Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Identité collective – Bretagne (France)'
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Courtot, Lionel. "L'ethnodifférentialisme breton : de la revendication d'une identité culturelle à l'affirmation d'une identité politique." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006STR20018.
Full textThe Breton identity phenomenon, its assertion in an opposition to the others that can be called "ethnodifferentialist", whose demonstrations all have to be observed and whose symbolical scope has to be analyzed define the framework of this study. It is a sociological, symbolic or political analysis of an identity symptom which can not only be read on a national scale but in a new supra-national perspective. The first part of this study deals with the contemporary Breton identity and then tackles the political consequences of its claim. Much more than a work on the Breton identity, this thesis is an answer to a question which deals with a society phenomenon. It is a sociologic analysis which deals with a political issue. The purpose of this approach consists in the will to determine how the notion of identity becomes and ideological issue. It goes even further since it leads to questioning the issue of “identity drifts” or (better said) unacceptable behaviour towards ethno-nationalism leading to a controversial debate over the real aims of the exalters of the so-called “Bretonnitude”. The contemporary expression of a culture can be a modern and recent creation, far from tradition. Very often the political vision which aims at protecting and identity is created by active minorities, often coming from the elites of the nation, who spread an idealized culture and who refer to preconceived symbols. They partly elaborate the Breton culture. What turns this present work into something original is its quite critical empirical dimension. It illustrates what happens at local level in the recognition of a cultural and political movement in complete transformation, at the heart of the political construction of Europe. In the uncertainty of the economic future of the region, identity assertiveness can lead passionate individuals to unacceptable behaviour
Delon, Erwan. "Jeunes Bretons ou "l'identité enchanteresse" ?" Paris 10, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA100158.
Full textIn this world in constant mutation, this thesis concentrates upon the meaning of identity. It studies the contemporary Breton identity and observes the many relationships young Bretons entertain with the environment, with culture, with others and with the State. In our modern society, where individualism is of the essence, what is the meaning of the collective identity? What place does cultural diversity hold? As the world further standardizes itself, what is the significance of claims for identities?. While our modern societies transform, we are given new models of interpretation, of assertions of identities, to observe. The twentieth century, with its globalization, its industrial revolutions, its individualism, its social and political upheavals, its loss of traditions and its disenchantment has strengthened this identity crisis. Every culture, every religion, every population asserts its desire to be recognized and acknowledged. Young Bretons are rediscovering a culture, an "enchanting identity" in the singularity that is their “bretonnitude”
Marcus, Thierry. "Le patrimoine mégalithique, conscience identitaire du paysage littoral breton : un héritage dévoyé." Nantes, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NANT3039.
Full textRaoult, Alain. "Le sursuicide des jeunes en Bretagne." Rennes 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REN20051.
Full textCompared to France, since 1970's, we note in Brittany a particularly high mortality by suicide among the teenagers from 15 to 24 years. During the last years this "over suicidity" is considered by a lot like a consequence of a too strong pressure which would be exerted on the Breton young people within the framework of their schooling and this especially since the phenomenon is combined with the very good levels of school results of these generations. Those explanations have been repeated so often and have been elaborated so extensively that thinking is now transformed as an "obviousness". So we wanted to explore the mechanics and systems which have contributed to the social construction of this object “Breton suicide of the young people”. It emerges from this study that actually the Breton youthful “over suicidity” is not related to a too strong pressure but on vaster sociological problems. Indeed, the "over suicidity" of the Breton teenagers raises the question of integration and of the subjectivation in the breton community in which identity was confronted with deep society's upheavals during the last century
Biget, Denis. "Une analyse du temps présent : aspects de l'identité et de la vie quotidienne dans une petite ville : Douarnenez." Paris 7, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA070026.
Full textDrawing an anthropology, sociology and history, the author examines aspects of identity and daily life in a small Brittany town. Renowned for its maritime history and cultural events it plays host to (bi-annual boat festival, the Mardi Gras carnaval. . . ), Douarnenez seems to endow its inhabitants with a special identity renowned throughout the region. The book is not simply a monography, but a distillation of interviews, research, and observations providing a textured account of the Personal circumstances of residents in this singular place. The author pursues his interest in the daily lives of "Douarnenistes", looking through their eyes, and striving to avoid reproducing an ethnological treatise that fail to take into account the various situations the ethnologist himself is caught up in. The author applies a kind of anthropology of action, reconstructing individual's words and actions by simply describing them, taking care not to interpret ex nihilo events and mannerisms observed which would otherwise appear to derive from an exterior authority. Examining two districts in the town, and other observations taken at random, the author claims there are two kinds of résident, on thé one hand, and on the other hand neighbourly relationships and other ties resulting from co-habitations do not always engender strong social relations, but generate a strong feeling of belonging specific to a district and to the town. Douarnenists (the elderly above all) are either active on the edge of it and construct their individual and collective identity in this way, or they live on the edge of it, finding their identity landmarks in other places, in other moments in time, and often through work
Pierre, Patrick. "Les Bretons et la République : la construction de l'identité bretonne sous la Troisième République /." Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2001. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376413248.
Full textBedri, Hervé. "Mirages identitaires : la mise en scène de la nature dans les jardins publics et privés de Brest du XVIIe siècle à nos jours." Brest, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BRES1010.
