Academic literature on the topic 'Image Alimentaire'
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Journal articles on the topic "Image Alimentaire"
Beaupré, Juliette, Félicie Gingras, Alycia Jobin, Maxime Legendre, and Catherine Bégin. "Rôle modérateur de la dépendance alimentaire sur la sévérité des problématiques alimentaires." Psycause : revue scientifique étudiante de l'École de psychologie de l'Université Laval 13, no. 2 (March 29, 2024): 28–30.
Full textDurif-Bruckert, Christine. "Image du corps et troubles du comportement alimentaire." Canal Psy, no. 33 (March 1, 1998): 4–5.
Full textDesmecht, Stéphanie, and Julie Achim. "IMAGE CORPORELLE, ATTITUDES ET CONDUITES ALIMENTAIRES DURANT LA GROSSESSE : UNE RECENSION DES ÉCRITS." Revue québécoise de psychologie 37, no. 1 (June 12, 2017): 7–26.
Full textArmstrong, Véronique. "Les humains qui voulaient être prédateurs : méprise identitaire ou écologique?" Revue Possibles 48, no. 1 (June 1, 2024): 41–49.
Full textKpotchou, K., and K. E. Assinou. "Représentations du bien-manger dans le grand-Lomé au Togo." Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l’Université de Lomé 26, no. 2 (November 11, 2024): 55–71.
Full textSuzuki, Tomomi. "Image Parentale Lors des Troubles de la Conduite Alimentaire: par l'Instrument de Liaison Parentale." Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 48, no. 4 (December 1994): 755–71.
Full textCordier, Jean, and Stéphane Gouin. "La coordination verticale comme outil de marketing : le cas de la viande bovine en Bretagne." Économies et Sociétés. Systèmes agroalimentaires 34, no. 1024 (2000): 79–95.
Full textGailledrat, L., M. Rousselet, J. L. Vénisse, M. Remaud, and M. Grall-Bronnec. "Spécificités cliniques des patientes TCA aux préoccupations corporelles marquées." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S111—S112.
Full textOliveira, Sara, and Cláudia Ferreira. "Memórias das mensagens alimentares precoces transmitidas pelos cuidadores e comportamentos de ingestão alimentar compulsiva em adultos da população geral portuguesa: Estudo do papel da apreciação da imagem corporal." Revista Portuguesa de Investigação Comportamental e Social 4, no. 2 (October 1, 2018): 33–41.
Full textGallen, Céline. "Le rôle des représentations mentales dans le processus de choix, une approche pluridisciplinaire appliquée au cas des produits alimentaires." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 20, no. 3 (September 2005): 59–76.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Image Alimentaire"
Granger-Baugier, Anne-Marie. "Comportement alimentaire et image du corps de différentes populations d'étudiants. Impact de l'enseignement diététique." Bordeaux 2, 1998.
Full textMachaux, Deborah Cupa Dominique. "Transformations physiques, transformations psychiques ? Analyse psychopathologique de patientes obèses avant et après une chirurgie gastrique." S. l. : Paris 10, 2009.
Full textMachaux, Deborah. "Transformations physiques, transformations psychiques ? Analyse psychopathologique de patientes obèses avant et après une chirurgie gastrique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2009.
Full textObesity, which cannot be reduced to one comprehension model, is a disease impacting physical, psychological and social well being. The prevalence and the seriousness of obesity increase each year. Diet, physical activity , drugs and also for many years, bariatric surgery are the different medical strategies offered to obese people, with common objective, to loose weight and to improve body or somatic complications generated by obesity. This longitudinal study, carried out with five tools (the Vocabulaire Binois-Pichot, Rorschach, NEO PI-R, TFEQ and Anamorphic Micro System) analyses the personality of obese women, the image of the body and the eating behavior prior to the bariatric surgery and one year after and again 2 years after, based on the following hypothesis : Do physical modifications generate psychic modifications ? Results show that the weight loss enables the substantial modification of the interpersonal relation but has little influence on the psychic life. Moreover, the lifting of the eating inhibition is not only under cognitive restriction but also under intra-psychic conflicts. Finaly, the dissatisfaction stemming from the body itself improves after surgery, whatever the starting time of obesity, even though women after surgery still remain dissatisfied with their image and their body. The psycho-pathological analysis of the obese person allows thus to refine and objectivise the indications and the reserves about bariatric surgery. It also allows improving the psychic treatment of patients after surgery. Key Words: obesity - bariatric surgery – personality - body image - eating behavior - psychic transformations
Coutelle-Brillet, Patricia. "L' image prix des points de vente : conceptualisation et formation : une application au cas de la distribution alimentaire." Tours, 2000.
Full textSala, Loretta. "Étude des variables cliniques, psychologiques et discursives chez des patientes souffrant de troubles du comportement alimentaire." Paris 8, 2008.
