Academic literature on the topic 'Îles – Vanuatu'
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Journal articles on the topic "Îles – Vanuatu"
Lanouguère-Bruneau, Virginie. "Les tarodières irriguées de l'île Vanua Lava, une marque identitaire dans le système social inter-îles (îles Banks-Vanuatu)." Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée 41, no. 1 (1999): 61–91.
Full textOlmi, Massimo, and Claire Villemant. "Les Dryinidae (lnsecta, Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) du Vanuatu et des îles du Pacifique." Zoosystema 31, no. 3 (September 2009): 691–705.
Full textGrenier, Christophe. "Note de recherche – Îl…limitées ? La mondialisation géographique contemporaine des îles océaniques : Vanuatu, île de Pâques, Galapagos." Norois, no. 259-260 (December 15, 2021): 223–39.
Full textBowen, Jennifer. "The status of the avifauna of Loru Protected Area, Santo, Vanuatu." Bird Conservation International 7, no. 4 (December 1997): 331–44.
Full textLanouguère-Bruneau, Virginie. "L'igname, ni-hnag, une « nourriture sociale et affective » à Mota Lava (îles Banks - Vanuatu )." Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée 42, no. 1 (2000): 81–106.
Full textAllouche, Gabrielle, Jean-Paul Allouche, and Jeffrey Shallit. "Kolam indiens, dessins sur le sable aux îles Vanuatu, courbe de Sierpinski et morphismes de monoïde." Annales de l’institut Fourier 56, no. 7 (2006): 2115–30.
Full textDurand, Marie, and Anaïs Mauuarin. "Le chercheur-photographe et ses images de terrain." Photographica, no. 4 (April 4, 2022): 98–117.
Full textArlaud, Jean, Pascal Dibie, Christine Louveau de la Guigneraye, and Luiz Eduardo Robinson Achutti. "Conversation sur les préoccupations scientifiques et les perspectives de recherche au sein du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Visuelle et Sonore du Monde Contemporain." Horizontes Antropológicos 6, no. 13 (June 2000): 251–69.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Îles – Vanuatu"
Lanouguère-Bruneau, Virginie. "Le corps de l'igname et le sang de la noix de coco : le système social ancien de Mota Lava (îles Banks-Vanuatu)." Paris, EHESS, 2002.
Full textChanteraud, Annabel. "La saga du kava : du Vanuatu à la Nouvelle-Calédonie : essai de géographie culturelle." Paris 4, 1999.
Full textLaporte, Christine. "Etude géochimique et isotopique du volcanisme de l'arc insulaire des Nouvelles Hébrides (Vanuatu) : Contribution à la connaissance de l'évolution géodynamique de l'Ouest Pacifique." Montpellier 2, 1995.
Full textDa, Silva Alban. "Une étude ethnomathématique du dessin sur le sable du Vanuatu : de l'ethnographie à la modélisation mathématique, regards croisés sur la pratique des Uli-Uli chez les Raga de Nord-Pentecôte." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2022.
Full textIn the central islands of Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), there is a practice of "sand drawing" which consists of drawing symmetrical figures on the ground. After drawing a "grid", the artist produces a line with his index finger, without lifting it and without continuously passing over a part of it. Once the drawing is completed, the index finger is returned to the starting point and direction. Based on a re-reading of the first ethnographies relating the existence of the practice of drawing on the sand, and on a survey carried out between 2016 and 2019 between Port-Vila, the island of Maewo and the island of Pentecost, this thesis endeavors to introduce a mathematical model of the practice of drawing on the sand which will then allow for the study of a corpus of drawings ("uli uli") collected in the village of Avatvotu, in the Raga region of the north of Pentecost Island. The reflexion that underlies this work takes as a guideline the practice of sand drawing and aims at bringing to light the links between these artefacts and the relations that the Raga have with their environment or their modes of social organization. The methodology chosen - at the interface of mathematics, computer science and anthropology - has led to the introduction of two key concepts: the "group of motions", as well as a graph labeled on this group named "modeling graph". They provide a mathematical framework that reveals the algorithms and algebraic operations that underlie the creation of designs. Veblen's theorem, which ensures the existence of a decomposition of an Eulerian graph into a union of disjoint-edges cycles, plays a key role in this ethnomathematical study. In North Pentecost, the "uli uli" that can be written as a superposition of cycles could reflect the complexity of the Raga's modes of social organization and ontological conceptions of life
François, Alexandre. "Contraintes de structures et liberté dans l'organisation du discours : une description du mwotlap, langue océanienne du Vanuatu." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV, 2001.
Full textStern, Monika. "Les femmes, les nattes et la musique sur l'île de Pentecôte (Vanuatu)." Paris 4, 2002.
Full textThe melanesian archipelago of Vanuatu is made up of a multitude of islands, one of them, is Pentecost. This work is essentially devoted to the music of the women of the island. The first part, describes the sociocultural context and emphasizes on the musics which highlight the important moments in the life of its inhabitants. The ceremonies which include these musics are shown through the observations of the daily life. The second part is devoted to the musical analysis. They are based on a 43 musical examples, which are recorded on a CD enclosed with this work. The analysis is focused on the scales, the intervals, the structures and the rythms. The last part studies the role of music in ceremonial exchanges. A parallel is thus established between music and traditional money in the form of red braids, made exclusively by women. Music under the rule of copyright has an economical aspect which is also studied
Moreau, Yoann. "Catastrophes et mondes : disputes et trajectoires du sens des aléas majeurs." Paris, EHESS, 2013.