Full textThe study of Brest public and private green spaces defines an approach to the issue of Breton identity. Recognized as a “French” city since 1631, when the ubiquitous French navy established itself there, Brest is located within a region where the Breton identity proves to be the most vivid these days. A high proportion of its inhabitants have Breton origins. Brest was a Mecca for neo-druidical gatherings until 1919. First Celtics, in the early 19th century, and then neo-romantics with their descendants have shaped the Breton identity into the mythical figure of a being close to nature and comparable to the harsh landscapes of Brittany. That image has since been highly developed by regional literature, conveying a reputed “authentic” image of Brittany. The landscape is one of Brittany’s prominent assets. The study of Brest’s green spaces allows for a character sketch of Brest citizens, taking into account their relationship with nature when considering their unique identity
Paubert, Laurent. "Formation de l'opinion publique, politisation et structuration des identités politiques en Bretagne au 19ème siècle : L'exemple du Finistère et du Morbihan de 1898 à 1914." Brest, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BRES1007.
Full textOver the seventy years following the proclamation of universal suffrage in 1848, electors grew familiars with modern political practices. Under the Second Republic political guidance prevailed in towns as well as in the country. Electors, however, slowly became more autonomous. The Second Empire constituted an important stage in this process but it was under the Third Republic, within the context of a representative multi-party regime marked by the first instances of alternation in power, that the behaviour patterns of political democracy became rooted in people's mentalities. However the most patent sign of entry into the era of modern politics was the emergence before the First World War of a new attitude towards politics. At that time, the directed vote made room for the opinion vote. The history of politicization in the 19th century is the history of change in the elector's status, since the time when the elector depended on political guidance to the citizen autonomous in his choices and becoming the target of political campaigns organized by the candidates
Goré, Olivier. "L'inscription territoriale de la musique traditionnelle en Bretagne." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00008987.
Full textEpron, Aurélie. "Histoire du gouren (XIXe-XXIe siècles) : l'invention de la lutte bretonne." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00282462.
Full textHerbaut-Archer, Dany. "Représentation et écriture de la judéité dans la fiction du dix-neuvième siècle, en France et en Grande-Bretagne." Lille 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL30042.
Full textThis representation and the writing of Jewishness in XIXth century fiction in France and in great Britain display the imagology of the Jew through known texts and pave the way for additional research susceptible to draw attention, to novels forgotten today. The works of the corpus reveal the interest shared by various authors, wether anti-semitic or not, in a representation of Jewishness to which they want to testify. The works sometimes bear a documentary value when the story is inspired by reality and by the contemporary press, but all of the novels keep the status of fiction whic allows the reader, wether Jewish or not, to recognize himsel in characters as diverse as possible and which symbolize exactly the variety of mankind. The writers used literary devices to denounce or condone the superiority of a religion or a community. Some authors strengthened the depreciative and stereotypical image of the Israelite when others writers maintained a thread connecting the past, steeped in tradition, with modernity, the objective being to act on the reality of their time and to defend and to keep the memory of peoples. The representation of woman in general and the Jewess in particular, her emancipation, or subjection, highlights the paradoxical difference between the depreciative image of the Jewish identity, on the role played by the Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities and on the language used by the characters (vernacular language, Hebrew, Yiddish. . . )
Salomé, Karine. "Les représentations des îles bretonnes (1750-1914) : étude comparée du regard de l'autre et du regard sur soi." Paris 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA010554.
Full textBonnec, Yoann. "Représentations sociales et structures identitaires : l'exemple de l'Union Européenne et des appartenances bretonne, française et européenne." Rennes 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN20026.
Full textThe present work tries to describe the social representations of the European Union as far as the regional (breton), national (french) and european identity inscription of the individuals is concerned. In the first part of this study, the relationships between the identity structure viewed as a memberships network and both the representational structure and content linked with the European Union are clearly pointed out. Different tools including the core theory and the theory of the organizing principles of the social representations are used in this way. As a second part, the relationships between the social representation of European Union and the salience of regional identity are stressed. On the latter topic, a careful analysis is led on the identity and representational specificities of a group much involved in a regional cultural practice, i. E. Learning the breton language
Le, floch Mathieu. "La Bretagne contre l'État ? : condition du maintien et de la reproduction des frontières de la bretonnité au XXIe siècle." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017EHES0003.
Full textReferences to Breton identity alternate between the expression of a nationally appropriated identity and that of an identity forged through conflict with central and peripheral relations imposed by the State. This dual relationship to Breton identity, which leads to ambiguity with regard to the relationship to the State, serves to maintain the boundaries of the Breton identity. Thanks to decolonization and globalization movements, markers of a relationship of cultural, economic and political dominance, which could have been stigmatizing symbols of Breton identity, have become symbols of prestige but also of opposition - whether conscious or unconscious - to this domination. The conflictual aspect of Breton identity has found renewed expression with the development of the global free market, new technology and the globalization of exchanges and Europeanization of politics, which has redefined the distance between the center and the periphery
Favre, Anaïs. "La population antillaise émigrée en Europe : approche comparée entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne." Montpellier 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON30067.
