Academic literature on the topic 'Histoire culturelle de l'Europe'
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Journal articles on the topic "Histoire culturelle de l'Europe"
Trebitsch, Michel. "Paris « capitale culturelle » de l'europe centrale ?" Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire 47, no. 1 (1995): 201–5.
Full textTrebitsch, Michel. "Paris "Capitale culturelle" de l'Europe centrale?" Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, no. 47 (July 1995): 201.
Full textTrebitsch, Michel. "Paris « capitale culturelle » de l'europe centrale ?" Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 47, no. 3 (July 1, 1995): 201–5.
Full textCharle, Christophe. "Comparaisons et transferts en histoire culturelle de l'Europe. Quelques réflexions à propos de recherches récentes." Les cahiers Irice 5, no. 1 (2010): 51.
Full textKaeble, Hartmut. "Vers une histoire sociale et culturelle de l'Europe pendant les années de l'« après-prospérité »." Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 84, no. 1 (2004): 169–80.
Full textKaelble, Hartmut. "Vers une histoire sociale et culturelle de l'Europe pendant les annees de l'"apres-prosperite"." Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, no. 84 (October 2004): 169.
Full textKaelble, Hartmut. "Vers une histoire sociale et culturelle de l'Europe pendant les années de l'« après-prospérité »." Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 84, no. 4 (2004): 169.
Full textRolland, Denis. "La crise exemplaire d'un modèle européen en Amérique latine: les racines anciennes du retrait du modèle politique et culturel français." História (São Paulo) 27, no. 1 (2008): 283–344.
Full textAlgazi, Gadi, and Rina Drory. "L'amour à la cour des Abbassides. Un code de competence sociale." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 55, no. 6 (December 2000): 1255–82.
Full textChaubet, Francois, Maria Delaperriere, and Antoine Mares. "Paris, "Capitale culturelle" de l'Europe centrale? Les echanges intellectuels entre la France et les pays de l'Europe mediane (1918-1939)." Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, no. 59 (July 1998): 194.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Histoire culturelle de l'Europe"
Zimmermann, Eva. "Baden-Baden - 'Capitale d'été de l'Europe' : une histoire des relations franco-allemandes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textFor almost a quarter of a century, from the mid-1840s until the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1871, Baden-Baden, situated between the Upper Rhine Plain and the Western Black Forest, was the "summer capital of Europe". In terms of visitor numbers and the internationality of its guests on the one hand, and the scope and quality of its entertainment program on the other, it was undoubtedly the leading sophisticated European spa resort of the 19th century, and no other was as popular. When contemporaries on both sides of the Rhine referred to the city as a "French colony" or a "branch of Paris," they had good points.The foreign guests came mainly from France, the signage of the public space and the language of communication were French, the stage of the theater was played by famous Parisian ensembles and the Paris Jockey Club organized the gallop races of Baden.Despite the strong French influence, however, Baden-Baden was a German city whose native population contributed much to its development, whose future was debated in German parliaments and decided by a German government. Culturally, too, the German or rather the regional element came to the fore, be it in music, theater or sports.German and French actors came into contact and interaction with each other at all levels in Baden-Baden. There were manifold phenomena of exchange and transfer in the fields of architecture, the performing arts, music and sports, but also in the context of professional cooperation and everyday practices such as eating.All of this is brought out in this history of Franco-German relations in the city of Baden-Baden in the 19th century. It also examines how this development related to the larger political and social developments of the era, namely the rise of nationalisms, and to the increasingly tense situation of Franco-German relations since the 1850s
Martinière, Guy. "Le Brésil et l'Europe atlantique, (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) : l'invention contemporaine de la "brasilianité"." Paris 10, 1986.
