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Alum, Tony. Images from a broken mirror: A story from Porta Pallazzo. Enugu, Nigeria: Raymond Pub., 2004.

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Moskatova, Olga, ed. Images on the Move. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2021.

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In contemporary society, digital images have become increasingly mobile. They are networked, shared on social media, and circulated across small and portable screens. Accordingly, the discourses of spreadability and circulation have come to supersede the focus on production, indexicality, and manipulability, which had dominated early conceptions of digital photography and film. However, the mobility of images is neither technologically nor conceptually limited to the realm of the digital. The edited volume re-examines the historical, aesthetical, and theoretical relevance of image mobility. The contributors provide a materialist account of images on the move - ranging from wired photography to postcards to streaming media.
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Ng, Jenna. The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021.

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Screens are ubiquitous today. They display information; present image worlds; are portable; connect to mobile networks; mesmerize. However, contemporary screen media also seek to eliminate the presence of the screen and the visibilities of its boundaries. As what is image becomes increasingly indistinguishable against the viewer’s actual surroundings, this unsettling prompts re-examination about not only what is the screen, but also how the screen demarcates and what it stands for in relation to our understanding of our realities in, outside and against images. Through case studies drawn from three media technologies – Virtual Reality; holograms; and light projections – this book develops new theories of the surfaces on and spaces in which images are displayed today, interrogating critical lines between art and life; virtuality and actuality; truth and lies. What we have today is not just the contestation of the real against illusion or the unreal, but the disappearance itself of difference and a gluttony of the unreal which both connect up to current politics of distorted truth values and corrupted terms of information. The Post-Screen Through Virtual Reality, Holograms and Light Projections: Where Screen Boundaries Lie is thus about not only where the image’s borders and demarcations are established, but also the screen boundary as the instrumentation of today’s intense virtualizations that do not tell the truth. In all this, a new imagination for images emerges, with a new space for cultures of presence and absence, definitions of object and representation, and understandings of dis- and re-placement – the post-screen.
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Reynolds, Brian. Porta paradisi: Marian doctrine and devotion, image and typology in the patristic and medieval periods. Taipei: Fu Jen University Press, 2009.

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Silva, Orlando da. Manuel Laranjeira, 1877-1912: Vivências e imagens de uma época. [Portugal: s.n.,], 1992.

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Silva, Orlando da. Manuel Laranjeira, 1877-1912: Vivências e imagens de uma época. [Portugal: s.n.,], 1992.

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A nau de Icaro: Seguido de imagem e miragem da lusofonia. Lisbon: Gradiva, 2004.

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João Paulo Ascenso Pereira da Silva. Temas, mitos e imagens de Portugal numa revista inglesa do Porto: The Lusitanian (1844-1845). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2001.

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João Paulo Ascenso Pereira da Silva. Temas, mitos e imagens de Portugal numa revista inglesa do Porto: The Lusitanian (1844-1845). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2001.

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Midal, Alexandra. Antidesign: Petite histoire de la capsule d'habitation en images. Paris]: Epithème, 2004.

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Reis, Claudio de Britto. O Marquês de Pombal e as imagens da verdade. Rio de Janeiro: C. Reis, 1987.

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Images de Port-Royal. Paris: Nolin, 2002.

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Moniz, Jorge Botelho. A caminho da república: Imagens que mudaram a face da opinião pública portuguesa. Coimbra: Tenacitas, 2014.

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Porto, Carlos. O TEP e o teatro em Portugal: Histórias e imagens. Porto: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida, 1997.

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Soares, Joaquina. A imagem da mulher na literatura oral do Torrão. [Setúbal, Portugal]: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia do Distrito de Setúbal, 1986.

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Eduardo Souto de Moura: Atlas de parede, imagens de método. Porto [Portugal]: Dafne Editora, 2011.

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Arte médica e imagem do corpo: De Hipócrates ao final do século XVIII. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2010.

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(Portugal), Biblioteca Nacional. Arte médica e imagem do corpo: De Hipócrates ao final do século XVIII. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2010.

