Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Healthcare resilience'
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Davis, Zachary Edward. "Toward A Healthcare Services Ecosystem." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/82853.
Full textPh. D.
Farag, Mohamed S. "Development of Resilient Safety-Critical Systems in Healthcare Using Interdependency Analysis and Resilience Design Patterns." Thesis, The George Washington University, 2018. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10981524.
Full textIn the U.S. medical sector, software failures in safety-critical systems in healthcare have led to serious adverse health problems, including patient deaths and recalls of medical systems. Despite the efforts in developing techniques to build resilient systems, there is a lack of consensus regarding the definition of resilience metrics and a limited number of quantitative analysis approaches. In addition, there is insufficient guidance on evaluating resilience design patterns and the value they can bring to safety-critical systems.
This research employed the interdependency analysis framework to evaluate the static resilience of safety-critical systems used in the healthcare field and identified software subsystems that are vulnerable to failures. Resilience design patterns were first implemented to these subsystems to improve their ability to withstand failures. This implementation was followed by an evaluation to determine the overall impacts on system’s static resilience.
The methodology used a common medical system structure that collects common attributes from various medical devices and reflects major functionalities offered by multiple medical systems. Fault tree analysis and Bayesian analysis were used to evaluate the static resilience aspects of medical safety-critical systems, and two design patterns were evaluated within the praxis context: Monitoring and N-modular redundancy resilience patterns.
The results ultimately showed that resilience design patterns improve the static resilience of safety-critical systems significantly. While this research suggests the importance of resilience design patterns, this study was limited to explore the impact of structural resilience patterns on static resilience. Thus, to evaluate the overall resilience of the system, more research is needed to evaluate dynamic resilience in addition to studying the impact of different types of resilience design patterns.
Full textChitwood, Tara Marshall. "SECOND VICTIM: SUPPORT FOR THE HEALTHCARE TEAM." Case Western Reserve University Doctor of Nursing Practice / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=casednp1554820138107259.
Full textAshton, Becky. "A qualitative exploration of the impact of stress and workplace adversity on healthcare staff experiences, well-being and resilience." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2017. http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/87380/.
Full textLentenbrink, Laura. "The Impact of Adaptive Leadership Capacity on Complex Organizational Health Systems Outcomes." ScholarWorks, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/3619.
Full textGao, Jonathan. "Intervening in interruptions: A nurse-centric approach." Thesis, Griffith University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/382681.
Full textThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Hum, Lang & Soc Sc
Arts, Education and Law
Full Text
Yee, Jeffrey. "Spiritual well-being, meaning and work performance: Narratives of healthcare sales representatives in Malaysia." Thesis, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015. https://arro.anglia.ac.uk/id/eprint/612504/1/Thesis%20-%20submission%20copy%20%28Jeffrey%20Yee%29.pdf.
Full textYee, Jeffrey. "Spiritual well-being, meaning and work performance : narratives of healthcare sales representatives in Malaysia." Thesis, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015. http://arro.anglia.ac.uk/612504/.
Full textCARLSSON, FANNY, and GUSTAV MELANDER. "Risk and Vulnerability Analysis Management for Increased Crisis Preparedness and Resilience : A Qualitative Case Study on the Importance of a Systematized Workflow within the Swedish Healthcare." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-301283.
