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Nati, Letizia. "Impatto di soluzioni basate su mobile health per la gestione dei processi di cura delle malattie croniche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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Con il termine mobile health si identifica una nuova forma di assistenza sanitaria basata sull’utilizzo di dispositivi mobili (smartphone, tablet, PDA), in grado di superare barriere temporali e geografiche. Questa tesi fornisce un quadro generale di come i sistemi di mHealth possano aiutare i pazienti nell’assistenza e nel monitoraggio della propria salute e in particolare si analizzano alcune soluzioni di assistenza alle malattie cardiovascolari che rappresentano la principale causa di morte a livello mondiale. L’elaborato è strutturato in due capitoli, nel primo viene spiegato in modo specifico cosa si intende per mobile health, descrivendone le ragioni del suo sviluppo, le potenzialità e le problematiche ad esso connesse. Vengono inoltre presentate alcune tra le principali applicazioni sia per il personale sanitario sia per i pazienti e anche applicazioni per la gestione di emergenze sanitarie come le epidemie. Nel secondo capitolo viene inizialmente trattata una panoramica teorica delle malattie cardiovascolari e successivamente vengono presentate le possibili soluzioni di mobile health sia software che hardware a supporto di tali malattie.
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Trigell, Catrin, and Josefin Rigsjö. "Behovet av en mobilapplikation som stöd vid amning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för vård, arbetsliv och välfärd, 2020.

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WHO rekommenderar helamning upp till sex månaders ålder och delamning upp till två årsålder eller längre. Enligt Socialstyrelsen helammades endast 13 procent av de barn födda år 2017 vid sex månaders ålder. Att utesluta amningsperioden ur kvinnans reproduktiva cykel, kan leda till negativa aspekter för både mamman och barnet senare livet. Den viktigaste faktorn för att etablera amning är stöd. Har de blivande föräldrarna förkunskaper resulterar det i en ökad ansträngning till att etablera amning. Dagens mammor är vana att enkelt kunna söka information och stöd på internet dygnet runt. Bristen på lämpliga appar som stöd vid amning har föranlett denna studie, vars syfte är att undersöka nyblivna mammors önskemål och behov av en applikation som stöd vid amning. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt utfördes 10 individuella intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Studiens resultat har utmynnat i tre kategorier: Amningsinformation underlättar amningen, Vikten av att få personlig kontakt med amningsvården samt Amningsberättelsen som stöd. Kategorin Amningsinformation underlättar amningen har delats upp i fyra underkategorier. Det centrala i resultatet är att nyblivna mammor har ett stort behov av lättillgänglig information, stöd och kontakt baserad på vetenskapligt baserad kunskap under sin amningsresa men även under graviditeten. Det naturliga sättet att söka information på idag är via smartphones eller datorer men risk finns att man utsätts för felaktiga råd. Genom en amingsapplikation baserad på vetenskaplig kunskap skulle nyblivna mammor enkelt få tillförlitlig information och stöd vilket kan bidra till längre amningsduration.
WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding to six months of age and partial breastfeeding up to two years of age or longer. Only 13% of children born in 2017 were exclusively breastfed at the age of six months. Eliminating the breastfeeding period from a woman’s reproductive cycle can lead to negative aspects for mother and child later in life. The most important factors to establish breastfeeding is support and knowledge. Mothers of today are used to being able to easily search for information and support on the internet at all times. The lack of suitable apps as support during breastfeeding has resulted in this study, the aim of which is to examine the wishes and needs of new mothers with regards to an application as support during breastfeeding.The study is a qualitative interview study with in total 10 semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed through a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.The findings of the study have resulted in three categories: Breastfeeding information facilitates breastfeeding, The importance of having contact with breastfeeding care and The breastfeeding story as support.The central finding is that new mothers have a great need of easily accessible information, support and contact based on evidence-backed knowledge during their breastfeeding journey but also during pregnancy. Today, the natural way to search for information is via smartphones or computers. Through a breastfeeding application based on scientific knowledge new mothers would have easy access to reliable information and support which can contribute to a longer duration of breastfeeding.
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Alata, Acuache Estefany Haydee, Chávez Mercy Elizabeth Calderón, Pastrana Alfredo Javier Mujica, Licas Lucia Patricia Ortiz, and Baltazar Jennifer Lesly Romero. "Ammy – asistencia virtual de salud reproductiva." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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En toda la etapa de vida, las mujeres pasan por determinadas experiencias físicas para la conformación de su femineidad como la menstruación, el parto, lactancia, embarazo y menopausia. Los estudios sobre el tema explican que las mujeres enfrentan enfermedades complejas y otras menos severas, algunas enfermedades son: cáncer de ovarios, miomas, ovarios poliquísticos, infecciones, entre otros. Siendo las infecciones la principal causa que lleva a las mujeres al ginecólogo, según el Inem, además, se sabe que mensualmente casi 7 mil mujeres acuden a una consulta ginecológica, de ellos cerca del 70% acuden solo por infecciones (Álvarez et al., 2017). Por ello, se creó Ammy, una idea de negocio que busca solucionar los problemas relacionados con la salud reproductiva femenina y que funciona a través de una aplicación móvil. El servicio consiste en brindar un monitoreo menstrual con alertador de normalidad o anormalidad del ciclo menstrual, con opción para ingresar los síntomas, de esta manera alertar a la usuaria cuando sus molestias requieran acudir a un ginecólogo, luego de ello, sugerirle un listado de médicos para realizar sus citas médicas por la aplicación de Ammy. Si bien, en el mercado existen varias aplicaciones extranjeras, lo cierto es que ninguna de ellas permite realizar las consultas médicas virtuales. Además, existen miles de mujeres en Lima que están dispuestas a pagar por este servicio y por las suscripciones para el monitoreo de su ciclo menstrual. Sin duda este negocio es innovador y muy rentable demostrado en sus indicadores de rentabilidad del presente trabajo.
Throughout the life stage, women go through certain physical experiences to shape their femininity, such as menstruation, childbirth, lactation, pregnancy and menopause. Studies on the subject explain that women face complex diseases and others less severe, some diseases are: ovarian cancer, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, infections, among others. Being infections the main cause that leads women to the gynecologist, according to the Inem, in addition, it is known that almost 7 thousand women go to a gynecological consultation every month, of them about 70% go only for infections (Álvarez et al., 2017). For this reason, Ammy was created, a business idea that seeks to solve problems related to female reproductive health and that works through a mobile application. The service consists of providing menstrual monitoring with an alert of normality or abnormality of the menstrual cycle, with the option to enter the symptoms, thus alerting the user when her discomfort requires going to a gynecologist, after which, suggesting a list of doctors to make your medical appointments by the Ammy app. Although there are several foreign applications on the market, the truth is that none of them allow virtual medical consultations. In addition, there are thousands of women in Lima who are willing to pay for this service and for subscriptions to monitor their menstrual cycle. Without a doubt this business is innovative and very profitable, demonstrated in its profitability indicators of this work.
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Minardi, Gabriele. "Mobile Medical Applications." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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Faker, Faizel. "Mobile health data: investigating the data used by an mHealth app using different mobile app architectures." Master's thesis, Faculty of Science, 2018.

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Mobile Health (mHealth) has come a long way in the last forty years and is still rapidly evolving and presenting many opportunities. The advancements in mobile technology and wireless mobile communication technology contributed to the rapid evolution and development of mHealth. Consequently, this evolution has led to mHealth solutions that are now capable of generating large amounts of data that is synchronised and stored on remote cloud and central servers, ensuring that the data is distributable to healthcare providers and available for analysis and decision making. However, the amount of data used by mHealth apps can contribute significantly to the overall cost of implementing a new or upscaling an existing mHealth solution. The purpose of this research was to determine if the amount of data used by mHealth apps would differ significantly if they were to be implemented using different mobile app architectures. Three mHealth apps using different mobile app architectures were developed and evaluated. The first app was a native app, the second was a standard mobile Web app and the third was a mobile Web app that used Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). Experiments using the same data inputs were conducted on the three mHealth apps. The primary objective of the experiments was to determine if there was a significant difference in the amount of data used by different versions of an mHealth app when implemented using different mobile app architectures. The experiment results demonstrated that native apps that are installed and executed on local mobile devices used the least amount of data and were more data efficient than mobile Web apps that executed on mobile Web browsers. It also demonstrated that mobile apps implemented using different mobile app architectures will demonstrate a significant difference in the amount of data used during normal mobile app usage.
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Enriquez, Andres. "MyMark| A Mobile App Business Plan Proposal." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2017.

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This business plan proposes a mobile app, MyMark, that will form in partnership with grocery stores nationwide to promote healthy behaviors in the form of nutritional consumption. The app will take on its initial pilot testing at a Ralphs grocery store located in San Diego, California. It will cater to grocery store shoppers by synthesizing custom grocery lists based on the app user’s personally input health information. The app is intended to serve as a convenient replacement to shopping in the moment and aimlessly walking up and down the grocery store aisles. It is also a conventional solution to bringing a nutritious grocery list to the store. This business proposal delivers the market analysis, feasibility analysis, legal and regulatory considerations, and financial overview that will allow MyMark to successfully pilot and nationally expand.

