are very distinctive (introduction). Due to an extremist, racial, and xenophobic rhetoric immigrants are at stake at political strategies. No government conducts a real integration policy without being concerned about the extreme right. This electoral motive causes a serious backlash on the elaboration of an already choking and confused central and local administration system (part I : administration, tool for an integration policy ?) Integration, however, does not depend only on administration. This principle only makes sense if the law provides the framework the administration has to comply with (part II : the phenomenon of juridicisation of immigrants' integration). However, in the series of texts (acts, decrees, orders, memorandums) controlling the foreigners' closely watched arrivals and stays is to be found the origin of the administration's practices creating areas, and not rights. In order to mitigate the failures of the state of justice, the judge conciliates republican principles a priori contradictory (secularity, freedom of religion, public order, and freedom of movement). When intervening, the judge defends the freedom of islamic worship in France. Thus he punishes other forms of discrimination, in facts or rights, and curbs integration. Integration goes through two axes: - teaching at school the historical reasons of the arrival of the Maugrebins and black Africans who shed their blood to save France in 1914 and 1940 from the German invasion before participating in its reconstruction and repeopling; - recalling the causes of the French presence in Africa (slave trade, colonisation, neocolonialism). This struggle against amnesia would show that "welcoming in the world's distress" cannot be avoided
Beduschi, Ana. "La garantie par l'Union européenne des droits sociaux fondamentaux des ressortissants de pays tiers." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON10034.
Full textThird-country nationals have become veritable subjects of the EU Law. Nevertheless, their protection is fragmented by the increasing categorization of their status, in consequence of their fact and juridical situation. The emergence of a common standard of protection of fundamental social rights based on the EU regulations and policies may be however noted. Thus the coordination of social security systems applies explicitly to the regular staying third-country nationals. EU social regulations and directives also apply to those persons when the nationality condition is not specified. The same situation is also considered on the non-discrimination principle field. Then, this common standard of protection can offers a base to the development of a social status that is an attribute of the social citizenship, materialized by the social participation in the community. This social status could come itself the foundation of the construction of a truly European status dedicated to the regular staying third-country nationals. It could contribute to the realization of the European Council Tampere's objective to give a fair treatment to those persons. It could also contribute to the reinforcement of their integration at the member States community. It consists in a social integration, by the practice of fundamental social rights like working, funding social security, or getting involved with trade unions representation
Beltran, Gregory. "Lutter en démocratie : tensions et reconfigurations dans le militantisme pro-immigré à Tours et à Malaga, entre droit à la vie et droit d'avoir des droits." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0433.
Full textThis thesis is about the structure and functioning of pro-immigrant activism in Tours and Malage. The data was collected through field investigation, using participative observation and interviews. It is based on the initial observation that pro-immigrant activists were often forced to use, mostly for strategical reasons, right to life arguments. Thus, in order to obtain public support or gain rights in their different struggles for equality, they would use humanitarian arguments, emphasizing the victimization of the immigrants. This strategy is linked to the underlying migratory policies existing both in France and Spain. In these countries, freedom of movement is not a legal right, even thought it is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but rather depends on exceptional arrangements. However, national and European legislation try to keep a humanist dimension in migratory issues, through regularizations for humanitarian reasons. Thus, the right to life, in its modern definition, is used to justify the claim to certain rights on the basis of the fragile and mortal nature of one's life. But this right to life does not mean the right to have rights, and is even frequently opposed to that Arendtian concept. In European democracies, activists have to face a moral contradiction: through theoretically believing in the right to have rights, they must build their arguments on the right to life. But the use of humanitarian arguments is hardly compatible with the pursuit of equality within their own activist. The aim of this thesis is to bring out and analyse the contradictions and gaps between theory and parcticein these local activist organizations
Beaujeu, Mélodie. "La "cause des migrants" : un moment transnational ? (1990-2014) : l’enjeu migratoire, au cœur de la restructuration des champs sécuritaires et militants transnationaux dans le temps long." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019IEPP0037.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the emergence of transnational advocacy coalitions on the “cause of migrants” between the end of the 1990s and the mid-2000s. It purports to account for an episode of intense transnational mobilization around the cause of migrants and the question of migrations, between the end of the 1990s and 2014, that is, before what became known as the “refugee crisis” or “migrant crisis”. In particular, it aims at explaining a paradox: the apparent contradiction between, on the hand hand, the level and scope taken by these mobilizations over the course of a few years, and on the other the decline, albeit relative but very quick, of these mobilizations. To account for this ephemeral mobilization, this research combines three sets of approaches, which together draw a lens little used in the scholarship: a historical approach, a reflexion anchored in my own experience as a “professional/advocate”, and the theoretical perspective opened by Christian Topalov and his theoretical tool of the “weak field”. This approach leads to questioning the “novelty” of these transnational advocacy coalitions, by seeing them, rather, as a temporary restructuration of a much older field of mobilization that underwent a new mutation from the end of the 1990s; a change which this thesis seeks to empirically trace. To this end, it adopts a “funnel” research strategy. Starting with a historical and “macro” focus, retracing the contexts and conditions for the emergence of diverse coalitions of actors - religious, administrative elites, NGOs - from the 19th century, in the first part, the thesis then channels attention towards the constitution of transnational alliances within a French-European-African political and militant space. Empirically, focusing on the role of the cause of migration within individual and organisational trajectories is an entry-point to account for the constantly evolving and transient character of these coalitions
Chambon, Nicolas. "Solidarisations : Enquête sur les migrants en situation irrégulière et leurs soutiens." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE2118.