Full textOur study was conducted with patients hospitalised for eating disorders to determine levels of anorexic and bulimic behaviour, associated co-morbidity, food categorisation, body perception, and speech content. Subsequently, we assess the influence of re-nutrition and cognitive behavioural therapies on these variables. Forty-two restrictive anorexics (AN-R) and 33 bulimic-anorexics (AN-BP/BN) were evaluated on four occasions using self questionnaires and tests adapted for measuring these variables: EAT, EDI, BITE, BDI, STAI, RAS, a food categorisation test, a body image perception test and a speech content test. Patients were compared with 83 healthy female participants evaluated on a single occasion. Body mass index increased considerably throughout the hospitalisation treatment. EAT and EDI scores remained at pathological levels despite considerable reductions; BITE scores normalised. Moderate to severe depression and pathological anxiety remained prevalent despite noteworthy improvements. At the beginning of the hospital treatment, AN-R and AN-BP/BN patients classed all 27 foods in the same manner. At the end of the in-patient care just 14 foods were classed similarly by the two sub groups. AN-R patients overestimated their body size in contrast to AN-BP/BN patients who, like control subjects, underestimated their body size. Post-treatment, AN-R patients persisted in overestimating their body shape whereas AN-BP/BN patient normalised. Ideal and desired body shape perception differs little between patient subtypes and normalises post-treatment with control subjects. Speech analysis showed that AN-BP/BN patients tended to be similar to the control subjects. Nonetheless, they constantly suffer their body shape over the course of the hospitalisation. AN-R patients suffer their thinness at the start of the in-patient care and they suffer their weight regain at the end of the treatment
Morin, Julie. "Examen des manifestations de la dysmorphie musculaire : intégration de différentes perspectives." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021.
Full textLa, roque Sophie. "Fréquence et retentissement des commentaires positifs et négatifs relatifs à l'apparence physique : étude des liens avec les variables des troubles de l'image du corps et des conduites alimentaires." Thesis, Lille 3, 2017.
Full textFamily and peers can promote messages that support thin ideal, by commenting body and weight aspects. Herbozo and Thompson (2006) developed the Verbal Commentary On Physical Appearance Scale, assessing frequency and impact (positive to negative) of appearance commentary, both positive and negative. The purpose of these different works is to understand the connection between appearance commentary, body image and eating disorders. First, we analysed the relationship between frequency and impact of appearance commentary and body dissatisfaction, and then with the eating disorders and the use of weight control strategies. According to tripartite Influence model (Thompson et al., 1999), we sought to verify the mediation of the link between appearance commentary and body dissatisfaction, by social comparison of appearance and internalization of thin ideal. Finally, we wanted to validate the Parental Comments (Rodgers, Faure, & Chabrol, 2009), which is parental-specific instrument of appearance commentary measure. Negative comments show solid relationships with explanatory variables of body image. Positive comments have moderate links with same variables, but their impact may take part in maintaining a focus on physical appearance. Finally, we develop scientific and preventive implications of our different results on sociocultural influences of body image
Girard, Marilou. "Troubles de l'image du corps et de l'alimentation chez les jeunes adultes : la recherche de musculature dans les modèles socioculturels." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017.
Full textStudy 1: The aim of the present study was to extend the extant literature by testing a modified Tripartite dual pathway model of the development of male body image and eating concerns among French young men. The revised and final model was an adequate fit to the data and included separate pathways for muscularity- and leanness-related concerns.Study 2: The aim of this study was to explore different patterns of drive for muscularity and thinness among French young women. The group of young women with “drive for muscularity and thinness” displayed the highest means of friend and partner pressures, interest in the media, thin-and-toned ideal internalization, appearance comparison, bulimic symptoms and the poorest psychological functioning.Study 3: The aim of the current study was to explore a prospective sociocultural model of the influence of media, peer, and partner pressures on body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, and drive for muscularity in a sample of French young women. The final model presented a good fit to the data, and highlighted that media and interpersonal pressures were associated over time with increased body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness and drive for muscularity one year later, via appearance comparison
Bové, Claire. "Pratiques de contrôle de poids et préférences alimentaires d'adolescents d'un collège de la banlieue bordelaise." Bordeaux 2, 2000.
Full textBaban, A. Erep Thierry Roland. "Contribution au développement d'un système intelligent de quantification des nutriments dans les repas d'Afrique subsaharienne." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024.
