Academic literature on the topic 'Identification of entities'

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Journal articles on the topic "Identification of entities"


Doerr, Martin, Pat Riva, and Maja Žumer. "FRBR Entities: Identity and Identification." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (June 2012): 517–41.

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Sari, Siti Setyawati Kartika, and Raden Roro Widya Ningtyas Soeprajitno. "Healthy Environmental Parameters as the Identification of Mining Entities." Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan 23, no. 1 (June 7, 2021): 33–40.

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Nowadays the biggest global problem in the industry sector is located on environmental issues. This issue committed by the national entities that produced a lot of waste and emission. To answer this problem, the government decided to make a commitment for building policies of zero emission in the year 2050 accompanied with the appeal for disclosing and reporting the Sustainability Report for the entities in the industry sector. This research will elucidate the effort of entities involved for dealing with the global waste issue of industry sector. The involvement will be evaluated in the disclosure that made using the applicable Global Reporting Index scale. This research utilized mining sector entities listed in IDX from 2014 - 2018. Furthermore, this research used content analysis with processing multiple linear regression and applied the software of Stata 14. The outcome of this research is to attain the effort enhancement of improving the mining entities and the disclosure was greatly influenced by certain parameters, so it showed the significant difference from each mining entity. This research is expected could contribute to the government so they are more concerned by paying more attention and making policies to synergize the goal of “zero waste and zero emission” by a healthy-environment-performance basis for the entities, and augment the theory application along with knowledge development of disclosure in form of Sustainability Report. Keywords: Environment; Waste; Emission; Sustainability Report; Mining Entities.
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Farjana, Shahjadi Hisan, Soonhung Han, and Duhwan Mun. "Implementation of persistent identification of topological entities based on macro-parametrics approach." Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 3, no. 2 (January 19, 2016): 161–77.

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Abstract In history based parametric CAD modeling systems, persistent identification of the topological entities after design modification is mandatory to keep the design intent by recording model creation history and modification history. Persistent identification of geometric and topological entities is necessary in the product design phase as well as in the re-evaluation stage. For the identification, entities should be named first according to the methodology which will be applicable for all the entities unconditionally. After successive feature operations on a part body, topology based persistent identification mechanism generates ambiguity problem that usually stems from topology splitting and topology merging. Solving the ambiguity problem needs a complex method which is a combination of topology and geometry. Topology is used to assign the basic name to the entities. And geometry is used for the ambiguity solving between the entities. In the macro parametrics approach of iCAD lab of KAIST a topology based persistent identification mechanism is applied which will solve the ambiguity problem arising from topology splitting and also in case of topology merging. Here, a method is proposed where no geometry comparison is necessary for topology merging. The present research is focused on the enhancement of the persistent identification schema for the support of ambiguity problem especially of topology splitting problem and topology merging problem. It also focused on basic naming of pattern features. Highlights A method for persistent identification of topological entities is implemented. Proposed method is verified using macro-parametrics based translator TransCAD. Proposed method is applicable for feature based CAD modeling operations. Proposed method is for basic naming and ambiguity solving of topological entities. In future this method can be extended for other feature operations.
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Numa, Masayuki, Yoshikazu Kaneta, and Takenao Ohkawa. "Automatic Identification of Named Entities in Literatures Using GenomeNet." IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 125, no. 5 (2005): 707–12.

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Morwal, Sudha, and Deepti Chopra. "Identification and Classification of Named Entities in Indian Languages." International Journal on Natural Language Computing 2, no. 1 (February 28, 2013): 37–43.

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Bijlsma, Ward Rogier, Rachel Kalmann, Jojanneke Dekkers, Dion Paridaens, Maarten Philip Mourits, Roel Kloos, and Jolanda D. F. de Groot-Mijnes. "Identification of infectious entities in idiopathic orbital inflammation biopsies." British Journal of Ophthalmology 97, no. 5 (February 1, 2013): 664–65.

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Fedorov, Aleksandr V. "THE ANTICORRUPTION POLICY IN RESPECT OF LEGAL ENTITIES." Russian investigator 6 (June 5, 2019): 3–7.

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The article is devoted to the anticorruption policy in respect of legal entities, which has two key areas: the first one is forestalling of corruption of legal entities including identification and elimination of its grounds (i.e. prevention of corporate corruption stipulating the obligation of companies to adopt measures aimed at corruption combating including anticorruption compliance procedures) and the second one is identification, forestalling, suppression, detection and investigation of corruption-related offenses committed by legal entities (i.e. combating corporate corruption). Special attention is paid to the second area: anticorruption policy in terms of introduction of criminal liability of legal entities.
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Beranič , Tina, Vili Podgorelec, and Marjan Heričko. "Towards a Reliable Identification of Deficient Code with a Combination of Software Metrics." Applied Sciences 8, no. 10 (October 12, 2018): 1902.

