Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Histoire de l'art – Étude et enseignement'
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Rézeau, Joseph. "Médiatisation et médiation pédagogique dans un environnement multimédia : Le cas de l'apprentissage de l'anglais en Histoire de l'Art à l'université." Phd thesis, Université Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00007305.
Full textPaillussiere, Lisa. "Pour une sémiotique de l'erreur : pédagogie de l'art et projets interdisciplinaires : parcours au sein du projet Augmented Artwork Analysis." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ENSL0104.
Full textIn order to respond to a dual request – on the one hand, the integration of the Augmented Artwork Analysis research project (ANR budget, 2021-2025) and on the other hand the ideal registration in the continuation of the educational and governmental project “Towards a learning society” (Taddei & al. Report, April 5, 2017) – our thesis proposes to study the fertility of a semiotics of error for (i) interdisciplinary research, (ii) pedagogy and (iii) art as a learning tool, and this with a view to an augmented history of art including the management of the artistic process and its constitutive impasses and hesitations. The methodological approach of the thesis will be original in at least two aspects: the dialogue between literature on interdisciplinarity and research documents (minutes of meetings) collected and constructed during the AAA project and the revaluation of peripheral contributions linked to primary sources, attested and shared by the semiotic community. The thesis will question the semiotic status of error and will examine various practical sequences (debates between experts and non-experts, standard teaching sequence on materiality, case study of a student in music class). The error as an event or disturbance will thus be supported with a view to a logic of supporting the "passage in the course". We will arrive at a mapping of regimes (correction, indirection, redirection) corresponding in fact to a continuum of admissibility of the “passage in the course” from the firmest prohibition (correction regime) towards projects of re-enunciations of the error which admit the existence of the passage and no longer seek to avoid it (regimes of indirection and redirection)
Fayner, Thibault. "Transmettre l'art d'écrire pour le théâtre : les apprentissages de l'écriture théâtrale en France (1984-2015) : histoire, méthodes et enjeux." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20103.
Full textSince the 1980s playwrights have been requested to devise learning techniques in the art of dramatic writing for a variety of audiences in France. This new educational opportunity given to a writer interrogates both adopted pedagogic strategies and the contents of the knowledge transferred. Through a historic and sectoral approach, by supporting the bibliographic research with thirty interviews of teacher-writers our analysis will evaluate the cumulative construction of the teaching material and the evolution of the pedagogic measures taken between 1984 and 2015
Romary, Mathilde. "Le rôle de la céramique grecque, étrusque et italiote dans les collections des universités françaises de 1876 à 1940." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021. https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2021_0348_ROMARY.pdf.
Full textDuring the last years of the 19th century, the first collections of greek, etruscan and italiot ceramics were created in the main french faculties of Humanities in Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Montpellier. Then collections were founded in the Universities of Nancy, Caen and Toulouse ; in 1919, after the Treaty of Versailles, the collection of the Strasbourg University became french. Those collections were created to support the classical archaeology teaching et were associated with plaster casts, books, photographs, glass plates and some others archaeological objects such as terracotas. Those greek, etruscan and italiot ceramics collections showed the strong french political action in favour of science during the Third Republic. Since 1875 the french government reformed the higher education system, gave important subsidies to create learning collections ; at the same period, classical archaeology got an academic status as it accesses the university. Those collections were often exposed next to the plaster casts, in the university buildings built during the 25 last years of the 19th century. The french state was the main contributor of the establishment of those archaeological collections : several ministers, higher education directors and national museums directors, helped by the Louvre museum, organised a lot of depositions in favour of the faculties of Humanities from 1894 to 1923 ; thanks to those antiquities, the professors were able to build an antiquarium to show various specimens of greek, etruscan an italiot ceramics. Those collections were usefull for the archaeological and historical teaching. Moreover they were indicative of the progressive assertion of the ceramological science.This study concerns the history of classical archeology and history of art teaching and their methods ; it also concerns the creation, the roles and the reception of a part of the university collections during the Third Republic
Augereau, Flore. "Démarches d’apprentissage et de professionnalisation d’acteurs : quêtes artistiques et identitaires." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN20013/document.
Full textThis thesis analyzes the path of actors from the moment their vocation started until their first steps as professional actors, on the basis of their own words (autobiographical stories, personal journal, letters, interviews). Since its appearance in the 15th century, acting as a profession has been subject to ambivalent social interests when it comes to deciding to become an actor. The actor used to be highly touted by the audience despite his being considered as a person of loose values. By choosing an unusual professional path, the actor inevitably needs to marginalize himself and to join an elite. Starting from the 18th century, the actor would claim his choice to be selfless to restore the image of this occupation. But the appearance of the director within the theatrical organization during the 20th century would impose an artistic ideal which needed to be common to all members of the theater company, who thus had to put their personal motivations aside. At the time, the only school in this area, the Academy of Dramatic Arts, was accused of inciting its students to showing off. This ideal thus became a concern for the next generations of schools and trainings. Within avant-garde schools and companies, when learning how to be a professional actor, the student faced the artistic and ethical approach of the person he saw as his teacher. Later on, various schools and trainings appeared: with higher schools or alternative experimental areas (student theater, semi-professional companies), the student now has to deal with several teachers and directors throughout his learning path, who all have their own approach. On the one hand, the teaching approach and the creation process of the young actor implies that he trusts these teachers and directors and accepts to take part to the experiences they offer him. But on a longer term, he/she should also learn to put those aside in order to reach his/her artistic emancipation
Pirson, Chloé. "Les cires anatomiques (1699-1998) entre art et médecine: étude contextuelle de la collection céroplastique du musée de la médecine d'Erasme." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210884.
