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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)'

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Chen, Xin. "Performance analysis of persistent hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) over satellite links." Ohio : Ohio University, 1997.

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Gilis, Matteus, David Hörnsten, and David Larsson. "Filöverföring i modern tid : En jämförelse av SMTP, SFTP och HTTP." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap (DV), 2015.

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Överföring eller mottagande av datorfiler är en syssla som de flesta av oss ägnar ossåt regelbundet i ett eller annat sammanhang, oavsett om det sker privat eller om detär arbetsrelaterat. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) är ett protokoll för just detta ändamålsom lanserades under tiden då persondatorer hade blivit allt vanligare i hemmetoch på arbetsplatsen. Sedan dess har flera andra protokoll introducerats och i dagslägetfinns det flertalet valmöjligheter tillgängliga, alla med sina unika såväl som gemensammaegenskaper. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) kompletterad medMIME-standarden är ett populärt alternativ till de renodlade filöverföringsprotokollenpå grund av användarnas bekantskap och tidigare erfarenheter med e-posttjänster.Att skicka och ta emot filer via e-post innebär dock vissa begränsningar samt att vissasäkerhetsaspekter måste tas i beaktande, i synnerhet för företagsanvändare som dagin och dag ut måste hantera känslig data. I denna uppsats har tre olika filöverföringsprotokoll(SFTP, SMTP och HTTP) utvärderats ur ett användarvänlighetsperspektivsåväl som ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Resultatet indikerar att HTTP(S) tillsammans meduttökningen WebDAV kan anses vara ett lämpligt alternativ för organisationer somsamtidigt är enkelt att använda. De övriga protokollen, SMTP och SFTP, har ocksåsina användningsområden där SFTP verkar vara mer tilltalande för avanceradeanvändare och där SMTP förblir ett gångbart alternativ för privat bruk av mindreavancerade användare under vissa förutsättningar.
Transferring and receiving computer files are something most of us do on a regularbasis whether it is for private purposes or if it is work related. FTP is a protocolused for this very purpose which was launched during a time when personal computerswere growing increasingly popular in both home and workplace environments.Since then, more protocols have been introduced and today there are a number ofoptions available bringing new and common features alike to the market. The SMTPprotocol, extended with the MIME standard, is currently a widely used alternative tothe pure file transfer protocols due to the user familiarity and past experiences withthese mail services. Sending and receiving files through e-mail does however implysome limitations together with the fact that some security aspects need to be takeninto consideration, particularly for company users handling sensitive data. In thisthesis, three different file transfer protocols (SMTP, SFTP and HTTP) have all beenevaluated in account of their user friendliness as well as their security features. Theresults indicate that HTTP(S) combined with the WebDAV extension can be considereda viable alternative for organizations due to its user friendliness and security.The remaining protocols, SMTP and SFTP, also have their uses where SFTP wouldseem to be an appealing option for advanced users and where SMTP remains a passablealternative for private usage by regular users under the right conditions.
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Bersack, Evelyn Louise. "Implementation of a hypertext transfer protocol server on a high assurance multilevel secure platform." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2000.

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Michálek, Branislav. "Aktualizace programu v zařízení s obvody Zynq." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2019.

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Among many which are placed on modern embedded systems is also the need of storing multiple system boot image versions and the ability to select from them upon boot time, depending on a function which they provide. This thesis describes the development of a system update application for Xilinx Zynq-7000 devices. The application includes a simple embedded HTTP server for a remote file transfer. A client is allowed to upload the boot image file with the system update from either command line application or using the web page developed for this purpose.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Elza, Dethe. "Browser evolution document access on the World Wide Web." Ohio : Ohio University, 1998.

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Kalibjian, Jeffrey R. "Group Telemetry Analysis Using the World Wide Web." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1996.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 28-31, 1996 / Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California
Today it is not uncommon to have large contractor teams involved in the design and deployment of even small satellite systems. The larger (and more geographically remote) the team members, the more difficult it becomes to efficiently manage the disbursement of telemetry data for evaluation and analysis. Further complications are introduced if some of the telemetry data is sensitive. An application is described which can facilitate telemetry data sharing utilizing the National Information Infrastructure (Internet).
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Klingestedt, Kashmir. "Client-Server Communications Efficiency in GIS/NIS Applications : An evaluation of communications protocols and serialization formats." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018.

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Geographic Information Systems and Network Information Systems are important tools for our society, used for handling geographic spatial data and large information networks. It is therefore important to make sure such tools are of high quality. GIS/NIS applications typically deal with a lot of data, possibly resulting in heavy loads of network traffic. This work aims to evaluate two different communications protocols and serialization formats for client-server communications efficiency in GIS/NIS applications. Specifically, these are HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Java Object Serialization and Google's Protocol Buffers. They were each implemented directly into a commercial GIS/NIS environment and evaluated by measuring two signature server calls in the system. Metrics that were examined are call duration, HTTP overhead size and HTTP payload size. The results suggest that HTTP/2 and Google's Protocol Buffers outperform HTTP/1.1 and Java Object Serialization respectively. An 87% decrease in HTTP overhead size was achieved when switching from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2. The HTTP payload size is also shown to decrease with the use of Protocol Buffers rather than Java Object Serialization, especially for communications where data consist of many different object types. Concerning call duration, the results suggest that the choice of communications protocol is more significant than the choice of serialization format for communications containing little data, while the opposite is true for communications containing much data.
Geografiska informationssystem och nätverksinformationssystem är viktiga redskap för vårt samhälle, vilka används för hantering av geografisk data och stora informationsnätverk. Det är därför viktigt att se till att sådana system är av hög kvalitet. GIS/NIS-applikationer behandlar vanligtvis stora mängder data, vilket kan resultera i mycket nätverkstrafik. I det här arbetet utvärderas två olika kommunikationsprotokoll och serialiseringsformat för kommunikationseffektivitet mellan klient och server i GIS/NIS-applikationer. Specifikt är dessa HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Java Objektserialisering och Googles Protocol Buffers. De implementerades var och en i en kommersiell GIS/NIS-miljö och utvärderades genom mätningar av två signaturanrop i systemet. De aspekter som observerades är kommunikationstiden, mängden HTTP-overhead och mängden HTTP-payload. Resultaten tyder på att HTTP/2 och Googles Protocol Buffers presterar bättre än HTTP/1.1 respektive Java Objektserialisering. En 87% minskning av mängden HTTP overhead uppnåddes då HTTP/1.1 ersattes med HTTP/2. En minskning av mängden HTTP payload observeras också med användning av Protocol Buffers snarare än Java Objektserialisering, särskilt för kommunikationer där data innehåller många olika objekttyper. Gällande kommunikationstiden tyder resultaten på att valet av kommunikationsprotokoll påverkar mer än valet av serialiseringsformat för kommunikationer med små mängder data, medan motsatsen gäller för kommunikationer med mycket data.
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Amaro, da Cruz Mauro. "An enhanced multi-protocol middleware solution for Internet of things." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2021.