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Pedro, Penteado, ed. Antiguidade da sagrada imagem de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré. Lisboa: Ediçoes Colibri, 2001.

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Raus, Rachele, Gloria Cappelli, and Carolina Flinz, eds. Le guide touristique: lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel. Vol. II. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.

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Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence. Ce volume porte l’attention sur l’image, en tant que représentation du réel mais aussi en tant que lieu à partir duquel l’imagination peut s’exercer en évoquant des représentations mentales (l’imaginaire). Les trois parties proposées (I. Les images du voyage; II. L’art dans le guide; III. Les guides entre imaginaire et propagande) entendent suggérer des parcours de réflexions autour du guide touristique, un objet qui n’a cessé de se transformer et qui, à travers le lexique et les images, a su transmettre les patrimoines culturels le plus différents et les plus pittoresques.
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Myers, Bill. The Portal (Book One) (The Imager Chronicles). Thomas Nelson, 2005.

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Doquang, Mailan S. The True Vine. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses on the messianic and Eucharistic aspects of monumental foliage, namely its function as a symbol of Christ as the true vine. It demonstrates that the botanical friezes articulating the borders of church portals not only thematically complemented (and at times amplified) central/figural scenes, but also functioned as signposts for the visual imagery inside buildings and the liturgy of the Mass. Thus, the chapter sheds new light on the dynamic interaction between sculpture, architecture, and the viewer, while also illuminating and complicating interconnections of edge and center, exterior and interior, and form and liturgy, links activated by the experiencing subject as he or she paused before portal imagery, crossed church thresholds, and circulated through interior spaces.
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Islam, Mohammad Khairul. Real-time portal imaging of megavoltage therapeutic photon beams. 1987.

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Direct Web catalog and portal to photography sites. New York, NY: Direct Stock, 2000.

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de, Abreu Dinis, and Foyos Pedro, eds. A Vida das imagens. Lisboa: Diário de Notícias, E.P., 1989.

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Ho, Joseph W. Developing Mission. Cornell University Press, 2022.

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This book offers a transnational cultural history of US and Chinese communities framed by missionary lenses through time and space—tracing the lives and afterlives of images, cameras, and visual imaginations from before the Second Sino-Japanese War through the first years of the People's Republic of China. When American Protestant and Catholic missionaries entered interwar China, they did so with cameras in hand. Missions principally aimed at the conversion of souls and the modernization of East Asia, became, by virtue of the still and moving images recorded, quasi-anthropological ventures that shaped popular understandings of and formal foreign policy toward China. Portable photographic technologies changed the very nature of missionary experience, while images that missionaries circulated between China and the United States affected cross-cultural encounters in times of peace and war. The book illuminates the centrality of visual practices in the American missionary enterprise in modern China, even as intersecting modernities and changing Sino-US relations radically transformed lives behind and in front of those lenses. In doing so, the book reconstructs the almost-lost histories of transnational image makers, subjects, and viewers across twentieth-century China and the United States.
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Kirby, David A. The Changing Popular Images of Science. Edited by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, and Dietram A. Scheufele. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Studies of popular culture show that contemporary images of science have become far less negative and much more complex than earlier stereotypical depictions. Scientists are now more likely to be characterized as heroes rather than villains, and modern scientist characters exhibit a moral complexity not found in previous portrayals. But the historic depiction of scientists as white, privileged American males has not changed. Scholarly analyses demonstrate a shift away from fictional interpretations of scientific knowledge as inherently dangerous toward a representation of science as being threatening only when it is unregulated and freed from ethical constraints. Recent entertainment media renders science more accessible by demystifying the scientific process even if these texts still portray science as a domain for elites. Past representations of science as a secretive and mysterious practice have also been replaced by a new public image of science as a practice that has an almost preternatural certainty.
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Baracchini, Leïla. Entre désert et toile. Création d’un art san contemporain au Kalahari. Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2021.