Full textLa temporalité (2007-2017) de cette enquête sur les modalités de soutien aux migrants en situation irrégulière lui donne une valeur particulière. Si ce temps a permis de suivre les reconfigurations des formes de soutiens, il inscrit surtout cette thèse dans une actualité de crise (de l’accueil) des migrants, induisant une augmentation continuelle du nombre d’illégaux et parmi eux de déboutés de l’asile.Cette thèse retrace ainsi le parcours de son auteur et amène à suivre différentes voies de solidarisation avec ceux qu’on appelle alors les « sans-papiers » ou clandestins et, de manière plus « neutre », les migrants en situation irrégulière. Les trois parties qui composent l’ouvrage correspondent à trois sites de problématisation avec leur épicentre : une association qui propose du soutien juridique, des collectifs militants et enfin un observatoire / réseau inscrit dans le champ de la santé mentale. Chaque site implique, pour l’auteur, un réajustement de sa posture (tantôt bénévole-observateur, tantôt militant-engagé, tantôt sociologue-impliqué), mais toujours une forte réflexivité et le maintien du fil problématique : comment prendre en compte, de manière théorique mais aussi pratique, ceux qui seraient incomptés ? Tel est l’enjeu : une fois posée l’énigme de la solidarité avec les étrangers, il importe d’enquêter sur les activités pratiques de solidarisation. Comment se rendre solidaire ? Et in fine quelle est la teneur politique des différentes activités de soutien ?La thèse embarque son lecteur tout d’abord dans une association « œcuménique » et ses permanences juridiques. Comment concilier un soutien juridique à destination de « cas », de « sujets de droit » et le souci politique d'une défense du droit des étrangers ? Si le soutien juridique est efficace, il pose problème à certains membres de l’association qui vont expérimenter une autre manière (moins individualisée) de venir en soutien à des étrangers, en l’occurrence, à des couples mixtes.Le lecteur est ensuite amené au « cœur du problème », dans des collectifs et autres réseaux militants. Sont documentées dans cette deuxième partie, notamment à partir de l’analyse de tracts, les modalités de saisie des « sans-papiers » comme sujets politiques, entre « cas » et « cause ». Mais qu’est-ce que la cause fait à l’autre ? Dans un contexte d’affaiblissement de la cause des étrangers, comment mobiliser ? Au nom de quoi ? Le relatif échec des mobilisations est en grande partie dû à la quête infructueuse de réponses efficientes à cette question. Le « sans-papiers » résiste à être un militant comme les autres. La thèse explore ensuite la question de la prise en charge des migrants dans les dispositifs médicaux et sociaux. La question des manières de prendre en charge les « particularités » des migrants se posent aux praticiens et intervenants de ces domaines. En rejoignant un dispositif de soutien aux professionnels, l’auteur trouve un terrain d’opérationnalisation… Comment parler du public ? D’un côté, il s’agit de le caractériser de manière générale (cela se fera à travers la figure du migrant précaire) et de l’autre, d’inviter à une réflexivité sur les modes de prise en charge des vulnérabilités et à un partage des épreuves auxquelles les intervenants font face. Mais point de miracle ici : cette incursion dans le champ de la santé ne constitue par un aboutissement, ni l’horizon normatif d’un mode de prise en compte de la personne.L’enquête continue… Avec Mansour, un « sans-papiers » qui aura ses papiers. Et ce dernier, en ne se rendant pas solidaire d’hypothétique soutien, est aussi celui qui finalement résiste… à l’assignation
Lecucq, Olivier. "Le statut constitutionnel des étrangers en situation irrégulière." Aix-Marseille 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX32008.
Full textAs far as immigration is concerned, presence of irregular aliens in france constitue a real problem for the administration. From a juridical angle it is impossible to consider this question without taking care of aliens rights constitutional dimension. Through jurisprudence of conseil constitutionnel, this work tries to put in evidence what we can call constitutional statute of irregular aliens. This work is shared in two parts : the first one about + irregular as alien ; and the second one about + irregular as man ;. At the beginning constitutional principles which contribue to the constitution of irregular aliens are studied. Then, constitutional norms which reveal relation between irregular situation and constitution are studied. These analysis show that constitutional right justifie and delimit legislator's act againts irregular matter because of their quality of irregular aliens. The second part identifies irregular aliens's fondamental rights recognized by constitutional judge. Then, it tries to present a concept about those fondamental rights. From this work, it comes out that constitutional norms establish for irregular aliens a protector and residual regime which limits legislator's act. Conclusion mean that irregular aliens fondamental rights constitute irreducible rights because of human being
Diop, Amadou Samba. "Sans-papiers, sans politiques ? : Contribution à une étude comparée du traitement public des sans-papiers en France et en Suède." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLED075.