Full textThe analysis of the different interpretations of brazil history, at the meeting point of history of ideas and ideologies, of history of cultures and cultural identities of nations, and history of sciences, mostly human and societal sciences, represents a field of thoughts about an area still little explored, that is, the relationship between the international cultural relations and historiography. As India and Japan did, Brazil identified itself with a laboratory where the encounter of cultures and ideas was in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the slake of various interpretations reflecting intense national and social rivalries. The book about Brazil, material product of printing and product of the information resulting from discovery of the new world, therefore appears as an element of communication between men, in the world of Portugal and Europe colonial and spiritual conquest. Invented by the Europe of the renaissance and given a national existence by a first wave of decolonization born of the revolution of 1789, "brazilianity" appears like an operating concept of historiography to "think" the independence of Brazil and the original cultural assertion of an emerging nation of today
Magkanari, Despina. "Connexions interculturelles et construction des savoirs à l’époque moderne : l'Europe, l'Asie et l'emergence des savoirs turcologiques aux XVIIe - XVIIIe siècle." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the 17th and 18th centuries west European scholars efforts to define and understand the era and space of Turkic peoples, alongside the Eurasia existences before the emergence of the Ottoman Empire. Its purpose is to scrutinize the process of intellectual autonomization of Turkology namely to explore the genesis of Turkology as a distinct field within the larger corpus of Oriental studies; to study the archaeology of the field; to unveil the process of the early modern European scholarly engagement with Eastern civilizations; and ultimately historicize the Orientalist production. Based upon socio-cultural approaches regarding knowledge production, this thesis aims to study primarily the material realities, alongside the practices of the actors. Special emphasis is thus attributed on the interplay among individual trajectories, institutional, material and intellectual conditions, and scholarly production. Of no less importance, this thesis seeks to place the production of this knowledge within the intercultural encounter of the first globalization, revealing the key role of the “transnational” circulations and exchanges that took place within the Eurasian space. In other words, this thesis raises questions related to the impact of the intellectual globalization, without losing sight of the local dynamics and individual aspirations and intentions, in relation to ways of of re-appropriation and interpretation. Ultimate purpose of this dissertation is thus to make sense of the various ways that the early modern west European scholarship invested on the Asiatic historiographical traditions, to invent yet also reconfigure new forms of apprehension of the past of Turkic peoples
Palaric, Bérénice. "Européanisme et synthèse culturelle dans l'œuvre tardive d'Ernst Troeltsch (1913-1923)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textThe late work of Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923) is underpinned by his project to develop a ‘cultural synthesis of Europeanism'. Although this project remains unfinished due to Troeltsch's sudden death on February 1st 1923, it is nevertheless described in numerous writings, albeit in fragmentary form. This dissertation sets out to reconstruct its fundamental intention, analysing it particularly from the perspective of the history of ideas. On the one hand, it examines the socio-political, intellectual and philosophical context of ‘crisis' in which this project emerged and in which it could be thought of by its author as a ‘solution': the challenges posed by the defeat, the democratization of Germany, the crisis of historism, the need to overcome the myth of the Sonderweg, etc. It then seeks to situate it in relation to other competing proposals, such as Oswald Spengler's ‘decline of the West' and Max Scheler's ‘cosmopolitanism of cultural circles'. On the other hand, it aims to understand the nature of the conceptual object that is the ‘cultural synthesis of Europeanism' by analysing more specifically the relationship between its two constituent poles. To achieve this, it examines the ‘cultural synthesis', the method used to construct it, the subject responsible for implementing it, as well as its content, taking as a guiding thread the role played in their determination by ‘Europeanism' and, correlatively, by Christianity, its Doppelgänger. It ensues from the overall reflection that Troeltsch's late project can be conceived as a critical hermeneutics and a ‘teleology of the will', which is committed to an ethic of Europeanism based on both the personalistic metaphysics of Christianity and the figure of the Complexio oppositorum, understood as the unity of heterogeneities
