Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Higgs and Goldstone modes'
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Cano, Victor Manuel Peralta. "Phenomenology of Vector-like Fermions in Physics Beyond the Standard Model." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/43/43134/tde-06122017-083800/.
Full textO modelo padrão de física de partículas fornece uma teoria bem-sucedida para entender os resultados experimentais das interações eletrofracas e fortes. No entanto, não tem uma explicação satisfatória para o problema de hierarquia. Muitas extensões do Modelo Padrão que resolvem o problema hierarquia resultam em novas partículas. Estudaremos a fenomenologia de férmions vetoriais resultando em teorias onde o bóson de Higgs é tipicamente um bóson pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone. Nessas teorias, estudaremos o caso em que um férmion pesado será mais pesado do que um glúon pesado, e então o canal de um férmion pesado decaindo em um octeto de cor é considerado. Estudamos esta fenomenologia em colisores de alta energia, tanto para o LHC quanto as futuras máquinas.
Grassi, Matías Pablo. "Spin waves in inhomogeneous magnetization distributions." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021STRAE014.
Full textInhomogeneous magnetization distributions may exist because the magnetic parameters are distributed, or because magnetic textures nucleate in homogenous materials. In both cases, the broken symmetries affect the spin-wave excitation and propagation, leading to a number of intriguing phenomena. In this context, we have studied the propagation of spin waves in a bilayer with a saturation magnetization contrast for the Damon-Eshbach configuration. We have found, by means of simulations and experiments (Propagating Spin Wave Spectroscopy and Brillouin Light Scattering), that this system shows a strong frequency non-reciprocity which can be used for the realization of a spin-wave diode. We have also studied the spin-wave dynamics in thin films which exhibit weak magnetic stripe domains. We have shown how these modes can be interpreted as an extension of the Damon-Eshbach spectrum of the saturated state, which adapts to the symmetry breaking. Furthermore, we have identified the two lowest frequency modes to the Goldstone- and Higgs- modes of the stripe texture. These results were confirmed by Brillouin Light Scattering and Ferromagnetic Resonance experiments
Braathen, Johannes. "Automating Higgs precision calculations." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS073/document.
Full textThe Standard Model-like Higgs boson provides an excellent setting for the indirect search of New Physics, through the study of its properties. In particular its mass is now measured with an astonishing precision, of the order of 0.1%, while being predicted in some models of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Physics, such as supersymmetric (SUSY) models. The main purpose of this thesis is to push further the calculation of radiative corrections to Higgs boson masses in BSM models, as well as the automation of these calculations, in order to set or improve constraints on New Physics coupling to the Higgs boson. A first chapter is devoted to the computation of the leading two-loop O (alpha_s alpha_t) corrections to neutral scalar masses in SUSY models with Dirac gauginos. Then, we show to address the Goldstone Boson Catastrophe -- a case of infra-red divergences due to massless Goldstone bosons that plague the calculation of effective potentials, tadpole equations, and self-energies -- in the context of general renormalisable field theories, by adopting an on-shell renormalisation scheme for the Goldstone masses. Afterwards, we illustrate the numerical implementation of our solution to the Goldstone Boson Catastrophe in the public tool SARAH. Finally, in a last chapter, we consider the high-scale behaviour of non-supersymmetric models with extended Higgs sectors
Zhang, Yi. "Fermi Liquid Study of Exotic Modes in Magnetically Ordered Systems." Thesis, Boston College, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2345/bc-ir:103563.