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Dans l'Internet des objets (IoT), les données sont gérées et stockées par un logiciel appelé middleware (situé sur un serveur). L'évolution du concept IoT a conduit à la construction de nombreux intergiciels IoT, des logiciels qui jouent un rôle clé car ils prennent en charge la communication entre les appareils, les utilisateurs et les applications. Plusieurs aspects peuvent impacter les performances d'un middleware. Basée sur une revue approfondie de la littérature associée et sur la proposition d'un modèle de référence pour le middleware IoT, cette thèse propose un nouveau middleware IoT, appelé In.IoT, une solution middleware évolutive, sécurisée et innovante basée sur une revue approfondie du état de l'art et suivant l'architecture middleware de référence proposée dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche. In.IoT répond aux préoccupations middleware des solutions les plus populaires (sécurité, convivialité et performances) qui ont été évaluées, démontrées et validées tout au long de cette étude, et il est prêt et disponible à l'utilisation. Les recommandations et les exigences architecturales d'In.IoT sont détaillées et peuvent être reproduites par des solutions nouvelles et disponibles. Il prend en charge les protocoles de couche application les plus populaires (MQTT, CoAP et HTTP). Ses performances sont évaluées en comparaison avec les solutions les plus prometteuses disponibles dans la littérature et les résultats obtenus par la solution proposée sont extrêmement prometteurs. De plus, cette thèse étudie l'impact du langage de programmation sous-jacent sur les performances globales de la solution grâce à une étude d'évaluation des performances incluant Java, Python et Javascript, identifiant que globalement, Java s'avère être le choix le plus robuste pour le middleware IoT. Les appareils IoT communiquent avec le middleware via un protocole de couche application qui peut différer de ceux pris en charge par le middleware, en particulier lorsque l'on considère que les ménages auront divers appareils de différentes marques. La thèse offre une alternative pour de tels cas, en proposant une passerelle de couche application, appelée MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge traduit les messages CoAP, MQTT, DDS et Websockets en HTTP (HTTP est pris en charge par la plupart des intergiciels IoT). Avec MiddleBridge, les appareils peuvent envoyer un message plus petit à un intermédiaire (MiddleBridge), qui le restructure et le transmet à un middleware, réduisant ainsi le temps qu'un appareil passe à transmettre. Les solutions proposées ont été évaluées par rapport à d'autres solutions similaires disponibles dans la littérature, en tenant compte des métriques liées à la taille des paquets, aux temps de réponse, aux requêtes par seconde et au pourcentage d'erreur, démontrant leurs meilleurs résultats et leur énorme potentiel. En outre, l'étude a utilisé XGBoost (une technique d'apprentissage automatique) pour détecter l'occurrence d'attaques de réplication lorsqu'un attaquant obtient les informations d'identification de l'appareil, en l'utilisant pour générer de fausses données et perturber l'environnement IoT. Les résultats obtenus sont extrêmement prometteurs. Ainsi, il est conclu que l'approche proposée contribue à l'état de l'art des solutions middleware IoT
In Internet of Things (IoT), data is handled and stored by software known as middleware (located on a server). The evolution of the IoT concept led to the construction of many IoT middleware, software that plays a key role since it supports the communication among devices, users, and applications. Several aspects can impact the performance of a middleware. Based in a deep review of the related literature and in the proposal of a Reference Model for IoT middleware, this thesis proposes a new IoT middleware, called In.IoT, a scalable, secure, and innovative middleware solution based on a deep review of the state of the art and following the reference middleware architecture that was proposed along with this research work. In.IoT addresses the middleware concerns of the most popular solutions (security, usability, and performance) that were evaluated, demonstrated, and validated along this study, and it is ready and available for use. In.IoT architectural recommendations and requirements are detailed and can be replicated by new and available solutions. It supports the most popular application-layer protocols (MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP). Its performance is evaluated in comparison with the most promising solutions available in the literature and the results obtained by the proposed solution are extremely promising. Furthermore, this thesis studies the impact of the underlying programming language in the solution's overall performance through a performance evaluation study that included Java, Python, and Javascript, identifying that globally, Java demonstrates to be the most robust choice for IoT middleware. IoT devices communicate with the middleware through an application layer protocol that may differ from those supported by the middleware, especially when it is considered that households will have various devices from different brands. The thesis offers an alternative for such cases, proposing an application layer gateway, called MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge translates CoAP, MQTT, DDS, and Websockets messages into HTTP (HTTP is supported by most IoT middleware). With MiddleBridge, devices can send a smaller message to an intermediary (MiddleBridge), which restructures it and forwards it to a middleware, reducing the time that a device spends transmitting. The proposed solutions were evaluated in comparison with other similar solutions available in the literature, considering the metrics related to packet size, response times, requests per second, and error percentage, demonstrating their better results and tremendous potential. Furthermore, the study used XGBoost (a machine learning technique) to detect the occurrence of replication attacks where an attacker obtains device credentials, using it to generate false data and disturb the IoT environment. The obtained results are extremely promising. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed approach contributes towards the state of the art of IoT middleware solutions
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Prasetijo, Agung Budi. "Application-level proxy firewalls." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2001.

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Sezgin, Veliddin Eran. "File transfer with SNR high-speed transport protocol." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1995.

