Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ideologies of XXth century'
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Closa, i. Cortada Jordi. "Cultura material i ideologia en l'arqueologia de la Península Ibèrica: Interpretacions sobre l'etnologia hispànica durant la primera meitat del segle XX." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/456172.
Full textUntil early 20th Century, Hispanic archaeology had only been studied by amateurs. It was at that time when it started a process to give professional status to the subject, carried on by German-formated researchers. Thus, their methodology and the conception that they had about the peoples corresponded with the ones introduced by German professionals and, specially, Pere Bosch Gimpera, who instilled this ideas to their disciples from the called “Escola de Barcelona”. In this work we have read in detail the main works by various researchers of the moment to try to find out which ideological implications have their ethnologic theories; basically, what territorial distribution did they propose for the Spanish State in base of their ethnic composition. This exercise lays bare that, even with the scientificist and aseptic appearance, social sciences are not unconnected to the social and political context nor the passions of their professionals. At the same time, indirectly, it helps clarifying some decades of upheaval of the Spanish history.
Clayton, P. M. "Settler ideologies in twentieth-century Ulster : persistence or decline?" Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.238952.
Full textEste trabalho tem como objetivo analisar uma pseudotradução no Brasil do século XX. O termo pseudotradução se refere a uma obra apresentada como tradução e que circula como tal por determinado período sem suscitar suspeita. De junho a dezembro de 1944, a jornalista, escritora, militante comunista e musa do movimento antropofágico, Patrícia Galvão, conhecida também pelo apelido Pagu, produziu um exemplo do gênero ao escrever uma dezena de contos policiais para a revista Detetive que foram apresentados ao público como traduções de um suposto autor estrangeiro chamado King Shelter. As razões e as implicações dessa medida podem ser parcialmente explicadas por meio do paradigma dos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução (Descriptive Translation Studies - DTS). Os adeptos dessa linha, denominados descritivistas, propõem-se a descrever as estratégias e os recursos utilizados numa tradução, a fim de entender o motivo dessas escolhas, bem como avaliar as razões que levam uma cultura a rejeitar ou aceitar determinada obra traduzida. A pesquisa para o presente estudo foi informada pelas reflexões dos teóricos Itamar Even-Zohar, Gideon Toury e Susan Bassnett e teve como foco os contos traduzidos por Pagu, as características do romance policial e a biografia da autora. Ao longo da história, a pseudotradução revelou-se um estratagema para driblar questões culturais (inclusive estéticas), políticas e ideológicas. Temos agora conhecimento de que esse recurso foi usado no Brasil do século XX para preparar o terreno para o desenvolvimento de um gênero pouco difundido no país na década de 1940: o romance policial.
This work aims to analyze a case of pseudotranslation in 20th-century Brazil. The term pseudotranslation refers to a verbal or written utterance which is presented to the public as a translation and which circulates as such without arousing suspicion. From June to December 1944, the journalist, writer, communist militant and celebrated member of the literary anthropophagic movement Patrícia Galvão, also known by the nickname Pagu, produced an example of pseudotranslation when she wrote a dozen of detective short stories for the magazine Detetive. The works were presented as translations of a fictitious foreign author named King Shelter. The reasons she resorted to this disguise and the consequences her act generated may be partly explained by the Descriptive- Translation Studies (DTS) paradigm. Descriptive translation researchers attempt to explain the resources and strategies used in a translation, in order to understand the reasons for such choices, as well as to evaluate why a given culture rejects or accepts a certain translated work. Research for this study was based on the ideas of Itamar Even-Zohar, Gideon Toury and Susan Bassnett and focused on the translated short stories written by Pagu, on the main aspects of the detective novel and on the life of Pagu. Throughout history, pseudotranslations have proven to be a cunning device to surpass cultural, political, ideological and even aesthetic barriers. We now know that this resource has been cleverly used in Brazil in order to pave the way for the development of a literary genre in the country in the 1940 s: the detective novel.
Moore, Ben Peter. "Invisible architecture : ideologies of space in the nineteenth-century city." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/invisible-architecture-ideologies-of-space-in-the-nineteenthcentury-city(10ec0828-2272-4cb0-bc41-3880cf58cdc3).html.
Full textGuillaume, Marine. ""Fighting Justly" in the XXth century : why do weapons disappear from the battlefield ?" Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015IEPP0052.
Full textThe dissertation investigates why certain weapons continue, or cease to be employed on the battlefields. Employing an interpretivist perspective, it investigates an aspect largely overlooked by the extant literature: the impact of the meta-norm of 'fighting justly' on actors' weapons utilizations. The meta-norm of fighting justly is defined as the collective preconceptions shared by actors, on how and when the extant laws of war (jus in bello) either ban or allow weapons utilization. My work reveals that the significant shift in the utilization of three weapons (chemical weapons, incendiary weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles) can be explained by shifts in the dominant perceptions of the meta-norm of fighting justly. It is when actors believe that they cannot justify their weapons utilization with regards to their own meta-norm of fighting justly, that they decrease (or pretend to decrease by hiding) this utilization, or vice versa. In fine, when engaged in a war, militaries and states constantly seek to justify their actions, and the basis of these justifications is their understanding of the meta-norm of fighting justly. Because the meta-norm of fighting justly impacts on weapons variations, it is crucial to understand who shapes the norm, at the international level. My work reveals that states are engaged in a constant argument, where they defend, articulate and promote their own conception of fighting justly. In this 'battle for legitimacy', states are more likely to enshrine their own conception as the most legitimate one, under two conditions: namely, when their argument does not disrupt the extant symbolic order, and when it does not foster the inherent contradictions of the laws of war. Ultimately, this work aims to shed new light on how the laws of war influence practices of war. It also explores and provides new insights into the 'logic of arguing' and into the symbolic power in international relations
Quondamatteo, Sara. "L'autre XXème siècle de Czesław Miłosz et Nicola Chiaromonte : histoire d'une formation intellectuelle cosmopolite." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL087.
