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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Hysteresis – Measurement'

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Figueroa, Anna Ajaro-Oyara. "Measurement of pressure-saturation hysteresis curves for three liquids in Vinton fine sand." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1998.

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Measurement of water is important in soil since this is the medium in which soil activity takes place. Pressure-saturation curves show the extent of liquid retention in the soil porous medium at different tensions during drainage and sorption (hysteresis). Measurement of soil moisture in the laboratory is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. In this study, three methods for measuring pressure-saturation curves were employed, Hanging Water Column (HWC), Differential Pressure Transducer-Imbibition, and Differential Pressure Transducer-Natural. The standard HWC is compared to the other two methods which employ external manometer pressure and differential pressure transducers. Hysteresis pressure-saturation curves were determined for three liquids (water, 50% ethanol and 100% ethanol), in a homogeneous Vinton fine sand. Data was fit to the van Genuchten and Brooks Corey models and liquid capillary numbers are compared. Prediction of desorption pressure-saturation curves from water curves using relative surface tension ratios is discussed and prediction of sorption curves using relative A parameters for the drying and wetting curves. Scanning curves were scaled from the main drying and wetting curves. The capillary number-pore water velocity combination function could be another useful relationship for pressure-saturation curves. Overall, the differential pressure transducer methods were found superior to the HWC because time consumption was reduced by more than 50% yet the results obtained were of comparable accuracy. Pressure-saturation curves for other liquids may be predicted by scaling pressure and van Genuchten alpha parameter with relative surface tension ratios. Hence, hysteresis curves can be obtained faster and the main disadvantages of time-consumption, labor and cost are eliminated. In addition, handling of hazardous liquids in the laboratory is minimized which is important because understanding retention of hazardous chemicals in soil is a prerequisite to achieving remediation of residual contamination. Functional relationship between the residual nonwetting phase and the capillary number or viscosity to surface tension ratio is briefly discussed.
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Harrison, Simon Andrew. "Characterisation of the mechanisms of magnetisation change in permanent magnet materials through the interpretation of hysteresis measurements." University of Western Australia. School of Physics, 2004.

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The mechanisms by which magnetisation changes occur in magnetic materials may be investigated by a variety of hysteresis measurements. During this study both alternating and rotational hysteresis measurements were used to characterise the mechanisms of magnetisation change in a number of permanent magnet materials. Studies of the time dependence of magnetisation, remanent magnetisations and the dependence of the reversible magnetisation on the irreversible magnetisation were undertaken. These studies revealed that in sintered rare-earth iron magnets the magnetisation change is predominately controlled by domain nucleation, with a lesser contribution from domain wall pinning within the boundary regions of the grains. Similar mechanisms control the magnetisation change in the larger grains of melt-quenched rare-earth iron magnets. In the single domain grains of the melt-quenched materials incoherent rotation mechanisms control the changes of magnetisation. Magnetisation change in MnAlC and sintered AlNiCo was found to be controlled by domain wall pinning within the interior of the grains of the materials. Two devices were constructed for the measurement of rotational hysteresis. The first measures the angular acceleration of a sample set spinning in a magnetic field, from which the rotational hysteresis loss may be determined. The second employs rotating search coils to make direct measurements of the component of magnetisation that contributes to rotational hysteresis loss during the rotation of a sample in a field. Both devices were found to produce data consistent with that in the literature and to be useful for the characterisation of rotational hysteresis in permanent magnet materials. A simple model was used to examine the dependence of rotational hysteresis loss on various material parameters. It was found that the value of the rotational hysteresis integral is dependent on interactions and to a lesser extent distributions in anisotropy. This is contrary to assumptions commonly made in the literature but consistent with published experimental data, which has been reinterpreted. Measurements of rotational hysteresis losses in the materials studied were found to be effected by geometric demagnetisation effects. A method by which such data may be corrected for these effects is proposed. Following correction and consideration of the interactions within the materials, the rotational hysteresis data was found to be consistent with the characterisations performed in linearly alternating fields.
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Schimann, Hubert C. R. "Force and Energy Measurement of Bubble-Particle Detachment." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2004.

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Possibilities for increasing the upper limit of floatable particle sizs in the froth flotation process have been examined since the early beginnings of mineral flotation. The economic implications of such an incresae are far ranging; from decreased grinding costs and increased recoveries to simplified flow-sheet design and increased throughput, all leading to increased revenue. Bubble-particle detachment has been studied to better understand the factors influencing the strength of attachment and the energies involved. Direct measurements of bubble particle detachment were performed using a hanging balance apparatus (KSV Sigma 70 tensiometer) and using a submerged hydrophobic plate in water. Three experiments were used; direct force measurement of bubble-particle detachment, detachment force and energy of a bubble from a submerged hydrophobic plate, and detachment force and energy of a cetyltrimethylammonium bromide coated silica sphere from a flat bubble. Octadecyltrichlorosilane was used as a hydrophobic coating in the first two experimental methods. These experiments were recorded with a CCD camera to identify the detachment processes involved. Energies for both methods were calculated and divided into the two main steps of the detachment process: Three-Phase-Contact pinning and three phase contact line sliding. The first step represents the energy barrier which must be overcome before detachment can begin. It is directly related to contact angle hysteresis. Detachment occurs during the second step, where the solid-vapor interface is replaced by solid-liquid and liquid-vapor. This step corresponds to the work of adhesion. The effects of surface tension, contact angle and hysteresis were well demonstrated with the three experimental methods. Good correlation was found between theoretical work of adhesion and measured energies.
Master of Science
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Pongdhorn, Sae-Oui. "Measurement and modelling of the influence of hysteresis on the internal temperature rise of rubber components." Thesis, Loughborough University, 1997.

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Finite element analysis (FEA) is a numerical analysis method which is used widely to obtain approximate solutions in many fields of engineering. With sophisticated computer hardware and software. FEA has recently become an effective tool in the design of rubber components.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Maritz, Johannes Christoffel. "Numerical modelling and experimental measurement of the temperature distribution in a rolling tire." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015.

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Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rubber is the main component of the pneumatic tire. When rubber is put under cyclic loading, like when a tire is rolled, heat is generated and stored in the rubber, due to hysteresis. Heat stored in the tire is increased by factors like under-inflation, overloading, speeding and defects in the tire. The heat causes high temperatures in the tire due to the poor thermal conductivity of rubber. When the temperature in the rubber increases to 185 °C, pyrolysis and thermo-oxidation starts and can cause the tire to eventually explode. A numerical model of a rolling passenger vehicle tire was developed to calculate the temperature distribution inside the tire and analyse the effect of different operating conditions on the temperature. Operating conditions include loading, inflation pressure, rolling velocity and ambient temperature. The tire was modelled by a single rubber type, using the Mooney-Rivlin material model. The bead wire was modelled using an isotropic material model, while the body and steel cord plies were modelled as rebars. The cavity, used to inflate the tire, included the pressure increase due to the volume change, when the tire is loaded. The numerical model was validated using experimental data from tests done on an actual tire. These tests included deformation and contact stress analysis, as well as surface temperature measurements. Numerical results showed an increase in temperature when the load, rolling velocity and the ambient temperature were increased, as well as when the inflation pressure was decreased. The trends of the numerical data matched the trends of the experimental data. However, the values of the numerical model were not consistent with the experimental data due to material properties from literature being used to model the tire.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rubber is die hoofkomponent in die pneumatiese band. As rubber onder ’n sikliese las geplaas word, soos wanneer ’n band rol, word hitte gegenereer en in die rubber gestoor as gevolg van histerese. Die hitte wat in die band gestoor word, word verhoog deur faktore soos lae inflasiedruk, hoë las, hoë rol snelhede en gebreke in die band. Die hitte veroorsaak hoë temperature in die band weens die swak termiese geleiding van rubber. As die temperatuur in die band hoër as 185 °C raak, vind piroliese en termo-oksidasie plaas en die band kan uiteindelik ontplof. ’n Numeriese model van ’n passasiersmotorband is ontwikkel om die temperatuurverspreiding te bepaal, asook om die effek van verskillende werkstoestande op die temperatuur te analiseer. Die band is gemodelleer met een tipe rubber en die Mooney-Rivlin materiaal-model is gebruik om die rubber te beskryf. Die spanrand van die band is deur ’n isotropiese materiaalmodel gemodelleer, terwyl die hoof- en staalkoordlae as bewapening gemodelleer is. Die holte wat gebruik word om die band op te blaas, neem die druk toename as gevolg van die verandering in volume in ag wanneer die band belas word. Die numeriese model was bekragtig met eksperimentele data wat deur toetse op ’n werklike band onttrek is. Die toetse sluit die volgende in: vervormingen kontakspanninganalises, asook temperature wat op die oppervlak van die band gemeet is. Die numeriese resultate toon ’n toename in temperatuur wanneer die las, rolsnelheid en omgewingstemperatuur verhoog word, asook waneer die inflasiedruk verlaag word. Die numeriese model se tendense stem ooreen met die eksperimentele data, maar die waardes van die numeriese model is nie in ooreenstemmig met die eksperimentele data nie. Die verskil is as gevolg van die materiaaleienskappe wat uit die literatuur geneem is.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Motamedi, Mohammad. "Road Surface Measurement and Multi-Scale Modeling of Rubber Road Contact and Adhesion." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2015.