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Ryczer-Dumas, Malgorzata. "Users’ agencies : juxtaposing public portrayals and users’ accounts of app-mediated cardiac arrest volunteer work in Sweden." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2022.

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Cette thèse adopte une perspective de recherche en sciences sociales pour examiner les usages de l'application SMSlivräddare (eng. SMSlifesaving), devenue Heartrunner, ayant pour objectif de solliciter des bénévoles à proximité de personnes presumées victimes d'un arrêt cardiaque extra-hospitalier. Cette étude de cas sur les usages de cette application médicale et de santé juxtapose les « portraits » publics de l'application, de ses utilisateurs potentiels, de leurs rôles actifs et de leurs pratiques d'usage et les témoignages des utilisateurs bénévoles. Cette analyse explore les dimensions des rôles actifs de l'application et de ses utilisateurs tels qu’ils sont délégués par les « portraits » de la technologie et tels qu’ils sont perçus par ses utilisateurs. Cette analyse rend visibles les aspects des rôles actifs et des pratiques des utilisateurs bénévoles au moment de la mise en œuvre de cette technologie dans deux premières régions, avant son adoption ultérieure dans d'autres régions de Suède ainsi qu’au Danemark. La perspective de la recherche médicale a jusqu'à présent dominé les études sur les applications de secourisme. Ces études ont évalué les résultats de l'usage de l'application par les bénévoles et se sont concentrées sur l'examen de l'efficacité de ces applications, par des indicateurs tels que le nombre d'utilisateurs arrivés sur place et le nombre de ceux qui ont participé à la réanimation des personnes victimes. Dans le même temps, ces travaux ont contribué à la construction de discours prometteurs et à des approches instrumentales appliquées pour comprendre les significations et les usages des applications médicales et de santé. En revanche, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse discursive et thématique du matériel de recherche qualitative, cette thèse cherche à mettre en évidence les perspectives des utilisateurs dans leur co-construction de la technologie de secourisme à travers leurs pratiques d'usage de l'application. Par une approche théorique socio-matérielle, elle explore de manière critique les rôles actifs des utilisateurs tels qu'ils sont délégués par les discours des développeurs du projet, des gestionnaires et des évaluateurs de cette technologie médicale et tels qu'ils sont négociés par les utilisateurs dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Cette thèse examine tout d'abord les « portraits » de l'application publiés en ligne, de ses utilisateurs et de leurs rôles actifs, mais aussi dans les pratiques de recrutement des utilisateurs et enfin dans une publication de recherche médicale évaluant cette technologie de secourisme. Ensuite, la thèse examine comment les bénévoles décrivent les motifs de leur décision de devenir usagers de l’application, le contexte social de leurs décisions et les significations qu'ils attribuent à leurs pratiques. Troisièmement, la thèse examine comment les récits des bénévoles, en juxtaposition avec les « portraits » en ligne de la technologie SMSlifesaving, représentent les pratiques d'usage de l'application par les bénévoles aux differentes étapes: avant la réception des notifications les informant des cas d'arrêts cardiaques, au moment de la réception de ces notifications, et après leur acceptation.Contribuant au champ de la recherche sociale critique sur les applications médicales et de santé, la thèse met en relief que les utilisateurs de l'application SMSlifesaving et les technologies qu'ils co-construisent ont des rôles actifs. Elle illustre les rôles actifs délégués et négociés par les utilisateurs ; ces derniers lorsqu'ils surmontent les dépendances quotidiennes de l'application et mesurent l'importance de leur travail bénévole, par l’intermédiaire de leur usage de l’application, par rapport à leur travail rémunéré et à leurs engagements de vie privée, développent un engagement consciencieux envers l'application et redéfinissent les promesses médicales de l'application pour les personnes victimes et leurs familles
This thesis embraces a social science research perspective to examine uses of the app SMSlivräddare (eng. SMSlifesaving), now Heartrunner, dedicated to alert volunteers nearby to assist people suspected to suffer from a cardiac arrest outside hospital. This case study of the uses of the health and medical app juxtaposes the public portrayals of the app, its prospective users, their agencies and use practices with the volunteer users’ own accounts. The analysis explores dimensions of the app’s and its users’ agencies as delegated by the technology’s portrayals and perceived by its users. It renders visible also possibly obscured aspects of the volunteer users’ agencies and practices at the time of the technology’s implementation in the two first regions, before its subsequent adoption in other Swedish regions and in Denmark. A medical research perspective has so far dominated the studies of lifesaving apps. Such research evaluates the patients’ health outcomes resulting from the app use by the volunteers and concentrates on the examination of the efficiency aspects of the app, such as how many users arrived and how many engaged in resuscitating the patients. At the same time, it contributes to the promissory discourses and instrumental approaches applied to understand the meanings and uses of health and medical apps. In contrast, building on the discourse and thematic analysis of the qualitative research material, this thesis seeks to highlight the users’ perspectives in their co-constructing of the SMSlifesaving technology through their app use practices; it embraces a socio-material theoretical approach and critically explores the users’ agencies as delegated by the discourses of the project developers, managers and evaluators of the medical technology and as negotiated by the users in their daily practices. This thesis, first, investigates the public portrayals of the app, its users and their agencies published online, in the user-recruiting practices, and in a medical research publication evaluating the SMSlifesaving technology. Next, it examines how the volunteers’ accounts describe the rationales of their entry into their SMSlifesaving app use practices, the social context embedding their entry and the meanings which they ascribe to their practices. Third, the study investigates how the volunteers’ accounts in juxtaposition to the online portrayals of the SMSlifesaving technology represent the volunteers’ app use before their receptions of the app’s notifications which inform them about cardiac-arrest cases nearby, at the time of reception of such notifications, and following acceptance of such notifications.Contributing to the field of critical social research on health and medical apps, the thesis identifies that both the SMSlifesaving app users and the technologies they co-construct have agencies. It illustrates the users’ agencies delegated and negotiated; the latter when they overcome the app everyday dependencies and judge the app-mediated volunteer work importance versus their paid work and private life commitments, develop dutiful engagement with the app and re-define the app’s medical promises for the patients and their families
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Romana, Joanna M. "Aideready| A Mobile App-Based Home Care Agency." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2018.

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With projected increase in the numbers of senior citizens in the coming decades, it is imperative to develop technological solutions that will address their needs and wants. AideReady is a home care agency that recruits certified nursing assistants and home care aides to provide high quality companion care and basic assistance to senior citizens. What sets AideReady apart from a traditional home care agency is the utilization of a digital platform for employees and clients to access staffing requests and services. AideReady will be available to its employees and patients on mobile devices and a website which is meant to provide convenience and ease for all users. Through its innovative and industry-disruptive concept, AideReady aims to empower all clients and employees by giving flexibility for aides and excellent, patient-centered care for its clients.

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Pampana, Lavanya Vinod. "Compliant mHealth app : A case study from app developers' perspective." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik, 2015.

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Context. With the pervasive nature of mobile phones, many mobile health (mHealth) apps are released in market. It is of supreme importance to consolidate compliance right in the development of app. There are many policies and regulations formed in various countries that fundamentally protect patient information. Further, there are stringent actions taken for not complying with the regulations. This being the case, how do app developers from start-up to small scale companies find solutions to the problem? It is necessary to study the situation from developer’s perspective to create innovation and sustain. Objectives. In this study, we identify tools, techniques, methods or process used by developers to create a compliant app. This study also throws light on challenges being faced by the developers. Finally, a guideline is devised for the app developers to facilitate in development of a compliant app. Methods. A case study is performed with two data collection methods namely interviews and survey questionnaire to strengthen the findings. With not much of literature support, interview study helped in gaining perspective of developers instrumental in creation of survey instrument. Results. Different tools, techniques, methods, processes used by developers were identified. Alongside, challenges were also listed based on the importance level. Further, a guideline was drafted that serves as recommendation for the app developers in development of complaint mobile health app. The guideline devised is at a higher level that can help developers focus on key aspects with regards to development of a complaint mHealth app.   Conclusions. Author concludes that app developers mainly use project management tools available. There is a need for specific tools, techniques to be developed for the developers such that it becomes easy for app developers to develop compliant mHealth app. In fact, there must be effective guidelines drafted in the clearest possible way that can be used by developers without any ambiguity. This research acts as an exploratory study aimed at identifying the current practice of developers. More research is needed in this field to solve the developers’ problem.
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Albornoz, Sotelo Omar Richard, Arellano Eva Laura Gabriela Basto, Orihuela Jean Carlo Guzman, Ponce Juan Manuel Reverditto, and Basilio Renzo Avilio Vela. "Dr. App." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021.

