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Hinze, Eike. "»Im Harnisch lasst uns sterben«." Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten im Fokus, herausgegeben von Meinolf Peters 18, no. 2 (May 2021): 191–201.

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Der Autor betont zwei Punkte, die besonders wichtig sind, wenn man über Fragen und Probleme nachdenkt, die mit dem Altern von Analytikern verbunden sind. 1. In jeder Gesellschaft finden sich weitverbreitete Annahmen, Fantasien, Vorurteile und Stereotypien über das Alter. Sie basieren weniger auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, sondern sind meist Ausdruck von Ängsten vor Alter, Abbau und Demenz. Alter ist das Fremde an sich. Analytiker stehen nicht außerhalb ihrer Gesellschaft und unterliegen den gleichen Stereotypien über das Alter wie andere auch. Sie haben keinen privilegierten Zugang zu Fragen des Alters. Der Titel des erwähnten Panels »Die Alten sind immer die anderen« weist deutlich auf diese Tatsache hin. 2. Wenn man die Situation des älteren Analytikers verstehen will, genügt es nicht, nur die Phase des höheren Alters zu untersuchen. Es ist notwendig, auch die lebenslange Entwicklung und den damit einhergehenden Alterungsprozess (Nascentes morimur) zu erforschen. Hier besteht ein erheblicher Bedarf an systematischer Forschung.
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Hensel, Friedrich. "Heinz Harnisch zum 65. Geburtstag." Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 96, no. 4 (April 1992): 632–33.

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YAN, CHUNCAI, ZHAOHUI JIN, and XINHUA WANG. "Paracladopelma Harnisch from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Zootaxa 1934, no. 1 (November 17, 2008): 1–29.

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The genus Paracladopelma Harnisch from the Sino-Indian region is reviewed. Five new species, P. binum, P. bui, P. cirratum, P. crenum, and P. digitum are described and illustrated as males. Five species, P. aratrum Chaudhuri et Chattopadhyay, P. furudoprimum Sasa et Arakawa, P. hibarasecundum Sasa, P. simantodeea Sasa, Suzuki et Sakai, and P. tamahikawai Sasa are reexamined. Parachironomus tamanipparai (Sasa) is again placed in Paracladopelma. P. tokaradiea Sasa et Suzuki is a new synonym of P. kuramaclarum Sasa. Five species, P. daitoijea Sasa et Suzuki, P. inaheia Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki, P. misumaiprima Sasa et Suzuki, P. tokaraefea Sasa et Suzuki, and P. tonewabea Sasa et Tanaka are placed in the genus Cryptochironomus as new combinations. P. laminatum (Kieffer) is recorded for the first time from China. A key to all known males of Paracladopelma is presented.
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Neef, Martin. "Rüdiger Harnisch, Grundform- und Stamm-Prinzip in der Substantivmorphologie des Deutschen." Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 128, no. 1 (June 2006): 132–37.

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Namayandeh, Armin, and David V. Beresford. "A new species in the Rheocricotopus (R.) effusus group from Canada with a review of the Nearctic species of Rheocricotopus and Parametriocnemus (Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae)." CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research, no. 31 (December 27, 2018): 16–29.

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Rheocricotopus (Rheocricotopus) reduncusoides sp. n. is described from Bathurst Island, Nunavut, Canada. Its discovery was made while curating and examining specimens deposited by H. V. Danks in 1969 at the Canadian National Collection in Ottawa, Canada. We also report the first Canadian record of Parametriocnemus hamatus (Johannsen, 1934) from Québec, based on previously unsorted material deposited at the Canadian National Collection. In this paper we provide distributional records of the Nearctic species of Rheocricotopus Thienemann and Harnisch and Parametriocnemus Goetghebuer, and present a key to the Nearctic adult males of these genera.
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Vollbrecht, Ralf, and Christine Dallmann. "Editorial: Anerkennung." Medienwelten – Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, no. 2 (December 17, 2013): I—III.