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En 1990, à D’kar (Botswana), était créé le premier projet d’art à destination des populations san naro du Kalahari : le Kuru Art Project. De ce projet allait émerger un mouvement artistique de portée internationale, désormais connu sous le nom d’art san contemporain. À partir d’une ethnographie détaillée, Entre désert et toile raconte comment l’art est venu à D’kar et a transformé les pratiques et les modes de représentation, mais aussi le regard porté sur celles et ceux que la culture populaire avait jusqu’alors fait connaître en Occident en tant que chasseurs-cueilleurs nomades ou « Bushmen ». Combinant documents ethnographiques et historiques, il retrace les mouvements circulatoires inhérents à la création et à la diffusion de ces oeuvres sur les marchés de l’art internationaux. Médiations, traductions, rapports de pouvoir : ce livre questionne également les enjeux propres à l’ethnographie d’un processus créatif en contexte postcolonial. Comment maintenir une pratique ethnographique sans se retrouver soi-même engagé dans une dynamique qui impose aux images ses propres codes ? Et dès lors, quelle forme lui donner ? Ces questions amènent l’auteure à développer, dans la dernière partie de l’ouvrage, un portrait fragmentaire et sensible d’une artiste du Kuru Art Project, Coex’ae Bob. À partir d’une démarche collaborative, l’ethnologue et l’artiste y proposent une déambulation entre tableaux, plantes, textes et images, où se dessine une relation intime au Kalahari d’aujourd’hui. Préface de Nathalie Heinich
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Sears, Erin L. Mesoamerica—Maya. Edited by Timothy Insoll. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter reviews attempts to derive meaning from Late Classic Maya ceramic figurines. Early concerns with classificatory procedures have evolved beyond an often site-specific viewpoint to include more regional perspectives that incorporate technological characteristics and an awareness of manufacturing practices. Recent studies have gained inspiration from the content analysis of figural painted polychrome vessels or other relief renderings to permit interpretative forays into the meaning of the represented figurine imagery. Rather than discussing figurines as an isolated body of material culture, variation in theme, image and technology are being explored relative to depositional patterning, and relation to different social levels of ancient communities, especially the residue of ritual devotions. While these portable, miniaturized musical sculptures are still occasionally presented as singular objects that symbolize ancient lifeways, there is increasing recognition that when they are evaluated within the context of special deposits, deeper understandings may be inferred.
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Deschler Canossi, Lesly, and Zoraida Lopez-Diago, eds. Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation. Leuven University Press, 2022.

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Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation questions how the Black female body, specifically the Black maternal body, navigates interlocking structures that place a false narrative on her body and that of her maternal ancestors. Drawing on a wide range of scholarly inquiry and contemporary art, this book addresses these misconceptions and fills in the gaps that exist in the photographic representation of Black motherhood, mothering, and mutual care within Black communities. The essays and interviews, paired with a curated selection of images, address the complicated relationship between Blackness and photography and in particular its gendered dimension, its relationship to health, sexuality, and digital culture – primarily in the context of racialized heteronormativity. This collection, then, challenges racist images and discourses, both historically and in its persistence in contemporary society, while reclaiming the innate brilliance of Black women through personal stories, history, political acts, connections to place, moments of pleasure, and communal celebration. This visual exploration of Black motherhood through pictures made by Black woman–identifying photographers thus serves as a reflection of the past and a portal to the future and contributes to recent scholarship on the complexity of Black life and Black joy.
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Bailey, Heather L. The Public Image of Eastern Orthodoxy. Cornell University Press, 2020.

