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Adilović, Muharem. "ULOGA I ZNAČAJ PRONATALITETNIH MJERA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI." Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Bihaću 9, no. 9 (December 22, 2017): 243–56.

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Depopulacijski trendovi koji su u izrazitoj ekspanziji u većini razvijenih zemalja posljednjih nekoliko dekada uveliko postaju i demografska realnost zemalja u razvoju među kojima je i Bosna i Hercegovina. Izrazito nizak prirodni priraštaj (natalitet), te stopa fertiliteta koja je daleko ispod granice proste reprodukcije stanovništva, u Bosni i Hercegovini doseže rekordno niske vrijednosti u poređenju sa zemljama EU, ne ostavljaju nikoga ravnodušnim te ukazuju na veliki značaj promišljanja adekvatnih pronatalitetnih aktivnosti s ciljem zaustavljanja negativnih trendova i ulaganja napora na saniranju negativnih posljedica takvog stanja. Populacijska politika kao integralni dio sveukupne socijalne politike koju određena država razvija svakako treba da zauzme poziciju koja joj pripada u uslovima posttranzicijskog demografskog perioda. Prema zvaničnim podacima Agencije za statistiku, Bosna i Hercegovina spada u grupu zemalja sa najnižom stopom fertiliteta što dugoročno predstavlja veliki izazov sa čijim posljedicama će se naše društvo suočiti. Obzirom da su negativni populacijski trendovi u Bosni i Hercegovini aktuelni već dvije decenije, posljedice takvog stanja postepeno postaju sve vidljivije u društvu. Promišljanje adekvatnih mjera s ciljem uspostave funkcionalnog modela pronatalitetnog djelovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini predstavlja značajan izazov razvoju socijalne politike što ćemo nastojati prezentirati u ovom radu.
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Kovačević, Zlatan. "Asocijacija Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) u korovskoj vegetaciji vinograda rejona Hercegovina." АГРОЗНАЊЕ 14, no. 4 (December 27, 2013): 591.

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Asocijacija sa edifikatorskom vrstom Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. do sada nije opisana u Bosni i Hercegovini. U sintaksonomskom pregledu vegetacije Srbije (Kojić et al., 1998) konstatovana je asocijacija Amarantho (blitoides)-Diplotaxietum muralis Mijatović 1971 svrstana u svezu Eragrostion Tüxen 1950. Asocijacija Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) u vinogradima Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuje regionalnu osobenost uslovljenu klimatskim karakteristikama, te je optimalno razvijena u vinogradarskom rejonu Hercegovina. Asocijacija je svrstana u mediteransku sintaksonomsku jedinicu (Diplotaxion Br.-Bl. 1931 em 1936 iz reda Chenopodietalia mediterranea Br.-Bl. 1931 em 1936) koja se značajno razlikuje od sintaksonomskih jedinica eurosibirske regije (Polygono-Chenopodion Koch 1926 em Sissing. 1946 i Eragrostion Tüxen 1950) prvenstveno po učešću termofilnih vrsta. Sastojine asocijacije Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) izgrađuje 38 vrsta. Od ukupnog florističkog sastava asocijacije 68,42 % vrsta su karakteristične za asocijaciju i više sintaksonomske jedinice, što govori da je asocijacija tipično izražena i optimalno razvijena u vinogradima rejona Hercegovina. Potpuni karakteristični skup asocijacije izgrađuju četiri vrste: Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC., Convolvulus arvensis L., Chenopodium album L. i Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. Analizom biološkog spektra asocijacije može se konstatovati izrazito terofitski karakter. Sastojine asocijacije Diplotaxietum muralis (ass. nova) su potpuno razvijene na cijeloj površini vinograda u ljetnjem i jesenjem aspektu. Areal spektar asocijacije u kojem učestvuje sedam grupa flornih elemenata se značajno razlikuje od konstatovanih asocijacija reda Chenopodietalia albi Tüxen, Lohm. et Prsg. 1950. Gradijentna analiza pokazuje najveću zavisnost florističkog sastava u odnosu na hemijsku reakciju podloge, nešto manju u odnosu na sadržaj azota u zemljištu i svjetlost, dok je najmanja zavisnost u odnosu na vlažnost zemljišta i temperaturu. Numeričkom klasifikacijom mogu se izdvojiti dvije grupe sastojina što preciznije potvrđuju rezultati ordinacije vršene korespondentnom analizom.
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Selwyn, Tom. "Bosnia‐Hercegovina, tourists, anthropologists." Anthropology Today 17, no. 5 (October 2001): 1–2.