Full textThe French speaking and British speaking Caribbean populations have lived a similar history, marked by the indelible seal of slavery, they were built as mongrel (or hybrid) societies and cultures. Originally African, they experienced a first acculturation in contact with Europeans which define their identity constructions and their economical and social development. Since the Fifties, they migrate in home countries, France and Great Britain, and endure a second acculturation there. The cases of successful acculturation, allowing a stable recombining of their identity and of their cultural personality, are minor among these populations. Many suffer from a discomfort more or less accentuated. This work also lean on the share played by the policies of immigration and integration of France and Great Britain. France chose a integrationist/assimilationnist system whereas Great Britain adopted a multiculturalists liberal integrationist system. Altogether, the effects on the migrant West-Indian populations are disparate and affect the migration, the identity strategies, the cultural changes and the integration of the West-Indian minorities amongst the “welcoming” population
Diaz, Anne. "« Gallos » et « Bretons » : représentations de l'Autre et mobilisation de la frontière linguistique dans les processus de construction identitaire : une approche anthropologique de la limite entre Haute et Basse-Bretagne." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN20029/document.
Full textBrittany is divided by a language boundary that has historically separated Lower Brittany, where the Celtic language of Breton is spoken, from Upper Brittany, where people speak the Romance language of Gallo. In the border zone, this linguistic difference is used in support of stereotypical representations of the Other and his/her language. Although the boundary has long been instable, although exchanges have always taken place, and although family histories frequently mix people originating on either side, discourses have long invoked two groups constituted as hermetic: “Bretons” and “Gallos.” By creating a readily visible axis of alterity, the linguistic boundary permits people on either side to differentiate themselves from their neighbors and, simultaneously, to identify with their own group. Analyses of these representations reveal a marked asymmetry, clearly in favor of Lower Bretons and the Breton language, while Upper Bretons and Gallo are often ignored, or even made objects of open disdain. This asymmetry corresponds to an overvaluation of Lower Brittany in discourses about Breton identity, which frequently leaves Upper Brittany elided. At present, these longstanding representations continue to influence practices, Gallo being the object of less social mobilization and its speakers receiving less assistance in reversing language shift. The border is the source of tensions at the heart of Brittany’s language revitalization movement, whether one considers it to be obsolete or uses it to gain respect for a territory or to claim language rights
Le, Squère Roseline. "Une analyse sociolinguistique des marquages du territoire en Bretagne : toponymie, affichage bilingue, identités culturelles et développement régional." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00189245.
Full textLe, Roy Nicolas. "Brest, de la ville militaire à la métropole occidentale de la Bretagne : constructions politiques de territoires et productions identitaires." Brest, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BRES1012.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is the study of the reconstruction of territorial identities. It correlates the changes occurring, since the seventies, in territorial planning policies in France - associated with the economic rationalization process- and the spatial and economic development strategy of Brest’s conurbation. Through the perspective of a political construction of territories the focus of the thesis, based on narratives related to identity from various territorial actors, is on the analysis of identity production related to a new, voluntary territorial structuring: the metropolis. Those actors are dedicated to illustrating, in words, the collective history of Brest. A thorough examination of their narratives shows that it advocates and participates in the transformations of participants’ identity: individuals’ previous forms of identification to Brest have lost their legitimacy as new forms are neither entirely established nor recognized
Caradec, Nathalie. "La notion de territoire dans la poésie bretonne de langue française contemporaine." Rennes 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN20068.
Full textContemporary Breton poetry, in the French language, gives much importance to the notion of territory, understood as meaning the geographical areas, landscapes or even certain places, all within the region of Brittany. The Breton identity is defined by several characteristics, one of which is the strong tie to the Brittany region or territory. With poets published since the Second World War, this theme is explicitly present, with the toponym precisely, or implicitly, locating the setting evoked. In our study of the notion of territory in contemporary Breton poetry, in the French language, we have chosen a thematic reading, to precisely define the different ways of evoking the region. This notion is examined in three main lines : land, water, a lost or re-found territory. Certain poets evoke the territory as linked to the land and more precisely to the forest or the Mounts of Arrée ; others emphasize the territory as linked to water in a varied spectrum of marshes, islands or rivers. Finally, the territory can be perceived within the framework
Voisin, Agathe. "Ethnicité et cultures juvéniles dans les quartiers populaires : une comparaison France-Angleterre." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017IEPP0022.
Full textThis thesis analyses the impact of national models (British multiculuralism vs French model of integration) on ethnic salience in youth cultures of working class and immigrant neighbourhoods. It is based on an ethnographic research study carried out between 2007 and 2012, through individual interviews, focus groups and observations among teenagers and young adults in the city of Bondy in Seine-Saint-Denis and the London Borough of Newham, in East London. It shows how both the specifics of national models and of local contexts produce a social, local and fragmented ethnic salience in Newham, and a political and collective one in Bondy. In Bondy, ethnicity overlaps other dimensions of social inequality. The common experience of belonging to a minority results in young people identifying with a close and multidimensional "us" ("blacks and arabs", "youth from the suburbs", "poor people") as opposed to a distant "them" ("institutions", "politicians", "French people"). The central experience of ethnic discriminations tends to saturate young people's relationship to institutions and the way they relate to French society. In Newham, Black, White and Asian young people socialise in their respective groups and meeting places. However, they perceive ethnic divisions as separate to other dimensions of social inequality. Ethnicity is not often politicised or the subject of conflict with local authorities, as it is considered just a part of a larger experience of social injustice. Instead, social class issues are at the core of conflicts between the people interviewed and the wider British society
Quéhé, Gilles. "De la relégation à la réussite : analyse monographique du fonctionnement d'un lycée professionnel." Rennes 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007REN20002.
