Academic literature on the topic 'Human Rights'
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Journal articles on the topic "Human Rights"
Sackett, Gene P. "Animal Rights, Human Rights, Scientific Rights: Who's Right?" Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews 33, no. 1 (January 1988): 23–25.
Full textAhmed Choudhury, Jamir. "Redefining Human Rights." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 13, no. 6 (June 5, 2024): 1401–12.
Full textNambiar, Dr Bindu M. "International Human Rights Law and Right to Health Care." International Journal of Scientific Research 2, no. 11 (June 1, 2012): 268–69.
Full textVallelly, Neil. "Humans Rights Against Human Rights." Counterfutures 11 (December 7, 2021): 142–53.
Full textNelson, John O. "Against Human Rights." Philosophy 65, no. 253 (July 1990): 341–48.
Full textRanaut, Dr Akhilesh, and Sakshi Babbar. "Human Rights and Prison." International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-3, Issue-4 (June 30, 2019): 41–48.
Full textReddy, Dr B. Venkatesula. "Human Rights and Dalits." Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research 2, no. 2 (January 15, 2012): 257–58.
Full textREDDY, B. SREENIVASA. "Women Empowerment – Human Rights." Global Journal For Research Analysis 3, no. 8 (June 15, 2012): 1–3.
Full textBergoffen, Debra. "On Becoming Human and Being Humane: Human Rights, Women’s Rights, Species Rights." Religions 15, no. 7 (July 8, 2024): 822.
Full textSharma, Dr Bhavana. "A Study of Teachers' Human Rights Consciousness in Reference to 'Human Rights Education." International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 14, no. 1 (March 17, 2022): 786–90.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Human Rights"
Villanueva, Kevin Henry Reyes. "Constructing human rights : language in the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2014.
Full textBajor, William J. "Discussing 'human rights' : an anthropological exposition on 'human rights' discourse." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 1997.
Full textKeet, Andre. "Human rights education or human rights in education a conceptual analysis /." Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006.
Full textMarcinkutė, Lina. "Human Rights Versus State Sovereignty in the Lithuanian National Human Rights Policy." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.
Full textNors 1990 m. atgavusi nepriklausomybę Lietuva pademonstravo ryžtą kuo greičiau šalyje įtvirtinti visuotinai pripažintus žmogaus teisių principus, visgi įvertinant vėlesniais nepriklausomybės metais valstybės formuojamą politiką, nėra visiškai aišku, kieno interesai – valstybės ar individo – yra aktualesni ir kaip (ar) jie tarpusavyje dera Lietuvos valstybės politikoje. Disertacijos tikslas – ištirti, ar valstybės suverenitetas ir žmogaus teisės yra (ne)suderinami vienas su kitu Lietuvos nacionalinės žmogaus teisių politikos formavimo kontekste. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo analizuojamas Lietuvos žmogaus teisių politikos formavimosi kontekstas, jį įtakojantys veiksniai, nacionalinė žmogaus teisių teisinė bazė, keturiolika Vyriausybės programų per žmogaus teisių prizmę. Atliekant tyrimą naudojama teisės aktų ir dokumentų analizė, pusiau struktūruotas kokybinis interviu, taip pat palyginamoji analizė. Empiriniai tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad Lietuvos politika žmogaus teisių atžvilgiu yra fragmentiška, stokojanti integralumo, tolygaus dėmesio visoms žmogaus teisėms ir joje stipriai išreikšta socialinė, ekonominė dimensija. Tokios politikos kontekste žmogaus teisių ir valstybės suvereniteto tarpusavio sąryšis vertintinas nevienareikšmiškai. Viena vertus, išorinis suverenitetas yra suderinamas su žmogaus teisėmis; jie papildo vienas kitą. Tuo tarpu vidaus politikoje valstybės interesų viršenybė individo atžvilgiu sudaro prielaidas teigti, kad žmogaus teisės nėra suderinamos su vidiniu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Swanson, Alan D. "International human rights law and development : a human rights way to development." Thesis, University of Essex, 2001.