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Focusing on the period between the revolutions of 1848 to 1849 and the First Vatican Council (1869–1870), this book explores the circumstances under which westerners, concerned about the fate of the papacy, the Ottoman Empire, Poland, and Russian imperial power, began to conflate the Russian Orthodox Church with the state and to portray the Church as the political tool of despotic tsars. As the book demonstrates, in response to this reductionist view, Russian Orthodox publicists launched a public relations campaign in the West, especially in France, in the 1850s and 1860s. The linchpin of their campaign was the building of the impressive Saint Alexander Nevsky Church in Paris, consecrated in 1861. The book posits that, as the embodiment of the belief that Russia had a great historical purpose inextricably tied to Orthodoxy, the Paris church both reflected and contributed to the rise of religious nationalism in Russia that followed the Crimean War. At the same time, the confrontation with westerners' negative ideas about the Eastern Church fueled a reformist spirit in Russia while contributing to a better understanding of Eastern Orthodoxy in the West.
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Lopes, Dominic McIver. Directive Pictures. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Pictures are principally descriptive. Advertising images highlight features of potential purchases; cartoons open portals to scenes in fictional worlds; snapshots in the family photo album remind us of our past selves and landmark events in our personal histories; works of pictorial art express thoughts or feelings about depicted scenes. In addition, pictures serve a directive or action-guiding function that, though not taken into account by theorists, deserves no less attention than their descriptive one. Theories of depiction and the appreciation of pictures stand to benefit by taking ‘directive pictures’ into account, as do theories of representation in general and mental representation in particular.
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(Portugal), Biblioteca Nacional, and Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses., eds. A Nova Lusitania: Imagens cartográficas do Brasil nas colecções da Biblioteca Nacional (1700-1822) : catálogo. Lisboa: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 2001.

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Schneider, Florian. Selling Sovereignty on the Web. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chapter 6 examines the East China Sea dispute on China’s web. This includes an analysis of the official Chinese Diaoyu Islands website, but also of various military news portals and the web presence of non-governmental advocacy groups. While the issue is more dynamic, and notably involves more commercial actors, than the Nanjing Massacre case of the previous chapter, Chinese sites nevertheless fall back on traditional mass-media scripts. The analysis also reveals how this nationalist topic ‘sells’ in digital China: the prominent web resources make heavy use of advertising pop-ups and click-bait, and they juxtapose nationalist imagery with violence, pornography, and gambling offers. The chapter argues that, on China’s web, the issue of the East China Sea dispute is governed by a tacit consensus between political and commercial actors to commodify nationalist symbols for consumption by a specific target demographic, and that this practice shifts Sino–Japan discourses into chauvinistic directions.
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Nesbitt, Eleanor. 2. Guru Nanak and his first successors. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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In Sikh belief, there are ten human Gurus all of whom are physical embodiments of the same Guru. Sikh religious images portray two figures most frequently: Guru Nanak, the first human Guru, and Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth. ‘Guru Nanak and his first successors’ focuses mainly on the first Guru, who lived 1469‐1539, but also looks at the four Gurus who followed him. What do Sikhs today know about Guru Nanak? Most of what they are familiar with comes from religious depictions of the Guru. Narratives of the first Guru’s life exist in the form of the janam-sakhi. Janam means ‘birth’ and sakhi means ‘witness’, ‘testimony’, or ‘evidence’.
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Valente, Isabel Maria Freitas. A Europa, O Ocidente e o Mar. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

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<p>Europa, Ocidente e o Mar – em particular na perspectiva de Portugal e de Espanha – eis o foco e elemento aglutinador dos sete capítulos que enformam este livro. Recorrendo à imagem de uma peça musical, dir-se-ia que o livro disponibiliza ao leitor como que um conjunto de variações, sobre o tema nuclear que o enforma. O resultado é a oportuna obra que o leitor tem entre mãos, e que, num quadro transdisciplinar, regista e explora em cada um dos seus capítulos outros tantos momentos e dimensões da grande saga ibérica de abertura ao mar e de configuração e reconfiguração dos respectivos Estados e do próprio Ocidente.</p>
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Richard L. Kagan Fernando Marias and Richard Kagan. Urban Images of the Hispanic World, 1493-1793. Yale University Press, 2000.