Full textVocational schools are subject to numerous entreaties they are in close relation with, the administrative supervision to which they are attached, the Education Authority and the Regional Council, but also with professional organisations, companies, parents. . . Faced with these partners whose interests are definitely different, the vocational school will have to compromise with and combine these entreaties. These combinations, these practical teaching experiences, stemmed from the history of the school will build a specific functioning from its identity and its representations. The ‘sociotope’ of the vocational school is going to account for the social, professional relationships, for the relation to the pupils’ knowledge, to the subjects and to the instructions. It will shape the actors to representations of the surrounding environment, to a new identity, of jobs, of trades, of pupils and teachers of vocational schools. The integrated values and standards are going to maintain and Make this “sociotopique” functioning live. The identity changes carried out by the collective action to serve common objectives will allow the combination of die partners’ different interests. This is how a vocational school will succeed or fail in its missions of education, of professional training and integration. Through its “sociotopique” functioning the vocational school becomes a specific organisation, which gives a meaning to the school actors and the partners actions. Its study enables us to appreciate its ability to make pupils succeed, but also to integrate its staff and its outside partners
Sungun, Ebru. "Les Périls de la Politique Sécuritaire Post-11 septembre en France et en Grande-Bretagne et I'Islam : I'Ennemi Intérieur." Paris, EHESS, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EHES0020.
Full textAfter exploring the historical roots of politicization of religion in France and Britain, the second part of the thesis is to contribute to the existing research on the impact of " War on Terrorism" with bringing the counter discourse of British and French Muslims about it. Research will contribute to the knowledge through theoretical perspectives of "cosmopolitanism" and "citizenship" by conducting empirical research on the impact of the "war on terrorism" on the perceptions of British and French Muslims of the state, police and their Islamic identities. The purpose of this research is to explore why the "war on terrorism" is likely to have changed their perception of the state after 11 September 2001
Rannou, Pascal. "De Corbière à Tristan : la quête identitaire comme principe organisateur des "Amours jaunes"." Rennes 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998REN20023.
Full textOur theory is that as a French-speaking Breton poet, Tristan Corbiere's inspiration in writing his unique collection, les amours jaunes, was his search for a sense of identity. Although born in a Breton-speaking part of Brittany and from a bourgeois background hostile to the Breton language and to Breton culture, he finally rejected his original ethnic group and embraced cultures on the fringe of society, that's to say those of the humble folk of Armorica, of sailors and of Parisian bohemians. His language, unlike any which had gone before, is proof of this. Corbiere's hybrid poetry, his unsettled syntax, his breathless rhythms, his extremely rich vocabulary, his daring both in literature and in morality all bear witness to this rejection of the standard cultural features which typified his upbringing and to his acceptance of multi-cultural illegitimacy. He succeeded, but it was traumatic. Les amours jaunes proves what a wrench this was, that to do so he had to reconstruct his identity. In les amours jaunes, Corbiere uses his anti-conformity and his biting irony to denounce the dominant literary fashions and social norms of his time. At times this plunges him into a perceptible identity crisis, conveyed in powerful and painful texts. At times, too, he is drawn to the temptation to retreat to his roots and to be excessively chauvinistic. However, he rebuilds his personality through texts in which he asserts himself as more Tristan than Corbiere, fully adopting the implications of his pseudonym, and also chooses a different cultural and literary identity, leading to the creation of a unique piece of writing. My intention in this thesis is to demonstrate that the search for identity gives cohesion to the structure of les amours jaunes as a collection, and makes it the coherent expression of a system of thought. In essence, my work has been based on the thoughts put forward by Selim Abou in l'Identite culturelle and by Julia Kristeva in Etrangers à nous-mêmes. These two books have been a profound source of inspiration for an approach which can be described as etno-stylistic
Loarer, Tristan. "Broadelouriezh en IIIde Emsav : évolution de la notion de nationalisme dans la littérature écrite en langue bretonne de 1954 à 1970." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN20010.
Full textThe decade following the end of World War II failed to rebuild, in Brittany, the popular emulation that certain “nationalist” militants could have wished for around the question of the specific Breton identity. However, between 1954 and the turn of the year 1970, a real transformation took place in the perception that the Bretons themselves had of their own identity. This perception is questioned, redefined, it is structured and induces the design of tools which uses will later mark out the political, social and cultural demands that will result in the important post-1970 cultural and social revival. This national discourse, from a nucleus of Breton activists, will gradually spread to a large part of the Breton population, Breton speaking people or not. The relevance of the notion of nation to Brittany has long been supported, argued as well as criticized and fought in the context of a “one and indivisible’’ French Republic. The object of this research work is to shed light on the evolution of this notion, with regards to the analysis of an exhaustive corpus which only includes literary works in the Breton language written during the chosen period, whatever the places or the periods of writing and publishing. It will therefore be a question of defining the criteria of what makes literature a regional, national or international subject. This dissertation proposes to analyse these writings on what sometimes appears to be a simple attachment to the territory, sometimes to be the reflection of more emancipatory political approaches, akin to the wave of decolonisation that is overwhelming the world in this second half of the twentieth century
Bronnikova, Olga. "Compatriotes et expatriotes : le renouveau de la politique dans l'émigration russe. : L'émergence et la structuration de la communauté politique russe en France (2000-2013)." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014INAL0011/document.
