Academic literature on the topic 'History of grammar books'
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Journal articles on the topic "History of grammar books"
Horvat, Marijana, and Martina Kramarić. "Retro-Digitization of Croatian Pre-Standard Grammars." ATHENS JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY 8, no. 4 (September 9, 2021): 297–310.
Full textK, Jelin Suji, and Mahila Jeni D. "Tamil Vidu Thoothu is a Literary Grammar Expert." International Research Journal of Tamil 4, S-15 (December 9, 2022): 17–23.
Full textM, Kavitha. "Nachinarkiniyar History and Textual Ability." International Research Journal of Tamil 4, S-8 (July 21, 2022): 233–38.
Full textCarlsmith, Christopher. "Struggling Toward Success: Jesuit Education in Italy, 1540–1600." History of Education Quarterly 42, no. 2 (2002): 215–46.
Full textLukin, Oleg V. "«GERMAN GRAMMAR» BY JACOB GRIMM AND SCHOOL GERMAN GRAMMAR BOOKS IN THE NINETEENTH-CENTURY GERMANY." Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin 23, no. 4 (2020): 121–27.
Full textGabowitsch, Mischa. "Visuals in History Textbooks." Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 15, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 99–128.
Full textJakubczyk, Marcin. "Zapomniana gramatyka języka polskiego Ignacego Trąbczyńskiego (1778)." Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego LXXVIII, no. 78 (December 31, 2022): 99–112.
Full textDibbets, Geert R. W. "Dutch philology in the 16th and 17th century." Historiographia Linguistica 15, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1988): 39–61.
Full textSims-Williams, Nicholas. "New studies on the verbal system of Old and Middle Iranian." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 52, no. 2 (June 1989): 255–64.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "History of grammar books"
Poujat, Sandra. "Le Roman national de la langue française. Imaginaires linguistiques et stylistiques de la Révolution française à la Troisième République." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThis thesis is a study of the construction of a national imagination by the French language during the long 19th century (1789-1920), both from a linguistic perspective, through the emerging concept of a national language, and from a stylistic point of view, through the rise of the French style as a category. The hypothesis defended here is that the national language, in France, is less the product of a linguistic policy than a discursive construct elaborated by grammar books between the French Revolution and the Third Republic. 19th century grammarians decided that it was the duty of literature to illustrate the national language, at a time when grammar and literature were indissociable. In fact, that literature should be influenced by reflections in which language and nation are associated is inevitable: writers, especially at the end of the century, approached style according to the notion of “Frenchness”, which is at once political, ideological, and imaginary. Such a notion asserted the existence of a French style, as opposed to non-French styles that failed to abide by the alleged tradition of the so-called genius of the French language. This thesis first explores the linguistic imagination that influenced the national language in the grammar books of the 19th century. It then moves on to the writers’ use of the imaginary notions related to a specifically French style. Last but not least, it examines the style of some of the authors who wrote during the Third Republic, and seeks to identify what was perceived as a specifically French style (as in the works of Renan, Daudet, Barrès, Maurras or France), and what was perceived as an antinational style (as in the works of Goncourt, Louÿs, Huysmans, Mallarmé, Valéry, Suarès, Péguy, Fargue, Claudel, Gide, Proust or Giraudoux)
Finer, Daniel L. "The formal grammar of switch-reference." New York : Garland, 1985.
Full textGrimshaw, Jane B. "English wh-constructions and the theory of grammar." New York : Garland Pub, 1985.
Full textLeahy, Angela [Verfasser], and Jenny [Akademischer Betreuer] Williams. "The representation of work in German grammar books / Angela Leahy. Gutachter: Jenny Williams." Frankfurt am Main : Univ.-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main, 2004.
Full textChan, Kenneth, and n/a. "Chinese history books and other stories." University of Canberra. Creative Communication, 2005.
Full textMüller, Torsten. "Football, language and linguistics time-critical utterances in unplanned spoken language, their structures and their relation to non-linguistic situations and events /." Tübingen : Narr, 2007.