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A major challenge in tire, as well as in road engineering, is to understand the intricate mechanisms of friction. Pavement texture is a feature of the road surface that determines most tire-road interactions, and can be grouped into two classes: macro-texture, resulting mainly in the hysteretic component of friction, and micro-texture, resulting in adhesion. If both textures are maintained at high levels, they can help provide sufficient resistance to skidding. The ultimate objective of this research is to develop a physics-based multiscale rubber-road friction model that can predict the effectiveness of the tire as it interacts with the vehicle and the pavement. The model is developed based on sound physics and contact mechanics theories and uses road profile measurements and data measured on various tire compounds. To be able to predict road surface characteristics, it is proven that road surfaces are of fractal nature on given ranges of scale. It is shown that while global fractal quantities fail to classify pavement profiles, a local fractal parameter and three other texture parameters can separate road profiles that have different friction characteristics. Through the implementation of various contact theories and by conducting simulation studies, a methodical understanding of contact mechanics and of the effect of the diverse factors that influence friction is attained. To predict the viscoelastic friction between any given tire tread compound and road, the Nanovea JR25 portable optical profilometer is used to measure the road profiles. To characterize the road profile, the one-dimensional pavement measurements are used to obtain the two-dimensional power spectrum, followed by testing and characterizing the tread compounds (this is being carried out by Bridgestone). This data is used to develop a comprehensive analytical methodology to predict friction. To validate this model, a Dynamic Friction Test apparatus is designed and built. The friction tester enables measurement of the friction between tread compound samples and arbitrary surfaces, at different slip ratios. The correlations between the simulations and both indoor and outdoor experimental results are investigated.
Ph. D.
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Celli, Dino Anthony. "Measurement of Hysteresis Energy Using Digital Image Correlation with Application to Energy Based Fatigue Life Prediction and Assessment." The Ohio State University, 2017.

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Lee, Kyutae. "Evaluation of methodologies for continuous discharge monitoring in unsteady open-channel flows." Diss., University of Iowa, 2013.

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Ratings curves are conventional means to continuously provide estimates of discharges in rivers. Among the most-often adopted assumptions in building these curves are the steady and uniform flow conditions for the open-channel flow that in turn provide a one-to-one relationships between the variables involved in discharge estimation. The steady flow assumption is not applicable during propagation of storm-generated waves hence the question on the validity of the steady rating curves during unsteady flow is of both scientific and practical interest. Scarce experimental evidence and analytical inferences substantiate that during unsteady flows the relationship between some of the variables is not unique leading to looped rating curves (also labeled hysteresis). Neglecting the unsteadiness of the flow when this is large can significantly affect the accuracy of the flow estimation. Currently, the literature does not offer criteria for a comprehensive evaluation of the methods for estimation of the departure of the looped rating curves from the steady ones nor for identifying the most appropriate means to dynamically capturing hysteresis for different possible river flow conditions. Therefore, the overarching goal of this study was to explore the uncertainty of the conventional approaches for constructing stage-discharge rating curves (hQRCs) and to evaluate methodologies for accurate and continuous discharge monitoring in unsteady open channel flows using analytical inference, index velocity rating curves (VQRCs), and continuous slope area method (CSA) with considerations on discharge measurement uncertainty. The study will demonstrate conceptual and experimental evidences to illustrate some of the unsteady flow impacts on rating curves and suggest the development of a uniform end-to-end methodology to enhance the accuracy of the current protocols for continuous stream flow estimation for both steady and unsteady river conditions. Moreover, hysteresis diagnostic method will be presented to provide the way to conveniently evaluate when and where the hysteresis becomes significant as a function of the site and storm event characteristics. The measurement techniques and analysis methodologies proposed herein will allow to dynamically tracking both the flood wave propagation and the associated uncertainty in the conventional RCs.
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Scheffler, Gregor. "Validation of hygrothermal material modelling under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2008.