Full textThis thesis sets out to trace the philosophical and literary research that brought Czesław Miłosz and Nicola Chiaromonte together as members of a particular intellectual formation. To understand the nature of their relationship in this intellectual milieu, we have avoided the biographical and interpretative pitfalls that would have reduced the comparative study of the two authors to a sterile search for explicit influences in thought and work. On the contrary, we have brought out the full complexity of their encounter, determined by a very particular historical-political and cultural conjuncture. Czesław Miłosz's voice seems so close to Nicola Chiaromonte's not only because of participation in the same events and the same political climate of the twentieth century, but also thanks to the common attention paid to the need to define an ethical foundation for the freedom of thought, language and human action in a context of widespread massification that has taken on a nefarious magnitude in totalitarian ideologies.From different socio-cultural backgrounds, their research then turned towards an attempt to rediscover the tragic dimension of history, in opposition to the determinisms of the twentieth century that reduced man to an isolated monad, bent to the demands of numerous historical necessities. As Gino Bianco observes, both authors seem to develop a parallel aversion "to historicism based on the conviction that, despite the fury and horror of history, man is an absolute, and that this absolute resides in consciousness".The research, which reveals how Miłosz's and Chiaromonte's thought and writing are in constant oscillation between the socio-political and metaphysical dimensions, is original in that it is largely based on textual analysis. Reflection on the relationship between history and the individual is not at a speculative, theoretical level; on the contrary, it takes place in a writing process that is not detached from the biographical trajectories of the two authors. Both attempt to understand the bewilderment of modern man in the face of history, recognizing themselves first and foremost among those individuals caught in its stranglehold.The texts analyzed reveal the position occupied by both authors in their analyses, namely that of critical spectators of the phenomena described. In the chosen texts, the speaker is also the one who has lived, who remembers and therefore bears witness. It is in the impossibility of separating the man from his experience and the thinker-writer from his judgment and assessments, that Polish researcher W. Karpiński identifies the point of contact between the two authors, to whom he attributes the use of a particular literary form, that of "reality sketches" (szkice rzeczywistości). Karpiński sees their writing as a form of resistance to the manipulations and distortions produced by twentieth-century logocracies, as a reappropriation of the signifying function of the word. It is in this semantic presupposition, in the aspiration to a renewed coincidence between language and reality, that both authors aspire to a renewal of the ethical foundations of modern man. We could even speak of semantic existentialism, for their writing, despite stylistic differences, is driven by the same urgency to respond to ideological propaganda by conducting metalinguistic reflection
Goncalves, Paulo Rogerio. "The development of Brazilian ocean policy in the last half of the XXth century." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.399305.
Full textKing, Karen Ann Russell. "Surviving modernity : Jewishness, fieldwork, and the roots of American anthropology in the XXth century /." Digital version accessible at:, 2000. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/main.
Full textBorilot, Vanessa. "Feminine strategies of resistance comparative study of two XIXth century French literary pieces and two XXth century French Caribbean writings /." Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file, 111 p, 2009. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1885467531&sid=2&Fmt=2&clientId=8331&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textJohnston, Elva. "Creating communities : elites, ideologies and literature in ninth- and tenth-century Ireland." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.286676.
Full textGenetin-Pilawa, C. Joseph. "Confining Indians power, authority, and the colonialist ideologies of nineteenth-century reformers /." Diss., Connect to online resource - MSU authorized users, 2008.
Find full textPrakoonheang, Kevin, University of western Sydney, and of Arts Education and Social Sciences College. "Political ideologies and development in the Lao people's democratic republic since 1975." THESIS_CAESS_HUM_Prakoonheang_K.xml, 2001. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/823.
Full textMaster of Arts (Hons)
scharffenberg, melissa. "The Lacy Hotel Site: Gender Ideologies and Domestic Activities in a 19th Century Boardinghouse Context." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2011. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/anthro_theses/53.
Full textHarvey, Matt. "Bread, Bullets, and Brotherhood: Masculine Ideologies in the Mid-Century Black Freedom Struggle, 1950-1975." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2018. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1248506/.
Full textBodin, Jeanne. "Observed changes in mountain vegetation of the Alps during the XXth century - Role of climate and land-use changes." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00592144.
Full textLakshminarasimhan, Suraj. "Cooking “India”: Identities and Ideologies in Indian Cookbooks from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1499672751079546.
Full textCleland, Kat. "Disruptions in the Dream City: Unsettled Ideologies at the 1905 World's Fair in Portland, Oregon." PDXScholar, 2013. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/1019.
Full textCapello, Francesco Lorenzo. "Ideologies and Representations of the City in Early Twentieth-Century Italian Literature: the Crepuscolari and the Vociani." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2007. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.490577.
Full textBodin, Jeanne [Verfasser]. "Observed changes in mountain vegetation of the Alps during the XXth century : role of climate and land-use changes / Jeanne Bodin." Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universitätsbibliothek Hannover (TIB), 2011. http://d-nb.info/1013473574/34.
Full textKanade, Nikhil. "Tracing Islamic Extremist Ideologies: The Historical Journey of Jihad from the Late Antique Period to the 21st Century." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/1389.
Full textBryant, Meghan. "Selling Race in America: Ideologies of Labor, Color, and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Advertising Imagery." W&M ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1477067956.
Full textPrakoonheang, Kevin. "Political ideologies and development in the Lao people's democratic republic since 1975." Thesis, View thesis View thesis View thesis, 2001. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/823.