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„Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein“ (und dem Wort Gottes, auf das diese Bibelstelle zielt), sondern bedarf als soziales Wesen existentiell der Anerkennung durch seine Mitmenschen – und zwar einer gegenseitigen Anerkennung, die für jede Art von Zu-sammenleben unhintergehbar ist. Philosophen und Sozialwissenschaftler haben sich in vielfältiger Weise mit dieser Thematik auseinandergesetzt. In der Medienpädagogik hat Anerkennung als theoretischer Bezugspunkt jedoch bislang keine große Rolle gespielt. Die Arbeit von Tobia Harnisch und Caroline Baetge über „Anerkennungsstrukturen als sozialer Kontext für Individuation im höheren Lebensalter unter der Perspektive von Medialität“ greift das Thema Anerkennung auf.
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ZORINA, OKSANA V. "Non-biting midges of the genus Paracladopelma Harnisch (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Russian Far East." Zootaxa 1134, no. 1 (February 23, 2006): 29.

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The Far Eastern species of the genus Paracladopelma Harnisch, 1923 are revised. Four new species of Paracladopelma are described: P. augustus, P. globosum, P. pseudocamptolabis, and P. urkanensis. Seven species P. doris (Townes), P. furudoprimum Sasa, P. laminatum (Kieffer), P. nais (Townes), P. nereis (Townes), P. nigritulum (Goetghebuer), and P. undine (Townes) are redescribed on the basis of male morphology. Six species are recorded from Russia for the first time. Paracladopelma simantodeea Sasa et al. 1998 is presented as a junior synonym of Paracladopelma furudoprimum Sasa & Arakawa. A key for males of 12 Far Eastern species of Paracladopelma is given.
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Wolf, Reinhard. "Harnisch, Sebastian, Cornelia Frank und Hanns W. Maull (Hrsg.). Role Theory in International Relations. Approaches and Analyses." Politische Vierteljahresschrift 53, no. 3 (2012): 557–59.

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Tereick, Jana. "Book review: Lars Bülow, Jochen Bung, Rüdiger Harnisch and Rainer Wernsmann (eds), Performativität in Sprache und Recht." Discourse Studies 19, no. 5 (September 24, 2017): 600–602.

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Southgate, J. R., D. W. Jones, and D. W. Johnson. "The response of growing and finishing cattle to Virginiamycin." Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) 1984 (March 1988): 95.

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Virginiamycin, discovered and manufactured in Belgium (De Somer, 1955) from a naturally occuring mould, is a steptogramin type antibiotic (Cocito, 1979). Steptomyces virginiae produces two antibiotic factors, M and S. Factor M is a cyclic lactone and is present as 60-70 per cent of Virginiamycin. It has been demonstrated that there is a synergism between these two factors (Chabbert, 1971) whose combined activity is three or more times that of the individual components. The mode of action in monogastric animals has been well documented in pigs (Henderickx, 1979) and this work has lead to recorded data on the influence of Virginiamycin on the absorption Of nutrients by these animals (Dierick, 1980). The advantages of supplementing broiler, layer, turkey and pig feeds with Virginiamycin have been recorded (Barber 1978, Krider 1978, Pellura 1980, Leibetseder 1980, Harnisch, 1980, Canale 1980, Korthas 1979 and Phillip, 1978). The producers of veal and beef calves have also used Virginiamycin and shown improved daily gain and feed conversion (Parigi-Bini, 1979). These data promoted the trials in growing cattle detailed in this paper.
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Henkel, Markus. "Sebastian Harnisch / Joachim Schild (Hg.): Deutsche Außenpolitik und internationale Führung. Ressourcen, Praktiken und Politiken in einer veränderten Europäischen Union." Das Historisch-Politische Buch 66, no. 1 (June 1, 2018): 99–101.

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Cranston, Peter S. "Parapsectrocladius: a new genus of orthocladiine Chironomidae (Diptera) from Patagonia, the southern Andes." Insect Systematics & Evolution 31, no. 1 (2000): 103–20.