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The achievable accuracy of hygrothermal building component simulation is significantly dependent on the applied material functions. These functions are determined by the material modelling marking the connection between the basic storage and transport parameters which are obtained from basic measurements, and the storage and transport coefficients which are defined within the balance and flow equations. It is the aim of the present study to develop a flexible and widely applicable material model which is not restricted to the current level of the transport theory. Furthermore, limits and options of this model are to be validated by means of four building materials on the basis of special transient moisture profile measurements. The study’s starting point is a comprehensive investigation of both, the different existing modelling approaches and the available experimental methods to determine basic hygrothermal material parameters. On this basis, the material modelling is set into the context of the heat and moisture transport theory derived from thermodynamics. The involved limits and restrictions are highlighted and options as well as requirements for further developments are pointed out. The developments this study focuses on comprise three fields: experiments for basic property determination, material modelling, and experiments for material model validation. The set of basic material investigation methods has been extended by the drying experiment under defined conditions. The different influences on the drying as well as its application to hygrothermal material model calibration are pointed out and appraised. On this basis, a drying apparatus is designed, built and applied. Ultimately, standardisation criteria and the derivation of a single-value drying coefficient are evaluated. Appropriate extensions are indicated. Based on the bundle of tubes approach, an own material model is developed. It is coupled with a mechanistical approach accounting for serial and parallel structured moisture transport phenomena. The derived liquid water conductivity is adjusted by the help of measured conductivity data close to saturation as well as within the hygroscopic moisture range. Subsequently, two internal modelling parameters are calibrated which is done by numerical simulation of the water uptake and the drying experiment under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage. Facilitating its application to the obtained laboratory data, the material model has been implemented into a computer program. It is applied to the four building materials brick, lime-sand brick, aerated concrete and calcium silicate. The adjusted material functions are shown and discussed. In all four cases, the calibration provides an excellent agreement between measured and calculated material behaviour. As experimental basis of the material model validation, the instantaneous profile measurement technique (IPM) has been extended to be applied in Building Physics. Special equipment is developed and measurement procedures are designed. Different models to derive the water content from dielectric data obtained by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) measurements are evaluated and implemented. Ultimately, an extensive program of transient moisture profile measurements within the hygroscopic and the overhygroscopic moisture content range is conducted and evaluated. Within the frame of validation, the developments on the experimental as well as on the modelling fields are combined. The IPM experiments are recalculated on the basis of the measured initial and boundary conditions applying the adjusted and calibrated material functions. The comparison of measured and calculated data reveals the power of the developed material modelling just as the consequences of the simplifications made on the transport theory level. The distinct influences of the hysteresis of moisture storage consisting of effects depending on the process history and effects depending on the process dynamics, are proven. By the presented study, the material modelling has been decisively further developed, the set of basic measurement methods has been extended by a substantial experiment and the instantaneous profile measurement technique has been made applicable to Building Physics. Moreover, the influences of the process history and the process dynamics on the moisture transport and the resulting moisture profiles could be shown and proven. By that, not only a material model is now available which perfectly applies to the requirements of flexibility, applicability and extendability. The obtained data provides also a powerful basis for further research and development
Die Genauigkeit hygrothermischer Bauteilsimulation hängt maßgeblich von den verwendeten Materialfunktionen ab. Sie werden durch die Materialmodellierung bestimmt, welche die Verbindung zwischen den aus Basisexperimenten gewonnenen Speicher- und Transportparametern sowie den innerhalb der Bilanz- und Flussgleichungen definierten Speicher- und Transportkoeffizienten herstellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist zum einen die Entwicklung eines flexiblen, breit anwendbaren und gleichzeitig nicht auf den gegenwärtigen Stand der Transporttheorie beschränkten Materialmodells. Dessen Grenzen und Möglichkeiten sollen zum anderen auf der Grundlage spezieller instationärer Feuchteprofilmessungen anhand von vier Baustoffen untersucht und aufgezeigt werden. Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist eine ausführliche Beleuchtung sowohl der vorhandenen Modellansätze als auch der zur Verfügung stehenden experimentellen Methoden zur Bestimmung hygrothermischer Basisparameter. Auf dieser Grundlage wird die Materialmodellierung in den Kontext der aus der Thermodynamik abgeleiteten Wärmeund Feuchtetransporttheorie eingeordnet. Die damit verbundenen Grenzen und Einschränkungen werden hervorgehoben und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie weiterer Entwicklungsbedarf aufgezeigt. Dieser umfasst drei Bereiche: die Experimente zur Bestimmung von Basisparametern, die Materialmodellierung, sowie Experimente zur Modellvalidierung. Die Reihe der Basisexperimente wird um den Trocknungsversuch unter definierten Bedingungen erweitert. Die verschiedenen Einflüsse auf die Trocknung und deren Anwendung in der Kalibrierung hygrothermischer Materialmodellierung werden herausgestellt und bewertet. Darauf aufbauend wird eine Apparatur entworfen, gebaut und angewendet. Schließlich werden Kriterien zur Standardisierung und Ableitung eines Einzahlenkennwertes evaluiert. Sinnvolle Erweiterungen werden aufgezeigt. Es wird ein eigenes Materialmodell auf der Grundlage eines Porenbündelansatzes hergeleitet, welches mit einem mechanistischen Ansatz gekoppelt wird, der den Feuchtetransport in seriell und parallel strukturierte Bereiche untergliedert. Die abgeleitete Flüssigwasserleitfähigkeit wird anhand von Leitfähigkeitsmessdaten im nahe gesättigten sowie im hygroskopischen Feuchtebereich justiert. Zwei interne Modellparameter werden anschließend unter Berücksichtigung der Hysterese der Feuchtespeicherung anhand des Aufsaug- und des Trocknungsversuches kalibriert. Das Materialmodell ist zur Erleichterung der Anwendung in ein Computerprogramm zur Anpassung an die Labordaten implementiert worden. Das Programm wird auf die vier Baustoffe Ziegel, Kalksandstein, Porenbeton und Calciumsilikat angewendet. Die entsprechend angepassten Materialfunktionen werden gezeigt und diskutiert. Im Rahmen der Kalibrierung wird eine hervorragende Übereinstimmung zwischen gemessenem und berechnetem Materialverhalten erreicht. Zur Modellvalidierung wird die Augenblicksprofilmethode (IPM) für die bauphysikalische Anwendung erweitert. Spezielle Apparaturen werden entwickelt und Versuchsabläufe entworfen. Modelle zur Ableitung des Wassergehaltes aus mit Hilfe der Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) gewonnenen Dielektrizitätsmessdaten werden evaluiert und implementiert. Schließlich wird ein umfangreiches Programm an Feuchteprofilmessungen im hygroskopischen und überhygroskopischen Feuchtebereich umgesetzt und ausgewertet. Im Rahmen der Validierung werden die Entwicklungen auf experimenteller sowie auf Modellierungsebene zusammengeführt. Die IPM Experimente werden anhand der gemessenen Anfangs- und Randbedingungen und auf der Grundlage der angepassten und kalibrierten Materialfunktionen nachgerechnet. Der Vergleich zwischen Messung und Rechnung offenbart die Stärke der entwickelten Materialmodellierung ebenso, wie den Einfluss der auf Ebene der Transporttheorie getroffenen Vereinfachungen. Ein deutlicher Einfluss der sich aus der Prozessgeschichte sowie der Prozessdynamik zusammensetzenden Hysterese der Feuchtespeicherung kann nachgewiesen werden. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ist somit nicht nur die Materialmodellierung entscheidend weiterentwickelt, die Reihe der einfachen Basisexperimente um einen wesentlichen Versuch erweitert und die Augenblicksprofilmethode für bauphysikalische Belange anwendbar gemacht worden, es wurden auch die Einflüsse der Prozessgeschichte, und erstmals auch der Prozessdynamik, auf den Feuchtetransport sowie die sich einstellenden Feuchteprofile deutlich aufgezeigt und nachgewiesen. Es ist demnach nicht nur ein Materialmodell, welches den gestellten Anforderungen an Flexibilität, breite Anwendbarkeit und Erweiterbarkeit genügt, entwickelt worden, es wird mit den gewonnenen Messdaten auch die Grundlage weiterer Forschung zur Verfügung gestellt
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Scheffler, Gregor. "Validation of hygrothermal material modelling under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage." Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2007.