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Issa, Islam. Paradise Lost in Arabic. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter outlines the extant Arabic translations of Milton’s works, then attends to the ways in which three translators—Maḥmūd, Enani, and Aboud—have translated parts of Paradise Lost into Arabic. Close readings of these three translators’ renderings of key images reveal telling correspondences and differences that bring to light the attention to detail in, and thus specific value of, Enani’s translation. The chapter describes Enani’s use of, for example, pre-Islamic archaisms, Qur’ānic style, and prose rhyme, as translational techniques that portray Milton’s grand style, stylize the poetic prose, and strengthen characterization. Enani’s translation theories—and Issa’s interview with Enani—confirm the translator’s key objectives of conveying the rūḥ [spirit], naghamah [tone], and uslūb [style] of the original. The chapter ends with a reflection on future translations, with particular emphasis on Milton’s shorter poems.
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Graves, Margaret S. Material Metaphors. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Tracing parallels between material and verbal poetics, this chapter makes particular reference to changing conceptions of metaphor and imagery during the florescence of medieval Arabic literary theory. It uses textual sources as well as artifacts to demonstrate the intertwining of verbal, visual, and material realms. The first section expands an allegorical framework in medieval Arabic and Persian literary criticism that aligns poetry with manual crafts. Following this, two discrete groups of objects in the form of domed buildings are contextualized and considered as materialized metaphors. First, cast-metal incense burners of the eighth or ninth centuries are placed into an expanded context of eastern Mediterranean portable arts and architectural components. The second group, lanterns from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, reflect a later period when the central-plan domed monument had been fully assimilated into Islamic architectural practice as a standard form of commemorative architecture.
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Carneiro, André, Neil Christie, and Pilar Diarte-Blasco. Urban Transformations in the Late Antique West: Materials, Agents, and Models. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