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Irey, Philip Musser IV. "From specification to realization: implementing the express transfer protocol." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1989.

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The research described in this thesis deals with effective protocol specification. The primary question addressed is whether the Express Transfer Protocol (XTP), a "real-time" Transport layer protocol, is sufficiently specified or are there "holes" in its specification? A new protocol evaluation process is formulated and applied to XTP in order to answer this question. The evaluation process combines a detailed analysis of the XTP specification with an attempt to implement parts of the protocol from the specification. Special attention is given to those aspects of the protocol that affect "real-time" naval tactical communications. The detailed analysis of the specification and its effect on the specification revision process are presented. The analysis is described in formal comment papers and electronic mail transmitted to the protocol designer, Dr. Greg Chesson. Elements of the protocol most applicable to tactical communication are selected for implementation. A number of assumptions are made so that an implementation can be built. The design of the prototype implementation and the assumptions made to build it are discussed. Both the hardware and software being used to build the implementation are presented. The protocol evaluation process is found to be appropriate for evaluating XTP. A comparison is made between this technique of protocol evaluation and existing techniques (i.e., simulation, complete implementation, and protocol verification). The principal conclusion of the protocol valuation process is that a number of areas of the XTP Protocol Definition (prior to Revision 3.3) are not sufficiently specified. These areas must be properly specified before a complete implementation can be built. Without a complete specification, the communications support intended for XTP is unlikely to be realized.
Master of Science
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Saqibuddin, Mohammad, and Iplu Saha. "Using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol on the Last Hop." Thesis, KTH, Kommunikationssystem, CoS, 2007.

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Some of the enhancements that hit the mobile phone industry in recent years include checking email, demanded changes in the traditional ways of service delivery. People find it convenient to be able to check for incoming emails without being required to be at a fixed location. High-end mobile phones with high resolution color screens and mail clients (or plug-ins) much like the classic clients that run on desktop and laptop computers, have made mail manipulation on a mobile phone both easy and interesting. However, one key difference is the phone’s battery power source. Where power was not an issue for desktop and even many laptop computers, since they are almost all the time connected to an AC supply or have high capacity battery storage, it is a major issue for mobile phones. While email applications have greatly advanced, there has not been much improvement in mobile battery capacity. In addition the battery lifetime has decreased due to the high power demands of multimedia applications, which may be running almost constantly. Traditionally, a mail client checks for new email messages by polling the mail server. This works well with computers attached to the power mains or with a large capacity battery, but for mobile phones, polling causes significant battery drain. A solution would be to poll the server less frequently by increasing the polling interval, however this would delay email reception hence increasing latency. In this thesis we implement and evaluate a new mail delivery system without changing the underlying mail or communications infrastructure. The new system eliminates the need for polling by using network initiated mail delivery. This means that a mail server will forward mail directly to a particular user. Tests conducted with a prototype are compared to the use of the existing system in terms of power consumption and latency. These tests show that the new mail delivery system reduces both power consumption and delivery delay.
På senaste tiden har mobilindustrin utvecklas och tagit stora steg framåt. Högprestanda mobiler med hög upplösning, färgskärmar och epost klienter (eller så kallade plug-ins) har gjort användingen av epost på mobiltelefoner både lätt och intressant. Användarna har funnit att det är bekvämt att ha förmågan att kunna ta emot och skicka epost vart som helst. En viktig skillnad mellan mobiltelefoner och t.ex. en dator är att mobiltelefonen har en begränsad elförsörjning. Olika Funktioner till mobiltelefoner har utvecklas mycket på sistonde men undertiden har batteritiden förblivit nästintill konstant. Programmen som har utvecklas kräver mer och mer kraft av mobiltelefonen och speciellt den senaste trenden med multimedia applikationer, så som mp3 spelare och kamera, som används mycket frekvent av användarna. Tratitionellt så skickar en epost klient förfrågningarn med jämna mellanrum till epost servern för att ta reda på om det har kommit några nya e-mails. Detta fungerar väl för datorer som inte har några elförsörjnings problem men för en mobil så kostar den periodiska förfrågningen mycket batteritid. En lösning till problemet vore att höja periodstiden mellan varje förfrågning. Detta skulle dock leda till en högre fördröjning på leveransen av eposten. I det här examensarbetet har vi undersökt och implementerat ett nytt system för epost leverans utan att förändra den underliggande infrastrukturen. Det nya systemet tar bort behovet av periodisk förfrågan, för att ta emot nya e-mails, genom att låta nätverket initiera leveransen. Detta betyder att e-mail servern kommer att vidarebefordra ett inkommande e-mail direkt till mobiltelefonen. Prestandan, i form av elförbrukning och leverans fördröjning, på det nya systemet har mätts genom att testa en prototyp och jämföra prototypen med de systemen som finns tillgängliga idag. Testen har visat att det nya systemet reducerar både ström förbrukningen och leverans fördröjningen.
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Sayadian, Edward V. "Video transfer application transport protocol design over ATM networks." Master's thesis, This resource online, 1994.

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Cheng, Heng Seng. "Enhancement of asynchronous transfer mode over satellite links." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1998.

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This thesis is a study on the issues involved in implementing asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) over satellite links and the ways in which ATM can be optimised to achieve better performance over such links. The main issue is the impact of errors introduced by the satellite links on the performance of ATM. Options to improve the performance of ATM over SATCOM have been identified and they are: (i) increase transmit power, (ii) FEC, (iii) adoption of an alternative ATM architecture, (iv) extensive to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) ATM equipments and (v) construction of ATM protocol enhancers. The fifth option which uses a combination of protocol conversions and error control techniques is preferred over the others as it allows maximum use of standard COTS ATM equipments and provides a framework for experimentation with multiple versions of ATM equipments (that are evolving rapidly). As part of the strategy of using protocol enhancement to improve the performance of ATM, two techniques have been proposed. The first technique is called cell header duplication, and it improves cell loss ratio by compressing the information in the cell headers and using the extra room in each header to carry the duplicate compressed header information of the previous cell. When a cell header is corrupted, the corrupted header information is replaced with the duplicate copy carried in the next cell, provided that too is not corrupted. This technique was compared with cell header interleaving and error tolerant addressing which are cell header protection techniques proposed by others. The second technique is called selective cell retransmission, which employs a partial retransmission (hybrid) ARO strategy to perform error recovery for only the individually errored non-realtime cells allowing it to achieve higher reliability of data transfer and more efficient utilisation of satellite bandwidth. The overhead in the proposed scheme varies according to the error conditions in the satellite channel making it an adaptive system. This is achieved by using a unique method of sending error erasure information (inserted into cells carrying negative acknowledgement messages) from the receiver to the transmitter which will use this information to pin-point the corrupted cells. The scheme is also compared with concatenated coding (using a Reed-Solomon code) and link protocols (using selective repeat (full retransmission) ARQ).
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Scarlato, Michele. "Sicurezza di rete, analisi del traffico e monitoraggio." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.
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Sacha, David Joseph. "Design and specification of the Xpress transfer high-speed protocol /." Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 1988.

