Academic literature on the topic 'Heroic novel'

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Journal articles on the topic "Heroic novel"


Valiantien, Nita Maya, and Setya Ariani. "Sifat Kepahlawanan Tokoh Bujang dalam Novel "Pulang" Karya Tere Liye." Diglosia: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya 4, no. 4 (November 7, 2021): 499–514.

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This study aims to provide an overview of heroic traits shown by the character Bujang in Tere Liye's novel Pulang. The method used in analyzing the data is qualitative method because the data collected and analyzed are in the form of narratives and dialogues in the text related to the heroic traits possessed by Bujang as the main character in the novel. Furthermore, this study uses descriptive techniques to define the heroic traits found in Bujang character. From the results of the analysis, it was found that eight heroic traits possessed by Bujang in the novel Pulang. The traits include caring, charismatic, inspiring, reliable, resilient, selfless, smart, and strong. This finding shows that heroic traits can be found in characters who are involved in the world of crime and also in literary works that use the setting and themes of the criminal world. By having these eight heroic traits, Bujang is a representation of a hero even though he is a character who has a role in the criminal world he lives in the novel.
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Sirkel, Katri. "The Gentleman as a Hero? (Mis)representations of Heroic Masculinity in W. M. Thackeray’s Vanity Fair." Interlitteraria 22, no. 2 (January 16, 2018): 372.

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The aim of the article is to analyse the concept of gentlemanliness with regard to heroic masculinity in W.M. Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair. Set at the time of the Napoleonic Wars and written in the 1840s, the novel casts light on the controversial nature of the notion of gentleman. In the Victorian period, gentlemanliness came to be modelled on the principles of chivalry but there was nevertheless an implicit assumption originating from the Regency era that being a gentleman meant yielding to leisurely elegance rather than performing heroic deeds. Thackeray, whose formative years had passed in the Regency-tinted 1820s and early 1830s but who as a novelist gained maturity in the mid-nineteenth century, was acutely aware of the contradiction between the Regency and Victorian perceptions of gentlemanliness and the unease resulting therefrom. Thus, the paper argues that although the Regency standards of gentlemanliness were discarded as incompatible with Victorian heroic masculinity, they had a considerable influence on how heroism as a component of gentlemanliness was perceived in the Victorian era. The analysis of gentlemanliness focuses on the four principal male characters in the novel – Jos Sedley, Rawdon Crawley, George Osborne, and William Dobbin, of whom each represents aspects of gentlemanliness not entirely compatible with the Victorian heroic ideal. The article suggests that the characters take heroism as an asset for creating a heroic image rather than as a manifestation of heroic deeds, thus presenting vividly the contradiction within the concept of Victorian heroic masculinity.
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Zhao, Zhicheng. "A Comparative Study Between Chinese Classic Full-length Heroic Novel and Korean Classic Full-length Heroic Novel." Studies of Korean & Chinese Humanities 58 (March 31, 2018): 133–54.

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Efthimiou, Olivia. "Heroic ecologies: embodied heroic leadership and sustainable futures." Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 8, no. 4 (September 4, 2017): 489–511.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate heroism as an embodied system of leadership and well-being. Heroic leadership is presented as a baseline for sustainable futures and global health. Design/methodology/approach This paper presents an embodied reading of heroic leadership and its sustainable development across five stages. It outlines its core functions, its grounding in self-leadership through physical and mental trauma and its holistic benefits, resulting in the development of the Heroic Leadership Embodiment and Sustainable Development (HLESD) model. The efficacy of HLESD is demonstrated in an empirical case study of heroism promotion and education: the Hero Construction Company and the Heroic Imagination Project. Findings Heroic leadership is revealed as an emergent, dynamic and distributed form of sustainable development. Research limitations/implications This paper demonstrates the critical connections between heroism, sustainability, embodied leadership and well-being and how they stand to benefit from each other, individuals and communities at large. Social implications The implementation of HLESD in educational, counselling and broader contexts in consultation with a wide range of professionals stands to offer significant benefits to pedagogies, clinical practice, holistic therapies and twenty-first-century societies, at both the community and policy level. Originality/value The emerging field of heroism science and the use of heroic leadership as an interdisciplinary tool is a novel approach to well-being, which holds immense potential for the imagining and fostering of sustainable personal and collective futures.
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Woodrough, Elizabeth, and M. Bannister. "Privileged Mortals: The French Heroic Novel 1630-1660." Modern Language Review 80, no. 4 (October 1985): 938.