Full textGornall, Alastair Malcolm. "Buddhism and grammar : the scholarly cultivation of Pāli in Medieval Laṅkā." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2013.
Full textBork, Debora J. "History and criticism of photographically illustrated children's books /." Online version of thesis, 1988.
Full textZussman, Na'ama. "Artists' Books---Both Map and Territory." Thesis, The George Washington University, 2016.
Full textThe field of artists' books is a realm in which a phenomenon is mapped and territorialized. This is based on the human necessity to map the world and have a better grasp of it. Additionally, it is constructed on the understanding of the history of the book’s physicality as an important emblem in civilization. An artist’s book is an isolated realm, both a map and a territory. It is closed in itself, and has its own rules and dynamics, yet carries varied affinities with the outside world.
Allen, Susanne Bostick. "Christian Diet Books| Thinning, Not Sinning." Thesis, The George Washington University, 2016.
Full textAll women, including Christian women, are susceptible to the diet industry’s selling of thin bodies as a commodity and media portrayals of thin women as desirable and successful. Overall, diet books are the most popular category of nonfiction, worth over $1.2 billion annually as of 2005. Evangelical Christian women believe they are obeying God’s will when they follow a Christian diet, but in reality they are subscribing to and perpetuating the prevailing American culture of thinness. The popularity of Christian diet books began in post-World War II America and continues today. They propose to solve the problem of women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies by offering diets based on Biblical teachings and Christian beliefs. This paper examines five Christian diet books published between 1957 and 2013: Pray Your Weight Away; First Place; The Weigh Down Diet; What Would Jesus Eat? The Ultimate Program for Eating Well, Feeling Great, and Living Longer; and The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life. As long as the culture of thinness is an integral part of American society, there will be a market for diet books, and among evangelical Christian women for Christian diet books. This phenomenon is pernicious because it damages women’s self-assurance and alters their beliefs about the way they appear to the world.
Books on the topic "History of grammar books"
1950-, Martin J. R., and Unsworth Len, eds. Reading visual narratives: Image analysis of children's picture books. Sheffield, South Yorkshire: Equinox Pub., 2012.
Find full textMedieval reading: Grammar, rhetoric, and the classical text. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Find full textKshirsagar, Aparna. Parlons marathi: Langue, histoire et vie quotidienne du pays marathe. Paris: Harmattan, 1999.
Find full textPraze, Národní muzeum v., ed. Grammatyka cžeska: Mluvnice češtiny v 16. až 19. století : (katalog výstavy). Praha: Akropolis, 2015.
Find full textHedwig, Gwosdek, ed. Early printed editions of the long accidence and short accidence grammars. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1991.
Find full textTurkey) Türk Lehçeleri Arasındaki Aktarma Çalışmalarının Bugünkü Durumu ve Karşılaşılan Sorunlar (2009 Istanbul. Türk lehçeleri arasındaki aktarma çalışmalarının bugünkü durumu ve karşılaşılan sorunlar: Tebliğler ve aktarım örnekleri. İstanbul: Türksoy, 2010.
Find full textGesprochenes Frühneuhochdeutsch in tschechisch-deutschen Sprachbüchern. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "History of grammar books"
Diamond, A. S. "Grammar." In The History and Origin of Language, 93–110. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textHabib, Jessica. "Grammar Tales picture books." In Supporting Grammar and Language Development in Children, 13–67. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textDorfman, Lynne, and Diane Dougherty. "Wordless Books Create Story and Opportunities for Grammar Lessons." In Grammar Matters, 24–52. New York: Routledge, 2023.
Full textDong, Hongyuan. "Classical Chinese grammar." In A History of the Chinese Language, 100–118. Second edition. | Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.
Full textWilcox, Alison. "History." In Descriptosaurus Grammar Companion Ages 9 to 12, 377–78. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textEdwards, Michael. "History." In Of Making Many Books, 125–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1990.