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Different challenges arise while detecting deficient software source code. Usually a large number of potentially problematic entities are identified when an individual software metric or individual quality aspect is used for the identification of deficient program entities. Additionally, a lot of these entities quite often turn out to be false positives, i.e., the metrics indicate poor quality whereas experienced developers do not consider program entities as problematic. The number of entities identified as potentially deficient does not decrease significantly when the identification of deficient entities is carried out by applying code smell detection rules. Moreover, the intersection of entities identified as allegedly deficient among different code smell detection tools is small, which suggests that the implementation of code smell detection rules are not consistent and uniform. To address these challenges, we present a novel approach for identifying deficient entities that is based on applying the majority function on the combination of software metrics. Program entities are assessed according to selected quality aspects that are evaluated with a set of software metrics and corresponding threshold values derived from benchmark data, considering the statistical distributions of software metrics values. The proposed approach was implemented and validated on projects developed in Java, C++ and C#. The validation of the proposed approach was done with expert judgment, where software developers and architects with multiple years of experiences assessed the quality of the software classes. Using a combination of software metrics as the criteria for the identification of deficient source code, the number of potentially deficient object-oriented program entities proved to be reduced. The results show the correctness of quality ratings determined by the proposed identification approach, and most importantly, confirm the absence of false positive entities.
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Alqahtani, Khaled Mohammed. "Quantitative Identification of Middle-Income Trap." International Business Research 12, no. 8 (July 22, 2019): 81.

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In this research, the growth collapse experienced by 119 economic entities in the world from 1950 to 2010 is quantitatively analyzed. And the objective existence of the middle-income trap is proved from a statistical perspective. On this basis, the existing identification methods of middle-income trap are evaluated and revised. In addition, the late-developing economic entities that have been caught in the middle-income trap in history and the duration of the trap are identified, thus providing several policy references and guidance to step-over the middle-income trap.
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Herlina, Herlina, Prayetno Agustinus S, and Nyayu Fadilah F. "Human Resources Identification in Ever Inactive Village-Owned Business Entities." JEJAK 13, no. 1 (April 7, 2020): 103–19.

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This research to identify the condition of human resources in Village-Owned Business Entity (abbreviated as VOBE in this research) that ever inactive in West Tanjungjabung Regency . The method used in this research is survey with descriptive analysis. The result showed from 27 VOBE that were ever inactive in 2017, there are still 2 villages that haven't started to operate yet since they were built, due to passive administrators. Dominant businesses are service and trade. There was advantegous business unit in the VOBE, it didn’t prevent the VOBE to stop operating. The knowledge of VOBE management owned by respondents who are the village head and the head of VOBE was categorized as deficient. The motivation of the village head was in avarage category while the head of VOBE was persistence in the deficient level. The communication between respondents was categorized as adequate. Even though the head of village had avarage motivation, passable communication skill as the advisor, his knowledge was still minimum. The other obstacles for the village head was the head of VOBE was also having minimun knowledge about managing VOBE and also lack of motivation to run it.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Identification of entities"


Skuland, Magnus. "Identification of biomedical entities from Medline abstracts using a dictionary-based approach." Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2005.

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The aim of this paper was to develop a system for identification of biomedical entities, such as protein and gene names, from a corpora of Medline abstracts. Another aim was to manage to extract the most relevant terms from the set of identified biomedical terms and make them readily presentable for an end-user. The developed prototype, named iMasterThesis, uses a dictionary-based approach to the problem. A dictionary, consisting of 21K gene names and 425K protein names, was constructed in an automatic fashion. With the realization of the protein name dictionary as a multi-level tree structure of hash tables, the approach tries to facilitate a more flexible and relaxed matching scheme than previous approaches. The system was evaluated against a golden standard consisting of 101 expert-annotated Medline abstracts. It is capable of identifying protein and gene names from these abstracts with a 10% recall and 14% precision. It seems clear that for further improvements of the obtained results, the quality of the dictionary needs to be increased, possibly through manual inspection by domain experts. A graphical user interface, presenting an end-user with the most relevant terms identified, has been developed as well.

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Гаутам, Аджит Пратап Сингх. "Информационная технология экстракции бизнес знаний из текстового контента интегрированной корпоративной системы." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2016.