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Ma'ruf, Annaz. "The Analysis of Heroes’ Traits in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." Journal of Literature, Linguistics, & Cultural Studies 2, no. 1 (July 24, 2023): 69–81.

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This research analyzed the heroic portrayal of the main character, Percy Jackson, in Rick Riordan's novel "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." The study aimed to examine the literary work and used a psychological approach to analyze Percy Jackson's psychological aspects as the central character. The theoretical framework utilized was "The Eight Traits of Heroes," developed by Scott Allison and George Goethals, encompassing traits such as caring, charismatic, inspiring, reliable, resilient, selfless, intelligent, and strong. The findings of this research indicated that Percy Jackson displayed all eight heroic traits in the novel. Additionally, the study employed "The Three Major Components of Heroes" to trace Percy Jackson's hero development throughout the story. However, it was noted that Percy also possessed a few non-heroic traits, including contemplating harm towards a bully and expressing anger towards a monster that caused his mother's death, revealing a vengeful aspect of Percy's character.
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Віннічук, Алла. "Художня інтерпретація образів козацьких ватажків в історичних романах Миколи Глухенького." Українська література: історичний досвід і перспективи, no. 3 (August 24, 2024): 57–71.

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This article examines the artistic interpretation of Cossack leaders Semen Nezhyvy, Ivan Gonta, and Maksym Zalizniak in Mykola Hlukhenky’s novel dilogy «Koliivshchyna» and «Kolii». It explores the artistic techniques used for characterization and the specific methods employed to depict the heroics of the national past. Key moments addressing the «man vs. History» dilemma are highlighted. The study demonstrates that Hlukhenkyi’s artistic and philosophical concept of the Cossack leaders’ lives affirms high historical, moral, and ethical pathos, while rejecting national oppression and anti-national politics. The historical facts are seamlessly integrated with the psychological states of the heroes. In his effort to recreate the lives of these historical figures, Hlukhenkyi constructs their identities anew, portraying them as honest, modest, militarily skilled, and nationally conscious characters. Portraits, landscape sketches, and interior descriptions serve significant ideological and artistic functions in the novels. Hlukhenkyi’s innovation lies in his creation of metaphorical images of heroic personalities, representing the advanced stratum of the nation. He depicts the inner potential of individuals searching for themselves amidst crucial historical events. Hlukhenkyi adopts a universal perspective on the heroic past and consistently adheres to realistic writing with dynamic and life-specific plots.
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Nazihah, Kinanti Arti. "ANALYSIS OF THE HEROISM OF THE FEMALE CHARACTER IN J.S KHAIREN'S NOVEL MELANGKAH." Saksama 2, no. 1 (July 14, 2023): 82–93.

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The novel Melangkah by J.S. Khairen tells the story of the adventures of four Economics students who vacation in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, only to get the order of human lives in their hands. The novel will be reviewed using a literary sociology approach. This study aims to describe and explain the author's worldview, the social and cultural background of the community, and the heroic values contained in the novel Melangkah. This research is library research. This study used qualitative methodology. The problem in this study is how the elements of the structure of the novel build literary works and the heroic value of female characters are contained in the novel Melangkah. The study consists of three stages, the first of which is data collection. The technique used is the technique of reading notes. After data collection, the next stage is data analysis. Information is analyzed descriptively. The results of the data analysis are then presented in the form of word exposure through the explanation of the novel Melangkah. The validation used is theory triangulation with stages of reading, recording, and analyzing documents. The conclusion of this research is that the female character in the novel Melangkah reflects all heroic values and their characteristics, namely: courage, confidence, truth-keeping, willingness to endure hardship, and generosity. Patience: Resistant to trials, steadfast, calm, unhurried, and not impetuous. Sacrifice; unyielding and desperate, willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation, and a reformer.
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Indah Sari, Cici, and Noni Andriyani. "Psikologi Sastra dalam Novel Arafat Rahasia Besar Bocah Gaza Karya Arum Faiza." J-LELC: Journal of Language Education, Linguistics, and Culture 3, no. 1 (February 18, 2023): 36–47.