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El presente proyecto trata sobre un aplicativo móvil llamado “Dr. App” para promocionar los servicios médicos de distintos doctores con distintas especializaciones, ya que actualmente atravesamos una pandemia donde a los usuarios o pacientes nos es difícil poder acceder, en un primer descarte, a un centro médico. Así mismo, este aplicativo contará con una asistente virtual quien organizará sus citas programadas con sus centros de atención; es decir, el paciente podrá acceder a la información sobre las distintas instituciones donde esté doctor atiende. El paciente tendrá distintas opciones de médicos y lugares donde se pueda atender, gracias a la geolocalización, podrá ver una lista de distintos centros médicos y también podrá elegir al doctor mediante un sistema de calificaciones. Todos los doctores que harán el triaje para destinarlo con una especialidad son médicos recién colegiados; por otro lado, en la plataforma podrán verificar sus documentos y códigos de estos ante cualquier consulta. El aplicativo móvil tendrá una sección donde los pacientes podrán ver la trayectoria de los doctores especializados, es decir, donde han trabajado, especializaciones y otros.
This project deals with a mobile application called “Dr. App” to promote the medical services of doctors with different specializations, since we are currently going through a pandemic where users or patients find it difficult to access a medical center in the first instance. Likewise, this application will have a virtual assistant who will organize your scheduled appointments with your care centers; that is, the patient will be able to access information about the different institutions where the doctor attends. The patient will have different options of doctors and places where he can attend, thanks to geolocation, he will be able to see a list of different medical centers and he will also be able to choose the doctor through a rating system. All the doctors who will do the triage to assign it to a specialty are recently registered doctors; on the other hand, on the platform they will be able to verify their documents and their codes before any query. The mobile application will have a section where patients can see the trajectory of specialized doctors, that is, where they have worked, specializations and others.
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Chapman, Paige Renee Madsen. "Innovation attributes and electronic word-of-mouth: impact on likelihood to adopt health apps and health behaviors." Diss., University of Iowa, 2018.

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The purpose of this study was to delve into the factors that might influence someone to adopt a health app and to ultimately adopt a healthy behavior. This research extended the use of diffusion of innovations theory to health-related mobile apps. In knowing more about the way that innovation attributes are used in real-world health app descriptions and in how those descriptions might influence the adoption decisions, not just of the health app but of the related health behavior, we might be able to impact the way that professionals communicate the need for healthy behaviors to people. This study used a content analysis of the top-rated mobile health app product descriptions and user reviews to design experimental stimuli that mirrored real-world app description pages. The experiment manipulated the use of statements of innovation attributes and examined the way participants described their likelihood to adopt an app and the associated healthy behaviors. The study found that diffusion of innovation attributes did not influence participants’ likelihood to adopt a health app or healthy behaviors, but those participants who reported tracking their own health, physical activity, and diet were more likely to download a health app and to perform the associated healthy behaviors. The study has implications for the qualities health educators or healthcare professionals attempt to educate and persuade people about their health.
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Öhrn, Anna. "The use of mobile health applications and health improvements." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi, 2018.

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Background: This thesis aims to investigate if the use of mobile health (mHealth) applications have positive effects on health.   Objectives: This research are to provide an insight of how people are using mHealth applications but also provide an insight of the target group. Additionally, the thesis will provide an analysis of the proposed Structural Equation Model (SEM) to understand the influencing factors (constructs) for health improvement.    Method: In this research a Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was used in which a questionnaire with closed ended questions related to each construct were provided to collect the data. The data were analyzed by the computer program IBM SPSS 25 and the SEM was made by the IBM SPSS AMOS 25.   Results: The proposed theoretical SEM model showed validity and the proposed hypotheses 1 and 2 were significant for this model. The corresponding contributed construct to improve health, were “Healthcare Service” and “mHealth App Behavior”. “New Technology” did not contribute to improvement of health directly, but it correlated strongly to “Healthcare Service” but also to “mHealth App Behavior”.   Conclusions: The target group was defined as a group of early adopters who used mobile health applications and more specifically, they used fitness apps to enhance health. People in the target group were high educated and had occupations which corresponded well with their education. Additionally, this group used their knowledge by reading and understanding health information when they needed healthcare service to improve health.  Keywords: Adoption, Health, mHealth, New Technology
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Struik, Laura Louise. "Young adult smoking cessation and mobile health : a qualitative investigation of the Crush the Crave app." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017.

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Smoking remains a major public health issue, particularly among young adults because smoking rates are highest in this demographic. With young adults’ low uptake of the various smoking cessation interventions available, innovative ways to support young adult smoking cessation are needed, and there is much enthusiasm about the use of mobile phones, especially apps, to reach this population. How these tools influence smoking cessation, however, remains largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the design and use of the mobile app, Crush the Crave (CTC), for helping young adults quit smoking. Data included document analysis, fieldwork, and semi-structured interviews with 15 key informants (those involved in the development of CTC) and 31 young adult CTC users. Guided by sociomateriality theory and an affordances approach, as well as a gender-based analysis, data were inductively analyzed to derive thematic findings in relation to the influence of CTC on young adult’s quit smoking efforts. Findings were grouped per the overall strengths and limitations of the app, and the affordances of the app. Affordances were grouped according to each design component of the app: credibility, task support, social support, and dialogue support. Data from key informants revealed the expectations of CTC for helping young adults quit smoking, which were juxtaposed to young adults’ actual experiences with the app. While key informants’ expectations often aligned with young adults’ experiences, there were also some noteworthy differences and additional experiences that the key informants did not anticipate. The credibility, task support, and dialogue support functions lent to largely positive experiences and practices, including trust in the app, encouragement and motivation for quitting, and enhanced awareness of smoking behaviour. The social support component lent to negative user experiences (vulnerability) and practices (low engagement) that rendered this aspect as the weakest component in supporting efforts to quit. There were also some notable gender differences and similarities in relation to the preferences and experiences of young women and men. This study highlights both productive and unproductive approaches to the development of smoking cessation apps, and offers new directions for future improvements and app development.
Graduate Studies, College of (Okanagan)
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Harmon, Derek Joseph. "User Acceptance of a Novel Anatomical Sciences Mobile App for Medical Education - An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model." The Ohio State University, 2015.

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Forsman, Robin, and Michal Sisak. "Challenges in software development of mobile apps in e-health." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2020.

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Throughout the development process within organizations, various complications can appear that can reduce the quality of a software or contribute to immense costs to organizations. This is especially true for organizations that operate in fields such as the health industry where stern rules and requirements are often a fact. This paper explores challenges that can arise during the development process of health applications as well as what effects these can have on the applications and organizations. The paper then examines how these difficulties can be prevented or mitigated. The intention is that this thesis should help organizations and developers to be able to go through a development process effectively without being overwhelmed by difficulties that can arise during the development process of health applications.
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Chen, Tianran. "A Mobile App Design to Motivate Help-Seeking Behavior in University Students with Mental Illness." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Persson, Elin. "Möjlig användning av app för digitalvård av högt blodtryck : insikter från marknadsundersökning samt litteraturstudie." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kemi och biomedicin (KOB), 2018.

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Bakgrund: Nästan en tredjedel av världens vuxna befolkning har högt blodtryck. Högt blodtryck definieras som systoliska tryck≥ 140 mmHg och/eller diastolisk tryck ≥ 90 mmHg. För att få vård för sitt höga blodtryck har metoden länge varit att gå till en vårdcentral för att båda mäta blodtrycket och få medicin. Nu är det möjligt att få vård digitalt. Det blir också allt mer vanligt att digitala vårdappar lanseras. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka patientens inställning till digitalvård av sitt höga blodtryck och se om de själva vet hur man mäter sitt blodtryck. Metod: Tio patienter med högt blodtryck intervjuades om inställningen till sjukvård med digitala hjälpmedel. En litteraturundersökning gjordes i den sökbara medicinska databasen PubMed med sökorden hypertension, self-monitoring, blood pressure measurement, smartphone applications, telemedicine där sex artiklar valdes ut. Resultat: Sex av tio ville få vård via en app. Åtta av tio hade hälsorelaterade appar. Åtta av tio tyckte bra om digitalvård och kunde tänka sig att använda sig av det i framtiden. Nio av tio hade ändrat sin livsstil efter de fått diagnosen hypertoni. Resultat från litteratundersökningen visade att appar och hemblodtrycksmätning kan användas för egenkontroll av hypertoni. 33% kan tänka sig att genomföra läkarbesöket via en app och 20% via videosamtal. Nio av tio deltagare gjorde fel när de skulle mäta sitt eget blodtryck. Det var en studie av sex som visade att det inte var någon skillnad i blodryck beroende på hemblodtrycksmätning via digitalvård och vanlig vård. Slutsats: Alla patienter i undersökningen var positiva till digitalvård och kunde tänka sig att behandlas med det. Publicerade studier visar att digitalvård för högt blodtryck är bra för egenkontroll av sitt blodtryck och att hemblodtrycksmätning kombinerat med telemedicin är bättre än traditionell vård.
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Pasqualini, Elia. "SMart Health." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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Questo progetto si propone di semplificare, grazie all’innovazione tecnologica, il lungo ed obbligatorio procedimento da seguire per acquistare un qualsiasi farmaco. L’elaborato in questione costituisce dunque un servizio che permette all’utente di farsi consegnare qualsiasi tipologia di farmaco direttamente a casa propria, in un contesto nel quale il bisogno non è urgente. Il sistema si compone di 2 sottosistemi che comunicano tra loro. Il primo è un’applicazione nativa per dispositivi iOS che sarà utilizzata sia dal paziente che dal fattorino. Il paziente grazie a quest’app potrà ordinare farmaci che non necessitano di prescrizione medica e decidere in quale momento della giornata farseli recapitare. La stessa applicazione consentirà al fattorino di monitorare in tempo reale quali ordini è possibile consegnare. E per ordinare i farmaci etici? Qui entra in gioco il secondo sottosistema, un sito web responsive accessibile esclusivamente al medico. Il medico potrà, su richiesta e per conto del paziente, ordinare anche quei farmaci che richiedono prescrizione medica. Il progetto presentato si propone di disegnare ed implementare efficacemente le funzionalità descritte.
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Donepudi, Sravani. "Stay Healthy." Kansas State University, 2018.

