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Jenkins, H. J. K. "Neptune au musée: puissance, identités et conflits dans les musées maritimes et navals." Mariner's Mirror 100, no. 4 (October 2, 2014): 490–92.

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Turgeon, Laurier. "Book Review: Les citoyens du large. Les identités maritimes en France (XVII-XIX siècle) (Citizens of the Open Sea. Maritime Identities in France [From the 17th to the 19th Centuries])." International Journal of Maritime History 10, no. 2 (December 1998): 295–99.

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Brian, Isabelle. "Alain Cabantous, Les citoyens du large, les identités maritimes en France (xviie-xixe siècle), Paris, Éditions Aubier, «Historique», 1995, 279 p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 56, no. 3 (June 2001): 762–66.

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Fadli, Muhammad Royyan. "Analisis Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Pengajuan dan Penerapan Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) di Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok." Indonesian Journal of Global Discourse 3, no. 1 (July 31, 2021): 35–54.

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Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan motif-motif yang melatarbelakangi diajukan dan diterapkannya Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) di Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok pada masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo periode pertama. Indonesia pada masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo periode pertama mengajukan proposal penerapan TSS kepada International Maritime Organization (IMO) tepatnya pada tahun 2017. Kebijakan ini merupakan salah satu dari beberapa kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam aktualisasi dari visi Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD). Kedua selat, baik Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok dipandang memiliki potensi untuk berkembang menjadi jalur pelayaran dunia yang lebih ramai dikarenakan kelebihan-kelebihan dan nilai geostrategis yang dimiliki. Disamping demi meningkatkan keselamatan pelayaran, pengajuan dan penerapan TSS juga tidak lepas dari aspek legitimasi, identitas, dan norma internasional sebagai motifnya. Penelitian ini akan menjabarkan bagaimana identitas dan norma dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan negara yang dalam kasus ini adalah pengajuan dan penerapan TSS di Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok.
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Fauzi, Mohd, and Hermansyah Hermansyah. "REPRESENTASI, RELASI, DAN IDENTITAS UNDANG-UNDANG LAUT: KAJIAN EKOLINGUISTIK KRITIS." Jurnal Ilmu Budaya 17, no. 2 (February 26, 2021): 131–47.

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This study aims to reveal the representation, relations, and identity of the Maritime Laws using a critical ecolinguistic approach. This linguistic phenomenon is a treasure trove of Malay intellectual property in the past. This type of research is literature research with a qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected by using the method of observing free and speaking with observation and note-taking techniques. The data analysis used the mix and match methods, especially referential equivalents, translational equivalents, and pragmatic equivalents. The results of data analysis were explained using informal methods. The data used is written data from the Malay Maritime Laws. The results have shown that the contents of the text of the Malay Maritime Laws are related to the duties and obligations of seafarers who sail. Ecolexicons, phrases, and sentences related to marine and shipping existed at that time. This fact occurs because the sea has been the lifeblood of the Malay people for centuries and will continue to be passed on to future generations.
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Cummings, Vicki. "The Maritime Identities of Communities Colonizing Norway." Norwegian Archaeological Review 46, no. 1 (June 2013): 90–92.

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Beneki, Eleni, James P. Delgado, and Anastasia Filippoupoliti. "Memory in the maritime museum: objects, narratives, identities." International Journal of Heritage Studies 18, no. 4 (July 2012): 347–51.

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Sulistiyono, Singgih Tri. "Tracking the Role of Education in Preserving National Identity: Maritime Aspects in the History Subject at Senior High School in Indonesia." Journal of Maritime Studies and National Integration 1, no. 1 (July 23, 2017): 55–65.

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One of the most important objectives of this article is analyse wether or not the idea of the Indonesian identity as a maritime nation is instructed at school in the form of teaching materials. In this respect the history subject at senior high school bocomes the focus of the study. The history subject strategically can be benefitted as the medium of strengthening the Indonesian naitonal identity as a maritime nation. This matter is very important to be studied considering the fact that untill now the issue of national identity of Indonesian nation is still to be debated wether or not Indonesia will be developed to be maritime state or conversely to be agrarian state. But many Indonesian believe that their ancestors were maritime people. And they confident that only the people who built the country based on thier identity could be a great nation. This article argues that although the maritime history of the great potential in the process of identity formation of Indonesia as a maritime nation and has the potential to strengthen national integration, but aspects of maritime history has not taught proportionally in Indonesian history textbooks.
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Saddhono, Kundharu, and Ermanto. "Indonesian Online Media’s Construction of ‘Maritime’." Pomorstvo 34, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 16–23.

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The concept of maritime (maritime) is frequently discussed among the Indonesian people, a fact that may be attributed to the emphasis that has been given to maritime issues by President Joko Widodo since his candidacy. This article applies Faircloughian approach to critical discourse analysis (CDA) to understand the coverage of ‘maritime’ in Indonesian online media. This paradigm has been selected because the media does not simply act as a neutral medium through its publication and coverage; rather, media have specific ideologies, which can be described and analyzed through critical discourse analysis. This approach focuses on three aspects when analyzing written discourses: representations, relations, and identities. Representation refers to specific words and grammatical structures to construct reality; relations refer to the connections between the subjects as depicted in the discourse; and identity refers to reporters’ positions in their coverage of online media, including their biases. In general, relations and identities in Indonesian online media coverage have been oriented towards the government and society. The government has been constructed ambiguously by online media, but depictions of government have tended to be positive, with a focus on the success of its maritime programs.
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Péron-Doise, Marianne. "La politique maritime de l’Inde : consolider son identité indo-pacifique." Hérodote N°173, no. 2 (2019): 121.

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Anoegrajekti, Novi, and Sudartomo Macaryus. "SASTRA LISAN BERBASIS INDUSTRI KREATIF: Ruang Penyimpanan, Pengembangan, dan Identitas." ATAVISME 21, no. 1 (July 20, 2018): 64–80.

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This paper aims to explain the development of creative oral literature based on creative industries in Banyuwangi that develop autonomously along with traditional and modern art, such as janger, fashion, dance, and song. With the ethnographic method, the research begins with an inventory of library data and is equipped with field data collected through interviews, observation, and participation. The story of Sri Tanjung Sidopekso becomes the janger play and theme of Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival. The mantra of jaran goyang is transformed into dance and song. Various creative industries have the potential as a source of reconstructing oral literature. In coastal societies, there has developed oral literature related to maritime culture. In Muncar Banyuwangi, the rituals of petik laut use spells and maritime cultural symbols, such as mantras, pilgrimages to the tombs of the founders of the Muncar fishing village. While in Payangan Jember, the story of the founders of the fishing village is respected by singing macapat Babad Marsodo. All of those are meaningful when they become action, knowledge, experience, and appreciation of the supporting community. The results show that oral literature has the potential to inspire the creative industries. Re-versely, creative industries have the potential as a source for reconstructing oral literature that enriches their forms and versions.
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Chaffee, John. ""Diasporic Identities in the Historical Development of the Maritime Muslim Communities of Song-yuan China"." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 49, no. 4 (2006): 395–420.