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Brancelj, Anton. "Alona hercegovinae n. sp. (Cladocera: Chydoridae), a blind cave-inhabiting Cladoceran from Hercegovina (Yugoslavia)." Hydrobiologia 199, no. 1 (July 1990): 7–16.

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Brekke, Torkel. "Europas svik mot Bosnia-Hercegovina." Internasjonal Politikk 78, no. 2 (2020): 224.

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Crayne, Janet. "Publishing in Bosnia and Hercegovina." Slavic & East European Information Resources 1, no. 2-3 (February 20, 2001): 41–82.

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Attila Hoare, Marko. "Bosnia-Hercegovina and International Justice." East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures 24, no. 2 (March 8, 2010): 191–205.

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Three different international courts have determined that genocide took place in Bosnia-Hercegovina in 1992-1995: the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Yet paradoxically, there has been virtually no punishment of this genocide, while the punishment of lesser war crimes of the Bosnian war has been very limited. The ICTY has convicted only one individual, a lowly deputy corps commander, of a genocide-related offence. The ICJ acquitted Serbia, the state that planned and launched the assault upon Bosnia-Hercegovina in 1992, of genocide and related offences, finding it guilty only of failure to prevent and punish genocide. Although Serb forces were responsible for the overwhelming majority of war crimes, the ICTY prosecution has disproportionately targeted non-Serbs in its indictments and, among Serbs, has disproportionately targeted Bosnian Serbs, with no official of Serbia or Yugoslavia yet convicted of war crimes in Bosnia. This article argues that the meagre results of the international judicial processes vis-à-vis the crimes of the Bosnian war must be sought in the structural failings, poor decision making, and political influences that affected the international courts. It argues that the international courts have failed either to deliver justice to the victims of the war crimes or to promote reconciliation among the peoples of the former Yugoslavia and suggests measures that could be taken to rectify the situation.
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Povzetek Evropska unija je vzpostavila tesne povezave z državami Zahodnega Balkana v zadnjih tridesetih letih, predvsem zato, da bi zagotovila stabilno, uspešno in dobro delujočo demokratično družbo pri vključitvi v Evropsko unijo. Tudi takratna Evropska varnostna in obrambna politika (EVOP), pozneje preimenovana v Skupno varnostno in obrambno politiko (SVOP), je bila umeščena visoko v političnem programu agende Evropske unije. Nato je predal operacijo Sfor v Bosni in Hercegovini, katere naloga je ohranjanje varnosti v regiji, in Evropska unija je 2. decembra 2004, devet let po koncu vojne, začela operacijo Althea. Eufor Althea je najdaljša vojaška operacija Skupne varnostne in obrambne politike v zgodovini do zdaj. V prispevku so opisani pridobljene izkušnje in vidiki ter posledice zmogljivosti načrtovanja operacije. Temelji na intervjujih, izvedenih v BiH, pri čemer se upoštevata tako Evropska unija kot zunanji vidik glede tematike. Na začetku naj bi bil okvir SVOP predviden kot kratkoročni instrument. Avtorica sklene, da mora Evropska unija, če želi učinkovito načrtovati in izvajati zapletene dolgoročne civilne in vojaške misije ter operacije, ustrezno prilagoditi mandate in svoj splošni pristop. Eufor Althea naj bi kljub dolgotrajni prisotnosti na terenu in brez znakov umika v bližnji prihodnosti dosegla uspeh, in sicer predvsem pri ohranjanju varnega okolja, spodbujanju človekovih pravic in enakosti spolov ter krepitvi zmogljivosti oboroženih sil Bosne in Hercegovine, prav tako naj bi k omenjenim dosežkom prispevala tudi zmogljivost načrtovanja. Ključne besede: Evropska unija, Bosna in Hercegovina, SVOP, Eufor Althea, načrtovanje, učinkovitost.
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Lis, Tomasz Jacek. "Službenici u Bosni i Hercegovini 1878. – 1918." Journal of contemporary history 52, no. 2 (July 20, 2020): 629–56.

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U radu se analizira austrougarska civilna uprava u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1878. do 1918. godine. Ipak, nije riječ o instituciji nego o službenicima, često strancima, koji su ondje radili. Činovnici višega i nižega reda bili su odgovorni za provođenje svih odluka koje su donijeli političari u Beču ili Sarajevu. Oni su bili mostovi koji su spajali stanovnike Bosne i Hercegovine sa Zemaljskom vladom. U članku će se razmatrati njihov položaj u zemlji te njihov rad, ali i svakodnevni život jer su oni bili nova elita koja je modernizirala Bosnu i Hercegovinu na prijelazu iz XIX. u XX. stoljeće.
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Kromják, Laura. "Bosznia-Hercegovina gazdasági kilátásai és helyzetének történelmi háttere." Hitelintézeti szemle 20, no. 2 (2021): 148–69.