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Master of Science
Department of Computer Science
Mitchell L. Neilsen
It’s difficult to keep track of sleep patterns, medicine and water intake. Having sufficient sleep every day is very important as not getting enough sleep can lead to difficulties remembering things, concentrating and other problems. This application provides tools to track the sleeping pattern of the user based on the inputs given. When the user picks a date, a weekly graph is generated to see how the user’s sleep cycle looks. It also displays the average hours the user slept each day and the sleep pattern type below the graph. Medicine reminder is another tool which reduces the risk of skipping medicines. As many people tend to complicate the severity level of the disease by forgetting to take the required medicine, this app can help them to prevent such problems. It reminds them to take their medicine at the entered times until the end of the course duration. People often tend to forget to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is very important for our body to function properly and flush out toxins. For this purpose, this app features a water reminder to remind the user to drink water every hour until the daily limit is reached. This is done by calculating the amount of water that should be consumed every day based on the user’s details like age, weight, physical activity and gender. Apart from these, to stay fit and healthy one should do some physical activity every day which helps to activate their body. The instructions and videos of some exercises, information on health tips, and natural remedies to some common health problems that can be cured without any medication are provided in the app. This would be a very convenient application for those who are very busy with their work life and have difficult time tracking their sleep, medicine times and staying hydrated at work.
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Ghigi, Emmanuele. "Sistemi di Mobile-Health per il monitoraggio e l'assistenza alla gravidanza." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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Con il termine "Mobile-Health" si intende l’uso di tecnologie mobili in ambito medico-sanitario. Questa tesi si propone di fornire un quadro generale di come i sistemi di Mobile-Health possano aiutare nell'assistenza e nel monitoraggio della gravidanza. Attraverso l'analisi delle ricerche effettuate in questo campo, e lo studio dei sistemi attualmente utilizzati in ambito ospedaliero, si cerca di valutare se effettivamente questo tipo di tecnologie può fornire un contributo significativo nell'assistere le donne incinte. Viene trattato il tema del Self-Management che riguarda appunto l'auto-gestione della propria condizione di salute attraverso l’uso di tecnologie mobili. Vengono introdotti problemi e complicazioni della gravidanza e i corrispettivi trattamenti. Si analizzano studi e ricerche che riguardano dispositivi e software per le donne incinte, compreso il tema delle “app mediche”. Infine, grazie al contributo delle dottoresse Iliana Colonna e Marina Carfagna (coordinatrici ostetriche negli ospedali di Rimini e Cesena), si presenta una panoramica sull’attuale uso di tecnologie nei reparti ospedalieri di ostetricia.
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Jahn, Haiko [Verfasser], Wilhelm [Gutachter] Behringer, James F. [Gutachter] Beck, and Sebastian van [Gutachter] As. "Survey of mobile device and Medical App use in emergency care / Haiko Jahn ; Gutachter: Wilhelm Behringer, James F. Beck, Sebastian van As." Jena : Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2020.

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Du, Yina. "A Portable Pediatrics Medical Education Assessment System for the Pediatrics Milestone Project." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2014.

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李耀玲 and Yiu-ling Elaine Lee. "Needs assessment on the attendants of the mobile health clinic in ShamShui Po." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002.

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Chitnis, Anurag Ashok. "Mobile-Based Smart Auscultation." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2017.

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In developing countries, acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are responsible for two million deaths per year. Most victims are children who are less than 5 years old. Pneumonia kills 5000 children per day. The statistics for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are even more alarming. According to a 2009 report from the World Health Organization (WHO), CVDs kill 17 million people per year. In many resource-poor parts of the world such as India and China, many people are unable to access cardiologists, pulmonologists, and other specialists. Hence, low skilled health professionals are responsible for screening people for ARIs and CVDs in these areas. For example, in the rural areas of the Philippines, there is only one doctor for every 10,000 people. By contrast, the United States has one doctor for every 500 Americans. Due to advances in technology, it is now possible to use a smartphone for audio recording, signal processing, and machine learning. In my thesis, I have developed an Android application named Smart Auscultation. Auscultation is a process in which physicians listen to heart and lung sounds to diagnose disorders. Cardiologists spend years mastering this skill. The Smart Auscultation application is capable of recording and classifying heart sounds, and can be used by public or clinical health workers. This application can detect abnormal heart sounds with up to 92-98% accuracy. In addition, the application can record, but not yet classify, lung sounds. This application will be able to help save thousands of lives by allowing anyone to identify abnormal heart and lung sounds.
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Wilson, Sarah M. "Examining the Relationship Between Medical Concerns and Overall Mental Health Rating." TopSCHOLAR®, 2017.

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It is widely supported that there are significant, positive relationships between the occurrence of some mental health symptoms and physical illnesses. Research indicates that the burden experienced by those with a physical and mental illness are magnified compared to individuals who do not experience an illness. More specifically, one of the burdens experienced by individuals is the monetary burden of affording the necessary health services to properly manage their illness. This study attempts to reveal a difference between mental health symptom count for individuals who do and do not experience difficulty affording health care for their physical problems. The first hypothesis states that the indication of medical problems will be associated with greater mental health symptoms. The second hypothesis states that the relationship between medical concerns and mental health symptoms will be moderated by difficulty affording health services. Lastly, the third hypothesis states that the indication of unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking and irregular exercise, will be associated with greater mental health symptoms. All data used in this study is archived data that was gathered by the Institute for Rural Health’s Mobile Health Units during free community health fairs from September 2012 to February 2014. The first hypothesis was supported because the incidence rate of mental health symptom count was increased with the presence of some physical problems. These findings supported previous research that indicated that the presence of physical illness increases the chance of developing a mental illness. The study results revealed that the second hypothesis was not supported since difficulty affording health services did not have a significant effect on the relationship between indicated physical illnesses and mental health symptom count. Previous research reports that there is monetary burden for individuals who experience a physical or mental illness when accessing appropriate health services. This research aimed to explore if that burden would significantly affect the relationship of those illnesses. Lastly, the third hypothesis was supported because mental health symptom count incidence rate was found to increase for individuals partaking in negative health behaviors, such as smoking, and decrease for individuals partaking in positive health behaviors, such as exercising.
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Mounting evidence indicates an involvement of inflammation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. While there are other mechanisms involved, it is this role of inflammatory processes that we wish to investigate. Triptolide is the major constituent in the Chinese herb, Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, and has been used for centuries as part of Chinese herbal medicine. The four ringed structure has close homology to drugs of the steroid class and it has been shown to be beneficial as an anti-inflammatory for rheumatoid arthritis and for treatment of certain cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential therapeutic effect of Triptolide on the neuropathology and deficits of spatial 6 learning and memory in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1 (PS1) doubletransgenic mice, a well established Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse model. After treatment of APP/PS1 mice with Triptolide (40μg/kg, three times weekly,), initiated when the mice were 5 months old, for as little as 8 weeks, significant decrease in β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition and microglia activation was observed. Moreover, Triptolide treatment robustly rescued spatial memory deficits observed in APP/PS1 mice. However, APP processing, tau hyperphosphorylation, and the activities of the two major kinases involved in tau hyperphosphorylation, cyclin dependent kinase 5 (cdk5) and glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) were not affected by the Triptolide treatment. Based on the recent finding for the inhibitory effect of Triptolide on Aβ-induced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines from microglia, we propose that Triptolide treatment may have beneficial properties in halting glial activation and help restore an immune system that fights plaque deposition. Although the exact mechanism of action has yet to be deduced, the increase in APP CTFs while having a significant decrease in amyloid plaque deposition suggests that alterations in gamma secretase activity may be a possible answer. Currently, these results support the use of Triptolide as an effective therapeutic to prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
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Deardorff, Karen Sickels. "Catalytic Innovations in Appalachia Ohio Health Care: The Storying of Health Care in a Mobile Clinic." Ohio : Ohio University, 2009.

