Journal articles on the topic 'Humidité du sol – Conservation'
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Full textKováč, K., M. Macák, and M. Švančárková. "The effect of soil conservation tillage on soil moisture dynamics under single cropping and crop rotation." Plant, Soil and Environment 51, No. 3 (November 19, 2011): 124–30.
Full textHuang, Houyi, Guanglin Xu, and Xinyou Liu. "Study on the Purity of Gold Leaf in a SO2 Atmosphere at Ambient Temperature." Materials 14, no. 9 (May 6, 2021): 2425.
Full textMechiah, Fahima, Imane Boutelba, and Noria Smail-Saadoun. "Vertical distribution and interannual variability of Glomeromycota of Atlas pistachio soils (Laghouat, Algeria) / Distribution verticale et variabilité interannuelle des Glomeromycota des sols sous pistachier de l’Atlas (Laghouat, Algérie)." Ecologia mediterranea 48, no. 1 (2022): 21–31.
Full textBouzid, Farouk, and Nabila Khellaf. "Régénération à l’acide sulfurique de l’huile de lubrification Repsol32 utilisée dans le compresseur de synthèse d’ammoniac (Fertial-Annaba)." Journal of Renewable Energies 20, no. 1 (October 12, 2023): 169–77.
Full textJullien, Benoît. "Au-dessous du volcan de la Soufrière, les Archives départementales de la Guadeloupe. Les anciens bâtiments." La Gazette des archives 264, no. 4 (2021): 71–82.
Full textSORO, Siofougowary Mariam, and N’guettia René YAO. "Effet de l’apport au sol de déchets issus de l’égrenage du coton graine sur l’humidité du sol et la production en coton graine au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire." Journal of Applied Biosciences 150 (June 30, 2020): 15477–87.
Full textCoquelin, Audrey, Franck Torre, and Roland Del-Négro. "Modélisation de la formation de l’ascocarpe de la truffe noire Tuber melanosporum en fonction du couple humidité-température du sol." Ecologia mediterranea 33, no. 1 (2007): 15–28.
Full textWang, Lan. "Energy Conservation Optimization and Numerical Simulation of Urban Green Space Landscape Pattern." International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2022 (August 25, 2022): 1–7.
Full textPellerin, Stéphanie, Vincent Arricastres, Lauriane Long-Raymond, and Martin Lavoie. "La tourbière relocalisée de l’île Notre-Dame : un exemple de mesure de compensation en avance sur son époque." Botanique 139, no. 2 (May 25, 2015): 4–13.
Full textPilz, M., and H. Römich. "Sol-gel derived coating for outdoor bronze conservation." Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 8, no. 1-3 (February 1997): 1071–75.
Full textElbanna, E. B., and B. D. Witney. "L'équation de résistance à la pénétration du cône, fonction de l'indice d'argile, de la teneur en humidité du sol et du poids spécifique." Journal of Terramechanics 24, no. 1 (January 1987): 109.
Full textHonvou, Sylvanus Hanania Sèton, Boya André Aboh, Clément Sewade, Oscar Teka, Bernard Christophe Gandonou, Madjidou Oumorou, and Brice Sinsin. "Diversité floristique, structure et distribution des groupements végétaux des parcours d’accueil des transhumants dans la Basse et Moyenne Vallée de l’Ouémé au Bénin." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, no. 1 (April 20, 2021): 81–96.
Full textBrochmann, C., Ø. H. Rustan, W. Lobin, and N. Kilian. "The endemic vascular plants of the Cape Verde Islands, W Africa." Sommerfeltia 24, no. 1 (December 1, 1997): 1–363.
Full textRoberto, S., O. Junior, D. Muhlbeier, R. Koyama, S. Ahmed, and A. Dominguez. "Post-harvest conservation of “Benitaka” table grapes with different SO2−generating pads and plastic liners under cold storage." BIO Web of Conferences 15 (2019): 01003.
Full textSales, Thais Silva, Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira Paiva, Guilherme Mariano Manfredini, Ângela Maria Pereira do Nascimento, and Michele Valquíria dos Reis. "Water relations in cut calla lily flowers maintained under different postharvest solutions." Ornamental Horticulture 27, no. 2 (June 2021): 126–36.
Full textKiele, Erika, Jurate Senvaitiene, Asta Grigucevicienė, Rimantas Ramanauskas, Rimantas Raudonis, and Aivaras Kareiva. "Sol-gel derived coatings for the conservation of steel." Processing and Application of Ceramics 9, no. 2 (2015): 81–89.
Full textPeng, Xiaohong, Yue Wang, Xi-Fei Ma, Haifeng Bao, Xiao Huang, Hongjiao Zhou, Hongjie Luo, and Xiaolin Wang. "Sol–Gel derived hybrid materials for conservation of fossils." Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 94, no. 2 (February 7, 2020): 347–55.
Full textNúñez, Maria. "Fructification of Polyporaceae s.l. (Basidiomycotina) along a gradient of altitude and humidity in the Guanacaste Conservation Area (Costa Rica)." Journal of Tropical Ecology 12, no. 6 (November 1996): 893–98.