Full textSur base d'une étude de la collection des cires anatomiques du musée de la médecine d'Erasme, ma thèse de doctorat vise à l'étude contextuelle de la production de cires anatomiques depuis la fin du 18e siècle jusqu'au 20e siècle. Nous avons montré comment ses objets didactiques, produits par des moyens sculpturaux, ont été perçu à travers leurs usages successifs depuis l'enseignement médicale jusqu'à la prévention sociale des maladies d'époque, au sein des musées anatomiques forains.
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire de l'art et archéologie
Kopsalidou, Evangelia. "L'art de la viole de gambe d'Eustache du Caurroy à Michel Corrette (1610-1773) : du concert de violes à la pièce soliste virtuose." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUL018.
Full textPlaying the viola da gamba became an art during the XVIIth-XVIIIth centuries in France. The first task of this thesis is the development of a summary catalogue of viola da gamba music from these centuries. This catalogue forms an essential tool for a study of the vdg repertory from 1610 to 1773, a period which includes the apogee and the decline of the instrument. Based on the catalogue, the thesis focuses on virtuoso violists and viol consorts. We do not treat here their biography nor the structural and technical analysis of their works, nor that of the sets of viols. The important corpus of works composed during the period represents an aesthetic ideal as well as the set of creative processes aimed at this expression of beauty. The period saw a transition in the use of the viol from consorts to solo music, and to ensembles in which the viol was mixed with other instruments giving an important role to the pardessus. The role of the bow (as a vector of effects) and placement of ornaments or "agréments" will be studied with particular attention, with the help of the many pages that the methods devote to them. The testimonies of literary works (memoirs, essays, debates, narratives of concerts) shed some light on the socio-cultural conditions of the practice of the viola da gamba
Cotteret, Marie-Ange. "Métrologie et enseignement." Paris 8, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA082216.
Full textThis thesis develops the idea of a " universal thought " bound to a metrological common culture built on agreement. It confirms the lack of understanding of metrology in the general public and in schools. The thesis examines three " states of being " of metrology. Scientific metrology has, like Science, a universal vocation. It establishes units, standards and methods of measurement ans calculates degrees of uncertainty. ,It is in symbiosis with the Scientific community and with industry. Transactional metrology was born in Mesopotamia, 5000 years ago, at the same time as school, writing, accountancy and laws courts. Certain principles of metrology first applied in these ancient times are still present in today's metrology. " Personal metrology " is introduced in this thesis as a new concept, and refers to the original function of measurement as a means for generating self-awareness and environmental recognition, vital for humain survival, living and personal development
Lautier, Nicole. "Histoire apprise, histoire appropriée : éléments pour une didactique de l'histoire." Paris, EHESS, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992EHES0310.
Full textDurand-Gaillard, Marie Céline. "Rudolf Steiner artiste et enseignant : créer et transmettre, une idée de la relation entre l'art, sa transmission et son enseignement." Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100140.
Full textAfter thoroughly studying and publishing Goethe's scientific work, R. Steiner became director of the german Theosophical Society and a teacher at the Workers'School of Berlin. He became well-known thanks to his conferences and his cmmitment to European social, political and cultural life. This engagement would be materialised with the founding of The Anthroposophical Society in 1913 by the building of the Goetheanum. It would be a sculpted wood structure which would burn down ten years later. The second Goetheanum built in concrete, was reconstructed between 1924 and 1928. It housed two auditorium and research and study units in science, arts, pedagogy,agriculture and medicine. Biographies of Steiner tell of this adventure and reveal an original way of transmitting knowledge. The key point of this transmission consists of the practice of different arts and the creation of new plastic techniques (ceiling paintings, stained-glass windows) and even a new technique called eurhythmy. The second part of thethesis deals with Steiner's originality in transmitting knowledge by comparing his work to that of his contemporaries and artists established in artists'colonies in Murnau, the Bauhaus and Dornach : Kandinsky, Klee and Beuys. Finally, the question of Steiner's heritage today and of the art of pedagogy is dealt with founding of the first Steiner School in 1919 and the exhibition of the blackboards drawings he made during his conferences are testimonies of the heritage. Many contemporary artists and therapists, such as Sarkis, A. Pincas, G. Garouste, Bang Hai Ja, B. Hégu and E. Reiter, orient their creative work around the art of transmitting, transmitting through the arts
Gebremedhin, Yeshi. "Le français en Éthiopie : histoire, enseignement, perspectives." Paris 8, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA083942.