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The achievable accuracy of hygrothermal building component simulation is significantly dependent on the applied material functions. These functions are determined by the material modelling marking the connection between the basic storage and transport parameters which are obtained from basic measurements, and the storage and transport coefficients which are defined within the balance and flow equations. It is the aim of the present study to develop a flexible and widely applicable material model which is not restricted to the current level of the transport theory. Furthermore, limits and options of this model are to be validated by means of four building materials on the basis of special transient moisture profile measurements. The study’s starting point is a comprehensive investigation of both, the different existing modelling approaches and the available experimental methods to determine basic hygrothermal material parameters. On this basis, the material modelling is set into the context of the heat and moisture transport theory derived from thermodynamics. The involved limits and restrictions are highlighted and options as well as requirements for further developments are pointed out. The developments this study focuses on comprise three fields: experiments for basic property determination, material modelling, and experiments for material model validation. The set of basic material investigation methods has been extended by the drying experiment under defined conditions. The different influences on the drying as well as its application to hygrothermal material model calibration are pointed out and appraised. On this basis, a drying apparatus is designed, built and applied. Ultimately, standardisation criteria and the derivation of a single-value drying coefficient are evaluated. Appropriate extensions are indicated. Based on the bundle of tubes approach, an own material model is developed. It is coupled with a mechanistical approach accounting for serial and parallel structured moisture transport phenomena. The derived liquid water conductivity is adjusted by the help of measured conductivity data close to saturation as well as within the hygroscopic moisture range. Subsequently, two internal modelling parameters are calibrated which is done by numerical simulation of the water uptake and the drying experiment under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage. Facilitating its application to the obtained laboratory data, the material model has been implemented into a computer program. It is applied to the four building materials brick, lime-sand brick, aerated concrete and calcium silicate. The adjusted material functions are shown and discussed. In all four cases, the calibration provides an excellent agreement between measured and calculated material behaviour. As experimental basis of the material model validation, the instantaneous profile measurement technique (IPM) has been extended to be applied in Building Physics. Special equipment is developed and measurement procedures are designed. Different models to derive the water content from dielectric data obtained by Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) measurements are evaluated and implemented. Ultimately, an extensive program of transient moisture profile measurements within the hygroscopic and the overhygroscopic moisture content range is conducted and evaluated. Within the frame of validation, the developments on the experimental as well as on the modelling fields are combined. The IPM experiments are recalculated on the basis of the measured initial and boundary conditions applying the adjusted and calibrated material functions. The comparison of measured and calculated data reveals the power of the developed material modelling just as the consequences of the simplifications made on the transport theory level. The distinct influences of the hysteresis of moisture storage consisting of effects depending on the process history and effects depending on the process dynamics, are proven. By the presented study, the material modelling has been decisively further developed, the set of basic measurement methods has been extended by a substantial experiment and the instantaneous profile measurement technique has been made applicable to Building Physics. Moreover, the influences of the process history and the process dynamics on the moisture transport and the resulting moisture profiles could be shown and proven. By that, not only a material model is now available which perfectly applies to the requirements of flexibility, applicability and extendability. The obtained data provides also a powerful basis for further research and development.
Die Genauigkeit hygrothermischer Bauteilsimulation hängt maßgeblich von den verwendeten Materialfunktionen ab. Sie werden durch die Materialmodellierung bestimmt, welche die Verbindung zwischen den aus Basisexperimenten gewonnenen Speicher- und Transportparametern sowie den innerhalb der Bilanz- und Flussgleichungen definierten Speicher- und Transportkoeffizienten herstellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist zum einen die Entwicklung eines flexiblen, breit anwendbaren und gleichzeitig nicht auf den gegenwärtigen Stand der Transporttheorie beschränkten Materialmodells. Dessen Grenzen und Möglichkeiten sollen zum anderen auf der Grundlage spezieller instationärer Feuchteprofilmessungen anhand von vier Baustoffen untersucht und aufgezeigt werden. Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist eine ausführliche Beleuchtung sowohl der vorhandenen Modellansätze als auch der zur Verfügung stehenden experimentellen Methoden zur Bestimmung hygrothermischer Basisparameter. Auf dieser Grundlage wird die Materialmodellierung in den Kontext der aus der Thermodynamik abgeleiteten Wärmeund Feuchtetransporttheorie eingeordnet. Die damit verbundenen Grenzen und Einschränkungen werden hervorgehoben und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie weiterer Entwicklungsbedarf aufgezeigt. Dieser umfasst drei Bereiche: die Experimente zur Bestimmung von Basisparametern, die Materialmodellierung, sowie Experimente zur Modellvalidierung. Die Reihe der Basisexperimente wird um den Trocknungsversuch unter definierten Bedingungen erweitert. Die verschiedenen Einflüsse auf die Trocknung und deren Anwendung in der Kalibrierung hygrothermischer Materialmodellierung werden herausgestellt und bewertet. Darauf aufbauend wird eine Apparatur entworfen, gebaut und angewendet. Schließlich werden Kriterien zur Standardisierung und Ableitung eines Einzahlenkennwertes evaluiert. Sinnvolle Erweiterungen werden aufgezeigt. Es wird ein eigenes Materialmodell auf der Grundlage eines Porenbündelansatzes hergeleitet, welches mit einem mechanistischen Ansatz gekoppelt wird, der den Feuchtetransport in seriell und parallel strukturierte Bereiche untergliedert. Die abgeleitete Flüssigwasserleitfähigkeit wird anhand von Leitfähigkeitsmessdaten im nahe gesättigten sowie im hygroskopischen Feuchtebereich justiert. Zwei interne Modellparameter werden anschließend unter Berücksichtigung der Hysterese der Feuchtespeicherung anhand des Aufsaug- und des Trocknungsversuches kalibriert. Das Materialmodell ist zur Erleichterung der Anwendung in ein Computerprogramm zur Anpassung an die Labordaten implementiert worden. Das Programm wird auf die vier Baustoffe Ziegel, Kalksandstein, Porenbeton und Calciumsilikat angewendet. Die entsprechend angepassten Materialfunktionen werden gezeigt und diskutiert. Im Rahmen der Kalibrierung wird eine hervorragende Übereinstimmung zwischen gemessenem und berechnetem Materialverhalten erreicht. Zur Modellvalidierung wird die Augenblicksprofilmethode (IPM) für die bauphysikalische Anwendung erweitert. Spezielle Apparaturen werden entwickelt und Versuchsabläufe entworfen. Modelle zur Ableitung des Wassergehaltes aus mit Hilfe der Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) gewonnenen Dielektrizitätsmessdaten werden evaluiert und implementiert. Schließlich wird ein umfangreiches Programm an Feuchteprofilmessungen im hygroskopischen und überhygroskopischen Feuchtebereich umgesetzt und ausgewertet. Im Rahmen der Validierung werden die Entwicklungen auf experimenteller sowie auf Modellierungsebene zusammengeführt. Die IPM Experimente werden anhand der gemessenen Anfangs- und Randbedingungen und auf der Grundlage der angepassten und kalibrierten Materialfunktionen nachgerechnet. Der Vergleich zwischen Messung und Rechnung offenbart die Stärke der entwickelten Materialmodellierung ebenso, wie den Einfluss der auf Ebene der Transporttheorie getroffenen Vereinfachungen. Ein deutlicher Einfluss der sich aus der Prozessgeschichte sowie der Prozessdynamik zusammensetzenden Hysterese der Feuchtespeicherung kann nachgewiesen werden. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ist somit nicht nur die Materialmodellierung entscheidend weiterentwickelt, die Reihe der einfachen Basisexperimente um einen wesentlichen Versuch erweitert und die Augenblicksprofilmethode für bauphysikalische Belange anwendbar gemacht worden, es wurden auch die Einflüsse der Prozessgeschichte, und erstmals auch der Prozessdynamik, auf den Feuchtetransport sowie die sich einstellenden Feuchteprofile deutlich aufgezeigt und nachgewiesen. Es ist demnach nicht nur ein Materialmodell, welches den gestellten Anforderungen an Flexibilität, breite Anwendbarkeit und Erweiterbarkeit genügt, entwickelt worden, es wird mit den gewonnenen Messdaten auch die Grundlage weiterer Forschung zur Verfügung gestellt.
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Vadakkeveetil, Sunish. "Analytical Modeling for Sliding Friction of Rubber-Road Contact." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2017.

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Rubber friction is an important aspect to tire engineers, material developers and pavement engineers because of its importance in the estimation of forces generated at the contact, which further helps in optimizing tire and vehicle performances, and to estimate tire wear. It mainly depends on the material properties, contact mechanics and operating condition. There are two major contributions to rubber friction, due to repeated viscoelastic deformation from undulations of surface called hysteresis and due to Vander Waals interaction of the molecules called adhesion. The study focuses on analytical modeling of friction for stationary sliding of rubber block on rough surfaces. Two novel approaches are discussed and compared. Frictional shear stress is obtained from the energy dissipated at the contact interface due to the elastic deformations of rubber block at different length scales. Contact mechanics theories based on continuity approach combined with stochastic processes to estimate the real contact area, mean penetration depth and true stresses at contact depending on operating conditions. Rubber properties are highly temperature dependent. Temperature model developed based on heat diffusion relation is integrated to consider the effects of temperature rise due to frictional heating. Model results are validated with theoretical results of literature. Simulation results of friction model is obtained for Compound A sliding on rough surface. Material properties are obtained using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Time temperature superposition. Influence of the friction models under different conditions are discussed. Model results are validated with experimental data from Dynamic friction tester on a 120-grit surface followed by future works.
Master of Science
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Majdoub, Fida. "Innovative measurement of ultra-low friction : analysis of dynamic free responses characterized by damped oscillatory motion." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2013.

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Réduire l'énergie générée par le frottement et dissipée dans les systèmes mécaniques réels est un des challenges actuels en tribologie. Ce point représente une importance toute particulière dans le domaine des transports terrestres. En réponse à cette nécessité, les constructeurs automobiles se concentrent sur la réduction de la consommation d'énergie en sélectionnant des lubrifiants et des matériaux appropriés d'une part et les systèmes mécaniques performants d'autre part. Grâce à leurs propriétés physiques et tribologiques en termes de réduction de la friction et de l'usure, les couches minces de DLC (Diamond-like Carbon) sont considérées comme l'une des solutions. Le comportement tribologique de couches minces de ta-C (carbone amorphe très dur dépourvu d'hydrogène) et de a-C:H (carbone amorphe hydrogéné) est ici exploré. D'autre part, des "lubrifiants verts" et des additifs participant aussi à la réduction du frottement et de l'usure sont testés. Ces essais sont effectués dans différentes conditions en utilisant une nouvelle méthodologie expérimentale. Le tribomètre dynamique oscillant développé au LTDS possède la capacité de quantifier avec une très grande précision et sans recourir à une quelconque mesure de force, des niveaux de frottement faibles (dans la gamme 10 - 5 à 10 - 2), et permet en plus d'identifier différentes contributions du frottement. Dans un premier temps, une loi de frottement linéaire a été utilisée afin d'évaluer deux contributions de frottement. La première, μ0 est le coefficient transitoire de frottement quand la vitesse s'annule au changement de direction (du type frottement de Coulomb). La seconde, μ1, est une contribution dépendante de la vitesse de glissement. Ensuite, une étude numérique a été réalisée en appliquant une loi de frottement quadratique afin de mieux comprendre l'aspect dynamique des réponses libres. Cela nous a permis d'étudier numériquement la décroissance d'amplitude des oscillations déterminée grâce à la méthode de moindres carrés. Nous nous intéressons aussi à l'étude des formes de l'enveloppe de ces oscillations en relation avec le modèle de frottement. Les résultats numériques et expérimentaux pour les lois de frottement linéaire et quadratique sont ensuite comparés. En complément, nous avons mesuré la force tangentielle correspondant aux tribosystèmes testés. Finalement, nous avons étudié numériquement un système dynamique masse-ressort à un degré de liberté, modélisé par la loi de frottement LuGre. Cette loi est décrite par le phénomène d'hystérésis et l'effet de décalage de temps qui ont été détectés expérimentalement. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec le tribomètre oscillant montrent qu'ils sont qualitativement comparables à ceux obtenus en configuration classique cylindre-plan, travaillant à vitesse de glissement constante. Dans tous les cas, les résultats montrent la supériorité du tribosystème ta-C/ta-C dans la réduction du frottement μ0. De plus, les résultats numériques et expérimentaux sont cohérents. Cette étude montre qu'une loi de frottement quadratique est capable de décrire correctement toutes les formes d'enveloppes obtenues expérimentalement : droite, convexe, concave et une combinaison des formes convexe et concave.
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Lišková, Zuzana. "Tvorba nanostruktur a nanosoučástek pro oblast nanoelektroniky a spintroniky." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2015.