Full textMcDonald, Edward. "The Discovery of Language History." In Grammar West to East, 105–25. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textNewmeyer, Frederick J. "Linguistic Diversity and Universal Grammar." In History of Linguistics 1993, 327. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995.
Full textHaastrup, Niels. "Vernacular Grammar as a Calque of Latin Grammar." In Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 87. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990.
Full textFrank, Thomas. "Wilkin's Natural Grammar." In Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 263. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992.
Full textConference papers on the topic "History of grammar books"
Squires, Catherine R. "EARLY DUTCH PRINTED BOOKS AND SOME PUZZLES OF RUSSIAN LEXICOGRAPHY." In Second Scientific readings in memory of Professor V. P. Berkov. St. Petersburg State University, 2023.
Full textКарпенко, Л. Б. "Возрождение отечественной славистики: к 110-летию профессора С. Б. Бернштейна." In Межкультурное и межъязыковое взаимодействие в пространстве Славии (к 110-летию со дня рождения С. Б. Бернштейна). Институт славяноведения РАН, 2021.
Full textCui, Chao. "Text Mining Of English Grammar Books In 19th ~ 20th Century." In 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering (MLKE). IEEE, 2022.
Full textKonickaja, Jelena. "The Category of Dual in the Two Slavic Grammar Books: Adam Bohorič and Meletius Smotrytsky." In Tenth Rome Cyril-Methodian Readings. Indrik, 2020.
Full textCamargo, Iara Pierro de. "Text and Design Relationship on Literature Books." In 9th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher, 2014.
Full textSokolovskaya, Ja V. "The N1+N2 Construction In The Course Of Teaching French Grammar." In Pedagogical Education: History, Present Time, Perspectives. European Publisher, 2020.
Full textChunlei, Chen. "Interpersonal Meaning of Chinese Original Picture Books: A Multimodal Analysis Based on New Visual Grammar." In 2nd International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.
Full textKushnareva, L. L. "Buryat State University collection of Old Believers books and manuscripts." In Old Belief: History and Modernity, Local Traditions, Relations in Russia and Abroad. Buryat State University Publishing Department, 2015.
Full textBenediktova, Lenka. "APPLICATION OF STICKAROUND APP IN NATURAL HISTORY LESSONS IN GRAMMAR SCHOOLS." In 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2019.
Full textKiryukhina, Lubov V. "Interjection in the Grammar Theory of Ma Jianzhong." In Current Issues in the Study of History, Foreign Relations and Culture of Asian Countries. Novosibirsk State University, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "History of grammar books"
Sara Tompson. Physics History Books in the Fermilab Library. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1999.
Full textSara Tompson. Physics History Books in the Fermilab Library. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1999.
Full textBacon, John L. The Declaration of War: One for the History Books. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1998.
Full textLos, Josyp. TOP ANALYTICS OF OPINION JOURNALISM: HISTORY AND MODERNITY. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2022.
Full textRamos, Octavio. Beyond the Manhattan Project: Books and documentaries that showcase Lab history after World War II. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2021.
Full textJennings, John M. Modern African, Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern Military History: A Bibliography of English-Language Books and Articles Published From 1960-2013. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2014.
Full textMaron, Nancy, and Peter Potter. TOME Stakeholder Value Assessment: Final Report. Association of American Universities, Association of Research Libraries, and Association of University Presses, August 2023.
Full textTabinska, Iryna, and Yaroslav Tabinskyi. Феномен «смислу поміж фактами» у друкованому виданні Reporters: взаємодія тексту та фотоілюстрації. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, March 2023.
Full textYablonskyy, Maxym. «NEW DAYS» WEEKLY AND PETRO VOLYNIAK, PUBLISHER AND AUTHOR. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.
Full textCrossan, Mary, Gerard Seijts, Jeffrey Gandz, and Carol Stephenson. Leadership on Trial : A Manifesto for Leadership Development. Richard Ivey School of Business, 2010.
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