Academic literature on the topic 'Hybrid Maximum Principle'

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Journal articles on the topic "Hybrid Maximum Principle"


Dmitruk, A. V., and A. M. Kaganovich. "The Hybrid Maximum Principle is a consequence of Pontryagin Maximum Principle." Systems & Control Letters 57, no. 11 (November 2008): 964–70.

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Fontaine, C., S. Delprat, TM Guerra, S. Paganelli, and J. F. Duguey. "Improving micro hybrid vehicles performances with the Maximum Principle." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44, no. 1 (January 2011): 9727–32.

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Grammel, G. "Maximum Principle for a Hybrid System Via Singular Perturbations." SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 37, no. 4 (January 1999): 1162–75.

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IMAE, Joe, Masayuki NAKA, and Tomoaki KOBAYASHI. "1215 Hybrid Maximum Principle Using Time-Axis Slide Method." Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch 2012.87 (2012): _12–15_.

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Faragó, I., R. Horváth, and S. Korotov. "Discrete maximum principle for linear parabolic problems solved on hybrid meshes." Applied Numerical Mathematics 53, no. 2-4 (May 2005): 249–64.

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Lv, Siyu, Jie Xiong, and Wen Xu. "Stochastic maximum principle for hybrid optimal control problems under partial observation." Systems & Control Letters 181 (November 2023): 105651.

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Wang, Gang. "Design and Simulation of Stand-Alone Wind-Solar Hybrid Generating System." Applied Mechanics and Materials 260-261 (December 2012): 224–30.

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A modularized stand-alone hybrid generating system is designed and its composition and working principle is illustrated; working principle of components of wind driven generator, photovoltaic array, storage battery and controller etc. are expounded and corresponding mathematical model is established. In addition, tracking and control measures of the maximum power point based on maximum power given method and perturbation and observation method is proposed and design of software of the system is offered. Finally, simulation of the system is studied based on SIMULINK, resulting in that the system can realize tracing and control of the maximum power point.
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Djabbarova, Aygun, and Kamil Mansimov. "Necessary optimality conditions of singular control in a Rosser type hybrid systems control problem." Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences, no. 3 (October 9, 2018): 31–49.

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We study one hybrid systems optimal control problem the Rosser type. An analog of the Pontryagins maximum principle is established. The case of degeneracy (a singular case) of the analog Pontryagins maximum condition is considered.
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AKOUR, S. N., and J. F. NAYFEH. "DEFENSE HOLE DESIGN FOR UNIAXIAL DOMINANT HYBRID LOAD FOR INFINITE PLATE." International Journal of Applied Mechanics 03, no. 03 (September 2011): 607–23.

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A baseline data for designing optimum Defense Hole System (DHS) for tension dominant hybrid load (Tensile/Shear > 25%) is obtained. Maximum stress reduction and optimum DHS parameters are achieved. The maximum stress reduction achieved range from 15% up to nearly 18% based on the principle stress ratio (25% < Tensile/Shear < 100%). This reduction is available by introducing auxiliary circular holes, i.e., DHS, along the principal stress direction. A two-DHS is shown to be the optimum for tensile dominant loaded plate. Two major goals are achieved by introducing such defense system: maximum stress reduction and material reduction. Redesign optimization method (iterative numerical optimization technique) is utilized to investigate this problem. Parametric optimization technique is also utilized in producing the routs for reaching those optimum cases. Finite element analysis is used to optimize the size and the location of the DHS. Selected optimum cases are verified experimentally using RGB photoelasticity.
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Andriy Viktorovich, Goncharenko. "Hybrid-Optional Effectiveness Functions Entropy Conditional Extremization Doctrine Contributions into Engineering Systems Reliability Assessments." Transactions on Aerospace Research 2019, no. 2 (June 1, 2019): 90–100.

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Abstract In this publication a Doctrine for the Conditional Extremization of the Hybrid-Optional Effectiveness Functions Entropy is discussed as a tool for the Reliability Assessments of Engineering Systems. Traditionally, most of the problems having been dealt with in this area relate with the probabilistic problem settings. Regularly, the optimal solutions are obtained through the probability extremizations. It is shown a possibility of the optimal solutions “derivation”, with the help of a model implementing a variational principle which takes into account objectively existing parameters and components of the Markovian process. The presence of an extremum of the objective state probability is observed and determined on the basis of the proposed Doctrine with taking into account the measure of uncertainty of the hybrid-optional effectiveness functions in the view of their entropy. Such approach resembles the well known Jaynes’ Entropy Maximum Principle from theoretical statistical physics adopted in subjective analysis of active systems as the subjective entropy maximum principle postulating the subjective entropy conditional optimization. The developed herewith Doctrine implies objective characteristics of the process rather than subjective individual’s preferences or choices, as well as the states probabilities maximums are being found without solving a system of ordinary linear differential equations of the first order by Erlang corresponding to the graph of the process. Conducted numerical simulation for the proposed mathematical models is illustrated with the plotted diagrams.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Hybrid Maximum Principle"


Fontaine, Clément. "Supervision optimale des véhicules électriques hybrides en présence de contraintes sur l’état." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2013.