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Az esszé Bosznia-Hercegovina gazdaságának társadalompolitikai kihívásait, valamint külkereskedelmi termék- és szolgáltatásforgalmát tárgyalja, érintve a magyar relációt. A vizsgálat leíró eszközökkel, szekunder adatokkal történik. A Horvátország és Szerbia közé ékelődött Bosznia-Hercegovina gazdasága elválaszthatatlan a múlt drámai eseményeitől és a még megoldatlan társadalmi és politikai konfliktusoktól. Míg Jugoszlávián belül Bosznia-Hercegovina jelentős exportlehetőséggel rendelkező tagállam volt, a háború és az etnicizálódás a gazdaságot tönkretette. A daytoni rendszer államigazgatása drága, és lassan bontakoznak ki a tőkeáramlás, a privatizáció és az európai felzárkózás alapjai. A devizamérleg egyensúlyozásában fontos szerepet kap a tőkeáramlás, az uniós előcsatlakozási források és a nemzetközi támogatások. A folyó fizetési mérleg negatív egyenlegét csökkentő jelentős tétel a hazautalások összege, amelynek mértéke hatszor nagyobb, mint az FDI. A pénzátutalások a legnagyobb külső finanszírozási forrásává váltak, amely a függőséget növeli, a gazdaság sérülékenységét fokozza.
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Rosich, Katherine. "Historical Dictionary of Bosnia and Hercegovina." Journal of Croatian Studies 36 (1995): 271–74.

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Sweetman, A. D. "Close air support over Bosnia‐Hercegovina." RUSI Journal 139, no. 4 (August 1994): 34–36.

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Hakim, Besim S. "Islamic Architecture in Bosnia and Hercegovina." Journal of Architectural Education 50, no. 4 (May 1997): 289–90.

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Legvold, Robert, Robert J. Donia, and John V. A. Fine. "Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed." Foreign Affairs 74, no. 3 (1995): 181.

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Hakim, Besim S., Amir Pasic, and Midhat Ridjanovic. "Islamic Architecture in Bosnia and Hercegovina." Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) 50, no. 4 (May 1997): 289.

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Dijkstra, Gerrit. "Bosnia and Hercegovina After the Crisis." Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 7, no. 4 (December 1999): 215–24.

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Jacek Lis, Tomasz. "Emancipation of Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the austro-hungarian administration (1878-1918)." Historijski pogledi 4, no. 5 (May 31, 2021): 70–86.

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After the Congress of Berlin in 1878, in Bosnia and Hercegovina we saw big changes. The Austrian government was building roads, and railroad tracks. In the Austro-Hungarian period, also they changed their architectural style; from the prevailing ottoman one to more like in Vienna or Prague. This situation was a short time, in live only one generation. These changes affected to life and behavior of Bosnia and Hercegovinas’ citizens. Was changed several people, because after the Austrian arrive, a lot of Muslims Bosniacs, and Turks, were left this part. There were elites in this place. Their positions, how “new elites” take people which they came from different part of the Habsburg Monarchy; Hungarians, Germans, Poles, Czechs, etc. They were taking new ideas, how feminism. The emancipation of women was something new in these places. The first woman, which was proclaiming the slogans, as teachers. On the article we can show two examples; Jelica Belović-Bernadzikowska, and Jagoda Truhelka. They were born in Osijek, from giving Bosnian part ideas, that girl needs to will independent and need to have good graduated. These modern ideas, supported, in a way, the government because in the country was a school program for girls. Austro-Hungarian politics was building a school for girls, and take some scholarship went girl studied in University, how Marija Bergman, born in Bosnia, daughter of some Jews officials. However teachers not only modern women, similar roles had women-doctors. Girls who graduated Faculty of Medicine, arrive in Bosnia and Hercegovina and help Muslim women. Poles Teodora Krajewska and Czechs Anna Bayerova also take ideas of feminism, but, most important that she was great respect between patience. Propagating the feministic ideas was thinking which affect all women. Most important was not only slogans but also changes in everyday life normal family in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The other day only men can work on the farmland or work. After the Congress of Berlin situations was changed. On the consequences, women must be going to work, often how a worker in fabric. Work was hard, but women first time have their cash. Automatically her position in society was better. These situations have consequences for the city, as like villages. We sow this situation in the book Vere Ehrlich, which researched this topic in the interwar period. In the article, we went to show, that this changing was things also women, which life to margin, how prostitutes. Naturally, their life was always difficult, but the new government also got assistance. Habsburg's administration knew, that better control of specific profession, because this is the way how deal with the epidemic of syphilis, and something like this. In this work, we use scientific literature and documents from archives, mainly the Archive of Federation Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Historical Archive from city Sarajevo, when was document fo Jelica Belović-Bernadzikowska. How method we use case study and analyzing to literature and historical sources.
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Primorac, Damir, Maja Buhovac, and Marko Pilić. "Teorijski i praktični aspekti pravosudne suradnje Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine u postupcima izručenja vlastitih državljana." Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske 11, no. 1 (December 10, 2020): 15–40.