Full textThis research deals with the development of the French Language in multilingual Ethiopia. It focuses on two bearing case studies: on the French Unit and the Commercial College at Addis-Ababa University. After having traced the historical background of the French language in the introduction of the modern education in Ethiopia, and after having defined the Ethiopian multilingualism, it describes the situation of the French language teaching in Ethiopia. It seeks to determine the interest at stake in the context of school and/or university. This research analyzes the curricula of the two French speaking Departments, from their designing to their implementation. With the help of questionnaires and/or interviews addressed to the students in training, it assesses the operation of these trainings and the didactic process by confronting theory and practice. It also analyzes the setting up of the Master’s degree in Teaching French as a Foreign Language, launched in January 2010. Addis Ababa hosts the headquarters of the African Union, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and Embassies of many francophone countries, and international organizations which have French as one of their official languages. As a matter of fact, there is definitely a demand for qualified French speaking professionals. The development of a French speaking pool represents among the works that we envisage within the framework of the perspectives opened by this thesis. It also aims at opening new perspectives to the training of the Master’s degree within Addis Ababa University and at strengthening cooperation with French speaking schools and universities
Abou, Moussa Tanos. "Entre identité nationale et identités communautaires : enseignement de l'histoire au Liban." Montpellier 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON30071.
Full textMolinet, Marylin Anne-Laure. "L'art de la crise : étude comparative sur la fonction et la réception de l'Art aux 19e et 20e siècles : france-Allemagne : arts plastiques, littérature." Thesis, Metz, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008METZ007L.
Full textThis research concerns the many multiple artistic ans philosophical innovations produced by the early german Romanticism inside of the Athenaeum cercle, first avant-gardist group of modern art, in the fields of literature and visual arts. The exigence to introduice modern art in the concept of education (Bildung) represents a crucial step, as well as the question of experimentation, and the autonomy of the work. The long-lasting refusal to promote modern art in France, and the reasons of this reject (strong centralism, but also denegation of teaching skills), are explained, as well as the lateness in a lot of museographic and didactic, by museums done, investigations. Exceptional case of the museum in Grenoble. In Germany, the most important steps reaching, during thirty years (1903-1933), at the victory of modern art on the academic art, are analysed : early Romanticism, opening of art-unions on the whole territory, fighting of Secessions, and, finally, the support of an important and non centralized museal scene (more than 40 museums), especially the Kronprinzenpalais, first museum of modern art, unknown in France. The research reveals the impact of all these innovations : evolution of the concept of Bildung, museums reform concerning didactic and scenographic aims, importance of temporary exhibitions and their movement, significant widening of the field of art
Therrien, Lyne. "L'enseignement de l'histoire de l'art et de l'archéologie en France avant 1914." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010644.
Full textThis thesis concerns the first academic courses in art history and archeology in France. The author combines a history of the institutions and the teachers with study of pratices in both disciplines. The methodology is based on a bibliographical and archival research : from the national archives for each institution (to document how new courses were created) ; from biographies and bibliographies for each teacher (studies, publications and career profiles) and analyses of published lectures (particularly their opening lectures). In others words, who taught what, where and why ? The thesis' plan corresponds to the chronological development of the new courses : 1795, archeology at the national library ; 1830, monumental archeology in Caen ; 1847, medieval archeology at the école des chartes ; 1863, reorganization of the école des beaux-arts de paris ; 1876, the first chair of archeology at the Sorbonne ; 1878, establisment of a chair of aesthetic and art history at the collège de France; 1882, founding of the école du Louvre ; 1893, first art history course at the sorbonne followed in 1906 by a christian art history course. The development of teaching in the universities outside of paris is studied separately and focuses on the impact of published works, the developing importance of museums and the use of photography in art history. This historical investigation underlines the main issues and conflicts which caracterized the beginning of teaching in this specific field : the transition from classical to medieval archeology or from the aesthetic ideal to an interest in the historical background of national monuments ; the conflict raised by medieval architecture and the revival of interest in medieval arts generally ; archeology as a new university discipline ; the various archeological courses at the école du Louvre ; art history as a history specialism in the universities ; and finally, the influence of national history and the notion of national heritage in this context
Hajibi, Lakbir. "Evolution des doctrines et de la pensée pédagogiques dans l'enseignement traditionnel au Maroc : essai d'analyse historique." Bordeaux 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR30039.
Full textThe group of themes studied in this thesis turned on four principal axes. 1st axe: The place of the traditional teaching in the Moroccan educational miccrocosm its origin takes to what depends on two ministries: the one profan, the ministry of the national education that is in charge specially of management of sacred and that of islamic affairs. Historic approach: before the 17th ,18th ,19th centuriesDuring the protectorat (1912-1956) and during the independence. During the protectorat, two types of pedagogic temperament opposed: -the conservative and the moderners, the memorial approaches for the transmission of religeous science. -The moderners mobilised to deny the retrograded state of traditional teaching and looked for the method so as to adapt that of modern teaching. 2nd the new pedagogic orientation of the tradional teaching. -Emergence of the new state: manners and pedagogic matters. -Birth of education inligthment face to the social changes. -Passage of education reserved to sons of elit families to massive education -Birth and formation of the new class of clercs to prpose modernity the space, the time the religious, the language and modify epistemological tradional system of religious teaching by adapting it to necessities of modernity. The instituts and the faculties of théology ( formators and religiougs elit). 3rd axe: the particular role of Dar al hadith al Hassania, intitut of teaching and accademic university research of high level of islamic sciences. The ramadanian conferences: unify the members of the Muslim community for the best comprhension of content and coranic message. 4th axe: the epistemologic broughts of Allal al Fassi and his contemprories The social rol of pedagogy of national causel of Ulamas(religious scientists) consultative organ in matters of tradional teaching and jurisprudential ( muslim law, reform of personal state, modawana,) The traditional teaching face to defeats of modernity
Sadaoui, Zinat. "Raisonnements historiques des élèves et apprentissages problématisés : conditions et difficultés à partir de quelques études de cas." Thesis, Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NANT2021.