Full textThe Landau Fermi liquid theory is a very successful theory in condensed matter physics. It provides a phenomenological framework for describing thermodynamics, transport and collective modes of itinerant fermionic systems. In 1957, Silin described the spin waves in polarized Fermi liquids based on Landau Fermi liquid theory, which are related to series of components of the spherical harmonic expansion of the fermi surface. It has been proved by Pomeranchuck that for the Fermi surface to be stable, the Landau parameters should satisfy the relation: $F_l^{s,a}>-(2l+1)$. Whenever the relation is violated, there will exist an instability of the Fermi surface known as a Pomeranchuck instability, such as the Stoner ferromagnetism when $F_0^a→ -1^+$, or phase separation when $F_0^s→ -1^+$. In 1959, Abrikosov and Dzyaloshinskii developed a ferromagnetic Fermi liquid theory(FFLT) of itinerant ferromagnetism based on Landau Fermi liquid theory, whose microscopic foundations were established later by Dzyaloshiskii and Kondratenko. Further studies had been made of this state using a generalized Pomeranchuck instability based on the FFLT of Blagoev, Engelbrecht and Bedell and Bedell and Blagoev. In this thesis, I study a magnetically ordered system with spin orbit magnetism, where the order parameter has a net spin current and no net magnetization in both two dimension and three dimension. Starting from a Fermi liquid theory, similar to that for a weak ferromagnet, I have shown that this excitation emerges from an exotic magnetic Fermi liquid state that is protected by a generalized Pomeranchuck condition. I derive the propagating mode using the Landau kinetic equation, and find that the dispersion of the mode has a $sqrt q$ behavior in leading order in 2D. I also find an instability toward superconductivity induced by this exotic mode, and a further analysis based on the forward scattering sum rule strongly suggests that this superconductivity has triplet pairing symmetry. I perform similar studies in the 3D case, with a slightly different magnetic system and find that the mode leads to a Lifshitz-like instability most likely toward an inhomogeneous magnetic state in one of the phases. I also study the collective modes in itinerant ferromagnetic system, which is related to the $F_0^a$ pomeranchuck instability. Using FFLT, I obtained the well-known magnon (Nambu-Goldstone) mode and a gapped mode that was first found by Bedell and Blagoev. I have identified this mode as the Higgs boson (amplitude mode) of a ferromagnetic metal. This is identified as the Higgs since it can be shown that it corresponds to a fluctuation of the amplitude of the order parameter. I use this model to describe the itinerant-electron ferromagnetic material MnSi. By fitting the model with the existing experimental results, I calculate the dynamical structure function and see well-defined peaks contributed from the magnon and the Higgs. From my estimates of the relative intensity of the Higgs amplitude mode I expect that it can be seen in neutron scattering experiments on MnSi
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Physics
Hirn, Johannes. "Formulation de la théorie effective à basse énergie du secteur électrofaible sans particule de Higgs." Paris 11, 2004. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00008357.
Full textThe low-energy effective theory of electroweak symmetry-breaking without a Higgs particle is constructed using the methods of Chiral Perturbation Theory. Weinberg's power-counting formula demonstrates the consistency of the loop expansion, with the corresponding renormalization. We find that the suppression of effective operators by a mass scale, which was automatic in the case of the Standard Model, no longer holds in the Higgs-less case for a specific class of operators. Moreover, the incriminated operators appear at leading order in the chiral expansion, in conflict with experiments. To account for their suppression, invariance under a larger symmetry is required, corresponding to the composite sector (which produces the three Goldstone modes) being decoupled from the elementary sector (quarks, leptons and Yang-Mills fields). The couplings are introduced via spurions: this reduces the symmetry to SU(2)xU(1). Ln the simultaneous expansion in powers of momenta and spurions, the aforementioned operators are relegated to higher orders. Ln addition, the method allows for a systematic treatment of weak isospin breaking. The Weinberg power-counting formula can be recovered, and small neutrino masses accounted for. The three right-handed neutrinos (lighter than the TeV) are introduced in connection with the custodial symmetry: they are quasi-sterile and stable and may thus contribute to dark matter. We also obtain a constraint on the underlying theory by studying the anomaly-matching in the composite sector and generalizing the Wess-Zumino construction. The spurion formalism is also applied to open linear moose models, for which generalized Weinberg sum rules are derived
Bittner, Nikolaj [Verfasser]. "Novel Non–Equilibrium Dynamics in Superconductors: Induced Superconductivity and Higgs Modes / Nikolaj Bittner." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1126504831/34.
Full textvan, der Aa Olivier. "CMS Trigger strategies for the selection of MSSM Higgs bosons using electron tau-jet decay modes." Université catholique de Louvain, 2005. http://edoc.bib.ucl.ac.be:81/ETD-db/collection/available/BelnUcetd-06022006-190457/.