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Institut izručenja najstariji je oblik međunarodne pravne pomoći koji je među državama članicama Europske unije zamijenjen europskim uhidbenim nalogom. U odnosu na treće države kakva je Bosna i Hercegovina izručenje je jedini instrument kojim se omogućava transfer osoba koje se trebaju izručiti zbog vođenja kaznenog postupka, ili izvršenja kazne zatvora, ili zbog druge mjere koja podrazumijeva oduzimanje slobode u državi moliteljici. Radi stalna nastojanja da se osiguraju pravna sigurnost, načelo zakonitosti i vladavina prava, države kao subjekti međunarodnog prava svoje odnose na području ekstradicijskog prava sve više reguliraju potpisivanjem bilateralnih sporazuma kojima žele ostvariti taj cilj. U tom smjeru Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina zaključile su 28. studenog 2012. Ugovor o izručenju koji se s tim datumom počeo privremeno primjenjivati, a stupio je na snagu 6. ožujka 2014. Ugovorom su, između ostalog, ekstenzivnije uređene odredbe o izručenju vlastitih državljana, čime se na određen način odstupilo od tradicionalnog načela neizručenja vlastitih državljana. Autori u radu analiziraju odredbe Ugovora o izručenju s posebnim osvrtom na odredbe o izručenju vlastitih državljana, osobito državljana koji imaju dvojno državljanstvo, što je nerijetko slučaj državljana Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. Mnoge države u Europi i svijetu tradicionalno se snažno protive izručenju vlastitih državljana. Načelo neizručenja vlastitih državljana proizlazi iz suverenosti država i njezinih državljana te obveza koje ih vežu, a osobito nepovjerenja u pravosudne sustave drugih država. Međutim, imajući u vidu da je temeljni cilj izručenja borba protiv nekažnjavanja osoba za koje se sumnja da su počinile kazneno djelo ili koje su osuđene za to, tada bi se nepovjerenje kao razlog neizručenja vlastitih državljana trebalo uzeti s velikim oprezom. Da je načelo neizručenja vlastitih državljana u suvremenome kaznenom pravu zastarjelo, potvrđuje još i Konvencija o izručenju između država članica Europske unije navodeći da se izručenje ne smije odbiti s obrazloženjem da je osoba državljanin države moliteljice. Cilj je ovog rada analizom postojećega normativnog okvira i praktičnih primjera (ne)izručenja vlastitih državljana između Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine upozoriti na probleme koji utječu na učinkovitu pravosudnu suradnju tih dviju država te ponuditi stajališta koja bi mogla pridonijeti razmatranju vrlo aktualnih pitanja.
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Brekke, Torkel. "Innledning: Bosnia-Hercegovina 25 år etter Srebrenica." Internasjonal Politikk 78, no. 2 (2020): 193.

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Novakovic, M., V. Despotovic, Z. Naskovic, R. Novakovic, and O. Stevanovic. "Suicidal and Parasuicid in Bosnia and Hercegovina." European Psychiatry 26, S2 (March 2011): 1121.