Poimenidou, Antigoni-Despoina. "La politique culturelle extérieure de la Grèce et l'Europe (1944-1979)." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textThis thesis discusses Greek cultural policy in Western Europe as well as its place in the country’s effort to participate in European integration from the aftermath of the Second World War until the accession of Greece to the EEC. From its foundation, the neo-Hellenic state used its historic past as a central point of reference. In this context, the question arises as to when and how the political leadership decided to project this past on the level of its political relations with the post-war European institutions. Cultural policy uses the history and civilization of a nation for the benefit of politics. In most cases involving Greece, the 'messages' of its cultural policy were 'addressed' to the Europeans, a phenomenon that is particularly visible during the period of accession negotiations. This was projected both at the intellectual level (for example by people such as Tsatsos, Kanellopoulos) and at the realm of practical politics by the political world (for example Karamanlis). This study, extending to a period longer than thirty years, examines the development of cultural relations between Greece and Europe, the initiatives and organization of Greek cultural policy within a European and international context as well as the role of cultural policy and Greece’s cultural arguments in the effort to achieve accession to the EEC.The foreign cultural policy that Greece exercised towards the Europeans until 1979 refers to national identity, the sentiment of belonging, the cultural connotations of the European project. Thus, to the extent that it is part of Greece's European policy, it is inextricably linked to the history of European integration
Poimenidou, Antigoni-Despoina. "La politique culturelle extérieure de la Grèce et l'Europe (1944-1979)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textThis thesis discusses Greek cultural policy in Western Europe as well as its place in the country’s effort to participate in European integration from the aftermath of the Second World War until the accession of Greece to the EEC. From its foundation, the neo-Hellenic state used its historic past as a central point of reference. In this context, the question arises as to when and how the political leadership decided to project this past on the level of its political relations with the post-war European institutions. Cultural policy uses the history and civilization of a nation for the benefit of politics. In most cases involving Greece, the 'messages' of its cultural policy were 'addressed' to the Europeans, a phenomenon that is particularly visible during the period of accession negotiations. This was projected both at the intellectual level (for example by people such as Tsatsos, Kanellopoulos) and at the realm of practical politics by the political world (for example Karamanlis). This study, extending to a period longer than thirty years, examines the development of cultural relations between Greece and Europe, the initiatives and organization of Greek cultural policy within a European and international context as well as the role of cultural policy and Greece’s cultural arguments in the effort to achieve accession to the EEC.The foreign cultural policy that Greece exercised towards the Europeans until 1979 refers to national identity, the sentiment of belonging, the cultural connotations of the European project. Thus, to the extent that it is part of Greece's European policy, it is inextricably linked to the history of European integration
Steurer, Richard. "L'idée philosophique de l'Europe." Paris 8, 2004.
Full textThe philosophical idea of Europe is separated from ideological opinions and from scientific concepts of Europe. Europe is conceptualised as a civilisation under others, but nonetheless very special because not only the contemporary civilisation and identical with modernity, but also universal, the historical condition of the possibility of historical scientifical and philosophical comparison between civilisations. Thus, it is not identical with christian occidental civilisation of which it has gone out in transforming and revolutionising it. This work tries to understand the history of the world and of humanity not only as totally revolutionised by the dynamic of european history but even as created and invented by the tendency of unification inherent to the historical construction of european modernity, which expresses itself in the universalism of capitalism, in the possibility of history, of science or modern art
Brodersen, Hans. "La diplomatie culturelle de l'Allemagne et de la France face aux mutations de l'Europe centrale et orientale (1985 à 1994)." Paris 8, 1997.
Full textMazé, Camille. "Mettre l'Europe au musée : une affaire d'Etat : ethnographie et sociohistoire du chantier des "musée de l'Europe" (1980-2010)." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textSince the late 1980s, ten projects of museums dedicated to the culture, the history and the memory of Europe have emerged in several countries in Western Europe. These emerging institutions, heiresses from the polymorphic model "museum of the nation", offer a prism vantage of the process through which these projects and that the thesis called "cultural Europeanization. " They were entered through an ethnographic and socio-historical implementation of crosswise, facing a plurality of cases enrolled in heterogeneous political and administrative frameworks, carried by different types of actors at multiple levels of nested, but united by a common denominator: to be declared "museums of Europe" by their contractors. This construction material and intellectual is seen as a potential space of symbolic representation of this entity not consensual, that is Europe, taken in the confusion of geographical, civilizational horizon and political unit y under construction (EU). Scientific issues and political, ideological and museum, but also administrative and economic analysis. The first part, devoted to the genesis of the project reveals the cyclical areas and types of initiatives and contractors responsible for these institutions. The second concerns into museums of Europe and the images produced. The third book the reasons for the difficulties, for the moment in the institutionalization of these museums. The thesis helps in understanding the conditions of possibility and impossibility of producing "museums of Europe"
Yafimava, Hanna. "Le gaz russe et l'Europe : histoire, actualité et perspectives." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013.