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Sacha, David Joseph. "Design and specification of the Xpress transfer high-speed protocol." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1993.

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Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited
The use of fiber optics in high-speed data networks has significantly increased throughput and reliability at the physical layer. Consequently, the transport layer has become a bottleneck to the data transfer potential of highspeed networks. This bottleneck has forced an investigation of transport protocols and standards to be used in future networks. The Xpress Transfer Protocol (XTP) is a transport layer protocol designed to perform efficiently in networks where high data rates, densely packed bit pipes and low bit error rates are normal operating conditions. However, XTP is a relatively new protocol which has not yet undergone extensive testing and analysis to verify its ability to resolve the transport layer bottleneck. In this thesis the specification and analysis of the XTP protocol, using the System of Communicating Machines (SCM) model is presented. A comparison is then made with an alternative high-speed protocol called SNR, originated at AT&T Bell Labs. Based on this study, it is concluded that the XTP protocol provides several mechanisms, such as rate control and extended sequence numbering, that should be included in developing high-speed transport protocols. Furthermore, it is concluded that XTPs flexible characteristics allow for multiple paradigm implementations at the cost of some complexity, making a more complete analysis of this protocol difficult. As work on high-speed transport protocols continues many of the XTP mechanisms should be considered for inclusion into evolving standards. It is also concluded that there are some critical features for high-speed protocols that are not in XTP.
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Högberg, Marcus. "A Cross-platform Picture Transfer Protocol for Linux-based Camera." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Programvara och system, 2015.

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The Universal Serial Bus, USB, is widely used for connecting peripheral devices to a computer. Through the years devices that use USB has evolved and more and more complicated communication protocols have been developed using the USB standard. There are many different ways to set up communication between a USB device and a host computer. The USB standard does not include any security and this poses risks when designing communication over such a connection. This thesis investigates how a USB-based picture transfer protocol can be designed between a small camera running embedded Linux and a host computer. The USB functionality in Windows and Mac OS/X operating systems are investigated. Solutions to create a secure USB communication are also investigated. One of three the methods of creating a USB connection with a USB device running embedded Linux are chosen based on the investigations. A protocol is then designed and an implementation developed. The protocol designed in the thesis uses existing USB functionality in the host computer operating systems Windows and Mac OS/X. The designed protocol is evaluated for performance and security. The evaluation is made on an evaluation platform for the camera. The transfer speed of the protocol is measured to around 18 MB/s in an ideal environment. The designed protocol could be improved by using one of the security methods found in the investigations.
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Grobler, Reinette. "Signalling and scheduling for efficient bulk data transfer in circuit-switched networks." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006.

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Iyengar, Janardhan R. "End-to-end concurrent multipath transfer using transport layer multihoming." Access to citation, abstract and download form provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company; downloadable PDF file 1.67 Mb., p. 123, 2006.

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Johnson, Robert. "MAC protocol performance for ATM cells over a SuperPON." Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1999.

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Che, Wan Putra Che Wan Fadhil. "CAPE construction application protocol for data transfer : a building data model." Thesis, University of Salford, 1998.

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Construction is a process, which involves diverse parties having different professional skills and interest. At present, the co-operation and information exchange between parties involved in any construction has not yet been attained. During a project life cycle, the amount of information generated and exchanged is enormous even for a small-size construction project. Current process of managing information flow in construction still lags behind other industries such as manufacturing. In the era of information age, information technology (IT) becomes a vital tool for managing information. It allows a user/manager to store and retrieve information easily, quickly, produce complete and accurate response, and be better informed of the relevant issues. However, the progress of IT in the construction industry relies on the ability of the project participants to exchange and share information among themselves. Inevitably, there is a need for common standards and approaches due to the lack of compatibility of the information exchange. The complexity and vast amount of information involved in any construction project and the lack of standards have made the process of producing an integrated environment very difficult. A framework for establishing an Integrated Construction Environment (ICE) has been proposed with the aim of co-ordinating the integration process between the various construction applications. SPACE (Simultaneous Prototyping in An integrated Construction Environment) has been developed which aims to integrate design and construction throughout the project's life cycle via a single database. The implementation of this framework has led to the development of a modularised central core whereby each application has its own data module. CAPE (Construction Application Protocol for data transfEr) is a design application, which has been developed as part of data module in SPACE. It represents a building elements data module and the object interpreter engine. It aims is to improve the flow of information between project's participants, particularly those related to the design stage. The development of CAPE data module has resulted in the implementation of a system, which capture most of the design elements in CAD (AutoCAD/AEC Tm), the study of their properties such as co-ordination and dimension and populates it into the object-oriented database systems to serve other application modules in the project model, i.e. SPACE. CAPE data module also provides several benefits. It provides essential support for the integration of design and construction, a generic set of building element classes, defines building elements with the necessary information at run-time, and a dynamic and an independent environment for all graphical packages such as CAD and YR.
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Pantoleon, Periklis K. "Reliable content delivery using persistent data sessions in a highly mobile environment." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2004.

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Partika, Marek. "Publikace dat ze sítě meteostanic ve formátu DATEX II." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2016.