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AbstractThe Muslim communities that flourished in the ports of southeastern China c. 10th-14th centuries AD were part of a trade diaspora that played a central role in the commercial life of maritime Asia. In contrast to past treatments which portray these communities as essentially static entities, this paper proposes a tripartite periodization. In the first (c. 907-1020), trade and merchants were concentrated in Guangzhou, with frequent tribute missions playing a major role. In the second (1020-1279), maritime trade involved multiple ports and free trade under the supervision of the maritime trade superintendencies, and the Muslim communities became increasingly integrated into the society of southeastern China. In the third period (1279-1368), preferential Mongol policies towards Muslims significantly altered the nature of the communities and their diasporic identity. Les communautés musulmanes qui se sont épanouies dans les ports de la Chine du sud-est des 10th-14th siècles faisaient partie d'une diaspora commerciale qui a joué un rôle central dans la vie commerciale de l'Asie maritime. Contrairement aux traitements passés qui dépeignent ces communautés en tant qu'essentiellement entités statiques, cet article propose un periodization triple. Dans la premiere période (c. 907-1020), le commerce et les n eacute;gociants ont été concentrés dans Guangzhou, avec des missions fréquentes d'hommage jouant un rôle important. Dans la deuxième period (1020-1279), le commerce maritime a impliquéles ports multiples et le libre échange, quoique sous la surveillance des surintendances du commerce maritime, et les communautés musulmanes est devenu de plus en plus intégré dans la société de la Chine du sud-est. Dans la troisième période (1279-1368), les politiques mongoliennes préférentielles envers des musulmans ont changéde manière signi fi cative la nature des communautés et de leur identité diasporic.
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., Oktavianus. "Bahasa dan Budaya Maritim: Identitas dan Pemerkaya Budaya Bangsa." Pustaka : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya 19, no. 1 (February 28, 2019): 17.

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Indonesia memiliki wilayah lebih kurang 1,9 juta mil persegi dengan jumlah pulau 17.508, 770 suku bangsa dan 726 bahasa (Tempo,co, 27 November 2017). Wilayah yang terdiri dari 17.508 pulau itu – yang disebut dengan NKRI – dipersatukan oleh laut. Luasnya wilayah NKRI yang didiami oleh beragam suku dengan bahasa lokal yang berbeda-beda merupakan suatu kekayaan dan keunikan yang dimiliki oleh bangsa Indonesia yang harus dijaga, dirawat dan dipertahankan. Sehubungan dengan itu, tulisan ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menelaah bagaimana bahasa dan budaya maritim menjadi identitas dan pemerkaya budaya bangsa dalam hal ini bangsa Indonesia. Kajian dilakukan dari sudut pandang hubungan bahasa dengan budaya (Kramsch, 1998; Duranti, 2000). Data untuk keperluan kajian ini adalah penggunaan bahasa yang terkait dengan kelautan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa budaya maritim memberikan sumbangan yang sangat besar bagai pengembangan dan pemerkaya budaya bangsa (Indonesia). Leksikon-leksikon dan ungkapan kemaritiman tidak hanya dipakai dilingkungan kelautan tetapi juga digunakan dalam berbagai ranah pertuturan.
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Vionis, Athanasios K. "The Construction of Sacred Landscapes and Maritime Identities in the Post-Medieval Cyclades Islands: The Case of Paros." Religions 13, no. 2 (February 14, 2022): 164.

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The Cyclades islands in the South Aegean initially attracted the attention of prehistorians approaching islands as ‘laboratories’ for the study of cultural development, examining the notions of ‘isolation’ and ‘connectivity’, or, more recently, by introducing new terminologies, such as ‘seascape’ and ‘islandscape’. The wealth of material remains of the post-medieval era in the Cyclades islands (e.g., ecclesiastical architecture, ceramics) and the textual record available (e.g., Ottoman tax registers, travellers’ accounts) provide fascinating evidence regarding the construction of sacred landscapes, self-expression, community, and maritime identities throughout the period of Ottoman domination. The main aim of this article is to examine the historical contingencies and the distribution of a vast number of rural churches, primarily as evidence for religious expression, in order to capture island dynamics and the formation of religious and community identities, as imprinted onto the sacred landscapes of the island of Paros. By shifting our focus from the imperial Ottoman to the local Cycladic, we come to appreciate islanders as decisive agents of their maritime identities, creating rituals and sacred spaces, sometimes beyond the strict borders of institutional religion.
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Tahara, Tasrifin, and Syamsul Bahri. "NAKODAI MARA’DIA ABANUA KAIYANG TOILOPI: SPIRIT NILAI BUDAYA MARITIM DAN IDENTITAS ORANG MANDAR." Walasuji : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya 9, no. 2 (November 27, 2019): 249–59.

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Artikel ini membahas orang Mandar sebagai suku bangsa maritim yang tidak diragukan eksistensinya. Sebagai pemangku kebudayaan maritim dan religius yang taat, tidak dapat dimungkiri keandalan manusia Mandar dalam berbagai arena kehidupan dan selalu memiliki ciri khas yang dapat bernilai positif. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan penelitian di Polewali Mandar dan Majene. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka, pengamatan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagai suku bangsa maritim, sangatlah urgen untuk melakukan penggalian nilai-nilai luhur masyarakat Mandar yang selalu menonjol dalam berbagai arena sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Orang Mandar memiliki nilai budaya yang khas yang selalu unggul dalam berbagai arena sosial, politik, hukum dan ekonomi. Bangsa Indonesia memiliki Baharuddin Lopa dan Basri Hasanuddin yang mewarnai peradaban Indonesia. Nilai-nilai luhur takkalai disombalang dotai lele rapu dadi na tuali di lolangan.” Orang Mandar menjunjung tinggi halhal yang baik, benar dan mulia. Nilai ini mengisyaratkan bahwa mereka bercita-cita menjadikan wilayahnya “Mandar masagena na mala bi” yang berarti “wilayah Mandar yang terpandang dan mulia.” Nilai-nilai inilah menjadi penopang kebudayaan Mandar sehingga melahirkan manusia Mandar yang selalu unggul dalam berbagai arena sebagai identitas suku bangsa maritim.
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Vieira, Estela. "Maritime Disasters and Collective Identities: Surviving Shipwreck in Early Modern Portugal." Hispania 103, no. 4 (2020): 545–55.

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Clarke, P. D. "Pêche et identité en Acadie: nouveaux regards sur la culture et la ruralité en milieu maritime." Recherche 39, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 59–101.

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Les régimes économique et social des régions de pêche en Acadie, dérivés de l'écologie et de la géographie, ont été déterminants dans la construction d'une identité collective populaire acadienne. La structure socioéconomique des communautés de pêche, qui s'articule à des pratiques culturelles et à une régulation sociale populaires, reconduit l'influence de la famille étendue et la solidarité communautaire. Peu bousculées par la modernité et l'économie industrielle, ces communautés sont le refuge d'une culture populaire séculaire, assises d'une identité collective reliée à l'espace vécu et à l'appropriation de la ressource halieutique. Encore aujourd'hui, la structure industrielle des pêches est à l'origine de pratiques culturelles susceptibles de contrer l'homogénéisation identitaire. L'identité collective acadienne, nationalitaire, pour se défendre du fractionnement identitaire postmoderne, s'étaye des régimes de signification et de représentation de l'Acadie de la mer.
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Rabalais, Nathan. "Acadie(s) divergente(s) : langue, identité et poésie en Louisiane et au Canada maritime." Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 21, no. 4 (August 8, 2017): 431–39.

