Academic literature on the topic 'Imaginary voyage'
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Journal articles on the topic "Imaginary voyage"
Hugill, Andrew, and Lee Scott. "The Imaginary Voyage: an online opera." Digital Creativity 24, no. 3 (September 2013): 268–73.
Full textJones, Nancy C. "Imaginary Voyage: Constructed Reality in Eric Overmyer's On the Verge; or, the Geography of Yearning." Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature 146, no. 1 (December 2024): 137–49.
Full textDe Santis, Dario. "Maiden Voyage." Nuncius 26, no. 1 (2011): 21–49.
Full textHwang, Hye-young. "Imaginary Science and Imaginary Filmic Techniques in 『Le voyage dans la lune』 of Goerges Melies." Korean Society of Culture and Convergence 39, no. 1 (February 28, 2017): 83–104.
Full textBogojević, Dragan. "VOYAGE HISTORIQUE ET POLITIQUE AU MONTÉNÉGRO DE VIALLA DE SOMMIÈRES: UN LIVRE FONDATEUR D’UN IMAGINAIRE PARADOXAL DU VOYAGE AU MONTÉNÉGRO AU XIX SIÈCLE." La mémoire et ses enjeux. Balkans – France: regards croisés, X/ 2019 (December 30, 2019): 45–61.
Full textKlonowska, Barbara. "New World, Old Hope: Utopian Imaginaries in Golden Door by Emanuele Crialese." Caietele Echinox 46 (June 1, 2024): 57–64.
Full textCzigányik, Zsolt. "From the Bright Future of the Nation to the Dark Future of Mankind: Jókai and Karinthy in Hungarian Utopian Tradition." Hungarian Cultural Studies 8 (January 22, 2016): 12–23.
Full textJones, Christa. "Sufi Mysticism and Dreams in Nabil Ayouch’s Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets." Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 5, no. 2 (December 2013): 80–95.
Full textPEREIRA COUTTOLENC, Eugénie. "LES MÉCANISMES SOCIODISCURSIFS DE L’ENCHANTEMENT DANS LES BLOGS VOYAGE." Analele Universității din Craiova, Seria Ştiinte Filologice, Langues et littératures romanes 25, no. 1 (January 24, 2022): 112–34.
Full textGeiger, Jeffrey. "Exquisite wonder: Colour film, realism and the Yankee voyage, 1936–38." Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies 8, no. 1 (May 1, 2020): 57–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Imaginary voyage"
Lee, Weon-Bog. "Le rôle du voyage dans l'œuvre de Michel Tournier." Villeneuve d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1999.
Full textt'Felt, Kristina. "Le voyage des Danois et le tourisme des Chinois. Mobilité : entre l'imaginaire et le réel." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.
Full textHow to explain the continuous growth of tourist mobility despite the global economic crisis? One of the answers establishing the fundamental problem of this research in sociology is the constancy of the noetic function of travel. Moving to meet the Other one and the Elsewhere can be a source of inspiration, pleasure, refusal or indifference. Which meaning does the social actor give to his journey? This can be imagined, lived or told, and thus producing varied images. During a trip the individual is confronting three temporalities: the images of the trip mingle with his previous imaginary representations, his present is made of a sensory experience associated with the space-time forming the frame and, at the same time he is already in the perspective of the return/homecoming collecting images or objects that will compose the support of his future story and memory. Two field surveys made it possible to distinguish the tourist trip from the journey, one carried out with Danish travelers / tourists in Aude on the one hand and another one with Chinese tourists in Paris, and to show that every tourist becomes a traveler when he makes a noetic experience, that is to say, he enters into a dialogue with the Other one and the environment creating a temporality likely to change himself and so his perception of reality. Formerly identified by ancient philosophers, this dialectic remains potential in any voluntary mobility despite industrial, standard, mass tourism and continues to play an initiatory role in the construction of being
Maus, de Rolley Thibaut. "Elévations. Écritures du voyage aérien à la Renaissance." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009.
