Academic literature on the topic 'Hybridation de données'
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Journal articles on the topic "Hybridation de données"
Haffaf, Aziz, Fatiha Lakdja, and Djaffar Ould Abdeslam. "Electrification d'une charge isolée d'agriculture par hybridation énergétique." Journal of Renewable Energies 22, no. 1 (October 6, 2023): 1–17.
Full textTOSSER-KLOPP, G., C. CLOUSCARD-MARTINATO, F. BENNE, A. BONNET, C. CABAU, J. RALLIERES, and F. HATEY. "Exemple d’approche fonctionnelle : la fonction ovarienne dans l’espèce porcine." INRAE Productions Animales 13, HS (December 22, 2000): 165–67.
Full textRabong, Gregor, and Dietmar Roessl. "The Hybridization of Credit Co-Operatives in the Tradition of F.W. Raiffeisen: The Austrian Example." Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 11, no. 2 (December 17, 2020): 12.
Full textRabong, Gregor, and Dietmar Roessl. "The Hybridization of Credit Co-Operatives in the Tradition of F.W. Raiffeisen: The Austrian Example." Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 11, no. 2 (December 17, 2020): 12.
Full textBeltramo, Noémie, Jean Bréhon, and Olivier Chovaux. "Lire les évolutions du sport scolaire du XXIème siècle au miroir du prisme territorial: l’exemple de l’Académie de Lille." Revista da ALESDE 16, no. 1 (August 15, 2024): 169.
Full textBudakva, Yelyzaveta. "HAPLOGROUPE MITOCHONDRIAL DES LIGNÉES MODERNES DE PORCS HYBRIDES." Grail of Science, no. 18-19 (September 1, 2022): 112–19.
Full textDeroo, Luc, Yves Sahut, and Benoit Defrance. "Hydro-solaire : une nouvelle utilisation des réservoirs." E3S Web of Conferences 346 (2022): 04005.
Full textAlessandrini, Sabrina. "Contaminations, hybridations, variations : “le parler jeune” des “nouveaux italiens”." Quaderns d’Italià 28 (December 18, 2023): 15–32.
Full textMartin, Thibault. "Modernité réflexive au Nunavik." Globe 8, no. 1 (February 22, 2011): 175–206.
Full textAillerie, Carine, and Valentine Mazurier. "Donner à voir les pratiques informationnelles. L’apport des méthodes visuelles à la caractérisation des pratiques informationnelles dans le champ des SIC." Revue Française des Méthodes Visuelles 6 (2022).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Hybridation de données"
Charnois, Thierry. "Accès à l'information : vers une hybridation fouille de données et traitement automatique des langues." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Caen, 2011.
Full textCharneau, Sébastien. "Approches moléculaires des mécanismes mis en jeu en fin de schizogonie intraérythrocytaire de Plasmodium falciparum (agent du paludisme) par hybridation soustractive suppressive et puces à ADN." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2005.
Full textThe aim of this work was to study the differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite through its transcriptome. First, by suppression subtractive hybridization, we have realised a stage-specific cDNA library. We have identified 40 genes specifically expressed during merozoite morphogenesis, some expected as coding for merozoite proteins (27. 5%), the other coding for proteins of unknown function (72. 5%). We have characterized one of these proteins, the dynamin-2-like. Expressed only during schizogony, it could be a key-molecule of the merozoite differentiation and be involved in mitochondrial division. Second, by microarrays, we have identified 10 genes, as yet unreported, whose expression is significantly modulated by rottlerin, a protein kinase inhibitor that stops merozoite differentiation leading to the parasite lysis
Mokhtari, Abdellah. "Nouvelles données et interprétations du massif basique de Tagmout (dj. Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Maroc) : relations avec les granitoïdes associés." Nancy 1, 1993.
Full textSigogne, Anthony. "Intégration de ressources lexicales riches dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2012.
Full textHottin, Jérôme. "Caractéristiques Optiques et Dynamiques d'Interactions Biomoléculaires de Surface - Application aux biopuces à ADN." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2009.
Full textSow, Souleymane. "Simulateur vibratoire de machines tournantes à base de machine-learning." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Reims, 2024.