Full textOliveira, Júnior Celso de Araújo. "O estupor em Beckett: o estupor como libertação e tragédia em Eleutheria." Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e Lingüística da UFBA, 2005. http://www.repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/11016.
Full textSubmitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-15T13:57:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Celso Oliveira Jr..pdf: 490842 bytes, checksum: 9f7edcaaec7f31b637755643010da97b (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva(sivalda@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:56:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Celso Oliveira Jr..pdf: 490842 bytes, checksum: 9f7edcaaec7f31b637755643010da97b (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:56:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Celso Oliveira Jr..pdf: 490842 bytes, checksum: 9f7edcaaec7f31b637755643010da97b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005
A fundamentação teórica e literária sobre os conceitos de estupor, de fraturas narrativas e de interrupção de fluxo narrativo. Os estudos sobre o efeito de estupor sob o ponto de vista da psiquiatria e da psicanálise, do ritmo e efeitos da narrativa. O estudo crítico sobre o estupor em William Shakespeare, Anton Tchekhov e Samuel Beckett. O sentido e a evolução dos pressupostos fundamentais da tragédia. O estupor como hýbris. A precipitação trágica do drama beckettiano a partir destes pressupostos. Uma gênese da poética beckettiana, através das suas relações filosóficas e da sua experiência como crítico literário e de arte. O retrato do artista enquanto crítico. As relações filosóficas de Beckett e a constituição do Beckett-escritor a partir do Beckett-crítico. Leitura dos escritos críticos de Beckett sobre a obra de James Joyce, de Marcel Proust e de pintores modernos, em articulações com exemplos da obra dramatúrgica e ficcional do autor Leitura crítica do drama Eleutheria, escrito por Samuel Beckett em 1947. O estupor, enquanto hýbris, atuando como estratégia de libertação e motivo de ruína.
Reid, Ellis Alfredo Fernando. "Causes and aftermaths of the economic, political and cultural migration in the area of the Caribbean and Central America during the XXth century /." Paris : Publibook, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41189313s.
Full textBibliogr. p. 447-477. Index.
Safronovas, VASILIJUS. "The Competition of Identity Ideologies in a City of South-Eastern Baltic Sea Region: The Case-Study of Klaipėda in the 20th Century." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012. http://vddb.laba.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2011~D_20120123_153541-35073.
Full textDisertacijoje sprendžiama teorinė problema: ja siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, nuo ko priklauso, kaip reiškiasi ir kokias gyventojų prisiskyrimo ir atskirumo demonstravimo variacijas konkrečiame Pietryčių Baltijos jūros regiono mieste gali sukurti tapatybės ideologijų konkurencija. Tyrimo erdvinė ir chronologinė apimtis yra apribota Klaipėdos miestu XX amžiuje, sykiu suvokiant, kad Klaipėdoje vykę tapatybių ideologijos konkurencijos procesai buvo bendresni, pasireiškę ir kituose Pietryčių Baltijos jūros regiono miestuose. Tai yra atvejo analizė lyginamajame kontekste, kuria siekiama pateikti vieno atvejo empirine medžiaga apribotus apibendrinimus apie reiškinius, būdingus daugeliui Pietryčių Baltijos jūros regiono miestų, ir šitaip vieno atvejo pagrindu prisidėti prie tapatybės ideologijos konkurencijos, būdingos daugybei atvejų, apibendrinimo. Disertacijos tikslas yra atskleisti pagrindinių konsoliduojančių tapatybės ideologijų konkurencijos Klaipėdos miesto viešojoje bendravimo erdvėje įtaką šio miesto gyventojų tapatybei XX amžiuje ir empirinės medžiagos pagrindu suformuluoti tokių tapatybės ideologijų konkurencijos Pietryčių Baltijos jūros regiono mieste modelį. Joje nagrinėjamas Klaipėdoje aktualizuotas nacionalistinių tapatybės ideologijų reikšminis turinys ir šių ideologijų simbolinio ir ritualinio palaikymo viešojo bendravimo erdvėje būdai 1918–1939 m., 1945–1988 m. ir po 1988 m.; yra nustatomi tapatybės ideologijų, kurios buvo palaikomos Klaipėdoje, konkurencijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Djordjevic, Darja. "The ‘Natural’ History of Cancer in Africa: Tracking Malignancy, Oncology, and Its Ideologies (1957-1984), With a Comparative View to the 21st Century in Rwanda." Thesis, Harvard University, 2017. http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:32676119.
Full textVimont, Michael. "The anthropological construction of Czech identity : academic and popular discourses of identity in 20th century Bohemia." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:bb316968-60a1-472c-bee4-b8de3af5ebbd.
Full textZoubovitch, Olga. "Le tragique comme catégorie critique dans la pensée littéraire française du XXème siècle." Thesis, Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040115.
Full textThe category of tragedy is usually linked with tragedy as a literary and theatrical type. In reality, it is a category embracingall types of arts. Besides, it is the object of different sciences: philosophical, literary, theatrical.Firstly, our reflexion will be focused on tragedy as vision of the world, as category at the same time, as illustratedby Lucien Goldmann, of theoretical, emotional order. Tragedy is unthinkable without its relation to the value system.Secondly, we will study tragic conflict at the root of this vision as insolvable conflict between the man and the world, thebeing and existence. During our review of the tragic vision, we will show his kinship with the existentialist vision aspresented in Albert Camus's work.Our study will address various aspects of the tragedy in particular: its nature, the opposition of the tragic vision tothe rationalist vision, the conditions for the appearance of the tragic, its relationship with the Myth and optimism-pessimismcategories, the question of the eventual disposition of the tragic etc.We will examine tragedy under the light of theoretical concepts of the authors of our critical corpus, in forms whichit takes in Greek tragedy, tragedy of Racine, in novel of Dostoïevski and in the Camus's work
Henry, Mélanie. "Le "trésor" révolutionnaire : insurrections et militantismes à Alexandrie en 1946 et 1977, Egypte." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0167.