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The thesis deals with preparation of graphene nanostructures and their applications in the measurement of transport properties of graphene. The contacts for measurement of resistance are fabricated by electron beam lithography on graphene exfoliated flakes, CVD graphene layers and grains. Graphene is also shaped using the same method. Resistivity of the layer, concentration and mobility of charge carriers are determined by different approaches. Hysteresis appearing in dependence of resistivity on the gate voltage is discussed as well. A significant part of the work is dedicated to monitoring the response of graphene resistance to relative humidity changes and potential use of graphene as a sensor of relative humidity.
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Schnabl, Jan. "Měření ztrát feromagnetických materiálů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013.

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The first part of this thesis deals with the basic division of magnetic circuits and materials which are used for their construction. The next section focuses on the description of losses in the magnetic circuit. There is a description of hysteresis losses and eddy losses. The chapter contains the theoretical basis for the mathematical description of hysteresis and eddy losses. There is an analysis of the losses caused by the first harmonious and additional losses caused by harmonics. The third part describes the measurement of losses in ferromagnetic materials. There are all methods that are used. The fourth and fifth chapter is devoted to practical measurement hysteresis losses 1. phase transformer and measuring eddy losses in the inductor using the pulse method.
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Bulín, Tomáš. "Analýza ztrát v elektrických strojích při nestandardních podmínkách." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2019.

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This thesis deals with the analysis of magnetic losses in electrical machines and the possibilities of their measurement. Magnetically soft and hard materials are very prone to changing magnetic properties. They can be changed simply by changing the temperature of the material or different stresses induced in the material, resulting in different results. These changes are important to keep in mind when an electric machine is being designed. The original parameters of the affected materials can be restored by annealing or grinding. These methods release the induced stresses within the material. Due to these effects, it is also important to know how to measure magnetic parameters. Each way has its own specifics and has a certain error of the measurement. When the machines for higher efficiency, rpm or higher temperatures are designed, it is advisable to know how their magnetic properties changed. This thesis deals with the properties of different materials, their measurements and finally simulation of the chosen electric machine with the application of the measured results.
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Teichmann, Jürgen. "Untersuchung allgemeiner Eigenschaften, Optimierung und integrierte Realisierung logischer Schaltungen mit hystereseförmiger Übertragungskennlinie." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2014.

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Zur Verbesserung der Störsicherheit bei der digitalen Signalübertragung wird eine Hysterese in die Übertragungskennlinie des Gatters eingefügt. Der Einfluss der Höhe der beiden Schwellwerte auf die Anzahl der auftretenden Fehler wird mittels eines Rechnerprogrammes untersucht. Ein Zufallsgenerator erzeugt Signale in verschiedenen Höhen und Breiten, die sich den ungestörten Signalen überlagern. Es erfolgt eine Umsetzung einer integrierten Schaltung auf einem TTL Master. Die Schaltung wird mittels eines eigens entwickelten Netzwerkanalyseprgrammes berechnet. Messergebnisse werden mitgeteilt
To enhance the noise immunity of digital signal transmission, a hysteresis is introduced to the transfer characteristic of integrated digital circuit. The influence of height of the two threshold values to the number of occurring errors is examined by a computer program. A random number generator generates signals of different heights and widths, which are superimposed on the undisturbed signals. There is an implementation of an integrated circuit on a TTL master. The DC performane is calculated by means of a specially developed circuit analysis program. Measurement results are presented
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Belica, Andrej. "Speciální asynchronní motory malého výkonu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2016.

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Master thesis deals with design and construction of the most widely used engines currently. Overall, it is divided into five chapters, the first chapter deals with constructional features of various three-phase asynchronous motors, the second chapter briefly paid attention to single-phase motors. The next chapter focuses on the specific engine types, which differ from standard induction motors in its design implementation. This is an engine with full rotor, hysteresis, linear and with shaded field. Although asynchronous motors are considered the most reliable machines work in imperfect conditions, it leads to frequent breakdowns. This is covered in chapter four. Based on the findings from previous chapters the fifth chapter includes a preliminary draft of the asynchronous motor with a full rotor. The last chapter is devoted to the measurement on functional models.
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Schönborg, Niclas. "Development of loss models for a high-temperature superconducting tape." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Electrical Systems, 2001.

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In the recent years significant progresses in thedevelopment of high-temperature superconductors have been made.It is realistic to believe that power applications, based onthese conductors, in a few years will become available. To beable to utilise the conductors in an optimum way, theunderstanding of their behaviour under application-likecondition is essential. One important parameter that has to beoptimised is the power loss, which means that mathematicalmodels of these losses have to be developed. In a typicalapplication the superconductor is utilised in a coilconfiguration where the actual magnetic field is considerablehigher than for a straight structure. For power frequencies thelosses are dominated by hysteresis losses and flux flowlosses.

In this thesis, mathematical models of the hysteresis andthe flux flow losses as a function of a transport current, anexternal magnetic field, the temperature and the frequency havebeen developed. The transport current and the magnetic field,which are assumed to be proportional to each other, includeboth an ac and a dc component. The models of the hysteresislosses are based on the critical state theory, and for twoidealised geometries, an infinite slab and a thin strip, newexact closed form equations have been derived. The equationsfor the two idealised geometries are then superimposed tofacilitate the description of a more realistic geometry, i.e. asuperconducting tape with a finite width and thickness. Themodel of the flux flow losses is valid for a tape shapedconductor and is based on both measurements and reasonablephysical assumptions. For the development and the validation ofthe models, a calorimetric measurement set-up has been used.From a limited number of relatively simple measurements, thedeveloped models can be adjusted to a certain superconductor,and the power losses for the actual superconductor can bepredicted in considerable more complicated cases.

Keywords:high-temperature superconductor, hysteresislosses, flux flow losses, critical state model, calorimetricmeasurements

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Nayyerloo, Mostafa. "Real-time Structural Health Monitoring of Nonlinear Hysteretic Structures." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.

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The great social and economic impact of earthquakes has made necessary the development of novel structural health monitoring (SHM) solutions for increasing the level of structural safety and assessment. SHM is the process of comparing the current state of a structure’s condition relative to a healthy baseline state to detect the existence, location, and degree of likely damage during or after a damaging input, such as an earthquake. Many SHM algorithms have been proposed in the literature. However, a large majority of these algorithms cannot be implemented in real time. Therefore, their results would not be available during or immediately after a major event for urgent post-event response and decision making. Further, these off-line techniques are not capable of providing the input information required for structural control systems for damage mitigation. The small number of real-time SHM (RT-SHM) methods proposed in the past, resolve these issues. However, these approaches have significant computational complexity and typically do not manage nonlinear cases directly associated with relevant damage metrics. Finally, many available SHM methods require full structural response measurement, including velocities and displacements, which are typically difficult to measure. All these issues make implementation of many existing SHM algorithms very difficult if not impossible. This thesis proposes simpler, more suitable algorithms utilising a nonlinear Bouc-Wen hysteretic baseline model for RT-SHM of a large class of nonlinear hysteretic structures. The RT-SHM algorithms are devised so that they can accommodate different levels of the availability of design data or measured structural responses, and therefore, are applicable to both existing and new structures. The second focus of the thesis is on developing a high-speed, high-resolution, seismic structural displacement measurement sensor to enable these methods and many other SHM approaches by using line-scan cameras as a low-cost and powerful means of measuring structural displacements at high sampling rates and high resolution. Overall, the results presented are thus significant steps towards developing smart, damage-free structures and providing more reliable information for post-event decision making.
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Ribbenfjärd, David. "A lumped element transformer model including core losses and winding impedances." Licentiate thesis, KTH, School of Electrical Engineering (EES), 2007.

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In order to design a power transformer it is important to understand its internal electromagnetic behaviour. That can be obtained by measurements on physical transformers, analytical expressions and computer simulations. One benefit with simulations is that the transformer can be studied before it is built physically and that the consequences of changing dimensions and parameters easily can be tested.

In this thesis a time-domain transformer model is presented. The model includes core losses as magnetic static hysteresis, eddy current and excess eddy current losses. Moreover, the model comprises winding losses including eddy currents, capacitive effects and leakage flux. The core and windings are first modelled separately and then connected together in a total transformer model. This results in a detailed transformer model.