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Valera, Gómez Gloria Cecilia. "APP de entrenamiento en realidad aumentada para Prevención de Riesgos Laborales." Master's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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El presente trabajo consiste en un plan de negocios para la comercialización de un aplicativo móvil de entrenamiento en realidad aumentada para Prevención de Riesgos a través de los Smartphones y iPhone en la ciudad de Lima. La validación de la propuesta se obtuvo en base a entrevistas a líderes de opinión y encuestas a los colaboradores que oscilan entre los 18 y 60 años, además, se realizó el análisis de la segmentación del mercado donde se logró determinar cuántas empresas se pueden beneficiar con el APP. Por consiguiente, se realizó la segmentación y la delimitación del mercado objetivo. Por ello, se determinó que el mercado objetivo es el sector industrial con el segmento empresarial Gran y Mediana empresa que representa el 0.99% del total de empresas de Lima Metropolitana. Se ha decidido captar al 2.33% del total de empresas industriales identificadas. Con relación a las estrategias de marketing, cabe señalar que el canal de distribución será directo, a través de vendedores propios y también por canales digitales. Con esta propuesta, se espera que el APP de entrenamiento en realidad aumentada para Prevención de Riesgos en un mediano plazo se convierta en líder del mercado de capacitaciones en RA con alto manejo de flexibilidad en el tiempo y eficiencia. Para el inicio del proyecto se requiere una inversión inicial de S/.63,936.00, con préstamo bancario de 70% y un aporte de capital de 30%. Se estima obtener un VAN de s/. 750, 111 con valor de TIR de 50%.
This paper is a business plan for the marketing of a mobile application for augmented reality training in risk prevention through smartphones in the city of Lima. The proposal was validated by interviews to opinion leaders and surveys to people aged 18 to 60 years. In addition, a market segmentation analysis was performed to determine how many companies could benefit from the app. Through market segmentation and definition, it was determined that the target market is large and medium-sized enterprises of the industrial sector, which represent 0.99% of the total number in Lima Metropolitan Area. It was decided to target 2.33% of the enterprises identified. As regards marketing strategies, the distribution channel will be direct, through sellers and digital channels. With this proposal, the app for augmented reality training in risk prevention is expected to become a market leader in AR training in the medium term, offering high time flexibility and efficiency. To execute the Project, an initial investment of PEN 63,936.00 is required, which will be obtained through bank loan (70%) and capital contribution (30%). It is estimated to achieve a NPV of PEN 750,111 with an IRR of 50%.
Trabajo de investigación
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Johansson, Axel. "Patient Empowerment and Accessibilityin e-Health Services : Accessibility Evaluation of a Mobile WebSite for Medical Records Online." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för visuell information och interaktion, 2015.

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This thesis evaluates a DEMO version of the mobile web site for medical recordsonline,, from a web accessibility point of view. The evaluationis an expert evaluation based on the ISO standard for web accessibility, Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 that is complemented with an evaluation basedon fictitious characters, so called personas. The personas were used to representthree groups of people with different kinds of disabilities; perceptual impairment(aniridia), physical impairment (rheumatism) and cognitive impairment (aphasia). Bycombining and comparing these two methods of evaluation, the thesis also evaluatesthe methods themselves. It was seen from both evaluations that the mobile web sitedoes not entirely fulfill the requirements (success criteria) for web accessibility.WCAG 2.0 found more problems in accessibility than did the personas. However, thepersonas found some problems that were overseen by WCAG 2.0, especially whenthe mobile web site was explored using voice synthesis. The results from the twoevaluations were combined in a set of recommendations for improvement, ranked inorder of importance according to the author. The results conclude that WCAG 2.0 isa good tool for evaluating web accessibility but it is recommended to continue to usethe personas in the future development of the mobile web site.
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Song, Won K. "Mobile Technology Deployment Strategies for Improving the Quality of Healthcare." ScholarWorks, 2019.

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Ineffective deployment of mobile technology jeopardizes healthcare quality, cost control, and access, resulting in healthcare organizations losing customers and revenue. A multiple case study was conducted to explore the strategies that chief information officers (CIOs) used for the effective deployment of mobile technology in healthcare organizations. The study population consisted of 3 healthcare CIOs and 2 healthcare information technology consultants who have experience in deploying mobile technology in a healthcare organization in the United States. The conceptual framework that grounded the study was Wallace and Iyer's health information technology value hierarchy. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and document reviews, followed by within-case and cross-case analyses for triangulation and data saturation. Key themes that emerged from data analysis included the application of disruptive technology in healthcare, ownership and management of mobile health equipment, and cybersecurity. The healthcare CIOs and consultants emphasized their concern about the lack of cybersecurity in mobile technology. CIOs were reluctant to deploy the bring-your-own-device strategy in their organizations. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential for healthcare CIOs to emphasize the business practice of supporting healthcare providers in using secure mobile equipment deployment strategies to provide enhanced care, safety, peace of mind, convenience, and ease of access to patients while controlling costs.
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Lam, Yik-tsz, and 林亦子. "To evaluate the mobile clinic for the elderly: a preliminary study on the referrals." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.

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D'Elia, Roberto. "Architetture per smart health: il caso FitStadium." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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L'obiettivo della tesi è progettare un'architettura abilitante per scenari smart health, concentrandosi sulla parte end-user (non sulla parte server-cloud), ossia sperimentando l'ambito dei wearable devices e facendo riferimento al binomio fitness-Apple Watch, comodo perchè presente nell'azienda FitStadium che ci fornisce motivazioni, requisiti e goals. Nel primo capitolo si analizzeranno le soluzioni offerte attualmente dal mercato per la realizzazione di servizi legati al fitness, focalizzandosi in particolare sulle architetture proposte e come quest'ultime possano convivere con l'ecosistema FitStadium. Il secondo capitolo è riservato invece all'approfondimento delle tecnologie Apple, che verranno utilizzate concretamente per la realizzazione del caso di studio. Ancora una volta si farà attenzione alle possibilità architetturali offerte da queste tecnologie. Nel terzo capitolo viene trattato nella sua interezza il caso di studio, analizzandone in particolare lo stato pre e post tesi. Verrà cioè descritta l'applicazione implementata insieme alla presentazione di un'architettura abilitante anche per gli scenari smart health. Infine, all'interno del capito 4 viene descritto più precisamente il concetto di smart health e il percorso che ha condotto alla sua definizione.
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Gottlind, Louise. "Kvinnors upplevelser av delaktighet, information och tillgänglighet efter digital fysioterapi via en interaktiv app : en webbaserad enkätstudie." Thesis, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap, 2018.

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Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser efter digital fysioterapi via en interaktiv app (FT-app) vid smärta i rörelseapparaten. Frågeställningar: I vilken utsträckning upplever kvinnor som har fått digital fysioterapeutisk rådgivning via en interaktiv app delaktighet, information och tillgänglighet? Finns det någon skillnad i ovanstående mellan de som besökt primärvård 2016 (Nationell Patientenkät NPE) och de som fått digital fysioterapi i FT-app? Bakgrund: eHälsa har ökat allt mer i popularitet och digital teknik har potential till att öka tillgängligheten på vårdens tjänster och det finns ett behov av att utvärdera dessa tjänster. Psykologisk digital behandling används idag vid smärta i rörelseapparaten. Ett pilotprojekt (FT-app) pågick under 2014–2017 där kvinnor fick digital fysioterapi vid smärta i rörelseapparaten via en interaktiv app med funktioner som chatt med svar inom 24 timmar på vardagar, aktivitetsdagbok, filmade övningar och möjlighet för patienten att ladda upp filmer. Behandlingen baserades på beteendemedicinska teorier och varade minst 12 veckor. Kvinnorna screenades för röda och gula flaggor innan start, hade inga akuta eller nya besvär och fick avsluta tjänsten då smärtan minskat. Metod: En webbenkät med 37 frågor skickades ut till kvinnor (n=139) som fått digital fysioterapi i FT-app. En Linkertskala användes för skattning 1-4 och 1-5. Enkäten skickades ut 1–24 månader efter avslut i FT-app. Svaren jämfördes med relevanta frågor från NPE och kvinnors upplevelse av primärvård 2016. Svarsfrekvens i de respektive enkäterna jämfördes med hjälp av z-test. Resultat: Svarsfrekvensen var 52,5%. På frågorna som rörde delaktighet var en stor majoritet positiva (63,5–94,5%), de upplevde att en snabb svarstid hjälpte dem att vara delaktiga och ta ansvar för behandlingsplanen. De upplevde och att skriftlig information i FT-app fungerade väl för de instruktioner och den information de behövde (85–94% positiva svar). Även den upplevda tillgängligheten skattades högt (59–96% positiva svar). Mest positivt upplevde man att man kan anpassa vården efter sin egen vardag. I jämförelse med NPE föll FT-app ut bättre när det gällde upplevelsen av delaktighet och tillgänglighet. Slutsats: De kvinnor som svarat på denna enkät uppger att de i högre utsträckning upplevde tillgänglighet och känsla av delaktighet via FT-app jämfört med NPE 2016. Resultaten kan ej generaliseras då svarsfrekvensen var låg och eftersom enkäten ej var validerad eller reliabilitetstestad. Studien föreslår mer forskning för att utvärdera upplevelser av digital vård och fysioterapi samt för att identifiera när och för vilka patienter eller symptom som digital vård kan vara ett alternativ till traditionell vård med fysiska besök.
Abstract The aim was to explore women’s perceptions of web-based physiotherapy for musculoskeletal pain treatment delivered through an interactive application for smartphones. Questions: To what extent do women have a positive experience of participation, information and availability after web-based physiotherapy through an interactive app? Is there a difference in a-c between women who had visited primary care 2016 (NPE) and the ones who had received physiotherapeutic treatment trough the app (FT-app)? Background: The popularity of eHealth is growing both among health care innovators and media. eHealth may increase the access of health services and the evaluation of new services is important. Internet based psychological treatment for musculoskeletal pain is an alternative to traditional treatment in Sweden. A pilot with web-based physiotherapeutic treatment delivered through an interactive app (FT-app) was tested 2014-2017 for treatment in women with musculoskeletal pain. The app included a chat where the physiotherapist answered questions within 24 hours (mon-fri), an activity diary, videos of the exercises and uploaded movies from the patient doing the exercise. The treatment was based on behavioral medicine and lasted for at least 12 weeks. The women were screened for red and yellow flags before start and had no acute pain. Method: A web-based survey with 37 questions was emailed to the women (n=139) 1-24 months after finishing the treatment in FT-app. A Likert scale was used for rating the answer 1-4 and 1-5. The results were compared to results from women’s perceptions of primary health care in Sweden 2016 (NPE). The response rate in both samples were analyzed with a z-test. Results: 52,5 % answered the survey. The majority answered positively to the claim that getting answer and feedback within 24 hours made compliance to treatment plan easier (92,3%) and helped them accomplish the prescribed exercises and activity (94,5%). The written dialogue was effective for remembering the advices (93,2%) and the FT-app made it possible for the women to adjust the treatment to their everyday living (95,9%). There were significant differences between NPE and FT-app regarding explanation of the treatment (p=0,0045) information of warning signals (p=0,0002) and ways of contact (p=0,0045). Conclusion: This study shows that the FT-app women experienced a significant greater participation and access to the service compared to the primary care women in some claims. The response rate was not big enough to generalize the results to the population and the survey was not tested for validity or reliability. This study suggests more research in this field to investigate perceptions of internet-based treatment and to identify when telerehabilitation is suitable as an alternative to traditional health care.
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Sarmiento, John. "Teach Healthier: An mHealth Case Study for Piloting Pre-K Health Curriculum." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2017.

