Academic literature on the topic 'High-variety production'

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Journal articles on the topic "High-variety production"


Блохин, Василий, Vasiliy Blokhin, Ирина Ганиева, Irina Ganieva, Игорь Сержанов, Igor Serzhanov, Ханиф Каримов, and Khanif Karimov. "HIGH-PRODUCTIVE FODDER VARIETY “ENDAN”." Vestnik of Kazan State Agrarian University 14, no. 3 (October 30, 2019): 19–24.

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Generating a variety of spring barley for feed use, which is the main forage crop in our region, and contributing to the main forage crop in our region, helps to increase the efficiency of livestock production. According to the results of scientific research, conducted in 2015-2018, a comparative assessment submitted for state variety testing in 2017 in 2 regions of the Russian Federation: Volga-Vyatskiy (4) and Srednevolzhskiy (7) the spring barley variety “Endan” showed, that it corresponds to the feed direction, characterized by high yield, environmental stability with increased feed grain quality. The new variety of spring barley “Endan” fully meets the basic requirements of agricultural production in many respects. In all the years of research, the “Endan” variety surpasses the standard “Raushan” variety in grain productivity. The feed direction value of this variety is that it has a high yield of crude protein per unit of sown area at high yields. The “Endan” variety combines high productivity with environmental stability and adaptive ability to external conditions. A production test proves the ability of this variety to produce high yields compared to the standard and the new Kamashevsky variety.
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Mleczko, Janusz, and L'uboslav Dulina. "Manufacturing Documentation for the High-Variety Products." Management and Production Engineering Review 5, no. 3 (September 29, 2014): 53–61.

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Abstract In the last years researches in engineering have moved towards customer-oriented manufacturing. The individual customer’s requirements are very important for the company’s activities. It results in high-variety production. High-variety production like mass customization is facing the challenge of effective variety management. Applying methods of mass customization to the empirical process can improve the efficiency of product development process and reduce time and cost. The manufacturing process requires documentation of the production. Very often, the documentation process and the time of its formation is limited. One possible way to solve this problem is to automatically create documentation in electronic form. Then, without having to print, distribute them directly to the panel of the machine. In the process of creating manufacturing documentation, this method takes into account alternative manufacturing processes and the current availability of labor resources The article is an attempt at the analysis of the modern manufacturing systems and answering the question, how it is possible to produce without having documentation in paper form. The presented solution is used for the high-variety products manufactured in the SMEs. The method was validated in the conditions of best practice high-variety production.
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Smutnicki, Czesław. "Scheduling with High Variety of Customized Compound Products." Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services 1, no. 2 (October 11, 2007): 91–110.

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Domestic appliance is an instance of manufacturing various products on clients demand with frequent changes of production. Although the technological process for each individual product is relatively simply, the variety of products, mixed orders, frequent machines changeovers, machines with unusual service policy, lack or limited storage, etc., generates quite nontrivial planning, batching and scheduling problems and furthermore of a huge size. In this paper, we present speci c real process of production of refrigerators, mathematical and graph models of the problem and an outline of solution algorithm, based the on local search approach.
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Ungern-Sternberg, Roman, and Klaus Erlach. "Konfiguration der Variantenflexibilität/Flexibility Configuration in High Variety Production Systems." wt Werkstattstechnik online 110, no. 04 (2020): 245–49.

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Flexible Produktionsressourcen stellen die aktuell benötigen Artikel wirtschaftlich her. Mithilfe des EPEI (Every-Part-Every-Interval) lassen sich Losgrößen für eine maximal flexible Produktion berechnen. Der vorgestellte Ansatz erweitert die EPEI Berechnung um einen Kennwert zur Bestimmung und Konfiguration des Flexibilitäts-Engpasses in auftragsbasierten Produktionen und zeigt die Durchführung an einem Beispiel.   Flexible production resources produce efficiently the currently required articles. Based on the EPEI (Every-Part-Every-Interval) lot sizes for maximum production flexibility can be calculated. The presented approach extends the EPEI concept by a parameter to detect flexibility-bottlenecks in order-based production systems and shows the application in an example.
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Chinnathai, Malarvizhi Kaniappan, Bugra Alkan, and Robert Harrison. "Convertibility Evaluation of Automated Assembly System Designs for High Variety Production." Procedia CIRP 60 (2017): 74–79.

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Bokhorst, Jos A. C., and Jannes Slomp. "Lean Production Control at a High-Variety, Low-Volume Parts Manufacturer." Interfaces 40, no. 4 (August 2010): 303–12.

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Tseng, Mitchell M., Qinhai Ma, Yi Zou, and Jianxin Jiao. "Generic Bill-of-Materials-and-Operations for High-Variety Production Management." Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 8, no. 4 (December 1, 2000): 297–321.

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Jiao, Jianxin, Mitchell M. Tseng, Qinhai Ma, and Yi Zou. "Generic Bill-of-Materials-and-Operations for High-Variety Production Management." Concurrent Engineering 8, no. 4 (December 1, 2000): 297–321.

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Jianxin Jiao, Mitchell M. Tseng, Qinhai Ma, and Yi Zou. "Generic Bill-of-Materials-and-Operations for High-Variety Production Management." Concurrent Engineering 8, no. 4 (December 2000): 297–321.

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Bennett, D. J., and S. K. Rajput. "Design and Implementation of Production Systems for High Variety Electronics Assembly." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 9, no. 5 (May 1989): 39–46.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "High-variety production"


Perera, D. T. S. "The production planning problems of flexible manufacturing systems with high tool variety." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1988.

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This research is concerned with certain production planning problems associated with flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) with high tool variety. In this environment of FMS, the tool requirements at workstations exceed the respective tool magazine capacities. During an extensive survey of related literature, it appeared that the problems associated with this type of FMS have been overlooked by the FMS research community. The operational problems of FMS are discussed with special reference to the constraints imposed by tooling. The characteristics of the selected FMS type are clearly defined. This discussion is supplemented with a detailed description of a real FMS which resembles the operations of the selected type of FMS. Having identified certain drawbacks of some existing simulation software, the development of a comprehensive FMS simulator which uses a novel hybrid modelling technique is discussed. The use of a graphical post-processor which can be used to enhance the system logic of the FMS is also described number of parameters associated with the tool management system are identified and the methods are described to evaluate these parameters. The importance of evaluating these parameters in design and operation of an FMS is stressed. The development of a tool post-processor which can assist in identifying the scale of the tooling problem and in evaluating tool management parameters is presented. A variety of tool availability strategies which reduce the tool exchange rates are suggested and evaluated. Finally, the part selection (for immediate processing) problem is solved using a novel technique which takes the advantage of the availability of real time data in FMS.
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Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. "Application of lean scheduling and production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems using intelligent agent decision support." Thesis, Brunel University, 2013.

