Academic literature on the topic 'Hôpitaux – Services de restauration'
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Journal articles on the topic "Hôpitaux – Services de restauration"
Barnard-Thompson, Kathleen. "L’avenir des hôpitaux psychiatriques en Ontario." Santé mentale au Québec 22, no. 2 (September 11, 2007): 53–70.
Full textBachrach, Leona L. "L’état des hôpitaux psychiatriques publics aux États-Unis en 1996." Santé mentale au Québec 22, no. 2 (September 11, 2007): 33–52.
Full textMeloche, Monique. "Enfermer la folie." Santé mentale au Québec 6, no. 2 (June 13, 2006): 16–26.
Full textWanger, Karen. "Emergency medical services controversies in British Columbia." CJEM 2, no. 01 (January 2000): 36–38.
Full textLe Page, Jean, and Françoise Rivière. "Rôle et intérêt d’une société prestataire de services de restauration." Gérontologie et société 10 / n° 43, no. 4 (April 1, 1987): 122–25.
Full textSmith, Courtney, Allison Griffiths, Sandra Allison, Dee Hoyano, and Linda Hoang. "Éclosion d’Escherichia coli O103 associée à du céleri haché chez des personnes hospitalisées à Victoria, Colombie-Britannique, en 2021." Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 48, no. 1 (January 26, 2022): 51–56.
Full textMcFaull, SR, M. Frechette, and R. Skinner. "Surveillance aux services d'urgence des blessures associées aux lits superposés : Système canadien hospitalier d'information et de recherche en prévention des traumatismes (SCHIRPT), 1990-2009." Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada 33, no. 1 (December 2012): 44–53.
Full textThouez, Jean-Pierre. "La régionalisation des services hospitaliers : le cas des Cantons de L’Est (Québec, Canada)." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 24, no. 62 (April 12, 2005): 299–320.
Full textRichefort, Isabelle. "Les archives photographiques des services de restauration des terrains en montagne." Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest 59, no. 1 (1988): 53–57.
Full textMellerio, Hélène, Paul Jacquin, and Enora Le Roux. "Accompagner la transition des jeunes avec une maladie chronique." médecine/sciences 37, no. 10 (October 2021): 888–94.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Hôpitaux – Services de restauration"
Abderrabi, Fatima. "Ordonnancement de la production des repas d’un hôpital dans un contexte d’amélioration du bien-être au travail." Thesis, Troyes, 2021.
Full textThe research work carried out within the framework of this thesis was motivated by a real problem issued from the hospital field relating to the optimization of the food supply chain processes of the hospital of Troyes. The Troyes hospital center has implemented important measures to effectively meet the demands of patients and to improve working conditions and employee's well-being. The contribution of the present work consists in determining the best plan to meet the customers' demands in matters of meals and to propose axes and tracks to improve the well-being of the catering service employees. The objective is to provide methods and decision support tools for optimizing and reorganizing the food supply chain with particular attention to the human factor. The studied problem in this thesis is considered as a flexible job-shop with sequence-dependent setup times and splitting of jobs in batches with the presence of different types of resources. The studied optimization criterion is the minimization of the total flow time. A new mathematical model and hybrid metaheuristics have been developed based on genetic algorithms and iterative local search methods combined with local searches. The implementation results of these methods proved their effectiveness for the scheduling of food production processes and allowed significant improvements in the real organization and the performance of the studied production system
Sanogo, Ashken N'Doh. "Analyse organisationnelle de deux hôpitaux réputés à succès en République Démocratique Populaire Lao (RDP Lao)." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textProblematic: Like many developing countries, the quality of services provided in Lao hospitals, especially in remote regions, is often criticized. It is therefore interesting to examine "successful" cases hospitals that are considered by many as models for the rest country. Such is the case of two hospitals in the province of Vientiane, whose evolution was supported by Luxembourg Cooperation. Methodology: This study is a multiple case study took place in two hospitals (Maria Teresa and Vang Vieng). It aimed to study organizational factors associated with the perception by health workers and pregnant or postpartum, of the performance of obstetric care. Individual interviews, based on themes derived from the conceptual framework of the study were performed. Results: Analyses of the results show a great satisfaction with the services offered by both, hospital workers and users, even if some expected services are not routinely offered. The main factors associated with the perceived functionality of the two hospitals are related to two aspects: an investment in human resources and an investment in the accessibility of the target population to obstetric services. The investment in human resources focused on strategies aiming the improvement of the expertise detained by all, clinicians and non-clinicians, the recognition of the work done by the staff and the creation of a pleasant atmosphere for team work. Investment in accessibility focused on geographical and economic barriers, as well as on providing information on the importance of perinatal care to the community. Conclusion: An investment in human resources and in the accessibility to services allows regional hospitals of the Lao PDR to become functional and efficient. Key words: Obstetric care, Luxembourg cooperation, quality of care, human resources, RDP Lao.
Cueille, Sandrine. "Un modèle d'analyse de la formation du processus stratégique dans un contexte de mutations environnementales : le cas des établissements hospitaliers publics français." Toulouse 1, 2000.
Full textBazin, Jean-Yves. "Étude des admissions au service des urgences du C. H. U. De Nantes pendant l'année 1983." Nantes, 1985.