Full textDoes Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights not state that "All women and men are born and remain free and equal in rights"? Do non-discrimination as well as equal treatment of subject of law in court not constitute the core principles relating to the protection of human rights? Law and practices tend to not consider the so-called "undocumented migrants" as public service users, thus denying their legal personality. However, the respect of foreigners’ rights is an essential sign of the degree of protection and effectiveness of rights and freedoms in a country. In recent years, associations and organizations working for the respect of human rights have constantly emphasized the gap between the officially proclaimed rights and the rights actually exercised by foreigners on the European Union territory. Consequently, the problem of real harmonization and communitisation of European migration policies has arisen. This thesis put forward a contribution to a detailed and comparative analysis of the public treatment of undocumented migrants in France and Sweden. It’s is motivated by my personal experience of the issue dealing with foreigners’ law in Europe and insists on the mutation of the collective action through juridification and the Europeanization. The numerous difficulties encountered by the public authorities to promote a singular public policy specific to undocumented migrants draws a set of hypotheses that will help us to better understand and identify the problem
Vassilikou, Catherine. "Vulnérabilité et précarité chez les femmes immigrées en Grèce : récits de femmes, droits de l'homme et malheur ordinaire." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010538.
Full textMarion, William. "Le droit pénal de l'immigration." Paris 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA020057.
Full textJault-Seseke, Fabienne. "Le regroupement familial en droit comparé français et allemand." Paris 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA010304.
Full textTo allow the family reunification permits the migrant to have a normal family life, and consequently, facilitates its integration. Based on different international agreements and constitutional principles, the governements and the legislators have recognized, under some conditions, a right to family reunification. Two conceptions are opposed : according to the first one, the admission of the family should only be allowed when the migrant is already integrated ; according to the other one, the admission of the family is a basic requirement for the integration and should be allowed as fast as possible. In france as in germany, the policies hesitate between these conceptions. However, the legislations of these two countries are getting closer and perhaps prefigurate the european harmonization. The members of the family have access with more or less simplicities to the labour market and to the social benefits. The restrictions in germany are still numerous. Finally, the stay of the different members of the migrant family on the territory is also conditional, the longer they stay, themore difficult is the expulsion. The presence of all the familly on the territory generally implies a permanent installation. Then, the application of the national law (often influenced by the musulman religion) to the personal status is problematical. Accordingly it could be desirable to use the family reunification as a criterium for a new choice of law rule based on the residence
Elebe, ma Sabato Sandra. "Esclavage moderne : le droit et les pratiques." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010287.
Full textRannoux, Julie. "Aux marges de l'État social : la prise en charge localisée des étrangers précaires en France : le cas de Marseille." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0013.
Full textThis dissertation aims to analyse how local public institutions manage immigrants in Marseilles. It sheds how the presence of individuals in situation of administrative and/or social precariousness represent a practical issue for different public and private actors, in their daily professional activity. It also looks at whether immigrants face (or not) specific regulations at a local scale. The dissertation discusses the role of foreigners' social condition in shaping public action patterns. Field research was conducted from May 2011 to April 2014. It includes interviews, direct observations, as well as public and private archives work. This dissertation looks at local public management of immigrants at different levels. First, it explores whether and how the question of precarious foreigners emerges as an issue for local public action. Then, it focuses on associations devoted to immigrants’ legal and administrative assistance. It emphasises on the work of associative leaders to consolidate and legitimise their activities in different social and professional spaces. The dissertation particularly questions the effect of public action in constructing categories that contribute to shape social perceptions, define situations and control access to resources. It shows how institutional categories result in a partial public management of the precarious immigrants, causing contradictory constraints to the actors involved. This dissertation suggests a reflection about the forms of uncertainty experienced by the professionals who are responsible for compensating some of the effects related to the implementation of restrictive migration policies
Shibaba, Kakela J. B. "Communautés d'Afrique noire dans la région Rône-Alpes." Grenoble 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE21006.
Full textAs part of research about the integration conditions of black africans in french society, our study has followed a three parts process. The first part concerns a sociological and statistical study which allows us to specify the numerical importance, the geographical origin and family practices of africans the analysis of this part leads to the observation that the presenc of africans raises some real or potential conflicts which essentially centre on family law, after a detailed study of the family laws of different countries represented in the rhone-alpes region, the second part demonstrates that, in these laws, the logic which surrounds the basis of the family, that is its formation and its effec is based on the confrontation of the customary laws with laws of occidental inspiration. The questions around polygamy dowry, customary unions or family relationships which raise the presence of africans in france, find their origin largel y in that confrontation. Through analysis of compared law of african and french systems and after establishing a kind of juridical geography from the countries where law is the nearest to french law to those which are the farthest, the third part considers the types of conflicts which come up and defines the applicability of french law conditions to the africans among which the adaptation and the reappropriation of the solution of african laws by french judges by french judges. Reing aware of the difficulties of a subject as much changing as complex the present work isn't exhaustive, it is more a contribution to the research of a question which concerns at the same time law conflicts and the problem of equality of everyone in front of the law
Carles, Isabelle. "La socialisation juridique des jeunes issus de familles immigrées : l'exemple de la Belgique." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100033.