Full textRisk och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA) är en utbredd metod för att värdera en organisations hotbild. Vissa aktörer är skyldiga enligt lag att genomföra analysen för att bidra till en nationell sammanställning av landets risker, varav skjukhussystemet är en av dessa. Denna studie ämnar att förstå hur ett systematiskt arbetsflöde för RSA kan bidra till ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inom svensk sjukvård. Genom denna rapport definieras ett systematiskt arbetssätt som en systematiserad och enhetlig metod i ett dedikerat digitalt verktyg för att underlätta analysen. För att förstå hur ett systematiserat arbetssätt kan öka krisberedskap och resiliens har fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer hållits med sakkunniga personer inom området. Dessa har varit från olika nivåer inom den nationella risk- och sårbarbetsanalyskedjan. Vidare har återkommande möten genomförts med människor som varit direkt involverade i denna typ av förbättringsarbeten från AFRY, tillika en granskning av befintlig litteratur. Resultaten från studien visar på flera svårigheter rörande RSA-arbete - det är tidskrävande, komplext, resursintensivt, och saknar tydlig vägledning i hur arbetet ska utföras. Dessutom visar resultaten ett behov av bättre arbetsprocesser, både rörande hur analyserna ska genomföras samt hur resultaten ska analyseras. De slutsatser som har kunnat dras är att ett systematiserat arbetssätt för risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser skulle kunna bidra till en ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inom svensk sjukvård. Genom att ha ett dedikerat verktyg med en satt process, tydliga instruktioner, definitioner och riktlinjer hade genomförandet av en RSA underlättats samt gett bättre resultat inom ytterligare områden. Att identifiera kritiska beroenden hade förenklats för aktörer inom sjukvården, vilket formar grunden till att upprätthålla dem vid en kris. Vidare hade enhetligt strukturerade resultat underlättat analysen av resultaten för att göra ett nationell riskbedömning. Detta i sin tur hade trolien lett till ökad krisberedskap och resiliens inte endast inom sjukvården, utan även inom andra sektorer.
Full textGautier, Sylvain. "La structuration territoriale des soins primaires à l'épreuve de l'épidémie de COVID-19 : quelle réponse de la médecine de ville aux situations sanitaires exceptionnelles ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASR031.
Full textThe territorial structuring of primary care can be defined as an evolving and strategic transformation process aimed at reorganising and strengthening the organisation of first-line healthcare services. This process involves moving from a traditional model of isolated practice to a more integrated and cooperative territorial organisation among professionals, leading the primary care sector to address territorial public health challenges. The management of exceptional health situations is one of these challenges. The main objective of this thesis is to study the relationship between the territorial structuring of primary care and the sector's capacity to respond to exceptional health situations, using the COVID-19 epidemic as an example.The first part of the thesis presents a mixed-methods study designed to better understand the concept of territorial structuring of primary care and to propose a typology for mainland France at the level of life-health territories. The qualitative component, conducted in seven territories, helped identify key factors of this structuring. Based on these factors, the quantitative component used a hierarchical clustering on principal components approach to define four types of life-health territories: territories that are poorly or not structured, territories with potential for structuring, territories in the process of structuring, and fully structured territories hosting a health territorial and professional community (HTPC).The second part of the thesis used this typology in a cross-sectional epidemiological study focused on changes in the activity of general practitioners during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020. This study showed that well-structured territories allowed physicians to better adapt to the pandemic, notably through increased use of teleconsultation. The results highlighted a significant link between the level of territorial structuring of primary care and the adaptability of general practitioners.The third part focused on nursing homes and their adaptation to the crisis based on the territorial structuring of primary care. By evaluating several categories of nursing homes, the study demonstrated that those located in areas with well-structured primary care exhibited a better capacity to respond to the crisis, with fewer hospital admissions and lower mortality. This underscores the importance of cooperation between primary care and the medico-social sector to enhance territorial resilience.The territorial structuring of primary care appears to be an important lever for improving responses to health crises. This work has shown that territories with structured primary care organisations were better able to maintain continuity of care and collaborate with other health sectors. Future perspectives include strengthening this structuring, which serves as a catalyst for population-level responsibility among stakeholders, to better prepare the French healthcare system for future crises
Embretsen, Carola. "Källor till motståndskraft för utmattningssyndrom hos personer inom yrken i hälso- och sjukvården – en litteraturöversikt." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Folkhälsovetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-26067.