Full textFrom Ariosto’s Orlando furioso (1516-1532) to Kepler’s Somnium (1634), this thesis offers a study of aerial and celestial voyages in Renaissance narrative fiction (romances, epic poems, satires) as well as of learned treatises related to the question of flying (demonology, cosmography, astronomy, learned discourses on human and bird flight, etc.). It focuses on three main subjects: cosmic voyages in the tradition of Cicero’s Dream of Scipio or Lucian of Samosata’s Icaromenippus; aerial voyages in chivalric romance; diabolical transvection (eg. fly to the sabbath). It thus shows the extent to which flight captured the Renaissance imagination, at the cross-roads between fiction and learned discourse, and it traces a « pre-history » of fictional flying before Godwin’s Man in the Moone (1638) or Cyrano de Bergerac’s Etats et Empires de la Lune et du Soleil (1657 and 1662). At the heart of this fantasy lies a desire to measure the world from above – together with the anxieties produced by the same desire
Ponty, Florian. "La collection des voyages imaginaires, songes, visions et romans cabalistiques (1787-1789) : Enjeux éditoriaux, génériques et idéologiques dans l'Europe des Lumières." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.
Full textThis thesis focuses primarily on the collection of Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions et romans cabalistiques published by Charles-Georges-Thomas Garnier (1787-1789). It includes numerous French fictional works from the late 17th and 18th centuries, along with several translations, mainly from English. Novels such as Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Voltaire's Micromégas, Cyrano de Bergerac's L'Autre Monde, and Lucian of Samosata's A True Story are featured in this collection. The collection established by Garnier constitutes a good point of reference to better understand what brings together these fictions and what characterizes them. Although the modern critics tend to assign them to the genres of utopia, science fiction or to the French concept of fantastique, this study aims to explore the rich and nuanced genre categorisation specific to this period, situating it within the framework of modern concepts. The thesis proposes a critical journey structured around an examination of the paratext, shedding light on the foundations of Garnier's editorial project. The analysis focuses first on how these paratexts shape the reception of the works and create a cohesive narrative. This initial perspective gradually broadens to consider the collection effect revealing the intricate networks of meaning that form a comprehensive cartography of the imagination. This exploration is further enriched by a reflection on literary genre, articulated through two dimensions: the relationship to travel, characterized by a rhetoric of verisimilitude that pastiches authentic narratives, and the relationship to imagination, examining their connections to fantasy, rational conjecture and the fantastique. Finally, three key statements emerge from the paratextual apparatus and are confirmed in the course of the study. First, the imaginary voyages have a strong propensity for intertextuality and hypertextuality in Gérard Genette's sense. Second, these fictions are part of the novelistic category known at the time as works of imagination (ouvrages d'imagination) alongside fairy tales and oriental tales. Finally, they are supposed to have an educational impact on the reader, thus contributing to a project of critical edification
Girleanu, Simona. "Histoires et poétiques de la ville : représentations de Paris et Londres dans la deuxième moitié des Lumières." Thesis, Lille 3, 2012.
Full textThe two great European capitals, Paris and London, are emblematic of the phenomenon of urban growth in the second half of the Enlightenment. The aim of our study, based on travelogues, architectural treatises and other writings on the two cities, is to elaborate a cultural and literary history of Paris and London by means of a multiple approach of the concept of representation which combines history and poetics. On the one hand, the analysis of the urban projects designed for Paris and London allows us to pinpoint two complementary manners of conceiving the city: public magnificence and public utility. Between these two poles emerge the concepts of embellissement and (urban) improvement which stem from an artistic and, respectively, technical urban imaginary. Moreover, the general debate on urban improvement fosters the emergence of a public sphere of science, demonstrated through two maps of places of science in Paris and London, conceived for the purposes of this study.On the other hand, a poetic approach of these urban representations shows the overlapping of aesthetic and epistemological issues. Firstly, the emergence of the architectural concept of character accounts for the link between the process of reading the city, the collaboration of arts at this time and urban improvement. Secondly, the comparative analysis of different types of urban descriptions allows us to demonstrate the circulation of several descriptive patterns, among which the pattern of the ideal city is the perfect embodiment of the subtle connections between urban forms and forms of discourse in the second half of the Enlightenment
Bellemare, Alex. "Mundus est fabula. L'imaginaire géographique dans la fiction utopique (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textWhy were utopian fictions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries written in the form of a first person imaginary travel ? Most commentators study utopian literature as being a concept ; the form it adopts and the representations it deploys are considered, at best, incidental. Our hypothesis is quite different : these texts should interest the historian of literature precisely because they present themselves in the form of a narrative in which the subjectivity of the narrator is problematic. By their construction mixing factual and fictional elements, these texts can be read in the double perspective of the “world as fable” and the “fable as world”. We will study this duality through the notion of geographical imagination : the texts we analyze are addressing the links between travel and language, territory and society, mobility and subjectivity. The geographical imagination that we will interpret is a process that informs the perception of the world and the possibility of its representation. This doctoral thesis is divided in two parts : we will investigate depictions of space and spatial practices which are both mediations between the utopian traveler and the places he crosses
Amirou, Rachid. "Imaginaire touristique et sociabilités de voyage." Paris 5, 1992.