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Master’s thesis deals with implementation of a European standard DATEX II. This standard specifies the data format for information transmission in road transport. The road traffic is flowing streams of current information. For the work was selected network of meteorological stations, which will publish the measured data, ie weather conditions of road transport. Measured data will be available to consumers in the format DATEX II. Implementation will be operational in its entirety meteorological station from design to the actual web service that will produce data information for consumers.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Wright, Stephen. "An algorithm to improve ATM cell processing in SDH multiplexers." Thesis, University of Ulster, 1995.

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Simpson, Michael. "The development of a facile, non-toxic protocol for atom transfer cyclisations." Thesis, Connect to electronic version (PDF), 2008.

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Ray, Tim. "CCSDS FILE DELIVERY PROTOCOL (CFDP) – WHY IT’S USEFUL AND HOW IT WORKS." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2003.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Reliable delivery of data products is often required across space links. For example, a NASA mission will require reliable delivery of images produced by an on-board detector. Many missions have their own (unique) way of accomplishing this, requiring custom software. Many missions also require manual operations (e.g. the telemetry receiver software keeps track of what data is missing, and a person manually inputs the appropriate commands to request retransmissions). The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) developed the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) specifically for this situation. CFDP is an international standard communication protocol that provides reliable delivery of data products. It is designed for use across space links. It will work well if run over the widely used CCSDS Telemetry and Telecommand protocols. However, it can be run over any protocol, and will work well as long as the underlying protocol delivers a reasonable portion of the data. The CFDP receiver will autonomously determine what data is missing, and request retransmissions as needed. The CFDP sender will autonomously perform the requested transmissions. When the entire data product is delivered, the CFDP receiver will let the CFDP sender know that the transaction has completed successfully. The result is that custom software becomes standard, and manual operations become autonomous. This paper will consider various ways of achieving reliable file delivery, explain why CFDP is the optimal choice for use over space links, explain how the core protocol works, and give some guidance on how to best utilize CFDP within various mission scenarios. It will also touch on additional features of CFDP, as well as other uses for CFDP (e.g. the loading of on-board memory and tables).
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ray, Tim. "Using the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) on the Global Precipitation Measurement mission." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2004.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 18-21, 2004 / Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California
The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) developed the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) to provide reliable delivery of files across space links. Space links are typically intermittent, requiring flexibility on the part of CFDP. Some aspects of that flexibility will be highlighted in this paper, which discusses the planned use of CFDP on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. The operational scenario for GPM involves reliable downlink of science data files at a high datarate (approximately 4 megabits per second) over a space link that is not only intermittent, but also one-way most of the time. This paper will describe how that scenario is easily handled by CFDP, despite the fact that reliable delivery requires a feedback loop.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Afonso, Francisco Carlos. "Virtual reality transfer protocol (VRTP) : implementing a monitor application for the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) using the Java Media Framework (JMF) /." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1999.

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Thesis (M.S. Computer Science) Naval Postgraduate School, September 1999.
"September 1999". Thesis advisor(s): Don Brutzman. Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-215). Also available online.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Allman, Mark. "Improving TCP performance over satellite channels." Ohio : Ohio University, 1997.

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Noghani, Babak S. "Reducing latency on the Internet using Component-Based Download and File-Segment Transfer Protocol." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Roskvist, Filip, and Anton Roskvist. "Optimala inställningar för MTU vid filöverföring : En utredning i Linuxmiljö baserad på protokoll och filstorlek." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap, fysik och matematik, DFM, 2012.

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Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet filöverföring i ett nätverk. Fokus för arbetet har varit att undersöka MTU:ns inverkan på överföringshastigheten vid filöverföringar baserat på vilket protokoll som används och storleken på filerna som överförs. I arbetet har ett flertal experiment genomförts som syftat till att utreda detta, samt att finna vilket protokoll som överlag presterar bäst baserat på omständigheterna för överföringen. Olika filöverföringsprotokoll, fildistributionsprotokoll, MTU:er samt filstorlekar har testats för att finna vad som resulterar i högst överföringshastighet vid filöverföring över ett Ethernetnätverk. Resultaten visar på att en hög MTU uppnår högst överföringshastighet vid överföring av stora filer, men att en standard-MTU fungerar bättre för att överföra mycket små filer.
This report concerns the subject of file transfer. The focal point of the report is to study the effect that the MTU has on the speed of file transfers based on the protocol used and the size of the transferred files. During the course of the work, several experiments have been performed in order to determine this, as well as to find which protocol gives the overall best result based on the circumstances of the file transfers. Various file transfer protocols, file distribution protocols, MTUs and file sizes have been tested in order to find what results in the best file transfer speed over an Ethernet based network. The results show that a high MTU has the best performance when transferring large files, while a standard MTU gives better results for transferring very small files.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Goh, Mei Jean. "On implementing the ISO File Transfer, Access and Management protocol for a UNIX 4.2 BSD environment." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987.

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Different computer systems have their own ways of representing, storing and managing files. One approach to facilitate file transfers among systems in a heterogeneous networked environment is for each system to locally map files for transfer onto a virtual filestore (VFS). Conceptually, a virtual filestore provides a universal model for describing files and how they can be manipulated. The ISO File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) protocol offers one such virtual filestore model. This thesis reports on the prototype implementation of a useful subset of the ISO FTAM protocol for the UNIX 4.2 BSD¹ file system. We call this implementation ubcFTAM. UNIX files, ordinarily regarded as unstructured, can be endowed with some internal structure thereby allowing the transfer of selective portions of a file. Furthermore, the implementation offers several file attributes not supported by UNIX. ubcFTAM runs on several Sun Workstations² interconnected by a 10 Mbps Ethernet. Some performance data of ubcFTAM are also presented. This thesis also identifies several aspects of the specifications that are ambiguous or that are inadequate, warranting further studies. Resolutions for these issues are discussed. We hope this experience will be useful to others planning to implement FTAM for UNIX systems. ¹UNIX is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Bell Laboratories. BSD denotes Berkeley Standard Distribution ²SUN Workstation is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Science, Faculty of
Computer Science, Department of
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Pailom, Chayutra. "API development for persistent data sessions support." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2005.

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Ramos, Reuben Elroy. "The design and performance evaluation of a point-to-multipoint millimetric radio network." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1998.