Full textEpstein, Alain. "Les collectivites territoriales et le service de la restauration scolaire." Reims, 1989.
Full textThis thesis deals with the functioning and organization of the public service provision of meals in educational establishments, essentially by local government. The primary objective of this non-obligatory local public service is to provide clients (pupils, students, but also teachers and other employees) with suitable meals at a reasonable price. After a review of the legal conditions governing the introduction of such a service, the close examination of personnel requirements, technical characteristics, statutory and financial aspects of educational establishment catering allows a comparison of direct and contracted-out management options. By favoring the partnership principale, it is possible to remain in close touch with the client, whose satisfaction should, for both policy-makers and management, be the essential measure of the success of this public service
Perot, Patrick. "Activité du service des admissions et urgences chirurgicales au C. H. R. U. De Caen : étude quantitative et qualitative (réalisée sur une période de quinze jours du 27/05/91 au 11/06/91)." Caen, 1993.
Full textDíaz-Romeral, Gomez Alberto. "La responsabilidad por asistencia sanitaria en los ordenamientos español y francés." Bordeaux 4, 2009.
Full textA comparative research on Spanish and French public health care liability systems and on their national health systems. These two systems are built on different basis; however, throught different ways, they both provide a similar level of protection to national health system's users. The most difficult issues are those related to risk in health care. It is not possible to separate health care and risk, -l'aléa médical-, and this means that dammages may occur even though no fault has caused them. That's why it is imperative to draw a clear borderline between liability and other forms of social protection that only the parliament may grant
Gerbaud, Laurent. "Financement des services de soins hospitaliers et développement de l'évaluation de la qualité des soins." Dijon, 1999.
Full textBongiovanni, Isabelle. "La coopération inter-hospitalière : voie d'action stratégique des hôpitaux publics français." Aix-Marseille 2, 2004.
Full textLanteri, Didier. "De La poliomyélite antérieure aigue à la réanimation polyvalente : L'histoire du service d'urgence et soins intensifs de l'hôpital d'instruction des armées Desgenettes." Lyon 1, 1994.
Full textBooks on the topic "Hôpitaux – Services de restauration"
Comité consultatif des services médicaux et des services en établissement (Canada). Sous-comité sur les guides relatifs aux programmes institutionnels. Services cardio-vasculaires dans les hôpitaux: Rapport. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des services de la santé, 1986.
Find full textGirodin, Paulette. Restaurants et restauration en France. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textCanada. Groupe de travail sur les services spéciaux dans les hôpitaux. Unité d'écho-diagnostic dans les hôpitaux: Rapport du Groupe de travail sur les services spéciaux dans les hôpitaux. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des services de la santé, 1985.
Find full textColloque Géographie et socio-économie de la santé (4th 1995 Paris, France). Hôpitaux et géographie des soins: Résumés. Paris: CREDES, 1995.
Find full textMontésinos, André. Surveillante: Une fonction à reconsidérer. Paris: MEDSI/McGraw-Hill, 1989.
Find full textThibault, Claire. Les systèmes de mesure de la charge de travail en soins infirmiers. Montréal, Qué: Association des hôpitaux du Québec, 1990.
Find full textComité consultatif des services médicaux et des services en établissement (Canada). Sous-comité sur les guides relatifs aux programmes institutionnels. Unités d'urgence dans les hôpitaux: Rapport du Sous-comité sur les guides relatifs aux services institutionnels. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des services de la santé, 1988.
Find full textOntario. Commission de restructuration des services de santé. De meilleurs hôpitaux, de meilleurs soins de santé pour l'avenir: Rapport sommaire sur la restructuration des hôpitaux, 1996-1999. Toronto, Ont: Commission de restructuration des services de santé, 1999.
Find full textComité consultatif des services médicaux et des services en établissement (Canada). Sous-comité sur les guides relatifs aux programmes institutionnels. Unité de tomodensitométrie: Rapport du Sous-comité sur les guides relatifs aux programmes institutionnels : guide pour l'établissement de normes régissant les services spéciaux dans les hôpitaux. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des services de la santé, 1986.
Find full textBoily, Pierre-Yves. Les nouveaux mendiants: Écoles, hôpitaux et services sociaux : pistes de survie professionnelle. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Équipe Pro-Sys, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Hôpitaux – Services de restauration"
Rambaud, Thierry. "Les aumôneries dans les hôpitaux publics en France : régime juridique général." In Assistance spirituelle dans les services publics, 21–27. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2012.
Full textProeschel, Claude. "La gestion du pluralisme religieux dans les hôpitaux français : droit et pratique des aumôneries." In Assistance spirituelle dans les services publics, 29–48. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2012.
Full textCurtit, Françoise. "L’assistance spirituelle dans les hôpitaux au sein des États membres de l’Union européenne : un droit garanti, une mise en œuvre différenciée." In Assistance spirituelle dans les services publics, 11–19. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2012.
Full textVladetić, Srđan. "Biblioteka Apolonovog hrama." In XXI vek - vek usluga i uslužnog prava : knj.11, 137–43. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2020.
Full textBataveljić, Dragan. "USLUGE CRKAVA I VERSKIH ZAJEDNICA." In XXI vek - vek usluga i uslužnog prava : Knj. 12, 81–95. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2021.
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