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Lean Manufacturing (LM) is widely accepted as a world-class manufacturing paradigm, its currency and superiority are manifested in numerous recent success stories. Most lean tools including Just-in-Time (JIT) were designed for repetitive serial production systems. This resulted in a substantial stream of research which dismissed a priori the suitability of LM for non-repetitive non-serial job-shops. The extension of LM into non-repetitive production systems is opposed on the basis of the sheer complexity of applying JIT pull production control in non-repetitive systems fabricating a high variety of products. However, the application of LM in job-shops is not unexplored. Studies proposing the extension of leanness into non-repetitive production systems have promoted the modification of pull control mechanisms or reconfiguration of job-shops into cellular manufacturing systems. This thesis sought to address the shortcomings of the aforementioned approaches. The contribution of this thesis to knowledge in the field of production and operations management is threefold: Firstly, a Multi-Agent System (MAS) is designed to directly apply pull production control to a good approximation of a real-life job-shop. The scale and complexity of the developed MAS prove that the application of pull production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems is challenging, perplex and laborious. Secondly, the thesis examines three pull production control mechanisms namely, Kanban, Base Stock and Constant Work-in-Process (CONWIP) which it enhances so as to prevent system deadlocks, an issue largely unaddressed in the relevant literature. Having successfully tested the transferability of pull production control to non-repetitive manufacturing, the third contribution of this thesis is that it uses experimental and empirical data to examine the impact of pull production control on job-shop performance. The thesis identifies issues resulting from the application of pull control in job-shops which have implications for industry practice and concludes by outlining further research that can be undertaken in this direction.
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Карпенко, Вячеслав Васильович. "Моделі та методи керування у розподіленій логістичній системі в умовах невизначеності." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 05.13.03 "Системи та процеси керування" (12 – Інформаційні технології). – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" Міністерства освіти і науки України, Харків, 2019. Дисертація присвячена підвищенню ефективності керування розподіленими системами в умовах невизначеності вхідних даних. У дисертаційній роботі вирішена науково-практична задача розробки комплексу моделей і методів управління в розподіленої логістичної системи високої розмірності в умовах невизначеності вхідних даних. Об'єкт дослідження – процес управління в розподіленої логістичної системи в умовах невизначеності. Предмет дослідження – комплекс математичних моделей і методів вирішення завдань управління в розподіленої логістичної системи з урахуванням невизначеності. Проведений аналіз відомих методів рішення задачі управління виявив що методи вирішення завдань управління в розподілених логістичних системах опрацьовані недостатньо, бо вони не дозволяють ефективно вирішувати задачі великої розмірності в умовах малої вибірки вхідних даних. Також недостатньо розвинуті методи розв'язання логістичних задач в умовах невизначеності вхідних даних. З метою підвищення точності оцінювання коефіцієнтів рівняння регресії в умовах малої вибірки запропоновані модель і метод штучної ортогоналізації плану факторного експерименту, яка реалізується з використанням штучної нейронної мережі. Удосконалено модель і методи регресійного аналізу. При цьому запропонований метод побудови багаторівневої регресії заданої розмірності, заснований на описі невідомих коефіцієнтів цього рівняння функціями меншої розмірності. Проведено оцінку ефективності методу з використанням імітаційної моделі. Запропоновано нову технологію побудови рівняння регресії, в якій міра якості апроксимації визначається через найкоротші відстані від ендогенних точок до апроксимуючої гіперплощини. Проведено експеримент, що підтверджує доцільність використання ортогональної регресії в умовах малої вибірки. Запропоновано метод дослідження систем з великим числом станів, заснований на декомпозиції задачі шляхом фазового укрупнення станів. Проведено порівняння ефективності різних можливих підходів. Запропоновано швидкий метод структурного і параметричного синтезу в системі "виробник - розподілена мережа споживачів", що використовує технологію обчислення відстаней в композиційної метриці, що об'єднує метрику "міських кварталів" з евклідової. Метод апробований при вирішенні реальної завдання для мережі, що з'єднує близько десяти тисяч споживачів. Запропоновано метод розв'язання задачі управління розподілом ресурсу при багатономенклатурному виробництві. Критерій якості розподілу - ймовірність перевищення випадковим значенням прибутку від реалізації виробленої продукції допустимого порогу. Рішення завдання отримано методом дрібно-лінійного програмування. Цей метод розвинений для вирішення завдання управління багатономенклатурним запасом в ієрархічній складської системі високої розмірності з використанням фазового укрупнення станів. Метод застосований для управління запасом в умовах випадкової затримки в системі поставок. При цьому мінімізується середній ризик, що враховує витрати від перевитрати коштів при невиправданому перевищенні страхового запасу і втрати, що виникають при недостатності запасу. Запропоновано метод вирішення транспортної задачі лінійного програмування з нечітким попитом. Рішення отримано з використанням критерію, що враховує середні очікувані витрати на зберігання нереалізованого продукту, очікувані втрати від дефіциту, а також середні транспортні витрати. Розглянуто альтернативний метод вирішення задачі, що забезпечує отримання рішення з максимально компактною функцією приналежності результату, найменш ухиляється від модального. Запропоновано метод розрахунку пропускної здатності проміжних центрів в трьохіндексній транспортній задачі, заснований на редукції трьохіндексної задачі до сукупності двохіндексних. Розроблено альтернативний варіант вирішення задачі, заснований на попередньому знаходженні найкоротших маршрутів. Запропоновано проста обчислювальна процедура, яка забезпечує швидке наближене рішення задачі маршрутизації. Процедура використовує спеціальну технологію множення матриць. Розглянуто декомпозиційний варіант методу розв'язання задачі маршрутизації високої розмірності в умовах нечітких вхідних даних. Наведено альтернативні варіанти методу порівняння нечітких відстаней.Запропоновано метод розрахунку оптимальної кількості каналів в системі обслуговування безлічі територіально розподілених клієнтів. Метод враховує немарківський характер обслуговування. Отримана формула для розрахунку середньої тривалості обслуговування, що дозволяє отримати рішення задачі. Результати роботи були успішно застосовані у практичній діяльності кількох підприємств, використовуються в навчальному процесі НТУ "ХПІ" при викладанні навчальних дисциплін "Математичні методи дослідження операцій" і "Моделі систем прийняття рішень в умовах невизначеності".
Dissertation for the degree candidate of technical sciences (philosophy doctor) in the specialty 05.13.03 – Systems and management processes. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of Ministry of Ukraine Education and Science, Kharkiv, 2019. The Ph.D. thesis is on the development of management models and methods in distributed systems in a context of uncertainty of the input data. The thesis deals with the applied research task of developing a complex of models and management methods in a large-scale distributed logistics system in the context of uncertainty of the input data. The object of research is the management process in a distributed logistics system in the context of uncertainty. The subject for study is a set of mathematical models and methods of management problem solving in a distributed logistics system in the contex of uncertainty. The analysis of the acquainted management problem solving methods revealed that the management problem solving methods in the distributed logistics systems are elaborated insufficiently because they do not allow solving large-scale problems effectively in the conditions of a small sample of the input data. The logistics problem solving methods in the context of uncertainty of the input data are not elaborated sufficiently. In order to improve the closeness in estimation of the regression equation coefficients in conditions in small sample conditions, the model and method of artificial orthogonalization of the factorial plan implemented using an artificial neural network are proposed. The regression analysis model and methods are improved. In addition to this, a multilevel regression construction method of given dimension is proposed, based on the description of unknown coefficients of this equation by functions of a smaller dimension. The efficiency of the method is estimated using the simulation model. A new technique of regression equation construct is proposed, in which the quality measure of approximation is determined through the shortest distances from the endogenous points to the approximating hyperplane. An exper iment was conducted to confirm the feasibility of using orthogonal regression in small sample conditions. An investigative technique of the multiple state systems based on the problem decomposition by phase aggregation of states is proposed. The effectiven ess of different possible approaches is compared. A fast method of structural and parametric synthesis in the system "producer - consumer distributed network" using the technique of calculating distances in the composition metric that combines the metric of "city blocks" with the Euclidean distance. The method was tested in solving a real problem regarding a network connecting about ten thousand consumers. A method for solving the problem of resource allocation management in diversified production is proposed. The distribution quality criterion is the exceedance probability by random implementation profit from the sale of manufactured products of an acceptable threshold. The solution of the problem is obtained by small-size linear fractional programming. This method is developed to solve the management problem of diversified stock in a hierarchical stocking system of high dimension using a phase aggregation of states. The method is used to manage inventory under conditions of accidental detention in the supply chain. This minimizes the average risk which takes the cost overrun into account in case of unjustified exceedance of the reserve stock and the losses arising from insufficient stock. A transportation problem solution method of linear programming with indistinct demand is proposed. The solution is obtained using a criterion that takes into account the average expected cost of storage of unrealized product, expected losses from the deficit, as well as average transportation costs. A problem-solving alternative method is considered, which provides a solution with the most compact membership function of the result deviating least from the modal one. A calculation method of the intermediate centre traffic capacity in the three-index transportation problem based on a reduction of the three-index problem to the totality of two-index problems is proposed. An alternative to the problem based on the preliminary search for the shortest routes is worked out. A computational procedure that provides a fast approximate solution to the routing problem is proposed. The procedure uses a special technology of matrix multiplication. A decomposition version of the problem solution method of large-scale routing in conditions of indistinct initial data is considered. The alternatives of the indistinct routing comparison method are presented. A rational number calculation method of the channels in the queuing system of a multitude of geographically distributed customers is proposed. The method takes into account the non-Markov character of the service. The formula for calculating the average servicing duration giving problem solution is deduced. The results of the research have been successfully applied in practice byf several enterprises and used in the educational process of NTU KPI when teaching Operations Research and Decision-Making Systems under Uncertainty.
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Карпенко, Вячеслав Васильович. "Моделі та методи керування у розподіленій логістичній системі в умовах невизначеності." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.03 – системи та процеси керування. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2019. Дисертацію присвячено розробці моделей і методів керування в розподілених системах в умовах невизначеності. Метою роботи є розробка нових та удосконалення існуючих методів вирішення логістичних задач. У дисертаційній роботі вперше запропоновано швидкий метод структурного і параметричного синтезу в системі "виробник – розподілена мережа споживачів". Також вперше розроблені модель і метод розв'язання задачі маршрутизації, які відрізняються способом розрахунку відстаней, що дозволило отримати швидке рішення задачі відшукання маршруту. Вдосконалені модель і метод розрахунку коефіцієнтів рівняння регресії з використанням штучної ортогоналізації плану факторного експерименту; метод вирішення задачі регресійного аналізу високої розмірності; технологія побудови рівняння регресії, яка відрізняється способом розрахунку якості апроксимації; модель і метод вирішення транспортної задачі з нечітким попитом; метод розрахунку пропускної здатності проміжних центрів, що дозволило поліпшити точність рішення задачі; модель і метод керування багатономенклатурним запасом в умовах комбінованої невизначеності; метод дослідження марківських систем з великим числом станів. Отримали подальший розвиток модель і метод керування багатономенклатурним запасом високої розмірності, метод розрахунку оптимальної кількості каналів в системі обслуговування множини територіально розподілених клієнтів.
Ph.D. Thesis for scientific degree candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.03 – systems and management processes. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The Ph.D. thesis is devoted to the development of management models and methods in distributed systems in a context of uncertainty. The purpose of the work is to develop new and improve existing methods of solving logistics problems. For the first time in the dissertation the fast method of structural and parametric synthesis in the system "producer - distributed network of consumers" is proposed. A model and method for solving the routing problem, which differ in the way of calculating distances, were developed for the first time, which made it possible to get a quick solution to the problem of finding the route. Improved model and method of calculating regression equation coefficients using artificial orthogonalization of the factorial experiment plan; method of solving the problem of high-dimensional regression analysis; technology of constructing a regression equation, which differs in the way of calculating the quality of the approximation; model and method of solving the transport problem with unclear demand; method of calculating the throughput of intermediate centers, which made it possible to improve the accuracy of the solution of the problem; model and method of managing multi-item inventory under combined uncertainty; method of studying Markov systems with many states. The model and method of managing a high-dimensional multi-nomenclature stock, the method of calculating the optimal number of channels in the system of servicing a multitude of geographically distributed customers, were further developed.
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Nazareno, Ricardo Renovato. "Desenvolvimento de sistemas híbridos de planejamento e programação da produção com foco na implantação de manufatura enxuta." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a proposição de um método de desenvolvimento de sistemas híbridos de planejamento e programação da produção para ambientes de manufatura enxuta que possuam alta variedade de itens, estruturas complexas, variabilidade de lead times e demanda flutuante. Nestes ambientes existe uma grande dificuldade na definição das estratégias para a adoção do sistema mais adequado de planejamento e programação da produção. A maioria das empresas acaba adotando um tratamento genérico de planejamento e programação para todos os itens. O método foi desenvolvido a partir de uma ampla revisão bibliográfica em torno de sistemas de planejamento, programação e controle da produção, de suas respectivas funções, dos desafios para os sistemas atuais, bem como dos princípios e das principais práticas e ferramentas enxutas. Em seguida, o método foi testado em quatro aplicações práticas nas quais a essência da discussão em torno de um sistema de planejamento e programação da programação migrou do tradicional conflito entre sistemas kanban versus MRP, puxar versus empurrar, para o desafio de se criar um ambiente no qual estes dois sistemas, juntamente com outros, devem coexistir em harmonia.
This work has as main goal to propose a method of developing hybrid systems for planning and scheduling for lean manufacturing environments that have high variety of items, complex structures, variability of lead times and fluctuating demand. In these environments there is great difficulty in defining the strategies to adopt the most appropriate system of planning and scheduling. Most companies just adopting a generic treatment planning and programming for all items. The method was developed from an extensive literature review around systems of planning and scheduling of production, their respective roles, the challenges to the current systems as well as the principles and practices of the major tools and dried. Then, the method was tested in four practical applications in which the essence of the debate on a system of planning and scheduling migrated from traditional conflict between kanban systems versus MRP, pull vs. push, to the challenge of creating an environment in which these two systems, along with others, must coexist in harmony.
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Achuo, George. "Partner satisfaction and renewal likelihood in consumer supported agriculture (CSA) : a case study of The Equiterre CSA network." Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=19555.