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La propulsion des véhicules électriques hybrides parallèles est généralement assurée par un moteur à combustion interne combiné à une machine électrique réversible. Les flux de puissance entre ces deux organes de traction sont déterminés par un algorithme de supervision, qui vise à réduire la consommation de carburant et éventuellement les émissions de certains polluants. Dans la littérature, la théorie de la commande optimale est maintenant reconnue comme étant un cadre puissant pour l’élaboration de lois de commande pour la gestion énergétique des véhicules full-hybrides. Ces stratégies, dénommée « Stratégies de Minimisation de la Consommation Equivalente » (ECMS) sont basée sur le principe du Maximum de Pontryagin. Pour démontrer l’optimalité de l’ECMS, on doit supposer que les limites du système de stockage ne sont pas atteintes durant le cycle de conduite. Il n’est plus possible de faire cette hypothèse lorsque l’on considère les véhicules micro et mild hybrides étudiés dans cette thèse car la variable d’état atteint généralement plusieurs fois les bornes. Des outils mathématiques adaptés à l’étude des problèmes de commande avec contraintes sur l’état sont présentés et appliqués à deux problèmes en lien avec la gestion énergétique. Le premier problème consiste à déterminer le profil optimal de la tension aux bornes d’un pack d’ultra-capacités. Le second problème se concentre sur un système électrique intégrant deux stockeurs. L’accent est mis sur l’étude des conditions d’optimalités valables lorsque les contraintes sur l’état sont actives. Les conséquences de ces conditions pour la commande en ligne sont mises en avant et exploitées afin de concevoir une commande en temps réel. Les performances sont évaluées à l’aide d’un prototype. Une comparaison avec une approche de type ECMS plus classique est également présentée
Parallel hybrid electric vehicles are generally propelled by an internal combustion engine, which is combined to a reversible electric machine. The power flows between these two traction devices are determined by a supervisory control algorithm, which aims at reducing the fuel consumption and possibly some polluting emissions. In the literature, optimal control theory is now recognized as a powerful framework for the synthesis of energy management strategies for full hybrid vehicles. These strategies are referred to as “Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategies” (ECMS) and are based on the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. To demonstrate the optimality of ECMS, it must be assumed that the storage system limits are not reached during the drive cycle. This hypothesis cannot be made anymore when considering the micro and mild hybrid vehicles studied in this thesis because the state variable generally reaches several times the boundaries. Some mathematical tools suitable for the study of state constrained optimal control problems are introduced and applied to two energy management problems. The first problem consists in determining the optimal profile of the voltage across a pack of ultra-capacitors. The second problem focuses on a dual storage system. The stress is put on the study of the optimality conditions holding in case of active state constraints. Some consequences of these conditions for the online control are pointed out are exploited for the design of a real-time controller. Its performances are assessed using a demonstrator vehicle. A comparison with a classical ECMS-based approach is also provided
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Nayet, Aymeric. "Improvement of a trajectory optimization software for future Ariane missions." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.

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Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’amélioration d’un logiciel interne à l’entreprise ArianeGroup dédié à l’optimisation des trajectoires des lanceurs. La version originale est capable de trouver une trajectoire à consommation minimale pour un étage supérieur d’un lanceur tri-étages depuis une position extérieure à l’atmosphère en un ou deux boosts par une méthode entièrement automatique. L’objectif est d’utiliser ce travail existant pour créer une méthode capable de trouver une trajectoire à consommation minimale pour un étage supérieur d’un lanceur en configuration bi-étages. Dans ce cas de figure, l’étage a une plus faible vitesse initiale, une masse initiale plus grande et il est allumé à une altitude plus faible. Les améliorations concernent également l’ajout d’une contrainte de flux thermique maximal, une contrainte de durée sur l’arc balistique et une contrainte de largage de la coiffe sur un critère de flux thermique. De plus, le nouveau logiciel est maintenant capable de cibler différentes combinaisons de paramètres orbitaux. On utilise le travail réalisé sur les configurations bi-étages pour ajouter une contrainte de largage d’étage et donc optimiser le transfert orbital d’un lanceur tri-étage depuis l’éjection des boosters grâce à cette méthode. Toutes ces améliorations sont basées sur des développements mathématiques nouveaux à propos des problèmes de contrôle optimal hybrides, en particulier quand la dynamique du problème est celle du vol d’un lanceur
This thesis work is about the improvement of an ArianeGroup in-house software dedicated to the optimization of launcher trajectories. The original version is able to find a minimum consumption trajectory for an upper stage of a three-stage launcher outside the atmosphere in one or two boosts through a fully automatic method. The goal is to build on this existing work to create a method capable of finding an upper stage trajectory for a two-stage launcher. The specificity is that the stage has a lower initial velocity, a heavier mass and it is ignited at a lower altitude. The improvements also concern the addition of a maximum thermal flux constraint, a ballistic duration constraint and a fairing jettisoning constraint on a thermal flux criterion. Moreover, the new software is now able to target different combinations of orbital parameters. We take advantage of the work done on two-stage launchers to make the software capable of jettisoning a lower stage and thus optimizing the transfer of a three-stage launcher since the ejection of boosters. All these improvements are based on subsequent mathematical developments and novelties about hybrid optimal control problems, in particular when the dynamics of the problem is that of the flight of a launcher
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Uebel, Stephan, and Bernard Bäker. "Optimal Velocity and Power Split Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2017.