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This research is focused on the field of literary psychology which discusses personality structure according to Freud, namely id, ego, and superego. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, interpret, and conclude the character's personality structure related to id, ego, and superego in Arafat's novel The Great Secret of the Gaza Boy by Arum Faiza. This research belongs to the type of qualitative research with descriptive methods (content analysis). The data in this study are quotes of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that contain personality structures, namely id, ego, and superego contained in Arafat's novel The Great Secret of the Gaza Boy by Arum Faiza. From the results of research on the personality structure of the id, ego, and superego, the dominant element is the ego. Ego personality structure found as many as 20 data. The personality structure of the ego is more dominant because in Arafat's novel The Big Secret of the Gaza Boy tells of heroism. Because of the heroic theme of the novel, what appears the most is the ego personality structure. When talking about heroism, it must be real or real action. To support this, the author makes the characters appear more real in the novel. To show the heroic side can not be from id. Because to show the heroic side you have to look real, therefore you have to appear with ego.
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Pomarański, Marcin. "Konstantin Tsiolkovsky’s heroic techno-utopia." Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 56, no. 3 (January 3, 2022): 161–74.

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In this paper, the author attempts to answer the question about the nature of the ideal society presented by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in his utopian novel Beyond the Planet Earth. The specificity of this vision will be discussed by analysing its connections with Tsiolkovsky’s hallmark cosmophilosophical monism, as well as with his naturalistic approach to scientific research. For this purpose, the utopian elements of the vision will be analysed with particular emphasis on the scientific and technological layer. This will allow us to treat the concept as both a technological and a heroic utopia.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Heroic novel"


Simmons, David. "Reading representations of the anti-heroic in the American novel of the 1960s." Thesis, Birmingham City University, 2006.

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Dorsten, Sara E. "Priest of Wisdom: A Historical Novel Studying Ancient Greek Culture through Creative Writing." Ohio Dominican University Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2015.

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Benson, Josef D. "Failed Heroes: Hypermasculinity in the Contemporary American Novel." Scholar Commons, 2012.

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My study highlights a link of U.S. American hypermasculinity running through Cormac McCarthy's two novels Blood Meridian (1985) and All the Pretty Horses (1992), Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon (1977), and James Baldwin's Another Country (1960). My literary interpretations of these texts suggest that U.S. American hypermasculine man originated in the American frontier and transformed into a definition of hegemonic masculinity embraced by many southern rural American men. These southern rural American men then concocted the myth of the black rapist in order to justify the mass murder of African American men after Reconstruction, inadvertently creating a figure more hypermasculine than themselves. Many black men embraced the myth of the black rapist as well as the baser patriarchal aspects of white male southern power. Consequently, black hypermasculinity evolved into the paragon of American hypermasculinity. Failed Heroes further argues that some protagonists in postwar American literature heroically fail in order not to perpetuate hypermasculinities. Continuing a modernist trend of anti-heroism, the selected protagonists develop into marginalized men due to their failure to live up to hypermasculine societal expectations. The protagonists' failure to perpetuate hypermasculinities proves heroic since it illustrates the destructiveness of these sensibilities; as a result, a sense of ironic heroism emerges from the narratives. In Blood Meridian, set in the mid-nineteenth century U.S. American West, the kid fails heroically to construct a masculine identity outside of the textual order of the judge, indicting the hypermasculine philosophies of the judge and calling into question the book's violence. In no way is the kid a classic hero; rather, his collapse exists as a direct critique of the judge's destructive philosophies. In All the Pretty Horses, set in the mid-twentieth century U.S. American South, John Grady fails to actualize his cowboy fantasy, but proves heroic in exposing its danger and destructiveness. At the end of the novel he vanishes into the countryside a failure, but unlike the mythic cowboy, he assumes the role of heroic failure because his narrative contributes to the relinquishment of a destructive male myth. In Song of Solomon, set in Ohio and Virginia during Reconstruction and the Civil Rights and Black Liberation Movements, Milkman Dead functions as a black man who has the opportunity to break free from choking definitions of black masculinity. In the end he fails to break free and flies to Africa, leaving his family and his only hope at real freedom, his aunt Pilate, to die. Continuing a cycle of male flight at the expense of his family, community, and cultural guide renders him a failure. Morrison's final critique of hypermasculinity positions Pilate as the failed hero and shifts the emphasis of the novel to the women who represent victims of kinship systems and the incest taboo. The incest in the novel functions as a metaphor for Pilate's philosophy that black identity ought to come from black culture, a notion I call cultural incest. Another Country, set in New York City during the 1940s and 1950s, details the plight of an urban African American man struggling to reconcile his homosexual desire with the black hypermasculine cool pose he dons as overcompensation. Rufus Scott's death proves heroic as a critique of the rigid definitions of urban black masculinity. African Americans, and by extension all Americans, might employ their U.S. American history of oppression as a platform for a new vision of masculinity based on heteronormative failure and queerness. The association of blackness with oppression, and as a result non-normative sexuality, presents an opportunity to redefine blackness as abjection. The very failure of African Americans in measuring up to destructive notions of hypermasculinity might exist as a new definition of blackness and masculinity for all Americans.
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Roullet, de la Bouillerie Côme. "Le roman du prince : Genèse, poétique et réception en France de l'Argenis de Barclay." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.