One important result of the thesis is the possibility to simulate dynamic hysteresis including the eddy current shielding in the magnetic core material. This is achieved by using Cauer circuit combined with analytical expression for static and dynamic hysteresis. Thereby, all magnetic loss components in the material can be simulated accurately. This dynamic hysteresis model is verified through experiments showing very good agreement.

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Carrander, Claes. "Magnetizing Currents in Power Transformers : Measurements, Simulations, and Diagnostic Methods." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2017.

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This thesis demonstrates a method for transformer core diagnostics. The method uses the no-load current of the transformer as an indicator, and gives different characteristic signatures for different types of faults or defects. Using the no-load current for the diagnostic gives high sensitivity. The method is therefore able to detect defects that are too small to have an impact on the losses. In addition to different types of fault, the method can in some cases also distinguish between faults in different locations within the core. Both single-phase and three-phase transformers can be diagnosed using this method, and the measurements can be easily performed at any facility capable of measuring the no-load loss. There are, however, some phenomena that occur in large transformers, and in transformers with high rated voltages. Examples include capacitive resonance and magnetic remanence. This thesis proposes and demonstrates techniques for compensating for these phenomena. With these compensating techniques, the repeatability of the measurements is high. It is shown that units with the same core steel tend to have very similar no-load behavior. The diagnostics can then be performed either by comparing the transformer to another unit, or to simulations. The thesis presents one possible simulation method, and demonstrates the agreement with measurements. This topological simulation method includes both the electric circuit and an accurate model of the magnetic hysteresis. It is therefore also suitable for other, related, studies in addition to core diagnostics. Possible subjects include ferroresonance, inrush, DC magnetization of transformers, and transformer core optimization. The thesis also demonstrates that, for three-phase transformers, it is possible to compare the phases to each other. This technique makes it possible to diagnose a transformer even without a previous measurement to compare to, and without the data required to make a simulation.

QC 20170607

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Ribbenfjärd, David. "Electromagnetic transformer modelling including the ferromagnetic core." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2010.

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In order to design a power transformer it is important to understand its internal electromagnetic behaviour. That can be obtained by measurements on physical transformers, analytical expressions and computer simulations. One benefit with simulations is that the transformer can be studied before it is built physically and that the consequences of changing dimensions and parameters easily can be assessed. In this thesis a time-domain transformer model is presented. The model includes core phenomena as magnetic static hysteresis, eddy current and excess losses. Moreover, the model comprises winding phenomena as eddy currents, capacitive effects and leakage flux. The core and windings are first modelled separately and then connected together in a composite transformer model. This results in a detailed transformer model. One important result of the thesis is the feasibility to simulate dynamic magnetization including the inhomogeneous field distribution due to eddy currents in the magnetic core material. This is achieved by using a Cauer circuit combined with models for static and dynamic magnetization. Thereby, all magnetic loss components in the material can be simulated accurately. This composite dynamic magnetization model is verified through experiments showing very good correspondence with measurements. Furthermore, the composite transformer model is verified through measurements. The model is shown to yield good correspondence with measurements in normal operation and non-normal operations like no-load, inrush current and DC-magnetization.
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Plíšek, Oldřich. "Analýza ztrát v železe malého asynchronního motoru." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018.

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The aim of this master´s thesis is to analyze core losses of a small induction motor. Analyzed values are obtained from laboratory measurements, software analysis and 2D finite element method simulation. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of two parts. The analysis of the higher spatial harmonics presents in the induction motor and the analysis of core losses of the motor. Practical part consists of laboratory measurements according to ČSN. Measured values are used to calculate individual losses. The next part consists of creating a model for software analysis (Maxwell RMxprt). The generated model is converted into a 2D simulation environment (Maxwell 2D), where it is adapted to obtain values from the examined parts (rotor and stator teeth and rotor cage). Results of simulations at different loads are compared and analyzed from the point of view of higher harmonics.
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Causse, Jean. "Temporalité des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants à algues vertes." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2015.

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En Bretagne, les « marées vertes » sont récurrentes depuis le début des années 70 et occupent une place importante dans le débat public en terme sanitaire, politique et économique. Lors de cette thèse, une large revue bibliographique a été réalisée sur l’export d’azote et une méthodologie innovante a été mise en place afin d’étudier la variabilité spatio-temporelle de l’export de nutriments dans 2 bassins versants à algues vertes à une échelle intra-annuelle et pendant des évènements extrêmes (évènements pluvieux, période touristique de basses eaux,…). Les bassins versants sélectionnés pour les expérimentations de terrain sont l’Ic et le Frémur (Côtes d’Armor). 3 types d’expérimentations ont été réalisées sur ces bassins versants : 1) Des campagnes de prélèvements ponctuels par temps sec et par temps de pluie (32 stations, 27 campagnes) ; 2) des prélèvements automatiques en crue (3 stations, 8 crues) ; et 3) la mesure haute fréquence (2 stations, en continu). Les paramètres hydrologiques et physico-chimiques classiques, les matières en suspension, les spectres UV et toutes les formes de macronutriments (carbone, azote, phosphore) ont été analysés lors de ces expérimentations. Les résultats obtenus confirment pour une part un certain nombre de résultats de la littérature. D’autre part, il met en lumière la relation carbone/nitrates, jusqu’à présent peu étudiée à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles et pendant des évènements pluvieux, qui semble pourtant primordiale dans la compréhension des phénomènes d’export de nitrates à l’échelle de l’année. Enfin, l’analyse de toutes les formes de nutriments révèle l’importance des formes particulaires issues de l’érosion des sols. Ces résultats soulèvent de nombreuses questions de recherche qui mériteraient un approfondissement afin d’améliorer la connaissance des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants et prioriser les actions de remédiations. Les perspectives de ce travail sont à la fois scientifiques et pratiques. Au niveau scientifique, les efforts de recherche sur la relation carbone/nitrate et l’identification de la fraction de carbone organique assimilable par les organismes dénitrifiants doivent être poursuivis. De même, l’amélioration des connaissances sur l’export de nutriments en crue passe par l’identification précise des sources de nutriments particulaires pendant les crues printanières. Au niveau pratique, il doit contribuer à l’amélioration des pratiques agricoles, à la reconnaissance de l’intérêt des zones humides naturelles et à l’amélioration des types de traitement utilisés par les stations d’épuration. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude devraient notamment être mis en relation avec la dynamique des nutriments observée dans l’estran pendant la période de développement des algues vertes. Enfin, un effort d’amélioration de l’accès à certains type de données sur les bassins versants est nécessaire afin d’améliorer la compréhension des transferts de nutriments
In Brittany (Western France), "green tides" are recurrent since the early 70s and have an important place in public debate in health, political and economic terms. In this thesis, a wide bibliographic review was performed on the export of nitrogen, and an innovative methodology has been set up to study the spatial and temporal variability of nutrient export in two coastal watersheds on an intra-annual basis and during extreme events (rainfall events, tourist periods of low water, ...). Watersheds selected for the field experiments are Ic and Frémur (Côtes d'Armor). 3 types of experiments were performed on these watersheds: 1) Campaigns of grab samples by dry and wet weather (32 stations, 27 campaigns); 2) automatic sampling during floods (3 stations, 8 floods); and 3) high frequency measurement (2 stations, continuous). Conventional hydrological and physicochemical parameters, suspended solids, UV spectra and all forms of macronutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) were analyzed during these experiments. The results confirm in part a number of results of the literature. Furthermore, it highlights the relationship carbon / nitrates far little studied at different spatial and temporal scales and during rainfall events, which however seems to be crucial in understanding of nitrate export. Finally, the analysis of all forms of nutrients reveals the importance of particulate forms from soil erosion. These results raise many research questions that merit further development in order to improve knowledge on nutrient transfers in watersheds and prioritize remediation actions. The prospects of this work are both scientific and practical. At the scientific level, research efforts on the relationship carbon / nitrate and identification of the assimilable fraction of organic carbon by denitrifying organisms must be continued. Similarly, the knowledge on nutrient export must be improved through the precise identification of particulate nutrient sources during the spring floods. On a practical level, it should contribute to the improvement of agricultural practices, the recognition of the interest of natural wetlands and improvement of the types of treatment used by treatment plants. The results obtained in this study should in particular be linked to the dynamics of nutrients in the foreshore observed during the development of green algae. Finally, an effort to improve access to certain types of data on watersheds is needed to improve understanding of nutrient transfers
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Dogantimur, Erkan, and Daniel Johnsson. "Analysis of Accuracy for Engine and Gearbox Sensors." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, 2019.