Full textThis thesis is a result of several years of work as tour guide, from 1984 to 1988, with the French youth hostels, I travelled with French groups of tourists to different countries like brazil, china, Thailand, Philippines, Burma, Ireland, Hong-Kong, Malaysia and Quebec. Inspired by a reflection on child's playing extracted from Donald. W. Winnicot(1), this contribution intends to cast a socio-anthropological light on holidays' behavior. Its main hypothesis is that there is a 'homology of structure' (max weber) between the child's area of play and the vacations' space. Child’s play, according to some psychoanalysts, expresses a relationship of confidence established with space and the immediate environment. An area of playing (or space of illusion) is thus created as an intermediary element between the child and the outside world. That imaginary and that infantile experiment of a confident balance with the outside world can be laid down as a symbolic matrix that moulds the vacations' sociality of today. Pilgrimages, group tourism, clubs, holiday villages, camping, etc. Strongly suggest the presence or creation of a proper space time. That space time, along with the themes it conveys - conviviality and retiring into one's shell -, evokes a laymen's pattern of "communitas" on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it somehow actualizes that original relation to the "outside world" where the child lives. The same process of apprehension of the outside world via the creation of a specific
Menzies, Ruth. "Les "Voyages de Gulliver" de Jonathan Swift et la tradition française du voyage imaginaire : parcours intertextuels et identité générique." La Réunion, 2004.
Full text"Gulliver's travels" belong to the imaginary voyage tradition, founded by Lucian of Samosata and particularly popular in 17th-Century France. The links between Swift's work and the texts in French are of two types. The "Travels" are intertextually connected to several hypotexts (the d'Ablancourt version of the "True history", Rabelais' "Quart livre", Cyrano de Bergerac's "L'autre monde"), whereas other resemblances are the result of traits characteristic of the genre. Swift's text shares many codes and topoi͏̈ with Veiras' "Histoire des Sévarambes", Foigny's "Terre australe connue" and Tyssot de Patot's "Voyages et aventures de Jacques Massé", anchoring itself firmly within a textual network in order to reflect upon human society, truth and fiction, as well as literary continuity, which the work both embodies and perpetuates
Jollant, Nataly. "L'Amazonie comme identité, géographie imaginaire et cartographie littéraire au Brésil du XIXe siècle. Le vécu au service de l'imaginaire." Thesis, Paris 3, 2019.
