Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Hybridation de l'ADN'
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Abbaci, Ahlem. "Étude et analyse de l'ADN pour l'auto-assemblage microscopique." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00647240.
Full textHarnois, Maxime. "Étude et réalisation d'un biocapteur de type transistor à grille suspendue pour la reconnaissance de l'hybridation moléculaire de l'ADN." Rennes 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008REN1S101.
Full textThis works deals with the fabrication and the optimization of Suspended Gate Field Effect Transistors (SGFET) for applications in the field of clinical diagnosis. This multidisciplinary project links several knowledge in electronics, biology and chemistry. SGFET is based on the MOSFET structure. The main difference between these two devices concerns the structure of the gate (this one is suspended). In order to use SGFET in aqueous solutions, the doped gate is coated with silicon nitride thin film layer. Thanks to chemical functionalization of silicon nitride surface, DNA probes can be grafted between the gate and the channel. As a consequence, the negative charges brought by DNA involve a shift of the transfer characteristics. Hybridization signal is obtained by measuring the shift before and after addition of DNA targets. Thanks to DNA provided by genetic lab of CHU (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire) of Nantes we made clinical diagnosis of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis or predisposed to breast cancer. Statistical studies were achieved and demonstrated the ability to diagnose healthy and mutated homozygote patients. Future works will focus on the integration of the SGFET into a lab on chip
Reboul, Jean-Remy. "Conception et réalisation d'une sonde de Kelvin actionnée par une sonotrode : application à l'étude de l'ADN et de son hybridation." Montpellier 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006MON20018.
Full textBrousset, Pierre. "Hybridation in situ sur coupes tissulaires a l'aide de sondes biotinylees : application a la detection de l'adn et d'arn messagers viraux." Toulouse 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990TOU31535.
Full textGentil, Cédric. "Détection de l'hybridation de l'ADN sur réseaux de transistors à effet de champ avec fixation polylysine." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00110298.
Full textLa première partie de ce travail détaille les expériences nous ayant permis de montrer le faisabilité d'une détection électronique d'abord de polylysine, puis d'ADN sur une réseau d'EOSFETs. Des micro- ou macro-gouttelettes de solutions contenant ces bio-polymères chargés ont été déposées en des endroits prédéfinis sur les réseaux de capteurs. Ces dépots locaux induisent des variations des caractéristiques courant-tension des transistors exposés, pouvant être corrélées à un apport de charges soit positives dans le cas de la polylysine, soit négatives en ce qui concerne l'ADN. Le signal électronique est proportionnel au nombre moyen d'oligonucléotides de 20 bases par unité de surface, tant que celui-ci reste inférieur à 1000-10000 molécules par µm², avec une variation de 10 mV pour 100 à 1000 molécules déposées par µm². Une saturation du signal électronique est observée au delà. La détection de micro-dépots de faibles concentrations en bio-polymères est limitée par l'existence de signaux électroniques parasites observés avec des solutions servant aux dilutions. La variations des signaux électroniques en fonction de la concentration en sel a également été caractérisée.
L'utilisation d'un protocole d'hybridation sur fixation polylysine, sans étape de blocage visant à limiter l'adsorption non spécifique de cibles a conduit à la mise en évidence d'un signal différentiel de l'ordre de 5 mV lors d'hybridations et de mesures dans un électrolyte de KCl 20 mM. L'hybridation à haut sel et la détection à bas sel permettent d'obtenir des différences d'environ 15 mV. Aucun signal électronique significatif d'appariement n'a été observé en utilisant un bloqueur. La sensibilité de détection électronique de l'hybridation, estimée à 100-1000 double-brins de 20 paires de bases par µm² est proche de celle associée à la technique classique de fluorescence (0,5 à 80 double-brins par µm²).
Badie, Christophe. "Influence de la réparation sur la courbe de survie :les cassures double brin de l'ADN et les aberrations chromosomiques de lignées fibroblastiques humaines." Paris 11, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA11T015.
Full textVanlerberghe, Flavie. "Histoire évolutive de la zone d'hybridation naturelle entre les deux sous-espèces de souris européennes Mus musculus domesticus et Mus musculus musculus : dynamique de l'introgression de gènes autosomaux, de l'ADN mitochondrial et du chromosome Y." Montpellier 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MON20001.
Full textDoco-Fenzy, Martine. "De l'adn satellite aux satellites chromosomiques : etude du polymorphisme de la structure des bras courts des chromosomes acrocentriques humains par hybridation in situ revelee en fluorescence (doctorat : genie biologique)." Reims, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998REIMM205.
Full textDubois, Véronique. "Détection de l'ADN du virus JC dans les leucocytes sanguins de patients infectés par le VIH et de patients immunodéprimés non infectés par le VIH." Bordeaux 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR2P075.
Full textBocquet-Muchembled, Béatrice. "La famille Ets chez l'Annélide polychète Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor : étude de l'expression des gènes ets et erg, modélisation moléculaire du domaine de liaison à l'ADN de leurs produits." Lille 1, 2000. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2000/50376-2000-95.pdf.
Full textMarrot, Laurent. "Mise en evidence du polymorphisme de l'adn a l'aide de sondes chimiques." Orléans, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988ORLE2010.
Full textLassalle, Nathalie. "Etude et caractérisation, par techniques in situ, de couches électroactives destinées à l'hybridation de l'ADN pour l'élaboration de capteurs et de biopuces." Grenoble INPG, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001INPG0010.
Full textBagur, Auriane. "Particules à bi-patchs d'ADN comme briques de construction pour l'assemblage programmé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0384.