Full textThe uprising of 1946 (February-March) initiates a political crisis in Egypt that lasts until the implementation of the Nasserian system (1952-1954) and involves both hopes of social change and national independence. The spontaneous uprising that happens in January 18th and 19th 1977 against the reducing of price subsidies of 25 consuming products, reveals a massive rejection of the new moral order that Sadat wishes to impose. The demonstrators remind their President to the Nasserian promises that the 1967’s defeat in the war against Israel demolished.This thesis seeks to develop a reflexion on the ways of living and transmitting the revolutionary experience based on the events of the Egyptian urban uprisings of 1946 and 1977 from the point of view of Alexandria. It presents the events in the short time and in their conjunctures through an oral inquiry among Alexandrian activists and sources of several natures, as part of constant concern for documenting the effects of scale between individual history and collective history, as well as the historicity of insurrection.Away from linear chronology, in the interstices between the categories of expression (testimonies, stories and political discourses, history and fiction, etc.), this research explores the tracks of the “treasure”, a word that the poet Rene Char uses to describe a collective experience of liberty, rejected by whom lives it as soon as it ends. It reveals a network of notions, institutions and collective experiences which defines social change, its limits and the ways by which ordinary people get involved in it, through the second part of the XXth century
Bouttier, Sarah. "L'écriture du non-humain dans la poesie de D.H Lawrence." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030186/document.
Full textIn D. H. Lawrence‘s poetry, the non-human is both a form of primordial vitality and the living world of non-human creatures. Non-human creatures are seen as more able to embody this vitality than modern men, stifled by their civilization. The non-human stands outside the sphere of culture, and its mode of existence is consequently an untouched, pure form of presence. Therefore, Lawrence faces the difficulty of representing this pure presence through an inherently ―human‖ means, poetic language. However, his stance is not entirely anti-humanist: his poetic writing of the non-human is founded on an unceasing conflict between the will to break free from the constraints of humanity and the necessity to remain within a human sphere, and even to reinstate the limit between human and non-human. In the representation of the non-human as mere living matter, this conflict is already manifest, taking the shape of a tension between matter as existing completely outside human discourse, and matter as a scientific object par excellence. When Lawrence evokes the creatures, this conflict brings about a reconfiguration of specific non-human modes of being in the world (emotions, perception, agency), which allow the creatures to interact with each other without diminishing or abstracting their presence. In the poet‘s own relationship with the non-human creatures, the conflict appears again as Lawrence questions the limit between human and non-human while reinstating it. At last, the dialectic between a will to capture non-human presence and the fear of abstracting it when including it within the sphere of language seems particularly present in what we have attempted to establish as a poetic language specific to the representation of the non-human, in Lawrence and other poets
Pignard, Jérémy. "Les tombeaux vides de la France : un siècle d'évolution et d'adaptation d'un objet de célébration et de commémoration de la mort collective au combat." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAH030.
Full textIn the collective representation, war memorials have been built after the Great War to support the memories of the victims of both world wars. For many they are also a part of the city heritage. However, this definition is simplistic and does not include the reality of this object. Its genesis is to discuss and the multiplicity of its forms is to be considered to understand its past and current functions. This work emphasizes the evolution of these structures over a century. It does not only perceive the framework of the city since parishes and private groups are also behind buildings. Old memorials have been altered and new ones have been built so as to include several new conflicts. The two World Wars are not the only ones to generate a memory embodied by these objects and wars related to decolonization or External Operations are now to be taken into consideration.Since the Great War, a war memorial has been an expression of tribute to those who fought for France and who died of it, whatever the period. It was therefore appropriate to inquire about the conditions of death in war, and how the deceased and its close relations in mourning are taken care of. The material and organisational issues of the construction are also analyzed to better understand the diversity of results. Finally the study of inaugurations and commemorations allows to understand the successive uses of these monuments. These points based on the involved conflicts had to be analysed in order to evaluate an object of celebration and commemoration of collective death in battle over one century of evolution and adaptation
Ville, Sylvain. "Le théâtre de la boxe : histoire sociale de la boxe anglaise professionnelle à Paris (et à Londres) (1880-1930)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA100104.
Full textEnglish professional boxing made its appearance in Paris in the early nineteen hundreds. Originating from Great Britain, it was characterized, from its beginning, by the great amount of money that was vested in it and also by the incredible amount of matches that were organized. As a result of this, it soon became one of the most visible sports event in the French capital. But can we actually consider this activity as a “sport”? From many regards, this coinage seems unnecessary. It would not have taken much for boxing not to become a sport. The history of boxing cannot, indeed, be summed up as a progressive, linear, actual transformation of a “fist fight” into a sport activity. It is more the history of a hard and uncertain battle between entertainment promoters trying to develop boxing and federal directors who did their best to turn it into a noble sport. The point of view we have decided to adopt has enabled us to study what is behind the concept of organizing a boxing match. For obvious reasons both the process in itself and the consequences it has on the structuring of the activity need to be described. We also need to study simultaneously how a “federal” institution sets itself up as a regulatory authority and conquers power with varying degrees of ease and difficulty. This work demonstrates that the large amount of boxing matches that were set up conferred an important position to the “organizers” of the events in the fight to control this activity. Yet, the federal directors should not be seen as totally absent from the scene. Federal directors and show organizers had ties that could be either conflicting or collaborative. Finally, boxing appears as an activity that rests on a dualistic set of codes based on sports and entertainment. Therefore, these codes do not fall exclusively within the actions of the federal directors nor within the actions of people from the show business
Soria, Séverine. "La place des femmes au cœur de la résurgence du mythe arthurien dans la seconde moitié du XXème siècle." Thesis, Besançon, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BESA1045.