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Wu, Tsun-Ming, and 吳尊明. "Fuzzy Decisions in High-Variety, Low-Volume Production Planning." Thesis, 2000.

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Because of the global competition and rapid change of technology, how to do production planning is an important program. The purpose of this paper is to insure the production requirement be finished on time, base on different float time situation of the orders. We developed a fuzzy multi-criteria decision model utilize both time and economic constants. In this model the customer importance and production situation are considered as the inputs. In the example a MTO(Make to Order) production system is shown to explored expert system modules and production planning module. In the system, fuzzy logic is focus on uncertain production information to decide the fuzzy float times. The production start time of every order is compute by the system. The output of the system gives managers an effective advice in production scheduling. The object-oriented of Excel VBA is used to develop fuzzy decision production planning system under Windows98.
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Chi, Jui-Fu, and 紀瑞傅. "A Study Sales Forecasting for High-variety Low-volume Production." Thesis, 2005.

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Artificial Neural Network is provided with the capability for highly-emorizing, calculating, learning and alternative, to fit the non-linear problem. This study uses the advantages of Artificial Neural Network to establish a sales forecasting model for high-variety low-volume production. For some submersible pump factory, the author uses back-progation network with 3 layers, namely input, hidden, and output layer. Eight factors affecting the demand are identified, and they are rain quantity, promotion, per monthly sales in last year and so on. Nine hidden neurons are used to form the hidden layer of the proposed model. Artificial Neural Network model can provide better demand forecast than it is used to be. The error rate decreases from 33.344% to 11.568%. In comparing to the exponential smoothing model, the proposed method shows that it results smaller error rate. It is able to provide a better forecast for high-variety low-volume production
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Kusuma, Wilson-Jonathan, and 蘇煒尊. "Development of Lean Production System for High-Variety & High-Volume Manufacturing System." Thesis, 2010.

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The goal of this study is to build roadmap in develop lean production system (LPS) for high-variety high-volume (HVHV) manufacturing system together with appropriate improvement tools which will give the significant improvement impact. The difference of nature characteristic between HVHV and original lean production system that has a characteristic of an automobile company must be understood. Here value stream mapping (VSM) which adjusted to HVHV manufacturing system condition act as main tool. In many papers VSM has proved effective to develop a future-state with less waste along with a plan to implement it. The roadmap presented in this study will show combination of VSM and option of appropriate improvement tools to help develop LPS for HVHV manufacturing system. The roadmap also useful to prevent valuable resources wasted in using the wrong technique or even using right technique in incorrect sequence and it offers list of tools that can be chosen by the implementer to help the implementer reach the level of leanness that desired. From the verification step it seems that the roadmap is applicable in practical use, the lean concept can be developed in HVHV manufacturing system. The VSM which has adjusted to HVHV manufacturing system successfully act as blue print to guide the improvement process, and also the improvement impact is significant.
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Lin, Min-Shin, and 林明新. "A Study of JIT Delivery Model for High Variety and Low Volume Production in Auto Industry." Thesis, 2004.

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ABSTRACT This research studies a JIT delivery model for high variety and low volumn production in auto industry. This model can improve the logistics efficiency and effectiveness by reducing stocks and simplifying delivery operation based on information sharing, JIT philosophy, and vendor-managed inventory. Due to the information invisibility and lack of mutual understanding, the delivery information provided by automakers generally exceeds the real material requirement. Furthermore, in order to ensure the accuracy of material supply, automakers set up several checking gates in various delivery processes. This leads to high inventory and inefficient control in delivery processes. In the proposed approach, automakers provide suppliers the real-time production information that drives suppliers’ sequential delivery process on a JIT basis. Moreover, suppliers manage the automakers’ warehouse to ensure the sufficient supply of parts. This saves the automakers’ management effort on the inventory and delivery control. Case study shows the approach significantly reduces the inventory level and increase the efficiency of logistics.
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Books on the topic "High-variety production"