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This rapid ethnographic study explored how a 'mobile health education' app might impact preschool teachers and students, interact with organizational protocols and policies, and align with the preschool culture. The researcher evaluated the app's early Pre-K content and user experience. With a systems thinking approach, this study revealed the lived-experiences and processes in preschools around Austin, Texas. The outcomes of this study guided the client with more human-centered approaches to researching and designing their apps and services.
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Pulman, Andrew John. "How young adults with type 1 diabetes interact with technology and how their views and experiences can inform the development of a patient-centric mobile health app." Thesis, Bournemouth University, 2016.

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Background: Views of young adults with type 1 diabetes are vital in developing quality support services and improving their lives, yet research on their lifestyle and use of technology to support their condition is sparse. Aim: (1) Develop an insight into use of Internet and web/mobile technology and its impact on the lives of young adults, by understanding their experiences from qualitative interviewing, exploring how they made use of technology concerning their lives and condition. (2) Utilise sociotechnical design principles and develop a mobile app, seeking participant opinions on design and usefulness during the development cycle. Design: Data collected through semi-structured, qualitative interviews (n=9) of young adults aged 18-21 with type 1 diabetes. Data analysis undertaken during initial interviews (n=4) to locate ideas for development. Later interviews assisted in the iterative design process (n=5). Pre-launch feedback also obtained from clinical staff (n=5). Evaluation data collected from different young adults from a wider range of demographic backgrounds post launch (n=11) on app usability, usage and usefulness. Findings: Six themes were identified providing an understanding of participant experiences with their condition and their use of technology. From suggestions prototyped, a clinically approved mobile alcohol guide app was developed. Post launch data analysis identified six different themes relating to app usability, usage and usefulness. Conclusion: The study contributes to new knowledge regarding: (1) The lives of young adults with type 1 diabetes, by providing examples of how their lives could be improved based on use of the Internet and web/mobile technology. (2) The technical development process, by documenting best practice procedures and principles involved in creating a patient-centric educational health app (downloaded globally 2,639 times as of July 2015). (3) Policy, by highlighting areas where care and support were lacking in the target group and where there were gaps in knowledge and understanding.
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Chigudu, Kumbirai. "Design of a prototype mobile application interface for efficient accessing of electronic laboratory results by health clinicians." Thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018.

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There is a significant increase in demand for rapid laboratory medical diagnoses for various ailments in order for clinicians to make informed medical decisions and prescribe the correct medication within a limited specified time. Since no further informed action can be taken on the patient until the laboratory report reaches the clinician, the delivery of the report to the clinician becomes a critical path in the value chain of the laboratory testing process. The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) currently delivers lab results in three ways: via a physical paper report, and electronically through a web application. The third alternative is for short and high-priority test results, like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB), that are delivered via short message service (SMS) printers in remote rural clinics. However, despite its inefficiencies, the paper report remains the most commonly used method. As turnaround times for basic and critical laboratory tests remain a great challenge for NHLS to meet the specified targets; there is need to shift method of final delivery from paper to a paperless secured electronic result delivery system. Accordingly, the recently-implemented centralised TrakCare Lab laboratory information system (LIS) makes provision for delivery of electronic results via a web application, 'TrakCarewebview'. However, the uptake of TrakCarewebview has been very low due to the cumbersomeness of the application; this web application takes users through nine steps to obtain the results and is not designed for mobile devices. In addition, its access in remote rural health care facilities is a great challenge because of lack of supportive infrastructure. There is therefore an obvious gap and considerable potential in diagnostic result delivery system that calls for an immediate action to design and development of a less complex, cost effective and usable mobile application, for electronic delivery of laboratory results. After obtaining research ethics clearance approval from the University’s Faculty of Science Research Ethics Committee a research was sanctioned. A survey of public sector clinicians across South Africa indicated that 98% have access to the internet through smartphones, and 93% of the clinicians indicated that they would use their mobile devices to access electronic laboratory results. A significant number of clinicians believe that the use of a mobile application in health facilities will improve patient care. This belief, therefore, set a strong basis for designing and developing a mobile application for laboratory results. The study aims to design and develop a mobile application prototype that can demonstrate the capability of delivering electronic laboratory test results to clinicians on their smart devices, via a usable mobile application. The design of the mobile application prototype was driven by user-centred design (UCD) principles in order to develop an effective design. Core and critical to the process is the design step which establishes the user requirements specifications that meet the user expectations. The study substantiated the importance of the design aspect as the initial critical step in obtaining a good final product. The prototype was developed through an iterative process alternating prototype development and evaluation. The development iterations consisted of a single paper prototyping iteration followed by further two iterations using an interactive Justinmind prototyping tool. Respective to the development iterations, cognitive walk-through and heuristic principles were used to evaluate the usability of the initial prototype. The final prototype was then evaluated using the system usability scale (SUS) survey quantitative tool, which determines the effectiveness and perceived usability of the application. The application scored an average SUS score of 77, which is significantly above the average acceptable SUS score of 68. The standard SUS measurement deems 80 to be an excellent score. Yet a score below 68 is considered below average. The evaluation was conducted by the potential user group which was involved in the initial design process. The ability of the interactive prototyping tool (Justinmind) to mimic the actual final product offered end users a feel of the actual product thus giving the outcome of the evaluation a strong basis to develop the actual product.
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Lewandowski, Mark E. "The Design, Fabrication, and Evaluation of Mobile Point-of-Care Systems for Cellular Imaging in Microfluidic Channels." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2018.

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Axbåge, Daniel, and Johanna Werner. "Mobil Radiologi : Radiologins Roll i Samhället." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Radiologi, 2016.

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Haenssgen, Marco Johannes. "Mobile phone diffusion and rural heathcare access in India and China." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.

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Three decades of mobile phone diffusion, thousands of mobile-phone-based health projects worldwide ("mHealth"), and tens of thousands of health applications in Apple's iTunes store, but fundamental questions about the effect of phone diffusion on people's healthcare behaviour remain unanswered. Empirical, theoretical, and methodological gaps in the study of mobile phones and health reinforce each other and lead to simplifying assumptions that mobile phones are a ubiquitous and neutral platform for interventions to improve health and healthcare. This contradicts what we know from the technology adoption literature. This thesis explores the theoretical link between mobile phone diffusion and healthcare access; develops and tests a new multidimensional indicator of mobile phone adoption; and analyses the effects of phone use on people's healthcare-seeking behaviour. My mixed methods research design - implemented in rural Rajasthan (India) and Gansu (China) - involves qualitative research with 231 participants and primary survey data from 800 persons. My research yields a qualitatively grounded framework that describes the accessibility and suitability of mobile phones in healthcare-seeking processes, the heterogeneous outcomes of phone use and non-use on healthcare access, and the uneven equity consequences in this process. Quantitative analysis based on the framework finds that mobile phone use in rural India and China increases access to healthcare, but it also invites more complex and delayed health behaviours and the over-use of scarce healthcare resources. Moreover, increasing phone-aided health action threatens to marginalise socio-economically disadvantaged groups further. I present here the first quantitative evidence on how mobile phone adoption influences healthcare-seeking behaviour. This challenges the common view that mHealth interventions operate on a neutral platform and draws attention to potential targeting, user acceptance, and sustainability problems. The framework and tools developed in this thesis can support policy considerations for health systems to evaluate and address the healthcare implications of mobile phone diffusion.
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Kiymac, Esin H. "An Implementation On Use Of Handheld Technologies In Medical Research Areas: Health Habits And History Questionnaire On A Pocket Pc." Master's thesis, METU, 2005.