Full textFollowing the structuring of the Russian State policy towards its emigrants and a wave of protest in Russia at the end of 2011, a Russian political community emerged in France. It was progressively constructed through discourses and political activities of Russian immigrants towards their country of origin. The motivations of these migrants are to be found in their sentiments of belonging to Russia. Two ideal-typical figures have been revealed throughout the research process: the “compatriot”, defined by the Russian authorities that preach for the unity of Russian people disseminated around the world and call them to go beyond the divisions of the past, and the “expatriot” who refuses to be represented by the Russian State and rejects the “official” definition of his sense of belonging; on the one hand, there is the compatriot who retrieves the pride to be and to call himself Russian; on the other hand, there is the expatriot who feels Russian despite himself and has to assume this condition while transforming it. Even if their conceptions of what Russia should be are really different and often contradictory, the compatriot and the expatriot could not be opposed in binary terms, as they do not stop interacting and sometimes even exchange their respective positions. The location of these interactions is the Russian political community qua an arena of discourses and political practices in permanent reconstruction
Costecalde, Pierre. "Les télévisions celtiques (TG4, S4C, BBC ALBA, FRANCE 3 Bretagne, Brezhoweb) : de l’espace des lieux à l’espace des flux : territorialisation et déterritorialisation." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN20026/document.
Full textThe television channels broadcasting in a Celtic language (TG4, Ireland), S4C (Wales), BBC ALBA (Scotland), FRANCE 3 Bretagne’s programmes in Breton and BREZHOWEB (France/Bretagne) rest on languages whose linguistic demographics is worrying. These languages are supported by laws and strategies and by the European Charter on Regional and Minority Languages. In a bilingual environment, they depend on favourable public opinions and on language education. Their expression and promotion is boosted by the Celtic television channels. Faced with a very strong competition in a hyper-fragmented mediascape, they are centers of resistance against globalization, located .in the “space of places” (Manuel Castells), broadcasting for “imagined” language communities (Benedict Anderson). Their dependence on financial flows (Arjun Appadurai) creates a permanent tension between economy and media. The financial and economic crisis has triggered a reduction or a stagnation of these channels’ budgets, resulting in social and economic difficulties for them and their independent producers. Most of the channels are now deterritorializing some of their programmes through internet. They increase their audience rates among their diasporas and the public at large by resorting to optional subtitles andadapting international formats such as soap operas or sitcoms. Part and parcel of convergence, these channels are available on numerous digital platforms. Therefore, their future will depend on a post-Brexit agreement, on the implementation of the European Digital Single Market, but above all on the younger generation’s approach towards learning Celtic languages and their use on the many audio-visual digital platforms
Granada, Da Silva Ferreira Daniel. "Les mestres, les groupes et les « lieux dynamiques » : identité et relocalisation de la pratique de la capoeira à Paris et à Londres." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100150/document.
Full textThis thesis analyses the process of transnationalisation of the practice of capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art form, in France and in the United Kingdom. The expansion of capoeira accompanied Brazilian emigration in search of better living and working conditions abroad, but also resulted from the adaptation and appropriation by local practitioners. Through ethnographic research among capoeira groups in France and in the UK, in particular interviews with group leaders and their students, the thesis unveils the power relations that organise the market and the mechanisms employed by the capoeiristas to ensure their legitimacy against their competitors. The results show that capoeira groups became vectors of new forms of sociability, and the source of identities related to lifestyle claimed as "alternative" by its practitioners. These of new identities capoeira groups do not have as their main reference the working world or the state. In a context of intense circulation of individuals, capoeira groups in big cities like Paris and London are emerging as new location strategies; they are located in new "dynamic places," to which its members are perceived to be connected. The analysis reveals the mechanisms controlling the expansion of the practice, which is implemented by the capoeiristas themselves
Pragnère, Pascal. "National identities in conflict and peace process : a comparative analysis of Northern Ireland and the Basque Country 1968-2011." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0038.
Full textThis research analyses the conceptions of national identity by political organizations in the conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Basque Country. The first chapter presents the ambitions of the project, reviews existing literature on the subject and methodological aspects. Chapters 2 and 3 present the ideological evolutions of national identity definitions by the main political and paramilitary organizations in the conflicts. Chapter 4 proposes an analysis of the definition models and of the transformations of national identity definitions. Chapter 5 analyses the factors that explain the identity strategies of nationalist political organizations. The last chapter relates identity options of political organizations with their supporters' identifications, and confronts identity definitions within the population with their political choices. It finally appears that despite political attempts to control national identification processes, the population and nationalist supporters increasingly choose identities that are less sectarian and more plural, especially in a context of decreasing violence. Nationalist parties also receive increasing support from people with more plural identities, which may favour positive evolutions of the peace processes
Le, Coadic Ronan. "L'identité bretonne." Brest, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BRES1001.
