Academic literature on the topic 'Héritages coloniaux'
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Journal articles on the topic "Héritages coloniaux"
Blanchard, Pascal. "Stéréotypes et héritages coloniaux : enjeux historiques, muséographiques et politiques." Hermès 83, no. 1 (2019): 91.
Full textPellerin, Agnès. "Représentations cinématographiques du passé colonial portugais : enjeux musicaux dans le film Fantômes d’un Empire (2020)." História: Questões & Debates 70, no. 1 (February 28, 2022): 118.
Full textSchmidt-Nowara, Christopher. "Héritages coloniaux ou innovations révolutionnaires ? Nouvelles recherches sur la race, l’esclavage et la citoyenneté dans les indépendances d’Amérique latine." Le Mouvement Social 252, no. 3 (2015): 21.
Full textJohn-Nambo, Joseph. "Quelques héritages de la Justice coloniale en Afrique noire." Droit et société 51-52, no. 2 (2002): 325.
Full textFoster, Noel. "Le passé colonial et les héritages actuels en Mauritanie." Journal of North African Studies 21, no. 4 (July 12, 2016): 729–31.
Full textCôte, Marc. "Campagnes algériennes : un héritage colonial difficile à assumer." Méditerranée 55, no. 3 (1985): 41–50.
Full textNzoyihera, Edouard. "LE MUSÉE NATIONAL DE L’OUGANDA, UN HÉRITAGE COLONIAL À REPENSER." Revista Habitus - Revista do Instituto Goiano de Pré-História e Antropologia 17, no. 1 (August 27, 2019): 185.
Full textRodríguez Domingo, José Manuel. "L’architecture andalouse dans l’imaginaire orientaliste." IRIS, no. 35 (June 30, 2014): 71–88.
Full textDupraze, Paule, and Francine Vieira. "Immigration et "modernité" : Le Portugal entre héritage colonial et intégration européenne." Pôle Sud 11, no. 1 (1999): 38–54.
Full textPapi, Stéphane. "Le contrôle étatique de l’islam en Algérie : un héritage de l’époque coloniale." L'Année du Maghreb, no. VI (December 17, 2010): 491–503.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Héritages coloniaux"
Hricovová, Zuzana. "La comparaison des héritages coloniaux britanniques et français dans les systèmes politiques d'Afrique de l'Ouest." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.
Full textAgwu, George. "Essais empiriques sur lesquestions contemporaines du développement économique au Nigéria." Thesis, Pau, 2022.
Full textCivil conflicts are frequent in Nigeria, and have contributed in stalling economic progress in the country. The first empirical essay of this thesis investigates the effects of one of the most recent episodes; the Boko haram conflict. It examines the effects of exposure to the conflict on household food security and whether households cope with this major risk to household welfare by leveraging their resilience capacity including wage labor supply, access to livelihood networks and collective infrastructures. The primary finding of this study is that households cope better with the shocks if they are endowed with strong resilience capacity ex-ante, and as such exposes the usefulness of resilience as a concept of development for the Nigerian context. The second and third empirical essays focus on the the theme of relative deprivation which features among the top explanations for the frequent conflicts. Both essays approach deprivation from the perspective of access to education. The second essay considers issues relating to access to university education, and the general implication for accumulated human capital. It finds that the nature of the distribution of the universities affects not only the distribution of human capital at the tertiary level, but also at the basic primary and secondary education levels. The third empirical essay tackles the issue of persistence of inherited inequalities, particularly if colonial inequalities denoted by district level of human capital contributes to intergenerational transmission of human capital. The essay principally finds thatdistrict inequalities are quite persistent mainly because of the legacies of the christian missionaries in the areas of provision of social services such as schools and general social infrastructures
Combary, Daniel. "Ouagadougou : héritage colonial, habitat et texture urbaine." Aix-Marseille 1, 1997.
Full textAntil, Alain. "Le territoire d'Etat en Mauritanie. Genèse, héritage, représentations." Rouen, 1999.
Full textWhat is Mauritania ? The national organization of the territory and the relationship between politics and space will allow to discuss the topic. Nowadays Mauritania is the legacy to colonization. The clear apprehension of the cutting up logics, the French administration and the several projects for this space are more useful than a factual history of colonization the set up of spatial organization of spaces never united before the colonization and without communications substructures, and the defense of territorial wholeness, specially in boundaries contest, show us this legacy management by independant state. The territory can be considered as the only objective element who offers legitimacy for the rulers. However, the + high; study condemned to an institutional perception. The politic game, and specially the factionalism regenerating in democratic era, as same as the PRDS difficulties experienced in imposing his choices to his federations show us the local survival. Inhabitants’ social representations allow us to understand how some notions as state, nation, and national territory have progressed
Ngono, Bounoungou Regine. "La réforme du système pénitentiaire camerounais : entre héritage colonial et traditions culturelles." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Full textSandouno, Moïse. "Une histoire des frontières guinéennes (années 1880-2010) : héritage colonial, négociation et conflictualité." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2014.