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In most of the studies, face to face interviews are required with individuals for data collection and hence to apply questionnaires. There are two methods for applying the questionnaire
the paper-based and the electronic method. The paper-based method takes time and is of a high cost to the researchers. Because of writing/reading based errors, this method may cause inaccuracy in collected data. On the contrary, conducting questionnaires in electronic environment procures savings in cost and time, improves data accuracy, gives faster results, and increases efficiency. However, in this method some problems may arise in surveys conducted in urban areas, i.e. problems related to communication and network infrastructure. Nevertheless, advances in Information Technologies provide mobile data collection and computing, and hence they have become a significant place in every part of our life. Many researchers have begun to prefer using these developing technologies in their studies since using mobile devices in conducting health surveys is more useful and economical than the paper-based questionnaires. In this thesis, we have developed a mobile device-based questionnaire, which is an adaptation of the one used by the National Cancer Institute of USA in paper-based form. In other words, in this work the &ldquo
Health Habits and History Questionnaire&rdquo
has been adopted to the pocket PCs. It is planned to be used for an ongoing epidemiological study in Ç
ukurova region. We hope that this study will be an example for the similar studies in the future.
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Song, Kimchheng. "Incorporating Design Thinking and behavioural techniques to design and evaluate a mobile intervention to reduce sugar consumption." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2022.

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Current trends indicate that 75 per cent of Australians will be overweight or obese by 2025 unless an innovative and effective strategy is implemented. This thesis incorporates design thinking and behaviour theory to design and evaluate a digital approach to reduce added sugar consumption in the Australians’ diet relative to the World Health Organisation recommended guidelines.
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Berberich, Katelyn. "Evaluating Mobile Information Display System in Transfer of Care." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Alvarez, Suel Diana Elizabet, Quispe Anggie Anthuane Flores, Hernández Valeria Belén Lamas, Morales Karen Inés Liñán, and Panduro Sofía de Fátima Shibuya. "Aplicación móvil mente sana." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021.

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En el presente trabajo, se ejecutó un plan de negocios sobre una aplicación móvil para realizar consultas psicológicas de forma virtual, creado por cinco estudiantes de la facultad de Negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). El proyecto se desarrolló en base al aumento de afecciones psicológicas vistas durante el periodo del 2020 -2021 a causa de la pandemia del Covid-19 que ha afectado a la población peruana de forma relevante, llegando así a generar cambios significativos en el desarrollo de su día a día, cambio que se ve reforzado por la falta de herramientas para acceder a una consulta psicológica siguiendo las reglas de prevención contra esta enfermedad. Al analizar este sector podemos ver que existe un alto potencial de crecimiento debido a la tendencia de uso de teleconsultas en el sector salud, en especial, consultas psicológicas. Luego de evaluar las necesidades y requerimientos de nuestro público objetivo, desarrollamos una aplicación móvil que sirve como nexo entre el psicólogo y el paciente, que permite obtener una comunicación más fluida y accesible al brindar una plataforma exclusiva para realizar psicoterapia. Al finalizar nuestro proyecto de ventas, se analizaron los diferentes planes presupuestales del área de RR.HH., de operaciones, marketing y ventas para tener una proyección, en términos monetarios, de lo que necesitamos para llevar a cabo nuestra idea de negocio. Con ello, seremos capaces de saber si es aceptable invertir en él o en todo caso, aprender y crear nuevas ideas de negocio.
In the present work, a business plan was executed on a mobile application to carry out psychological consultations in a virtual way, created by five students from the Business School of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). The project was developed based on the increase in psychological conditions seen during the 2020 -2021 period due to the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the Peruvian population in a relevant way, thus generating significant changes in the development of their day by day, change that is reinforced by the lack of tools to access a psychological consultation following the parameters of prevention against this disease. When analyzing this sector, we can see that there is a high growth potential due to the trend of teleconsultations in the health sector, especially psychological consultations. After evaluating the needs and requirements of our target audience, we developed a mobile application that serves as a link between the psychologist and the patient, which allows for more fluid and accessible communication by providing an exclusive platform for psychotherapy. At the end of our sales project, the different budget plans of the HR, operations, marketing, and sales areas were analyzed to have a projection, in monetary terms, of what we need to carry out our business idea. With this, we will be able to know if it is acceptable to invest in it or in any case, learn and create new business ideas.
Trabajo de investigación
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Gavefalk, Sofia, and Ludwig Widén. "International market selection : Assessing opportunities in the European Union for a mHealth consumer medical device start-up." Thesis, KTH, Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 2016.

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To date, there are no existing models for evaluating foreign markets, adapted to mobile health (mHealth) consumer medical device (CMD) start-ups seeking to launch their products or services in new countries. This calls for the development of a suitable international market selection (IMS) model that captures the complexity of and opportunities for mHealth. mHealth is a sub-segment of electronic health (eHealth), which furthermore is part of the wider phenomenon of digital health. mHealth covers medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices. This paper proposes a multidimensional IMS model comprising both macro and micro level factors. Our specialized approach integrates tools and theories by a number of researchers and is showcased in the assessment of the European Union (EU) for the mHealth CMD company AdhereBox. AdhereBox is a Swedish start-up that has developed a CMD consisting of a “smart” pillbox and a complementary mobile software application. We propose a number of dimensions that should be evaluated when assessing the potential  of the different EU health care markets in regards to mHealth CMD start-ups. Our suggested approach includes factors which are categorized into two groups of parameters: (i) stakeholders (which comprises consumers, providers, payers, distributors and collaborators) and (ii) barriers & enablers (consisting of incentives, reimbursement models, technological infrastructure, regulations and existing solutions). In summary, our study identifies critical factors that mHealth CMD start-ups should consider when evaluating foreign markets in an IMS. By applying our IMS model on AdhereBox, we illustrate how our model can be used, its parameters assessed and the interdependencies between these analyzed in order to arrive at a set of recommendations for further market analysis and conclusions on country attractiveness. As such, we believe that our research could provide valuable insights and guidelines for firms within mHealth seeking to expand their business within the EU, as well as for governmental organizations that want to better leverage and stimulate the potentials of a flourishing domestic mHealth ecosystem.
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Htat, Kyaw Kyaw. "A framework for development of android mobile electronic prescription transfer applications in compliance with security requirements mandated by the Australian healthcare industry." Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2018.

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This thesis investigates mobile electronic transfer of prescription (ETP) in compliance with the security requirements mandated by the Australian healthcare industry and proposes a framework for the development of an Android mobile electronic prescription transfer application. Furthermore, and based upon the findings and knowledge from constructing this framework, another framework is also derived for assessing Android mobile ETP applications for their security compliance. The centralised exchange model-based ETP solution currently used in the Australian healthcare industry is an expensive solution for on-going use. With challenges such as an aging population and the rising burden of chronic disease, the cost of the current ETP solution’s operational infrastructure is certain to rise in the future. In an environment where it is increasingly beneficial for patients to engage in and manage their own information and subsequent care, this current solution fails to offer the patient direct access to their electronic prescription information. The current system also fails to incorporate certain features that would dramatically improve the quality of the patient’s care and safety, i.e. alerts for the patient’s drug allergies, harmful dosage and script expiration. Over a decade old, the current ETP solution was essentially designed and built to meet legislation and regulatory requirements, with change-averting its highest priority. With little, if any, provision for future growth and innovation, it was not designed to cater to the needs of the ETP process. This research identifies the gap within the current ETP implementation (i.e. dependency on infrastructure, significant on-going cost and limited availability of the patient’s medication history) and proposes a framework for building a secure mobile ETP solution on the Android mobile operating system platform which will address the identified gap. The literature review part of this thesis examined the significance of ETP for the nation’s larger initiative to provide an improved and better maintainable healthcare system. The literature review also revealed the stance of each jurisdiction, from legislative and regulatory perspectives, in transitioning to the use of a fully electronic ETP solution. It identified the regulatory mandates of each jurisdiction for ETP as well as the security standards by which the current ETP implementation is iii governed so as to conform to those regulatory mandates. The literature review part of the thesis essentially identified and established how the Australian healthcare industry’s various prescription-related legislations and regulations are constructed, and the complexity of this construction for eTP. The jurisdictional regulatory mandates identified in the literature review translate into a set of security requirements. These requirements establish the basis of the guiding framework for the development of a security-compliant Android mobile ETP application. A number of experimentations were conducted focusing on the native security features of the Android operating system, as well as wireless communication technologies such as NFC and Bluetooth, in order to propose an alternative mobile ETP solution with security assurance comparable to the current ETP implementation. The employment of a proof-of-concept prototype such as this alongside / coupled with a series of iterative experimentations strengthens the validity and practicality of the proposed framework. The first experiment successfully proved that the Android operating system has sufficient encryption capabilities, in compliance with the security mandates, to secure the electronic prescription information from the data at rest perspective. The second experiment indicated that the use of NFC technology to implement the alternative transfer mechanism for exchanging electronic prescription information between ETP participating devices is not practical. The next iteration of the experimentation using Bluetooth technology proved that it can be utilised as an alternative electronic prescription transfer mechanism to the current approach using the Internet. These experiment outcomes concluded the partial but sufficient proofof- concept prototype for this research. Extensive document analysis and iterative experimentations showed that the framework constructed by this research can guide the development of an alternative mobile ETP solution with both comparable security assurance to and better access to the patient’s medication history than the current solution. This alternative solution would present no operational dependence upon infrastructure and its associated, ongoing cost to the nation’s healthcare expenditure. In addition, use of this mobile ETP alternative has the potential to change the public’s perception (i.e. acceptance from regulatory and security perspectives) of mobile healthcare solutions, thereby paving the way for further innovation and future enhancements in eHealth.
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Gopu, Anusharani. "Using non-medical risk factors related to dementia and cognitive decline for developing an evidencebased e-health tool." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2016.