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Bera, Soumava. "Design and Implementation of a MAC protocol for Wireless Distributed Computing." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2011.

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The idea of wireless distributed computing (WDC) is rapidly gaining recognition owing to its promising potential in military, public safety and commercial applications. This concept basically entails distributing a computationally intensive task that one radio device is assigned, among its neighboring peer radio devices. The added processing power of multiple radios can be harnessed to significantly reduce the time consumed in obtaining the results of the original complex task. Since the idea of wireless distributed computing depends on a radio device forming a network with its peers, it is imperative and necessary to have a medium access control (MAC) protocol for such networks which is capable of scheduling channel access by multiple radios in the network, ensuring reliable data transfer, incorporating rate adaptation as well as handling link failures. The thesis presented here elaborates the design and implementation of such a MAC protocol for WDC employed in a practical network of radio devices configurable through software. It also brings to light the design and implementation constraints and challenges faced in this endeavor and puts forward viable solutions.
Master of Science
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lööf, Sam. "Evaluation of Protocols for Transfer of Automotive Data from an Electronic Control Unit." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2014.

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Nowadays almost all motorized vehicles use electronic control units (ECUs) to control parts of a vehicle’s function. A good way to understand a vehicle’s behaviour is to analyse logging data containing ECU internal variables. Data must then be transferred from the ECU to a computer in order to study such data. Today, Keyword Protocol (KWP) requests are used to read data from the ECUs at Scania. The method is not suitable if many signals should be logged with a higher transfer rate than the one used today. In this thesis, communication protocols, that allow an ECU to communicate with a computer, are studied. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine how the transfer rate of variables from Scania’s ECUs to a computer can become faster compared to the method used today in order to get a more frequent logging of the variables. The method that was chosen was implemented, evaluated and also compared to the method used today. The busload, total CPU load and CPU load for the frequency used during the experiments, 100 Hz, was also examined and evaluated. The experiments performed show that the method chosen, data acquisition (DAQ) with CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP), increased the transfer rate of the internal ECU variables significantly compared to the method using KWP requests. The results also show that the number of signals have a major impact on the busload for DAQ. The busload is the parameter that limits the number of signals that can be logged. The total CPU load and the CPU load for 100 Hz are not affected significantly compared to when no transmissions are performed. Even though the busload can become high if many variables are used in DAQ, DAQ with CCP is preferable over KWP requests. This is due to the great increase in transfer rate of the ECU internal variables and thus a great increase in the logging frequency.
Nuförtiden används styrenheter (ECUer) för att styra delar av ett fordons funktion i så gott som alla motoriserade fordon. Ett bra sätt att förstå ett fordons beteende är att analysera loggningsdata som innehåller interna styrenhetsvariabler. Data måste då överföras från styrenheten till en dator för att data ska kunna studeras. Idag används Keyword Protocol-förfrågningar (KWP-förfrågningar) för att läsa data från Scanias styrenheter. Metoden är inte lämplig om man vill logga många variabler med en högre överföringshastighet än den som används idag. I detta examensarbete studeras kommunikationsprotokoll som tillåter en styrenhet att kommunicera med en dator. Examensarbetets syfte är undersöka hur överföringshastigheten av variablerna, från Scanias styrenheter till en dator, kan ökas jämfört med den metod som används idag för att få en mer frekvent loggning av variablerna. Metoden som valdes implementerades, utvärderades och jämfördes med metoden som används idag. Busslasten, totala CPU-lasten och CPU-lasten för den frekvens som användes under experimenten 100 Hz har också undersökts och evaluerats. De utförda experimenten visar att den valda metoden, data acquisition (DAQ) med CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP), ökade överföringshastigheten av de interna styrenhetsvariablerna betydligt jämfört med metoden KWP-förfrågningar. Experimenten visar också att antalet signaler har stor inverkan på busslasten för DAQ. Busslasten är den parameter som begränsar antalet signaler som kan loggas. Den totala CPU-lasten och CPU-lasten för 100 Hz påverkas inte betydligt jämfört med när inga överföringar görs. DAQ med CCP är att föredra framför KWP-förfrågningar även om busslasten blir hög för DAQ då den stora ökningen i överföringshastighet av de interna styrenhetsvariablerna medför en mer frekvent loggning av variablerna.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chung, Jae Won. "Congestion control for streaming media." Link to electronic thesis, 2005.

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Dissertation (Ph.D.) -- Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Keywords: streaming media; streaming transport protocol; active queue management (AQM); Internet congestion control. Includes bibliographical references (p. 236-248).
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Sobek, Jiří. "Pokročilý systém umožňující zálohování počítačových dat." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012.

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This master thesis is mainly focused on the backup systems and describes each individual backup techniques in detail. Next main point of this thesis, is explaining functionality of IPv4 and FTP, which are closely related to the topic. Outcome is a backup application written in Java language, which is capable of backup files on FTP server or on local/ network storage area. Backup application also allows settings for automatic backup and restoring files from the storage area. Finally there was made a measurment, where were point out advantages and disadvantages of transfer mediums and where was practically shown a logic of creating the backup system. Goal was a creation of multiplatform backup application.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Mascarenhas, da Veiga Alves Manoel Eduardo. "Characterisation of end-to-end performance for web-based file server respositories." Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001.

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Bibliography: leaves 128-135. Investigates the behaviour of TCP bulk file transfer application sessions in a broadband access environment. Introduces some concepts for evaluating network behaviour: a path instability parameter for analyzing different TCP connections; a minimum RTT delay and a minimum typical path for estimating path characteristics between a client and application servers.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Batista, Luís Augusto Pires. "Telejornalismo na Amazônia: o FTP como instrumento de integração regional." Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 2010.