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An assessment study of a novel approach is presented that combines discrete state-space Dynamic Programming and Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle for online optimal control of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). In addition to electric energy storage and gear, kinetic energy and travel time are considered states in this paper. After presenting the corresponding model using a parallel HEV as an example, a benchmark method with Dynamic Programming is introduced which is used to show the solution quality of the novel approach. It is illustrated that the proposed method yields a close-to-optimal solution by solving the optimal control problem over one hundred thousand times faster than the benchmark method. Finally, a potential online usage is assessed by comparing solution quality and calculation time with regard to the quantization of the state space.
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Helbing, Maximilian. "Energiemanagement für eine parallele Hybridfahrzeugarchitektur." Master's thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.

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Durch die Integration mindestens eines weiteren Energiewandlers in den Antriebsstrang gewinnen parallele Hybridfahrzeuge einen zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrad gegenüber konventionellen Fahrzeugen. Neben der Auslegung und Effizienz der einzelnen Antriebskomponenten, ist vor allem die Nutzung dieses zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrades entscheidend dafür verantwortlich, inwiefern die beim Betrieb eines Hybridfahrzeugs erwünschten Ziele, wie die Minimierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs oder der Abgasemissionen, erreicht werden können. Zuständig dafür sind sogenannte Betriebsstrategien. In einem ersten Schritt gibt die vorliegende Diplomarbeit einen Überblick aktueller Betriebsstrategieansätze für Fahrzeuge mit einer parallelen Hybridarchitektur und stellt ausgewählte Beiträge wertend gegenüber. Anschließend wird mit der optimierungsbasierten Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) ein vielversprechender Ansatz in ein MATLAB/Simulink-Längsdynamikmodell umgesetzt. Die für diesen Ansatz maßgebliche Bestimmung des Äquivalenzfaktors erfolgt dabei ohne Verwendung von Prädiktionsdaten. Eine Gegenüberstellung der erzielten Kraftstoffverbrauchswerte zu denen einer regelbasierten Betriebsstrategie, zeigt die Vorteile des implementierten ECMS-Ansatzes. Um den unterschiedlichen Ladezuständen am Fahrtende gerecht zu werden, wird eine ladungsabhängige Kraftstoffkorrektur vorgestellt
By integrating at least one additional energy converter into the drive train, parallel hybrid vehicles gain an additional degree of freedom compared to conventional vehicles. In addition to the design and efficiency of the individual drive train components, especially the use of this additional degree of freedom is the key responsible to achieve the desired goals in the operation of a hybrid vehicle, such as minimizing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Responsible for this are so-called supervisory strategies. In a first step, the present thesis provides an overview of current supervisory control strategies for vehicles with a parallel hybrid architecture and compares selected approaches. In a second step, a promising Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) is chosen and implemented in a MATLAB/Simulink-longitudinal dynamics model. This approach relates on the determination of the equivalence factor which is carried out without the use of prediction data. A comparison of the fuel consumption, obtained for a rule-based supervisory strategy, shows the advantages of the implemented ECMS approach. To consider the different states of charge at the end of the trip, a charge-dependent fuel correction will be presented
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Manon, Philippe. "Sur l'optimisation des séquences de fonctionnement des systèmes dynamiques hybrides." Lyon 1, 2001.

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Attia, Sid Ahmed. "Sur la commande des systèmes non linéaires à dynamique hybride." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2005.