Full textMathabathe, Rethabile. "Profits versus human rights : accountability for corporate complicity in human rights violations." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2011.
Full textGravely, Janice Marie. "Counterterrorism and Human Rights Committees’ Influence on Terrorism and Human Rights Atrocities." ScholarWorks, 2019.
Full textStoklosa, Arkadiusz. "Human rights in Turkey." Licentiate thesis, Halmstad University, School of Social and Health Sciences (HOS), 2009.
Full textThis thesis is about Turkish accession to the European Union and criteria to be fulfilled in order to become a member state. At Helsinki summit there were defined four main areas, that are the main obstacles of Turkish membership in the structures of EU – military influence in domestic politics, economy disproportions, the issues of minorities living in Turkey and problems with obeying human rights and fundamental freedoms. In addition the attitude among European countries and Turkish political elites has changed dramatically since 1999. There is a great discussion, whose main purpose is, to show if Turkey should or shouldn’t become a part of united Europe. With the help of created conceptual framework, which is empirically based on qualitative methods and with theoretical approach in form of analysis considering human rights, I have developed a set of three hypotheses, that are based on primary and secondary sources like EU, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International reports considering changes of Turkish attitude to the question of human rights. In the process of testing validity or invalidity of those hypotheses, I have tried to conclude, why the implication of reforms considering human is the main obstacle of Turkish membership in the EU.
The paper may be used free, but it is forbidden to copy or use directly any parts of it without earlier contact with author.
Hayward, Timothy Patrick. "Philosophy and human rights." Thesis, University of Sussex, 1989.
Full textGaladámez, Zelada Liliana. "Human Rights significance today." Derecho & Sociedad, 2017.
Full textEste trabajo esboza algunas ideas en relación a nuevas perspectivas de la noción derechos humanos y destaca, particularmente, dos ámbitos que demuestran su ampliación: las fuentes a través de las cuales estos derechos nacen y la extensión de su significado.
Books on the topic "Human Rights"
United Nations. Centre for Human Rights., ed. Human rights defenders: Protecting the right to defend human rights. Geneva: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2004.
Find full textInternational, Amnesty, and Amnesty International USA, eds. Human rights are women's right. New York: Amnesty International USA, 1995.
Find full textV, Atsenuwa A., ed. Women's right as human rights. Lagos, Nigeria: Legal Research and Resource Development Centre, 1995.
Find full text1967-, Kerr Joanna, ed. Ours by right: Women's rights as human rights. London: Zed Books, 1993.
Find full textAlice, Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, and Hidryma Marankopoulou gia ta Dikaiōmata tou Anthrōpou., eds. Women's rights, human rights. Athens: ESTIA, 1994.
Find full textcentras, Lietuvos Žmogaus teisių, ed. Human rights: Minority rights. [Vilnius]: Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights, 2006.
Find full textcentras, Lietuvos Žmogaus teisių, ed. Human rights: Minority rights. [Vilnius]: Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights, 2006.
Find full textHalstead, Peter. Human rights. 2nd ed. London: Hodder Arnold, 2008.
Find full textBaehr, Peter R. Human Rights. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.
Full textLandman, Todd. Human Rights. 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2010.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Human Rights"
Baehr, Peter R. "Collective Rights: the Right of Self-Determination." In Human Rights, 42–56. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.
Full textKrennerich, Michael. "Human Rights and Human Rights Politics." In Human Rights Politics, 1–13. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textKaur, Raminder. "The right for rights." In Human Rights in India, 207–29. New York : Routledge, 2019. | Series: Routledge research in human rights law: Routledge, 2019.
Full textGoodale, Mark. "Human Rights." In A Companion to Moral Anthropology, 468–81. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.
Full textBaehr, Peter R., and Leon Gordenker. "Human Rights." In The United Nations in the 1990s, 100–117. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.