Full textSkwarcan-Bidakowski, Alexander. "Exotic Decays of a Vector-liketop Partner at the LHC." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Högenergifysik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-392988.
Full textBonvent, Jean-Jacques. "Modes mou et de Goldstone dans les cristaux liquides ferroélectriques : approche électro-optique et par spectroscopie TFIR à double modulation, application à l'interface cristal liquide/surface d'alignement." Bordeaux 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR10620.
Full textVaheid, Halimeh. "Generation and Validation of di-Higgs events in the 4τ final state." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Högenergifysik, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-355744.
Full textBöser, Christian [Verfasser], and T. [Akademischer Betreuer] Müller. "Search for the Higgs Boson in WH and tHq Production Modes with the CMS Experiment / Christian Böser. Betreuer: T. Müller." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2015. http://d-nb.info/107189417X/34.
Full textFeigl, Bastian [Verfasser], and D. [Akademischer Betreuer] Zeppenfeld. "Electroweak Processes in the Standard Model and Beyond: Backgrounds to Higgs Physics and Semileptonic Decay Modes / Bastian Feigl. Betreuer: D. Zeppenfeld." Karlsruhe : KIT-Bibliothek, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1044956194/34.
Full textRangel, Smith Camila. "Etude des performances de photons avec les désintégrations radiatives du Z, et recherche du boson de Higgs dans les modes H → γγ et H → Zγ auprès du détecteur ATLAS au LHC." Paris 7, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA077288.
Full textIn this thesis my personal contributions to the ATLAS experiment are presented, consisting of detector oriented studies and physics analyses concerning photons in the context of the search for the Higgs boson. The first part of this thesis contains detector performance analyses on the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCAL) high-voltage system. The effect of the resistors in the electrodes of the EMCAL on the energy measurement is investigated and found to be small in most of the cases. Furthermore, photon reconstruction performance studies are presented, where a data-driven validation to the standard calibration is performed by extracting the photon energy scales from a sample of Z radiative decays. The second part of this document concerns the physics analyses, such as the searches for the Higgs Boson in the yy and Zy decay channels. My main contribution to these analysis consists of an analytical resolution model for the signal, built to satisfy the need for an interpolation of the invariant mass probability density function to perform the search. The di-photon decay channel results uses 4. 8 fb⁻¹ of data recorded at a centre-ofmass energy of √s = 7 TeV et de 5,9 fb⁻¹ à √s = 8 TeV. An excess of events is observed around a mass of 126. 5 GeV with a local significance of 4. 5 standard deviations. These results, combined with those obtained in the in the H → ZZ and H —> VVW channel confirm the discovery of a new boson with a mass of 126. 0 ± 0. 4(stat)±0. 4(sys) GeV, consistent with the long searched-for Higgs boson. In the H → Zy channel, the search is performed using 4. 8 fb⁻¹ at √s = 7 TeV et de 20, 7 fb⁻¹ at √s = 8 TeV. No significant deviations from the SM background expectations are observed and upper limits on the cross sections times branching ratio are set. For a mass of 125 GeV, the expected and observed limits are 13. 5 and 18. 2 times the SM, respectively
Camila, Rangel-Smith. "Étude des performances de photons avec les désintégrations radiatives du Z, et recherche du boson de Higgs dans les modes H → γγ et H → Zγ auprès du détecteur ATLAS au LHC." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00930905.
Full textUnger, Wolfgang [Verfasser]. "The chiral phase transition of QCD with 2+1 flavors : a lattice study on Goldstone modes and universal scaling / vorgelegt von Wolfgang Unger." 2010. http://d-nb.info/1009779176/34.
Full textBaas, Alessandra Edda. "Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of the Higgs Mechanism in the Standard Model and Beyond." 2010. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/theses/503.
Full text"CMS Trigger strategies for the selection of MSSM Higgs bosons using electron tau-jet decay modes." Université catholique de Louvain, 2005. http://edoc.bib.ucl.ac.be:81/ETD-db/collection/available/BelnUcetd-06022006-190457/.
Full textJarkovská, Kateřina. "Pseudo-Goldstoneovy bosony v teoriích velkého sjednocení částicových interakcí." Master's thesis, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-383185.
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