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This dissertation concerns the development of reduced complexity controllers for
hybrid switched systems. A diverse number of applications from automotive industry, fluid dyna-
mics and power systems are treated. Some general open loop optimal and predictive control schemes
are proposed. The main motivation behind each method is the reduction of the combinatorics. In
this thesis, two main contributions can be distinguished. The first one concerns the optimal control
of switched nonlinear systems where an algorithm based on strong variations is proposed and some
convergence results proven. The complexity of the scheme is linear in the number of locations, this
in conjunction with its simplicity makes it attractive for large scale systems. An example from
the automotive industry is treated to further illustrate the tractability of the scheme. The second
contribution concerns the development of a hierarchical approach for switched nonlinear systems.
At the lower level, feedback controllers are associated to each location and at the higher level a
predictive approach with a reduced order parametrization is in force. Based on this methodology,
two schemes are developed and successfully tested in respectively fluid stabilisation by actuator
switching and voltage stabilization in power systems.
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Fontaine, Clément. "Supervision optimale des véhicules électriques hybrides en présence de contraintes sur l'état." Phd thesis, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2013.

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La propulsion des véhicules électriques hybrides parallèles est généralement assurée par un moteur à combustion interne combiné à une machine électrique réversible. Les flux de puissance entre ces deux organes de traction sont déterminés par un algorithme de supervision, qui vise à réduire la consommation de carburant et éventuellement les émissions de certains polluants. Dans la littérature, la théorie de la commande optimale est maintenant reconnue comme étant un cadre puissant pour l'élaboration de lois de commande pour la gestion énergétique des véhicules full-hybrides. Ces stratégies, dénommée " Stratégies de Minimisation de la Consommation Equivalente " (ECMS) sont basée sur le principe du Maximum de Pontryagin. Pour démontrer l'optimalité de l'ECMS, on doit supposer que les limites du système de stockage ne sont pas atteintes durant le cycle de conduite. Il n'est plus possible de faire cette hypothèse lorsque l'on considère les véhicules micro et mild hybrides étudiés dans cette thèse car la variable d'état atteint généralement plusieurs fois les bornes. Des outils mathématiques adaptés à l'étude des problèmes de commande avec contraintes sur l'état sont présentés et appliqués à deux problèmes en lien avec la gestion énergétique. Le premier problème consiste à déterminer le profil optimal de la tension aux bornes d'un pack d'ultra-capacités. Le second problème se concentre sur un système électrique intégrant deux stockeurs. L'accent est mis sur l'étude des conditions d'optimalités valables lorsque les contraintes sur l'état sont actives. Les conséquences de ces conditions pour la commande en ligne sont mises en avant et exploitées afin de concevoir une commande en temps réel. Les performances sont évaluées à l'aide d'un prototype. Une comparaison avec une approche de type ECMS plus classique est également présentée.
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Rondepierre, Aude. "Algorithmes hybrides pour le contrôle optimal des systèmes non linéaires." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2006.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à la résolution des problèmes de contrôle non linéaires par des méthodes de calcul hybride. L'idée défendue est que la modélisation par les systèmes hybrides permet la résolution approchée des problèmes non linéaires sans connaissance a priori du comportement du système étudié. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation des systèmes de contrôle non linéaires par une nouvelle classe de systèmes hybrides affines par morceaux. Un soin particulier est apporté à l'étude de l'erreur et de la convergence de l'approximation hybride. La deuxième partie est consacrée au problème de la contrôlabilité à l'origine des systèmes non linéaires. Nous nous intéressons tout d'abord à la quantification de l'erreur commise entre le domaine contrôlable non linéaire et son approximation hybride. Nous proposons ensuite une approche constructive pour le calcul du domaine contrôlable, permettant alors de réduire l'exploration des états discrets de l'automate hybride. La dernière partie est dédiée à la recherche de solutions optimales des problèmes de contrôle non linéaires et hybrides. Nous justifions tout d'abord la pertinence de la modélisation hybride à travers deux approches : le principe du maximum de Pontryagin et les solutions de viscosité des équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman. Nous énonçons en particulier un principe du maximum hybride qui nous permet alors de déterminer la structure du contrôle optimal hybride. Ces trois parties répondent à un objectif principal : développer par le calcul hybride combinant analyse numérique et calcul formel, des outils mathématiques et algorithmiques efficaces pour l'étude de dynamiques contrôlées non linéaires.
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Helbing, Maximilian. "Energiemanagement für eine parallele Hybridfahrzeugarchitektur." Master's thesis, 2014.