Full textThe thesis examines the process of legal socialisation of young people from immigrant backgrounds in Belgium through a comparative study between them and young people of Belgian origin. We suggest that differences in representations and attitudes to law can be explained as a reinterpretation of the law which is based, for young people from immigrant backgrounds, on the confrontation between the dominant cultural model of the society in which they live and the law as lived and experienced by their family. Differences in perceptions of law of young people of both Belgian and of immigrant origin can be explained by social position and gender. Gender differences are of particular importance among the respondents of immigrant origin. Boys and girls reinterpret the law as a function of their interests, their capacity of autonomy vis-à-vis the different actors of socialisation and the roles assigned to them within their family as well as the society in which they live
Urban, Quentin. "L'étranger en situation irrégulière." Paris 10, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA100011.
Full textInternational migrations of non-documented people have grown for twenty years. Law plays central part in birth and development of the phenomenon. Entering an irregular situation involves that a foreigner broke the law, which enforce him to be in possession of admission, stay or work authorizations. During the 20th century, possible irregularities increased. Today, irregulars can't lead an ordinary life, they are always under the threat of being arrested and deported. In most the cases, irregular state doesn't last. Either police will arrest irregular people and deport them out of the national territory, or irregular people escape from exclusion and join the national community, profiting by a regularization or nationalization. A legal status for irregular people is impossible. It is difficult to imagine law organizing what it chooses to exclude and repress. However, international laws evolution could give birth to a minimum juridical protection which would join national legislations
Sall, Fossar Badara. "L'étranger en situation irrégulière en France." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE2060.
Full textImmigration is a constant phenomenon that has reached fearing proportions nowadays. Developed countries are more and more confronting it and France is not an exception. In front of this phenomenon which is now a bone of contention, France is striving for ways and means to fight against foreigners in irregular situation, hence the topicality of the issue. Even if the alien is in irregular situation is given rights the most fundamental, he benefits from is the right to health which is materialized by a set of measures State Medical Assistance (SMA), Emergency and Vital funds for health care, Permanencies for access to health care). The alien in irregular situation has also, for family matters, the right to marry, to pass a civil act of solidarity. The irregularity of his situation does not prevent him from having access to a shelter or opening an account. In terms of labour, the alien in irregular situation is excluded from the foreigners who are entitled for jobs. However, the exercise of an activity confers him rights granted by his employer and the social security. The foreigner in irregular situation is not a subject without rights but a subject with limited rights. This limitation is accentuated by constraints in effectiveness. France is fighting against foreigners in irregular situation, and generally against clandestine immigration. For this objective, a coercive apparatus is put in place with deportation as a key measure. The reaction of the French system is not only coercion because the soft approach is prioritized in some cases, meaning regularization. The European Union member countries sharing borders with France particularly, developed countries in general, are experiencing the problem of irregular aliens, even in varying degrees. With its generalization, it is becoming a European issue, hence the need of a coordination to fight efficiently against it. Externalization of the fight against irregular foreigners is in implementation. The universality of the phenomenon somehow imposes a comparative approach on some aspects, and an appreciation of the state of the art in France compared to other countries. Community and international legislations on national regulations participate in the maintenance of a balance between the respect of rights reserved for this category of foreigners through the benefit and exercise of rights by them, and the respect of legislation about immigration. In trying to achieve this balance a significant part is dedicated to jurisprudence because of the big number of litigation cases due to frequent referrals to the French court, or the European union court in order to ascertain violation - or not - of any right granted to illegal aliens, or in order to make a decision on all measures taken against them
Guyot, Isabelle. "L'étranger incarcéré." Pau, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PAUU2004.
Full textOver the last few years, criminal statistics have shown a particularly high rate of imprisoned foreigners. Without masking the existence of a specific type of criminality, a question needs to be asked in view of the results : is foreign origin a factor of differentiation or not in the process which leads to imprisonment ? a priori, criminal law has authority to be applied to offenders without distinguishing them according to their nationality. Nevertheless, the statistical observation of criminality and the reaction it provokes testifies a reality interspersed with specific consequences and differences to the detriment of nonnationals. The foreigner finds him/herself at the heart of a legal system which, whilst organising his/her legal existence in france, interferes in a dominating way in the mechanisms for repressing criminality of which he/she may be the subject. Acting directly or indirectly in the repressive process, legislation rela, ting to the conditions of entry into and stay in france thus appears as the main instrument of a differential social reaction. But the imprisonment of foreigners also reveals criminal law's repressive function. From guarantees of representation required with greater firmness to measures of individualisation applied parsimoniously, law contributes to making the imprisoned foreigner a victim : the chosen (ineluctable ?) person in a sacrificial process for a sacrifice allegedly essential to common security
Moujoud, Nasima. "Migrantes, seules et sans droits, au Maroc et en France : dominations imbriquées et résistances individuelles." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0310.