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Jespersen, Mikkel Leth. "Global søfart og lokal identitet i Sønderjylland." Sønderjydske Årbøger 131, no. 1 (January 18, 2022): 9–32.

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Ser man bort fra søfolk, der sejlede på skibe hjemmehørende andre steder, var der tre sønderjyske byer, som havde en betydelig global søfart i løbet af 1800-tallet. Det var Aabenraa, Sønderborg og Flensborg. Der var betragtelige forskelle i både karakteren af denne søfart, og hvorledes søfarten og de globale relationer, den var en del af, efterfølgende blev erindret og anvendt i den lokale identitet i hver af de tre byer. I Aabenraa blev søfartstraditionen dyrket intenst i omkring et halvt århundrede efter dens ophør i 1880’erne, og personer, der havde været involveret i den, nød en særlig status. I Sønderborg var ophøret ikke så brat, og den maritime arv blev i høj grad varetaget af byens Skipperlaug, som havde stor indflydelse på udstillingen af søfartssamlingen på Sønderborg Slot gennem det meste af det 20. århundrede. I Flensborg fandt der en vellykket omstilling fra sejl til damp sted, og det var først i efterkrigstiden, at man rigtig begyndte at interessere sig for 17- og 1800-tallets globale søfart, særlig Vestindienfarten, som nu blev en vigtig del af byens identitet.
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Azis, Fairuz, and Nfn Musadad. "Identifikasi dan Latar Belakang Sejarah Tinggalan Arkeologis Jangkar di Perairan Kepulauan Sangihe." Tumotowa 4, no. 2 (December 14, 2021): 121–32.

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Temuan arkeologis jangkar di perairan Kepulauan Sangihe merupakan data baru bagi arkeologi, khususnya arkeologi maritim di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan kajian melalui pendekatan arkeologi maritim dan mengkomparasikannya dengan data sejarah terkait untuk mengetahui karakteristik bentuk, identitas, serta latar belakang sejarah dari temuan jangkar tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuka wawasan baru dalam penelitian arkeologi maritim di Indonesia, terutama dalam hal objek penelitian berupa jangkar. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa temuan jangkar di perairan pantai Desa Lesa, Kepulauan Sangihe tergolong dalam tipe admiralty anchor. Admiralty anchor merupakan desain jangkar yang dikembangkan dan digunakan oleh armada Angkatan Laut Inggris. Berdasarkan sejarah maritim wilayah Laut Sulawesi, terdapat beberapa kemungkinan latar belakang sejarah yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan temuan jangkar di perairan Kepulauan Sangihe. Kemungkinan pertama, yaitu berhubungan dengan perselisihan diantara bangsa asing yang berkuasa di sekitar wilayah Laut Sulawesi. Kemungkinan kedua, yaitu berhubungan dengan eksistensi para perompak di wilayah Laut Sulawesi.
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Land, Isaac. "The Many‐Tongued Hydra: Sea Talk, Maritime Culture, and Atlantic Identities, 1700‐1850." Journal of American & Comparative Cultures 25, no. 3‐4 (September 2002): 412–17.

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Bai, Jiayu, and Xiaoyu Li. "IMO’s Marine Environmental Regulatory Governance and China’s Role: An Empirical Study of China’s Submissions." Sustainability 13, no. 18 (September 14, 2021): 10243.

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The International Maritime Organization (IMO) plays a significant role in global marine environmental governance, providing a forum of regulatory oversight for member states. Member states are the main actors of the IMO and exert considerable influence on the process of lawmaking. Among these member states, China is unique due to its multiple identities. There are various factors influencing interests behind China’s multiple identities, which fully engage the country in various shipping and maritime trade activities. This article examines China’s role in the IMO marine environmental regulatory governance. It identifies the impact of China on global ocean governance and indicates the development and reforms in the global governance system. China enacted the China Ocean Agenda 21 for its strategy of ocean development. Thus, China is the object of study in this examination of empirical research that collects submissions from 2001 to 2020 related to marine environmental governance. The findings reveal that the extent to which China participates in such governance has considerably increased, and although the contribution of China’s submissions is still in development, its role in the IMO is no longer merely that of a follower, and the efforts of the country have had a positive influence on the IMO’s marine environmental regulatory governance, including its legal instruments.
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Wick, Alexis. "History, Geography, and the Sea." International Journal of Middle East Studies 48, no. 4 (September 30, 2016): 743–45.

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Maritime history has grown exponentially in recent years. Seen as a remedy to the ideological straightjackets of nation-state and area studies paradigms associated with modernization theory, a methodological orientation towards the sea offers the historian the advantages of an interactive transnational approach, and places matters of the environment and material culture before stories of kings and battles. Crucially, it focuses on flows, routes, mobility, and exchange rather than fixed identities and linear trajectories.
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Fonio, Filippo. "Nicolas Le Roux, Guerre civile, entreprises maritimes et identité nobiliaire. Les imaginations de Guy de Lanssac (1544-1622)." Studi Francesi, no. 145 (XLIX | I) (July 1, 2005): 150–51.

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Leffler, Phyllis. "Peopling the Portholes: National Identity and Maritime Museums in the U.S. and U.K." Public Historian 26, no. 4 (2004): 23–48.

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This research essay explores both the substance and style of exhibits at maritime museums in Britain and the United States. The museums selected reflect how social history concerns affect representations of national identities and national values on both sides of the Atlantic. Issues of social inclusion and diversity prevail, but are treated in substantially different ways in Britain and the U.S. Representations of life at sea, relocation and travel, and commerce provide focal points for exploring these differences. Issues of class, race, loss and guilt, social mobility, and national identity are woven into the analysis.
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Shirey, Heather. "Engaging Black European Spaces and Postcolonial Dialogues through Public Art: Yinka Shonibare’s Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle." Open Cultural Studies 3, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 362–72.

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Abstract Yinka Shonibare’s Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle, installed on the Fourth Plinth of London’s Trafalgar Square from May 24, 2010, to January 30, 2012, temporarily transformed a space dominated by the 19th-century monumental sculpture of Lord Horatio Nelson, Britain’s most famous naval hero. When installed in Trafalgar Square, Shonibare’s model ship in a bottle, with its sails made of factory-printed textiles associated with West African and African-European identities, contrasted dramatically with the bronze and stone that otherwise demarcate traditional sculpture. Shonibare’s sculpture served to activate public space by way of its references to global identities and African diasporic culture. Shonibare’s Nelson’s Ship, this paper argues, inserted a black diasporic perspective into Trafalgar Square, offering a conspicuous challenge to the normative power that defines social and political space in Great Britain. The installation in Trafalgar Square was only temporary, however, and the work was later moved to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, where it is on permanent display. This paper provides an investigation of the deeper historical references Shonibare made to the emergence of transnational identities in the 19th century and the continued negotiation of these identities today by considering the installation of Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle in relation to both sites.
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Borovnik, Maria. "SEAFARERS' "MARITIME CULTURE" AND THE "I-KIRIBATI WAY OF LIFE": THE FORMATION OF FLEXIBLE IDENTITIES?" Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 26, no. 2 (July 2005): 132–50.

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Prasetya, Muhammad Novan. "Membangun Kembali Budaya Maritim Indonesia: Melalui Romantisme Negara (Pemerintah) dan Civil Society." Jurnal PIR : Power in International Relations 1, no. 2 (June 7, 2018): 176.