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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.13.06 – информационные технологии. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Харьков, 2016. Цель диссертационного исследования – создание информационной технологии экстракции бизнес знаний интегрированной корпоративной системы на основе информационно-логических моделей и методов смысловой обработки текстового контента. В работе проанализированы существующие информационные технологии, модели и методы экстракции и идентификации знаний из текстов, сформулированы основные требования к разработке информационного обеспечения подсистемы экстракции бизнес знаний из текстового контента интегрированной корпоративной системы. Обосновано использование инструментов алгебры конечных предикатов в информационно-логических моделях экстракции фактов из текстовых потоков; построена математическая модель генерации фактов из текстов корпорации. Результаты диссертационного исследования внедрены в практику разработки и создания подсистем экстракции знаний из текстового контента реальных ИКС. На основе разработанных в диссертационном исследовании методов и моделей интеллектуальной обработки текстового контента предложена информационная технология формирования единого информационного пространства бизнес деятельности корпорации. При этом под информационным пространством интегрированной корпоративной системы понимается совокупность некоторых актуальных сведений, данных, оформленных таким образом, чтобы обеспечивать качество и оперативность принятия решений в области целевой деятельности корпорации. Предложенная информационная технология позволять извлекать знания из всего многообразия информационных ресурсов современного предприятия: Интернет- и интранет- сайтов предприятий и организаций, почтовых сообщений, файловых систем, хранилищ документов различных ведущих производителей, текстовых полей баз данных, репозитариев, различных бизнес-приложений т. п. Технология включает логико-лингвистическую модель генерации фактов из текстовых потоков ИКС, метод структурирования отношений фактов бизнес знаний, метод выявления актуального множества классифицированных сущностей предметной области, а также специализированные этапы Web Content Mining лингвистического процессора. Разработанные в исследовании математические модели могут быть использованы в различных системах автоматической обработки текстов, системах извлечения знаний, экстракции информации (Information Extraction) и распознавания сущностей (Named Entity Recognition).
Thesis for a candidate degree in technical science, speciality 05.13.06 – Infor-mation Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Kharkiv, 2016. The aim of the thesis is to develop information technology of extraction of business knowledge of integrated corporate system (ICS) based on the information logic models and methods of text content sense processing. The main results are as follows: a logic linguistic model of fact generation from ICS text streams has been developed which is based on surface grammar characteristics of identification of entities of actions and attributes which allows to effectively extract industry specific knowledge about the subjects of monitoring from text content. The thesis further develops the method of comparator identification used for structuring of ICS business knowledge facts relationship. The method allows to classify the attributes of entities according to class relationships due to sense identity of fact triplets which are determined by the comparator objectively. The paper improves the method of determination of actual set of classified entities of a subject domain which is distinguished by an integral use of linguistic, statistical and sense characteristics in the naïve Bayes classifier. The method allows to classify entities extracted according to types determined a priori. The thesis improves the development of information technology of common information space of corporation business activity which allows complicated knowledge generation by means of explicit generalization of information hidden in the collection of partial facts using algebra logic transformations.
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Гаутам, Аджіт Пратап Сінгх. "Інформаційна технологія екстракції бізнес знань з текстового контенту інтегрованої корпоративної системи." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.06 – інформаційні технології. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2016. Мета дисертаційного дослідження – створення інформаційної технології екстракції бізнес знань інтегрованої корпоративної системи (ІКС) на основі інформаційно-логічних моделей і методів смислового опрацювання текстового контенту. Основні результати: вперше розроблено логіко-лінгвістичну модель генерації фактів з текстових потоків ІКС, яка базується на використанні поверхневих граматичних характеристик сутностей, предикатів та атрибутів, що до-зволяє ефективно екстрагувати з текстового контенту профільні знання про суб'єкти моніторингу. Отримав подальший розвиток метод компараторної ідентифікації, який використано для структурування відношень фактів бізнес знань ІКС. Реалізація методу дозволила класифікувати атрибути сутностей за класами відношень за рахунок смислової тотожності триплетів фактів, які об'єктивно визначені компаратором. Удосконалено метод виявлення актуальної множини класифікованих сутностей предметної області, який відрізняється комплексним використанням лінгвістичних, статистичних й смислових характеристик в наївному байєсівському класифікаторі. Метод дозволяє класифікувати сутності, що екстрагуються, за апріорно виділеними типами. Удосконалено інформаційну технологію формування єдиного інформаційного простору бізнес діяльності корпорації, яка дозволяє за рахунок використання алгебро-логічних перетворень здійснювати породження складного знання шляхом експліцитного узагальнення інформації, що прихована у сукупності часткових фактів.
Thesis for a candidate degree in technical science, speciality 05.13.06 – Infor-mation Technologies. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". – Kharkiv, 2016. The aim of the thesis is to develop information technology of extraction of business knowledge of integrated corporate system (ICS) based on the information logic models and methods of text content sense processing. The main results are as follows: a logic linguistic model of fact generation from ICS text streams has been developed which is based on surface grammar characteristics of identification of entities of actions and attributes which allows to effectively extract industry specific knowledge about the subjects of monitoring from text content. The thesis further develops the method of comparator identification used for structuring of ICS business knowledge facts relationship. The method allows to classify the attributes of entities according to class relationships due to sense identity of fact triplets which are determined by the comparator objectively. The paper improves the method of determination of actual set of classified entities of a subject domain which is distinguished by an integral use of linguistic, statistical and sense characteristics in the naïve Bayes classifier. The method allows to classify entities extracted according to types determined a priori. The thesis improves the development of information technology of common information space of corporation business activity which allows complicated knowledge generation by means of explicit generalization of information hidden in the collection of partial facts using algebra logic transformations.
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Fourour, Nordine. "Identification et catégorisation automatique des entités nommées dans les textes français." Nantes, 2004.