Full textThrough conceptual tools borrowed from the crossed theoretical frameworks of the epistemology of history and problematization, our study tries to identify the conditions and difficulties of access to problematic historical knowledge, by reworking the link between metaphorization and the historical reasoning of the students. Then and in the light of the scientific problematization, we elaborate micro-analyzes about contents of history textbooks, answering to two different programs: French (class of 6th Program 2009) on « The invention of the writing and the birth of the first States », and Algerian: (first year class of the middle equivalent of 6th in France, Program 2004/2005), on « the writing and the evolution of the civilizations ». We arrive at conclusions providing at the same time a possible explanation for the absence of metaphorization in history textbooks as raised by researchers. Then from a didactic sequence (middle class, in Algeria) about the invention of writing, we find clues for access to problematic historical knowledge, identified in student productions through the passage from the first level of natural analogies to the second level, called problem analogies. These are approaches that relate to the development of civilizations, controlled in the light of scientific problematization, thus marking this journey from the assertoric to the problematic through the exploration of possible narratives
Moussard, Guillaume. "Les notions de problèmes et de méthodes dans les ouvrages d’enseignement de la géométrie en France (1794-1891)." Nantes, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NANT2084.
Full textThis thesis systematically surveys textbooks of elementary geometry and analytic geometry published in France between 1794 and 1891 in order to identify the place of problems and methods, the challenges in introducing them, as well as the authors' arguments on the subject. The choices made are related to the institutional and mathematical contexts. This work led to identify steps towards normalization along the century of the organization of the problems in geometry textbooks, which involves the classification of different types of problems. We show how the presence of problems is related to the preparation of examinations and competitions, to educational intentions of the authors, to the idea of implementing the theory and to the idea of what is geometric activity. We also show that the methods are the focus of the attention not only of geometers, but also, to a large extent, of the teachers. We analyze how the geometrical and analytical methods are renewed in the 19th century at the same time they circulate between the books. Different underlying conceptions to the exposure of these methods are identified and throw light on the connection the authors have with the notion of generality in geometry. Finally, we analyze the nature of the relations between problems and methods in our textbooks, and the changes in their interactions over the century
Roch-Veiras, Sophie. "Histoire de l'enseignement/apprentissage du vocabulaire en didactique des langues." Paris 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA030160.
Full textThis research, based upon practical experience, stems from the difficulties encountered by learners and teachers in dealing with the acquisition of vocabulary in class. Handbooks in which one normally expects to find ways of overcoming these difficulties, provide no statisfactory solution at the moment. Besides, by minimizing the importance of vocabulary they only amplify this feeling of helplessness. A detailed historical survey of the teaching of vocabulary not only sheds light on the reasons for such a dismissal but also suggests new ways of coping with vocabulary acquisition today. Our research, grounded in a historical approach, is intended to evaluate the many methods which have been developped and modified through the centuries contributing to the progress of the teaching of vocabulary. Such a study can lead to the creation of new techniques applicable to today's classroom
Arnaud, Pierre. "Le sportman, l'écolier, le gymnaste : la mise en forme scolaire de la culture physique." Lyon 2, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986LYO20009.
Full textIn what conditions can a new subject be introduced into, then maintened in school curriculum ? The case of physical education (P. E. ) Is typical : its position in the schoolhouse (where it is a stranger) can be explained by political, cultural and educationned considerations. The thesis rests on two problematics. The first, that of integration analyses the connection between physical culture and physical education by relating the ways in which fitness and sport activities are created, transformed and spread outside school, and the ways in which physical culture is introduced and treated in the curriculum. It is then possible to know if p. E. Is indeed typical of contemporary school practices. The second, that of assimilation enables us to study the effects of school constraint : indeed ; isn't P. E. Bound to conform to an educational organisation (defined by o. Greard as early as 1868) which imposes a management of groups, exercices, space, time, in the definite frame of curriculum and method ? Besides, isn't that scholastic orthodoxy the very guarantee of the eartnestness, the rationality, the progressivism, in short, the dignity of reputedly useless, dangerous or derisory training. Actually, the culturel and scholastic sides are drifting apart : the specificity of P. E. , its legitimity exist only within, by and for school. The increasing number of educational institutions relaying that activity is a clue to the struggles, the differenciation, the specialization of competing educational departments. A survey of local sources has provided the data which permitted to relate national decisions to their enforcement in the lyons area. The informations collected have been submitted to quantitative and contents assessment. The interplay of affinities and identities marking the advent of sports sociabilities are the very principal of the dynamics of the development of sports associations. The span of this survey (1870-1914) covers the time required for P. E. To conform to the requirements of scholastic orthodoxy. That normalisation shows that the problematics of assimilation prevail over that of assimilations. From the favouring of its pedagogical functions over its cultural functions, P. E. Will have to draw many lessons
Guillaume, Bernard. "Les apports de l'archéologie à l'enseignement de l'histoire." Lyon 2, 2004. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2004/guillaume_b.