Full textThe thesis deals with the consequences involved by the relationships of power as for the way female migrants are looked at, as for the understanding of migration, labour, collective mobilization, sexuality, marriage, maternity, as well as for the social relations weaved by women who left alone Morocco and are illegal in France. The research is based on fieldwork, and on the analysis of the literature dealing with female migrants, Morocco or Maghreb. It links the issue of women's migration with that of the way class, "race" and sex relationships are articulated, showing that underprivileged women who initiated alone ther migration are led to substitute the collective mobilization for an individual existing in both societies of departure and of arrival
Nasri, Amar. "Réflexions sur le régime juridique des mesures d'éloignement des étrangers du territoire français." Paris 8, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA081095.
Full textThe removal foreigners measurements like they appear across differents laws relatives to immigration control haven't leaved off growing hard. These laws prove that foreigners (settlers, askers of sanctuary) don't have an absolute right to stay in france. In fact, the public authorities are alaways apt to send them away france because of irregularity of their sojourn or unlawful behaviour menacing the public order. So, entering and foreigners sojourn (provisional excepted) asking the statue of politics refugee or the territorial sanctuary are steadily rejected because these persons are in the material impossibility to prove their persecutions or threats wich they are victims. This removal is besides facilited by the schengen accords forecasting readmission of protection candidates who have forwarded across a signing country. Moreover, legislator has extended obligations to go out from french territory managing to escape censorships more theoreticals than reals of constitutional council
Orloff-Khatimi, Malika d'. "La protection sociale des étrangers en France : quel droit à la "santé" pour les étrangers en situation irrégulière." Aix-Marseille 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX32034.
Full textChaïb, Linda. "Citoyenneté, droit de vote local et immigration : les expériences nord-américines et françaises." Paris 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA040118.
Full textThis dissertation compares the political debates around the proposal to grant local voting rights to foreign residents –that is to say to new immigrants – in France and in the United States. The first part retraces the historical evolution of the legislation on citizenship and nationality in each country, then introduces their respective model of political participation. In both cases, the attribution of citizenship has become with time a prerogative essentially of the central State (in the American case, of the federal government), but in America it has remained formally within the policy remit of States. The French model of local participation is more strongly centered than the American one on the notion of representative democracy, and tends to leave little place to civil society in decision-making mechanisms. The thesis then analyses the contemporary claims for local voting rights of foreign residents in the two countries. While most American cities remain closed to this type of demands, some have seized on the legal possibility that still exists in their State to grant local voting rights to their foreign residents. French cities, deprived of this possibility, have at best attempted to set up limited experiments in consultation and direct democracy for their foreigners. The last part also presents the comparison of two local cases, Boston and Paris. Boston has been markedly more successful than Paris, reflecting the greater opening of the American system towards civil society and towards the figure of the “immigrant”
Gay, Vincent. "Immigration, conflits sociaux et restructurations industrielles : les ouvriers immigrés de Citroën et Talbot au début des années 1980." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLE040.
Full textIn spring 1982, , immigrant workers led strikes in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) and Poissy (Yvelines) car plants and joined the trade unions CGT and CFDT in massive numbers. In the following months, social conflicts were intense and varied in these plants but ended in 1984 after the strikes against collective redundancies failed. This cycle of social conflicts provides a suitable starting point for studying the ongoing changes relating to the immigrant workers' situation in the plants at the time. The immigrant workers faced the updating of production facilities and work organization and had to cope with new industrial choices and policies which questions the legitimacy of their being in France. Their integration in the French workers' movement enabled them to contest the subordinate positions in which they had been kept until then. However, the massive reduction in jobs and the prospect of the unskilled jobs' demise cast doubt on their future in the industrial world . Professional training and plans on returning to the country of origin highlight the options provided by the companies and the French State
Klötgen, Paul. "La situation irrégulière de l'étranger en droit comparé français et allemand." Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010279.
Full textKohlhagen, Dominik. "Diasporas africaines et mondes du droit : une anthropologie juridique d'une migration entre Douala et Berlin." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010353.
Full textBased on an empirical rather than normative understanding ofwhat is "Iegal", this dissertation questions the way socially sanctioned actions and relations are defined amongst a group of Mrican migrants. By identifying the different worlds within which the migrants interact, it aims at showing the plurality of social rationalities at stake and the unpredictability of the processes involved when it cornes to understanding the legal phenomenon
Havard, Duclos Bénédicte. "Entre philanthropie et syndicalisme : militants et mal-logés de l'association "Droit au logement" (DAL)." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002VERS017S.