Full textThis study analyses women's place in the resurgence phenomenon that the Arthurian myth has known from the second part of the twentieth century onwards. At the root of this resurgence, we mention the significant influence of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien and we parallel this novel with the Arthurian legend.Then, we analyse Arthurian rewriting by female French, English or American contemporary authors. On the one hand, we look into works which stay close to the Arthurian tradition; on the other hand, into those which are at odds with this tradition.Finally, we study similarities and divergences between rewritings offered by women and the ones of their male counterparts. We obviously deal with the feminism issue and the one of the feminisation of an essentially and originally masculine topic.Different points related to the feminine question are then tackled, like youth literature, the resort to sciences, the role of religions, and the case of the temptress developed by male authors, in opposition to the valorisation of the feminine body in women's novels.This comparative work between masculine and feminine rewritings of the Arthurian myth aims at determining the place that women have managed to take in the resurgence of this legend and also to question the significance of the systematic sexuation in the myth writings
Dufour, Sandra. "N.o.w. : national Organization for Women et la presse écrite aux États-Unis de 1966 à 1982." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LYO20072.
Full textIn the United States, although the feminist movement has not died after women got the right to vote in 1920, it was invigorated by the birth of N.O.W (National Organization for Women) in 1966 which also marked the beginning of what is known as the second wave of feminism.To N.O.W’s feminists; the main dailies and weeklies of the country embodied a tool serving their own interests, as they tried to set up several reforms, to influence the press so as to legitimize their existence, to be credible and to control their image. In a first part, we will see how N.O.W got familiar with the journalism’s tools in order to be in the newspapers and to spread their claims. In a second part, the question at stake will be to know how the main feminist events of the 1970s were covered by the press, and think of the impact of this coverage on public opinion and on the organization’s image. The last part will deal with the way N.O.W influenced the press, both directly, by setting up actions in order to improve the image of women and feminists, by increasing the number of executive women in newspapers and magazines; then indirectly, thanks to N.O.W’s existence and visibility which had an impact on women as a whole and on feminist organizations more specifically. N.O.W’s relationship with Ms. will be tackled as well, the underlying question will be to know whether Ms.’s birth had to be considered as N.O.W’s failure to deal with the mainstream press or as the press’s failure to provide the information to the public.Analyzing N.O.W’s relationship with the country’s dailies and weeklies, the mains take will be to know whether the mainstream press has been considered as an efficient and reliable tool by N.O.W over the 1970s
Михайлова, Рада, and Олена Савіцька. "Відал Сассун: новації та творча спадщина." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2021. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18186.
Full textThe creative way of Vidal Sassoon, the leading designer-image-maker of the XX century, whose revolutionary innovations had radically changed style and technology in the hairdressing and fashion industries has been examined. The peculiarities of Vidal Sassoon's creative practice, including the decisions of the hairstyle, image, as well as the image of the hairdresser and the interior design of the salon, has been revealed as a result of the master`s life analysis. The master`s life is the example of self-realization in the specific cases, which for V. Sassoon have become such things as TV shows, books writing, organization of enterprises, social activities.
Pinot, Anne. "Expérience et sens du déracinement dans l’œuvre romanesque de Dostoïevski et de Bernanos." Thesis, Paris 4, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA040045.
Full textDostoyevsky's and Bernanos's novels meet up on the frail boundary between literature and metaphysics; the incarnation of characters in spaces and places tainted by their troubled hearts gives the text its essential symbolism, which is neither the romantic "chosen landscape" nor the realists' overdetermined space. Incarnation does not contradict the rules of fictional creation —powerfully remodeled by the two authors— but recasts them in archetypal family stories where the father's home can be the locus of an initial moral murder. Behind the words of garrulous characters, who are eager for philosophy and psychology (which long caught the critics' attention), there lies the question of language and aestheticism confronted with truth. Many of them are liars who have forgotten the meaning of the entrenched language which Bernanos cherished, and Dostoyevsky's soliloquists get lost in the rambling development of their convoluted wording. The question of aestheticism depends on the vicissitudes of a period (1880-1930) which was marked by the uprooting of intellectuals: what is this beauty which will "save the world", a world which is no longer theo-centred, and how legitimate is a novelist who proposes its quest, especially if it is a spiritual one? Despite the existence of salvation figures who, through the suffering caused by violent confrontation, propose the acceptance of otherness, the uprooted characters often choose to lie persistently and prefer the demonic mask of duality or the nothingness of the "a quoi bon", an expression of absolute indifference and disillusionment
Bouteiller-Laurens, Caroline. "Jean Degottex (1918-1988), un parcours singulier." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040109.
Full textJean Degottex, was born in 1918 and died in 1988. He worked from 1938 to his death, during fifty years. Early using gestural painting, he is recognized by André Breton for that, who is seeing in this manner the perfect automatism in painting, the same automatism he was seeking in writing. Degottex never subscribed to Surrealism, but he was receptive to some of its aspects. Poesy is one of his major sources of inspiration. Interested in East and its calligraphies, he showed a special interest for Asia. After an important break in his work in the middle of the Sixties, he went back to his work by making a focus on the circle, the rip or the line, with the will to show all the plastic characteritics of the material. Canvas, paper or wood are opened, skinned, dissected and shown as is, with the desire to hide nothing of the processes at work in the painter's work. Sensitive to the social climate of his time, painting was for him a way to militate. From his biography, based on his own archives, this work highlights his contacts, his networks and his place in France and in the World. The analysis put an emphasis on his tools and working methods, and also shows the importance of time and chronology, as it sheds light on the painter's work internal logic, moving from a piece or a series (called Suites by Degottex) to the next one
Chevreux, Elodie. "Le Magazine littéraire 1966-2003 : parcours éditorial et médiatisation de la littérature." Thesis, CY Cergy Paris Université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020CYUN1060.
