Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Illumination map'
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Orsvärn, Lukas. "Automatic spotlight distribution for indirect illumination." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för kreativa teknologier, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-3729.
Full textIndirekt illuminering är en viktigt effekt om en försöker skapa realistiska bilder. Den här uppsatsen föreslår en teknik där en reflektiv skuggkarta används för att placera och konfigurera strålkastare för att approximera indirekt illuminering. Tekniken kan användas i till exempel sidscrollande 3D spel eller för att skapa ett verktyg som kan användas för att skapa redigerbar indirekt illuminering. Vidare forskning krävs för att göra tekniken rimlig för flera användningsområden.
Larvy, delariviere Ulysse. "Orientation automatique de carte d'environement autour d'une scene locale." Thesis, Reims, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REIMS024.
Full textIn this thesis, we have presented a method to register an environment map with a local scene automatically.In the literature, many methods need to orient the environmental map to be coherent with a local scene. This orientation is mostly done manually by a user. We present a method to register an environment map with a local scene automatically. A characteristic of our approach is that we do not need to create a complete 3D model of the local scene or have interaction with the user. Moreover, we are making simple assumptions.We propose a pipeline to create a virtual representation of the scene using our input data. This representation includes the global scene represented by the environment map and the local scene represented by a reference object and its shadow.By using the knowledge of the position of the main light source on the environment map, we can simulate the lighting and project a computed shadow on the ground. It is possible to compare the computed shadow shape with the input one to recover the correct position of the main light source. The final orientation of the environment map is directly related to the position of this main light source.We provide an evaluation of the proposed approach by calculating two metrics that compare our angle estimate with actual ground truth directions. Our orientation estimation shows that our method recovers a correct environment map orientation.In this thesis, we are interested in real input data. The environment map and the local scene are extracted from photographs or videos, which already contain a lighting rendering. It is therefore important to orient the environment map in a way that is consistent with the existing lighting in the local scene.We propose an automatic method, to orient an environment map to a local scene. This method is inspired by the behavior of light, drawing rays of light towards an object and attempting to match two shadows, one given as input and one calculated.We also use 3D data from the object we are considering. The originality is that we base our method on the way light behaves in order to calculate and match shadows. By matching the shadows, we can estimate the correct position of the environment map
Guo, Jun. "Further development of shaders for realistic materials and global illumination effects." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Medie- och Informationsteknik, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-76769.
Full textBengtsson, Morgan. "Real time global illumination using the GPU." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-60770.
Full textMartanovič, Lukáš. "Výpočet osvětlení ve scéně v reálném čase." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-236181.
Full textBuerli, Michael. "Radiance Caching with Environment Maps." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2013. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/991.
Full textNečas, Ondřej. "Photon mapping." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-236747.
Full textMikulica, Tomáš. "Light Propagation Volumes." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-234902.
Full textCassagnabère, Christophe. "Etude et implémentation d'algorithmes d'illumination globale stochastiques accélérés par le matériel." Littoral, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007DUNK0167.
Full textMonte-Carlo methods are elegant and efficient solutions for computing realistic global illumination effects far better than most other algorithms. However the main drawback of these methods appears in the important rendering times involved by such techniques. By using adapted hierarchical data structures, distributing the main part of computations on a large personal computer cluster or even designing a specific dedicated software for a specific supercomputer architecture, many solutions exist, trying to improve Monte-Carlo algorithms performances from a rendering time point of view. In our work we contribute to this particularly active research topic and we approach it in several and complementary ways. First of all we propose a near complete study of ray-tracing dedicated server, and we propose to extend ots capabilities to the use of Monte-Carlo methods for rendering. Then, we present a specific method of our own in order to classify rays and an adapted rebuild of classical Monte-Carlo algorithms, so we can efficiently use modern programmable graphics cards to accelerate intersections tests involved in the rendering process. Last but not least, we present the IGLOO modular software architecture. It has been designed and implemented during this thesis in order to permit the whole LIL Laboratory to benefit from a commune development and benchmark platform for Monte-Carlo methods. This architecture is at the basis of many other thesis works actually in progress
Haddad, Élise. "Le bien à l’épreuve du mal. À partir du tympan de Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne : adversité apocalyptique et image analogiste." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EHES0060.