Full textEvery collective identity is a social representation full of emotion : it is not a concrete reality that would not vary in space and time. In this regard, the breton identity is no exception. It is made of mental images, often very old, that portray symbolic struggles. Although these struggles often changed, they always kept a political dimension, in the broad sense of the term. If the figure of the wild breton - reversed image of the civilized French - is so deeply rooted in the minds, it is because of the influence of the school and the family, powerful institutions of socialization. In a few decades, the valuation of breton identity changed a lot. Scorned at first, it became claimed, and now prized. However, the Breton society today keeps alive the marks of recent history; thus remains a negative identity, especially amongst women, farmers and inhabitants of lower britanny. Moreover, the symbolic inversion didn't always give its expected results or didn't finish to bear its fruits. Regarding the connection between financial and cultural circles, maybe will it become fecund, but it is still now at its beginning. The bretons are not particularly introverted. What we call their + strong identity ; results, on the contrary, of a permanent creation, widely open to foreign influences. Not very sensitive to the charm of autonomism, the bretons however feel deeply attached to their peculiarity. And what they say today about the french state calls more to mind a marriage of convenience than a love match. At last, very likely because of vague recollections of catholicism and of their culture of resistance, they manage to preserve - in spite of problems of modern life - a relatively peaceful way of life
Koulberg, André. "Les identités collectives : concept et stratégie (France-Allemagne) 1880-1945." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX10047.
Full textYalçin, Kadriye. "Turcicité ou Islam : langue, religion et mariage : construction identitaire des jeunes issus de l'immigration : l'exemple des populations originaires de Turquie à Bordeaux et à Strasbourg." Bordeaux 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BOR30024.
Full textAn Ottoman scholar affirms: "First I am Moslem, then Ottoman and finally Turkish. I will not give my sister to a non Moslem Turk. I will give her to a Moslem who is not Turkish ". How did one pass from the primacy of the Moslem identity to that of the Turkish identity? Turcity knows several phases in the History of the Turks. After, the pejorative image of the uneducated and barbaric Turks from villages, Turcity becomes the central point of modern Turkey built by Atatürk. Turcity has another meaning, which all the Turks defend today: pride to be Turkish, secularity, modernity and europeanity. According to Geertz, identity of a group is defined by the language, the religion, the feeling of group, the blood ties, the common history and the habit (töre). Beyond the fact that this research is related to populations of two little studied areas and carried out through surveys near by the young people coming from Turkish migrations in Gironde and Bas-Rhin, its originality lies in the assumption that Turcity takes precedence over Islam in the identity of Turkish migrants, (cultural identity comes before religious identity, national identity is not questioned). Turcity includes not only those from Anatolia, but also those from the Turkic World (Türk dünyası) in its cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. It exceeds the citizenship of Turkish nationality whatever origin is considered: Turkish, Kurdish, Laze, Tcherkess, etc, and/or Alevie. Alevi is a cultural identity, almost an ethnic group; one is born alévi, but does not become it! Three identity indicators are studied: language, religion and marriage. Talks and practices highlight the Turcity and/or the religiosity of the migrants originating from Turkey. Are habits and customs, and ancestral traditions more important than religious traditions? What place occupies language and the religion in the identity of the young people from Turkish origin in France? Does Turcity take precedence over Islam?
Rio, Fabienne. "Entre la France et l'Algérie, l'imaginaire national : représentations et rapports aux nationalités française et algérienne de "franco-algériens"." Paris 7, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA070023.
Full textBacqué, Marie-Hélène. "Identités et représentations : Saint-Denis." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0013.
Full textThis work seeks to demonstrate the process of construction and evolution of a local identity. Through the analysis of representations produced or taken over by the various social groups that make up the town. The city of saint-denis was chosen as the subject of study owing to its original history, nourished by royalty, industry and the working class, which gives it special status in the paris suburbs. The approach involves the analysis of the municipal project for renovation of the town centre which, within the context of the fragmentation of the working class of saint-denis, expresses the objective of reconstructiong a local identity. The renovation of the town centre, which is intented as a common belonging and a symbolic link between all the inhabitants of saint-denis, actually contributes to even greater fragmentation of the sectors of the town and reveals a process of social and spatial reclassification of saint-denis
Bruneaud, Jean-François. "Chroniques de l'ethnicité quotidienne : la construction des processus ethniques chez les Maghrébins français." Bordeaux 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BOR21050.