Full textI explore social relations between activists and people they help. An historical study, back to the 19th century pattern, explains first the two forms of these relations: philanthropy and trade-unionism. Then I report the results of a fieldwork survey in committees of Parisian suburbs on an activist movement focusing on the issue of housing (DAL) and show how the different models of relation with suffering others are tensed. I present the groups meeting in the association: people with poor housing and the activists who don't act only because of moral indignation. Activists, the dominant group impose their own frame to poor housing people who are supposed to mobilize on an offensive and collective basis, as well as trade-unionists in France do. This injunction is a paradoxe because most of them don't belong to the group of poor housing. However they manage to pull activists toward their own project (to be helped and re-housed) and to win political sense, self confidence and emancipation
Chassang, Céline. "L’étranger et le droit pénal : étude sur la pertinence de la pénalisation." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100162.
Full textCriminal law gives rise to distinctions between aliens and nationals, the former being subjected to specific criminalization. But the relevance of this criminalization may be questioned, considering the balance sought by criminal law between distinction and assimilation.First, the study demonstrates that the different distinctions provided by criminal law may be challenged. On one hand, criminalization that applies to every alien is not convenient since it appears non-essential – when criminal law overlaps already sufficient extra-criminal rules – and illegitimate – when criminal law uses foreign origin as selection criterion. On the other hand, specific criminalization applied to illegal aliens appears to be inadequate since, depending on the evolution of national administrative rules and European rules, it has no legal certainty and relative interest to restrict illegal immigration.Then, the analysis shows, through a movement of progressive assimilation of aliens to nationals, that criminal law can also lose interest in foreign origin. On one hand, this assimilation meets to a requirement of equality that one may observe not only in criminal lawsuits but also in matters of criminal immunities in favor of some aliens. On the other hand, this assimilation is based on broader fight against impunity of offenders as required by international criminal cooperation and recognized by the mechanism of universal jurisdiction
Abounai, Aïcha. "La femme marocaine en France : justice civile et processus d'intégration." Paris 8, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA081021.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to study the application of moroccan personal status code to moroccan women in france, as well as the impact of this application on the integration process. Twenty-five years after its promulgation, the same code continues to govern family life in morocco. Completely outmoded by social experience, it is contested by women's organizations and left-wing political forces. Moroccan women in france live within a different social environment they describ their hopes, their disappointments, but also their expectations and how they view the future. This new social environment adds to the complexity of the problems raised by the application of the personal status code in accordance with the french-moroccan convention of the tenth of august nineteen hundred and eighty-one. This involves the intervention of french courts and moroccan diplomatic authorities, who deal differently with these problems the moroccan women can avail herself of both french justice and authorities. Her choice is influenced by serveral factors : her degree of legal knowledge, her family status (mother or without children), and her professional status (whether or not she works). However, if the moroccan woman has created a space in wich she lives and wich
Pestre, Élise. "L'État, le réfugié et son thérapeute : les conditions de vie psychique des réfugiés." Paris 7, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA070062.
Full textToday, politicians are leading the fight against illegal immigration by interpreting the validity of testimonies provided by immigrants seeking asylum in order to determine if they are "real" or "fake" refugees. Often when these decisions take place, the circumstances are considered economic or therapeutic as opposed to the need for protection from actual persecution. What are the subjective consequences generated by such suspicions for the person seeking asylum? The discourse is affected by this "testimonial barrier" because when he or she is forced to "reveal everything" to another, especially when access to certain memories is blocked by the confrontation with the Real, the process produces demetaphorizing results. The constructed testimony may become a vital invention necessary for exile for the one seeking refuge. The subject, weakened during the long waiting period for the anticipated "papers", attempts to escape his or her legal vulnerability by whatever means available. How will the clinician work through this problem which is ignored by the government? What are the effects of these meetings on the subjectivity of the therapist listening to unacceptable horrors that can be considered human cruelty? What can the psychologist do in the context of national politics that give the expert's role to the State for deciding whether the immigrant's testimony is true or false? This project analyzes the interaction between political, social, and psychological perspectives based on the psychoanalytic approach. The juxtaposition of the State, the refugee, and the therapist will be discussed leading to "a clinical approach to asylum. "
Becan, Ayse Elif. "Une familière étrangeté : l'accueil des immigrants musulmans des Balkans en Turquie (1923 – 1964)." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021EHES0042.