Full textThe years 1966-1967 were marked by a renewal of the French literary press with the appearance of La Quinzaine littéraire, the Magazine littéraire and then the "Monde des livres". Our thesis proposes to clarify this turning point by defining the identity of a literary publication of a new genre: the Magazine littéraire. A monthly magazine created in November 1966, it is characterized, as is typical of the medium, by its commercial vocation, by its openness to a large public, by its abundant illustrations, and by its encyclopedic dimension. For nearly thirty-five years (1967-2003), Jean-Jacques Brochier was its chief editor. The corpus of the thesis includes the 418 issues published between November 1966 and March 2003. We sought to examine the Magazine littéraire in its media environment as well as through its editorial history, from its conditions of emergence, through its innovations and its developments, to its commercial decline. Its connections with the Grasset company shed light on the structure of the literary field and show the mutual dependence of the publishing and literary press circles. The publication reflects the major cultural and literary trends in France. The study of polyphonic discourse and the analysis of literary interviews in the Magazine littéraire aim to demonstrate the influence exerted by the media in the construction of a common perception of both literature and writers. For three decades, the monthly magazine built up its own literary pantheon, but also assigned various functions to literature. The originality of the Magazine littéraire resides in the paradoxical but productive alliance of media discourse, which more often than not promotes pre-constructed ideas of literature, and of academic discourse, which gave a certain aura and a scientific angle to the publication
Bucknell, Clare. "Poetic genre and economic thought in the long eighteenth century : three case studies." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:71e97b4d-c009-487c-8efb-fdb71eefa080.
Full textCaucanas, Rémi. "La dimension islamo-chrétienne du dialogue méditerranéen au XXe siècle." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM3114/document.
Full textIntercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean is undergoing hard times. However the religious dimension, connected and independent at the same time, offers another possible channel of dialogue in the Mediterranean relations. The transformations of the Christian perception of Islam started during the interwar period, then the practices of the dialogue between Christians and Muslims, in mainland France and beyond the Mediterranean Sea, gradually promote the Islamo-Christian dialogue on the Mediterranean forefront. In the 1960s, the Second Vatican Council stands out in this process. Trapped inside its own ambiguities and conditioned by Mediterranean geopolitical settings, the Islamo-Christian dialogue however enters a much more chaotic period punctuated both by symbolic acts for peace and identical tensions at the end of 1970s. Inspiring by multiple documentation sources, in particular by the collection of the Service des Relations avec l'Islam (SRI), the present work offers an historic overview of the actors, the stakes and the limits of the Islamo-Christian dialogue in the Mediterranean Sea throughout the 20th century. Historic reviews and the actors from Marseille illustrate such development
Vernozy, Delphine. "Le livre de ballet, un objet littéraire ? : écrivains et chorégraphes en France des années 1910 aux années 1960." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040214.
Full textMeant to be danced, the libretto should have been a transitory text, hence lacking in literary value. Yet the period from the Ballets Russes to the 1960s saw an unprecedented rise in collaborations between writers and the ballet. Jean Cocteau, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Claudel, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, René Char, Jean Anouilh, Jean Genet and Eugène Ionesco all wrote librettos. But what were writers looking for in this a priori ephemeral form? Did they want to seize hold of the libretto and deliver it, as poets would, of its utilitarian status, transform it into a literary work, worthy of appreciation in itself? The libretto also drew its value from the access it gave to an alternative space of collective creation and performance, to a kind of work where the stage and the body eclipse the text and where the writer can break with literature and dream of being a choreographer. This dual tendency placed the libretto at the heart of the evolutions that shaped literature and choreography during the twentieth century. Whereas literature saw its status as a dominant art waver, dance won its autonomy and the choreographer asserted himself. Unlike the investigations of modern dance, ballet continued to make dance rely on text, retaining a place for the writer in choreographic creation in order to better question the precedence of language. What is literature? What is dance? These are the questions that the ballet libretto poses
Lemaire, Candice. "Esthétique de l’écart dans l’œuvre poétique de Robert Frost." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU20130.
Full textFrom the collection A Boy’s Will (1913) to the collection In the Clearing (1962), the works of American poet Robert Frost (1874-1963) can be viewed as a reflection on the concept of deviation, presenting it as a major principle in his aesthetics and writing strategy. This doctoral dissertation provides a close reading of many poems, with a view to highlighting the highly seminal quality of the Frostian theme of the slight deviation, which allows one to rethink the dialectic between the center and the margins at different levels of analysis. This dialectic appears not only in the poetic representation of North American space, but also in the established connection between the texts and the metaphorical space of the canon, as well as in the ambiguous presentation of the poetic figure in relation to the intimate, social or political spheres. We wish to show that the poet together with the multiple personae that he uses in the collected poems, favor a specific vantage point, a detached position which is neither in the center nor completely in the margin, but rather within the limits delineated by some deviation. This slightly withdrawn position, which is both dispassionate and perilous, sketches out a triple self-portrait of the poet. It is the self-portrait of an artist for whom the tension between tradition and modernity, between fixed forms and free poetic experiments, creates a complicated but fertile position which allows Frost to position himself both within, and slightly on the margin of, the genre of pastoral poetry. Frost's poems also depict the portrait of a moving poetic figure in the New England landscape, a figure who is put, because of his attempts at settling in certain territories, in a situation where neighbors are both aware and wary of each other. Lastly, the poems could be regarded as the self-portrait of an American posturing as a marginal figure in the skillful staging of his own iconization
Malcolm-Buchanan, Vincent Alan. "Fragmentation and Restoration: Generational Legacies of 21st Century Māori." The University of Waikato, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10289/2797.