Full textThe following research arms at finding out wether History teacher useing an archaeological approach based on non-written historical sources i. E. : archaeological artefacts could put accros more easily to their pupils the body of knowledge set out by the official curriculum. It also arms at bringing more closely together archaeology and the teaching of History. Its primary aspect is theoretical. We carried out a comprehensive study of all the most significant official papers published between 1865 and 1998 to see how this approach can be implemented in terms of knowledge, and methods but also though a detailed study of textbooks, by relating them to the historic streams they belong to. A detailed observation of two items : the Roman house and the medieval castle which have been part of the curriculum throughout the period study helped us gain a closer understanding of wether the two fields involved are complementary or cumulative. The second aspect of the research is more didactic and is based on an experiment which involved five different schools over two years. To that end, we coordinated a joint study between first and second years classes which followed the archaeological approach and other classes which used the so called classical approach based on the use of written documents. So archaeology tends to take on a more prominent place in the official curriculum. The teatcher can use it as teaching material which helps him to improve the standards in both first and second year for a series of complex reasons. That's why we are wondering if archaeology couldn't play a more important role in the teaching of History
Touati, Oussama. "A propos de l'enseignement des frottements : débats historiques et propositions didactiques." Lyon 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LYO10277.
Full textCharlet-Brehelin, Danie. "Contribution à l'enseignement-apprentissage du concept d'atome au collège." Montpellier 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON20212.
Full textZaoui, Néjib. "L'enseignement de la conquête arabo-musulmane entre coutumes disciplinaires et conscience historique." Amiens, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AMIE0003.
Full textLu, Dandan. "Design graphique à l'ère de la Chine postmoderne." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00756477.
Full textDorrani, Kamal. "L'enseignement supérieur en Iran : école " talabegui " et université : étude comparative 1852-1978." Lyon 2, 1987. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/1987/dorrani_k.
Full textOur purpose is to study the 2 systems of higher education in iran: the "talabegui" system and the university system. Precisely, we aim at a comparative study of the 2 systems. By school or "talabegui" system, we mean college institues with an organization of their own, where students from different training and age are instructed according to the rules and conception of the islamic education. By universitary system, we mean institutions where students with the same level of education and almost the same age are taught according to western rules. In the present situation, that is to say the situation of the islamic revolution of 1979, the question raised by our work is: can the 2 systems be complementary in the perspective of a new organization of the education system in iran? in the first part of our work, we describe the genesis and the historical evolution of the 2 systems. First, we study the genesis and the historical evolution of the "talabegui" system from the islamization of iran. Underlining the important points of its historical trajectory. The, we analyse the relationships of iran with the suerpowers during the kadjar dynasty, that is to say from 1852, (. . . )
BELLIER, REGINE MARIE. "L'art, le visuel, la connaissance. Sciences de l'art. Sciences de l'education. Sciences cognitives." Caen, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998CAEN1235.
Full textArt, vision, knowledge. From a cheekup of progresses in cognitive sciences, an epistemological analysis of representations through the evolution of human species, and through the visual paradigm, has been tried an approach of the role of vision and its importance in knowledge. Experiencing what "seeing" implies, especially in founding activity studying visual throught, allowed a better knowledge of the means of apprehension implemented in artistic activity. The central role plastic arts can play in human learning, at the eve of this 21 st century, is constantly underlined. Its - universally acknowledged- helping of cultural learning, this practice ensures the development of creativity, imagination, of less-used intelligence types. Learning "vision" could prove better than knowledges which have grown inappropriate to the century of image
Sensevy, Bolbènes Elisabeth. "Comment on enseigne l'histoire : analyse des programmes et manuels d'histoire du second cycle de l'enseignement en France de 1902 a 1985." Brest, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BRES1003.
Full textA study concerning the programmes and history books in the second cycle of the French educational system from 1902 up to 1985 allows us to observe a certain number of constant facts and of evolutive ones, linked both with the changing in the historiographic research and in the school population. Afterwards, a comparative study of 6 "Hachette" school books from 1914 up to 1992, concerning the texts, documents and illustrations shows how the instructions concerning the school programmes are translated in these books. The study of the chapters dealing with the french revolution is particulary developed. At last, to get nearer to the history teaching practise in the french schools, a study of the herault history geography teachers' answers to an inquiry, shows the real transformations in the history teaching and sets into light. The suggestions of the teachers concerning pedagogy
Miscusi, Massimo. "Enseignement de la neuroanatomie humaine : évolution des idées et de la pratique en France, de l'origine des Universités à nos jours. L'état de l'art dans les universités de Rome « La Sapienza »et de Nantes. Etude et réalisation d'un projet de téléénseignement d'anatomie neurochirurgicale par vidéoconférences." Nantes, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NANT3014.