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The aim of the study is to analyse the impacts of the suicidal and parasuicidal behaviour in B&H in relation to transition and structures of suicidal personalities.MethodsTwo self-destructive groups were tested in B&H in the period 01. January 1999. to 31. December 2009. The test group consists of n = 150 subjects who had suicide, and control group consists of n = 150 persons with parasuicidal behaviour. We used: GDL, EPQ, HDRS and Pluchic's test in a longitudinal study.ResultsSelf-destructivity has been increasing in B&H. Socio-demographic data of the suicide are: gender = 71.11% ± 3.25 (m) 27.50% ± 3.30 (f), broken family = 35.50% ± 3.77, migration = 55.21% ± 3.20, heredity = 55.10% ± 2.11 and parasuicide: gender = 35.81% ± 4.31 (m), 27.60% ± 2.10 (f), broken family = 55.77% ± 3.90, migration = 58.60% ± 5.15, heredity = 43.50% ± 3.10. EPQ in suicide is: M ± SD-neuroticism = 17.10 ± 8.20, psychosis = 19.72 ± 7.10, and in parasuicide extroversion = 21.20 ± 5.30 and Lay -scale = 14.87 ± 4.40, and significance P < 0.01. HDRS is increased in suicide: H ± SD: depression: 3.30 ± 1.20, emotion of guilt = 3.10 ± 1.20, suicide = 5.80 ± 1.25, early insomnia = 2.20 ± 1.15, anxiety = 2.10 ± 1.15 with P < 0.01, and in parasuicide: hypochondria = 1.45 ± 1.10, depersonalization = 1.90 ± 0.70 with P < 0.01. Pluchic's test separates basic emotions, and all is gathered by matrix of discriminative function.ConclusionIn the study is proven high level of self-destruction in suicidal and parasuicidal behaviour. Suicide shows faster self-destruction and a way of suicidal end, and parasuicide slower destruction with postponing the suicidal crash. Sign of suicide and parasuicide can be found in both groups of respondents and the ways of expression are different, but definite in suicide.
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Vespa, J., and F. Watson. "Who is nutritionally vulnerable in Bosnia-Hercegovina?" BMJ 311, no. 7006 (September 9, 1995): 652–54.

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Jones, L. "Letter from Bosnia-Hercegovina: Signs of hope." BMJ 312, no. 7032 (March 16, 1996): 698–700.

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Palairet, Michael. "The Habsburg Industrial Achievement in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1878–1914: An Economic Spurt That Succeeded?" Austrian History Yearbook 24 (January 1993): 133–52.

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In 1878 The Habsburgs exercised their rights under the Treaty of Berlin and marched an army of occupation into the former Ottoman provinces of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Between then and their expulsion in 1918, the Habsburg authorities attempted to weld their new province into the Austro-Hungarian polity and economy. Responsibility for governing Bosnia-Hercegovina was entrusted to the Common Finance Ministry. Its officials, especially during the administration of Count Benjamin Kalláy (1882–1903), saw their task as a “civilizing mission” and the Bosnian economy as clay to be worked according to their prescriptions. The developmental outcome of their endeavors forms the subject of this paper.
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Falski, Maciej. "Book Review: Xavier Bougarel (2018). "Islam and Nationhood in Bosnia-Hercegovina: Surviving Empires". London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic." Colloquia Humanistica, no. 8 (November 27, 2019): 383–89.

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Book Review: Xavier Bougarel (2018). Islam and Nationhood in Bosnia-Hercegovina: Surviving Empires. London-New York: Bloomsbury AcademicThe review of the latest book by Xavier Bougarel focuses on the main concepts of the work: the notion of empire as a methodological and theoretical framework, the relation between Islam and the national idea, and the process of Bosniak nation-building. Recenzja książki: Xavier Bougarel (2018). Islam and Nationhood in Bosnia-Hercegovina: Surviving Empires. London-New York: Bloomsbury AcademicRecenzja najnowszej książki Xaviera Bougarela koncentruje się na najważniejszych kwestiach, takich jak: pojęcie imperium, będące ramą ideologiczną i teoretyczną dla interpretacji autora, relacja między Islamem a ideą narodową, oraz proces definiowania narodu boszniackiego.
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DOVGAL, IGOR, and VLADIMIR PEŠIĆ. "Suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of stream-dwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic region." Zootaxa 3166, no. 1 (January 19, 2012): 34.

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Based on original data from recent research, numerous new records of the suctorian species living as epibionts on stream-dwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic area are giv-en. The following species are reported for the first time for the national faunas: Setodiscophrya deplanata (Matthes, 1954)(Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey), Discophrya helmidis Matthes, 1954 (Montenegro, Tur-key), Elatodiscophrya hochi (Matthes, 1954) (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Turkey), Periacineta buckei (Kent, 1881) (Mon-tenegro, Greece), Discophrya lichtensteinii (Claparede & Lachmann, 1859) (Turkey, Iran). The characteristics of the suctorians as epibionts of stream-dwelling arthropods are briefly outlined.
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Parádi, Ákos. "Bosznia-Hercegovina csendőrsége az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia időszakában." Rendvédelem-történeti füzetek = Acta historiae preasidii ordinis 25, no. 47-50 (2015): 45–50.