Thiel, Martin, and Gary A. Wellborn, eds. Life Histories. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Crustaceans are increasingly being used as model organisms in all fields of biology, including neurobiology, developmental biology, animal physiology, evolutionary ecology, biogeography, and resource management. Crustaceans have a very wide range of phenotypes and inhabit a diverse array of environments, ranging from the deep sea to high mountain lakes and even deserts. The evolution of their life histories has permitted crustaceans to successfully colonize this variety of habitats. Few other taxa exhibit such a variety of life histories and behavior. A comprehensive overview of their life histories is essential to the understanding of many aspects of their success in marine and terrestrial environments. This book provides a general overview of crustacean life histories. Crustaceans have particular life history adaptations that have permitted them to conquer all environments on earth. Crustacean life cycles have evolved to maximize fecundity, growth, and ageing, in a wide range of environmental conditions. Individual contributions contrast benefits and costs of different life histories including sexual versus asexual production, semelparity versus iteroparity, and planktonic larvae versus direct development. Important aspects of particular behaviors are presented (e.g. migrations, defense and territorial behaviors, anti-predator behavior, symbiosis).
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Winkler, Kevin. Comic Relief. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses on Bob Fosse’s work on the musicals How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying and Little Me. Though now established as a director-choreographer, Fosse still harbored ambitions as a performer. He played the title role in Pal Joey at New York’s City Center, a role he had first played a decade earlier. In How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying, Fosse’s musical staging satirized 1960s corporate and sexual politics and was a key ingredient in its long-running success. He choreographed and co-directed (with Cy Feuer) Little Me, a revue-style vehicle for Sid Caesar, and his dances, featuring vaudeville and burlesque pastiches, captured the breezy exuberance of television variety show production numbers of the period. These two shows were emblematic of Kennedy-era confidence and high spirits, demonstrating Fosse’s mastery of comic musical staging.
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White, Robert E. Soils for Fine Wines. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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In recent years, viticulture has seen phenomenal growth, particularly in such countries as Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Chile, and South Africa. The surge in production of quality wines in these countries has been built largely on the practice of good enology and investment in high technology in the winery, enabling vintners to produce consistently good, even fine wines. Yet less attention has been paid to the influence of vineyard conditions on wines and their distinctiveness-an influence that is embodied in the French concept of terroir. An essential component of terroir is soil and the interaction between it, local climate, vineyard practices, and grape variety on the quality of grapes and distinctiveness of their flavor. This book considers that component, providing basic information on soil properties and behavior in the context of site selection for new vineyards and on the demands placed on soils for grape growth and production of wines. Soils for Fine Wines will be of interest to professors and upper-level students in enology, viticulture, soils and agronomy as well as wine enthusiasts and professionals in the wine industry.
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Esler, Karen J., Anna L. Jacobsen, and R. Brandon Pratt. Planning for the future. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Mediterranean-type climate (MTC) regions are highlighted in several global analyses of conservation risk and priorities. These regions have undergone high levels of habitat conversion and yet of all terrestrial biomes they have the second lowest level of land protection. With transformation pressures set to continue (Chapter 8), planning for a sustainable conservation future in MTC regions is therefore essential. Conservation activities are represented by a variety of philosophies and motives, partially driven by the underlying differences in transformation drivers and sociopolitical contexts across MTC regions. These activities include investment in, and best-practice management of, protected areas (land sparing), an interdisciplinary focus on integrated management of production landscapes (land sharing; stewardship), as well as ecological restoration to increase habitat, improve connectivity, and provide a hedge against the impacts of future climate change. These responses need to be applied in a strategic, synergistic manner to minimize future biodiversity loss.
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Burdick, Katherine E., Luz H. Ospina, Stephen J. Haggarty, and Roy H. Perlis. The Neurobiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Edited by Dennis S. Charney, Eric J. Nestler, Pamela Sklar, and Joseph D. Buxbaum. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a severe mood disorder that often has psychotic features. Its most severe forms are more common and significantly more likely to cause disability than originally thought. Studies of high-risk children have found them to be at increased risk for a variety of symptoms and neurobiological abnormalities. In contrast to schizophrenia, there is no formal prodromal syndrome that has been identified, and cognitive abnormalities do not precede the onset of the disorder. Abnormal sleep and circadian rhythms are prominent and have led to intriguing biological models. Neurobiological experiments have primarily focused on candidate pathways and include circadian abnormalities, epigenetic processes including histone modification, WNT/GSK3 signaling, other modulators of neuroplasticity, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Recent data suggest that BPD is a highly polygenic disease and that integration of prior modeling and data with the wide variety of new genetic risk loci will be productive in the future.
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Maltisovs, Matīss. Operating Methods of High Voltage Bistable Smart Glass Electronics Systems. RTU Press, 2022.

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The Thesis focuses on Smectic-A (SmA) liquid crystals' (LCs) functional behaviour in order to understand if this will be the next generation product that could improve the daily life of the society. The optical properties of this liquid crystal are by far the best compared to the products available in the market, i.e., the light transmittance in transparent state is >85 % and in scatter state <2 %. Enabling the LC to be used for a variety of purposes, such as smart windows to scatter light on a sunny day or provide a sense of privacy in an open type office space. An in-depth literature review discusses the existing studies, obtained experimental data and attempts to develop functional products. The main unresolved problems are highlighted, described in detail and solutions are offered. In order to understand the potential of SmA LC in the smart glass/window technology, analysis of existing products was performed, a summary of an active smart glass/windows provided, and a comparative study between them was made. In addition, an in-depth study of long-term functional stability was performed during which the most popular types of defects were listed and analysed. Solutions for defect elimination and recommendations for optimization of switching systems and production processes are provided. A methodology for determining the electrical parameters of an LC has been developed in order to create an electrical simulation model and facilitate the development of electronic switching systems.
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Book chapters on the topic "High-variety production"


Zhang, YaoXue, GuangJie Li, Shuo Di, Hua Cheng, and KangFu Cheng. "A Dynamic Scheduling System for Job Scheduling in low-volume/high-variety manufacturing." In Computer Applications in Production Engineering, 331–40. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1995.

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Ketelsen, Christopher, Rasmus Andersen, Kjeld Nielsen, Ann-Louise Andersen, Thomas D. Brunoe, and Sofie Bech. "A Literature Review on Human Changeover Ability in High-Variety Production." In Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0, 442–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Steiner, Frank, and Moritz Wellige. "Strategic Capabilities to Manage High-Variety Production Environments: The Role of Underlying Activities and Organizational Resources." In Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, 487–504. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Andersen, Rasmus, Christopher Ketelsen, Kjeld Nielsen, Ann-Louise Andersen, Thomas D. Brunoe, and Sofie Bech. "A Conceptual Digital Assistance System Supporting Manual Changeovers in High-Variety Production." In Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0, 449–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Steiner, Frank. "Extending the Theoretical Framework of Mass Customization: Initial and Adaptive Solution Space Development for High-Variety Production Environments." In Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, 201–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Egli, Dennis B. "Growth of crop communities and the production of yield." In Applied crop physiology: understanding the fundamentals of grain crop management, 50–88. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This chapter focuses on developing general model of community growth and the production of yield by grain crops. Murata's (1969) three-stage system provides such a model. It is useful because it is simple (only three stages), it applies equally well to all grain crop species (although there are some species variation in minor details), it clearly identifies the sequential nature of the yield production process and the three stages relate to the primary drivers of the yield production process at the community level. First, the crop must accumulate the leaf area that drives community photosynthesis (Stage I), then seed number is determined (Stage II), and finally seed filling occurs (Stage III) and the production of yield is finished. High yield of any variety/location combination requires, at a minimum: (i) the production of enough leaf area index (LAI) during Stage I to maximize solar radiation interception and community photosynthesis; and (ii) an absence of stress during Stage II to maximize seed number and during Stage III to allow the seeds to fill to their maximum potential size. The scheme provides a powerful framework for us to think about how management decisions and environmental conditions affect yield.
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Azad, Md Abul Kalam, Fahmina Yasmine, Md Kamruzzaman, Md Hasanuzzaman Rani, and Hosne Ara Begum. "Development of climate-adaptable/resilient crop varieties through induced mutation." In Mutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change, 157–71. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract For crop production to cope with problems driven by climate change, such as salinity, drought and extreme temperatures, the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) released a late Boro rice variety, 'Binadhan-14' in 2013 which is tolerant to high temperature, has short duration (105-115 days) and gives average yield of 6.9 t/ha. This variety was developed by irradiating the seeds of 'Ashfal', a local salt-tolerant landrace of rice, with 200 Gy of carbon-ion beams. The late-transplanting potential of this variety also helps in avoiding seedling injury due to severe cold. Another variety, 'Binadhan-19', was developed by irradiating the seeds of 'NERICA-10' rice with 40 Gy of carbon-ion beams. This was released by the National Seed Board of Bangladesh (NSB) in 2017 as a drought-tolerant, short-duration (95-105 days) and high-yielding (average 4.0 t/ha) variety for the Aus growing season. BINA developed a salt-tolerant wheat variety, 'Binagom-1', by selecting from a segregating population, obtained from NIAB, Pakistan. This variety was released in 2016; it can tolerate salinity (up to 12 dS/m) and produces an average yield of 2.8 t/ha. Apart from these, BINA developed four salt-tolerant groundnut varieties ('Binachinabadam-5', 'Binachinabadam-6', 'Binachinabadam-7' and 'Binachinabadam-9') by irradiation with gamma-rays. All these four varieties can tolerate salinity (up to 8 dS/m) from flowering to maturity and produce pods at 1.8-3.4 t/ha under saline soil conditions. These climate-resilient varieties are playing a significant role in food security and enhancing the nutritional status of the people of Bangladesh.
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Petrovic, Oliver, Philipp Blanke, Manuel Belke, Eike Wefelnberg, Simon Storms, and Christian Brecher. "Evaluation of ML-Based Grasping Approaches in the Field of Automated Assembly." In Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2021, 337–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractCurrent trends in the manufacturing industry lead to high competitive pressure and requirements regarding process autonomy and flexibility in the production environment. Especially in assembly, automation systems are confronted with a high number of variants. Robot-based processes are a powerful tool for addressing these challenges. For this purpose, robots must be made capable of grasping a variety of diverse components, which are often provided in unknown poses. In addition to existing analytical algorithms, empirical ML-based approaches have been developed, which offer great potentials in increasing flexibility. In this paper, the functionalities and potentials of these approaches will be presented and then compared to the requirements from production processes in order to analyze the status quo of ML-based grasping. Functional gaps are identified that still need to be overcome in order to enable the technology for the use in industrial assembly.
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Ibrahim, Rusli. "Impact of mutant varieties in Malaysia: challenges and future perspectives for mutation breeding." In Mutation breeding, genetic diversity and crop adaptation to climate change, 65–75. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract Malaysia has made substantial progress in plant mutation breeding with the use of nuclear techniques and related biotechnologies, not only in the development of new mutant varieties but also in the establishment of an excellent nuclear research centre. A total of 53 mutant varieties have been developed, including rice Oryza sativa (19), banana Musa acuminata (one), groundnut Arachis hypogaea (two), orchid Dendrobium 'Sonia' (six), chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum morifolium (seven), hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (three), roselles Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (three) and other ornamental and landscaping plants (12). Most of the new ornamental varieties have been developed by both acute and chronic gamma-ray irradiation of seeds, rooted cuttings, bulbs and tissue cultures. Food crops that have an economic impact on sustainable agricultural production are mutant varieties of banana ('Novaria') and rice (MRQ74, MR219-9 and MR219-4). 'Novaria' is a selection made from a mutant, 'GN-60A', of 'Grande Naine' (AAA Musa) identified from gamma-ray treated populations of the Biotechnology Laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria. 'Novaria' was the first mutant variety, officially released in 1995 by the Malaysian Nuclear Agency as a new variety for its improved characteristics such as early flowering, short stature and high yield. MRQ74 is a type of high-quality fragrant rice with newly induced traits such as resistance to blast, long and slender grain shape, non-sticky and with the elongation properties of cooked rice similar to those of Basmati-type rice. It is an indirect mutant variety released in 2003 and one of its parental lines for cross-breeding was the mutant 'Mahsuri', which was developed through mutation breeding using gamma-rays. In 2014, two new mutant varieties of rice, 'MR219-9' and 'MR219-4', which are drought tolerant, high yielding and resistant to blast, were selected from gamma irradiated material. Despite these achievements, applications of induced mutation have decreased during the past 10 years due to reduced funding. Mutation breeding is still a promising technique for the development of novel varieties which in combination with advanced molecular genetics can bring plant mutation breeding into a new era.
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Sabioni, Rachel Campos, Joanna Daaboul, and Julien Le Duigou. "Optimization of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Configuration: A Literature Review." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 426–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractReconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) have gained importance in the current context of increasing high variety demand, Mass Customization (MC) and market instability, due to their ability of being quickly modified to adjust their production capacity to attain sudden fluctuations in market demands as well as to accommodate operations of new products. RMS can be configured at system and machine levels. Many papers have described the RMS configuration as combinatorial optimization problems and proposed several techniques to optimize them in terms of different responses of interest. This paper presents a literature review that seeks to understand how RMS configuration has been addressed in terms of configuration level, optimization problem modelling and techniques applied to solve it. This work aims to assist researchers working on RMS configuration to identify trends and new research opportunities.
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Conference papers on the topic "High-variety production"