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Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki sumber daya laut yang sangat melimpah, terbentang dalam gugusan kepulauan yang terdiri tidak kurang dari 17.000 pulau dengan 13.466 pulau telah diberi nama, dan ribuan kilometer garis pantai. Sebanyak 92 pulau terluar sebagai garis pangkal wilayah perairan Indonesia ke arah laut lepas telah didaftarkan ke Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (UN) dan Negara yang memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 95.181 km dan terletak pada posisi sangat strategis antara Benua Asia dan Australia serta Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik. Indonesia pernah dikenal sebagai Negara Maritim karena budaya kelautan yang sangat maju di zaman dahulu, seperti suku Bugis yang dikenal juga dengan suku pelaut yang menjelajah hingga ke mancanegara, atau armada laut Sriwijaya dan Majapahit yang perkasa. Selain kebudayaan Maritim, Indonesia juga memiliki kekayaan laut yang termasuk paling besar di dunia, karakter topografi laut Indonesia yang sangat beragam karena terletak di batasan garis lempeng tektonik menjadikannya unik dibandingkan negara-negara lain, Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, dengan kekayaan yang melimpah tersebut, identitas Maritim negara ini seperti terlupakan. Dewasa ini semakin menyadarkan kita, bahwa Indonesia semakin kehilangan kebanggaannya. Bait lagu “Nenekku seorang pelaut” bak lantunan yang sumbang. Berbagai permasalahan maritim kian lama kian menumpuk. Menjadi fakta pahit yang menyedihkan ketika pulau sipadan dan ligitan terkelupas dari Indonesia, dua pulau yang memiliki keindahan dan kekayaan hayati. Belum lagi pulau ambalat yang mempunyai cadangan minyak mentah yang melimpah masih menjadi sengketa. Saat ini Budaya Maritim Indonesia sama seperti sebuah kapal yang tak bernahkoda, jika kesadaran Maritim tidak segera diciptakan/dibangun kembali. Dalam Tulisan ini, penulis mencoba menyajikan sinergitas peran Negara dan Civil Society dalam membangun kembali kebudayaan Maritim yang telah memudar atau bahkan mulai menghilang.
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Güell, Mònica. "Espace et territoire dans l’oeuvre de Ponç Pons. Notes pour une écopoétique." Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, no. 68 (April 1, 2020): 43.

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À la lumière des précédents théoriques sur l’écopoétique (Tom Pughe, Pierre Schoentjes, Adolf Piquer et Vicent Salvador), on propose ici une lecture écopoétique de l’espace et du territoire dans l’oeuvre du poète de Minorque Ponç Pons. Quelle est la place de la nature et comment le poète représente-t-il, à travers et grâce à la poésie, sa relation à l’île natale ? Quelle est la portée de cette poésie écologique ? Pour répondre à ces questions, on se penchera plus précisément sur l’espace maritime, la maison et la cabane du poète, l’univers marin et salin, le patrimoine naturel menacé, enfin sur la défense de la langue catalane, qui sont autant de points d’ancrage de sa poésie et d’affirmation d’une identité elle aussi menacée.
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Warren, James Francis. "The Balangingi Samal: The Global Economy, Maritime Raiding and Diasporic Identities in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines." Asian Ethnicity 4, no. 1 (March 2003): 7–29.

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Rachmat, Angga Nurdin. "Konstruksi Identitas dalam Kepentingan Maritim Tiongkok terkait Peningkatan Kekuatan People Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy)." Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional 14, no. 2 (December 31, 2018): 149–62.

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Mujabuddawat, Muhammad Al. "Kejayaan Kesultanan Buton Abad Ke-17 & 18 dalam Tinjauan Arkeologi Ekologi." Kapata Arkeologi 11, no. 1 (August 30, 2016): 21.

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Buton Sultanate is a prosperous maritime sultanate in its heyday. Buton Sultanate land is not very fertile and does not produce a lot of commodities, but it is quite well known because of its location in the commercial lines, so that it becomes a stopover place for passing ships. This paper provides an overview of ecological archaeology towards the triumph case of Buton Sultanate in the 17th-18th century. The research method used in this paper is literature study and review of a theory through an observation of cultural ecology and environmental determinism. The results show that the ecological aspects affect the heyday of the Buton Sultanate. Buton Sultanate does not produce a lot of major commodities, but it is successfully adapt to environmental conditions and maximize the benefits derived from the ecological aspects by applying it to the structure of Sultanate society, a commercial network, and material culture. The profits are also applied to maintain its legitimacy in the great power of hegemony in the region. Success in 'conquering' the environment makes the Buton Sultanate victorious, even the identity of 'kebutonan' still embedded in Buton society until this day.Kesultanan Buton merupakan kesultanan bercorak maritim yang cukup besar pada masa jayanya. Daratan Kesultanan Buton tidak begitu subur dan tidak banyak menghasilkan komoditi namun cukup terkenal karena lokasinya terletak di jalur niaga, sehingga menjadi lokasi singgah bagi kapal-kapal yang melintas. Penelitian ini berisi tinjauan arkeologi ekologi terhadap kasus kejayaan kesultanan Buton abad ke-17-18. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi pustaka dan tinjauan teori melalui tinjauan model cultural ecology dan environmental determinism. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek-aspek ekologi berpengaruh terhadap kejayaan Kesultanan Buton. Kesultanan Buton tidak banyak menghasilkan komoditi utama, namun berhasil menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi lingkungannya dan sukses memaksimalkan keuntungan-keuntungan yang diperoleh dari aspek ekologis. Dengan menerapkannya pada struktur masyarakat Kesultanan, jaringan perniagaan, budaya material, Kesultanan Buton mempertahankan legitimasi dalam hegemoni kekuatan besar di wilayahnya. Kesuksesan dalam ‘menaklukan’ lingkungan menjadikan Kesultanan Buton berjaya, bahkan hingga saat ini identitas ‘kebutonan’ masih melekat di dalam masyarakat Buton.
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Maglana, Matthew Constancio. "Understanding Identity and Diaspora: The Case of the Sama-Bajau of Maritime Southeast Asia." Jurnal Sejarah Citra Lekha 1, no. 2 (December 12, 2016): 71.