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Stepišnik, Uroš. "Japage: udornice na Kupreškem polju, Bosna in Hercegovina." Dela, no. 42 (December 1, 2014): 5–20.

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Kupreško polje se nahaja na dinarskem krasu v zahodni Bosni in Hercegovini. V bližini severovzhodnega roba polja leži skupina udornic, ki se imenujejo japage. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je razporeditev te skupine udornic pogojena s kamninsko sestavo, ki je vplivala na razvoj jamskega sistema, ki spodkopava material pod udornicami. Prisotnost spodkopavanja in prav tako površinske rečne akumulacije sta bistveno vplivala na oblikovanost dnov udornic.
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Bonati, M., G. B. Forte, K. De Joncheere, and E. Magnusson. "Drug donations to Bosnia-Hercegovina are often inappropriate." BMJ 313, no. 7063 (October 19, 1996): 1011.

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CURTIS, PATRICE. "Urban Household Coping Strategies During War: Bosnia-Hercegovina." Disasters 19, no. 1 (March 1995): 68–73.

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Grego, Jozef, and Peter Glöer. "A NEW HYDROBIID (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA, HYDROBIIDAE) GENUS OF BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA." Ecologica Montenegrina 21 (May 14, 2019): 86–89.

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A new genus and species of hydorbiid gastropod is described from a small karst spring at the right bank of Trebišnjica River in Gorica near Trebinje in Hercegovina. The taxon is clearly distinguished by the unique morphology of its male copulatory organ.
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Milanović, Jasmina. "Bosna i Hercegovina u Vardaru - kalendaru Kola srpskih sestara." Istorija 20. veka 35, no. 1/2017 (February 1, 2017): 39–57.

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Loga, S. "Reforming psychiatric services in Bosnia Hercegovina after the war." European Psychiatry 17 (May 2002): 18–19.

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Puvacic, Z., and J. Weinberg. "Impact of war on infectious disease in Bosnia-Hercegovina." BMJ 309, no. 6963 (November 5, 1994): 1207–8.

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Grgić, Radenka, and Saudin Terzić. "Tax Evasion in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Business Environment." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (March 2014): 957–66.

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Tryon, James R. "Medical Relief Mission to Bosnia/Hercegovina: A Case Report." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 12, no. 2 (June 1997): 96–101.

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AbstractWorld attention has been focused on Bosnia/Hercegovina, where war erupted in 1992. The regional hospital of Mostar, an industrial city with a population of 100,000, operated -with chronic shortages of medical supplies including general anesthetic agents. In February 1992, just prior to the referendum for independence in that republic, a shipment of medical supplies with anesthesics, food, and clothing was delivered safely to Ljubuski, a village near Mostar, for Mostar hospital and surrounding clinics by a small, private organization from Birmingham, Alabama. No difficulties were encountered in delivering the supplies despite warnings from the U.S. State Department, the lengthy transit from Austria through Croatia to Bosnia, an active black market, and the inexperience of the relief agency. This disaster relief effort by a small, private sponsor was representative of both the positive aspects of such a project, as well as typical negative aspects. These efforts had been discouraged in the past, but as disaster medicine matures, there may be room for such endeavors, if properly directed.
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Radoš, Denis, Sanja Lozić, and Ante Šiljeg. "Morfometrijske značajke šireg područja Duvanjskog polja, Bosna i Hercegovina." Geoadria 2, no. 1 (December 1, 1997): 177.

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The objects of this study are the hillslopes in the broader area of Duvanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Slopes can be defined as relief surfaces determined by geographical position, slope inclination (related with horizontal surface), aspect, and degree of curvature (profile and planar).Recent slope shapes can be defined as results of series of natural and anthropogenic factors during relief genesis and evolution. It is possible to correlate slope characteristics with geological structure and other natural geographic features (climate, soils, vegetation etc.) using geomorphometrical analysis. The main aims of this study are: a) analysis of morphometric relief indicators, b) analysis of relationships between morphometric indicators, structural and lithological features, and c) synthesis of all analyzed indicators in order to better understand exogeomorphological and morphostructural features of the investigated area. The final intention is to assess the extent and intensity of the dominant geomorphologic processes. Special attention was given to the detailed geomorphometrical analysis of morphostructures in the broader area of Duvanjsko polje in GIS environment based on DMR. The applied geomorphometrical relief analysis included the use of different methods for precise calculation of the investigated area’s numerical relief parameters, which enabled a mutual comparison of specified parameters and comparison with tectonic units and lithology maps. The aim of this approach is a more exact analysis and interpretation of morphometric relief parameters as indicators of the investigated area’s endogenous and exogenous processes’ characteristics.
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Radoš, Denis, Sanja Lozić, and Ante Šiljeg. "Morfometrijske značajke šireg područja Duvanjskog polja, Bosna i Hercegovina." Geoadria 17, no. 2 (December 1, 2012): 177.