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AbstractParapsectrocladius is described in all life history stages as a new genus with type-species Cardiocladius acuminatus Edwards, for four species from Andean South America. The female, pupa and larva of P. acuminatus are described for the first time, from Chile; all stages of P. escondido Cranston & Añón Suárez, sp. n., are described from lentic patagonian Argentina, all stages of Parapsectrocladius reissi sp. n. from a pond in Valdivia, Chile, and P. longistylus sp. n. from males from several locations in south Chile and Argentina and the putatively associated female and pupa from southern Chile. The clade is Patagonian, with larvae occurring in Andean pools, ponds and lakes, including glacial-fed ones, and also in one lowland river in Chiloe. Previous suggested relationships to Cardiocladius Kieffer or Paratrissocladius Zavrel are rejected following phylogenetic analysis, with these placements suggested as due to adult male -based convergent character states. The immature stages, which show resemblance to Psectrocladius Kieffer and Rheocricotopus Thienemann & Harnisch, and the female contribute evidence that Parapsectrocladius forms the sister group to Psectrocladius, which appears monophyletic despite its subgeneric heterogeneity. Immediate next relations to Psectrocladius + Parapsectrocladius are postulated as (Rheocricotopus (both subgenera) + Paracricotopus) then (Nanocladius + Doncricotopus) at next remove.
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Rohde, Christoph. "Harnisch, S., Brummer, K., & Oppermann, K. (Hrsg.). (2015). Sonderbeziehungen als Nexus zwischen Außenpolitik und internationalen Beziehungen. Baden-Baden: Nomos." Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 9, no. 4 (September 28, 2016): 569–71.

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Paulsen, Wolfgang. "Antje Harnisch,Keller, Raabe, Fontane. Geschlecht, Sexualität und Familie im bürgerlichen Realismus.Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte 46. Frankfurt, 1994. Pp. 199." Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 70, no. 4 (October 1995): 180.

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Lewis, Irving. "Role Theory in International Relations. Approaches and Analyses, Sébastien Harnisch, Cornelia Frank et Hanns W. Maull, 2011, Londres et New York, Routledge, 322 p." Études internationales 43, no. 3 (2012): 459.

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Palotás, László. "Comparing the U.S.–Colombia Partnership to the U.S.–U.K. Special Relationship." Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public 20, no. 3 (May 26, 2022): 65–80.

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This article characterises the US–Colombia Partnership (USCP) by comparing it to the U.S.–U.K. Special Relationship (USUKSR). For this purpose, both dyads are graded within Lake’s typology of international hierarchies. Then Xu’s three minimum criteria for SRs – and a fourth criterion derived from Harnisch – are applied to the USCP, with references to the USUKSR. In the security dimension, the USCP could be graded as a weak (soft) protectorate under Plan Colombia, and it might be still today. The USUKSR is seen heading toward a weak protectorate due to Britain’s even closer post-Brexit alignment to the U.S. (by launching an Indo-Pacific tilt, clinching the AUKUS pact, and helping to broker a broader anti-China coalition, while remaining the staunchest NATO ally). In the economic dimension, the USUKSR until recently could be rated as market exchange, but now it has been approaching an economic zone (as Britain is courting America for more trade and investment, while shedding Huawei, shelving a bilateral FTA with China, and seeking CPTPP accession). The USCP classifies as an economic zone, since the U.S. is still Colombia’s largest export market and preferred investor, and Colombia has been very cautious with China (refraining from an FTA, and from joining the BRI). The USCP (by combining a weak protectorate with an economic zone) is rated as an informal empire, while the USUKSR may be close to it. The USCP is unlikely to become an SR, because U.S. substituted Colombian governance functions are focused on domestic security, and the U.S. public does not judge Colombia positively, and is far from regarding it as an ally. The paper ends with a note on the dominant partner.
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Hofmann, H. "Chemische Technologie, Bd. I: Allgemeines. Herausgeg. vonH. Harnisch,R. Steiner undK. Winnacker. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munchen - Wien 1984. 4. Aufl., XXVI, 769 S., 357 Abb., 81 Tab., DM 470, -." Chemie Ingenieur Technik 58, no. 4 (1986): 355.

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Wagner, U. "H. Harnisch, R. Steiner, K. Winnacker (Hrsg.): Winnacker/Küchler, Chemische Technologie, Band 1, Allgemeines, 4. Aufl., Carl Hanser Verlag, München, Wien 1984. 769 Seiten, Preis: DM 470,-, Subskriptionspreis: DM 390,-." Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 90, no. 2 (February 1986): 176.

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Gohlke, U. "Winnacker/Küchler. Chemische Technologie. Band 1. Allgemeines. 4. Auflage. Hg. von H. HARNISCH, R. STEINER und K. WINNACKER. ISBN 3-446-13179-5. München: Carl Hanser Verlag 1984. XXIV, 767 S. Lwd., DM 470,–." Acta Polymerica 37, no. 6 (June 1986): 398.