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The Sama-Bajau or the Sinama-speaking peoples are deemed to be the most widely dispersed indigenous ethno-linguistic group in maritime Southeast Asia. The Sama-Bajau “diaspora,” which constitute a locus of points across territorially-defined spaces, gives rise to specific socio-cultural contexts which in turn results in the emergence of distinct notions of identity. This diaspora, therefore, gives the student of culture the opportunity to observe ethno-genesis as either “completed,” incipient or on-going processes of the creation of identities that exhibit rare tensions between ideas of sameness and difference. The former is a function of a common origin, which may be real or perceived, while the latter results from site-specific sources of distinction such as those brought about by socio-cultural adaptation to environment, intercultural contact with other peoples or other external sources of culture change. This article interrogates this tension between sameness and difference through a selection of examples seen in labels of self-designation, language, and, religious and ritual practices.
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AbstractEach state has the right to protect their national security in every possible way, and illegal acts such as aliens entering their territory without permit is no exception. They implement regulations and policies to prevent people smuggling, including but not limited to maritime interception towards vessels under suspicion of carrying refugees and asylum seekers. Yet, in the implementation, human rights violations tend to happen towards the passengers. This study aims to analyze the legality of maritime interception on foreign vessels carrying refugee and asylum seekers, and whether the said conduct raised issues of state responsibility. This study was conducted by analyzing relevant international law instruments and principles such as non-refoulement and state responsibility. The analysis comes to the conclusion that states have certain jurisdiction to conduct interception operations at sea with the means of protecting their national security. Should the act of interception be proven to inflict threats of danger towards the lives of the intercepted refugees and asylum seekers, states should be held responsible for the damage bared to the refugees and asylum seekers. In conducting maritime interceptions, states should ensure the refugee identity of the intercepted vessel’s passengers and should seek that they are entitled to international protection. Keywords: Maritime Interception, Principle of Non-Refoulement, State Responsibility AbstrakSetiap negara mempunyai hak untuk melindungi keamanan nasionalnya dengan berbagai macam cara, dan tindakan ilegal seperti warga negara asing memasuki wilayah suatu negara tanpa izin bukan merupakan pengecualian. Negara-negara telah menetapkan seperangkat peraturan dan kebijakan untuk mencegah penyelundupan manusia, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada pencegatan kapal di wilayah laut yang dicurigai mengangkut para pengungsi dan pencari suaka. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya tindakan pencegatan seringkali menimbulkan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia kepada para penumpang kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis legalitas pencegatan kapal yang mengangkut pengungsi dan pencari suaka. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menganalisa hukum internasional yang berkaitan. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa negara mempunyai yurisdiksi tertentu untuk melaksanakan pencegatan di laut dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan keamanan nasional. Selain itu, negara harus bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang dialami oleh para pengungsi dan pencari suaka selaku penumpang kapal yang dicegat apabila pencegatan tersebut menimbulkan ancaman bagi hidup mereka. Dalam melaksanakan pencegatan di wilayah laut, negara-negara harus memastikan identitas para penumpang kapal yang dicegat, dan memberikan perlindungan internasional bagi mereka yang berstatus sebagai pengungsi dan pencari suaka. Kata Kunci: Pencegatan Wilayah Laut, Prinsip Non-Refoulement, Tanggung Jawab Negara
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Hall, Kenneth R. "Ports-of-Trade, Maritime Diasporas, and Networks of Trade and Cultural Integration in the Bay of Bengal Region of the Indian Ocean: c. 1300-1500." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53, no. 1-2 (2009): 109–45.

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AbstractThis exploratory study addresses the trading networks in the Bay of Bengal region of the Indian Ocean during the 1300-1500 era. In this case it is less about the exchange of products than the membership of trading communities, the relationships among the regionally networked ports-of-trade and their merchant communities, and the regional cultural and economic consequences. The focal issue here is the transitional nature of maritime trade and cultural identities in this sub-region of the international East-West maritime route immediately prior to the Portuguese seizure of Melaka in 1511 (see map 1). This article addresses the alternative understandings of this era’s Bay of Bengal regional trade relative to maritime diasporas and other networked relationships; in doing so it incorporates the latest discussions of early urbanization in this region by focusing on networking between secondary and primary centers.<xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN1">1</xref>Cette contribution s’adresse au Golfe de Bengale dans la période 1300-1500, notamment à l’ensemble de ses littoraux, et le considère comme une unité. Pour cette raison elle aborde à peine les ports individuels. Cet espace vit des Chinois, des Perses, et des Yéménites s’associants au visiteurs du Moyen-Orient, et les activités des diasporas issus de l’Inde du Sud et du Sri Lanka. Le maillage de ses réseaux régionaux étant fluides et perméables se modifiaient suivant les événements et s’adaptaient au fluctuations entre les diasporas euxmêmes. Ses communautés actives dans le Golfe de Bengale seront perçues au niveau conceptuels comme des espaces peuplés par des individus, des familles, et la multiplicité des leurs circuits politiques et socio-économiques dérivées, eux, de leurs pays d’origine ainsi que de leurs destinations.
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Yang, Xianqin, and Kesen Ma. "Characterization of a Thioredoxin-Thioredoxin Reductase System from the Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Thermotoga maritima." Journal of Bacteriology 192, no. 5 (January 8, 2010): 1370–76.

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ABSTRACT A thioredoxin reductase and a thioredoxin were purified to homogeneity from a cell extract of Thermotoga maritima. The thioredoxin reductase was a homodimeric flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing protein with a subunit of 37 kDa estimated using SDS-PAGE, which was identified to be TM0869. The amino acid sequence of the enzyme showed high identities and similarities to those of typical bacterial thioredoxin reductases. Although the purified T. maritima thioredoxin reductase could not use thioredoxin from Spirulina as an electron acceptor, it used thioredoxin that was purified from T. maritima by monitoring the dithiothreitol-dependent reduction of bovine insulin. This enzyme also catalyzed the reduction of benzyl viologen using NADH or NADPH as an electron donor with apparent V max values of 1,111 ± 35 μmol NADH oxidized min−1mg−1 and 115 ± 2.4 μmol NADPH oxidized min−1mg−1, respectively. The apparent Km values were determined to be 89 ± 1.1 μM, 73 ± 1.6 μM, and 780 ± 20 μM for benzyl viologen, NADH, and NADPH, respectively. Optimal pH values were determined to be 9.5 and 6.5 for NADH and NADPH, respectively. The enzyme activity increased along with the rise of temperature up to 95°C, and more than 60% of the activity remained after incubation for 28 h at 80°C. The purified T. maritima thioredoxin was a monomer with a molecular mass of 31 kDa estimated using SDS-PAGE and identified as TM0868, which exhibited both thioredoxin and thioltransferase activities. T. maritima thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase together were able to reduce insulin or 5,5′-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) using NAD(P)H as an electron donor. This is the first thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase system characterized from hyperthermophilic bacteria.
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Thériault, Gisèle. "La tradition orale des pêcheurs de homard de Météghan, Nouvelle-Écosse." Terrains 12 (September 29, 2014): 143–51.

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Cette note présente une collection de récits personnels recueillie par l’auteur auprès des pêcheurs de homard de Météghan en Nouvelle-Écosse. Ce corpus est un inventaire global et non pas total qui aide à comprendre l’évolution de ce village acadien dont la pêche est l’industrie principale. Sa recherche nécessitait une transformation du regard, afin de remarquer, de préserver et de présenter le trésor que constitue la tradition orale de cette région. L’auteur présente ses récits en se basant sur le concept d’ethnotexte élaboré par l’ethnologue Jean-Claude Bouvier et laisse la parole aux informateurs, ce qui permet d’être fidèle à l’expérience orale. Le protocole suivi pour les transcriptions est un compromis entre la fidélité des enregistrements et l’accessibilité du texte, qui conserve le vocabulaire maritime et les mots archaïques. L’auteur montre l’importance culturelle des anecdotes, un amalgame entre la tradition et la modernité, par lesquelles les pêcheurs se définissent, et commence à éclairer l’énigme d’une identité acadienne moderne.
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Liwe, Amelia Joan. "Makna Strategis Kajian Wilayah Asia Tenggara dari Sudut Pandang Hubungan International [The Significance of Southeast Asian Regional Studies in International Relations]." Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal) 10, no. 20 (March 11, 2019): 87.