Kostenko, Sergey, Evgenia Malyuzhenets, Natalia Kostenko, Elena Pampura, and Nadezhda Terekhova. "Hybrid of meadow fescue "VIK-5-34" for growing on high agrophones on meadows and pastures in the European part of Russia." In Multifunctional adaptive fodder production. ru: Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology, 2021.

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Meadow fescue is one of the best grasses for forage production in most of Russia, being inferior in productivity to pasture ryegrass in the country's reserve; it is much superior to it in other regions in terms of longevity, sea resistance and drought resistance. This species is also less affected by fungal diseases, grows well in herb mixtures with both clover and alfalfa or with other legumes and cereals. The new variety "VIK-5-34" is intended for cultivation on high agricultural grounds in farms with a high level of agriculture. The variety can be used both for foraging and for creating pastures.
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Tyurin, Yuri, and Sergey Kostenko. "L3 — a new innovative variety winter vetch for the Ural and Central Chernozem regions of Russia." In Multifunctional adaptive fodder production. ru: Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology, 2021.

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Winter vetch, shaggy provides high-protein animal feed in the spring on complexes, food from this plant is perfectly absorbed by all domestic animals. The new variety of winter shaggy vetch "L3" surpasses the existing varieties in the productivity of green mass, dry matter, and seed productivity. In terms of protein content, this variety is not inferior to most varieties. The variety is recommended for two regions, but later zoning can be expanded. The variety is also characterized by high winter hardiness and drought resistance.
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Fani, Virginia, Bianca Bindi, and Romeo Bandinelli. "Designing And Optimizing Production In A High Variety / Low Volume Environment Through Data-Driven Simulation." In 35th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. ECMS, 2021.

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HVLV environments are characterized by high product variety and small lot production, pushing companies to recursively design and optimize their production systems in a very short time to reach high-level performance. To increase their competitiveness, companies belonging to these industries, often SMEs working as third parties, ask for decision-making tools to support them in a quick and reactive reconfiguration of their production lines. Traditional discrete event simulation models, widely studied in the literature to solve production-related issues, do not allow real-time support to business decisions in dynamic contexts, due to the time-consuming activities needed to re-align parameters to changing environments. Data-driven approach overcomes these limitations, giving the possibility to easily update input and quickly rebuild the model itself without any changes in the modeling code. The proposed data-driven simulation model has also been interfaced with a commonly-used BI tool to support companies in the iterative comparison of different scenarios to define the optimal resource allocation for the requested production plan. The simulation model has been implemented into a SME operating in the footwear industry, showing how this approach can be used by companies to increase their performance even without a specific knowledge in building and validating simulation models.
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Higashijima, Kentaro, Kazuyuki Arai, Daisuke Ito, Mayumi Abe, Toshiya Kikkawa, Hayato Fujinuma, Koji Nishida, et al. "Development of Super Hi-Vision Eight-Channel Live Switcher: For Production of a Variety of Ultra-High-Definition Video Content." In SMPTE Technical Conference. IEEE, 2011.

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Vertikova, E. A. "Production tests of a new variety of sudan grass Evgeniya under the conditions of Lower Volga Region." In Растениеводство и луговодство. Тимирязевская сельскохозяйственная академия, 2020.

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With the aim of introducing a new variety of Sudanese grass, Evgenia, into agricultural production in the Lower Volga region, they conducted production tests. Clarified the methods of cultivating varieties for seeds. As a result of the research, it was found that the Evgenia variety was characterized by high values of economically valuable traits. To obtain high-quality seeds, the variety is recommended to be sown with row spacing of 30 cm and with a seeding rate of 0.6-0.7 million pcs. viable seeds per hectare.
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Jiao, Roger Jianxin, and Linda Lianfeng Zhang. "Modeling Process Platform-Based Production Reconfiguration With Petri Nets." In ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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The production processes of product families involve diverse changeovers in manufacturing and assembly processes in order to accommodate a high variety of component parts and assemblies. Reconfiguring production processes based on process platforms has been recognized as a promising means for companies to produce product variety while achieving mass production efficiency. Aiming at modeling support to production reconfiguration, this paper develops a multilevel system of nested colored object-oriented Petri nets (PNs) with changeable structures. In accordance with the fundamental issues of production reconfiguration, the modeling formalism is developed by taking advantages of several PNs techniques, including colored PNs, object-oriented PNs, changeable PNs, and nested PNs. The modeling formalism comprises a resource net, manufacturing net, assembly net and process net. The paper demonstrates how these net definitions are applied to specify production processes at different levels of abstraction. Also reported is a case study in an electronics company. The application results reveals the feasibility of the nested colored object-oriented PNs with changeable structures for capturing and representing the logic of production reconfiguration based on process platforms.
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Tillage practices in viticulture are very important, with major effects on quantitative and qualitative production, on vines phenology and stages of growth. In this study the aim was to identify the most appropriate vineyard floor management, located on flat land or mild slopes, with medium or high soils fertility. The research was carried out during 2011–2013 in the vineyard of the BUASVM Didactic Station from Timisoara and focusing exclusively on several variants of soil maintenance in order to replace the need for manual labor. Leaf area was estimated by concentric circles method and sugar concentration was evaluated by refractometry. Total acidity in must and wine was determined by titration. Grape yield was estimated by bunches counting and weighing, for each variety and productive potential (kg ha-1) was appreciated by multiplying the average yield per vine with the number of vines per hectare. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 6. Performance of Burgundy variety for superior red wines group and Silvania table grape variety – with a medium ripening, were analyzed in the experiment. For both Burgundy and Silvania varieties the sixth variant (V6–bare soil by tillage middles row (tractor and rotary hoe)/rotary hoe undervine (tractor and adjustable offset rotary tiller) registered the highest grape yield during the research. The lowest grape yield fulfils to the seventh variant of vineyard floor management. Burgundy variety had the average must sugar content of 195 ± 4.27 g l-1 and that of the leaf area of 7.09 ± 0.58 m2 while in Silvania variety the average of grape must acidity was 4.66 ± 0.35 g l-1 H2SO4 and the leaf area of 7.42 ± 0.51 m2/vine. Between must sugar content and leaf area, in Burgundy and Silvania variety has been established a significant positive linear correlation (r = 0.94 ***) and (r = 0.88 **; p <0.001) respectively, variables being virtually indistinguishable.
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Zhang, Lianfeng, Jianxin Jiao, and Shaligram Pokharel. "Process Platform-Based Production Configuration." In ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.