Full textForeign and national imaginaries of the Brazilian Amazon are the result of a long and incomplete historical and literary construction started by Europeans in the 16th century. The first texts about the region gave accounts of a faraway, exotic and wild place. These representations would be permanently associated to the Amazonian space, in particular during the 19th century, when Brazil initiated its process of political emancipation and identity formation. In the vast project of constructing a national identity, it is important to understand how foreign imaginaries shaped the local imaginaries. And the Amazonian writers had a remarkable participation in establishing a collective identity. Wanting to secure a place for the Amazon in the national architecture, they used the traditions of the indigenous people as well as the knowledge of the Europeans. Using the study of travel narratives, of the press, of regionalist literature, through the lens of scientific theories and literary currents, and at the intersection of various disciplines, we will analyze the formation of imaginaries of the Amazon, how they have consolidated throughout the centuries, and to what extent Amazonian writers appropriated them to create a regional literature
Os imaginários estrangeiros e nacionais sobre a Amazônia brasileira são frutos de um longo e imperfeito trabalho de construção histórica e literária, iniciado no século XVI pelos europeus. Os primeiros textos sobre a região dão conta de um lugar distante, exótico e selvagem. Representações que serão associadas para sempre ao espaço amazônico, notadamente no século XIX quando o Brasil inicia seu processo de emancipação política e de construção identitária. No vasto projeto de constituição da identidade nacional, importa compreender como os imaginários estrangeiros modelaram os imaginários locais. Outrossim, os escritores amazônicos tiveram notável participação no estabelecimento de uma identidade coletiva. Buscando assegurar um lugar para a Amazônia na arquitetura nacional, eles recorreram tanto às tradições dos povos autóctones quanto aos saberes dos europeus. Através da análise de narrativas de viagem, da imprensa, da literatura regionalista, à luz de teorias científicas e de correntes literárias, e na intersecção de várias disciplinas, são analisados a formação dos imaginários sobre a Amazônia, de que forma os mesmos se consolidaram ao longo dos séculos e em que medida os escritores amazônicos deles se apropriaram para criar uma literatura regionalista
Carvalheiro, Cabete Susana Margarida. "A narrativa de viagem em Portugal no século XIX : alteridade e identidade nacional." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Imaginary voyage"
Verona, Università di, Centre de recherche sur l'imaginaire de Grenoble., Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul "Viaggio in Italia.", and Congrès International sur Voyage imaginaire, voyage initiatique (1988 : Verona, Italy), eds. Voyage imaginaire, voyage initiatique: Actes du congrès internationale de Vérone, 26-28 avril 1988. Moncalieri, Italy: Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur le voyage en Italie, 1988.
Find full textCentro interuniversitario di ricerche sul "Viaggio in Italia.", ed. Voyage imaginaire, voyage initiatique: Actes du congrès international de Vérone, 26-28 avril 1988. Moncalieri, Italy: Centro interuniversitario di richerche sul "Viaggio in Italia", 1990.
Find full textLepage, Caroline. Cent ans de solitude: Voyage en pays macondien. Paris: CNED, 2008.
Find full textJean, Marigny, Baudin Henri, and Equipe de recherche sur le voyage (Grenoble, France), eds. Le Voyage sur le fleuve. [Grenoble]: Université des langues et lettres de Grenoble, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Imaginary voyage"
Poppenhagen, Nicole. "“Ocean People”: Maritime (Im)Mobilities in the Chinese American Imaginary." In Maritime Mobilities in Anglophone Literature and Culture, 187–210. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textDavid, Leonard, Andrew Aldrin, and Peter Eckart. "Imaginary Voyages and “Lunatics”." In Handbook of Lunar Base Design and Development, 1–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMeynier, Fabien. "La carte et le voyage." In Cinéma et imaginaire topographique, 197–220. Grenoble: UGA Éditions, 2022.
Full textDunér, David. "Imaginary Voyages (from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century)." In Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 1419–24. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.
Full textDunér, David. "Imaginary Voyages (from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century)." In Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 1–6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textGal, Ofer. "Two Bohemian Journeys: Real, Imaginary and Idealized Voyages at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century." In Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 15–30. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.
Full textMargaroni, Maria. "Time-Voyagers to the Infinity-Point of the Human: Woolf, Kristeva and the Bisexual Imaginary." In Different Voices, 43–68. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022.
Full textGal, Ofer. "Imaginary Voyages: The New Science and Its Search for a Vantage Point (Or: How the Imagination Was Used to Domesticate the Exotic)." In The Palgrave Handbook of Early Modern Literature and Science, 49–71. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Full text"ANOTHER IMAGINARY VOYAGE." In No Heaven, 48–49. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005.
Full textGallet-Guillon, Maud. "Du voyage à sa représentation." In Real and Imaginary Travels 16th-18th centuries, 143–55. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Imaginary voyage"
Cremades Cano, Isaac David. "Eau et mémoire chez Marie-Célie Agnant." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textBenoit Morinière, Claude. "Images de l’eau dans l’œuvre yourcenarienne." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textDede-Acosta, Harold, and Dylan Altamiranda. "DIBUJANDO EL CARIBE." In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme, 2024.
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