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Le succès retentissant de l’Argenis lors de sa parution à Paris en 1621 allait imposer ce roman en langue latine de Jean Barclay comme une référence pour les romanciers de son temps. L’auteur, poète érudit pensionné par le pape, présentait cette fable héroïque d’un genre nouveau comme un hommage à la monarchie française, dont il réécrivait, sous le voile de la fiction, l’histoire récente et troublée. Roman à clefs, à la fois héroïque et satirique, romanesque et sérieux, parsemé de discours politiques et de poésies, l’ouvrage fut avant tout conçu comme un « roman du prince », exposant pour mieux la défendre une conception absolutiste du pouvoir royal et exaltant à travers son héros le monarque figuré en nouvel Amadis. Notre hypothèse est qu’il allait offrir, à ce titre, un modèle inédit à nombre des romanciers de son époque, et notamment aux premiers auteurs de romans héroïques en France. En analysant la genèse, la poétique et la réception de cette œuvre trop négligée, nous nous proposons d’éclairer son influence sur les romanciers français de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle
The resounding success of Argenis upon its publication in Paris in 1621 established this Latin novel by Jean Barclay as a reference for novelists of his time. The author, a learned poet, presented this heroic fable of a new kind as a tribute to the French monarchy, rewriting its recent and troubled history under the veil of fiction. A “roman à clefs”, both heroic and satirical, filled with political speeches and poetry, Argenis was primarily conceived as a “novel of the prince”, exposing an absolutist conception of monarchy in order to defend it and exalting through its hero the king portrayed as a new Amadis. Our hypothesis is that, as such, it offered an unprecedented model to many of the novelists of his time, especially the early authors of heroic novels in France. By analyzing the genesis, poetics, and reception of this often overlooked work, we aim to shed light on its influence on French novelists of the first half of the 17th century
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Hendrix, Jaime Pedigo. "Passage through the ocean : the female heroic journey in the novels of Anita Desai /." View online, 2008.

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Whittle, Maria Karen. "Subverting Socialist Realism: Vasily Grossman's Marginal Heroes." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2012.

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Soviet writer Vasilii Grossman has been renowned in the West as a dissident author of Life and Fate, which multiple sources, including The New York Times have called "arguably the greatest Russian novel of the 20th century." Grossman, however, was not a dissident, but an official state writer attempting to publish for a Soviet audience. Grossman's work was criticized by Soviets as being "too Jewish", while Jewish scholars have called it "not Jewish enough." And, despite his modern critical acclaim, little scholarship on Grossman exists. In my thesis, I explore these paradoxes. I argue that Grossman attempts to reinterpret traditional state ideas of Sovietness into a more inclusive, democratic version by creating heroes from traditionally marginalized groups. To do this, he reinterprets and inverts traditional tropes of the Socialist Realist genre. Genric limitations on his worldview, however, prevent this vision from being completely realized in the course of his work. I trace Grossman's work from his early short fiction to his Khruschev era novels and show how this trope develops during his career as a Soviet writer and citizen.
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Vassalli, J. Todd Grant Sheila Ann. "Development of electrospun synthetic bioabsorbable fibers for a novel bionanocomposite hernia repair material." Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri--Columbia, 2008.

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The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file. Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on October 6, 2009). Thesis advisor: Dr. Sheila Grant, Includes bibliographical references.
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Birch, Robert A. C. "Myth in the heroic comic-book : a reading of archetypes from The number one game and its models." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008.