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In nowadays’ changing manufacturing environment, designing product families based on product platforms has been well accepted as an effective means to fulfill product customization. The current production practice and academic research of platform based product development mostly focus on the design domain, whereas limited attention is paid to how production can take advantage of product families for realizing economy of scale through enormous repetitions. This paper puts forward a concept of process platforms, based on which an efficient and cost saving production configuration for new members of a product family can be achieved. A process platform implies three aspects, including generic representation, generic structures and generic planning. The issues and rationale of production configuration based on a process platform are presented. A multilevel system of nested colored object-oriented Petri Nets with changeable structures is proposed to model the configuration of production processes. To construct a process platform from existing process data, a data mining approach based on text mining and tree matching is introduced to identify the generic process structure of a process family. An industrial example of high variety production of vibration motors for hand phones is also reported.
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Golovashchenko, Sergey F., and Andrey M. Ilinich. "Trimming of Advanced High Strength Steels." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Modern product design and manufacturing often utilizes a wide variety of materials. Where once low carbon steel predominated, a variety of different materials such as aluminum alloys and advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) are now being utilized. Although such alternative materials may provide a variety of benefits in manufacturing and design, these same materials may present difficulties when subjected to manufacturing processes originally designed for low carbon steel. One such manufacturing area where difficulties may arise is in trimming operations. A defect that may arise directly in the trimming operation are burrs. Burrs decrease the quality and accuracy of stamped parts and cause splits in stretch flanging and hemming. Current standards limit the production of burrs through accurate alignment of the upper and lower edges of the trim knives. The clearance between the shearing edges should be less than 10% of the material thickness. For automotive exterior sheet, this requires a gap less than 0.06mm. Unfortunately, tolerances often exceed the capabilities of many trim dies resulting in the production of burrs. To satisfy the current standards of quality and to meet customer satisfaction, stamped parts frequently need an additional deburring operation, which is often accomplished as a metal-finish operation and conducted manually. The objective of the research described in this paper was to study the mechanisms of burr generation and the impact on AHSS formability in stretch flanging. Results on both the conventional trimming process and a recently developed robust trimming process, which has the potential to expand tolerances of trim die alignment, will be discussed.
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Dirckx, Matthew, Aaron D. Mazzeo, and David E. Hardt. "Production of Micro-Molding Tooling by Hot Embossing." In ASME 2007 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Tooling is especially critical for micro-molding of polymers because the tool defines the geometry of the finished part. Various tool materials and processes have been demonstrated, including etched silicon, machined or electroformed metal, and molded polymers. Adhesion of the part to the tool and differential thermal contraction are frequently cited problems related to micro-molding tooling. Brittle silicon tools are particularly vulnerable to failure during demolding because of adhesion and thermal stress. The current work demonstrates the production of micro-molding tools by hot embossing of thermoplastics. Polymer materials for working tools are selected on the basis of high heat deflection temperature and high interfacial tension with the polymer being embossed. The high thermal resistance of the working tool material enables its use in hot embossing of materials with lower glass transition temperature such as polymethyl-methacrylate and cyclo-olefin-polymer, as well as other micro-molding processes. The high interfacial tension reduces adhesion between the master mold and the final part, reducing loads on the tools and facilitating demolding. Embossing parameters for a variety of working tool materials, as well as replication fidelity of the working tools and parts and tool-part adhesion are explored. Polymer working tools produced by hot embossing show great promise for manufacturing polymer micro-devices.
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Reports on the topic "High-variety production"


Kistner-Thomas, Erica. Recent Trends in Climate/Weather Impacts on Midwestern Fruit and Vegetable Production. USDA Midwest Climate Hub, November 2018.

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While the Midwest is famous for being the world’s leader in corn and soybean production, this region is also home to a variety of high value specialty crops. Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and nursery crops including floriculture.
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Rahimipour, Shai, and David Donovan. Renewable, long-term, antimicrobial surface treatments through dopamine-mediated binding of peptidoglycan hydrolases. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2012.

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There is a need for renewable antimicrobial surface treatments that are semi- permanent, can eradicate both biofilms and planktonic pathogens over long periods of time and that do not select for resistant strains. This proposal describes a dopamine binding technology that is inexpensive, bio-friendly, non-toxic, and uses straight-forward commercially available products. The antimicrobial agents are peptidoglycanhydrolase enzymes that are non-toxic and highly refractory to resistance development. The goal of this project is to create a treatment that will be applicable to a wide variety of surfaces and will convey long-lasting antimicrobial activity. Although the immediate goal is to create staphylolytic surfaces, the technology should be applicable to any pathogen and will thus contribute to no less than 3 BARD priorities: 1) increased animal production by protecting animals from invasive and emerging diseases, 2) Antimicrobial food packaging will improve food safety and security and 3) sustainable bio- energy systems will be supported by coating fermentation vats with antimicrobials that could protect ethanolic fermentations from Lactobacillus contamination that reduces ethanol yields. The dopamine-based modification of surfaces is inspired by the strong adhesion of mussel adhesion proteins to virtually all types of surfaces, including metals, polymers, and inorganic materials. Peptidoglycanhydrolases (PGHs) meet the criteria of a surface bound antimicrobial with their site of action being extracellular peptidoglycan (the structural basis of the bacterial cell wall) that when breached causes osmotic lysis. As a proof of principle, we will develop technology using peptidoglycanhydrolase enzymes that target Staphylococcus aureus, a notoriously contagious and antimicrobial-resistant pathogen. We will test for susceptibility of the coating to a variety of environmental stresses including UV light, abrasive cleaning and dessication. In order to avoid resistance development, we intend to use three unique, synergistic, simultaneous staphylococcal enzyme activities. The hydrolases are modular such that we have created fusion proteins with three lytic activities that are highly refractory to resistance development. It is essential to use multiple simultaneous activities to avoid selecting for antimicrobial resistant strains. This strategy is applicable to both Gram positive and negative pathogens. We anticipate that upon completion of this award the technology will be available for commercialization within the time required to achieve a suitable high volume production scheme for the required enzymes (~1-2 years). We expect the modified surface will remain antimicrobial for several days, and when necessary, the protocol for renewal of the surface will be easily applied in a diverse array of environments, from food processing plants to barnyards.
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Rafaeli, Ada, Russell Jurenka, and Chris Sander. Molecular characterisation of PBAN-receptors: a basis for the development and screening of antagonists against Pheromone biosynthesis in moth pest species. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2008.

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The original objectives of the approved proposal included: (a) The determination of species- and tissue-specificity of the PBAN-R; (b) the elucidation of the role of juvenile hormone in gene regulation of the PBAN-R; (c) the identificationof the ligand binding domains in the PBAN-R and (d) the development of efficient screening assays in order to screen potential antagonists that will block the PBAN-R. Background to the topic: Moths constitute one of the major groups of pest insects in agriculture and their reproductive behavior is dependent on chemical communication. Sex-pheromone blends are utilised by a variety of moth species to attract conspecific mates. In most of the moth species sex-pheromone biosynthesis is under circadian control by the neurohormone, PBAN (pheromone-biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide). In order to devise ideal strategies for mating disruption/prevention, we proposed to study the interactions between PBAN and its membrane-bound receptor in order to devise potential antagonists. Major conclusions: Within the framework of the planned objectives we have confirmed the similarities between the two Helicoverpa species: armigera and zea. Receptor sequences of the two Helicoverpa spp. are 98% identical with most changes taking place in the C-terminal. Our findings indicate that PBAN or PBAN-like receptors are also present in the neural tissues and may represent a neurotransmitter-like function for PBAN-like peptides. Surprisingly the gene encoding the PBAN-receptor was also present in the male homologous tissue, but it is absent at the protein level. The presence of the receptor (at the gene- and protein-levels), and the subsequent pheromonotropic activity are age-dependent and up-regulated by Juvenile Hormone in pharate females but down-regulated by Juvenile Hormone in adult females. Lower levels of pheromonotropic activity were observed when challenged with pyrokinin-like peptides than with HezPBAN as ligand. A model of the 3D structure of the receptor was created using the X-ray structure of rhodopsin as a template after sequence alignment of the HezPBAN-R with several other GPCRs and computer simulated docking with the model predicted putative binding sites. Using in silico mutagenesis the predicted docking model was validated with experimental data obtained from expressed chimera receptors in Sf9 cells created by exchanging between the three extracellular loops of the HezPBAN-R and the Drosophila Pyrokinin-R (CG9918). The chimera receptors also indicated that the 3ʳᵈ extracellular loop is important for recognition of PBAN or Diapause hormone ligands. Implications: The project has successfully completed all the objectives and we are now in a position to be able to design and screen potential antagonists for pheromone production. The successful docking simulation-experiments encourage the use of in silico experiments for initial (high-throughput) screening of potential antagonists. However, the differential responses between the expressed receptor (Sf9 cells) and the endogenous receptor (pheromone glands) emphasize the importance of assaying lead compounds using several alternative bioassays (at the cellular, tissue and organism levels). The surprising discovery of the presence of the gene encoding the PBAN-R in the male homologous tissue, but its absence at the protein level, launches opportunities for studying molecular regulation pathways and the evolution of these GPCRs. Overall this research will advance research towards the goal of finding antagonists for this important class of receptors that might encompass a variety of essential insect functions.
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Morin, Shai, Gregory Walker, Linda Walling, and Asaph Aharoni. Identifying Arabidopsis thaliana Defense Genes to Phloem-feeding Insects. United States Department of Agriculture, February 2013.