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Durch die Integration mindestens eines weiteren Energiewandlers in den Antriebsstrang gewinnen parallele Hybridfahrzeuge einen zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrad gegenüber konventionellen Fahrzeugen. Neben der Auslegung und Effizienz der einzelnen Antriebskomponenten, ist vor allem die Nutzung dieses zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrades entscheidend dafür verantwortlich, inwiefern die beim Betrieb eines Hybridfahrzeugs erwünschten Ziele, wie die Minimierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs oder der Abgasemissionen, erreicht werden können. Zuständig dafür sind sogenannte Betriebsstrategien. In einem ersten Schritt gibt die vorliegende Diplomarbeit einen Überblick aktueller Betriebsstrategieansätze für Fahrzeuge mit einer parallelen Hybridarchitektur und stellt ausgewählte Beiträge wertend gegenüber. Anschließend wird mit der optimierungsbasierten Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) ein vielversprechender Ansatz in ein MATLAB/Simulink-Längsdynamikmodell umgesetzt. Die für diesen Ansatz maßgebliche Bestimmung des Äquivalenzfaktors erfolgt dabei ohne Verwendung von Prädiktionsdaten. Eine Gegenüberstellung der erzielten Kraftstoffverbrauchswerte zu denen einer regelbasierten Betriebsstrategie, zeigt die Vorteile des implementierten ECMS-Ansatzes. Um den unterschiedlichen Ladezuständen am Fahrtende gerecht zu werden, wird eine ladungsabhängige Kraftstoffkorrektur vorgestellt.:Abbildungsverzeichnis VII Tabellenverzeichnis IX Abkürzungs- und Symbolverzeichnis X 1 Einleitung 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Zielstellung der Arbeit 1.3 Struktur der Arbeit 2 Energiemanagement paralleler Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.1 Hybridfahrzeuge 2.2 Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.3 Betriebsstrategien für parallele Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.3.1 Betriebsstrategie - Begriffsbestimmung und Einordnung in das Energiemanagement 2.3.2 Bewertungskriterien von Betriebsstrategien 2.3.3 Überblick Betriebsstrategien 3 Optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.1 Mathematischer Ansatz 3.1.1 Das parallele HEV als Anwendungsfall 3.1.2 Neben- und Randbedingungen 3.2 Globale optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.2.1 Dynamische Programmierung (DP) 3.2.2 PONTRJAGINsches Maximumsprinzip (PMP) 3.2.3 Approximation der Kennfelder 3.2.4 Suchheuristiken 3.3 Lokale optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.3.1 Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) 3.3.2 Gegenüberstellung ECMS und PMP 3.3.3 Bestimmung des Äquivalenzfaktors 3.4 Zusammenfassung der Vor- und Nachteile optimierungsbasierter Ansätze 4 Regelbasierte Betriebsstrategien 4.1 Deterministisch 4.1.1 Regeladaption mittels Suchheuristiken 4.1.2 Regeldefinition mittels PMP/ECMS 4.2 Fuzzy-Logik 4.3 Zusammenfassung der Vor- und Nachteile regelbasierter Ansätze 5 Auswahl eines zu implementierenden Strategieansatzes 6 Vorstellung des verwendeten Simulationsmodells 6.1 Betrachtete Fahrzyklen 6.2 Fahrzeugmodell 6.3 Implementierung der ECMS 6.3.1 Korrektur des Kraftstoffverbrauchs bei Ladungsabweichung 6.3.2 Auswahl der Strafkosten für den Gangwechsel und den VM- Betriebszustand 7 Simulation und Auswertung des implementierten Strategieansatzes. 7.1 Erweiterung der ECMS durch die nichtprädiktive Anpassung des Äquivalenzfaktors nach PEI 7.1.1 Auswahl des Skalierungsfaktors a - ohne Anpassung des Referenzwerts (λref = const) 7.1.2 Auswahl der Proportionalverstärkung Kp - Anpassung des Referenzwerts (λref ≠ const) 7.2 Vergleich der ECMS mit einer regelbasierten Betriebsstrategie 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Quellenverzeichnis Anhang
By integrating at least one additional energy converter into the drive train, parallel hybrid vehicles gain an additional degree of freedom compared to conventional vehicles. In addition to the design and efficiency of the individual drive train components, especially the use of this additional degree of freedom is the key responsible to achieve the desired goals in the operation of a hybrid vehicle, such as minimizing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Responsible for this are so-called supervisory strategies. In a first step, the present thesis provides an overview of current supervisory control strategies for vehicles with a parallel hybrid architecture and compares selected approaches. In a second step, a promising Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) is chosen and implemented in a MATLAB/Simulink-longitudinal dynamics model. This approach relates on the determination of the equivalence factor which is carried out without the use of prediction data. A comparison of the fuel consumption, obtained for a rule-based supervisory strategy, shows the advantages of the implemented ECMS approach. To consider the different states of charge at the end of the trip, a charge-dependent fuel correction will be presented.:Abbildungsverzeichnis VII Tabellenverzeichnis IX Abkürzungs- und Symbolverzeichnis X 1 Einleitung 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Zielstellung der Arbeit 1.3 Struktur der Arbeit 2 Energiemanagement paralleler Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.1 Hybridfahrzeuge 2.2 Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.3 Betriebsstrategien für parallele Hybridfahrzeugarchitekturen 2.3.1 Betriebsstrategie - Begriffsbestimmung und Einordnung in das Energiemanagement 2.3.2 Bewertungskriterien von Betriebsstrategien 2.3.3 Überblick Betriebsstrategien 3 Optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.1 Mathematischer Ansatz 3.1.1 Das parallele HEV als Anwendungsfall 3.1.2 Neben- und Randbedingungen 3.2 Globale optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.2.1 Dynamische Programmierung (DP) 3.2.2 PONTRJAGINsches Maximumsprinzip (PMP) 3.2.3 Approximation der Kennfelder 3.2.4 Suchheuristiken 3.3 Lokale optimierungsbasierte Betriebsstrategien 3.3.1 Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) 3.3.2 Gegenüberstellung ECMS und PMP 3.3.3 Bestimmung des Äquivalenzfaktors 3.4 Zusammenfassung der Vor- und Nachteile optimierungsbasierter Ansätze 4 Regelbasierte Betriebsstrategien 4.1 Deterministisch 4.1.1 Regeladaption mittels Suchheuristiken 4.1.2 Regeldefinition mittels PMP/ECMS 4.2 Fuzzy-Logik 4.3 Zusammenfassung der Vor- und Nachteile regelbasierter Ansätze 5 Auswahl eines zu implementierenden Strategieansatzes 6 Vorstellung des verwendeten Simulationsmodells 6.1 Betrachtete Fahrzyklen 6.2 Fahrzeugmodell 6.3 Implementierung der ECMS 6.3.1 Korrektur des Kraftstoffverbrauchs bei Ladungsabweichung 6.3.2 Auswahl der Strafkosten für den Gangwechsel und den VM- Betriebszustand 7 Simulation und Auswertung des implementierten Strategieansatzes. 7.1 Erweiterung der ECMS durch die nichtprädiktive Anpassung des Äquivalenzfaktors nach PEI 7.1.1 Auswahl des Skalierungsfaktors a - ohne Anpassung des Referenzwerts (λref = const) 7.1.2 Auswahl der Proportionalverstärkung Kp - Anpassung des Referenzwerts (λref ≠ const) 7.2 Vergleich der ECMS mit einer regelbasierten Betriebsstrategie 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Quellenverzeichnis Anhang
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Book chapters on the topic "Hybrid Maximum Principle"