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Submitted by Kamila Costa ( on 2015-07-23T19:11:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Luis A P Batista.pdf: 26709847 bytes, checksum: 825021f874056d390e50bc5fa98b137a (MD5) Capa.pdf: 223609 bytes, checksum: 8831f2d4b1dd1604ea6ed1e33e2a0bf6 (MD5)
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Não Informada
This thesis is intended to look into the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) system on the News Broadcasting production from stations belonging to Rede Amazônica (TV Amazonas, TV Rondônia, TV Acre, TV Roraima and TV Amapá), at the Central de Jornalismo (journalism Center) located in the capital of the State of Amazonas and its effects on the routine of the community from the municipality of Manacapuru, which has become not only consumer of information, but also its protector. As a theoretical reference underlying Castells’ (1999, 2001, 2003) approaches, with the theory of network society through access to information; Dizard (2000) with the theory of old and new medias, analyzed on a time-space scale, in the context of the Amazon Region; and Milanesi (1978) with a reflection regarding the impact influence of old and new medias on peripheral areas, in regards to the existence of a central area. The research, an exploratory-descriptive case study, comprises communication as a result of a historical process which, in order to meet the society’s constantly changing demands, produces at the same time, through science, new technologies. The applied investigative techniques consist of document research with quantitative and qualitative data collection survey, by using resources such as questionnaires, semistructured interviews, semi-structured and participative observation. Unpublished and standardized data collected in this study aimed at contributing to the successful scientific knowledge production regarding the Amazon reality, as there is an expectation the results may be used as reference to other areas and investigations.
Esta dissertação investiga o efeito do sistema FTP (File Transfer Protocol ou Protocolo de Transferência de Arquivo) no processo de produção do telejornalismo das emissoras da Rede Amazônica (TV Amazonas, TV Rondônia, TV Acre, TV Roraima e TV Amapá), a partir da Central de Jornalismo sediada na capital do estado no Amazonas e seus efeitos no cotidiano da comunidade do município de Manacapuru, que passou a ser não apenas consumidora de informação, mas também produtora dela. Como referencial teórico embasa a reflexão nas abordagens de Castells (1999, 2001, 2003) com a teoria da sociedade em rede por meio do acesso à informação; Dizard (2000) com a teoria das velhas e novas mídias, analisadas, em uma escala tempo-espaço, ao contexto da região amazônica; e Milanesi (1978) com a reflexão acerca da influência do impacto das velhas e novas mídias em áreas periféricas, em relação à existência de uma área central. A pesquisa, um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório-descritivo, compreende a comunicação como resultado de um processo histórico que para atender as demandas da sociedade em constante transformação, produz em paralelo, por meio da ciência, novas tecnologias. As técnicas de investigação empregadas consistem em pesquisa documental com levantamento de dados quantitativos e qualitativos, pautadas no recurso de questionários, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação semi-estruturada e participante. Os dados inéditos levantados e sistematizados neste estudo tiveram por objetivo contribuir com o processo de produção do conhecimento científico acerca da realidade amazônica, na expectativa dos resultados virem a servir como referência para outras áreas e investigações.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Popelka, Herzfeld Juan Carlos. "Development of a genetic transformation protocol for rye (Secale cereale L.) and characterisation of transgene expression after biolistic or Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer." [S.l. : s.n.], 2002.

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Poyraz, Furkan, and Pavel Sakalouski. "Vilken metod kan användas för att bredda IT-system mot nya marknader? : Framtagning av en utvecklingsprocess med tillämpning i en fallstudie." Thesis, KTH, Data- och elektroteknik, 2017.

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Inom varje verksamhet förekommer det alltid någon form av projektplanering när man vill bedriva sin verksamhet på en ny marknad. Dessa typer av förberedelser görs på olika sätt och utmaningen för företagen blir att använda sig av rätt etableringsstrategi. För att lyckas med implementering av ett projekt, på respektive marknad som organisationer verkar på, är en utav framgångsfaktorerna att ha en tydlig och genomtänkt metod. Företaget Beta erbjuder molnbaserade tjänster inom tullhantering där man skapar lösningar som hjälper andra företag att hantera sina tullärenden. Aktören är etablerad på den svenska marknaden och vill prova att erbjuda sina IT-lösningar i Norge. Företaget har därför ett behov av att undersöka hur den norska marknaden ser ut, om det finns en möjlighet att bredda deras befintliga systemlösningar och i så fall hur de ska gå tillväga för att få ett fungerande system som kan kommunicera med norska tullverket. I rapporten föreslås en metod som kan användas som underlag vid utvidgning av en verksamhet till nya marknader. Utvecklingsprocessen som presenteras ska också kunna generaliseras, fungera som underlag och användas även av andra företag som ställs inför samma utmaning som Beta. Denna rapport innehåller även en analys av den norska marknaden. Det finns en jämförelse mellan delar av svenska och norska tullsystemet och en presentation av de ändringar som behöver göras utifrån skillnader som finns. Som resultat ger rapporten en tydlig bild av hur man möjligen kan gå tillväga för att ta sig an liknande problem. Författarna presenterar även ett resultat som beskriver en lösning till Betas problem.
Within each activity, there is always some kind of project planning when you want to do business in a new market. These types of preparation are done in different ways and the challenge for companies is to make use of the right establishment strategy. To succeed in implementing a project, on the respective market that organizations are working on, one of the success factors is to have a clear and thoughtful approach. The company Beta offers cloud-based customs management services, which provide solutions that help other companies handle their customs issues. Beta is established in the Swedish market and wants to try to offer their IT solutions in Norway. The company therefore has a need to investigate how the Norwegian market looks, if there is an opportunity to broaden their existing system solutions and, if so, how they should go about getting a working system that can communicate with the Norwegian customs office. The report proposes a method that can be used as a basis for expanding a business to new markets. The development process presented should also be generalized, serve as a basis, and used by other companies facing the same challenge as Beta. This report also contains an analysis of the Norwegian market. There is a comparison between parts of the Swedish and Norwegian customs system and a presentation of the changes that need to be made based on differences. As a result, the report provides a clear picture of how one might possibly be able to address similar problems. The project members also present a result describing a solution to Beta's problems.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Xiong, Lixiang. "Scheduling in packet switches with relaxed constraint." School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering - Faculty of Informatics, 2004.