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The whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) is a serious agricultural pest that afflicts a wide variety of ornamental and vegetable crop species. To enable survival on a great diversity of host plants, whiteflies must have the ability to avoid or detoxify numerous different plant defensive chemicals. Such toxins include a group of insect-deterrent molecules called glucosinolates (GSs), which also provide the pungent taste of Brassica vegetables such as radish and cabbage. In our BARD grant, we used the whitefly B. tabaci and Arabidopsis (a Brassica plant model) defense mutants and transgenic lines, to gain comprehensive understanding both on plant defense pathways against whiteflies and whitefly defense strategies against plants. Our major focus was on GSs. We produced transgenic Arabidopsis plants accumulating high levels of GSs. At the first step, we examined how exposure to high levels of GSs affects decision making and performance of whiteflies when provided plants with normal levels or high levels of GSs. Our major conclusions can be divided into three: (I) exposure to plants accumulating high levels of GSs, negatively affected the performance of both whitefly adult females and immature; (II) whitefly adult females are likely to be capable of sensing different levels of GSs in their host plants and are able to choose, for oviposition, the host plant on which their offspring survive and develop better (preference-performance relationship); (III) the dual presence of plants with normal levels and high levels of GSs, confused whitefly adult females, and led to difficulties in making a choice between the different host plants. These findings have an applicative perspective. Whiteflies are known as a serious pest of Brassica cropping systems. If the differences found here on adjacent small plants translate to field situations, intercropping with closely-related Brassica cultivars could negatively influence whitefly population build-up. At the second step, we characterized the defensive mechanisms whiteflies use to detoxify GSs and other plant toxins. We identified five detoxification genes, which can be considered as putative "key" general induced detoxifiers because their expression-levels responded to several unrelated plant toxic compounds. This knowledge is currently used (using new funding) to develop a new technology that will allow the production of pestresistant crops capable of protecting themselves from whiteflies by silencing insect detoxification genes without which successful host utilization can not occur. Finally, we made an effort to identify defense genes that deter whitefly performance, by infesting with whiteflies, wild-type and defense mutated Arabidopsis plants. The infested plants were used to construct deep-sequencing expression libraries. The 30- 50 million sequence reads per library, provide an unbiased and quantitative assessment of gene expression and contain sequences from both Arabidopsis and whiteflies. Therefore, the libraries give us sequence data that can be mined for both the plant and insect gene expression responses. An intensive analysis of these datasets is underway. We also conducted electrical penetration graph (EPG) recordings of whiteflies feeding on Arabidopsis wild-type and defense mutant plants in order to determine the time-point and feeding behavior in which plant-defense genes are expressed. We are in the process of analyzing the recordings and calculating 125 feeding behavior parameters for each whitefly. From the analyses conducted so far we conclude that the Arabidopsis defense mutants do not affect adult feeding behavior in the same manner that they affect immatures development. Analysis of the immatures feeding behavior is not yet completed, but if it shows the same disconnect between feeding behavior data and developmental rate data, we would conclude that the differences in the defense mutants are due to a qualitative effect based on the chemical constituency of the phloem sap.
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Rafaeli, Ada, Wendell Roelofs, and Anat Zada Byers. Identification and gene regulation of the desaturase enzymes involved in sex-pheromone biosynthesis of pest moths infesting grain. United States Department of Agriculture, March 2008.

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The original objectives of the approved proposal included: 1. Establishment of the biosynthetic pathways for pheromone production using labeled precursors and GC-MS. 2. The elucidation of a circadian regulation of key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway. 3. The identification, characterization and confirmation of functional expression of the delta-desaturases. 4. The identification of gene regulatory processes involved in the expression of the key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway. Background to the topic: Moths constitute one of the major groups of pest insects in agriculture and their reproductive behavior is dependent on chemical communication. Sex-pheromone blends are utilized by a variety of moth species to attract conspecific mates. The sex pheromones used are commonly composed of blends of aliphatic molecules that vary in chain length, geometry, degree and position of double bonds and functional groups. They are formed by various actions of specific delta-desaturases to which chain shortening, elongation, reduction, acetylation, and oxidation of a common fatty acyl precursor is coupled. In most of the moth species sex-pheromone biosynthesis is under circadian control by the neurohormone, PBAN (pheromone-biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide). The development of specific and safe insect control strategies utilizing pheromone systems depends on a clear knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved. In this proposal we aimed at identifying and characterizing specific desaturases involved in the biosynthetic pathway of two moth pest-speciesof stored products, P. interpunctella and S. cerealella, and to elucidate the regulation of the enzymes involved in pheromone biosynthesis. Due to technical difficulties the second stored product pest was excluded from the study at an early phase of the research project. Major conclusions: Within the framework of the planned objectives we confirmed the pheromone biosynthetic pathway of P. interpunctella and H. armigera by using labeled precursor molecules. In addition, in conjunction with various inhibitors we determined the PBAN-stimulated rate-limiting step for these biosynthetic pathways. We thereby present conclusive evidence that the enzyme Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase is activated as a result of PBAN stimulation. We also found that P. interpunctella produce the main pheromone component Z9, E12 Tetradecenyl acetate through the action of a D11 desaturase working on the 16:Acid precursor. This is evidenced by the high amount of incorporation of ²H-labeled 16:Acid into pheromone when compared to the incorporation of ²H-labeled 14:Acid. However, in contrast to reports on other moth species, P. interpunctella is also capable of utilizing the 14:Acid precursor, although to a much lesser extent than the 16:Acid precursor. Despite the discovery of nine different desaturase gene transcripts in this species, from the present study it is evident that although PCR detected all nine gene transcripts, specific to female pheromone glands, only two are highly expressed whereas the other 7 are expressed at levels of at least 10⁵ fold lower showing very low abundance. These two genes correspond to D11-like desaturases strengthening the hypothesis that the main biosynthetic pathway involves a D11 desaturase.
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Miller, Gad, and Jeffrey F. Harper. Pollen fertility and the role of ROS and Ca signaling in heat stress tolerance. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2013.

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The long-term goal of this research is to understand how pollen cope with stress, and identify genes that can be manipulated in crop plants to improve reproductive success during heat stress. The specific aims were to: 1) Compare heat stress dependent changes in gene expression between wild type pollen, and mutants in which pollen are heat sensitive (cngc16) or heat tolerant (apx2-1). 2) Compare cngc16 and apx2 mutants for differences in heat-stress triggered changes in ROS, cNMP, and Ca²⁺ transients. 3) Expand a mutant screen for pollen with increased or decreased thermo-tolerance. These aims were designed to provide novel and fundamental advances to our understanding of stress tolerance in pollen reproductive development, and enable research aimed at improving crop plants to be more productive under conditions of heat stress. Background: Each year crop yields are severely impacted by a variety of stress conditions, including heat, cold, drought, hypoxia, and salt. Reproductive development in flowering plants is highly sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, with even a single hot day or cold night sometimes being fatal to reproductive success. In many plants, pollen tube development and fertilization is often the weakest link. Current speculation about global climate change is that most agricultural regions will experience more extreme environmental fluctuations. With the human food supply largely dependent on seeds, it is critical that we consider ways to improve stress tolerance during fertilization. The heat stress response (HSR) has been intensively studied in vegetative tissues, but is poorly understood during reproductive development. A general paradigm is that HS is accompanied by increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and induction of ROS-scavenging enzymes to protect cells from excess oxidative damage. The activation of the HSR has been linked to cytosolic Ca²⁺ signals, and transcriptional and translational responses, including the increased expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and antioxidative pathways. The focus of the proposed research was on two mutations, which have been discovered in a collaboration between the Harper and Miller labs, that either increase or decrease reproductive stress tolerance in a model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (i.e., cngc16--cyclic nucleotide gated channel 16, apx2-1--ascorbate peroxidase 2,). Major conclusions, solutions, achievements. Using RNA-seq technology, the expression profiles of cngc16 and apx2 pollen grains were independently compared to wild type under favourable conditions and following HS. In comparison to a wild type HSR, there were 2,776 differences in the transcriptome response in cngc16 pollen, consistent with a model in which this heat-sensitive mutant fails to enact or maintain a normal wild-type HSR. In a comparison with apx2 pollen, there were 900 differences in the HSR. Some portion of these 900 differences might contribute to an improved HSR in apx2 pollen. Twenty-seven and 42 transcription factor changes, in cngc16 and apx2-1, respectively, were identified that could provide unique contributions to a pollen HSR. While we found that the functional HS-dependent reprogramming of the pollen transcriptome requires specific activity of CNGC16, we identified in apx2 specific activation of flavonol-biosynthesis pathway and auxin signalling that support a role in pollen thermotolerance. Results from this study have identified metabolic pathways and candidate genes of potential use in improving HS tolerance in pollen. Additionally, we developed new FACS-based methodology that can quantify the stress response for individual pollen in a high-throughput fashion. This technology is being adapted for biological screening of crop plant’s pollen to identify novel thermotolerance traits. Implications, both scientific and agricultural. This study has provided a reference data on the pollen HSR from a model plant, and supports a model that the HSR in pollen has many differences compared to vegetative cells. This provides an important foundation for understanding and improving the pollen HSR, and therefor contributes to the long-term goal of improving productivity in crop plants subjected to temperature stress conditions. A specific hypothesis that has emerged from this study is that pollen thermotolerance can be improved by increasing flavonol accumulation before or during a stress response. Efforts to test this hypothesis have been initiated, and if successful have the potential for application with major seed crops such as maize and rice.
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Banin, Amos, Joseph Stucki, and Joel Kostka. Redox Processes in Soils Irrigated with Reclaimed Sewage Effluents: Field Cycles and Basic Mechanism. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2004.