Sussmann, Héctor J. "A nonsmooth hybrid maximum principle." In Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, 325–54. London: Springer London, 1999.

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Azhmyakov, Vadim, Sid Ahmed Attia, and Jörg Raisch. "On the Maximum Principle for Impulsive Hybrid Systems." In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 30–42. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

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Haddad, Wassim M., and Sergey G. Nersesov. "Hybrid Decentralized Maximum Entropy Control for Large-Scale Systems." In Stability and Control of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems. Princeton University Press, 2011.

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This chapter introduces a novel class of fixed-order, energy- and entropy-based hybrid decentralized controllers for achieving enhanced energy dissipation in large-scale vector lossless and vector dissipative systems based on subsystem decomposition. These dynamic decentralized controllers combine a logical switching architecture with continuous dynamics to guarantee that the system plant energy is strictly decreasing across switchings. The general framework leads to hybrid closed-loop systems described by impulsive differential equations. The chapter also constructs hybrid dynamic controllers that guarantee that each subsystem-subcontroller pair of the hybrid closed-loop system is consistent with basic thermodynamic principles. Special cases of energy-based hybrid controllers involving state-dependent switching are described, and several illustrative examples are given and an experimental test bed is designed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
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Lowenstein, Jerold M., and Jeheskel Shoshani. "Proboscidean relationships based on immunological data." In The Proboscidea, 49–55. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.