Full textThe topic of this doctoral thesis is the immigration policies towards Muslim migrants from the Balkans in Republican Turkey from 1923 to 1964. Although these Muslims were legally foreigners, official authorities hardly ever used this term about them. In this thesis, I thus intend to study the relation between hospitality and identification in order to understand how the notion of foreigner was used in immigration policies. The notion of foreignness was arranged, negotiated and interpreted by lawmakers, executive, diplomatic and administrative authorities and by migrants themselves. This thesis traces the genealogy, development and transformation of immigration policies, by taking into consideration the different layers of foreignness and familiarity used by the State when identifying migrants. I have adopted a multidisciplinary approach along this work: although a historical research, the thesis has a strong political science dimension and borrows from legal and administrative studies. The analysis first focuses on the normative framework concerning the legal status that Balkan Muslims who immigrated to Turkey benefited from. The vocabulary and the rules put in place during this period were marked by a continuity with late Ottoman immigration policies that I traced. The thesis also studies how these policies were set up according to the national and international contexts. In the second part of my work, I retrace the process of naturalization by considering the technical evolutions of administrative work and by replacing the processes in their political context. I will particularly observe cases of collective naturalization of people who obtained the immigrant status through the explicit categories that emerge in the filled-in forms. The third part of this thesis looks at the aid and relief programs through the lens of the State budget, in order to show how immigration policies were adapted to political and demographic policies and to the evolution of the question of law and immigration rights. Following this, I study the social transformations that result in the formation of migrant associations formed according to the region of origin, as well as their projects to promote the recognition of professional experience of immigrants. This research ends with a study of immigrant rights by concentrating on the experience of an individual who migrated from Skopje to Istanbul in the middle of the 20th century and on the procedures he undertook to obtain the recognition of his diplomas in order to find employment, in this case in the public service
Al, Khaili Saeed. "Le paysage français et émirien de la sécurité intérieure face au phénomène de l'immigration illégale." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AZUR0027.
Full textHomeland Security is an essential requirement for the exercise of freedoms and rights. It is central to the concerns of the governors and the governed. Therefore, illegal immigration phenomenon multiple cause, changed dramatically, both in its scale and nature, requiring, in respect for human rights, the establishment of an ambitious policy. To counter threats or demonstrations of illegal immigration, French and Emirati legislators came reformulate the priority of general guidelines for internal security and justice. They revolve around constitutional reforms, based on a deep collaboration between stakeholders in the field of internal security, but also a desire to give them a legal and administrative framework modernized. In this context, one must understand the variety of discursive aspects, the heterogeneity of concrete arrangements (discourse of human rights ...) and the joint reports of knowledge and power. It should also follow the discursive cross the figure that takes this phenomenon through all these twists and turns and the sense that it maintains links with the various structural problems, as well as the figure that takes the state sovereignty itself. We must understand the reasons for the passage of a speech that was meant reassuring and condescending speech that wants troubling and disturbing, based on the rise of the insecurities related to the phenomenon of illegal immigration and thus weakening internal security
Loteteka, Jackie Botimela. "La socialisation juridique des mineurs de justice par un droit de repères : Une expérience d'intermédiation culturelle au Tribunal pour enfants de Paris." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010324.
Full textBaudet-Caille, Véronique. "Le retour du travailleur étranger dans son pays d'origine : politiques nationales et négociations internationales." Paris 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA010298.
Full textSince the seventy's crisis, in all common market countries, the aspects of the immigration policy tends to be the foreign workers momecoming. The main purpose of such a policy is to unblock the labor market, mainly composed of unskilled. The homecoming policy isn't only authorities' privilege. Different private organizations are favorable to reintegration within the scope of developing aids. All they do is based on partnership with the morkers and their countries. Thus, those public initiatives haven't reached their quantitative aims. The foreign morkers come back home either when they retire or when they don't succed. That's how only private initiatives play a promissing part in reintegration policy
Ducroquetz, Anne-Lise. "L'expulsion des étrangers en droit international et européen." Phd thesis, Université du Droit et de la Santé - Lille II, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00196312.
Full textLe phénomène de l'expulsion est, par définition, transnational et pousse à une coopération accrue des Etats. Dès lors, la mise en place d'un corpus minimal de droits, assorti des garanties procédurales permettant d'en assurer l'effectivité, est une nécessité d'autant plus pressante. Les organes internationaux de contrôle, à l'instar de la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme, cherchent ainsi à interpréter favorablement les conventions applicables à cette matière afin de répondre à ce besoin.
Un dépassement de cette approche initiale, attachée au concept de nationalité, semble toutefois aujourd'hui nécessaire. A cet égard, l'Union européenne pourrait constituer un cadre juridique idéal pour la création d'un statut de “quasi-national” et l'autonomisation de la notion de citoyenneté européenne.
Klausser, Nicolas. "L'accès au statut juridique d'étranger gravement malade." Thesis, Paris 10, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021PA100003.
Full textSince 1997-1998, in the context of AIDS/HIV crisis, a protection against deportation and a right to stay are granted to migrants suffering from serious diseases that cannot be treated in their home country. The migrant’s disease is now constitutive of legitimacy: migrant can be biolegitimate. This new recognition led to fears from public authority to not been able of controling immigration anymore. Indeed, migrant’s biolegitimacy implies to conciliate control of immigration with health protection. Thus, the study of legal standards related to serioulsy ill migrant statuses aim to examine the balance between those objectives, in order to analyze wether if this status is effective.International, european and national law provide sufficient flexibility to legislator for adopting legal framework which foster immigration control more than health protection. Since twenty years, successive immigration reforms significantly normalized the categorization process of seriously ill migrant, in order to control restrictively the flow of resident permit for medical reasons. The study of the legal framework’s application by procedural actors (doctors, administration, administrative judges) emphasize this normalization’s concretization, enabling State to reajust biolegitimacy process in order to control it
Darley, Aurélie Mathilde. "Frontière, asile et détention des étrangers : le contrôle étatique de l'immigration et son contournement en Autriche et en République tchèque." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008IEPP0017.