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La reconnaissance des entités nommées (EN) reste un problème pour de nombreuses applications de Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Conséquemment à une étude linguistique permettant l'émergence de paramètres définitoires opérationnels liés au concept d'entité nommée, un état de l'art du domaine et une étude en corpus fondée sur des critères graphiques et référentiels, nous présentons Nemesis, un système d'identification et de catégorisation des EN du français, fondé sur l'analyse des évidences interne et externe réalisée à l'aide de lexiques de mots déclencheurs et de règles de réécriture et comportant une phase d'apprentissage. Dans cette version minimale, Nemesis atteint environ 90% en précision et 80% en rappel. Pour augmenter le rappel, nous proposons différents modules optionnels (examen d'un contexte encore plus large et utilisation du Web comme source de nouveaux contextes) et une étude pour la réalisation d'un module de désambiguïsation et d'apprentissage de règles
Named Entity (NE) Recognition is a recurring problem in the different domain of Natural Language Processing. As a result of, a linguistic investigation allowing to set-up operational parameters defining the concept of named entity, a state of art of the domain, and a corpus investigation using referential and graphical criteria, we present Nemesis - a French named entity recognizer. This system analyzes the internal and external evidences by using grammar rules and trigger word lexicons, and includes a learning process. With these processes, Nemesis performance achieves about 90% of precision and 80% of recall. To increase the recall, we put forward optional modules (analysis of the wide context and utilization of the Web as a source of new contexts) and investigate in setting up a disambiguation and grammar rules inference module
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Monnier, Maurice. "Photoisomérisations et photolyses en matrices cryogéniques : identification des entités moléculaires et suivi cinétique par spectrométrie IR-TF." Aix-Marseille 1, 1991.

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La technique d'isolement en matrice cryogenique de gaz rare a ete utilisee pour generer des especes chimiques instables qui s'isomerisent, reagissent ou se decomposent trop rapidement dans les conditions normales. A une temperature extrement basse, les reactions thermiques sont pratiquement completement supprimees et une photoreaction peut etre induite par absorption d'un photon i. R. (photochimie vibrationnelle) ou d'un photon u. V. (photochimie electronique) qui apporte l'energie necessaire pour declencher la reaction. Les photoreactions ont ete suivies par spectroscopie ir-tf et les produits identifies par analyse vibrationnelle. Cette technique nous a permis d'identifier le conformere de haute energie (tt) du 2-fluoroethanol, obtenu par excitation i. R. De la forme gg; la forme gauche du chlorure de fluoroacetyle et les formes cis et gauche du dichlorure d'oxalyle resultent d'irradiations u. V. Des formes les plus stables. Sous excitation u. V. , les reactions de photolyses sont souvent en competition avec celles de processus de photoisomerisation. Nous avons identifie des especes intermediaires comme des halogenocetenes a partir de la photolyse de chlorures d'halogenoacetyle ou d'oxirene et de cetocarbene a partir de la photolyse de diazocetone. L'interaction de couplage entre la molecule et la matrice et son influence sur la rotation interne ont ete etudies experimentalement et modelises theoriquement par mecanique moleculaire
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Bibas, Hervé. "Réarrangement vinylcétène-acylallène et réaction rétro-ène : identification des entités moléculaires par spectrométrie IR-TF en matrices cryogéniques." Aix-Marseille 3, 1997.