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The number of dementia cases is increasing worldwide. Most research and development in this area is related to the prevention of dementia, and to the development of various prediction tools for dementia. The tools made available take most of the medical data into account while calculating risk scores, with only a small amount of non-medical data. There is a lot of data related to medical and non-medical risk factors available from various sources which can be retrieved and analysed in real time, but this is today not used in any risk score tool for risk score calculation. As part of the project Multimodal strategies to promote a healthy brain in ageing: Innovative evidence-based tools (MULTI-MODE), a new risk score is being developed to be used in a new ICT-based tool for dementia prediction. Identification of non-medical data and a good model to fill the gap between data available at the server and using this data in risk score calculation may help in increasing the predictability of tools. In this thesis, some of the existing risk factors for the prediction of dementia are described, and the importance of non-medical factors in calculating risk scores is discussed. Additional non-medical factors are identified that could be included in future versions of the risk score. A database design for storing risk score information efficiently is presented, as is an app structure that can be used at the server side to validate the user input and to increase the effectiveness of a prediction tool.
Antal demensfall ökar över hela världen. Forskning och utveckling inom detta område är relaterat till att förebygga demens och att utveckla olika prognosverktyg för demens. Flera tillgängliga verktyg tar hänsyn till medicinska data i beräkning av riskpoäng, med endast en liten mängd av icke-medicinska data. Det finns en hel del data om medicinska och icke-medicinska faktorer online, men de används idag inte för riskpoängberäkning. Som en del av projektet Multimodala strategier för att främja en frisk hjärna i åldrande: Innovativa evidensbaserade verktyg (MULTI-MODE), så har en ny metod utvecklats för att användas i ett nytt IT-baserat verktyg för demensförutsägelse. Identifiering av icke-medicinska data och en bra modell för att överbrygga gapet mellan tillgängliga data på servern och använda dessa data i riskberäkning kan bidra till att öka precisionen hos verktyg. I den här studien beskrivs en del befintliga riskfaktorer för förutsägelse av demens och vikten av icke-medicinska faktorer i beräkning av risk diskuteras. Ytterligare icke-medicinska faktorer identifieras som skulle kunna ingå i framtida versioner av riskverktyg (såsom appar). Vissa identifierade riskfaktorer har analyserats och visade att effekten av att införa icke-medicinska faktorer ökar precisionen i resultaten. En databasdesign för lagring av riskinformation på ett effektivt sätt presenteras, liksom en appstruktur som kan användas på serversidan för att validera några av de parametrar som kan öka effektiviteten av verktyget.
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Lin, Shih-Chieh, and 林士傑. "Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore People Using Mobile App to Search Medical and Health Information." Thesis, 2014.

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With the development of technology, and the advent of smart phones and tablet computers, the portable mobile devices gradually affect people''s habits of using technology products. All smart phones and tablet computers are dependent on a variety of Mobile applications, also known as Mobile APPs or APPs. The categories of these APPs cover a wide field in which the medical and health information APPs provide health information, sports and fitness, self-monitoring of blood pressure and blood glucose, hospital information, and so on. As a result, there are a lot of medical and health information APPs available in portable mobile devices nowadays. The purpose of this study is to understand the behavior of people using the medical and health information APPs, as well as demographic characteristics and functional requirements by electronic questionnaires combined with the technology acceptance model. The study utilized SPSS and AMOS for the structural equation modeling to verify the hypothesis among the various facets of the model in this study. Two hundred and fifty people were questioned through the electronic questionnaire. Our empirical result showed: 1. External variables of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with perceived usefulness. 2. External variables of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with perceived ease of use. 3. Perceived ease of use of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with perceived usefulness 4. Perceived usefulness of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with attitude toward using. 5. Perceived ease of use of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with attitude toward using. 6. Perceived usefulness of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with behavioral intention to use. 7. Attitude toward using of medical and health information APPs were positively associated with behavioral intention to use. 8. For medical and health information APPs, the functions that people want to use in order are sports and fitness, health care information, and medical information. 9. For medical and health information APPs, the functions that people want to expand in order are correctness of information sources, clear data sorting, and scalable screen.
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"Sharing is Caring: A Data Exchange Framework for Colocated Mobile Apps." Master's thesis, 2014.

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abstract: Mobile apps have improved human lifestyle in various aspects ranging from instant messaging to tele-health. In the current app development paradigm, apps are being developed individually and agnostic of each other. The goal of this thesis is to allow a new world where multiple apps communicate with each other to achieve synergistic benefits. To enable integration between apps, manual communication between developers is needed, which can be problematic on many levels. In order to promote app integration, a systematic approach towards data sharing between multiple apps is essential. However, current approaches to app integration require large code modifications to reap the benefits of shared data such as requiring developers to provide APIs or use large, invasive middlewares. In this thesis, a data sharing framework was developed providing a non-invasive interface between mobile apps for data sharing and integration. A separate app acts as a registry to allow apps to register database tables to be shared and query this information. Two health monitoring apps were developed to evaluate the sharing framework and different methods of data integration between apps to promote synergistic feedback. The health monitoring apps have shown non-invasive solutions can provide data sharing functionality without large code modifications and manual communication between developers.
M.S. Computer Science 2014
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Elguera, Fabiola Rivera, and Fabiola Rivera Elguera. "Case study “H&B Health and Benefits” for supplier selection for medical mobile devices to diabetes and hypertension control in Mexican patients." Thesis, 2018.

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管理國際學生碩士專班 (IMBA)
Due to the constant innovation, new technologies, and the globalization that we are facing nowadays, companies are capable to create new international commercial alliances in order to reach their business goals. This study develops the supplier selection process in order to choose the best commercial partner to supply medical devices to decrease and treat the diabetes mellitus and hypertension diseases in Mexico; which are the main death causes in the mentioned country. A Mexican case company “H&B Health and Benefits”, plans to buy medical mobile devices connected from Bluetooth and APP to a cloud. The devices can develop the remote control in Mexican homes and improve the quality life for Mexican patients. In this study, Analytical Hierarchy Problem was applied to analyze each supplier’ criteria and sub-criteria weight in order to prioritize the requirements for the products searched. The Grey Relation Analysis was applied in order to rank the supplier alternatives according to the best performance values; resulting the best supplier selection for the Mexican patients and the case company goal. The present study can help as a reference to small and medium Mexican enterprises that want to find commercial partners around the world. It also can avoid commercial risks and provide a guideline for companies that are interested in trading with Taiwanese companies.
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Wang, Yi-Ya, and 王怡雅. "The Development of Mobile APP for Medical Equipment Maintenance Management System." Thesis, 2018.

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The motivation in this research is to develop a medical equipment mobile APP maintenance management system based on Android. This APP provide a portability platform for biomedical engineers gain access the information about the medical devices maintenance services and monitoring tools at point of care. Prior to the development of mobile platform, it strived to improve the work efficiency of biomedical engineer in the hospital. This system also provided wellspring of resources such as ability to download troubleshooting PDF and instruction manual for 5 different kinds of identity. The ease for the user to gain access instruction manual at their fingertips by eliminating troubleshoot can thereby reduce the amount of instrument to be repaired effectively. Moreover, the system has suited the needs of domestic hospitals through the study of evaluation. Biomedical can now interpret the reason behind the faulty devices based on the statistical analysis evaluated by the system and helping relevant hospital and manufacture personnel to improve the medical devices usage method with minimal malfunction rate, in thereby, improve the overall work efficiency of the hospital. According to different type of user, they have limited authorization to gain access the certain section of medical devices management system such as application of maintenance, maintenance record, pie chart analysis based on device failure, preventative of device failure, three-level services records, vendor service sector, instruction manual, troubleshooting and feedback evaluation. In order to fulfill the demands of “JCT Foundation Hospital Evaluation and Medical Quality Policy Council” and “Medical Unit Operations”, the whole system is developed from the field trip research in hospital since March of 2017.
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