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<p>Walaupun pengembangan Kajian Wilayah Asia Tenggara menjadi salah satu tujuan didirikannya ASEAN pada tahun 1967, kebanyakan karya utama original yang mendefinisikan dan menjelaskan kawasan Asia Tenggara justru dihasilkan dari luar kawasan ini. Dari sudut pandang hubungan internasional, khususnya konstruktivisme, identitas dan pembentukan pengetahuan mengenai identitas tersebut memiliki makna strategis. Dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka dan analisis wacana, makalah ini akan (i) menjelaskan apa sebenarnya kajian Asia Tenggara tersebut dengan menggunakan beberapa contoh karya yang terkait isu maritim Asia Tenggara, (ii) membahas kendala pengembangan Kajian Wilayah Asia Tenggara di kawasan ini, (iii) menganalisis arti strategis pengembangan Kajian Wilayah Asia Tenggara dari sudut pandang Hubungan Internasional, dan (iv) menyarankan beberapa langkah praktis pengembangan ilmu ini untuk Indonesia.</p><p> </p><p>Although the promotion of Southeast Asian Studies is one of the main objectives in the establishment of ASEAN, most major works of Southeast Asian Studies that define this region emerge outside of Southeast Asia. From an international relations perspective, particularly constructivism, identity and knowledge construction have strategic meaning. By reviewing the literature, this paper will (i) explain what Southeast Asian Studies is as an academic field, and (ii) analyze the strategic meaning of Southeast Asian Studies from an International Relations perspective.</p>
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Van de Noort, Robert. "Argonauts of the North Sea - a Social Maritime Archaeology for the 2nd Millennium BC." Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 72 (2006): 267–87.

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This paper aims to offer a new analysis of the social dimensions of seafaring in the 2nd millennium BC and a consideration of the role of seafaring in (re)creating the social order at the time through its economic, sociopolitical and ritual significance. It revisits the sewn-plank boats from Ferriby, Kilnsea, Dover, Calidcot, Testwood Lakes, Goldcliff and Brigg, and aspects of the way in which seafarers signified themselves and their world through their imagined relationship with the environment are illuminated. The study argues that in the Early Bronze Age, sewn-plank boats were used for directional, long-distance journeys, aimed at the ‘cosmological acquisition’ of exotic goods, and the contexts of these boats link the overseas journeys to the ancestors. In the Middle and Late Bronze Age, sewn-plank boats were used for down-the-line exchange, and fragments of sewn-plank boats were included in structured deposits, within or near river crossings, reflecting the idioms of transformation and regeneration which are well established for this period. Through the reconstruction of the boats' crews, it is suggested that the development of a retinue was a prerequisite for the successful completion of the long-distance journeys, and the social identities that were cultivated during these voyages are recognised as a potentially important element in the rise of elite groups in the Early Bronze Age.
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Salonia, Matteo. "The first voyage of Giovanni da Empoli to India: Mercantile culture, Christian faith, and the early production of knowledge about Portuguese Asia." International Journal of Maritime History 31, no. 1 (February 2019): 3–18.

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Giovanni da Empoli, a Florentine agent and merchant, was among the first Europeans to travel by an exclusively maritime route to India. This article focuses on Giovanni’s first voyage to the East (1503–1504), during which he visited several ports along the Malabar coast. By examining Giovanni’s letter to his father, this contribution explores his (re)emerging identities, and in particular his mercantile outlook and his Christian faith, which suggest a diversity of value systems and agendas among ‘the Portuguese’. The experience of Giovanni is significant also because it represents an instance of production and transfer of knowledge about ‘the Indies’ in early Cinquecento Europe. As suggested by other contemporary sources concerning Giovanni, this circulation of knowledge did not take place only in writing, but also orally, in formal and informal conversations that Giovanni had with a variety of interested interlocutors both in Florence and elsewhere.
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Akhmar, Andi Muhammad, Burhanuddin Arafah, and Wahyuddin Pardiman. "Strategi Budaya Orang Bugis Pagatan dalam Menjaga Identitas Ke-Bugis-an dalam Masyarakat Multikultur." Kapata Arkeologi 13, no. 1 (July 25, 2017): 73.

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The Pagatan Buginese is a community which living in Pagatan area, Tanah Bambu regency, South Borneo which is culturally identified as Buginese. Even though they are known that their ancestors came from various parts of Sulawesi, the people of this community still identified themselves as separate entity, The Pagatan Buginese. This study use historical, sociolinguistic, and cultural perspective, has revealed that the presences of Buginese in Pagatan occur in several periods. The first period, the Buginese migration to Pagatan in the 18th Century, is the pioneer and founder of Pagatan Kingdom migration. The second period, in the early half of 20th Century, is a large-scale migration caused by Bone War in 1908. The third period, in the second half of 20th Century, is migration when DI/TII Kahar Muzakkar rebellion occurred. Furthermore, in the end of 20th Century, Buginese fisherman communities, who are initially only fishing in Pagatan, gradually bring their family and settle there which is known as pappagatang. The Buginese domination in socio-cultural, economy, and political sector is generated by their ability to adapt to other communities, especially Banjar as the native of Borneo. The Buginese have a number of excellences in agriculture, fishery, maritime, and trading sector, as well as the eminent ethos that rooted from cultural value sirri na pesse (dignity and compassion) and other living philosophy of Buginese.Orang Bugis Pagatan adalah sebuah komunitas yang tinggal di kawasan Pagatan, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, yang secara kultural diidentifikasi sebagai orang Bugis. Meskipun Orang Bugis Pagatan mengakui jika leluhurnya berasal dari sejumlah daerah Sulawesi Selatan, namun tetap mengidentifikasi diri sebagai sebuah entitas tersendiri, yaitu orang Bugis Pagatan. Penelitian yang menggunakan perspektif sejarah, sosiolinguistik, dan kajian budaya ini mengungkapkan bahwa keberadaan orang-orang Bugis di Pagatan berlangsung dalam beberapa periode. Periode pertama migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan pada abad ke-18, adalah kalangan perintis sekaligus pendiri kerajaan Pagatan. Periode kedua migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan berlangsung pada paruh awal abad abad ke-20, merupakan migrasi dalam skala besar yang diakibatkan oleh pecahnya perang Bone tahun 1908. Periode ketiga migrasi orang Bugis ke Pagatan pada paruh kedua abad ke-20, yaitu saat berlangsungnya peristiwa pemberontakan DI/TII Kahar Muzakkar. Selain itu, pada akhir abad ke-20, terdapat pula kelompok-kelompok nelayan Bugis yang pada awalnya hanya mencari ikan di Pagatan, berangsur-angsur membawa keluarga mereka menetap di sana, yang dikenal dengan istilah pappagatang. Dominasi orang Bugis pada sektor sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan politik disebabkan oleh kemampuan mereka beradaptasi dengan komunitas lain, khususnya orang-orang Banjar sebagai penduduk asli Kalimantan. Orang Bugis memiliki sejumlah keunggulan dalam bidang pertanian, perikanan, kelautan, dan perdagangan, serta memiliki etos kerja yang tinggi yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai budaya siri na pesse (harga diri dan rasa iba) serta filosofi hidup orang Bugis lainnya.
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Boillat, S., C. A. Burga, A. Gigon, and N. Backhaus. "La succession végétale sur les cultures en terrasses de la Vallée de la Roya (Alpes-Maritimes, France) et sa perception par la population locale." Geographica Helvetica 59, no. 2 (June 30, 2004): 154–67.