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Abstract Morphological reconstructions of proboscidean evolution are now being supplemented by the immunological analysis of fossil elephant proteins. Microcomplement fixation, immunodiffusion. and radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods have been applied to examine the genetic relationships of the extinct woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius, hereafter. M. primigenius), the American mastodon (Mammut americanum). and the living elephants, African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus). Here we review the principal finding emanating from the new field of palaeo-immunology, particularly from the very quantitative and sensitive RIA technique. In addition, we discuss new applications of RIA to identify fossils of unknown or uncertain provenance and to confirm the hybrid status of the only known Elephas- Loxodonta hybrid.
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Chowdhury, Rinku Roy, and Laura C. Schneider. "Land Cover and Land Use: Classification and Change Analysis." In Integrated Land-Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatan. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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Despite its international designation as a hotspot of biodiversity and tropical deforestation (Achard et al. 1988), the micro-scale land-cover mapping of southern Yucatán peninsular region remains surprisingly incomplete, hindering various kinds of research, including that proposed in the SYPR project. This chapter details the methodology for the thematic classification and change detection of land use and cover in the tropical sub-humid environment of the region. A hybrid approach using principal components and texture analyses of Landsat TM data enabled the distinction of land-cover classes at the local scale, including mature and secondary forest, savannas, and cropland/pasture. Results indicate that texture analysis increases the statistical separability of cover class signatures, the magnitude of improvement varying among pairs of land-cover classes. At a local level, the availability of exhaustive training site data over recent history (10–13 years) in a repository of highly detailed land-use sketch maps allows the distinction of greater numbers of land-cover classes, including three successional stages of vegetation. At the regional scale, finely detailed land-cover classes are aggregated for greater ability to generalize in a terrain wherein vegetation exhibits marked regional and seasonal variation in intra-class spectral properties. Post-classification change detection identifies the quantities and spatial pattern of major land-cover changes in a ten-year period in the region. Change analysis results indicate an average annual rate of deforestation of 0.4 per cent, with much regional variation and most change located at three subregional hotspots. Deforestation as well as successional regrowth is highest in a southern hotspot located in the newly colonized southern part of the region, an area where commercial chili production is large. The objectives of this chapter are to describe and evaluate: (1) an experimental methodology that iteratively combines three suites of image-processing techniques (PCA, texture transformation, and NDVI); (2) the statistical separability of distinct land-cover signatures; and (3) a post-classification change detection for the region from 1987 to 1997 in order to derive regional deforestation rates, and identify the spatial pattern of deforestation and secondary forest succession. Specifically, a region encompassing 18,700km2 (those land units completely within the defined region; Fig. 7.1) was mapped using a maximum likelihood supervised classification of lower-order principal components of Landsat TM imagery after tasseled-cap and texture transformations.
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Conference papers on the topic "Hybrid Maximum Principle"


Suski, Damian, and Radoslaw Pytlak. "The weak maximum principle for hybrid systems." In 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). IEEE, 2016.

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Ma, Yi, Zhenhua Tan, Guiran Chang, and Xiaoxing Gao. "A P2P Network Topology Optimized Algorithm Based on Minimum Maximum K-Means Principle." In 2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. IEEE, 2009.

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Caines, P. E., F. H. Clarke, X. Liu, and R. B. Vinter. "A Maximum Principle for Hybrid Optimal Control Problems with Pathwise State Constraints." In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2006.

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Altet, Olivier, Xavier Moreau, Alain Oustaloup, and Ce´dric Nouillant. "The Hydractive CRONE Suspension: Operation Principle and Stability Study." In ASME 2003 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2003.

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Mechatronic subsystems have been extensively developed in automotive applications as they increase performance compared to passive components. The Hydractive CRONE suspension based on fractional differentiation is presented as a hybrid system undergoing an infinite sequence of autonomous switchings. The modelling and operation of Hydractive CRONE suspension as a hybrid system are presented. Finally the stability of Hydractive CRONE suspension is demonstrated using the maximum principle extended to hybrid systems.
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Boyadzhiev, G., and N. Kutev. "Strong interior and boundary maximum principle for weakly coupled linear cooperative elliptic systems." In APPLICATION OF MATHEMATICS IN TECHNICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES: 13th International Hybrid Conference for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences - AMiTaNS’21. AIP Publishing, 2022.

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Galvan-Guerra, R., and V. Azhmyakov. "Relationship between dynamic programming and the Maximum Principle for impulsive hybrid LQ optimal control problems." In 2008 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE). IEEE, 2008.

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Guo, Lianshui, Charles L. Penninger, John E. Renaud, and Andre´s Tovar. "Strain-Based Topology Optimization for Crashworthiness Using Hybrid Cellular Automata." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Structural design for crashworthiness is a challenging area of research due to large plastic deformations and complex interactions among diverse components of the vehicle. Previous research in this field primarily focused on energy absorbing structures that utilize a desired amount of material. These structures have been shown to absorb a large amount of the kinetic energy generated during the crash event; however, the large plastic strains experienced can lead to failure. This research introduces a new strain-based topology optimization algorithm for crash-worthy structures undergoing large deformations. This technique makes use of the hybrid cellular automaton framework combining transient, non-linear finite-element analysis and local control rules acting on cells. The set of all cells defines the design domain. In the proposed algorithm, the design domain is dynamically divided into two sub-domains for different objectives, i.e., high strain sub-domain (HSSD) and low strain sub-domain (LSSD). The distribution of these sub-domains is determined by a plastic strain limit value. During the design process, the material is distributed within the LSSD following a fully-internal-energy-distribution principle. To accomplish that, each cell in the LSSD is driven to a prescribed target or set point value by modifying its stiffness. In the HSSD, the material is distributed to satisfy a failure criterion given by a maximum strain value. Results show that the new formulation and algorithm are suitable for practical applications. The case studies demonstrate the potential significance of the new capability developed for a wide range of engineering design problems.
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Chaudhuri, A., J. H. Yoo, and N. M. Wereley. "Dynamic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Hydraulic Pump." In ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2006.