Full textSince the ancient age, human anatomy has represented the principal font of medical knowledge. In the middle-age, anatomical knowledge was based on Galen teaching. From the Renaissance, with Vesalius, the study of human anatomy is based on the direct and experimental evidences. In the following centuries, with the development of anatomy, anatomists tried to find out body to dissect in any legal or illegal way. Nevertheless, the discovery of radiology and the interest for the cells and sub-cell structures, together with religious and cultural prejudices in some country like Italy, in the last two centuries, have progressively reduced the diffusion of cadaver dissections, causing a bad anatomical formation of medical students and young surgeons. For these reasons, we have organized videoconferences between Rome and Nantes, to discuss and propose to medical students and young surgeons subjects of surgical anatomy, starting from cadaver dissection
Zheng, Hui Hui. "Danse et éducation : une recherche sur l’histoire de la danse en tant qu’éducation qualitative." Paris 8, 2006. http://octaviana.fr/document/130551813#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textUsing dance as a vehicle for education, that is, as a quality means of training people in life skills, signifies an education "for life" ("education tout au long de la vie"), open to all, and anchored in popular praxis. The idea is to train as many people as possible in this practice. The objectives of such an educational strategy are numerous: to develop a robust and attractive physicality, to augment leadership skills and teach good posture, to cultivate thoughtfulness, to awaken people's intelligence and to elevate individual creativity. Looking at the history of dance from antiquity to the present in three specific cultures (that of France, China and the USA), this thesis puts forward an analysis of significant historic moments in dance-education, by which contraction, "dance-education" is meant to signify at once: an education about dancing that is realized by dancing, and an education aimed at training people well for life and in a wide array of contexts both temporal and geographic
Tutiaux-Guillon, Nicole. "L'enseignement et la compréhension de l'histoire sociale au collège et au lycée." Paris 7, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA070046.
Full textExploiting a field enquiry (observation of lessons of the 8th and 10th grade - interviews of students of the 9th and 11th grade), this work is focused on the modes of teaching and learning the ancien regime society and the XIXth century society in France. It is based upon the didactical approaches asserting the autonomy of school knowledge ("discipline scolaire" by A. Chervel, "modèle disciplinaire" by F. Audigier). The social representations underlying the lessons and the teenagers' understanding are studied in their elements and their didactical part : component of social memory, they make easier the exchanges between teachers and students. The values, the relation to historical time, the links between past and present, are considered. The analysis of the language used by teachers and students, and particularly the place devoted to concepts, set out the main part of common sense. At last, the analysis of the lessons show that the standard of a quick and fluent dialogue, always directed by the teacher, answers to the constraints of school teaching but conducts to a closed and heterogeneous text. Didactical interaction so imposes to create a knowledge text irreducible to scholar knowledge, even dressed to be taught. Taken for realistic and true, the school text is an authoritative one, and induces the teenagers' adherence both to school history and to a certain understanding of social facts
Poucet, Bruno. "Histoire de l'enseignement de la philosophie en France dans l'enseignement secondaire de 1863 à 1965 : structures scolaires, contenus et pratiques pédagogiques d'une discipline d'enseignement." Paris 5, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA05H083.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to explain how a teaching subject, here philosophy, was organized and how it evolved. Are only taken into account state and private secondary schools for boys and then for girls fron 1863 to 1965. The archivist study is based on official documents provided by the ministry and religions bodies : curricula, instructions, reports of official authorities, educational works, inspection reports, text books, books on essay writing. The results of this study reveals the part played by a certain number of actors (official representatives, professors, intellectuals, pressure groups) in the definition of the contents, the functions and the teaching methods of this subject. The weight of the existing school institutions, in particular that of the "baccalaureat" seems to also be a deciding factor. The teaching subject of philosophy has therefore been able to become independent from university philosophy. Furthermore, private education has not succeeded in defining a subject of its own. The changes in the teaching functions have also played their part. Consequently, the teaching of philosophy in secondary schools has gradually lost its importance. It has become a subject among others: the disappearance of the philosophy class in 1965 is the obvious symbol of it
Morin, Nicole. ""Dis, t'es le maître ou l'artiste ?" : regards sur l'art, les oeuvres d'art et les artistes dans l'école : du dessin aux arts plastiques à l'école maternelle et élémentaire (1880-1992)." Paris 5, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA05H012.
Full textStarting from the present situation which incites artists and teachers to cooperate in order to experiment and invent new teaching procedures within the context of a joint effort to promote art at school, the author has analyzed the place of art, of primary schools from 1880 to 1992, focosing on the teaching of drawing that eventually became that of plastic art. The analysis has been conducted along four axis, both from a historical viewpoint and taking into account the present day point of view; 1) the intitutional axis ( programmes and directives of the instruction publique that later became education nationale, of the ministry of the fine arts that became that of culture. . . 2) the effect of those official documents 4) the actors. Considering that school has always seemed to be concerned with art, the author has attempted to disover to whom was bestowed the status of artist : the child is one of them, the people that collaborate with the school, the teacher who does a true act of creation from the very moment when he permits the child to do and create. We can thus witness the the appearance of two new actors : the artist teacher and the teacher artist, who, with their respective points of view and experiences try to turn the teaching of plastic into a reat artistic education
Mboumba, Alix. "Échec ou réussite et contenus d'enseignement en français et histoire-géographie dans les lycées au Gabon : adaptation ou inadaptation ? : contribution à une sociologie du curriculum au Gabon." Amiens, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AMIE0014.
Full textFranchet, d'Espèrey Patrice. "La Formation de l'écuyer et l'histoire de l'équitation entre didactique et initiation : Recherche sur l'apport réciproque du maître, du cheval et de l'élève, à partir de la mise en perspective historique d'un récit de formation." Tours, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUR2010.
Full textDuclos, Valérie. "Histoire des études pharmaceutiques du 18ème siècle à nos jours." Bordeaux 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR2P009.
Full textSulzer, Emmanuel. "Apprendre l'art. L'enseignement des arts plastiques et ses usages sociaux, 1973-1993." Nantes, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NANT3005.