Full textMalnutrition, including under- and overnutrition, is a global health challenge affecting billions of people. It impacts all organ systems and is a significant risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and some cancers. Assessing food intake is crucial for preventing malnutrition but remains challenging. Traditional methods for dietary assessment are labor-intensive and prone to bias. Advancements in AI have made Vision-Based Dietary Assessment (VBDA) a promising solution for automatically analyzing food images to estimate portions and nutrition. However, food image segmentation in VBDA faces challenges due to food's non-rigid structure, high intra-class variation (where the same dish can look very different), inter-class resemblance (where different foods appear similar) and scarcity of publicly available datasets.Almost all food segmentation research has focused on Asian and Western foods, with no datasets for African cuisines. However, African dishes often involve mixed food classes, making accurate segmentation challenging. Additionally, research has largely focus on RGB images, which provides color and texture but may lack geometric detail. To address this, RGB-D segmentation combines depth data with RGB images. Depth images provide crucial geometric details that enhance RGB data, improve object discrimination, and are robust to factors like illumination and fog. Despite its success in other fields, RGB-D segmentation for food is underexplored due to difficulties in collecting food depth images.This thesis makes key contributions by developing new deep learning models for RGB (mid-DeepLabv3+) and RGB-D (ESeNet-D) image segmentation and introducing the first food segmentation datasets focused on African food images. Mid-DeepLabv3+ is based on DeepLabv3+, featuring a simplified ResNet backbone with and added skip layer (middle layer) in the decoder and SimAM attention mechanism. This model offers an optimal balance between performance and efficiency, matching DeepLabv3+'s performance while cutting computational load by half. ESeNet-D consists on two encoder branches using EfficientNetV2 as backbone, with a fusion block for multi-scale integration and a decoder employing self-calibrated convolution and learned interpolation for precise segmentation. ESeNet-D outperforms many RGB and RGB-D benchmark models while having fewer parameters and FLOPs. Our experiments show that, when properly integrated, depth information can significantly improve food segmentation accuracy. We also present two new datasets: AfricaFoodSeg for “food/non-food” segmentation with 3,067 images (2,525 for training, 542 for validation), and CamerFood focusing on Cameroonian cuisine. CamerFood datasets include CamerFood10 with 1,422 images from ten food classes, and CamerFood15, an enhanced version with 15 food classes, 1,684 training images, and 514 validation images. Finally, we address the challenge of scarce depth data in RGB-D food segmentation by demonstrating that Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE) models can aid in generating effective depth maps for RGB-D datasets
Books on the topic "Image Alimentaire"
Sayer, Melissa. Too fat? too thin?: The healthy eating handbook. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub. Company, 2009.
Find full textBell, Lorraine. Overcoming body image disturbance: A programme for people with eating disorders. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge, 2008.
Find full textÉalaith, Siobhán Ní. L' image de i'Irlande auprès des Français: Outil de marketing pour des produits agro-alimentaires. [S.l: The Author], 1996.
Find full textTeresa, Romá Ferri Ma, Universidad de Alicante. Seminario Universitario sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres., and Jornadas sobre el Derecho a la Salud (2nd : 1998 : Alicante, Spain), eds. Derecho de las mujeres a su imagen: Los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (anorexia y bulimia). San Vicente del Raspeig: Universidad de Alicante, 2001.
Find full textLigia Amparo da Silva Santos. O corpo, o comer e a comida: Um estudo sobre as práticas corporais e alimentares no mundo contemporâneo. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2008.
Find full textMartina, Corgnati, ed. Le immagini affamate: Donne e cibo nell'arte : dalla natura morta ai disordini alimentari = Les images affamées : femmes et nourriture dans l'art : de la nature ... Quart (Aosta): Musumeci, 2005.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Sciences de l'activité physique pse4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Technologie de l'information en affaires btx4e cours préemploi. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Études informatiques ics4m cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Mathématiques de la technologie au collège mct4c cours précollégial. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Image Alimentaire"
Charles, Frédéric, Catherine Bruguière, and Nadège Pouey. "Comprendre une image d’un album de jeunesse pour questionner les relations alimentaires d’un écosystème." In Graines de scientifiques en maternelle, 75–96. Grenoble: UGA Éditions, 2021.
Full textAlaghmand, Morvarid, Michael J. Manzano, Nadia J. Khati, and Anthony C. Venbrux. "Anatomy of Alimentary Tract Vasculature." In Image-Guided Interventions, 212–21. Elsevier, 2020.
Full textMachado, Keyla Liana Bezerra, Jonas Felipe Bonato, Paulo Gomes do Nascimento Corrêa, Geverson Oliver de Assis Oliveira, João Ricardo Cavalcanti do Nascimento, Ana Paula Fernandes Batista, Livya Dy Paolla Sousa Paz Silva, et al. "FATORES QUE INFLUENCIAM O SURGIMENTO DE DISTÚRBIOS ALIMENTARES RELACIONADOS COM A INSATISFAÇÃO CORPORAL: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA." In Urgência e emergência clínica e cirúrgica - Volume 2. Editora Pascal LTDA, 2024.