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This thesis provides a standardized method to measure accuracy for engine and gearbox sensors. Accuracy is defined by ISO 5725, which states that trueness and precision need to be known to provide a metric for accuracy. However, obtaining and processing the data required for this is not straight forward. In this thesis, a method is presented that consists of two main parts: data acquisition and data analysis. The data acquisition part shows how to connect all of the equipment used and how to sample and store all the raw data from the sensors. The data analysis part shows how to process that raw data into statistical data, such as trueness, repeatability and reproducibility for the sensors. Once repeatability and reproducibility are known, the total precision can be determined. Accuracy can then be obtained by using information from trueness and precision. Besides, this thesis shows that measurement error can be separated into error caused by the sensors and error caused by the measurand. This is useful information, because it can be used to assess which type of error is the greatest, whether or not it can be compensated for, and if it is economically viable to compensate for such error.  The results are then shown, where it is possible to gain information about the sensors’ performance from various graphs. Between Hall and inductive sensors, there were no superior winner, since they both have their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis ends by making recommendations on how to compensate for some of the errors, and how to improve upon the method to make it more automatic in the future.
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Halfar, Tomáš. "Zlepšení energetických parametrů asynchronních strojů malého výkonu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013.

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The master’s thesis Improvement power parameter of small induction motors deals with issues of lowering the losses of small induction motors. The first part introduces with design and principles of operation of induction motors. Also introduces to theoretical problematic of losses, their lowering and measuring. In the practical part there are results of the measuring the losses in the induction motor ATAS Elektromotory Náchod a.s. T22VT512 (71-0512). There are proposed methods of increasing the efficiency of induction motor due to measuring and their verification in the Maxwell software. The last part is dedicated to measuring the losses of prototype motor from ATAS and comparison of results with previous motor.
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Krings, Andreas. "Iron Losses in Electrical Machines - Influence of Material Properties, Manufacturing Processes, and Inverter Operation." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Elektrisk energiomvandling, 2014.

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As the major electricity consumer, electrical machines play a key role for global energy savings. Machine manufacturers put considerable efforts into the development of more efficient electrical machines for loss reduction and higher power density achievements. A consolidated knowledge of the occurring losses in electrical machines is a basic requirement for efficiency improvements. This thesis deals with iron losses in electrical machines. The major focus is on the influences of the stator core magnetic material due to the machine manufacturing process, temperature influences, and the impact of inverter operation. The first part of the thesis gives an overview of typical losses in electrical machines, with focus put on iron losses. Typical models for predicting iron losses in magnetic materials are presented in a comprehensive literature study. A broad comparison of magnetic materials and the introduction of a new material selection tool conclude this part. Next to the typically used silicon-iron lamination alloys for electrical machines, this thesis investigates also cobalt-iron and nickel-iron lamination sheets. These materials have superior magnetic properties in terms of saturation magnetization and hysteresis losses compared to silicon-iron alloys. The second and major part of the thesis introduces the developed measurement system of this project and presents experimental iron loss investigations. Influences due to machine manufacturing changes are studied, including punching, stacking and welding effects. Furthermore, the effect of pulse-width modulation schemes on the iron losses and machine performance is examined experimentally and with finite-element method simulations. For nickel-iron lamination sheets, a special focus is put on the temperature dependency, since the magnetic characteristics and iron losses change considerably with increasing temperature. Furthermore, thermal stress-relief processes (annealing) are examined for cobalt-iron and nickel-iron alloys by magnetic measurements and microscopic analysis. A thermal method for local iron loss measurements is presented in the last part of the thesis, together with experimental validation on an outer-rotor permanent magnet synchronous machine.

QC 20140516

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Moalla, Rahma. "Couches minces d'oxydes pyroélectriques épitaxiées sur Si pour la récupération d'énergie thermique." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.

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Les systèmes de récupération d'énergie sont prometteurs pour l'auto-alimentation des dispositifs intégrés. Les matériaux pyroélectriques couplant un changement de température à un changement de polarisation électrique peuvent être utilisés pour la conversion de l'énergie thermique en énergie électrique sans nécessité de maintien de gradients thermiques qui constitue un inconvénient majeur dans les modules thermoélectriques compacts. Dans cette thèse, le PbZro.52Tio.48O3 (PZT) et le BaxSr1-xTiUO3 (x = l et x = 0.7) à fort coefficients pyroélectriques, sont choisis, élaborés en couches minces épitaxiées, caractérisés pour étudier leur potentiel de récupération d'énergie thermique. Ce travail comporte deux aspects : le premier consiste au développement et l'optimisation des conditions de croissance des hétérostructures intégrées et épitaxiées sur silicium. Le deuxième est focalisé sur l'étude des propriétés fonctionnelles (ferroélectriques, diélectriques et pyroélectriques) et à l' estimation du pouvoir de récupération d'énergie principalement des couches de PZT. Une corrélation entre ces deux aspects est ainsi présente. Un changement de la structure cristalline est montré sur les empilements intégrés sur Si, en comparaison avec des structures équivalentes réalisées sur substrat de STO. L'impact de ceci a été directement constaté sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des couches hétéroépitaxiées de PZT. Ainsi une anisotropie importante de ces propriétés a pu être mise en évidence, en complétant cette étude par des mesures dans le plan a l'aide de peignes interdigités. Ces observations ont été cohérentes avec les mesures de la diffraction des rayons X en fonction de la température. Par ailleurs, les différentes méthodes et configurations de mesures du coefficient pyroélectrique sur PZT ont permis une meilleure compréhension du phénomène et la distinction des diverses contributions existantes. La mesure statique indirecte issue de la variation de la polarisation rémanente en fonction de la température renseigne sur l'effet pyroélectrique intrinsèque (et secondaire). Cependant les mesures dynamiques du courant pyroélectrique pendant un changement de la température contiennent toutes les contributions pyroélectriques et non pyroélectriques, comme les effets extrinsèques et le courant de relaxation. Des mesures pyroélectriques dynamiques sous champ électrique, se rapprochant des conditions de cycles de récupération d'énergie thermique, ont permis de montrer que des courants de conduction apparaissaient même pour des bonnes couches de PZT diélectriques épaisses. Ces courants masquent les courants pyroélectriques et rendent l'application de générateur électrique par cycles thermodynamiques sous champ électrique rédhibitoire. Des composants passifs n'utilisant pas ou peu de champs électriques tels que des capteurs devront plutôt être envisagées
Due to the wasted heat in ever more compact microelectronic devices, the harvesting of thermal energy has become interesting for self-powering small devices. Consequently, pyroelectric materials witch couple a change in temperature to a change in electrical polarization may be used for the conversion of the thermal energy to an electric energy without necessity of maintaining thermal gradients that is a main drawback in compact devices with thermoelectric materials. In this thesis, PbZro.52Tio.48O3 (PZT) and BaxSr1-xTiUO3 (x = l and x = 0.7), with high pyroelectric coefficients are chosen, elaborated in thin epitaxial layers, characterized structurally and electrically to study their potential for thermal energy harvesting. This work has two aspects: the first consists in the development and optimization of the growth conditions of epitaxial heterostructures integrated on Si. The second one focuses on the study of the functional properties ( ferroelectric, dielectric and pyroelectric) and the estimation of the energy harvesting efficiency mainly of PZT layers. A correlation between these two aspects is then done. A change in the crystal structure is shown on the Si-integrated stacks in comparison with equivalent structures grown on STO substrate. This structural behavior impacts directly the functional properties of the heteroepitaxial layers of PZT. Th us, an important anisotropy of these properties was demonstrated and completed by a study of the in plane properties using measurements by interdigital capacitors. These observations were consistent with measurements of X - ray diffraction as a function of temperature. Otherwise, different methods and configurations of pyroelectric coefficient measurements on PZT have allowed a better understanding of the phenomenon and the distinction of the various existing contributions. The indirect static measurement resulting from the variation of the remnant polarization as a function of the temperature gives the intrinsic (and secondary) pyroelectric contributions. However, the dynamic measurements of the pyroelectric current during a change of the temperature contain all the pyroelectric and non-pyroelectric contributions, such as the extrinsic effects and the relaxation current . Dynamic pyroelectric measurements under an electric field are near to the conditions of thermal energy harvesting cycles. Conduction currents appeared, even for good layers of thick dielectric PZT, and mask the pyroelectric currents. This makes the application of electric generator by thermodynamic cycles under electric field prohibitive. Passive components using low or no electrical field such as sensors should be considered
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Chou, Ching-Ming, and 周錦明. "The Measurement, Analysis, and Test of Hysteresis curve for an Amorphous Core Transformer." Thesis, 2002.