Full textNatural gas is not only a mainstay of the Russian economy, but also a major instrument of the Kremlin’s foreign policy. For Russia, the gas industry is used not only to sustain its economy and maintain high fiscal revenues but also to regain its place as a great power in world politics. Despite recent reforms, the domestic gas market in Russia still cannot substitute all benefits from exports. The new Russian gas strategy intends to promote Russia as a major producer, exporter and partner. These three characteristics will be the subject to this thesis. The European market remains a prime target for Moscow today, despite the efforts for exports diversification. This is proved by Gazprom's strategy of securing existing pipelines and building new gas routes to Europe. Energy links, established more than forty years ago, between Europe and Russia have led to a strong interdependence between the two partners. This interdependence is neither alarming, nor dangerous, it has to serve as a motivation for the establishment of a reliable energy partnership. Even though the two partners have divergent interests, the progress of the bilateral cooperation depends on their ability to adapt to this situation of interdependence
Books on the topic "Histoire culturelle de l'Europe"
Berchtold, Alfred. Bâle et l'Europe: Une histoire culturelle. Lausanne: Payot, 1990.
Find full textVidan, Gabrijela. La Croatie, son histoire culturelle, ses liens avec l'Europe. Paris: Harmattan, 2014.
Find full textRevest, Clémence. L'humanisme à l'épreuve de l'Europe: XVe-XVIe siècles : histoire d'une transmutation culturelle. Ceyzérieu: Champ Vallon, 2019.
Find full textLiège, Université de, ed. Entente culturelle: L'Europe des correspondances litteraires. Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2021.
Find full textBanniard, Michel. Genèse culturelle de l'Europe: Ve-VIIIe siècle. [Paris]: Editions du Seuil, 1989.
Find full textBrion, Charles. L'Europe en mouvement 1870-1913: Analyses comparatistes d'une évolution culturelle. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015.
Find full textMichel, Espagne, ed. Histoire culturelle. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1998.
Find full textOry, Pascal. L' histoire culturelle. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2004.
Find full textReszler, André. L' identité culturelle de l'Europe. Genève: Institut universitaire d'études européennes, 1989.
Find full textJean-Pierre, Rioux, and Sirinelli Jean-François, eds. Pour une histoire culturelle. Paris: Editionsdu Seuil, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Histoire culturelle de l'Europe"
Boillet, Élise, and Marco Faini. "Introduction. Pour une histoire culturelle du doute." In Études Renaissantes, 7–25. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2022.
Full textLipták, Ľubomír. "Histoire vécue, Histoire des autres." In La Slovaquie et l'Europe, 21–39. Eur’Orbem Éditions, 2019.
Full textNapolitano, Marcos. "Histoire culturelle du Brésil ou histoire culturelle à la brésilienne ?" In Histoire culturelle du Brésil, 43–58. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
Full textDelporte, Christian. "Médias et histoire culturelle." In L’histoire culturelle en France et en Espagne, 127–40. Casa de Velázquez, 2008.
Full textPlanès, Xiaohong Xiao. "Souvenirs de la révolution culturelle." In Militantisme et histoire, 115–32. Presses universitaires du Midi, 2000.
Full textOry, Pascal. "Préface." In Histoire culturelle du Brésil, 7–9. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
Full textDumont, Juliette, Anaïs Fléchet, and Mônica Pimenta Velloso. "Introduction générale." In Histoire culturelle du Brésil, 11–21. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
Full textLeenhardt, Jacques. "Gilberto Freyre et les sciences sociales : les nouveaux habits de la socio-anthropologie." In Histoire culturelle du Brésil, 25–41. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
Full textCompagnon, Olivier. "Le modernisme brésilien est-il un enfant des tranchées ?" In Histoire culturelle du Brésil. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
Full textPimenta Velloso, Mônica. "Coupe à la garçonne. Une sensibilité féminine au sein du modernisme brésilien." In Histoire culturelle du Brésil, 81–106. Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2019.
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