Full textThis thesis work sets out to demonstrate that ethnicisation is the result of social constructions that partly root in the most common daily interelations. In that purpose the researcher focuses on the maghrebians of whom he proposes a definition within the french context. He also presents a historical summary for a better understanding of the links between colonisation, immigration and ethnicisation. After a review of the existing theories on the ethnicity issue and after defining his work's theoritical frame that is to say the constructivist sociology, the researcher opted for a multi-methodological approach. A questionnaire survey about the way of life of the maghrebians (218 questionnaires) is completed with 41 semi-conducted interviews and some observation work that feed his attempt to better understand the construction of ethnicity through the daily interelations of the actors involved. Speech analysis enables the researcher to grab the meaning of the studied ethnic minority's way of life and practices in private life as well as public. The researcher focuses on two main socialising organisations : family and school. This research work achieves to demonstrate that ethnicity is mainly the result of social construction within domination relationships and often occurs when social, economical, cultural and religious causes are wrongly interpreted and cumulated. Finally, the researcher tries to demonstrate that ethnicity can also have some positive effects since it can help to a better social integration of ethnic minorities initiated by a change process in the already existing Republican French pattern
Rego, Diane. "Les élites au village, étude de la distinction sociale par les marqueurs archéologiques de part et d'autre de la Manche, entre le XIe et le XVe siècle." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMC038/document.
Full textThis PhD aims both at demonstrating that archaeological remains could and should be socially interpreted and at revising our - sometimes simplified - perspective on the socio-economic stratification of medieval villages. This project is based on the example of the excavations situated at Trainecourt (Grentheville - Calvados) where an “aristocratic” house had been established in the centre of the hamlet. Thus, a method has been developed to grasp village elites, of whom we know some details thanks to medieval written sources but who had hardly been studied in medieval archaeology.By using a comparative approach that draws a parallel between both French and English archaeological data and scientific perspectives; by adopting the theoretical frame offered by the Social Archaeology; by studying the social processes (the distinction, coming closer to, the performance) that are expressed by patterns of consumption in the settlement; by examining aristocratic sites (manor houses, moated sites, castles, etc.), we managed to establish a list of thirty-four archaeological indicators revealing an outstanding social identity. They are grouped in three categories: the use of space, the morphology of the settlement and a specific lifestyle. This repertoire was then compared to rural sites (villages, hamlets, etc.) situated on both sides of the Channel Sea, to emphasize some details of social stratification. As a whole, elite units have been spotted out in seven villages or hamlets and socio-economic hierarchies established for a dozen more
Parizet, Marie-Josèphe. "Au delà de la société locale : cultures populaires en mutation et mutations dans les rapports interculturels : cultures maghrébines et africaines en France, culture populaire dans le Haut Berry." Paris 5, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA05H059.
Full textOllitrault, Sylvie. "Action collective et construction identitaire : le cas du militantisme écologiste en France." Rennes 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996REN11022.
Full textANebulous is a word which summarizes the french ecologism movement. Our purpose is to understand this nebulousness, by " intramovement frame disputes ", an analysis elaborated by american researchers. But, to complete the study of this complex identity, the political opportunity structure is used as well. Thus, in a first part, we focuse on the importance of the social environment in which an identity is embedded. For instance, in france, we can forget the discourse of interet general. Each group of ecologists developps it own discourse of interet general. We can understand three differences between ecologists owing to the analysis of the intramovement frame disputes. In a second part, with a diachronic approach, the study reveals a predominant model. We name it an environmentalist/expert model. The dispute within the ecologist movement has to be studied thoroughly owing to the evolution of the repertoire of the collective action in france (in particularly during the eighties'). The analysis shows how the political opportunity structure contributes to sustain one form of ecologism claims and to turn down another form of demands (political ecology). And finally, we observe that the environmentalist/expert model generates the construction of an total identity. Ecologists are a sort of moral entrepreneurs, their activism become their " raison d'etre". Here, we explain the paradox of a form of activism which seems to know much costs than advantages. We can examine the limits of a too much " economist " and " strategical " approach as the olson's theory
Belkiter, Hanifa. "Conséquences de la guerre et de la paix sur l'intégration des harkis et de leurs familles : étude historico-sociologique." Montpellier 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON30069.
Full textThe investigation is hang round two big pivots : the harkis and the war of algeria on the one hand, the ex-harkis and their family after war on the other hand. The method to collection the information is the biography of persons concerned and members of their family. The first part wants to present the conflict and protagonists. His ambition aim at doing a description of the story of the harkis and the close relations when the war happen. The historical information take a big place but the persons concerned brings their point of view about events whom they would have no control. The second part studies what happened to this population when they arrived in metropolis and their integration to french society. The original question is : "what are the consequences of war and peace (1954-1975) on integration of the harkis and their family in france". The answers are search from family, nationality, identity and community construction. The definitive exile had to reconstruct a social identity while his legal identity is not really changed. The integration to the reception society must succeed if an integration to a community is developed
Peres, Hubert. "Individus entre village et nation : une expérience identitaire dans la formation de la France républicaine." Bordeaux 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993BOR1D002.
Full textSi l'on en croit eugen weber, il fallut attendre la condensation des changements de la periode 1870-1914 pour qu'une tres grande partie des ruraux francais adherent, en se fondant sur leur experience, a l'idee qu'ils appartenaient a la nation francaise. Mais, se faisant, ils transfererent leur sentiment d'appartenance du village a la nation. La persistance d'une tres forte identite villageoise dans les decennies posterieures amene a contester ce schema d'une construction dissociative de l'identite nationale. En s'ecartant d'une conception culturaliste et en apprehendant l'identite collective comme un savoir ordinaire relatif a l'espace-temps dans lequel les individus projettent leur biographie, on peut jeter un autre regard sur la transformation de l'experience identitaire des populations rurales. Celle-ci se presente alors non comme un transfert d'identite, mais comme le passage d'une identite insulaire centree sur le village a une identite gigogne incluant le village dans la nation. Le choix de la commune comme terrain d'intervention privilegie de l'etat-nation aboutissant meme au renforcement mutuel de ces deux niveaux (parmi d'autres) du sentiment d'appartenance
Guardelli, Laurent. "La négociation collective d'entreprise en droits français et anglais comparés." Paris 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA020069.