Full textHiguchi, Maíra Tiaki, Aline Cristina de Aguiar, Nathalia Rodrigues Leles, Luana Tainá Machado Ribeiro, Bruna Evelise Caetano Bosso, Fábio Yamashita, Khamis Youssef, and Sergio Ruffo Roberto. "Active Packaging Systems to Extend the Shelf Life of ‘Italia’ Table Grapes." Horticulturae 10, no. 3 (February 23, 2024): 214.
Full textBesson, François, Pierre Etchevers, Florence Habets, Patrick Le Moigne, Fabienne Rousset-Regimbeau, Jean-Michel Soubeyroux, Christian Viel, and Béatrice Vincendon. "Suivi en temps réel des sécheresses : de l'analyse à la prévision saisonnière." La Houille Blanche, no. 4 (August 2020): 82–92.
Full textVerney-Carron, Aurélie, Loryelle Sessegolo, Roger-Alexandre Lefèvre, and Peter Brimblecombe. "Modelling the Alteration of Medieval Stained Glass as a Function of Climate and Pollution: Comparison between Different Methodologies." Heritage 6, no. 3 (March 15, 2023): 3074–88.
Full textSingh, Arun Pratap, and Lekhendra. "Seasonality, diversity, and forest type associations of macro moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Heterocera) in the Shiwalik landscape of northern India and its conservation implications." Journal of Threatened Taxa 15, no. 10 (October 26, 2023): 23952–76.
Full textThiebeau, Pascal. "Relation entre taux de couverture du sol et biomasse de résidus de cultures : une simplification prédictive est envisageable." Cahiers Agricultures 28 (2019): 30.
Full textNagy-Győr, László, Emese Farkas, Mihai Lăcătuș, Gergő Tóth, Dániel Incze, Gábor Hornyánszky, Viktória Bódai, Csaba Paizs, László Poppe, and Diána Balogh-Weiser. "Conservation of the Biocatalytic Activity of Whole Yeast Cells by Supported Sol – Gel Entrapment for Efficient Acyloin Condensation." Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 64, no. 2 (December 12, 2019): 153–61.
Full textKobayashi, Norihisa. "(Invited) Color e-Paper Technology with Electrochemistry Toward Energy Conservation." ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2024-02, no. 38 (November 22, 2024): 2579.
Full textCano-Santana, Zenón, Silvia Castillo-Argüero, Yuriana Martínez-Orea, and Sonia Juárez-Orozco. "Análisis de la riqueza vegetal y el valor de conservación de tres áreas incorporadas a la Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel, Distrito Federal (México)." Botanical Sciences, no. 82 (June 9, 2017): 1.
Full textMühlbeier, Débora Thaís, Luana Tainá Ribeiro, Maíra Tiaki Higuchi, Youssef Khamis, Osmar José Chaves Junior, Renata Koyama, and Sergio Ruffo Roberto. "SO2-generating pads reduce gray mold in clamshell-packaged ‘Rubi’ table grapes grown under a two-cropping per year system." Semina: Ciências Agrárias 42, no. 3 (March 19, 2021): 1069–86.
Full textKiele, E., J. Senvaitiene, A. Griguceviciene, R. Ramanauskas, R. Raudonis, and A. Kareiva. "Application of sol–gel method for the conservation of copper alloys." Microchemical Journal 124 (January 2016): 623–28.
Full textSakharova, Antonina, Ivan Kozlov, Marina Baydarashvili, and Andrei Petriaev. "Reduction of negative impact on the geoenvironment using silica sol in road construction." MATEC Web of Conferences 265 (2019): 06002.
Full textChatonnet, Pascal, Guy Guimberteau, Denis Dubourdieu, and Jean-Noël Boidron. "Nature et origine des odeurs de « moisi » dans les caves. Incidences sur la contamination des vins." OENO One 28, no. 2 (June 30, 1994): 131.
Full textSome, Wièmè, Antoine Denis, Amani Louis Kouadio, Bakary Djaby, Hassan Bismark Nacro, Adrien Marie Gaston Belem, and Bernard Tychon. "Estimation des rendements fourragers des pâturages dans les espaces climatiques du Burkina Faso à partir de données satellitaires." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 77 (June 12, 2024): 1–17.
Full textYang, Qi, Glenn Benoy, Zhengyong Zhao, Thien Lien Chow, Charles P. A. Bourque, and Fan-Rui Meng. "Watershed-level analysis of exceedance frequencies for different management strategies." Water Quality Research Journal 46, no. 1 (February 1, 2011): 64–73.
Full textAguiar, Aline Cristina de, João Paulo de Oliveira, Marcos Letaif Gaeta, Danielle Mieko Sakai, Bianca Liriel Martins Barbosa, Stefanie do Prado da Silva, Admilton Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior, and Sergio Ruffo Roberto. "Essential oil from orange peel in the control of Botrytis cinerea and in the postharvest conservation of ‘Benitaka’ table grape." Semina: Ciências Agrárias 45, no. 4 (July 26, 2024): 1109–30.