Full textPinto, Natalia Solano, and Irene Solbes. "Imagen corporal en personas com trastorno alimentario." In Estudos socioculturais em alimentação e saúde: saberes em rede, vol. 5, 251–78. EDUERJ, 2016.
Full textMarohn, Michael R., Kimberly E. Steele, and Leo P. Lawler. "Minimally Invasive Surgical and Image-Guided Interventional Approaches to the Spleen." In Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 1618–35. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textPias, Gabriela Rosa, João Vinícius Thomazi, and Carlos Felipe Urquízar Rojas. "Categorias de apelos visuais em rótulos de alimentos: uma revisão de literatura e análise de embalagens de pratos prontos congelados." In Anais do XV Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design - P&D Design. Edua, 2024.
Full textSantos, Maiara Estéfane dos, and Claudia Regina de Freitas. "TRANSTORNOS ALIMENTARES E DIRTOÇÕES DA IMAGEM CORPORAL EM BAILARINOS." In PESQUISAS EM SAÚDE: RELATOS, EXPERIÊNCIAS E PERSPECTIVAS (2.ª edição), 350–65. Editora Inovar, 2022.
Full textSalomão, Gabrielle Mendes Rodrigues, and Úrsula Blanco Trisuzzi Costa. "Transtornos alimentares e de imagem no diabetes tipo 1." In Tópicos Especiais em Ciências da Saúde: teoria, métodos e práticas 4, 79–88. AYA Editora, 2022.
Full textAndolfi, Ciro, and Jeffrey B. Matthews. "Minimally Invasive Surgical and Image-Guided Interventional Approaches to the Spleen." In Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2 Volume Set, 1603–21. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Image Alimentaire"
Silva, Ananda Alves Teodoro da, Clara Christine de Souza Rangel, Hortência Costa Freire de Morais, and Leilane Bizari. "TRATAMENTO NUTRICIONAL NOS TRANSTORNOS ALIMENTARES E A IMPORTÂNCIA DA EQUIPE MULTIDISCIPLINAR: REVISÃO DE LITERATURA." In Semana Online Científica de Nutrição. CONGRESSE.ME, 2021.
Full textMartinez Sosa, Maria Isabel. "Génesis de una identidad visual: creación de la imagen para el Congreso Internacional de Patrimonio Alimentario y Museos." In 3er Congreso Internacional sobre Patrimonio Alimentario y Museos. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textCOSTA, IANCA FREITAS VIEIRA, ANTÔNIA JAÍNE GOMES BARBOZA, FRANCISCO ERNANI ALVES MAGALHÃES, LUCIANA ALVES MENEZES, and VILLEMAR DOMINGOS DE LIMA. "Relação da Obesidade com o comportamento alimentar, imagem corporal e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis: uma revisão de literatura." In II Brazilian Congress of Development. DEV2021, 2021.
Full textAssis, Suzane Gomes de, and Mariane Silva Xavier. "Alterações da Imagem Corporal no Desenvolvimento de Transtornos Alimentares em Gestantes." In II Congresso Online de Nutrição Clínica e Comportamento Alimentar., 2022.
Full textGarcia Olivares, Gerardo Jesus. "Las cocinas y la comida en la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar." In 3er Congreso Internacional sobre Patrimonio Alimentario y Museos. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textViswam, Veena K., and Shamila Ebenezer. "Wireless Endoscopic Images for Abnormal Alimentary Tract: A Survey." In 2023 9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC). IEEE, 2023.
Full textSantos, Ingrid Aparecida Martins dos, Cássia Ellen Milani, and Rosangela Aparecida Filiol Belin. "A Indústria Alimentícia e a Manipulação das Massas Através da Propaganda." In IV SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.
Full textSoares, Leandro. "Associação Entre a Percepção da Imagem Corporal E Escolhas Alimentares: Revisão Bibliográfica." In XXI I Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrologia. Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda, 2018.
Full textsilva, Aline Maria da, PATRICIA MARTINS DA SILVA ARAÚJO, and JÉSSICA LAYANE DE MOURA SILVA. "REDES SOCIAIS, IMAGEM CORPORAL E DISTÚRBIOS ALIMENTARES: O PAPEL DA PSICOLOGIA E INTERVENÇÕES TERAPÊUTICAS." In I Congresso Nacional On-line Multidisciplinar de Saúde da Mulher. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2023.
Full textSilva, Victória Esposti Won-Held, and Graciely Nunes Rosa Borges. "A INFLUÊNCIA DO PADRÃO DE IMAGEM CORPORAL NO COMPORTAMENTO ALIMENTAR DOS JOVENS ADULTOS." In III Simpósio de Saúde e Meio Ambiente., 2022.
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