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Thesis (MPhil (Visual Arts))--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
This thesis considers the author's project submission, a comic-book entitled The Number One Game, as production of a local heroic myth. The author will show how this project attempts to engage with mythic and archetypal material to produce an entertaining narrative that has relevance to contemporary Cape Town. The narrative adapts previous incarnations of the hero, with reference to theories of archetypes and mythic patterning devices that are derived from the concept of the “mono-myth”. Joseph Campbell's conception of myth as expressing internal psychic processes will be compared to Roland Barthes' reading of myth as a special inflection of speech that forms a semiotic “metalanguage”. The comic-book is a specific form of the language of comics, a combination of image and text that is highly structured and that can produce a rich graphic text. Using the Judge Dredd and Batman comic-books as models it will be shown how The Number One Game adapts traditions of representation, such as in genre references, to local perspective to create a novel interplay of archetypes. It will be shown that this interplay in the author's project work and the rich potential of the comic-book as a site for mythic speech makes the mythic a useful paradigm for considering the expression of ideology in the heroic comic-book.
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Thoreson, Jonas. "Contradiction and Resolution in Trainspotting : An Analysis of Irvine Welsh’s Novel (1993) and its Adaptation by Danny Boyle (1996)." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, 2017.

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Hammond, Toby Mark. "Novel applications of biomaterials in the management of parastomal hernia and anal fistula." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010.

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The aim of this thesis was to explore novel applications for both traditional and contemporary biomaterials in the management of parastomal hernia and anal fistula. Parastomal hernias can be prevented or repaired using synthetic mesh; however, reported complications include infection, fibrosis and potential bowel erosion. The prophylactic role of a cross-linked collagen implant was assessed in terms of safety, feasibility and potential efficacy. Additionally, the human host response to this implant was evaluated. There were no complications related to infection or the implant‟s proximity to the bowel. The implant had excellent biocompatibility and resistance to degradation in most patients, and although fibrovascular in-growth and ECM deposition were limited, it seems to have excellent potential for soft tissue reinforcement and, more specifically, prevention of parastomal hernias. Anal fistulas are in the main successfully treated by surgical fistulotomy, however damage to the anal sphincter complex and subsequent incontinence have led to the development of other techniques which aim to either lessen or avoid such disturbance. One strategy involves the traditional cutting seton, and a modification of this technique, the „snug‟ silastic seton was assessed. In the short-medium term, this modification was demonstrated to be an effective addition to the fistula surgeon‟s armamentarium, although minor incontinence remained a concern. Other approaches employing contemporary biomaterials, fibrin glue and porcine intestinal submucosa, are aimed at tissue repair, rather than minimizing destruction. Their success rates however are highly variable. A pilot study aiming to assess the safety and potential efficacy of an 4 alternative biomaterial, cross-linked collagen in two different physical formats, was presented. In the short-medium term, both formats were shown to be safe, and equally effective. The results justify continued research into the use of biologically derived materials to heal anal fistulas. In conclusion, although disparate pathologies were addressed, both they and the thesis are unified by demonstrating that an understanding of the specific disease pathology, wound healing, and the host response to materials (synthetic and biological) are central to their successful management.
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Books on the topic "Heroic novel"


Hansen, Matthew. Red: The heroic rescue : a graphic novel. Brentwood, Tenn: Circle Media, 2007.

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Wein, Toni. British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Moore, John. Heroics for Beginners: A novel. New York: Ace Books, 2004.

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Tanaka, Yoshiki. The heroic legend of Arslan. New York: Kodansha Comics, 2014.

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Tanaka, Yoshiki. The heroic legend of Arslan. New York: Kodansha Comics, 2014.

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Brophy, Brigid. In transit: An heroi-cyclic novel. Chicago, Ill: Dalkey Archive Press, 2002.

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Hughes, Richard E. Herbie. Milwaukie, Or: Dark Horse, 2008.

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Delibes, Miguel. The Heretic: A Novel of the Inquisition. New York: Overlook Press, 2006.

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Tambunan, Saut Poltak. Mandera na metmet: Novel heroik anak Batak : torsatorsa hata Batak. Jakarta: Selasar Pena Talenta, 2012.