Full textAbbadie-Guigue, Marie-Hélène. "Identité, citoyenneté et politiques de la diversité en Grande-Bretagne de 2001 à 2007." Dijon, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009DIJOL014.
Full textSince the American and London terror attacks, multiculturalism and the British identity have been increasingly debated. The identity crisis of the country, growing in diversity, is changing the relation to the Other, to the Nation. The policies of Tony Blair, at the head of the Labour Party were meant to empower the many owing to the promotion of social cohesion, more equal opportunities and a common glue: Britishness viewed as active citizenship. But have the philosophical foundations, which led to the advent of the British individual-citizen such as individualism and liberalism as well as the imperial past of the country, constituted a favourable prerequisite to the success of the PM’s multicultural policies and the recognition of the citizen?
Nayrac, Magali. "Propositions d'identités dans le champ radiophonique : Étude comparative de discours d'animateurs d'émissions de radio dites brésiliennes, portugaises et lusophones en France." Nice, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NICE2042.
Full textMériot, Sylvie-Anne. "Compétences et identité d'un groupe professionnel : les cuisiniers de la restauration collective." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHES0122.
Full textSahakian-Marcellin, Sophie. "Croisement du champ politique et de la religiosité chrétienne, juive et musulmane en France : étude d'un cas : la question identitaire." Aix-Marseille 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993AIX32035.
Full textJammal, Mouawieh Roula. "L'identité socio-culturelle libanaise et ses représentations : étude d'une population immigrée à Paris." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0314.
Full textThe object of this research is to study the social representation of the lebanese socio-cultural identity among immigrants. Three main lines of investigation characterize this research. The first concerns expression ; we try to identify manifestations, practices and behaviours which refer to a symbolic order. The second line is the constructive and cognitive one, which relates to the adherence and the differentiation process. The last refers to the content and identity attributes. The confrontation of these three main lines demonstrates the simultaneous participation of three orders of knowledge. They are referential spaces where the representation of identity is elaboreted. It is a matter of : - political and ideological order, -commun sens knowledge order, and that of the social institution
Jamal, Ouadahi. "Interculturation(s) et subjectivite(s) - essai d'analyse clinique du discours de quelques enfants d'immigres maghrebins en france." Toulouse 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988TOU20039.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to question the classical point of view about immigrant children in france. It gives the explanation of their situation in terms of acculturation, personal and cultural identity conflicts, social and psychopathology. The author puts forward the concept of "interculturation" defined as an acculturative bi-enculturation" and tries to do an analysis of some immigrants children speech. By refering to the s. Freud and j. Lacan psychoanalytic concepts, the analysis consists of drawing their subjective positions in relation to the alienant choice concerning their "cultural identity". This is where they face the common but irreducible experience of their splitting as a subject and their lack of being. Intercultural and symbolic structuration possibility is also studied
Ardouin, Thierry. "Identité professionnelle des enseignants de l'apprentissage : essai de typologie." Paris 8, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA080931.
Full textThis thesis focusses on teachers in training schools, the very operational actors in this educational system and the analysis of professional situations as an indication of the construction of professional identities. The introduction sets down our problem and field of investigation which in a psychosocial and socio-educational approach shows the actors' performances confronted to the evolution of their job environment. The first part deals with the elements of the evolution of apprenticeship, the alternating educational system and the different approach of the identity concept. The second part is the methodological construction of the research. Finally the two parts show the results on the situation and the teachers' professional identity in training schools and a typology of their identity construction towards the alternating educational system
Sagnes, Sylvie. "Racines et enracinement : parenté et localité dans la France contemporaine." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHESA054.
Full textDes, Robert Marie-Laëtitia. "Se sentir français : sociologie d'un sentiment d'appartenance." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005IEPP0010.
Full textBresson, Maryse. "La construction de l'identité sociale des sans-domicile-fixe dans la france contemporaine." Paris 10, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA100210.
Full textHomelessness is a topical, political and media subject in France. People usually want to know: "how have homeless people come to that ?"; but this is a moralizing question, as if individuals are to blame for the failure. I would like to change the point of view, and to introduce this question instead: "which social mechanisms can explain the life situation of homelessness ?". To sum up this thesis, i could say that homelessness, and then transformation into tramp or bum, are not individual but social phenomena. I study the category. In the past, social identity depended on this norm: having employment. By contrast, now, homelessness is mainly defined by this norm : having home. When somebody enter this category, it functions too as a label. I try to demonstrate that this label is simplistic. I try to solve two problems: how people enter the category, and why so much people enter today ? I analyse social and economic mechanisms (especially on the "social housing market"). Then, thanks to my fieldwork. I analyse the consequences in everyday life of lack of address, and of lack of roof. I make the assumption that lonely homeless people are finally induced to enter a group of bums