Full textFine arts schools in france, placed under the supervision of the department of culture, play a major role in the training of young artists and designers as well as in the definition of the art scene. Studying the occupational path of the fine arts school alumni in the city of nantes, we find evidence that most young people do not find a job specifically in the artistic professions, but have access to a much wider scope of occupations more or less closely related to this field. Moreover, the transition period appears as being largely defined by the individual's curricula, schooling history and social characteristics. In this study, the fine arts school is regarded as a filtering mechanism which shuffles the various students into various social strata; this screening process happens not only during the first year but also at a latter stage and enhances the students' dispositions which meet best the organization's expectations. In order to understand this process, the school has to be placed in the more general framework of the french higher education system. . The part played in this system can be seen as a result of the changes experienced in both the educational and the artistic field as well as in the social diffusion of higher education. Both the scool's social function and the individuals' occupational path can only be understood by taking into account simultaneously the influence played by the artistic field and the educational system
Ceccomori, Silvia. "Cent ans de yoga en France : étude socio-culturelle des modalités de réception des doctrines et techniques de yoga de 1895 à 1995." Paris 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA030005.
Full textBecause of the multiple ways and the diversity of the cultural groups that introduced it into the country, acceptance of yoga in france has taken on different patterns and modes, displaying a variety of intensities all along the period studied here : while the "intellectual" way first revealed yoga to the french, the "occultist" trend, and later on the adepts of "hatha-yoga" contributed a lot to make it popular ; hence the "spiritual" trend developped itself
Hosson, Cécile de. "Contribution à l'analyse des interactions entre histoire et didactique des sciences : élaboration d'un support d'enseignement du mécanisme optique de la vision pour l'école primaire et le collège et premiers éléments d'évaluation." Paris 7, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA070087.
Full textThis research paper aims at setting the ground for a larger research, which consists in highlighting the possible link between the acknowledgement of a didactic contract and scholastic achievement. In that respect, we first refer to some of the effects of the didactic contract that have already been brought forward in the past. Secondly, we apply the contract to the specific field of the teaching of physics, bringing to the fore its omniprésence through a number of concrète examples. We do admit that thé existence of a link between thé acknowledgement of a didactic contract and scholastic achievement has already been suggested. Thirdly, thanks to interviews and questionnaires, we show that the usual didactic contract is rather well known among the majority of students. Therefore, we finally propose a grid to have a feedback on work instructions from the students themselves, especially regarding the degree of autonomy allowed to them. With that grid, we analyse the official syllabus as well as the tests given to French high-school students for their graduation. As a result, though certain findings were somehow predictable, others were quite unexpected, as for instance the relative lack of instructions regarding general knowledge or conclusions to be drawn at the end of a problem study. The end of our research demonstrates that thé user-friendly grid that was elaborated has proven a useful tool to anticipate thé modifications that may be required in thé making of tests to comply with their objectives
Rezai, Valysseh Nourbaha Massoumeh. "L'évolution du français et de son enseignement en Iran." Paris 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA030036.
Full textStudying the evolution of the process of teaching French in Iran consists in studying the changes that took place during two centuries and finding a practical process that happened in the years around 1925. From then on, we see the teaching of the French language in a strict sense of the word. In spite of difficulties, these changes are continuing. The analysis of this evolution, gives precise results, not only in teaching a foreign language with its advantages and inconveniences, but even more to conclude that politics and economy played and still are playing a determining role in this domain. The purpose of my essay is to explain this process in details. I considered the history of the language, the methods of the schools and universities, the numerous events as well as the problems caused in the evolution of the teaching of French. I insisted particularly on numerous questions such as the evolution of French and its method of study for developing this cultural language so rich and so respected by the Iranians, a language that is synonym of liberty and democracy in human relations
Peretti, Isabelle de. "Histoire littéraire, nouvelles critiques et scolarisation de Racine au lycée : deux études sur une discipline en quête d'identité." Lyon 2, 2001. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2001/deperetti_i.
Full textBriand, Dominique. "Enseigner l'histoire et la géographie avec le film de fiction : une contribution à la construction d'un rapport au monde chez les élèves grâce à l'enseignement de l'histoire, de la géographie avec le film de fiction : une recherche contextualisée dans l'académie de Caen." Caen, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CAEN1432.
Full textFaure, Agnès. "Mythes et fictions en histoire de l'art : histoire de la réception de l'image de Jean Cousin et étude critique des interprétations de l'Eva prima Pandora." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00994497.
Full textAbdel, Aal Ahmed. "L'art islamique et le soufisme : étude sur les fondements esthétiques chez le maître Soufi : Ibn Arabi : 1165-1240." Bordeaux 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR30034.