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This thesis analyzes the saturation characters of amorphous core transformer and re-establish it’s hysteresis loops by field measurement. The hysteresis loops of silicon steel core transformer are also measured. Then the results are compared. We measure the different core transformers(single-phase, 6900/240 V, 25KVA) each by means of harmonic voltage generator and power quality recorder. In this experiment, the test voltages(RMS value) are chosen from 160V to 265V. We find the iron loss and hysteresis loss of amorphous core transformer are about one-third of silicon steel core transformer. However the copper loss is not much difference. We hope that the results can serve as useful reference for the designer and user of transformer.
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"The effects of capillary hysteresis on the measurement of matric suction using thermal conductivity sensors." Thesis, 1999.

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Matric suction has proven to be a key parameter in the study and application of soil mechanics for unsaturated soils. Field measurements of suction are necessary in many engineering analyses, such as the prediction of total heave, the analysis of the slope stability due to changes in soil suction, and the monitoring of moisture flux through a soil cover or barrier structure used to impede contaminant transport. There are a number of methods to measure soil suction in the field. The thermal conductivity sensor proves to be one of the most promising means of in situ suction measurement. The thermal conductivity sensor measures matric suction by measuring the rate of dissipation of thermal energy in the ceramic sensor tip. The thermal diffusivity. of the ceramic is dependent upon the water content of the ceramic. The water content is a function of the matric suction in the surrounding soils. This function is referred to as capillary function or soil-water characteristic curve and exhibits hysteresis. In other words, the same value of matric suction may correspond to different ceramic water contents, thus different sensor outputs, depending upon the drying and wetting history. The objective of this study is to investigate the properties of capillary hysteresis of the sensor ceramic and its effects on the measurement of matric suction. Two groups of laboratory tests involving drying and wetting processes were carried out; one group measured the relationship between water content and matric suction of the sensor ceramics, the other group measured the relationship between sensor output and matric suction for a newly developed sensor. The result shows that, although the hysteresis loop is relatively narrow compared with those of coarse­-grained materials found in the literature, the effects of capillary hysteresis on suction measurement using the thermal conductivity sensor are not negligible. If the capillary hysteresis is not taken into account, the maximum possible relative error of suction measurement caused by the capillary hysteresis is from 24% to 50% for the sensors used in the tests. The problems associated with the conventional method of calibration are also discussed in the thesis. To make the suction measurement more accurate, the sensor output versus suction relationship of each of the possible wetting and drying processes should be measured in calibrating the sensor. However this calibration is impractical. Therefore, it is desirable to predict the hysteresis curves from limited measured data using a mathematical procedure. There are a number of models found in the literature to simulate the capillary hysteresis of a porous material. Some of these models were examined using the experimental data of the sensor ceramic. It was found that the models in the literature either require a large amount of measured data to make the prediction, or fail to reproduce the measured curves of hysteresis. Therefore, an analytical approximation was developed which used a curve fitting method to fit the measured main drying curve and to predict the main wetting curve and the primary scanning curves. Based on the above experimental and modeling studies, suggestions were made on the calibration of the sensor.
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Tsao, Pai-Hua, and 曹佩華. "Analysis of the Hysteresis on Capacitance-Voltage Measurement of Ta2O5/GaN and PBT/GaNMOS/MIS Structure." Thesis, 2001.

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In this study, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitances were prepared with rf magnetron sputtering of Ta2O5 on both n-type GaN and p-type GaN. And metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitances were prepared with conjugated rigid-rod polymers PBT on n-type GaN. The processes of fabrication the diodes were shown, and the structures of MOS/MIS diodes were represented. Hysteresis was observed in high-frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. And the hysteresis was changed with different scanning delay time on scanning step. They were ascribed to mobile charges and interface charges. The carrier concentration were calculated and compared with the Hall results. The flatband voltage and threshold voltage were calculated and compared with C-V curves which were measured.
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Chen, Yi-Jung, and 陳奕融. "Mechanism of hysteresis for a-IGZO TFT studied by changing the gate voltage waveform in measurement." Thesis, 2015.

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The amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin-film transistors can be expected to be applied in the transparent electronics, organic light emission displays and photo sensor for its many advantages. However, the phenomenon of hysteresis is a critical issue in the application. It is conventionally studied by double sweeping gate voltage with the default setup of the source measure units, which sweeping speed may vary with the current level. Therefore, the new measurement method of controlled gate voltage sweeping is proposed. It can avoid the stress issue for longer integration time in the measurement. The sampling and pulse measurement methods are used to observe the drain current with different stress time and under the different sweeping gate voltage to clarify the mechanism of hysteresis, respectively. Effects of temperature and light intensity are also discussed. Based on the results and the analysis, the model of oxygen vacancies is proposed to explain the response time of hysteresis, which would be important for the devices to be driven in their circuit application.
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Hsieh, Chao-Sheng, and 謝朝勝. "The Hysteresis in Capacitance-voltage Measurements Caused by the Storage Carriers in GaAsN/GaAs Quantum Well." Thesis, 2014.

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This dissertation investigates hysteresis in capacitance-voltage measurements caused by the electron storage in GaAsN/GaAs quantum well. We discuss the properties of light-induced the voltage in quantum and the role of the photo-current illuminated by 1.32eV light source. Through the different schottky edge of depletion under illumination and darkness, we know the potential drop contribution from the storage carriers in GaAsN/GaAs quantum well. In order to investigate how the QW contribute the potential drops, we measured thermal annealing sample in series with a capacitor. In addition, the hysteresis under different sweeping rates, the plateau appears when C-V sweep rate equals to QW voltage increase rate.
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Chirathadam, Thomas A. "Measurements of Drag Torque and Lift Off Speed and Identification of Stiffness and Damping in a Metal Mesh Foil Bearing." Thesis, 2009.

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Metal mesh foil bearings (MMFBs) are a promising low cost gas bearing technology for support of high speed oil-free microturbomachinery. Elimination of complex oil lubrication and sealing system by installing MMFBs in oil free rotating machinery offer distinctive advantages such as reduced system overall weight, enhanced reliability at high rotational speeds and extreme temperatures, and extended maintenance intervals compared to conventional turbo machines. MMFBs for oil-free turbomachinery must demonstrate adequate load capacity, reliable rotordynamic performance, and low frictional losses in a high temperature environment. The thesis presents the measurements of MMFB break-away torque, rotor lift off and touchdown speeds, temperature at increasing static load conditions, and identified stiffness and equivalent viscous damping coefficients. The experiments, conducted in a test rig driven by an automotive turbocharger turbine, demonstrate the airborne operation (hydrodynamic gas film) of the floating test MMFB with little frictional loses at increasing loads. The measured drag torque peaks when the rotor starts and stops, and drops significantly once the bearing is airborne. The estimated rotor speed for lift-off increases linearly with increasing applied loads. During continuous operation, the MMFB temperature measured at one end of the back surface of the top foil increases both with rotor speed and static load. Nonetheless, the temperature rise is only nominal ensuring reliable bearing performance. Application of a sacrificial layer of solid lubricant on the top foil surface aids to reduce the rotor break-away torque. The measurements give confidence on this simple bearing technology for ready application into oil-free turbomachinery. Impact loads delivered (with a soft tip) to the test bearing, while resting on the (stationary) drive shaft, evidence a system with large damping and a structural stiffness that increases with frequency (max. 200 Hz). The system equivalent viscous damping ratio decreases from ~ 0.7 to 0.2 as the frequency increases. In general, the viscous damping in a metal mesh structure is of structural type and inversely proportional to the frequency and amplitude of bearing motion relative to the shaft. Impact load tests, conducted while the shaft rotates at 50 krpm, show that the bearing direct stiffness is lower (~25% at 200 Hz) than the bearing structural stiffness identified from impact load tests without shaft rotation. However, the identified equivalent viscous damping coefficients from tests with and without shaft rotation are nearly identical. The orbits of bearing motion relative to the rotating shaft show subsynchronous motion amplitudes and also backward synchronous whirl. The subsynchronous vibration amplitudes are locked at a frequency, nearly identical to a rotor natural frequency. A backward synchronous whirl occurs while the rotor speed is between any two natural frequencies, arising due to bearing stiffness asymmetry.
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