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Abstract. La présente étude met en relation l'état écologique des cultures en terrasses de la moyenne Vallée de la Roya avec les valeurs socioculturelles qui y sont liées. Quatorze types de végétation ont été identifiés et ordonnés dans un modèle de succession. Les terrasses encore entretenues sont des oliveraies ou des prairies sèches. A l'arrêt de la fauche, une prairie è Brachypodium pinnatum s'installe, suivie par un stade arbustif qui évolue ensuite en forêt. Les proportions de surface des differénts types de végétation montrent que les zones plus peuplées et mieux accessibles possèdent la plus grande surface de terrasses entretenues. Un sondage parmi 21 habitants a permis de cerner leur prise de position face à l'abandon des terres. ainsi que leur vision d'avenir pour la vallée. Le spectre des opinions va de celle des néo-ruraux. qui consideèrent le renouveau de l'agriculture traditionnelle comme un moteur de développement, à celle de villageois autochtones qui voient dans le développement de l'industrie et du tourisme les seules perspectives réalistes d'avenir. A partir de ces résultats, quatre scénarios sur l'avenir de la vallée et ses conséquences sur l'entretien des terrasses ont été élaborés et discutés.
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Tremblay, Joanie, Martin Lavoie, and Mathieu Frégeau. "Historique à long terme des feux de forêt de la sapinière de l’île Bonaventure en Gaspésie." Foresterie 138, no. 2 (May 16, 2014): 26–31.

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Les chablis et les épidémies d’insectes sont les principales perturbations qui régissent la dynamique des sapinières des régions maritimes. Bien que peu fréquents, des feux peuvent aussi survenir à l’occasion, mais on ne connaît pas leur historique à long terme (sur plusieurs centaines et milliers d’années). Nous avons reconstitué l’histoire des feux naturels ayant eu lieu sur l’île Bonaventure à l’aide d’une analyse pédoanthracologique. Située à l’extrémité est de la péninsule gaspésienne, il s’agit d’une petite île dont le couvert forestier consiste en une sapinière à épinette blanche. Au sein d’une place-échantillon de 500 m2, les charbons de bois de taille macroscopique (< 2 mm) de 50 échantillons de sol minéral ont été dénombrés, identifiés et datés. Au total, seulement 7 charbons ont été trouvés. Les identifications botaniques indiquent qu’il s’agissait de feuillus (5 charbons) et d’un conifère (1 charbon), tandis que l’identification n’a pas été possible pour le dernier charbon. Les datations au carbone 14 (14C) ont livré des âges s’échelonnant entre 7 780 et 8 400 ans avant aujourd’hui (années étalonnées). Ces résultats suggèrent que des feux naturels sont survenus sur l’île Bonaventure lors des premiers millénaires ayant suivi la déglaciation. L’île semble avoir été épargnée du feu depuis 7 700 ans, ce qui marquerait l’époque de formation de la véritable sapinière.
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Pirivatric, Srdjan. "The Byzantine titles of Jovan Oliver: A contribution to the issues of their origin and chronology." Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, no. 50-2 (2013): 713–24.

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The inscription by the portrait of Jovan Oliver, the founder, in the main church of monastery Lesnovo, contains the earliest data on high Byzantine court dignities he held. The founder is portrayed invested as a sebastokrator, the inscription is written over an older one which it partially repeats and gives the information on the two Byzantine titles of Jovan Oliver: in the first part of the inscription there is reference on his title of sebastokrator ?in Serbs?, while in the second part he is mentioned with the title of despotes ?of all Serbian and maritime regions and ucestnik (sc. particeps) of Greeks?. In the inscription both of the dignities are connected with the king Stefan Dusan. The analysis of the data of the founder?s inscription, when put into the context of the civil war that lasted in Byzantium from 1341 to 1347, enables the conclusions on the exact Byzantine origin of his titles and approximate chronology of his investment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177032: Tradicija, inovacija i identitet u vizantijskom svetu
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This paper aims to examine the contribution of multimodal resources in the Indonesian official tourism website in constructing and promoting the Indonesian national identity. Data were gathered from 7 verbal (linguistic) texts and 13 visual (nonlinguistic) texts presented in the Indonesian official tourism website. This study draws on Wodak et al’s (2009) discursive strategies of national identity construction and Kress and van Leuween’s (2006) theory of visual design. The results of the study show that the combination of verbal and visual texts in the Indonesian official tourism website contribute to the Indonesian national identity construction and promotion. The constructed and promoted Indonesian national identities are 1) Indonesia as a country with the rich natural landscape; 2) Indonesia as an archipelagic tropical country; 3) Indonesia as a maritime country; 4) Indonesia as a technologically advanced country; 5) Indonesia as a modern country; 6) Indonesia as a multicultural country; 7) Indonesia as a country with cultural richness; 8) Indonesians as people who are open to strangers or foreigners; 9) Indonesians as kind and friendly people; and 10) Indonesians as modern people.
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Betts, Matthew w., Mari Hardenberg, and Ian Stirling. "How Animals Create Human History: Relational Ecology and the Dorset–Polar Bear Connection." American Antiquity 80, no. 1 (January 2015): 89–112.

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AbstractCarvings that represent polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are commonly found in Dorset Paleo-Eskimo archaeological sites across the eastern Arctic. Relational ecology, combined with Amerindian perspectivism, provides an integrated framework within which to comprehensively assess the connections between Dorset and polar bears. By considering the representational aspects of the objects, we reveal an ethology of polar bears encoded within the carvings’ various forms. Reconstructing the experiences and perceptions of Dorset as they routinely interacted with these creatures, and placing these interactions in socioeconomic, environmental, and historical context, permits us to decode a symbolic ecology inherent in the effigies. To the Dorset, these carvings were simultaneously tools and mnemonics (symbols). As tools, they were used to directly access the predatory and spiritual abilities of bears or, more prosaically, to teach and remind of the variety of proper hunting techniques available for capturing seals. As symbols, however, they were far more powerful, signaling how Dorset people conceptualized themselves and their place in the universe. Symbolic of an ice-edge way of life, the effigies expose the role that this special relationship with polar bears played in the creation of Dorset histories and identities.
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Mitcham, John C. "The 1924 Empire Cruise and the Imagining of an Imperial Community." Britain and the World 12, no. 1 (March 2019): 67–88.

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This article examines the cultural contours of the Royal Navy's postwar ‘Empire Cruise’. In late 1923, the British government dispatched a ‘Special Service Squadron’ of powerful battlecruisers on a massive public relations tour. But the popular response to this carefully orchestrated propaganda stunt varied widely. Settler populations in the Dominions often embraced the navy as a ‘bond of empire’ that reconciled Britishness with their own emerging national identities. They celebrated the navy as evidence of a shared maritime heritage handed down over the course of centuries. Meanwhile, non-white populations often responded in ways that ran counter to the intentions of the event organizers. Zulu villages in Natal hosted athletic competitions and indigenous women in Fiji organized a dance for the visiting Jack Tars – unsanctioned gatherings that offered alternative points of contact to the existing arrangements. In other locations, anti-colonial nationalists took advantage of the publicity surrounding the navy to mobilise against colonial policies. Ultimately the appearance of the navy in the far-flung ports of the empire stimulated widespread public debates about race, identity, and colonialism, and challenged the intended narrative of imperial unity.
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Wulandari, Elysa, and Desi Safriana. "KONSEP PENGEMBANGAN KOTA BANDA ACEH SEBAGAI KOTA WISATA TSUNAMI." Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE 1, no. 1 (July 31, 2017): 1.