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Les composes alkoxyvinylcetenes ont ete generes par thermolyse eclair ou par photolyse des 3-alkoxycyclobutenones. A une temperature superieure a 650c, les differents cetenes subissent un rearrangement 1,3 des groupes alkoxy pour former les esters alleniques correspondants. La mise en evidence de telles migrations a alors ete obtenue en utilisant la technique d'isolement en matrice suivie par spectroscopie ir-tf. Dans le cas ethoxy, l'ethoxyvinylcetene s'est decompose en acetylcetene a temperature plus elevee. La conversion aminovinylcetene - allenecarboxamide a ete observee des 500c lors de la decomposition thermique de la 3-(n,n-dimethylamino)cyclobutenone. La migration 1,3-cl du chlorure de 2,3-butadienoyle dans les conditions de thermolyse a egalement ete observee des 370c. En accord avec les donnees experimentales, les barrieres d'activation calculees (au niveau g2(mp2,svp) pour la migration 1,3-ome et 1,3-nme#2 dans le sens vinylcetene-acylallene sont de 169 et de 129 kj mol#-#1 respectivement. Dans le cas chloro, la barriere d'activation est, elle, estimee a 157 kj mol#-#1. A une temperature de thermolyse plus elevee (> 800c), les esters alleniques se decomposent selon une reaction retro-ene pour donner le vinylcetene non-substitue et le formaldehyde ou l'acetaldehyde. Une reaction similaire a egalement ete observee dans le cas dimethylamino mais cette fois des 500c. La thermolyse eclair des derives -methyl, -alkoxy- et -methyl, -methylthio-5-methylene de l'acide de meldrum a egalement ete entreprise. Bien que leur decomposition thermique ait deja fait l'objet d'une etude, un certain nombre d'informations a pu etre obtenu. Dans le cas methylthio, en plus de la formation du methylthiomethylmethylene-cetene et de la 5-methyl-thiophen-3(2h)-one (connus de la litterature), le derive du carboxycetene a ete observe. L'etude du derive methoxy a egalement permis de confirmer la formation des derives du methylenecetene et du carboxycetene. La thermolyse eclair du derive ethoxy a, quant a elle, conduit a la formation de l'ethoxymethylmethylenecetene, qui, a plus haute temperature, se decompose en acetylcetene
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Stern, Rosa. "Identification automatique d'entités pour l'enrichissement de contenus textuels." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2013.

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Cette thèse propose une méthode et un système d'identification d'entités (personnes, lieux, organisations) mentionnées au sein des contenus textuels produits par l'Agence France Presse dans la perspective de l'enrichissement automatique de ces contenus. Les différents domaines concernés par cette tâche ainsi que par l'objectif poursuivi par les acteurs de la publication numérique de contenus textuels sont abordés et mis en relation : Web Sémantique, Extraction d'Information et en particulier Reconnaissance d'Entités Nommées (\ren), Annotation Sémantique, Liage d'Entités. À l'issue de cette étude, le besoin industriel formulé par l'Agence France Presse fait l'objet des spécifications utiles au développement d'une réponse reposant sur des outils de Traitement Automatique du Langage. L'approche adoptée pour l'identification des entités visées est ensuite décrite : nous proposons la conception d'un système prenant en charge l'étape de \ren à l'aide de n'importe quel module existant, dont les résultats, éventuellement combinés à ceux d'autres modules, sont évalués par un module de Liage capable à la fois (i) d'aligner une mention donnée sur l'entité qu'elle dénote parmi un inventaire constitué au préalable, (ii) de repérer une dénotation ne présentant pas d'alignement dans cet inventaire et (iii) de remettre en cause la lecture dénotationnelle d'une mention (repérage des faux positifs). Le système \nomos est développé à cette fin pour le traitement de données en français. Sa conception donne également lieu à la construction et à l'utilisation de ressources ancrées dans le réseau des \ld ainsi que d'une base de connaissances riche sur les entités concernées.
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Thirumalaiswamy, Sekhar Arvind Kumar. "Prediction by Partial Matching for Identification of Biological Entities." Thesis, 2010.

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As biomedical research and advances in biotechnology generate expansive datasets, the need to process this data into information has grown simultaneously. Specifically, recognizing and extracting these “key” phrases comprising the named entities from this information databank promises a plethora of applications for scientists. The ability to construct interaction maps,identify proteins as drug targets are two important applications. Since we have the choice of defining what is “useful”, we can potentially utilize text mining for our purpose. In a novel attempt to beat the challenge, we have put information theory and text compression through this task. Prediction by partial matching is an adaptive text encoding scheme that blends together a set of finite context Markov models to predict the probability of the next token in a given symbol stream. We observe, named entities such as gene names, protein names, gene functions, protein-protein interactions – all follow symbol statistics uniquely different from normal scientific text. By using well defined training sets that allow us to selectively differentiate between named entities and the rest of the symbols; we were able to extract them with a good accuracy. We have implemented our tests, using the Text Mining Toolkit, on identification of gene functions and protein-protein interactions with f-scores (based on precision & recall) of 0.9737 and 0.6865 respectively. With our results, we foresee the application of such an approach in automated information retrieval in the realm of biology.
Malika Mahoui, Ph.D., Chair; Narayanan Perumal,Ph.D.; Pedro Romero,Ph.D.
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Guo, Zhe-Ting, and 郭哲廷. "Identification of Articles with Focuses on Specific Biomedical Entities." Thesis, 2017.