Full textColloidal self-assembly is a powerful strategy for materials design. For example, spherical building blocks can form ordered structures such as face-centered cubic and hexagonal close-packed lattices. However, the use of isotropic building units limits the assembly of more complex structures. In contrast, the use of patchy particles allows to achieve control over the directionality of the interaction and the valence of the particles, allowing access to more sophisticated structures through self-assembly strategies. In this work, we have developed two routes to reliably produce two-patch colloidal particles that can self-assemble driven by DNA hybridization. Our first approach focused on the synthesis of silica/polystyrene monopod-like micron-sized particles via seeded dispersion polymerization. The particles consisted of a PS nodule attached to a single silica core and acted as a mask onto the silica surface for the grafting of DNA strands. Then, the physically entangled polystyrene chains were subsequently dissolved. The remaining PS chains grafted at the silica surface were in turn functionalized with different DNA strands, leading to the formation of bi-patch silica particles. This selective and asymmetric functionalization was crucial for controlling the interactions between particles and enabled us to assemble them into dimers and raspberry-like clusters. The second strategy started with bipod-like silica/polystyrene nanoparticles, synthesized via seeded emulsion polymerization. These bipods were composed of a single silica nanoparticle attached to two PS nodules positioned opposite to each other. The bipods were converted into bi-patch particles by dissolving the PS nodules, followed by selective DNA functionalization of the remaining surface PS chains. Morphological analysis by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy revealed structural changes before and after functionalization. Mixtures of two batches of bi-patch nanoparticles functionalized with complementary DNA strands allowed us to control the formation of one-dimensional assemblies, referred to as “colloidal polymers”. The chain length of these colloidal polymers can be modulated by varying the incubation time
Pivetal, Jérémy. "Développement et premières applications d'une méthode de tri de cellules bactériennes par marquage de l'ADN avec des nanoparticules magnétiques pour l'étude de la diversité bactérienne environnementale et des transferts horizontaux de gènes in situ." Thesis, Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ECDL0010/document.
Full textDespite their importance, bacterial communities in the environment remain poorly characterized. On the one hand, it is difficult to gain knowledge of the community as a whole because over 99% of bacteria are recalcitrant to in vitro culture, rendering classic microbiological approaches imposible to carry out. On the other hand, metagenomics, which can be used to circumvent culture-based approaches by extracting all the genomes from a given environment, is also problematic given the associated technical limitations (biases related to DNA extraction, cloning, PCR, genome sequencing and assembling etc.), and conceptual difficulties related to the complexity and the homogeneity of the environments. In order to overcome some of the limitations of these approaches, bacterial cell selection methods have been developed and can be used to improve our understanding of microbial diversity. Based on taxonomic and/or functional selection and the direct isolation of bacterial cells from an environmental sample, bacterial cell selection can be used to reduce microbial community complexity by targeting specific populations, or even an isolated cell. A variety of classic approaches such as cultivation or DNA/RNA extraction can then be carried out. This cycle can theoretically be repeated until all members of the community are characterized. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to design a novel cell selection tool based on the permanent integration of micro-magnets into a microfluidic canal. In conjunction with a new miniaturized magnetic selection system that provides several advantages over larger systems (portable, low cost, requiring smaller reaction volumes and can be potentially integrated on “laboratory on a chip” systems), a method for selective bacterial cell isolation using magnetic labeling was developed. The bacterial cells were targeted based on taxonomic criteria; biotin-labeled probes were developed for a specific region of the 23S rRNA gene. Following in situ hybridization with the probes, baceterial cells were labeled with streptavidin-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. First results showed that the tool was specific and sensitive enough to trap labeled and diluted (0,04%) cells from a suspension at levels that are comparible to populations of interest found in complex environmental communities. This tool has also been adapted to study in situ horizontal gene transfer as well. The application of a cellular selection tool that labels targets with magnetic nanoparticles coupled to fluidic microsystems with integrated nano-magnets looks very promising for future studiesin environmental microbiology
Tang, Jian-Rong. "Contribution de la recherche de l'ARN du virus de l'hépatite delta (VHD) à l'étude de la biologie de l'infection par ce virus." Compiègne, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993COMPD580.
Full textSoto, Prior Ana Maria. "Identification de gènes exprimés dans la cochlée. Clonage de l'ADNc et caractérisation de SG6, une nouvelle protéine des neurones auditifs primaires." Montpellier 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON20065.
Full textMassicotte, Rachel. "L'épigénétique, moteur de l'évolution d'un vertébré asexué." Thèse, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6259.
Full textThe aim of the thesis is to determine the extent of epigenetic variation, more specifically DNA methylation polymorphism, not linked to genetic variation in natural populations of an asexual vertebrate. This evaluation enables to better understand the importance that plays epigenetics processes in ecology and evolution. The biological model used is the clonal hybrid of the gynogenetic Chrosomus eos-neogaeus complex. Even in absence of genetic difference, an important phenotypic variability is observed among hybrids of the same clonal lineage living in different environments. Epigenetics, a modification of genes expression without a change at the DNA sequence, provides an explanation to this paradox. The diversity of phenotypes may be explained by differential methylation patterns of genes and/or alleles among genetically identical hybrids. The diversity of epiclonal lineages may be explained by the colonisation of many epiclonal lineages, established in response to the environment or stochastically. Many methods were used for screening the genome of clonal hybrids in order to highlight DNA methylation polymophism at the scale of an individual and among individuals of different populations.