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Este volume é fruto de uma investigação internacional altamente produtiva que reúne colegas académicos e profissionais (de campo e de museu) para discutir novos resultados e abordagens, descobertas recentes e avaliações teóricas alternativas do período de transição e transformação das cidades clássicas da Antiguidade Antiga. Peritos de uma série de países modernos participaram e apresentaram-se para ajudar a comparar e contrastar criticamente as arqueologias de diversas regiões e para debater as qualidades da arqueologia e os actuais modos de estudo. Embora uma série de artigos se tenha centrado inevitavelmente nas provas disponíveis tanto para Espanha como para Portugal, ficámos encantados por ter uma difusão de contribuições que alargaram o panorama a outros territórios do Ocidente romano tardio e do Mediterrâneo. A ênfase foi dada às imagens apresentadas pela arqueologia (trabalhos de salvamento e investigação, recentes e passados), mas os dados textuais também foram trazidos em cena por vários colaboradores.
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Hiltebeitel, Alf. The Oedipus Mother. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chapter 6 complements chapter 5 as a discussion of what Bose means by the Oedipus mother. Bose’s joint-parental image positions the mother as pre-Oedipal at her source in the second and third phases of Bose’s six-phase theory of child development. Bose’s concept of the pre-Oedipal Oedipus mother as a joint-parental imago bears similarities to Freud’s concept of the phallic mother, and has remarkable affinities with the maternel singulier deployed by Ilse Barande in discussing Leonardo da Vinci’s single mother, and Henri and Madeleine Vermorel’s discussion of the maternal hold of totalitarian regimes. Bose uses the phrase “joint-paternal imago” in two articles, including “The Mechanism of Defiance,” to portray the mother in a masculine super-ego role.
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Parkhomenko, Alexander, Olga S. Gurjeva, and Tetyana Yalynska. Clinical assessment and monitoring of chest radiographs. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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This chapter reviews the main problems in obtaining portable X-rays in intensive cardiac care unit patients and describes specific features of radiographs taken in the supine anteroposterior position. It also includes a brief review of a systematic, multistep approach of evaluating the quality of radiographic images and describing the chest wall, pulmonary vasculature, the heart and its chambers, the great vessels, and the position of tubes, lines, and devices. This chapter covers the most common conditions for which chest radiographs are useful and provides intensive cardiac care unit physicians, cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and medical students with basic information on water retention, air collection, and lung-related problems. It also focuses on the monitoring of line and device placements (e.g. central venous catheters, tube malposition) and procedure-related abnormalities, which may be apparent on chest X-rays and are helpful for timely diagnoses.
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Parkhomenko, Alexander, Olga S. Gurjeva, and Tetyana Yalynska. Clinical assessment and monitoring of chest radiographs. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter reviews the main problems in obtaining portable X-rays in intensive cardiac care unit patients and describes specific features of radiographs taken in the supine anteroposterior position. It also includes a brief review of a systematic, multistep approach of evaluating the quality of radiographic images and describing the chest wall, pulmonary vasculature, the heart and its chambers, the great vessels, and the position of tubes, lines, and devices. This chapter covers the most common conditions for which chest radiographs are useful and provides intensive cardiac care unit physicians, cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and medical students with basic information on water retention, air collection, and lung-related problems. It also focuses on the monitoring of line and device placements (e.g. central venous catheters, tube malposition) and procedure-related abnormalities, which may be apparent on chest X-rays and are helpful for timely diagnoses.
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Parkhomenko, Alexander, Olga S. Gurjeva, and Tetyana Yalynska. Clinical assessment and monitoring of chest radiographs. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter reviews the main problems in obtaining portable X-rays in intensive cardiac care unit patients and describes specific features of radiographs taken in the supine anteroposterior position. It also includes a brief review of a systematic, multistep approach of evaluating the quality of radiographic images and describing the chest wall, pulmonary vasculature, the heart and its chambers, the great vessels, and the position of tubes, lines, and devices. This chapter covers the most common conditions for which chest radiographs are useful and provides intensive cardiac care unit physicians, cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and medical students with basic information on water retention, air collection, and lung-related problems. It also focuses on the monitoring of line and device placements (e.g. central venous catheters, tube malposition) and procedure-related abnormalities, which may be apparent on chest X-rays and are helpful for timely diagnoses.
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Parkhomenko, Alexander, Olga S. Gurjeva, and Tetyana Yalynska. Clinical assessment and monitoring of chest radiographs. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter reviews the main problems in obtaining portable X-rays in intensive cardiac care unit patients and describes specific features of radiographs taken in the supine anteroposterior position. It also includes a brief review of a systematic, multistep approach of evaluating the quality of radiographic images and describing the chest wall, pulmonary vasculature, the heart and its chambers, the great vessels, and the position of tubes, lines, and devices. This chapter covers the most common conditions for which chest radiographs are useful and provides intensive cardiac care unit physicians, cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and medical students with basic information on water retention, air collection, and lung-related problems. It also focuses on the monitoring of line and device placements (e.g. central venous catheters, tube malposition) and procedure-related abnormalities, which may be apparent on chest X-rays and are helpful for timely diagnoses.
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Paulo, Heloisa, Alberto Pena-Rodríguez, Cristina Clímaco, and Enrique Coraza de los Santos. Migrações e Exílios no Mundo Contemporâneo. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