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The objects of this study are the hillslopes in the broader area of Duvanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Slopes can be defined as relief surfaces determined by geographical position, slope inclination (related with horizontal surface), aspect, and degree of curvature (profile and planar).Recent slope shapes can be defined as results of series of natural and anthropogenic factors during relief genesis and evolution. It is possible to correlate slope characteristics with geological structure and other natural geographic features (climate, soils, vegetation etc.) using geomorphometrical analysis. The main aims of this study are: a) analysis of morphometric relief indicators, b) analysis of relationships between morphometric indicators, structural and lithological features, and c) synthesis of all analyzed indicators in order to better understand exogeomorphological and morphostructural features of the investigated area. The final intention is to assess the extent and intensity of the dominant geomorphologic processes. Special attention was given to the detailed geomorphometrical analysis of morphostructures in the broader area of Duvanjsko polje in GIS environment based on DMR. The applied geomorphometrical relief analysis included the use of different methods for precise calculation of the investigated area’s numerical relief parameters, which enabled a mutual comparison of specified parameters and comparison with tectonic units and lithology maps. The aim of this approach is a more exact analysis and interpretation of morphometric relief parameters as indicators of the investigated area’s endogenous and exogenous processes’ characteristics.
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ROBINSON, GUY M., and ALMA POBRIC. "NATIONALISM AND IDENTITY IN POST-DAYTON ACCORDS: BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA." Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 97, no. 3 (July 2006): 237–52.

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Rogić, Biljana, Božo Važić, Mila Savić, Nebojša Savić, and Marina Stamenković Radak. "Efektivna veličina populacije buše i gatačkog govečeta: ekološki i molekularni pristup." АГРОЗНАЊЕ 14, no. 2 (November 29, 2013): 205.

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Efektivna veličina populacije (Ne) je jedan od osnovnih parametara populacione genetike. Praćenje efektivne veličine populacije zajedno sa praćenjem genetičke varijabilnosti je veoma značajno za populaciono genetička istraživanja i ima veliku primjenu u uspostavljanju konzervacione strategije. U radu je izračunata Ne za populaciju buše sa dva lokaliteta (istočna i zapadna Hercegovina) i populaciju gatačkog govečeta iz regije Hercegovina. Korišćene su dvije metode za računanje Ne i to: ekološka i molekularna metoda. Za ekološku metodu izračunavanja efektivne veličine populacije korišćen je broj mužjaka i ženki koje se pare. Ne prema molekularnim metodama je računata na osnovu varijacije broja ponovaka (SSMM), kao i na osnovu očekivane heterozigotnosti (IAM). Ekološka Ne je u odnosu na cenzus (N) u opsegu očekivanom za populacije goveda i kretala se od 7,5 do 18,5. Molekularna Ne prema IAM metodi se kretala od 3040 do 3947, a prema SSMM metodi se kretala od 28875 do 35196. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značaj molekularnih metoda u ocjeni Ne kao parametra u konzervaciji autohtonih goveda.
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PEŠIĆ, VLADIMIR, HARRY SMIT, REINHARD GERECKE, and ANTONIO DI SABATINO. "The water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of the Balkan peninsula, a revised survey with new records and descriptions of five new taxa." Zootaxa 2586, no. 1 (August 31, 2010): 1.

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Based on published records and original data from recent research, a list is presented of the water mite (Acari: Hydrachnidia) fauna of the Balkan countries, i.e. Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. It includes 382 species and subspecies in 77 genera and 34 families. Numerous new records for national faunas are reported, and five taxa, Sperchon pelopeius (Greece), Atractides stankovici (Croatia), Axonopsis graeca (Greece), Woolastookia minuta (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece) and Arrenurus ornatus graecus (Greece) are described as new to science. Atractides moniezi (Motaş, 1927) is synonymized with A. lacustris (Lundblad, 1925). The assumption of K. O. Viets (1987) that Pionopsis subruber Đ orđević, 1903 is a synonym of P. lutescens (Hermann, 1804) is confirmed. The characteristics of the water mite fauna in the treated area are briefly outlined. Additional field work is highly desirable for a more appropriate evaluation of the extant water mite biodiversity in the Balkans.
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Antonić, Slobodan. "Could a Confederation have Saved Yugoslavia?" Nationalities Papers 25, no. 3 (September 1997): 469–79.