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The overall objectives of the project were: (a) To measure and study in situ the effect of irrigation with reclaimed sewage effluents on redox processes and related chemical dynamics in soil profiles of agricultural fields. (b) To study under controlled conditions the kinetics and equilibrium states of selected processes that affect redox conditions in field soils or that are effected by them. Specifically, these include the effects on heavy metals sorption and desorption, and the effect on pesticide degradation. On the basis of the initial results from the field study, increased effort was devoted to clarifying and quantifying the effects of plants and water regime on the soil's redox potential while the study of heavy metals sorption was limited. The use of reclaimed sewage effluents as agricultural irrigation water is increasing at a significant rate. The relatively high levels of suspended and, especially, dissolved organic matter and nitrogen in effluents may affect the redox regime in field soils irrigated with them. In turn, the changes in redox regime may affect, among other parameters, the organic matter and nitrogen dynamics of the root zone and trace organic decomposition processes. Detailed data of the redox potential regime in field plots is lacking, and the detailed mechanisms of its control are obscure and not quantified. The study established the feasibility of long-term, non-disturbing monitoring of redox potential regime in field soils. This may enable to manage soil redox under conditions of continued inputs of wastewater. The importance of controlling the degree of wastewater treatment, particularly of adding ultrafiltration steps and/or tertiary treatment, may be assessed based on these and similar results. Low redox potential was measured in a field site (Site A, KibutzGivat Brenner), that has been irrigated with effluents for 30 years and was used for 15 years for continuous commercial sod production. A permanently reduced horizon (Time weighted averaged pe= 0.33±3.0) was found in this site at the 15 cm depth throughout the measurement period of 10 months. A drastic cultivation intervention, involving prolonged drying and deep plowing operations may be required to reclaim such soils. Site B, characterized by a loamy texture, irrigated with tap water for about 20 years was oxidized (Time weighted average pe=8.1±1.0) throughout the measurement period. Iron in the solid phases of the Givat Brenner soils is chemically-reduced by irrigation. Reduced Fe in these soils causes a change in reactivity toward the pesticide oxamyl, which has been determined to be both cytotoxic and genotoxic to mammalian cells. Reaction of oxamyl with reduced-Fe clay minerals dramatically decreases its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity to mammalian cells. Some other pesticides are affected in the same manner, whereas others are affected in the opposite direction (become more cyto- and genotoxic). Iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB) are abundant in the Givat Brenner soils. FeRB are capable of coupling the oxidation of small molecular weight carbon compounds (fermentation products) to the respiration of iron under anoxic conditions, such as those that occur under flooded soil conditions. FeRB from these soils utilize a variety of Fe forms, including Fe-containing clay minerals, as the sole electron acceptor. Daily cycles of the soil redox potential were discovered and documented in controlled-conditions lysimeter experiments. In the oxic range (pe=12-8) soil redox potential cycling is attributed to the effect of the daily temperature cycle on the equilibrium constant of the oxygenation reaction of H⁺ to form H₂O, and is observed under both effluent and freshwater irrigation. The presence of plants affects considerably the redox potential regime of soils. Redox potential cycling coupled to the irrigation cycles is observed when the soil becomes anoxic and the redox potential is controlled by the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple. This is particularly seen when plants are grown. Re-oxidation of the soil after soil drying at the end of an irrigation cycle is affected to some degree by the water quality. Surprisingly, the results suggest that under certain conditions recovery is less pronounced in the freshwater irrigated soils.
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Brosh, Arieh, David Robertshaw, Yoav Aharoni, Zvi Holzer, Mario Gutman, and Amichai Arieli. Estimation of Energy Expenditure of Free Living and Growing Domesticated Ruminants by Heart Rate Measurement. United States Department of Agriculture, April 2002.

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Research objectives were: 1) To study the effect of diet energy density, level of exercise, thermal conditions and reproductive state on cardiovascular function as it relates to oxygen (O2) mobilization. 2) To validate the use of heart rate (HR) to predict energy expenditure (EE) of ruminants, by measuring and calculating the energy balance components at different productive and reproductive states. 3) To validate the use of HR to identify changes in the metabolizable energy (ME) and ME intake (MEI) of grazing ruminants. Background: The development of an effective method for the measurement of EE is essential for understanding the management of both grazing and confined feedlot animals. The use of HR as a method of estimating EE in free-ranging large ruminants has been limited by the availability of suitable field monitoring equipment and by the absence of empirical understanding of the relationship between cardiac function and metabolic rate. Recent developments in microelectronics provide a good opportunity to use small HR devices to monitor free-range animals. The estimation of O2 uptake (VO2) of animals from their HR has to be based upon a consistent relationship between HR and VO2. The question as to whether, or to what extent, feeding level, environmental conditions and reproductive state affect such a relationship is still unanswered. Studies on the basic physiology of O2 mobilization (in USA) and field and feedlot-based investigations (in Israel) covered a , variety of conditions in order to investigate the possibilities of using HR to estimate EE. In USA the physiological studies conducted using animals with implanted flow probes, show that: I) although stroke volume decreases during intense exercise, VO2 per one heart beat per kgBW0.75 (O2 Pulse, O2P) actually increases and measurement of EE by HR and constant O2P may underestimate VO2unless the slope of the regression relating to heart rate and VO2 is also determined, 2) alterations in VO2 associated with the level of feeding and the effects of feeding itself have no effect on O2P, 3) both pregnancy and lactation may increase blood volume, especially lactation; but they have no effect on O2P, 4) ambient temperature in the range of 15 to 25°C in the resting animal has no effect on O2P, and 5) severe heat stress, induced by exercise, elevates body temperature to a sufficient extent that 14% of cardiac output may be required to dissipate the heat generated by exercise rather than for O2 transport. However, this is an unusual situation and its affect on EE estimation in a freely grazing animal, especially when heart rate is monitored over several days, is minor. In Israel three experiments were carried out in the hot summer to define changes in O2P attributable to changes in the time of day or In the heat load. The animals used were lambs and young calves in the growing phase and highly yielding dairy cows. In the growing animals the time of day, or the heat load, affected HR and VO2, but had no effect on O2P. On the other hand, the O2P measured in lactating cows was affected by the heat load; this is similar to the finding in the USA study of sheep. Energy balance trials were conducted to compare MEI recovery by the retained energy (RE) and by EE as measured by HR and O2P. The trial hypothesis was that if HR reliably estimated EE, the MEI proportion to (EE+RE) would not be significantly different from 1.0. Beef cows along a year of their reproductive cycle and growing lambs were used. The MEI recoveries of both trials were not significantly different from 1.0, 1.062+0.026 and 0.957+0.024 respectively. The cows' reproductive state did not affect the O2P, which is similar to the finding in the USA study. Pasture ME content and animal variables such as HR, VO2, O2P and EE of cows on grazing and in confinement were measured throughout three years under twenty-nine combinations of herbage quality and cows' reproductive state. In twelve grazing states, individual faecal output (FO) was measured and MEI was calculated. Regression analyses of the EE and RE dependent on MEI were highly significant (P<0.001). The predicted values of EE at zero intake (78 kcal/kgBW0.75), were similar to those estimated by NRC (1984). The EE at maintenance condition of the grazing cows (EE=MEI, 125 kcal/kgBW0.75) which are in the range of 96.1 to 125.5 as presented by NRC (1996 pp 6-7) for beef cows. Average daily HR and EE were significantly increased by lactation, P<0.001 and P<0.02 respectively. Grazing ME significantly increased HR and EE, P<0.001 and P<0.00l respectively. In contradiction to the finding in confined ewes and cows, the O2P of the grazing cows was significantly affected by the combined treatments (P<0.00l ); this effect was significantly related to the diet ME (P<0.00l ) and consequently to the MEI (P<0.03). Grazing significantly increased O2P compared to confinement. So, when EE of grazing animals during a certain season of the year is estimated using the HR method, the O2P must be re measured whenever grazing ME changes. A high correlation (R2>0.96) of group average EE and of HR dependency on MEI was also found in confined cows, which were fed six different diets and in growing lambs on three diets. In conclusion, the studies conducted in USA and in Israel investigated in depth the physiological mechanisms of cardiovascular and O2 mobilization, and went on to investigate a wide variety of ruminant species, ages, reproductive states, diets ME, time of intake and time of day, and compared these variables under grazing and confinement conditions. From these combined studies we can conclude that EE can be determined from HR measurements during several days, multiplied by O2P measured over a short period of time (10-15 min). The study showed that RE could be determined during the growing phase without slaughtering. In the near future the development microelectronic devices will enable wide use of the HR method to determine EE and energy balance. It will open new scopes of physiological and agricultural research with minimizes strain on animals. The method also has a high potential as a tool for herd management.
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