Full textFramed within maintenance 4.0, this thesis aims to develop a vibratory simulator for a deep-groove ball bearing test bench to improve the accuracy of diagnostics based on machine learning algorithms. The work initially focuses on integrating the flexibility of the bearing supports into an existing numerical model, thereby creating a digital twin that more accurately reflects real operating conditions. The methodology is centred around the design of a hybrid numerical model, combining a meso-model (discrete elements) and a macro-model (finite elements). These two sub-models interact to describe the system's dynamics and simulate different operating modes. The data generated by the simulator is then used to update the model and train classification algorithms (MSVM, KNN, decision trees), achieving a classification accuracy of 94%. This result demonstrates a 10% improvement compared to previous methods, confirming the approach’s effectiveness. To assess the qualitative and quantitative contributions of the data in a classification-based diagnostic, the data from the updated numerical model is used in various data hybridization strategies with those measured from the physical system
Silva, Sanchez Rosa Elvira. "Contribution au pronostic de durée de vie des systèmes piles à combustible PEMFC." Thesis, Besançon, 2015.
Full textThis thesis work aims to provide solutions for the limited lifetime of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Systems (PEM-FCS) based on two complementary disciplines:A first approach consists in increasing the lifetime of the PEM-FCS by designing and implementing a Prognostics & Health Management (PHM) architecture. The PEM-FCS are essentially multi-physical systems (electrical, fluid, electrochemical, thermal, mechanical, etc.) and multi-scale (time and space), thus its behaviors are hardly understandable. The nonlinear nature of phenomena, the reversibility or not of degradations and the interactions between components makes it quite difficult to have a failure modeling stage. Moreover, the lack of homogeneity (actual) in the manufacturing process makes it difficult for statistical characterization of their behavior. The deployment of a PHM solution would indeed anticipate and avoid failures, assess the state of health, estimate the Remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) of the system and finally consider control actions (control and/or maintenance) to ensure operation continuity.A second approach proposes to use a passive hybridization of the PEMFC with Ultra Capacitors (UC) to operate the fuel cell closer to its optimum operating conditions and thereby minimize the impact of aging. The UC appear as an additional source to the PEMFC due to their high power density, their capacity to charge/discharge rapidly, their reversibility and their long life. If we take the example of fuel cell hybrid electrical vehicles, the association between a PEMFC and UC can be performed using a hybrid of active or passive type system. The overall behavior of the system depends on both, the choice of the architecture and the positioning of these elements in connection with the electric charge. Today, research in this area focuses mainly on energy management between the sources and embedded storage and the definition and optimization of a power electronic interface designated to adjust the flow of energy between them. However, the presence of power converters increases the source of faults and failures (failure of the switches of the power converter and the impact of high frequency current oscillations on the aging of the PEMFC), and also increases the energy losses of the entire system (even if the performance of the power converter is high, it nevertheless degrades the overall system)
Marchal, Bruno. "La médiation informationnelle au travers de plateformes de réseaux sociaux : l'application de Facebook lors de l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère en Thaïlande." Thesis, Normandie, 2018.
Full textThe subject of this research concerns the interactive and reticulated pattern platforms that now populate our daily lives, and which first appear to us in the form of technical objects, but whose uses build social representations. We studied Informational mediations developed there by focusing on French in the context of its Thai students at the University, since French is a language deemed difficult, unrelated and distant. A double quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted in part with the NVivo software allowed us to update the fact that, in certain aspects and in certain environments, a digital social network like Facebook could facilitate informal apprenticeship participating in an economy of knowledge. We have identified specific uses and practices that are not those of a distance education platform designed as such. Thus, a certain creativity would be exercised in the construction of scripted audio-visual documents on mediating and multiplatform technical operational systems where the autonomy of the user would be culturally and socially situated according to identities, group memberships, perceptions, habits and other factors that structure its relationship to the world and will condition its desire, its manner and its practical ability to appropriate elements of language learning
Book chapters on the topic "Hybridation de données"
Adekpate, Alain Albert. "À propos du genre des noms en nouchi." In Les parlers urbains africains au prisme du plurilinguisme : description sociolinguistique, 39–61. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
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