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Nuryanti. Cinta cabe rawit: Novel. Makassar: Pustaka Refleksi, 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Heroic novel"


Wein, Toni. "From Innkeepers to Puppet Masters: Staging the (Heroic) Author." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 207–31. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "When Everything New is Old Again: Horace Walpole’s Heroic Bequests." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 49–69. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Simmons, David. "Individualism and the Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Heroic Figure in American Fiction of the 1960s." In The Anti-Hero in the American Novel, 43–79. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2008.

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Simmons, David. "The Rebel with a Cause? The Anti-Heroic Figure in American Fiction of the 1960s." In The Anti-Hero in the American Novel, 1–41. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2008.

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Wein, Toni. "Introduction: Punctuating Disequilibrium." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 1–20. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "Bearing Repetition." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 23–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "The Prince in the Pauper: Clara Reeve and The Old English Baron." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 70–95. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "Radcliffe, Revolution, and the Romance of Heroism, 1789–94." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 96–124. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "Speaking Shadows." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 127–56. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Wein, Toni. "No Child’s Play: the Gothic Chapbooks." In British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764–1824, 157–206. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Conference papers on the topic "Heroic novel"


Argenna, Garrett, Mark Davis, Andrew Brookhart, and Ray Beale. "Development and Application of a Hybrid System for Continuous Monitoring of Aircraft Gross Weight." In Vertical Flight Society 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–10. The Vertical Flight Society, 2017.

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The ability to monitor gross weight (GW) of operational rotorcraft would result in increased safety and reduced maintenance costs. Due to these potential benefits, the aerospace community has investigated a number of approaches for monitoring GW. Heretofore, each approach has had inherent strengths and weaknesses that make them incomplete solutions by themselves for rotorcraft. For this reason, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation has developed and demonstrated a novel system referenced herein as Hybrid GW Monitoring, which leverages the strengths of several approaches while significantly mitigating their weaknesses. This paper summarizes the development of the Hybrid GW Monitor, validation of its performance on flight test data, and lessons learned from its application to 500,000 flight hours of fleet data.
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Muise, Aaron, Anthony Edmonds, and Keith Graham. "Employing Legacy HUMS Data to Support Aging Aircraft ASIP." In Vertical Flight Society 72nd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–12. The Vertical Flight Society, 2016.

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While Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) continue to advance and provide increasingly refined Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) solutions (exemplified at References 1 through 6), HUMS-equipped aircraft procured before the maturation of these systems require consideration of novel approaches to maximize the benefit of available data. Presented as a case study, the Canadian Search and Rescue CH149 Cormorant helicopter, a variant of the Finmeccanica (AgustaWestland) EH-101, entered service for Canada in 2002 equipped with a HUMS. The following paper will present how HUMS data have been employed to support the CH149 fleet of 14 aircraft; specifically, how such data are used to (i) support fleet and individual aircraft usage monitoring, and (ii) identify adverse trends for additional detailed investigation. It is herein demonstrated that heavily processed data from a legacy HUMS, even without defined thresholds, may have value with proper consideration and validation.
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The article shows the evolution of the character of Amir Temur from a historical figure to an epic hero in the "Temurnoma" war novel. In this process, Amir Temur's life path, military potential and activities, military skills, physical strength and battle motifs were created on the basis of folklore traditions. Also, the characteristics of the system of entrepreneurial ideas in the work are compared with the "alpine system" that forms the basis of heroic epics in folklore. Based on the analysis, the features of the character "Sahibqiran" in fiction are highlighted.
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Adam, Shuaibu Musa, Vladimir Hahanov, Svetlana Chumachenko, Eugenia Litvinova, and Ka Lok Man. "Novel Design and Simulation of HERIC Transformerless PV Inverter in MATLAB/Simulink." In 2021 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS). IEEE, 2021.

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Shibuya, Soichi, Federica Michielin, Marko Z. Nikolic, Nicola Elvassore, and Paolo De Coppi. "50 Development of a novel ex vivo model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia." In GOSH Conference 2019, Care of the Complex Child. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2019.

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Bochkina, M. "THE ABYSS IN THE NOVEL “PETROV’S FLU” BY A. SALNIKOV AND “SHATUNY” BY YU. MAMLEEV." In VIII International Conference “Russian Literature of the 20th-21st Centuries as a Whole Process (Issues of Theoretical and Methodological Research)”. LCC MAKS Press, 2023.