Full textMigration control here is analyzed not only through the study of public policy tools and their discursive presentation but more particularly through observing control practices within places directly dedicated to the control and selection of foreigners on the national territory. The field research conducted in aliens’ confinement centres (administrative detention centres and closed reception centres for asylum seekers in the transit zone of international airports) as well as in frontier posts in Austria and in the Czech Republic have allowed to observe how migration control is exercized. Understood as spaces of interaction between (State or non-state) agents of control and their target groups, these places also constitute a privileged field for observing forms of reception, circumvention or even reappropriation of control by controlled migrants. Putting into perspective the Austrian and the Czech cases between 2004 and 2007, as they were still separated by a Schengen border, reveals the permanence or, on the contrary, the transformations of certain forms of control and brings to light trends that seem to be part of a system at European level. The obviousness of confinement in contemporary security policies and the interpenetration it allows between “humanitarian” and “securitarian” logics makes it both to a tool of migration control policies and to a factor of their redefinition
Richefeu, Ludivine. "Le droit pénal face à la migration transfrontière." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01D050/document.
Full textThis study focuses on the link between criminal law and crossborder migration and will address two specific forms of migration : irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose. The main focus of this study is criminal law. This choice has resulted in a reversal of the original focus ; that is to say the effects of crossborder migration on criminal law as opposed to the effects of criminal law on crossborder migration. Both irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose undermine criminal law. With respect to irregular migration, criminal law is used as an administrative instrument to repel migrants from national borders particularly those in waiting zones and crossborder zones. Prevention policies against irregular migration implemented at the EU level have resulted in an entanglement of criminal norms, in various geographic areas, some of them were diverted to prevent migration by sea and other were created to stop migrants trying to enter by land via third countries. On the contrary, criminal law seems absent with regards to migration with a terrorist purpose. While it could effectively tackle this phenomenon, it seems overwhelmed by the rise of administrative police measures. These measures are able to anticipate in a quasi-predictive manner the risk of terrorism via crossborder migration and they in fact render criminal law ineffective. Thinking criminal law in the face of crossborder migration has allowed to reveal that irregular migration and migration with a terrorist purpose are legally contected, when they are considered through the prism of the risk conveyed
Moncada, Marie. "L’homéostasie idéelle. Comprendre la stabilité de l’accès aux soins des étrangers irréguliers en France et aux États-Unis (1970-2016)." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLV028/document.
Full textHow to understand the stability of the access to care for unauthorized immigrants in France and in the United States, from 1970 to 2016, regarding the controversies and the reforms this access is subjected to? This PhD dissertation uses two hypotheses: on one hand, negative feedbacks would control the French policy; on the other hand, a deep core belief seems to stabilize the US one. A mixed analysis (qualitative and quantitative) is done with the NVivo software on data written by interest groups (680 files in France, 881 in the United States), the press (15 625 and 16 970), the Parliament (1 366 and 1 110) and the administration (190 and 105). A hundred of interviews refined the results.This analysis ends in a belief homeostasis pendulum highlighting three activities of the deep core beliefs: a belief locking (self-censorship), a positive feedback (self-reinforcing) and a negative feedback (self-correcting). In this sense, the US policy is subjected to a belief locking while its French counterpart is dominated by negative and, to a lesser extent, positive feedbacks. But these two countries have their own deep core beliefs. The French deep core, originated from Catholicism, is tolerant towards infringement and favors equality. On the contrary, the US deep core, deriving from Protestantism, is less lenient towards breach and opts for liberty
Gabarro, Céline. "L’attribution de l’aide médicale d’Etat (AME) par les agents de l’Assurance maladie : entre soupçon de fraude, figures de l’étranger et injonctions gestionnaires." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC167/document.
Full textIn this dissertation, we address the issue of healthcare access for undocumented immigrants through the study of State Medical Aid (referred to as AME – Aide Médicale d’Etat) – a healthcare coverage specifically dedicated to them. Based on an ethnographic study carried out on both sides of the counter at Health Insurance Offices (referred to as CPAM - caisses primaires d’Assurance maladie), we question the impact of an increasingly managerial approach to healthcare and of CPAM occupational mutations on AME attribution. We show how a rhetoric of suspicion developed in this administration, towards foreigners in particular. Event though this rhetoric is institutionalized, we shall see how it can also be individually reappropriated, in a context where the meaning of labor is strongly called into question, and where professional identities are undermined. While all agents share a common discourse on the fight against social fraud, they nevertheless use this logic in different ways. As a result, agents may distinctively promote a managerial expertise, a social expertise, or a system gatekeeper expertise. Finally, this dissertation shows how the use of a suspicion rhetoric does not necessarily produce a rigorist reading of AME, even if the latter dominates. On the contrary, it may also call on a social or managerial perspective – given the specificity of AME and its separate processing – that may facilitate healthcare access for undocumented immigrants