Full textStephens, Robert Joseph. "Managing the Margin: A Cognitive Systems Engineering Analysis of Emergency Department Patient Boarding." The Ohio State University, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1291216712.
Full textButterfield, Angela. "Resilient places? : the healthcare gardens and the Maggie's Centres." Thesis, University of the Arts London, 2014. http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/7494/.
Full textCognard, Marion. "L'expérience de la parentalité de mères psychotiques : perspective des mères et des professionnels de santé La parentalité des mères psychotiques : une revue des facteurs de risque et de protection facteurs de protection dans les familles où les parents sont en prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale L’expérience de la parentalité de mères psychotiques La parentalité des mères psychotiques et sa prise en charge en psychiatrie vue par les professionnels de santé La perception des professionnels de santé face à la parentalité des mères présentant un trouble psychique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCB152.
Full textThe parenting of psychotic mothers has become a social reality more frequent since the advent of neuroleptics and the development of extra-hospital care, but it remains little studied. Most research focuses on the risk factors and disabilities of mothers with psychotic disorders. To better understand the experience of parenting psychotic mothers, we conducted a research, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, with 18 mothers diagnosed with psychotic disorder and followed in adult psychiatry. We also interviewed 16 health professionals practicing in psychiatry to know their point of view and their representations on these parenting and their follow-up. We took a new perspective, focusing on the protective factors and the resilient process of psychotic mothers. We wanted to highlight the environmental factors that can help these mothers in their parenting role and explore their specific needs. Psychotic mothers and health professionals responded to a semi-directive interview. 6 scales were also submitted to the mothers to provide additional results to their testimony (SUMD disorder awareness scale, PSI parental stress scale, SSQ6 social support scale, RQ relationship attachment scale, PACOTIS parenting competence scale and RSA resilience scale). The results show that despite difficulties in managing the symptoms and the daily lives of their children, these mothers say they are satisfied with their parenting role. Nevertheless, the score on the parental stress scale is high among all of these mothers interviewed and the majority of mothers feel lonely and stuck in their role, while they all benefit from a particular support (family or professional). Although these aspects may be a negative aspect of their parenthood, it seems to be a protective factor in itself. Indeed, it promotes the search for social support, the monitoring of medical treatment and the feeling of having meaning in their lives. The results also show a strong positive correlation between the resilience score and the impression of being a good parent. The role of the environment is paramount in these situations. Yet many judgments are felt, especially during the announcement of pregnancy and can slow down the demand for help. The testimony of the professionals shows the representations existing around this question. While all professionals perceive the difficulties of these mothers, parenting skills are difficult to identify. This question seems little mentioned by adult psychiatry professionals for lack of interest or knowledge. However, as for the interviewed mothers, the professionals confirm the importance that this problem be treated by the psychiatric services. Specific accompaniments around parenting or training schemes were considered. The confrontation of the experiments also shows the limits related to the organization of the services and representations which make the handling of this problematic complex. These results therefore suggest the importance of an ecosystem approach to these parenting situations in order to foster a process of resilience for these mothers and families. Finally, they highlight the need to question new approaches that focus on the individual rather than the symptom such as empowerment or recovery programs so that mothers can develop their full inner potential
Young, Michael Ryan. "Mobile Mindfulness: Improving Professional Quality of Life for Critical Care Advanced Practice Providers." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1616705080965129.
Full textCragg, KJ. "The psychological health and wellbeing of Australian healthcare professionals." Thesis, 2018. https://eprints.utas.edu.au/31057/1/Cragg_whole_thesis.pdf.
Full textScrymgeour, GC. "Creating a resilient nursing workforce : developing adaptive capacity to deal with the effects of natural hazard disasters." Thesis, 2020. https://eprints.utas.edu.au/37996/1/Scrymgeour_whole_thesis_ex_pub_mat.pdf.
Full textFox, Michelle. "Psychosocial Adjustment Following Stroke." Thesis, 2014. https://vuir.vu.edu.au/25075/.
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