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Fruto de perseguições políticas ou religiosas, os exílios marcam o nosso actual quotidiano com imagens que parecem repetir o martírio sofrido pelos exilados do século passado. A visão de campos de refugiados e de crianças amontoadas em balsas em pleno Mediterrâneo lembra-nos cenas antigas, como as da “Retirada” dos republicanos espanhóis através dos Pireneus, em Fevereiro de 1939, ou as fugas em massa durante a Segunda Guerra. A Europa conflituosa e ditatorial gerou a saída de um grande contingente populacional para o território latino-americano. A partir da segunda metade do século passado, as ditaduras latinoamericanas cuidaram para que a rota em busca da liberdade fosse em sentido inverso. Em Portugal, a partir do 28 de Maio de 1926, o exílio foi a única saída possível para muitos dos opositores do regime. Na Europa, nichos de liberdade, como a França antes de Vichy e a Espanha antes de Franco, também acolhem republicanos dispostos a dar sequência à sua luta pelo retomo da democracia em solo português. Com a guerra, emigrados políticos e exilados buscam, em países fora da Europa e com larga tradição de emigração, como o Brasil ou os Estados Unidos, o porto de abrigo para continuarem o combate contra o Estado Novo. A compreensão deste fenómeno requer uma ampla investigação e não pode excluir o debate interdisciplinar. Mais do que nunca é preciso utilizar recursos vários para a sua análise, comparar estudos com base em realidades diversas, analisar as formas de expressão dos exilados e trabalhar com manifestações políticas, mas também culturais. E, sobretudo, é preciso dar permanente atenção aos novos estudos que exploram a temática nos seus mais diferentes ângulos, como a literatura ou a sociologia. Mais do que qualquer outro tema, o exílio é um campo de estudo interdisciplinar. É com este objetivo que surge o presente trabalho, reunindo especialistas de diversas áreas em tomo da temática do exílio em língua portuguesa, e da sua expressão como fenómeno internacional e contemporâneo. Daí a presença de investigadores latino-americanos, visto ser o exílio um marco na história recente dos seus países.
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Pellerin, Denis, Nuno Cardim, and Christian Prinz. Hand-held echocardiography. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Pocket-size hand-held echocardiography (PHE) is low cost, portable, user friendly, and battery powered. Studies using PHE do not replace conventional echo studies and do not provide a complete diagnostic echocardiographic examination. PHE should be used for goal-oriented studies that include assessment of left ventricular (LV) cavity size, LV systolic function, detection of pericardial effusion, and haemodynamic compromise. Examinations using PHE have been demonstrated to be feasible and provide additional information to the physical examination. For potential users other than cardiology experts in echocardiography the accuracy of PHE data highly depends on training and competency. Emphasis must be placed on acquisition of good quality images and knowledge of pitfalls and limitations. The challenge is providing efficient training programmes to ensure competency in performing focused studies and have recognition of an appropriate threshold for seeking expert advice and full echo examination. PHE is a useful teaching tool and provides important complementary information for medical education.
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Taiz, Lincoln, and Lee Taiz. Mystic Plants and Aegean Nature Goddesses. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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“Mystic Plants and Aegean Nature Goddesses” examines the artistically and symbolically dense rituals of the ancient Minoans which often focused on nature goddesses and sacred trees and flowers. Ring seals and frescoes, including sacred tree frescoes, portray priestesses leading ceremonies, indicating the importance of women as spiritual leaders. The ritual importance of flowers is attested by psi-like patterns representing saffron crocus stigmas on the skirt of the priestess of Ayia Triada, and by frescoes from Knossos, Akrotiri, and Mycenae. Flower ritual frescoes, together with the Table Dancers of Phaistos and the Bowl of Phaistos, suggest that the long-sought origin of the Persephone myth may be based on saffron crocus symbolism. The Myceneans, before and after taking over Crete, adopted Minoan iconography associating women with sacred plants and healing as evidenced by numerous images, including goddess-with-up-raised-arms figurines. The Poppy Goddess exemplifies the use of psychoactive drugs in religious ritual and/or healing.
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Evolution of upwelling fronts off the coast of Portugal: Final technical report. [Palisades, N.Y.?]: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, 1994.

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Caminha, Pero Vaz de. Carta de achamento do Brasil. Editora da Unicamp, 2021.

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Escrita em maio de 1500 em Porto Seguro, Bahia, a carta do escrivão Pero Vaz de Caminha ao rei D. Manuel assemelha-se a um relato de viagem. Mais do que descrever a terra e a natureza, brevemente vistas durante os nove dias em que a frota de Pedro Álvares Cabral esteve no que viria a ser o Brasil, a narrativa é centrada nos povos indígenas, e as palavras de Caminha, hábil escritor, pintam imagens vívidas do que observou, pretendendo informar e maravilhar o seu interlocutor. A “Carta” nos surpreende com questões que até hoje, mais de 500 anos depois, permanecem agudamente presentes, tais como a ameaça da mineração aos povos indígenas, o direito à propriedade da terra e o apagamento de vozes não europeias. Nesta edição modernizada, uma introdução contextualiza a carta em seu tempo, destaca sua singularidade e aponta as apropriações culturais e políticas que dela se fizeram. As notas explicam o texto passo a passo, abrindo caminhos para uma interpretação atualizada e crítica.
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