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In this thesis, I present a series of new scheduling algorithms for an ATM-like crossbar input-queued switching fabric of an IP router. These new scheduling algorithms are developed based on three popular existing scheduling algorithms: Parallel Iterative Matching, Round Robin Matching, and Iterative Round Robin Matching with SLIP. The basic idea of our research is to divide all outputs of the IP router into a few groups. All outputs in the same output group are multiplexed into a high-speed link. Cells (traffic) can be directed to a group of outputs instead of an individual output. The performance of our new scheduling algorithms are measured with simulation. The simulation results indicate that our new scheduling algorithms can achieve an excellent throughput while consuming much less computing time than existing scheduling algorithms
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Rash, James, Keith Hogie, Ed Criscuolo, and Ron Parise. "RANGE AND SPACE NETWORKING - WHAT’S MISSING." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2003.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
A large selection of hardware and software components are readily available for supporting Internet communication in the ground network environment. These components can be used to construct very powerful and flexible communication systems. The Operating Missions as Nodes on the Internet (OMNI) project at NASA/GSFC has been defining and demonstrating ways to use standard Internet technologies for future space communication. Theses concepts and technologies are also applicable to test range telemetry applications. This paper identifies the network equipment and protocols to support end-to-end IP communication from range sensors and spacecraft instruments to end users. After identifying the end-to-end network hardware and software components, the paper discusses which ones are currently available and lists specific examples of each. This includes examples of space missions currently using Internet technology for end-to-end communication. It also lists missing pieces and includes information on their current status. The goal of this paper is also to stimulate thought and discussion on what steps need to be taken to start filling in the remaining missing pieces for end-to-end range and space network connectivity.
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Guo, Wen-Da, and 郭玟達. "A Bandwidth Sensitive Hypertext Transfer Protocol for Wireless." Thesis, 1996.

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Artback, Jonathan. "Comparison of Video file transmission : over Dat protocol and Hypertext transfer protocol." Thesis, 2019.

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Context. Scalability and bittrate is an large concern when build-ing infrastructure and application for video content delivery. Manyresearch and companies have for a long time looked at peer to peertechnology as a way of solving the issue by utilizing the clients capac-ity.Objectives. The first objectives is to see if Dat protocol would be agood fit for video file delivery. Comparing with the widely used HTTPtoo see the differences in scalability and bitrate. The challenges withimplementing such a solution and tactic for the future if choosing to.Methods. In order to achieve the objectives of our research a compar-ing network experiment in similar manners and with the same clientbase was conducted.Conclusions. The Dat protocol show good scalability and perfor-mance especially on larger number of clients. Some future works suchas peer-selecting and load balancing are needed before Dat can be usedas protocol for video delivery on commerical sites.Keywords:P2P, Decentralized, Video, conten
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Lin, Chi-Hsuan, and 林季玄. "Reusable Oblivious Transfer Protocol." Thesis, 2006.

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Oblivious transfer is an important and basic technique in the field of cryptography. Basically, an oblivious transfer protocol includes two parties, Sender and Receiver. Sender has many secrets, and Receiver can freely choose one from those secrets. However, Receiver’s choice is a secret to Sender; Receiver learns nothing from the other secrets. Oblivious transfer protocols can be applied to private information retrieval, exchange secret, fair electronic contract signing, and Internet auction. Oblivious transfer protocols often need to be reused in many applications. After the initial phase of oblivious transfer protocols is completed and the initial parameters can be used repeatedly, the computation cost and transmission cost will be reduced. However, some security problems could be appeared because of reuse. In 2005, Huang and Chang proposed an efficient t-out-of-n oblivious transfer protocol, but this protocol suffers from the un-chosen message replay attack. This thesis will propose a reusable oblivious transfer protocol, which can resist the un-chosen message replay attack. Besides, Wu, Zhang, and Wang in 2003 proposed another t-out-of-n oblivious transfer protocol, which mentioned it cannot efficiently prevent the man-in-the-middle attack in an insecure channel. Hence, this study proposes two authenticated oblivious transfer protocols. One is an oblivious transfer protocol with explicated user authentication, and the other is an oblivious transfer protocol with implicated user authentication. Both protocols can efficiently avoid man-in-the-middle attack.
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Chen, I.-Chao, and 陳怡兆. "Quantum Oblivoius Transfer Protocol." Thesis, 2007.

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In most of classic cryptosystems today, the security is based on the computational difficulty of certain number theoretic problems, e.g., solving the discrete logarithm problem and factoring large numbers. However, most people believe that these number theoretic problems can be efficiently solved by quantum computers. Therefore, it is significant to combine the properties of quantum physics with classical cryptography to propose unconditional secure quantum protocols against classical or quantum computers. The oblivious transfer is used as an important primitive in many cryptographic protocols and is widely adopted in many applications. Many variants of the oblivious transfer protocols had been proposed in the literature. To resist the threat of quantum computers, quantum oblivious transfer was proposed. This thesis proposed several one-out-of-two quantum oblivious protocols and one-out-of-n quantum oblivious protocols. The newly proposed protocol possesses the following advantages: (1) no special assumptions and quantum memory are required; and (2) only one quantum transmission and few classical communications during the whole protocol execution; Therefore, the proposed protocols are very efficient. In addition, we design the security models, and then use them to show that the proposed protocols satisfy the security requirements of the quantum oblivious transfer. Besides, the efficiency of these proposals can be known from the comparison tables which compare our protocols with existing quantum oblivious protocols.
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Yang, Chen-Wei, and 楊震偉. "Secure Wireless Transfer Protocol." Thesis, 2005.

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TKIP Protocol is a method which 802.11i [1] Draft proposed the improvement of 802.11[2] WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption method. This protocol can solve current WEP’s loopholes which including actively attack and passively attack methods, especially in secret key’s generation and management which use more conscientious and careful way to dispose. Also, it can be use in only upgrading software, without change hardware equipments. But TKIP Protocol is obviously causing transmission function decrease greatly for current market’s hardware equipments. This dissertation is aimed at without changing and increasing hardware equipments, and changes its encryption method for improving the circumstance of TKIP transmission data flow rate’s decrease. Also, it reaches the transmission security as TKIP Protocol’s anticipation. For these reasons, bring up new protocol method which more suitable for current market products. Besides, it can be used and collocated with current extended or reinforced encryption methods, 802.0x[3] and VPN[8]. This dissertation will compare this new Protocol with TKIP Protocol’s differences and advantages.
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