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Bambang, Ichsanuddin, Wienike Dinar Pratiwi, and Een Nurhasanah. "Analisis Tindak Tutur Direktif pada Novel Lajang-lajang Pejuang Karya Endik Koeswoyo dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Pembelajaran Teks Pidato di SMP." EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN 3, no. 6 (August 25, 2021): 3769–78.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat pada novel Lajang-lajang Pejuang karya Endik Koeswoyo serta memanfaatkan hasil penelitian sebagai bahan ajar materi teks pidato di SMP kelas IX. Banyak ditemukan bentuk tindak tutur direktif dalam novel Lajang-lajang Pejuang karya Endik Koeswoyo yang dinilai patut untuk dianalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori tindak tutur direktif menurut Bach dan Harnish, yang membagi tindak tutur direktif ke dalam enam kategori yaitu Requestives, Qustions, Requirements, Prohibitives, Permissives, dan Advisories. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik catat yaitu mencatat bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang ditemukan, serta teknik analisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang terdapat dalam novel Lajang-lajang Pejuang karya Endik Koeswoyo. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukan bentuk tuturan direktif yang terbagi ke dalam enam kategori tindak tutur menurut Bach dan Harnish serta penelitian dapat dimanfaatkan dalam bentuk bahan ajar handout materi teks pidato SMP kelas IX semester ganjil
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Reimer, Marga. "Performative utterances: A reply to Bach and Harnish." Linguistics and Philosophy 18, no. 6 (December 1995): 655–75.

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HOLMES, R. BRIAN. "Louis R. Harnick, MD." Radiology 172, no. 2 (August 1989): 583.

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Osatinski, Amy S. "Fiddler Afn Dakh (Fiddler on the Roof ), music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, book by Joseph Stein, Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman, directed by Joel Grey." Studies in Musical Theatre 13, no. 3 (December 1, 2019): 349–50.

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Review of: Fiddler Afn Dakh (Fiddler on the Roof), music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, book by Joseph Stein, Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman, directed by Joel Grey Stage 42, New York, 21 March 2019
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KOBAYASHI, TADASHI. "Kloosia Kruseman, Chernovskiia Sæther, Robackia Sæther, and Saetheria Jackson (Chironomidae: Chironominae) in Japan." Zootaxa 1527, no. 1 (July 16, 2007): 1–15.

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Kloosia koreana Reiss, 1988 is recorded from Japan for the first time and redescribed. Japanese material of other little known genera within the Harnischia complex are reexamined and identified. Beckidia sp. is assigned to the genus Kloosia; Chernovskiia orbicus (Townes, 1945) is reconfirmed based on the larvae; Robackia sp. is allotted to R. pilicauda (Sæther, 1977), and the presumed larva described for the first time; and Saetheria sp. is allotted to S. tylus (Townes, 1945).
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Tammara, Brinda, Frank E. Shafer, and Lutz Harnisch. "Dose Selection Process for Younger Children Participating in a Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Rivipansel (GMI-1070) in the Treatment of Vaso-Occlusive Crisis in Hospitalized Patients with Sickle Cell Disease." Blood 132, Supplement 1 (November 29, 2018): 3643.