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The article explores the concept of the abyss and its interpretation in the novels by Mamleev “Shatuny” and A. Salnikov “Petrov's Flu”. Mamleev substantiated the concept of the abyss in his philosophical works, and the author explains the paradoxical nature of Russian consciousness by the constant feeling of the abyss. Such features of Russian consciousness as the desire for the transcendental, the feeling of melancholy, deprivation and at the same time self-worth are embodied in the heroes of “Shatuny”. In A. Salnikov’s novel, the heroes are also characterized by a focus on themselves, while they are burdened by their ordinariness, and in the novel’s world there is an invisibly present feeling of a second reality.
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Aleksandrova, Julia. "DYNAMICS OF THE HERO’S IMAGE IN THE RUSSIAN HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE XIX CENTURY." In World literature Cultural Codes. Baskir State University, 2021.

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Haoran Guo, Jianmin Pang, Yichi Zhang, Feng Yue, and Rongcai Zhao. "HERO: A novel malware detection framework based on binary translation." In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Scarlat, Razvan victor, Eduard ionut Stefan, Cristina Grosu, and Mirela Blaga. "DIGITAL CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL DEVICES FOR HERNIA REPAIR." In eLSE 2021. ADL Romania, 2021.

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One of the most important applications of textile materials is in the medical textile industry. This new field is a combination of textile technology and medical sciences with several functional applications. Nowadays, due to the increase in the aging population and hazards of human activities such as traffic accidents, chemical injuries, diseases, sports, etc., the demand for textile-based medical devices has grown rapidly. These parameters have led to the rapid development of the medical textiles market by using novel materials, techniques, and technologies to produce advanced textile-based materials as medical devices [1]. For surgical applications, implantable and topical biotextiles are now readily available and offer a wide range of structural complexities and advantages. They can be designed to perform multiple functions, including maintaining comfort and hygiene, preventing injury and infection, treating injury and disease, and even replacing injured tissue. Examples include vascular grafts, heart valves, ligaments, hernia meshes, and hemostatic dressings. These applications require careful consideration of biocompatibility and biostability. The desired properties of biotextiles vary depending on the application. Biodegradable or bioabsorbable textiles are important for devices that serve temporary functions, such as injury repair. These properties are influenced by the manufacturing process of the biotextiles, including the choice of material or polymer, as well as the structural design of the engineered textiles [2]. The paper presents an interactive learning tool that enables textile PhD students to approach the interdisciplinary field of medical devices and the associated technologies used to manufacture them. The learning content is supported by technical specifications of fabrics, specific applications, textile technologies, various product examples. This online guide is designed to familiarise the reader with textile fabrics and enhance their knowledge in developing new products. A challenge for the learner is to become familiar with and consolidate technical data on yarns, fabric structures, and properties of medical devices. The interactive e-learning tools presented in this paper represent the result of the process of innovation of the working methods applied in the knitting laboratory of the Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management of Iasi, within "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi.
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Reports on the topic "Heroic novel"


Sinfield, Joseph, and Romika Kotian. Framing Complex Challenges. Purdue University, August 2023.

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Innovating to achieve impact at scale in ill-structured environments is a complex challenge, with numerous socio-techno-economic dimensions. Whether tailoring a product or service offering to meet the needs of a global customer base, forecasting the socio-economic implications of a new technology, or working to address a societal challenge in a low-to-middle income country, problems that encompass social, technical and/or economic uncertainty, significant variations in involved stakeholder characteristics, and even subtle differences across the focal environment, inevitably benefit from a holistic analysis that spans multiple levels of abstraction, encompasses a plurality of perspectives, and can be tailored to include contextual nuances. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, these types of problems require an accurate definition of the problem to be solved. To foster effective progress in this class of challenges, we herein introduce a novel problem analysis method, termed Comprehensive Success Factor Analysis (CSFA), that provides a rigorous and structured approach to attain holistic problem frames across an array of challenge types to inform decision making, innovation, and capacity building with the goal of achieving impact at scale.
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Landolt, Peter, Ezra Dunkelblum, Robert R. Heath, and Moshe Kehat. Host Plant Chemical Mediation of Heliothis Reproductive Behavior. United States Department of Agriculture, October 1992.