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Recently, there has been substantial research on the development of a hybrid hydraulic pump driven by various smart materials. Piezo-hydraulic actuators have already been developed for potential use in smart rotor applications. However, at high actuation frequencies, piezo-stacks generate significant heat mainly due to the hysteresis losses that can deteriorate their performance and permanently damage the piezo material. In contrast, magnetostrictive materials are more robust than piezostacks, especially at high temperatures, while offering almost the same bandwidth and higher maximum induced strain when compared with piezoelectric stacks. Also, the magnetostrictive material usually has a particular frequency range where the hysteretic losses taking place are minimum and consequently the operation results in least heat generation. As a result, to operate the pump with higher flow rate with minimum heat generation and maximum efficiency, we need to know the system resonance. Moreover, the hybrid pump with smart material is mechanically more complex than a single rod actuator; consequently, it can have more than one resonant frequency depending on the number of degrees of freedom of the system. A hybrid pump using the magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D has been developed in our laboratory with hydraulic oil as the working fluid. Several key design parameters, which include output cylinder size, diaphragm thickness, reed valve thickness and tubing diameter, along with operational conditions, like input current and bias pressure within the fluid, have been varied to identify a set of optimum driving conditions. Tests at no-load have been carried out for unidirectional motion of the output piston. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of the hydraulic hybrid actuator to show the basic operational principle and compare the simulated data with test results. The final target of this study is to find optimal operational frequency to get highest performance and also to predict the pump sizing for a desired output velocity and load lifting capability.
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Chaudhuri, A., and N. M. Wereley. "Dynamic Model of a Hybrid Hydraulic Actuator Utilizing Different Smart Materials." In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007.

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There has been a lot of research in the development of a hybrid hydraulic actuator driven by various smart materials. The basic operation of these actuators involves high frequency bidirectional operation of the active material which is converted to unidirectional motion by a set of valves. The response of the actuator also shows resonant peaks similar to that of SDOF mechanical systems and indicates a region of maximum output. At these high driving frequencies, the inertial effects of the fluid mass dominate over the viscous effects and the problem becomes unsteady in nature. Geometrical parameters of the flow path are also important. Due to the high pressures existing inside the actuator and the presence of entrained air, compressibility of the hydraulic oil also has to be taken into account. Hybrid actuators using the magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D and the electrostrictive material PMN have been developed in our laboratory, with hydraulic oil as the working fluid. Several key design parameters, which include output cylinder size, diaphragm thickness, reed valve thickness and tubing diameter, along with operational conditions, like input current and bias pressure within the fluid, have been varied to identify a set of optimum driving conditions. Tests at no-load and with load have been carried out for unidirectional motion of the output piston. To characterize the input driving circuitry and magnetic flux path, we have also carried out dynamic tests with the Terfenol-D rod and analyzed its magnetic circuit (flux density vs. frequency) response. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model of the hydraulic hybrid actuator to show the basic operational principle under no-load and loaded conditions and to describe the resonance phenomenon affecting the system performance. The dynamics of the input driving circuit have been included in the model. The fluid passages have been represented using the transmission line model, giving rise to strongly coupled ordinary differential equations which are solved using a lumped parameter approach. This model is then used to calculate the no-load velocity of the actuator and also its blocked force. Finally, we use the model to find optimal pumping frequency to get highest performance with different active materials and also to predict the pump sizing for desired output velocity and load lifting capability.
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CHLEBNIKOVAS, Aleksandras, and Artūras KILIKEVIČIUS. "Gas flow experimental research in a newly developed centrifugal-electrostatic precipitator." In 12th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”. VILNIUS TECH, 2023.

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In this paper, one of the most common environmental pollution problems is investigated – air pollution with particulate matter, and the object of study is a newly created device of a hybrid type of centrifugal and electrostatic cleaning principle. These technologies are increasingly being introduced in a sequential order on past lines, but the unified model has not yet been used. The set of cleaning methods in this model allows to clean the gas flow from fine and ultra-fine particulate matter. By adopting an improved section to reduce flow turbulence, the gas flow rate has been equalized to an average of 17% to 4.6% before the inlet. Also, the designed system achieved a theoretically optimal gas flow rate of 2.2 m/s for subsequent particulate matter injection into the system of several cleaning stages. The flow before and after the purification device in the range of 1.2–2.4 m/s was also studied. The results of this work were obtained in an experimental way to analyze the dynamics of the flow in the system of the apparatus for cleaning the flow in the range from 50 to 200 m3/h, under various operating modes of this technology. The direct current in the electrostatic filter reached no more than 10 kV. The maximum gas yield is equal to 0.03 m3/s at inlet and outlet gas flow rate of 2.4 m/s and 0.77 m/s respectively, and pressure drop is up to 51 Pa.
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