Full text. Iconography in Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne.The Beaulieu portal is a major landmark of the Twelfth Century. However, the lower levels of the tympanum have so far been described unsatisfactorily as an indistinct mass of evil creatures. The first part of this thesis is an iconographic reading of the tympanum, then of the whole building, by serial comparative method.On the tympanum, the Apocalypse is the main reference. The three creatures in the lintel represent the Beast of the Earth, the Beast of the Sea and the Dragon, taken from Revelation 13. Their ironic manifestation as anti-trinity must be understood as the incarnation of Evil. On the other hand, the four creatures at the intermediate level are locusts, that is a plague, but sent by God. Finally, there are a multitude of micro-motifs, such as vegetal roses or ribbons-spitting heads. Iconographic interpretations are the basis for a renewed understanding of the composition. Beaulieu's tympanum is a thematic perspective on the end times and apocalyptic events, centred on the notion of trial: eschatological trials and the trials of terrestrial life. The efforts and temptations, including the temptation of Christ, build a network of analogical motifs through the portal. I have named this theme: "apocalyptic adversity".2. Apocalyptic adversity. It is commonly accepted that from the 5th century, Revelation is interpreted as a symbolic representation of the present. However, Beaulieu's tympanum associates second Parousia and apocalyptic beasts. In fact, some passages in apocalyptic commentaries show that many theologians until the Twelfth Century interpret the text with fluidity both as a metaphorical key to the present and as a possible eschatological announcement. Once identified and deciphered, the apocalyptic motifs are visible in eschatological contexts in many Romanesque and early Gothic monuments. Some of them were previously unidentified, such as the locust in Schloss Tirol. Some monumental compositions including elements of apocalyptic trials had been described by their contemporaries but later destroyed, as in Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire. In the middle of the Thirteenth Century, apocalyptic images were reused by heterodox thinkers, then by subversive movements such as the Flagellants from 1256, followed by movements often referred to as millenarists. From that moment, much of the apocalyptic iconography became suspicious and disappeared from monumental representations for a few centuries. 3. Anthropological analysis of images. The series of apocalyptic images also documents the transition from analogist ontology to contemporary naturalist ontology. According to the theory of anthropologist Philippe Descola, the first, resulting from discontinuities both in physical materials and between spiritual beings, is characterized by a constant use of analogy, in order to reconcile the fragmented realities of the cosmos. Naturalistic ontology, on the other hand, contrasts a continuous material reality governed by natural scientific laws, with a discontinuity in the cultural and psychological worlds of human and non-human beings. The features of analogist figuration are relevant to many Romanesque images, whose value is more cosmological than exegetical. This is the case for the series of animal figures located around the Moissac gate, or on the façade of Notre-Dame La Grande in Poitiers. Our corpus can also shed light onto the ontological mutation. The criteria are manifold. They concern the structure of the images, their thematic reference, the use of certain motifs such as hybridization, the place given to non-human creatures, etc. From the xiiiᵉ century, the most complex forms of analogist figuration recede. Then a certain number of elements gradually appear, such as hybridization. These early milestones make it possible to better understand the complexity of the trajectory leading to naturalism, starting from xvᵉ century in the images, and systematically in the texts in xviiᵉ century
Lazcano, Vanel. "Some problems in depth enhanced video processing." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/373917.
Full textEn esta tesis se abordan dos problemas: interpolación de datos en el contexto del cálculo de disparidades tanto para imágenes como para video, y el problema de la estimación del movimiento aparente de objetos en una secuencia de imágenes. El primer problema trata de la completación de datos de profundidad en una región de la imagen o video dónde los datos se han perdido debido a oclusiones, datos no confiables, datos dañados o pérdida de datos durante la adquisición. En esta tesis estos problemas se abordan de dos maneras. Primero, se propone una energía basada en gradientes no-locales, energía que puede (localmente) completar planos. Se considera este modelo como una extensión del filtro bilateral al dominio del gradiente. Se ha evaluado en forma exitosa el modelo para completar datos sintéticos y también mapas de profundidad incompletos de un sensor Kinect. El segundo enfoque, para abordar el problema, es un estudio experimental del biased AMLE (Biased Absolutely Minimizing Lipschitz Extension) para interpolación anisotrópica de datos de profundidad en grandes regiones sin información. El operador AMLE es un interpolador de conos, pero el operador biased AMLE es un interpolador de conos exponenciales lo que lo hace estar más adaptado a mapas de profundidad de escenas reales (las que comunmente presentan superficies convexas, concavas y suaves). Además, el operador biased AMLE puede expandir datos de profundidad a regiones grandes. Considerando al dominio de la imagen dotado de una métrica anisotrópica, el método propuesto puede tomar en cuenta información geométrica subyacente para no interpolar a través de los límites de los objetos a diferentes profundidades. Se ha propuesto un modelo numérico, basado en el operador eikonal, para calcular la solución del biased AMLE. Adicionalmente, se ha extendido el modelo numérico a sequencias de video. El cálculo del flujo óptico es uno de los problemas más desafiantes para la visión por computador. Los modelos tradicionales fallan al estimar el flujo óptico en presencia de oclusiones o iluminación no uniforme. Para abordar este problema se propone un modelo variacional para conjuntamente estimar flujo óptico y oclusiones. Además, el modelo propuesto puede tolerar, una limitación tradicional de los métodos variacionales, desplazamientos rápidos de objetos que son más grandes que el tamaño objeto en la escena. La adición de un término para el balance de gradientes e intensidades aumenta la robustez del modelo propuesto ante cambios de iluminación. La inclusión de correspondencias adicionales (obtenidas usando búsqueda exhaustiva en ubicaciones específicas) ayuda a estimar grandes desplazamientos.
Wu, Jung-Hsuan, and 吳榮軒. "Interactive Global Illumination by Occlusion Map." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/80225808929628855313.
Full text國立臺灣大學
We present an algorithm for rendering global illumination while the scene, camera, and light sources can be fully dynamic. We achieve this by generating an occlusion map of each pixel on screen and take the occlusions as indirect light sources to produce the global illumination effects. By exploiting the occlusion map, global illumination effects including soft shadow, reflective lighting, and multi-bounce lighting can be produced by iteratively rendering process. We have approximated the rendering equation and accelerate it to interactive rate.
TSESMELIS, THEODOROS. "Measuring and understanding light in real life scenarios." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11562/995221.
Full textHancock, Black Hawk. "After the eclipse illuminating Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man /." 1998. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/41317787.html.
Full textTypescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 99-103).
"Truth, illumination, trinity: saint augustine's route towards inwardness." Tese, MAXWELL, 2002. http://www.maxwell.lambda.ele.puc-rio.br/cgi-bin/db2www/PRG_0991.D2W/SHOW?Cont=3945:pt&Mat=&Sys=&Nr=&Fun=&CdLinPrg=pt.
Full textVorba, Jiří. "Optimální strategie spojování světelných cest v dvojsměrových metodách pro výpočet globálního osvětlení." Master's thesis, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-295983.
Full textJohnson, Amy R. "Stranger in the Room: Illuminating Female Identity Through Irish Drama." Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/918.
Full textTitle from screen (viewed on May 23, 2007) Department of English, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 82-83)