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Abstract Background: Rivipansel is a pan-selectin inhibitor in development for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD) vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). A single phase 3 study was planned to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rivipansel (GMI-1070) in the treatment of VOC in hospitalized patients with SCD. Selection of the dose to be used in this phase 3 study was based on the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic (PK) results from the rivipansel phase 2 study. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) was used to determine the dosing for adults and children aged >6 years with SCD. To ensure that the predicted drug exposure is actually achieved in patients aged 6-11 years (cohort 2), we conducted a blinded review of the PK data obtained from several subjects enrolled in cohort 2. The methodology for this evaluation is presented here. Methods: Pharmacokinetic data for 109 subjects receiving doses of 2 to 40 mg/kg in 4 previous studies (3 Phase 1 and 1 Phase 2) were integrated to build a 3-compartment model, which was used to perform simulations to aid dose selection. As rivipansel is almost entirely renally excreted, the simulations of clearance considered renal function as well as hyperfiltration, as this type of altered renal filtration is common in SCD patients. This model allowed for scaling of the PK exposure from the model developed in adults and older children (aged 12-17 years) (Tammara BK, Harnisch LO. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2017;6:845-54) into the model for younger children (aged 6-11 years). Simulations from the model in the adult and pediatric population are presented in Figure 1. To confirm the predicted exposure in cohort 2, in particular their average concentration at steady-state (Cavg,ss), age- and weight-dependent cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of parameters in the population PK model (eg, CL Vss) were derived for the first 6 actively treated children. During this blinded review, concentration time profiles for these children were generated and empirical Bayesian estimates (EBEs) for their corresponding Cavg,ss were derived. The percentiles in which the EBEs fell within the simulated CDFs from the model were used to guide decisions for a potential dose adjustment. This process is outlined in the flow chart in Figure 2 and in the percentile plot diagram shown in Figure 3. Results: The PK data from the Phase 2 study supported fixed flat dosing for patient aged 12 years and older. Pharmacokinetic M&S predicted that a loading dose of 1680 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 840 mg every 12 hours would result in exposures similar to those observed with the lower dose used in the Phase 2 study, such that a minimum plasma concentration >10 μg/mL would be maintained throughout the dosing interval. For patients in cohort 2, weight-based dosing was considered, as it is the most conservative approach, given that children in this age range have not been studied previously. For each dosing regimen tested, the simulated demographic target distribution in pediatric SCD patients was used to derive concentration-time profiles. A summary of the Cavg,ss distribution across different ages is shown in Figure 1. The simulations showed that for children aged 6-11 years, a 40-mg/kg loading dose (maximum 1680 mg) followed by 20 mg/kg every 12 hours (maximum 840 mg) would likely result in concentrations similar to those observed with the 20/10 mg/kg dosing used in adults in the Phase 2 study. To confirm the validity of the exposure predictions, PK assessments were performed in the Phase 3 study and a blinded interim analysis of pediatric exposures was conducted. Conclusions: A population PK model for rivipansel has been developed, applicable to the whole target SCD population of adults and children older than 12 years. Its applicability in children aged 6-11 years is under investigation as part of the ongoing Phase 3 study, and interim assessments of the PK exposure have been done in small cohorts of 6 patients. The corresponding decision framework has been implemented, exercised successfully, with the results of potential dose adaptations to be published once the Phase 3 study has been concluded. Disclosures Tammara: Pfizer Inc.: Employment. Shafer:Pfizer Inc.: Employment. Harnisch:Pfizer Inc.: Employment.
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MUKHERJEE, BINDARIKA, and NILADRI HAZRA. "First records of three genera, Cyphomella Sæther, 1977, Olecryptotendipes Zorina, 2007 and Robackia Sæther, 1977 of the Harnischia complex from India with description of O. extentus sp. n., O. obtunsus sp. n. and R. aequilongia sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Zootaxa 5091, no. 2 (January 13, 2022): 330–40.

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Three genera, Cyphomella Sæther, 1977, Olecryptotendipes Zorina, 2007 and Robackia Sæther, 1977, of the Harnischia complex are recorded for the first time from India. Two new species of Olecryptotendipes and one new species of Robackia are described on the basis of adult males. Cyphomella camelus (Kieffer, 1955), described from Afrotropical and Palaearctic regions, is recorded for the first time from India and its description is supplemented. The molecular barcodes of three species, O. obtunsus sp. n., C. camelus and R. aequilongia sp. n., are also provided. Revised world keys to the adult males of the Olecryptotendipes and Robackia are also provided.
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Kuznetsov, S. A., and M. Gaune-Escarda. "Influence of Second Coordination Sphere on the Kinetics of Electrode Reactions in Molten Salts." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 57, no. 1-2 (February 1, 2002): 85–88.