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Today, after the signing of the peace agreement in Paris, when the end of the Yugoslav war is in sight, one frequently hears the questions: Could the war have been avoided and could a confederation have saved Yugoslavia? Namely, in late 1990 and early 1991, the republics now outside Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Macedonia) proposed that Yugoslavia be reorganised as a confederation which would, as they claimed, have fulfilled their main political aspirations. The Serbian side refused resolutely, and, soon afterwards, war started in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, which was actually their war of liberation. Now, when the republics in the territory of ex-Yugoslavia are internationally recognised, when they have largely recognised each other and when we are witnessing the restoration of economic and other relations between the peoples who shared a common state for seventy-three years, we may justifiably ask: Would it not have been better if the Serbian side had accepted a confederation and, thus, preserved some kind of Yugoslavia, than, by its persistent refusal, have lead the secessionist republics to take up arms?
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Milosavljević, Zoran. "BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA I CRNA GORA – (NE)ODRŽIVE MULTINACIONALNE TVOREVINE." Srpska politička misao 38, no. 4 (2012): 301–18.

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Harrison, Martin. "Forging war: the media in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina." International Affairs 71, no. 4 (October 1995): 885–86.

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Lagerkvist, B., L. Jacobsson, M. Djeric, N. Mehic-Basara, and N. Savjak. "The mental health programme and the challenges in Bosnia-Hercegovina." European Psychiatry 17 (May 2002): 57.

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Bowker, Lee H. "Book Section: Essay and Review: War Crimes in Bosnia-Hercegovina." Journal of Psychiatry & Law 24, no. 3 (September 1996): 461–68.

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Glöer, Peter, and Vladimir Pešić. "TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS BYTHINELLA MOQUIN-TANDON, 1856 (MOLLUSCA: GASTROPODA: HYDROBIIDAE) FROM THE WESTERN BALKAN PENINSULA)." Ecologica Montenegrina 1, no. 4 (December 20, 2014): 249–55.

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Two new species of the genus Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856, i.e. B. marici n. sp. from Bosnia and Hercegovina, and B. istoka n. sp. from Kosovo were described. The holotypes of both species as well as the penis morphology are depicted. In addition a list and distribution map of the Bythinella spp. occuring in the Western Balkan Peninsula is provided.
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Glöer, Peter, and Jozef Grego. "NEW SUBTERRANEAN FRESHWATER MOLLUSCS FROM BOSNIA & HERCEGOVINA (MOLLUSCA: HYDROBIIDAE)." Ecologica Montenegrina 2, no. 4 (June 14, 2015): 307–14.

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Recently collected materials from Bosnia & Hercegovina revealed 5 new species of the genus Bythiospeum: B. blihensis n. sp., B. hrustovoensis n. sp., B. maroskoi n. sp., B. plivensis n. sp., and B. petroedei n. sp. In addition a new Islamia could be found, described here as I. steffeki n. sp. Photos of holotypes and paratypes are presented in addition to descriptions.
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Rotim, Nino. "Proizvodnja pamuka u Hercegovini nakon Drugog svjetskog rata." Glasnik zaštite bilja 42, no. 6 (December 26, 2019): 10–13.

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Pamuk je jedna od najvažnijih tekstilnih biljaka u svijetu. Proizvodnja i upotreba pamučnog vlakna prvi put se spominje u Indiji. Iz Indije je pamuk prenesen u Kinu, Egipat i Grčku. Na području Hercegovine pamuk je uveden u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju odmah nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata. Premda u Hercegovini postoje povoljni ekološki uvjeti za njegov uzgoj, proizvodnja pamuka nije se raširila iz dva osnovna razloga. Poljoprivreda južne Hercegovine tradicionalno je orijentirana na uzgoj vinove loze, mediteranskih voćnih vrsta, duhana i povrtnih kultura. Drugi razlog je otpor vlastima koji su protivno volji poljoprivrednih proizvođača nastojali uvesti kulturu pamuka u agrar južne Hercegovine.
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Šorgo, Andrej. "Consolidation of Science Education in Ethnically Divided Postwar Bosnia and Hercegovina." European Journal of Educational Research 4, no. 2 (April 15, 2015): 77–80.

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Sells, Michael. "Crosses of Blood: Sacred Space, Religion, and Violence in Bosnia-Hercegovina." Sociology of Religion 64, no. 3 (2003): 309.

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