Full textThe main subject of this thesis is an analysis of the "problems of pictures in Islam". We have considered Prophet Muhammad’s hadiths that prohibit pictures of living creatures as the best access to the aesthetics of Islamic art. Monotheism is the essence of religion in Islam. It is a vision of man, world, and god. This vision has led Islamic art to surpass the relative to the absolute, the immediate to the conceptual. Hence, the aesthetics of Islamic art depend on the conceptual and the imaginal, more than on the imitation of given appearance of nature. We have explained that there is no true appreciation of abstraction and stylized forms, without a deep comprehension of spiritual principles of Islam. The Islamic society of middle-ages has understood the banning of pictures of living creatures as a question of faith. The author of this thesis doesn't discuss the aesthetics of Islamic art from a personal angle; discusses them in regard to the situation of pictures in Islam, and the impact of the conception of man, world, and god, in the mystical experience of Islam, whose teachings are based on the coran, and the tradition of prophet Muhammad. Among the soufis, we have chosen the thoughts of the great master ibn arabi 1165-1240, who had assimilated the experience of five centuries of spiritual Islam. Through ibn arabi, we have studied the reality of Islamic art, in three expressions:1) abstraction and stylization,2) arabesque,3) calligraphy. By this study, we have proved that ibn arabi isn't only a great soufi, but also an aesthete and a critic of art, who has presented to us a deep explanation of the problem of pictures in Islam, through the "world of imagination". This a new portrait of the great Islamic saint ibn arabi; accordingly to it, the aesthetics of Islamic art find its main fundaments in Islamic metaphysics
Gopalan-Ranganathan, Malini. "La danse indienne Kathak en France : essai de transposition et conception d'une ingénierie didactique." Rennes 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004REN20056.
Full textKathak, an Indian dance, comprises specific body technics and narrative significances. The democratisation of this art has lead to the deformation of its teaching and its presentation. Hence, we would like to rehabilitate its fundamental corpus in order to formalize and institutionalize its instruction. The study consists in elaborating teaching contents for a keen but uninitated French public for whom no teaching strategy has been defined as yet. Our general hypothesis is that the transmission of knowledge intended for lay French pubic requires transposition. Our principal question is the balanced mix of body techniques and narrative significances in the teachable kathak On the theoritical level, we will comply with the principles of didactic transposition which supervises the passage of an objet of reference into a teaching objet and on the operational level, we will follow the methodology of didactic engineering which controls the conception and the effects of teaching contents
Schmitt, Michel P. "Fictions de la lecture : de la formation des goûts littéraires dans ĺenseignement secondaire : contribution à une histoire littéraire de notre temps." Paris 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA030007.
Full textYagoubi, Rachid. "Une réflexion didactique et épistémologique sur les concepts et la conceptualisation dans l'enseignement-apprentissage de l'histoire : le concept de civilisation à travers le thème portant sur "Byzance" pour le niveau 5ème." Paris 8, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA082563.
Full textPálfalvi, Anikó. "Littérature et enseignement du français dans les lycées hongrois de 1951 à nos jours." Paris 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA030069.
Full textThe past 50 years saw relevant changes in teaching french as a foreign language in hungarian secondary schools, mainly as a result of transformations inherent in pedagogical thinking and other (ideological) shifts outside schools. Literary texts have always been present in foreign language teaching, though handled in different ways. After a short introduction to the historical background of teaching french in public schools, this thesis makes an attempt at outlining the methodological development in its local context from 1951 on (that is the year of reintroduction, preceded by a brief interruption, of west-european languages in schools) up to the reforms taking place in 1998. On the one hand, particular attention is payed to history and civilization, the later including literature in language classes. On the other hand, we look at the way teachers are trained during their formation. The second part of this work is a comparative analysis of the syllabus and the exercise books employed in teaching french since 1951. This study focuses on literary texts: the aims and criteria of the choices made, the methods of application as well as the relation of the extracts to the original text. In order to look at current trends, we have a quiz among hungarian teachers of french (through various discussions and questionnaires) about the ways of dealing with literary texts in french classes. Our investigation was aimed at finding the common characteristics in spite of all the different practices in which these teachers engage. Our point is that literature as traditionally incorporated into teaching french as a foreign language in hungary, will play a crucial part, on condition that we seek adequate pedagogical means
Ahr, Sylviane. "L'enseignement de la littérature au collège : histoire, enjeux, contenus." Cergy-Pontoise, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CERG0223.
Full textWhy and how is literature taught at school nowadays ? What are the works studied or to study with teenagers who, as we know, are not really keen on reading ? In the following research, answers to these questions will be discussed. A diachronic viewpoint will be used to assess the evolution of the objectives which have been linked to this teaching all along the 20th century. The same viewpoint will define both what is at stake and the present contents. Discourses relating to literature and its teaching at school will be discussed in the first part. Those discourses have been conveyed by the various authorities of the literary field since 1880 (School – Education – Creation – Criticism). They gave sense to the last institutional instructions, which make the teaching profession feel rather uneasy. As a matter of fact, those instructions remind us of the necessity to teach literature according to traditional standards, it also reminds us to renew this tradition as well : the purpose is to study texts with a cultural background and to contribute to the recognition of literature for youth in order to make its entrance to the Scholastic Pantheon easier. Classical and contemporary works are both present in the school curriculum but the reading modalities differ : literary reading versus reading for pleasure. As a result, the second part of this research will try to identify the typical features of contemporary novels and show the subtle relations between general literature and literature for youth : fictions for teenagers will be analysed in reference to prize awarded literature for grown-ups. The objective is to give a few keys for reading in order to make the best choice for the works to study among a particularly overabundant writing production
Hamrouche, Brahim. "Étude critique du rôle du manuel de sciences naturelles dans l'enseignement secondaire." Paris 7, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA077064.
Full textSzczygielski, Christophe. "Le schéma en électricité : éléments d'histoire et problèmes didactiques." Montpellier 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON20183.
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