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The influence of the second coordination sphere on die electroreduction of hafnium complexes to hafnium metal and the redox reaction Eu(III)+e-⇔ Eu(II) in alkali halide melts was studied. It is shown that die large caesium cations in the melt reduce the transfer and the diffusion coefficients as well as the heterogeneous rate constants for charge transfer of harnitcn complexes. The standard rare constants for the europium redox reaction increase when going from NaCl-KCl to CsCl. The different influence of die second coordination sphere on the electrode reactions is explained by different limitation stages for electron transfer
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Wisnu Adi Putra, I. Putu, and I. Nyoman Sedeng. "Directive Illocutionary Acts Found in the Movies 21 And 22 Jump Street." Humanis 26, no. 2 (May 26, 2022): 180.

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This research is entitled Directive Illocutionary Acts found in The Movie 21 and 22 Jump Street. The purpose of this research is to identify the classification and the force of the speaker’s utterance that were found in the movie. The data were collected by applying the documentation and note taking techniques, and was analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The speech acts theory was used to answer the problems of this research. It includes the types of directive illocutionary act proposed by Bach and Harnish (1979), and IFIDs proposed by Yule (1996). In this research, all of the direct directive acts were found. Meanwhile, only five types of indirect directive act were found except indirect questions. The illocutionary force of directive acts that were found are requesting, asking, forbidding, permitting, commanding, warning, prohibiting, ordering, and suggesting. The illocutionary force expressed by the speaker was considered felicitous if all the illocutionary force are fulfills
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YAN, CHUNCAI, OLE A. SÆTHER, ZHAOHUI JIN, and XINHUA WANG. "Three new species of the Harnischia complex from the Sino-Indian Region,with a review of Demicryptochironomus Lenz (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Zootaxa 1968, no. 1 (December 22, 2008): 1–22.

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Three new species, Demicryptochironomus (Irmakia) retusus, Microchironomus brochus, and Parachironomus lobus are described and figured as males. Demicryptochironomus (Demicryptochironomus) asamaprimus Sasa et Hirabayashi, D. (D.) chuzequartus Sasa, D. (D.) ginzancedeus Sasa et Suzuki, D. (D.) uresicarinus Sasa, and Demicryptochironomus clarilatus (Guha et Chaudhuri) are re-examined based on type material. Cryptotendipes inawabeceus Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki, C. tamacutus Sasa and Parachironomus harunasecundus Sasa are transferred to Demicryptochironomus as new combinations. Parachironomus inageheus Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki is placed as a junior synonym of Demicryptochironomus ginzancedeus Sasa et Suzuki. The relationships of some genera within the Harnischia complex are discussed. A key to the males of Demicryptochironomus is presented.
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Wang, Xin-hua, Chun-cai Yan, and Can-jen Maa. "A NEW RHEOCRICOTOPUS THIENEMANN & HARNISCHIA (DIPTERA: CHIRONOMIDAE) FROM TAIWAN PROVINCE CHINA." Insect Science 11, no. 3 (September 2004): 239–42.

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Mahlberg, Michaela. "Review of Kenesei & Harnish ((2001)): Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse. A Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer." International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 7, no. 1 (October 18, 2002): 107–10.

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MacDonald, Mary N. "BRIDGES TO THE ANCESTORS: MUSIC, MYTH, AND CULTURAL POLITICS IN AN INDONESIAN FESTIVAL – By David D. Harnish." Religious Studies Review 34, no. 2 (June 2008): 118–19.

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Fogg, Kevin. "Review of David D. Harnish and Anne K. Rasmussen, editors, Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia." Contemporary Islam 8, no. 2 (August 30, 2012): 195–97.

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Syed Shaharuddin, Sharifah Syakila, Khairon Nisa Shafeei, and Asmahanim Mohamad Yusuf. "Constative Speech Acts Analysis of Female Student Leaders in a Malaysian Secondary School." International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics 6, no. 3 (August 1, 2022): 34–47.

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Speech act is a branch of pragmatics in which spoken words or utterances play an important role beyond the function of language in communication. In leadership, speech acts enable leaders to initiate a desirable action or behaviour among their followers, and at the same time, convey information more effectively. As such, constative speech acts are commonly used by leaders to describe or depict facts or states of affairs which are either true or false. As to investigate how the different constative speech acts could be used in this context, a qualitative study was conducted with an objective to analyze the constative speech acts of female student leaders in a Malaysian secondary school based on Theory of Speech Acts by Bach & Harnish (1979). Purposive sampling was used to select the research participants and data was gathered from them through a focus group discussion with the researcher. Findings showed that the research participants used various constative speech acts including predictive, assertive, ascriptive, responsive and suggestive in describing the behaviour and characteristics of a good leader. As a conclusion, constative speech acts of the research participants suggest that they could be analytical, firm and sensitive school leaders.
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Maier, Chr. "Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, Robert M. Harnish. Linguistics. An Introduction to Language and Communication." Studies in Language 16, no. 2 (January 1, 1992): 507.