Full textBuyse, Antoine, and Marlies Glasius. "Human Rights." In International Encyclopedia of Civil Society, 1–8. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textArosemena, Gustavo. "Human Rights." In Introduction to Law, 303–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textTrosky, Abram. "Human Rights." In Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 908–15. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textRamcharan, Bertrand, and Robin Ramcharan. "Human Rights." In Conflict Prevention in the UN´s Agenda 2030, 105–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textPillau, Helmut. "Human Rights." In Von Fall zu Fall…, 49. Heidelberg: Steinkopff, 2004.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Human Rights"
Dajani, Lubna, Angelo Ferraro, Fumihiro Maruyama, and Yuchang Cheng. "Human Rights and Ethics Guiding Human-Machine Teaming." In 2024 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 254–61. IEEE, 2024.
Full textJohnston, Danyella, Gyu Myoung Lee, Sorren Hanvey, and Áine Mac Dermott. "Privacy, Human Rights, and Web 3.0." In 2024 ITU Kaleidoscope: Innovation and Digital Transformation for a Sustainable World (ITU K), 1–8. IEEE, 2024.
Full textDayal, Eramala. "The Legal Framework of Intellectual Property Rights in Relation to Human Rights." In The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR, 363–72. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023.
Full textKadriu, Flora. "Human Rights." In University for Business and Technology International Conference. Pristina, Kosovo: University for Business and Technology, 2017.
Full textWidiyono, Try, and Hamdan Azhar Siregar. "The Relationship Between Human Basic (Human Rights) Obligations and Human Rights." In International Conference on Law Reform (INCLAR 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.
Full textBelyaeva, Elena. "REPRODUCTIVE HUMAN RIGHTS." In SGEM 2014 Scientific SubConference on POLITICAL SCIENCES, LAW, FINANCE, ECONOMICS AND TOURISM. Stef92 Technology, 2014.
Full textFirdaus, Oksimana Darmawan, and Yuliana Primawardani. "Constructing Human Rights Justiciability in Human Rights Courts in Indonesia." In 1st International Conference on Law and Human Rights 2020 (ICLHR 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.
Full textZahroni, Zahroni, and Faisal Santiago. "Ulayat Rights in A Human Rights Perspective." In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2021, March 6th 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.
Full textKorzh, I. F. "SECTION 20. Human rights protection and human rights protection systems of Ukraine." In HUMAN RIGHTS AND PUBLIC GOVERNANCE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Baltija Publishing, 2023.
Full textRascu, Florin. "Human rights in the context of digitization." In Conferință științifică internațională "FILOLOGIA MODERNĂ: REALIZĂRI ŞI PERSPECTIVE ÎN CONTEXT EUROPEAN". “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” Institute of Romanian Philology, Republic of Moldova, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Human Rights"
Hanson, Gordon. International Migration and Human Rights. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2010.
Full textten Oever, N., and C. Cath. Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations. RFC Editor, October 2017.
Full textKoob, Anna Koob, and Rachel thomas thomas. Advancing Human Rights: 2016 Key Findings. New York, New York United States: Candid, July 2019.
Full textKozakiewicz, Tomasz, Heather van Buskirk, Amber Franich, Jane Hammaker, Sridevi Prasad, Laura Adams, and Douglas Glandon. Human Rights: an evidence gap map. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), May 2023.
Full textEditors, Intersections. Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction. Intersections, Social Science Research Council, February 2024.
Full textBawa, Tejvir, and Apostle Kourbeles. BRICS and the Human Rights conundrum. APRI - Africa Policy Research Private Institute gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)., December 2024.
Full textS. Abdellatif, Omar. Localizing Human Rights SDGs: Ghana in context. Raisina House, June 2021.
Full textShahab, Sofaya. Recognising Heritage for Human Rights and Development. Institute of Development Studies, September 2024.
Full textCorbridge, Jen. Culture is a Language, Can't You Read: Reading Gay Rights as Human Rights. Portland State University Library, January 2015.
Full textBolton, Laura. Donor Support for the Human Rights of LGBT+. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.
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