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Huang, Min-Chun, and 黃敏純. "Pirus : A Real-Time Framework for Suspicious Entities Correlation and Discrimination for Malware Identification." Thesis, 2010.

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This thesis provided a real-time system, Pirus, to list all the malicious components for given malware without the need of any virus definition file. Although now a malware can be detected and removed by commercial tools, however, the related malicious components (ex, instigator) may not be detected thus malware continuously steal user privacy and expose information systems to be insecure. This thesis provided infection graph generation algorithm to correlate malware and its related malicious component. This thesis can also detect other malware based on the shared malicious components between malware. Finally, the experiment result showed that compared with commercial tools Pirus detected more malicious files than commercial tools for both known and unknown malware.
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Books on the topic "Identification of entities"


Peter, Meyer. Nature guide to the Carolina coast: Common birds, crabs, shells, fish, and other entities of the coastal environment. Wilmington, NC: Avian-Cetacean Press, 1991.

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Hyŏn, Chin-sang. Paektu taegan ŭi chirijŏk pŏmwi kumyŏng ŭl wihan pangbŏmnon koch'al: Study for the identification of geographic entities of Baekdudaegan mountain system. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Kungnip Sallim Kwahagwŏn, 2007.

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Bonnet, J. P. Eddy Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows: Selected Papers from the IUTAM Symposium entitled: "Eddy Structures Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows" Poitiers, France, 12.14 October 1992. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Candlish, Stewart, and Nic Damnjanovic. The Identity Theory of Truth. Edited by Michael Glanzberg. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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When one thinks truly, what one thinks is what is the case. In this truistic but influential thought lies the germ of the identity theory of truth. For, in the broadest terms, the identity theory holds that truth is a matter of identity between how things are and how one takes them to be. Giving such a theory substantive content, however, requires the specification of a pair of candidate entities for identification. The early sections of this chapter consider identity theories based on the most frequently proposed pair of entities, namely facts and propositions, focusing in particular on whether such theories can steer between the Scylla of mere truism and the Charybdis of absurdity (such as making falsehood impossible). The final sections briefly examine the connections between the identity theory of truth and quietism, on the one hand, and monistic idealism on the other.
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Blidstein, Moshe. Baptism as Purification in Early Christian Texts. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Chapter 5 discusses baptism as a ritual of purification and as marking the community’s external boundaries. Most authors who wrote about baptism in the second and third centuries described it as an act of purification, an understanding which is supported by the imagery of the ritual itself and by the Jewish and pagan parallels. This understanding made baptism dangerously similar to Jewish ritual, and the first section of the chapter therefore focuses on the efforts of Christian authors to differentiate between Christian baptism and Jewish rituals. Furthermore, this chapter investigates what exactly baptism was thought to purify. The identification of baptism—a physical act of washing—with purification from what would seem to be non- or semi-physical entities makes it a major site for addressing the relationship between external and internal purity, the role of conscious intention as opposed to ritual action, and the place of spiritual entities.
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Grishman, Ralph. Information Extraction. Edited by Ruslan Mitkov. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Information extraction (IE) is the automatic identification of selected types of entities, relations, or events in free text. This article appraises two specific strands of IE — name identification and classification, and event extraction. Conventional treatment of languages pays little attention to proper names, addresses etc. Presentations of language analysis generally look up words in a dictionary and identify them as nouns etc. The incessant presence of names in a text, makes linguistic analysis of the same difficult, in the absence of the names being identified by their types and as linguistic units. Name tagging involves creating, several finite-state patterns, each corresponding to some noun subset. Elements of the patterns would match specific/classes of tokens with particular features. Event extraction typically works by creating a series of regular expressions, customized to capture the relevant events. Enhancement of each expression is corresponded by a relevant, suitable enhancement in the event patterns.
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Reeves, John C., and Annette Yoshiko Reed. Enoch’s Association or Equation with Other Figures. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses upon collecting the numerous texts which posit an identification of the biblical character Enoch with other similarly endowed figures occurring in later Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and non-biblical traditions. These Enoch “avatars” include Jewish celestial entities like Metatron and the so-called “YHW(H) the lesser”; the qur’ānic prophet Idrīs; Graeco-Egyptian Hermes/Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus; and the Iranian epic hero Hōshang. Other assimilations which are explored include Enoch’s possible pre-biblical identity as a rival Flood-hero prior to the introduction of the character of Noah, and Enoch’s status in certain medieval Jewish writings as a reincarnation of Adam, the first human.
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Fox, Susan H. Wakeful Unresponsiveness. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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NMDA receptor encephalitis is a member of the growing group of antibody-mediated neurological syndromes that can present acutely to neurological services. In the past, these entities were undoubtedly misdiagnoses as viral encephalitis or schizophrenia. The identification of the NMDA receptor antibody and a stereotypical phenotype has greatly improved the chance of a diagnosis in these patients. Furthermore, there is good evidence for the use of early immunotherapy, which may need to be sustained and increased in resistant cases that may still achieve a full recovery. The presence of an ovarian teratoma must be excluded in young females, although young males and females may also be affected in the absence of an underlying tumor.
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Koslicki, Kathrin. Form. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter turns to the question of how hylomorphists should conceive of the form of concrete particular objects. It argues that hylomorphists should endorse the individual forms hypothesis and reject the universal forms hypothesis on grounds primarily having to do with the cross-world identification of concrete particular objects. Other issues, e.g., the causal roles ascribed to form or the relation between form and essence, perhaps surprisingly, turn out to be neutral between the individual forms hypothesis and the universal forms hypothesis. When the conclusions of this chapter are combined with those of Chapter 4, we arrive at a preferred conception of forms as “robust” particulars, i.e., as non-repeatable, non-sharable entities which, by their very nature, do not simultaneously belong to the matter–form compound (essentially) and to the matter composing it (accidentally).
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Bonet, Rocio, and Monika Hamori. Talent Intermediaries in Talent Acquisition. Edited by David G. Collings, Kamel Mellahi, and Wayne F. Cascio. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Talent intermediaries are entities that stand between the individual worker and the organization that needs work done. They include online intermediaries such as job boards or social networking sites, and search and placement firms such as executive search firms and temporary-help service firms. Talent intermediaries have an increasingly important role in the contemporary employment landscape: they influence not only how and which individuals are matched to organizations but also how tasks are performed or conflicts are resolved once talent is hired by the organization. This chapter reviews the already extensive literature on talent intermediaries, focusing on their role in the identification, assessment, and hiring of talent. The chapter shows the advantages that talent intermediaries present to the talent-acquisition process compared with hiring organizations and the ways in which their intermediation changes traditional talent-acquisition processes that involved only two parties: the job seeker and the hiring organization.
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Book chapters on the topic "Identification of entities"