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Wang, Xinhua. "Harnischia Kieffer from China, with Emendations to the Diagnosis of the Genus (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Aquatic Insects 21, no. 3 (July 1999): 169–77.

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Sæther, Ole A. "Xiaomyia, Shangomyia and Zhouomyia, three new and unusual genera of Chironomini from Oriental China (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Insect Systematics & Evolution 24, no. 2 (1993): 185–95.

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AbstractXiaomyia aequipedes gen. & sp. n. from Guandong in Oriental China, Shangomyia impectinata gen. & sp. n. from Hainan in Oriental China and Burma, and Zhouomyia plauta gen. & sp. n. from Hainan are described as male imagines. Xiaomyia plus Shangomyia in most features appear to form a separate tribe within the subfamily Chironominae, while a few characters indicate a placement in the Harnischia group of genera. They are preliminary placed at the base of the Chironomini. They are unique in having apical scales with 1-2 spines on all tibiae, but no combs; no dorsomedian eye extension; extended costa; leg ratios of all legs higher than 1.5; and inferior volsella fused to the gonocoxite. Zhouomyia is a typical plesiomorphic Chironomini either related to Apedilum Townes, Paralauterborniella Lenz, Lauterborniella Thienemann & Bause, and Pagastiella Brundin, or to the Endochironomus group of genera.
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Romanchuk, Aleksey. "The Romanian harnic ‘industrious, hardworking’ as key to the etymology of the Ukrainian гарний ‘beautiful, good’." JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY AND CULTUROLOGY 31 (2022): 124–28.

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The author suggests a new etymology of the Ukrainian гарний ‘beautiful, good’ and the Romanian harnic ‘industrious, hardworking’. He thinks that a Slavic (of the Proto-Slavic time) verb with the meaning ‘to work hard’ was the source of both mentioned lexeme. The existence of this verb is supported by the Ukrainian dialectal [гарувати] with the same meaning, which has direct analogies both in East Slavic, some West Slavic and South Slavic (Serbian, Slovenian) languages. The origin of this Slavic verb can be explained through the analysis of two other Ukrainian dialectal words that are semantically close to each other, but differing in phonetics and, as some researchers believe, according to origin. The mentioned words are [гара] и [ґара], with the meaning ‘a cart with a box for transporting earth or sand; a sledge for transporting large loads’. Since in this case there is an indisputable semantic identity of both forms (practically identical phonetically as well), we cannot, contrary to the versions expressed earlier, separate from each other the question of their origin. The phonetic difference has to be explained by the difference in the time of the borrowing. Thus, the author thinks that the for-Slavic verb, which became the source for the Ukrainian [гарувати], гарний (as well as [гарник] ‘cart worker’), and the Romanian harnic, came from a word borrowed during the Proto-Slavic time with the meaning ‚cart’. However, contrary to the previous opinion, the author thinks that this borrowed word comes not from the German Karre ‘kart, wheelbarrow’, but from the Romanian car ‚cart‘.
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Bates, Eliot. "Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia ed. by David D. Harnish and Anne K. Rasmussen (review)." Indonesia 95, no. 1 (2013): 173–78.

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Dorjee, Dusana, Merrill F. Garrett, and Robert M. Harnish. "Mandatory Processing of Implied Content: Lessons from Context Effects on Implicitures." International Review of Pragmatics 5, no. 2 (2013): 217–32.