Full textBerge, Caroline. "Quête spirituelle, quête de soi dans les œuvres complètes de César Dávila Andrade : une écriture en mouvement." Thesis, Paris 10, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA100158/document.
Full textCésar Dávila Andrade’s works are still underestimated and enjoy limited distribution. Moreover, they have been largely unexplored until now. Our corpus is composed of the César Dávila Andrade‘s complete works, which means his total body of poetic work, the short stories and the essays. We will focus on the legacies and the influences of the writer, in order to study the language and the imagination. We will show how the author is in search of new literary landscapes. Indeed, as his purpose is to find a dynamic writing, in movement; the author breaks up the limits of the field of literature. He explores a new way that could give him access to transcendental higher-order knowledge, so as to reveal the Word
Ghesquier-Gogny, Madeleine. "Archives d'Orient : les notables alexandrins, des héritiers sans héritage (1882-1985)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040225.
Full textIn 2002, the CEAlex received nearly seven thousand documents having the same origin, a Greco-Syrian-Lebanese family. These documents concern the history of Alexandria from 1882 to 1985. They are the sole source of this thesis.The thesis consists of two parts. 1) The story of two families, the Zogheb and Sinano family through four generations. Implanted in Alexandria these conquerors searched and made their fortune, encouraged by Mohammad Ali, in an Egypt which was undergoing modernization. We follow them in their daily life, their neighborhood, their habits, through certain people, places or events that illustrate through very small touches a whole structure of society of “noblemen”. These families are “noble” due to their wealth, their age or their place in the city. These different approaches, different angles, permit, little by little, to give an overview of this micro-society which today no longer exists. 2) The story of Charles Ayoub, an “Alexandrian in his century” whom we follow from childhood to death. A pupil of the Jesuits, then a law student, he joined the services of the State Litigation as a trainee, reaching the rank of Royal Councillor and Head of Litigation. After resigning from the public service, he became a city lawyer. Through his professional and family background, his environment and that of his wife’s, we follow both the decline and the end of a certain society and how Egypt met it’s own destiny. An Egyptian of French culture, belonging to high Alexandrian cosmopolitan society, how did Charles Ayoub integrate and live through the eddies of century, from the khedivial period to the monarchy, the monarchy to the Republic ?
Sánchez, Salas Francisco. "Las relaciones internacionales entre la arqueología española e italiana en la Historia de la Arqueología Española (siglo XX)." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/666894.
Full textThe importance of the History of Archaeology lies in the capacity to respond to the first question we should consider as archaeologists: how have we become what we are?. It is essential to study this past, and this research could be faced from different perspectives. Here we will focus on analysing the international relations inside the History of Archaeology, as part of the mechanism to understand our past in a period where borders between countries portray the personal and academic relations of scholars. In particular, the relationships between Spanish and Italian archaeologists of the 20th century will be examined due to the ignorance existing around this topic, compared to the studies about the relations with Germans scholars, and also, to a lesser extent, with British academics. The purpose of this thesis is to take a closer look at the impact that the relationships between researchers had in the Spanish Archaeology of the 20th century. With this, we have tried to break away from the clichés which were solidly established in the History of Spanish Archaeology, such as, the general belief that Spanish professionals were passive receptors of the newness that came from other countries, and the idea that, particularly during the Francoist period, the international isolation of the experts was practically total. Within this context, it has been specifically analysed the relations between Italian and Spanish archaeology from the beginnings of the 20th century to 1975, establishing this year as the closing date of the study. In our examination we have divided the period studied in two parts: before and after the Civil War. To accomplish these general objectives, our investigations started studying the Spanish institutions that were in charge, directly or indirectly, of the stays of Spanish archaeologists in Italian territory. As a result, we have documented a multitude of economic aids from two institutions: “Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios” and “Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas”. Thanks to this information, it was possible to establish the personal relations between Italian and Spanish archaeology during the two periods described above, as well as confirming the influence that these interactions meant in the later Spanish archaeology. To achieve these specific goals, we have conducted a study of the contemporary Spanish publications related to archaeology, which refute this influence through the bibliographic references used in these articles. In addition, it was taken into consideration the rough political context of the 20th century as an influential element in all the process. Under this premiss, several hypotheses were developed in function of the objectives planned, setting a scenario where, despite the fact that the development of institutions in compliance to the necessity of keeping researchers in foreign countries, Italy was not the essential centre of receptions for the Archaeology in the beginning of the 20th century, in opposition to France and Germany, increased by the situation of academic and politic isolation during the Francoist period. These general hypotheses are completed by others more specific, based on the difficult economic situation of the periods between wars for the investment in foreign stays, and the inaccuracy of what is known as “archaeological labour”. This can lead us to think that the knowledge about Spanish archaeological trips to Italy could have been misvalued, being in fact very productive journeys, of which later influence in Spain, considered exiguous in the start of the 20th century, developed with more fluency after the 1950s Furthermore, as a work method, different national archives and libraries have been exhaustively inspected, including some oral history resources. Jointly, a bibliometric analysis of several archaeological journals published during this period was taken, collecting all the relevant information for our work. In addition, the information found in coetaneous publications and later ones was also investigated. The study has been divided in two big temporal