Akhtar, Nadeem, and Hira Javed. "Identification of Entities in Scientific Documents." In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, 209–19. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Grego, Tiago, Piotr Pęzik, Francisco M. Couto, and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann. "Identification of Chemical Entities in Patent Documents." In Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living, 942–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Liu, Rey-Long. "Identification of Conclusive Association Entities by Biomedical Association Mining." In Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 103–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Galicia-Haro, Sofía N., Alexander Gelbukh, and Igor A. Bolshakov. "Identification of Composite Named Entities in a Spanish Textual Database." In Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 395–400. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Lamurias, Andre, Luka A. Clarke, and Francisco M. Couto. "IICE: Web Tool for Automatic Identification of Chemical Entities and Interactions." In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 285–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Scozzafava, Federico, Alessandro Raganato, Andrea Moro, and Roberto Navigli. "Automatic Identification and Disambiguation of Concepts and Named Entities in the Multilingual Wikipedia." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 357–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Karen, Lorraine F. R. "Identification of Topical Entities in Discourse: a Connectionist Approach to Attentional Mechanisms in Language." In Connectionist Natural Language Processing, 275–94. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992.

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Nguyen, Thi-Nhu, and Tuan-Dung Cao. "Toward Vietnamese DBpedia Chapter the First Step with Automatic Identification Types for Vietnamese Wikipedia Entities." In Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications, 301–9. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Hanzal, Petr, and Ivana Faltová Leitmanová. "Identification of Economic Agglomerations by Means of Accounting Data from ERP Systems of Business Entities." In Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems, 385–99. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Zhitlukhina, O., and E. Kiselevskaia. "On the Identification of Financial Instruments in the Aspect of Indicators of Financialization of the Economic Life of Economic Entities." In Smart Technologies and Innovations in Design for Control of Technological Processes and Objects: Economy and Production, 431–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Identification of entities"


Rajesh, A., Pulla Sammaiah, L. Radha Krishna, Pushpalatha Sarla, N. Govardhan, Sudarshan E., and S. Himabindu. "Identification of engineering drawing entities." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN SCIENCES, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. AIP Publishing, 2022.