Full textThe Guinean borders, a pure product of colonization, were established with the consent of international conventions between powerful nations, but also the administrative acts taken within the framework of the internal organization in the French Western African territories, from the end of 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. Their institutionalization intaures a new lifestyle and practices that they imposed in the border communities. Starting from second half of the 20th century, the socio-political and economic instability that the world knew, cause the awakening of conscience of the colonized people, eager to take over their own destiny. In this African and world context, Guinea was made conspicuous by its political choice and gained its independence on October 2nd, 1958. The new State, in spite of many challenges to take up, also has been confronted with the tricky management of new borders inherited from the colonial period, and captured by intercommunity conflicts which emerged from the years 1970, and which still remain in the system
Castelli, Hilaire. "Puissance et impuissance du Kazakhstan post colonial : fondements et héritage de la domination russe." Paris, INALCO, 2001.
Full textM'bemba-Milandou, Augustin. "L' héritage colonial et la gestion publique au Congo : crises, turbulences, faillite d'un système économique." Paris 10, 2000.
Full textFrini, Sana. "Pratiques urbaines dans les quartiers populaires de la ville coloniale de Tunis entre héritage, conséqueneces et nouveaux défis." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, 2012.
Full textCourreye, Charlotte. "L’Association des Oulémas Musulmans Algériens et la construction de l’État algérien indépendant : fondation, héritages, appropriations et antagonismes (1931-1991)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textThis dissertation recounts the history of the Association of the Algerian Muslim Ulama (AAMU), from its birth in a colonial context (1931) until its reactivation in the 1990’s. By its definition of the Arab and Muslim identity of Algeria, the AAMU played a crucial role in the construction of the Algerian state, despite the disappearing of its formal structure as an organization between 1962 and 1991. The educative and religious activities of the Association, its position during the War for Independence, conditioned the integration of its members in postcolonial Algeria. The study of the AAMU executive members’ paths in the aftermath of the Independence shows the adaptations and strategies to claim for the legacy of the Association. If some of the executive members of the Association got involved in the FLN-ruled state and built the cornerstone of State Islam, some others became prominent figures of the opposition to the socialist state in the name of Islam, that the growing Islamist movement took over in the 1980’s. Based on various primary sources, both in Arabic and French languages, from archives of the colonial state to memoirs of AAMU members, from the Association’s newspapers to the journal of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, including oral sources, this dissertation offers to question the widespread clichés on contemporary Algeria linked to the AAMU. Through the Ulama’s definition of the nation and Islam, it is the history of postcolonial Algeria that is at stake. We study cultural issues, arabization, definition of Islam and its place in the society in a constant concern of contextualising through the frame of the wider Arab and Muslim world
Books on the topic "Héritages coloniaux"
Bounoungou, Régine Ngono. La réforme du système pénitentiaire camerounais: Entre héritage colonial et traditions coloniales. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.
Find full textLe passé colonial et les héritages actuels en Mauritanie: État des lieux de recherches nouvelles en histoire et en anthropologie sociale. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014.
Find full textDelâge, Denys. Les traités des Sept-Feux avec les Britanniques: Droits et pièges d'un héritage colonial au Québec. Sillery, Québec: Septentrion, 2001.
Find full textPierre Mendès France : Héritage colonial et indépendances. PU Paris-Sorbonne, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Héritages coloniaux"
Hajjat, Abdellali. "Immigration et héritage colonial." In Migrations et mutations de la société française, 257–65. La Découverte, 2014.
Full textVergès, Françoise. "Esclavage colonial : quelles mémoires ? Quels héritages ?" In Les guerres de mémoires, 155–64. La Découverte, 2008.
Full textLeneveut, Delphine. "Enseigner l’histoire des traites négrières et de l’esclavage colonial à des élèves de cours moyen." In Enseigner les traites, les esclavages, les abolitions et leurs héritages, 35–38. Karthala, 2021.
Full textBoubeker, Ahmed. "20. L'immigration (post)coloniale en héritage : un récit en marge de l'histoire de France." In Cahiers libres, 265–78. La Découverte, 2010.
Full textPatin, Christelle. "Introduction. Éclairer un double héritage, colonial et scientifique : Le parcours patrimonial du chef Ataï." In Ataï, un chef kanak au musée, 17–37. Publications scientifiques du Muséum, 2019.
Full textDonnadieu, Jean-Louis. "Chapitre 10. Héritage et mémoire d’un grand propriétaire colonial (de 1816 à nos jours)." In Un grand seigneur et ses esclaves, 231–44. Presses universitaires du Midi, 2009.
Full textBarral, Stéphanie. "Chapitre 8 / Les firmes agro-industrielles indonésiennes héritage colonial, investissements « chinois » et salariat javanais." In Capitalismes asiatiques et puissance chinoise, 263–94. Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.
Full textThioub, Ibrahima. "L’espace dans les travaux des historiens de « l’Ecole de Dakar » : entre héritage colonial et construction nationale." In Les espaces de l’historien, 91–110. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2000.
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