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ABSTRACT: The city of Banda Aceh has experienced several tsunamis that destroy civilization on it. Currently every year tsunami warnings are conducted both national and international scale, both academic and tourism purposes. The warning brings many people who need information about the existence of the city of Banda Aceh from previous times. Therefore it is necessary to extract and study the important objects that describe the past civilization of the city of Banda Aceh, to be realized as part of the space elements of today's city of Banda Aceh. The study was conducted on several important objects from the XVII century on the coast that gave the image of the city of Banda Aceh as a cosmopolitan city and a maritime city. Approach the study by revealing the architectural aspect of the object and the proposed zoning pattern in each object. The results of the discussion appear to present historical stories through replicas of objects and graves that have a place to contemplate as a support facility. The conclusion of the paper provides a theoretical framework on tsunami impact tourism development in the city of Banda Aceh. This paper is considered important as one way of strengthening the self of the Indonesian nation about the disclosure of glory and identity of the past, useful for building the character of the nation. Besides, it is also to open the insight for the government and city development actors in preparing the city of Banda Aceh as a tourist city of the tsunami. Keywords: Banda Aceh City, Tsunami Tourism, Architectural Design ABSTRAK: Kota Banda Aceh telah mengalami beberapa kali tsunami yang merusak peradaban di atasnya. Saat ini setiap tahun dilaksanakan peringatan tsunami baik skala nasional maupun international, baik tujuan akademik maupun pariwisata. Peringatan tersebut menghadirkan banyak orang yang membutuhkan informasi tentang keberadaan kota Banda Aceh dari masa-masa sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penggalian dan kajian objek penting yang menggambarkan peradaban masa lalu kota Banda Aceh, untuk diwujudkan sebagai bagian elemen ruang kota Banda Aceh masa kini. Kajian dilakukan pada beberapa objek penting mulai dari abad XVII di bagian pesisir yang memberi citra kota Banda Aceh sebagai kota kosmopolitan dan Kota maritim. Pendekatan kajian dengan mengungkapkan aspek arsitektural objek dan usulan pola penataan zona di setiap objek. Hasil pembahasan tampak bahwa menghadirkan cerita sejarah melalui replika objek dan kuburan yang dilengkapi tempat untuk berkontempelasi sebagai fasilitas pendukung. Kesimpulan tulisan memberikan kerangka teoritik tentang pengembangan objek wisata dampak tsunami di kota Banda Aceh. Tulisan ini dirasa penting sebagai salah satu cara penguat jadi diri bangsa Indonesia tentang pengungkapan kejayaan dan identitas masa lalu, berguna bagi membangun karakter bangsa. Disamping itu juga untuk membuka wawasan bagi pemerintah dan pelaku pembangunan kota dalam menyiapkan kota Banda Aceh sebagai kota wisata tsunami.
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Park, Byoung-Joon, Soo-Je Park, Dae-No Yoon, Stefan Schouten, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Sung-Keun Rhee. "Cultivation of Autotrophic Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea from Marine Sediments in Coculture with Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, no. 22 (September 24, 2010): 7575–87.

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ABSTRACT The role of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in nitrogen cycling in marine sediments remains poorly characterized. In this study, we enriched and characterized AOA from marine sediments. Group I.1a crenarchaea closely related to those identified in marine sediments and “Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus” (99.1 and 94.9% 16S rRNA and amoA gene sequence identities to the latter, respectively) were substantially enriched by coculture with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB). The selective enrichment of AOA over ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) is likely due to the reduced oxygen levels caused by the rapid initial growth of SOB. After biweekly transfers for ca. 20 months, archaeal cells became the dominant prokaryotes (>80%), based on quantitative PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. The increase of archaeal 16S rRNA gene copy numbers was coincident with the amount of ammonia oxidized, and expression of the archaeal amoA gene was observed during ammonia oxidation. Bacterial amoA genes were not detected in the enrichment culture. The affinities of these AOA to oxygen and ammonia were substantially higher than those of AOB. [13C]bicarbonate incorporation and the presence and activation of genes of the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle indicated autotrophy during ammonia oxidation. In the enrichment culture, ammonium was oxidized to nitrite by the AOA and subsequently to nitrate by Nitrospina-like bacteria. Our experiments suggest that AOA may be important nitrifiers in low-oxygen environments, such as oxygen-minimum zones and marine sediments.
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Webster, Tim, Kevin McGuigan, Nathan Crowell, Kate Collins, and Candace MacDonald. "Remote Predictive Mapping 7. The Use of Topographic–Bathymetric Lidar to Enhance Geological Structural Mapping in Maritime Canada." Geoscience Canada 43, no. 3 (September 30, 2016): 199.

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An airborne topo-bathymetric lidar survey was conducted at Cape John, on the north shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, using the shallow water Leica AHAB Chiroptera II sensor. The survey revealed new bedrock features that were not discovered using previous mapping methods. A thick blanket of glacial till covers the bedrock on land, and outcrops are exposed only along the coastal cliffs and offshore reefs. The seamless landseabed digital elevation model produced from the lidar survey revealed significant bedrock outcrop offshore where ocean currents have removed the glacial till, a significant finding that was hitherto hidden under the sea surface. Several reefs were identified offshore as well as a major fold structure where block faulting occurs along the limbs of the fold. The extension of the Malagash Mine Fault located ~10 km west of Cape John is proposed to explain the local folding and faulting visible in the submerged outcrops. The extension of this fault is partially visible on land, where it is obscured by glacial till, and its presence is supported by the orientation of submerged bedding and lineaments on both the south and north sides of Cape John. This paper demonstrates how near-shore high-resolution topography from bathymetric lidar can be used to enhance and refine geological mapping.RÉSUMÉUn levé lidar topo-bathymétrique été réalisé à Cape John, sur la rive nord de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada, en utilisant un capteur Leci AHAB Chiroptera II. Ce levé a permis de repérer des affleurements que les méthodes de cartographie plus anciennes n’avaient pu détecter. Une épaisse couche de till glaciaire recouvre la roche en place sur le continent, et la roche affleure seulement le long des falaises côtières et des récifs côtiers. Le modèle numérique de dénivelé en continu terres et fonds marins obtenu par le levé lidar a révélé l’existence d’affleurement rocheux considérables au large des côtes, là où les courants océaniques ont emporté le till glaciaire, une découverte importante demeurée cachée sous la surface de la mer jusqu’alors. Plusieurs récifs ont été identifiés au large des côtes, ainsi qu’une structure de pli majeure, à l’endroit où se produit un morcellement en blocs le long des flancs du pli. Une extension de la faille de la mine Malagash situé ~ 10 km à l’ouest de Cape John est proposé pour expliquer les plis et les failles locaux visibles dans les affleurements submergés. L’extension de cette faille est partiellement visible sur la terre, voilée par le till, et sa présence est étayée par l’orientation de la stratification et des linéaments submergés tant du côté sud que nord de Cape John. Cet article montre comment la topographie haute résolution du lidar bathymétrique peut être utilisée pour améliorer et affiner la cartographie géologique.
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