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Sarkas, Nikos, Albert Angel, Nick Koudas, and Divesh Srivastava. "Efficient identification of coupled entities in document collections." In 2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Ruan, Dong-ru, Yu-xin Mao, Hong-yan Pan, and Kai Gao. "The semantic similarity relation of entities discovery: Using word embedding." In 2017 9th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). IEEE, 2017.

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Jung, Sukhwan, Rachana Reddy Kandadi, Rituparna Datta, Ryan Benton, and Aviv Segev. "Identification of Technology-Relevant Entities Based on Trend Curves." In 9th International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCSE 2020). AIRCC Publishing Corporation, 2020.

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Qiang, Baohua, Chu Wu, and Long Zhang. "Entities Identification on the Deep Web Using Neural Network." In 2010 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). IEEE, 2010.

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Li, Gang, and Huijuan Hu. "Relation Identification between Name Entities Based on Community Structure Mining." In 2008 Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (WGEC). IEEE, 2008.

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Yucel, Z., T. Ikeda, T. Miyashita, and N. Hagita. "Identification of mobile entities based on trajectory and shape information." In 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011). IEEE, 2011.

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Yucel, Z., T. Ikeda, T. Miyashita, and N. Hagita. "Identification of mobile entities based on trajectory and shape information." In 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011). IEEE, 2011.

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Liu, Hui, Xueyin Hu, Jinglei Zhao, Maosheng Zhong, and Ruzhan Lu. "Identification of Complex Named-Entities in Chinese Queries Using WWW." In 2008 Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD). IEEE, 2008.

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Gao, Ning, Douglas W. Oard, and Mark Dredze. "Support for Interactive Identification of Mentioned Entities in Conversational Speech." In SIGIR '17: The 40th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Identification of entities"


Zaman, Tahir, Michael Collyer, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, and Carolina Szyp. Beyond Rights-Based Social Protection for Forcibly Displaced People. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), February 2022.

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Having a right that is not respected is not the same as having no right at all. At least this should not be the case. Failure to receive something to which you are entitled should lead to formal redress or failing that, protest. The rights-based discourse has a wider importance. If and when it is or should be used is significant. In terms of access to social protection (including social and humanitarian assistance), the rights-based discourse means there is no difference between refugees and others who fail to receive the protection to which they are entitled, such as Internally Displaced People (IDPs). This introduces two key tensions, both of which we explore in this paper. The first concerns the identification of the institution responsible for fulfilling the right, as determined in state-led/formal humanitarian system of social protection. The second concerns the alternatives displaced people may identify when Northern mandated forms of social protection fail, or when the conditions for the enjoyment of that protection are too onerous. These alternatives constitute a second system of social protection. We conclude that although they are unequal, both systems are currently necessary, even as a language of rights is only appropriate in relation to the first tension. Ultimately greater coordination and collaboration between the two systems is necessary.
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Azem, Abdussalam, George Lorimer, and Adina Breiman. Molecular and in vivo Functions of the Chloroplast Chaperonins. United States Department of Agriculture, June 2011.

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We present here the final report for our research project entitled "The molecular and in vivo functions of the chloroplast chaperonins”. Over the past few decades, intensive investigation of the bacterial GroELS system has led to a basic understanding of how chaperonins refold denatured proteins. However, the parallel is limited in its relevance to plant chaperonins, since the plant system differs from GroEL in genetic complexity, physiological roles of the chaperonins and precise molecular structure. Due to the importance of plant chaperonins for chloroplast biogenesis and Rubisco assembly, research on this topic will have implications for many vital applicative fields such as crop hardiness and efficiency of plant growth as well as the production of alternative energy sources. In this study, we set out to investigate the structure and function of chloroplast chaperonins from A. thaliana. Most plants harbor multiple genes for chaperonin proteins, making analysis of plant chaperonin systems more complicated than the GroEL-GroES system. We decided to focus on the chaperonins from A. thaliana since the genome of this plant has been well defined and many materials are available which can help facilitate studies using this system. Our proposal put forward a number of goals including cloning, purification, and characterization of the chloroplast cpn60 subunits, antibody preparation, gene expression patterns, in vivo analysis of oligomer composition, preparation and characterization of plant deletion mutants, identification of substrate proteins and biophysical studies. In this report, we describe the progress we have made in understanding the structure and function of chloroplast chaperonins in each of these categories.
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