Full textThe word "catastrophe" refers to events that would be unequivocably harmful. Yet, this normative load correspoçnds only in part to the practical implications of events to which this term is applied. This shift reflects the pregnacy of a cultural form of catastrophism. The phenomena qualified as catastrophes appear as much more complex and ambivalent, so much so that they raise major social disputes and controversies. After a disaster, the legitimacy of the established paradigm of knowledge is challenged especially because its model for predicting and preventing has failed. This "critical period" allows us to observe which other paradigms of knowledge are present in the margins and "off screen" of the social field. The comparative analysis of different case studies (historical and ethnological) shows a divergence of interpretative paths but also brings to light the fundamental nature of the social dispute. Mobilizing two conceptual apparatuses - Augustin Berque's "mesology" and Philippe Descola's "grammar of cosmologies" - we propose interpretative categories (risk, constraint, resource, leisure) and explanatory classes (causes, motives, reasons, principles) that shape the dispute's framework. Then the dispute itself appears as an essential regulation of a "medial device"
Cayrol-Baudrillart, Françoise. "La céramique en Mélanésie du Sud, fonction ou statut ? : le cas des Naamboï de Maleluka, une approche ethno-archéologique." Paris 1, 1993.
Full textAn ethno-archaeological approach to melanesian ceramic. A sociological analysis of the ceramic status of, starting from an ethnographical corpus examinated in the early XXth century by Bernard Deacon and concerning the south-werstern societies of Malekula (the Vanuatu archipelago). This study aims at defining the place given to ceremonial ceramics in the representations of Melanesian societies, in relation with the different values of these societies, and to understand what type of relations they maintained with these objects and the original funeral sites where fertility or fecondity rites took place. Completing this work is an analysis of different approaches to ceramics of oceania (notably of the lapita type), and a study of various rituals so-called "graded societies"
Brothelande, Elodie. "Etude d'une résurgence active dans la caldera de Siwi (Tanna, Vanuatu) : le système Yenkahe-Yasur." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015.
Full textResurgence, defined as the post-collapse uplift of the caldera floor, is widespread phenomenon worldwide but it is still poorly understood. This work is a multidisciplinary study of a resurgent dome: the Yenkahe dome, located inside the Siwi caldera, in Vanuatu. The relevance of this dome is multiple: firstly, resurgence is currently active, secondly it is fast, so the associated structures are well-preserved, and lastly, the Yenkahe dome presents the originality to be associated with a volcanic cone which has been permanently active for at least several hundred years: the Yasur volcano. A primary tectonic study based on field observations, satellite images and available low-resolution digital elevation models brought the evidence of a two-stage (at least) dome growth history. The first stage is a vertical growth that produced the longitudinal graben on top of the dome. It was followed, in the second stage, by an eastward displacement of the deformation source, generating an uplift of the eastern dome relative to the western dome. The Yenkahe structural map was then refined through the computation of a high-resolution photogrammetric digital surface model (DSM). Besides the great number of details allowing precise fault mapping, this DSM highlights the presence of numerous destabilization scars associated with the evolution of the dome. In the future, similar destabilization events may produce tsunamis reaching inhabited areas in a couple of minutes. The characteristics of the long-term deformation source of the Yenkahe dome, and of other resurgent domes with a similar morphology, were investigated by analogue modeling (intrusion of silicone putty in a sand-plaster mixture). The results of the study show the width of the graben created by an elongated intrusion source mostly depends on the depth of this source. The source of the Yenkahe dome, presumably a magmatic intrusion, would be approximately one-kilometer deep. A second study, based on a punching process in a numerically modeled elastoplastic medium, shows a different internal structure for the dome. However, it confirms the order of magnitude obtained for the source depth (1-2 km), making this result more robust. The presumed magmatic source may be connected to the Yasurvolcano, exhibiting an open conduit activity for several hundred years, which would imply an incremental growth governed by transient over-pressurizing events at depth (such as magma injections). Lastly, a panel of geophysical methods were carried out within the caldera (magnetics, gravimetry, electrical methods, etc.). They revealed that the post-collapse history of Siwi involved, not only resurgence tectonics, but also the emplacement of lava fields and of several volcanic edifices. They also demonstrate the presence of an extended hydrothermal system, particularly deep (more than 300 m) and active on the eastern side of the dome. The associated extended alteration may favor the destabilization of the resurgent edifice
Books on the topic "Îles – Vanuatu"
Vanuatu Cultural Centre (Port-Vila, Vanuatu), France. Ministère des affaires étrangères, and European Union, eds. Les pirogues à balancier des îles du sud du Vanuatu: Des temps anciens à la période coloniale. Port Vila, Vanuatu: Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta, 2012.
Find full text1940-, Bonnemaison Joël, ed. Vanuatu océanie: Arts des îles de cendre et de corail. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1996.
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