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Phytophagous insects respond to chemicals from their host plants in a number of ways, including orientation or attraction in response to volatiles produced by plants. Orientation to odors from host plants may occur in order to locate food, mates, or oviposition sites. A detailed understanding of these behaviors are the chemical stimuli evoking them may provide useful means for attracting and trapping insect pests of crop plants. Heliothine moths (Helicoverpa and Heliothis herein) include a number of major pests of cultivated crop plants throughout the world. In North America, these include Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa zea. In much of Eurasia (including Israel) Australia, and Africa, these include Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa peltigera. These 4 species of concern all are attracted to odorants from host plants (Tingle and Mitchell 2992, Mitchell et al 1991, 1992 BARD feasibility study report). Host plant chemicals also play a role in the sexual behavior of Helicoverpa species. Synthesis and possibly release of sex pheromone in H. zea and H. phloxiphaga is stimulated by kairomones from hosts plants (Raina 1988, 1992). Pheromona scent marking on host plants also occurs in H. virescens and H. zea. Studies of several other insects, including the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni, have a variety of other behaviors may occur in association with host plants, including the use of plants as sexual rendesvous sites and of direct involvement of plant chemicals in sexual behavior. Some pest species of moths also may use host plants as adult food sources. These studies were undertaken to develop a more thorough understanding of how Heliothis/Helicoverpa moths use host plant odorants to locate and select foods, mates, and oviposition sites. We used Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa zea in Florida, and Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa peltigera in Israel as objects of study because of their pest status. It is hoped that such an understanding will provide direction for work to discover and develop novel means to control these pests through behavioral manipulation. The specific objectives of the proposal were to 1) identify host odor affects on known Heliothine sexual behavior, 2) identify novel sexual behavior that is how dependent, 3) isolate and characterize host kairomones important to pest Heliothine host and mate-location behavior, and 4) investigate female attraction to males.
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Brown Horowitz, Sigal, Eric L. Davis, and Axel Elling. Dissecting interactions between root-knot nematode effectors and lipid signaling involved in plant defense. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2014.

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Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogynespp., are extremely destructive pathogens with a cosmopolitan distribution and a host range that affects most crops. Safety and environmental concerns related to the toxicity of nematicides along with a lack of natural resistance sources threaten most crops in Israel and the U.S. This emphasizes the need to identify genes and signal mechanisms that could provide novel nematode control tactics and resistance breeding targets. The sedentary root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogynespp. secrete effectors in a spatial and temporal manner to interfere with and mimic multiple physiological and morphological mechanisms, leading to modifications and reprogramming of the host cells' functions, resulted in construction and maintenance of nematodes' feeding sites. For successful parasitism, many effectors act as immunomodulators, aimed to manipulate and suppress immune defense signaling triggered upon nematode invasion. Plant development and defense rely mainly on hormone regulation. Herein, a metabolomic profiling of oxylipins and hormones composition of tomato roots were performed using LC-MS/MS, indicating a fluctuation in oxylipins profile in a compatible interaction. Moreover, further attention was given to uncover the implication of WRKYs transcription factors in regulating nematode development. In addition, in order to identify genes that might interact with the lipidomic defense pathway induced by oxylipins, a RNAseq was performed by exposing M. javanicasecond-stage juveniles to tomato protoplast, 9-HOT and 13-KOD oxylipins. This transcriptome generated a total of 4682 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Being interested in effectors, we seek for DEGs carrying a predicted secretion signal peptide. Among the DEGs including signal peptide, several had homology with known effectors in other nematode species, other unknown potentially secreted proteins may have a role as root-knot nematodes' effectors which might interact with lipid signaling. The molecular interaction of LOX proteins with the Cyst nematode effectors illustrate the nematode strategy in manipulating plant lipid signals. The function of several other effectors in manipulating plant defense signals, as well as lipids signals, weakening cell walls, attenuating feeding site function and development are still being studied in depth for several novel effectors. As direct outcome of this project, the accumulating findings will be utilized to improve our understanding of the mechanisms governing critical life-cycle phases of the parasitic M. incognita RKN, thereby facilitating design of effective controls based on perturbation of nematode behavior—without producing harmful side effects. The knowledge from this study will promote genome editing strategies aimed at developing nematode resistance in tomato and other nematode-susceptible crop species in Israel and the United States.
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