Full textMarquez, Josiah, Roshan Paudel, Brent S. Sipes, and Koon-Hui Wang. "Successional Effects of No-Till Cover Cropping with Black Oat (Avena strigosa) vs. Soil Solarization on Soil Health in a Tropical Oxisol." Horticulturae 8, no. 6 (June 15, 2022): 527.
Full textGuérin, Nathalie, Karam Sab, and Pascal Moucheront. "Identification expérimentale d'une loi de tassement du ballast." Canadian Geotechnical Journal 36, no. 3 (October 25, 1999): 523–32.
Full textCaron, Vanessa C., Magda A. Tessmer, Simone C. Mello, and Angelo P. Jacomino. "Quality of mini tomatoes harvested at two maturity stages and kept chilled in three packages." Horticultura Brasileira 31, no. 2 (June 2013): 279–86.
Full textCuna, Estela, Javier Alcocer, Martha Gaytán, and Margarita Caballero. "Phytoplankton Biodiversity in Two Tropical, High Mountain Lakes in Central Mexico." Diversity 14, no. 1 (January 10, 2022): 42.
Full textAyala, I. V., E. Mejía-Ospino, C. Gonzalez-Arias, R. Cabanzo-Hernández, and E. D. V-Niño. "Evaluation of sol-gel and solvothermal method on titanium dioxide and reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2726, no. 1 (March 1, 2024): 012003.
Full textAssogbadjo, Bidossèssi Eliane Juliette, Achille Hounkpevi, Yao Sadaiou Sabas Barima, Ghislain Comlan Akabassi, Elie Antoine Padonou, Yao Charles Sangne, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, and Romain Glele Kakaï. "Diversité et état de conservation des espèces ligneuses alimentaires à la périphérie de la Forêt Classée de la Lama (Bénin)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 15, no. 6 (February 22, 2022): 2456–74.
Full textZirbes, Lara, Caroline Collin, Joseph Dufey, Pham Khanh Tu, Nguyen Duyet, Fréderic Francis, Philippe Lebailly, Eric Haubruge, and et Yves Brostaux. "Mise en relation de la diversité des vers de terre et des caractéristiques du sol de Thua Thien Hue (Centre Vietnam)." Tropical Conservation Science 2, no. 3 (September 2009): 282–98.
Full textWang, Liqun, Zihao Zhai, and Longnan Li. "Rapid Fabrication of Tungsten Oxide-Based Electrochromic Devices through Femtosecond Laser Processing." Micromachines 15, no. 6 (June 14, 2024): 785.
Full textLiu, Rong, Xiangna Han, Xiao Huang, Weidong Li, and Hongjie Luo. "Preparation of three-component TEOS-based composites for stone conservation by sol–gel process." Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 68, no. 1 (August 7, 2013): 19–30.
Full textRazafimbelo, Tantely Maminiaina, Andry Andriamananjara, Tovonarivo Rafolisy, Herintsitohaina Razakamanarivo, Dominique Masse, Eric Blanchart, Marie-Virginie Falinirina, Laetitia Bernard, Nasandratra Ravonjiarison, and Alain Albrecht. "Impact de l’agriculture climato-intelligente sur les stocks de carbone organique du sol à Madagascar." Cahiers Agricultures 27, no. 3 (May 2018): 35001.
Full textDOMINGUEZ BOHORQUEZ, Juan David. "L’eau dans les sols méditerranéens au cœur de la transition agroécologique." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 45 (July 8, 2024): 8140.
Full textEL HAIRCHI, Khalid, Abdelhak LIMAME, Youssef BENBRAHIM, and Mohcine EL OMMAL. "Impacts de défrichement sur la dégradation des sols dans le moyen atlas central, cas de la dépression d’Ain Nokra." GOT - Journal of Geography and Spatial Planning, no. 26 (December 30, 2023): 224–37.
Full textYasin, Muhammad. "Impact of climate changes on the diurnal behaviour of some passerines in some selected habitats of central Punjab, Pakistan." Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58, no. 04 (September 1, 2021): 1177–84.
Full textCattaneo, Augusto. "Eco-morphological notes on the sarmatian rat snake, Elaphe sauromates (Pallas, 1814) (Reptilia Serpentes Colubridae), from Greek Thrace." Biodiversity Journal 15, no. 3 (2024): 630–48.
Full textEl Mokaddem, Abdelmohssin, and Fayçal Benchekroun. "La conservation des ressources en eau par la mise en oeuvre de paiements pour services environnementaux dans un bassin versant." Revue des sciences de l’eau 29, no. 2 (June 6, 2016): 109–17.
Full textASSOGBA, S. Claude-Gervais, D. Sandrine ZANCRAN, and Rodrigue V. Cao DIOGO. "Perception de l'efficacité des outils d'information et de communication dans la diffusion des pratiques de restauration des terres au Nord-Bénin." Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie 12, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 1–12.
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