periods, first covering from the beginning of the 20th century until the Civil War, and the second from this last event up to the end of the Francoist period. Due to these facts, it was possible to conduct an analysis of Spanish scholars’ stays in Italy, for their collaboration in exhibitions as well as for study and work trips. Also, the importance of the national institutions for the performance of these actions, and the observation of their intervention in the diffusion of the achieved knowledge throughout Spanish publications in which they took part in, were examined. Consequently, the results retrieved allow us to demonstrate how personal relationships among international scholars directly influenced the development of Spanish archaeological activities, which were not completely closed to foreign influences, and discover the evolution of these contacts over the timeline studied. Moreover, between the beginning of the 20th century and the Civil War, the “pensiones” (name given to the economic aids in this period) were granted to a larger number of Spanish researchers, that finally, carried out some type of archaeological activity. Despite the foundation in Rome of “Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología” in 1910 as a centre of reception for all these pensioners, it would not become the epicentre of the relations among Italian and Spanish archaeologists but set up the basis of the contacts for the next period, that were much more prolific and obvious. The itinerant journeys around the Italian Peninsula were more characteristic during this first part, but its immediate influence was less emphasized. During the second period and the beginning of postwar, the “Escuela” reopened in 1947, beginning its golden era until the 1970s. The stays in Italy increased, especially long-term stays, thanks to the agreements to excavate Grotta dei Pipistrelli (Finale), Grotta del´Olivo (Toirano) in 1954 and 1955 respectively, and Gabii, between 1956 and 1969. These agreements allowed to establish strong and long contacts, being the most important of these connections the relationships between Martín Almagro Basch and Luis Pericot García with the Italian archaeologist Nino Lamboglia, who are strongly present in the Spanish literature, personal correspondence and administrative documents. However, even though Spanish-Italian relationships were very productive and prolific, the relations between Spanish researchers and German, French and British academics were more intense.
Tarrón, Iglesias Adela. "Jurisdicciones, tribunales y juzgados especiales en España durante el siglo XX y su ejercicio en Cataluña." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/672750.
Full textThis research aims to revise all the jurisdictions, courts and special tribunals that tried and sentenced in Catalonia throughout the 20th century, apart from the ordinary jurisdiction. This thesis is divided in seven chapters, the first one focused on the methodology employed and the theoretical framework. Chapters II to VII analyze the jurisdictional organs, target of this study, organized by historical periods: chapter II is focused on those jurisdictions that lasted and performed their functions throughout the whole century or most part of it, going through political regimes and diverse historical circumstances; chapter III addresses the special tribunals created by the governments during the Second Republic; chapter IV analyzes the jurisdictions, tribunals and courts created during Francoism; chapter V does so with the ones created during the Transition; in chapter six those which have been excluded of this analysis are listed, along with the reasons to do so; chapter VII revises the members of the Judicial power who have been part of the special tribunals, along with a brief analysis of their career and the honors they have received from the State.
Herzog, Lisa Maria. "Inventing the market. Smith, Hegel and political theory." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:39eb8122-b2a3-4070-8fc2-12ed6e5568cc.
Full textReibaud, Laetitia. "L’élégie en Europe au XXe siècle : persistance et métamorphoses d’un genre littéraire antique dans les poésies européennes de langue française, allemande, anglaise, italienne, espagnole et grecque." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040239.
Full textElegy is generally believed to have disappeared from European poetry in the XXth century, after a period of apogee during the Romanticism and after the hard criticism that the “modern” poets, who rejected the “excessive” romantic lyricism, leveled at the elegiac poets. Elegy was considered by the former as the emblem of a romantic out-of-date lyricism. Lyricism and the poetry expressed in the first person remained also the target of the attacks and mockery from a part of the XXth century poets and literary critic. Yet a real revival of the genre happens since the very beginning of the XXth century, hesitant and gradual during the first half of the century, then more abundant and obvious in the second part of the period. The names of major European poets of this century are linked with the genre of elegy, and the titles of their works show it: Juan Ramon Jiménez’s Elegías (1908), Rilke’s Duineser Elegien (1923), Karyotákis’ Elegies and satires (1927), Brecht’s Hollywoodelegien (1942) and Buckower Elegien (1953), Pierre Emmanuel’s and Jean Grosjean’s Élégies (respectively 1940 and 1967), Elýtis’s Oxopetra Elegies (1991), or the three posthumous works of Nelly Sachs, Schwedische Elegien (1940), Die Elegien von den Spuren im Sande (1943) et Elegien auf den Tod meiner Mutter (1950). Born in the VIIth century B.C., the genre of elegy is well alive in the XXth. Such a longevity brings us to three questions which organize our research: which are the shapes of the elegy of the XXth century and on which definition(s) of the genre is it based? Which are the connections and balance between traditions and modernity? How does the genre of elegy outlive the attacks against lyricism and what are the characteristics of the new lyricisms which it gives birth to?
Guedj, Emmanuelle. "Vers une dramaturgie de l’errance : Les scènes anglaises et irlandaises du début du XXe siècle à nos jours." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040241.
Full textThematically speaking, wandering and erring are particularly noticeable in early XXth century Irish drama. Playwrights stage vagrants, tramps, and Tinkers as a means to explore the loss felt by a large part of the Irish population throughout history. These characters also express metaphysical questions which will be echoed in the second half of the century. From being rather important themes, wandering and errancy gradually invade the very structure of the plays, be they Irish or British. Wandering has remained a major way of exploring trauma-related situations, be they economical, political or ethical. As the stage keeps questioning certainties, directions and sense are played with. The thematical and structural roles of wandering onstage highlight the widespread existence of a skeptical dramaturgy debunking trust and conviction