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Since early experimental explorations of pragmatic phenomena it has been documented that novel and established utterances are processed differently. This is especially relevant to processing of a class of utterances called “implicitures” (Bach, 1994) in which some aspects of content are not explicitly expressed by the words used—they are implicit. It has been suggested that at least some implicitures have become “standardized” for their content (Bach, 1998; Garrett and Harnish, 2007). That is, the standard use of these expressions conveys the relevant content even though the words uttered do not present that content as conventional, linguistic meaning. While some studies suggest that the implicitures are mandatorily inferred regardless of context (Bach, 1998), others claim that impliciture processing is context-dependent (Sperber and Wilson, 1986). We investigated this issue using spatial, temporal and possession implicitures in two reaction time experiments. Implicitures were presented context-free or embedded in contexts that either supported their preferred interpretation or cancelled it. The results indicated that implicitures are readily available when no context is provided and are produced even when context forces an alternative interpretation. These findings support a standardization view for at least some impliciture processing. Possible differences in processing mechanisms across theories of impliciture processing and across impliciture types are discussed.
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KOBAYASHI, Tadashi, and Hiroshi SUZUKI. "Harnischia ohmuraensis sp. nov. and the first record of Parachironomus monochromus (van der Wulp, 1874) from Japan (Diptera : Chironomidae)." Medical Entomology and Zoology 50, no. 2 (1999): 79–84.

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YAN, CHUNCAI, ZHAOHUI JIN, and XINHUA WANG. "Cladopelma Kieffer from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae)." Zootaxa 1916, no. 1 (October 27, 2008): 44–56.

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The Sino-Indian species of the genus Cladopelma Kieffer are reviewed and one new species from China, C. costum sp. n., is described and illustrated as male. The males of C. edwardsi (Kruseman) and C. virescens (Meigen) from China are re-examined. Type material of Cryptotendipes inawaabeus Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki, Harnischia daitoheia Sasa et Suzuki, H. ginzandeeus Sasa et Suzuki, H. inadeeus Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki, H. sibacedea Sasa, Sumita et Suzuki, H. simantocedea Sasa, Suzuki et Sakai from Japan and Cladopelma indicum Bhattacharyay, Duta et Chaudhuri from India are reexamined, and all regarded as new synonyms of C. edwardsi. Cladopelma onogawaprima Sasa is regarded as a new synonym of C. hibaraprima Sasa and the species is transferred to Cryptotendipes as a new combination. Cladopelma kamalanagari Maheshwari et Agarwal from India is transferred to Paracladopelma as a new combination. A key to all known males of Cladopelma is provided.
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Haag, Marcia. "Linguistics: An introduction to language and communication By Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, and Robert M. Harnish." Language 73, no. 4 (1997): 888.

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McCoy, Chris M. "To Broadway, To Life! The Musical Theater of Bock and Harnick by Philip Lambert." Theatre History Studies 32, no. 1 (2012): 221–23.

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Wells, Elizabeth A. "To Broadway, To Life: The Musical Theater of Bock and Harnick (review)." Notes 69, no. 2 (2012): 330–32.

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Jayaraman, T., and A. R. Marks. "T cells deficient in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor are resistant to apoptosis." Molecular and Cellular Biology 17, no. 6 (June 1997): 3005–12.

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The type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R1) calcium release channel is present on the endoplasmic reticulum of most cell types. T lymphocytes which have been made deficient in IP3R1 lack detectable IP3-induced intracellular calcium release and exhibit defective signaling via the T-cell receptor (TCR) (T. Jayaraman, E. Ondriasova, K. Ondrias, D. Harnick, and A. R. Marks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:6007-6011, 1995). We now show that IP3R1-deficient T cells are resistant to apoptosis induced by dexamethasone, TCR stimulation, ionizing radiation, and Fas. Resistance to TCR-mediated apoptosis in IP3R1-deficient cells is reversed by pharmacologically raising cytoplasmic calcium levels. TCR-mediated apoptosis can be induced in calcium-free media, indicating that extracellular calcium influx is not required. These findings suggest that intracellular calcium release via the IP3R1 is a critical mediator of apoptosis.
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Yan, Chuncai, Qin Guo, Ting Liu, Wei Guo, Xin-Hua Wang, and Bao-Ping Pan. "Review of the genus Harnischia Kieffer from China (Diptera, Chironomidae), with description of one new species." ZooKeys 634 (November 21, 2016): 79–99.

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Aisyah, Siti, Findya Puspitasari, Rabiatul Adawyah, and Riki Sanjaya. "PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN RIMPANG JAHE MERAH (Zingiber officinale varietas rubrum) YANG BERBEDA TERHADAP NILAI ORGANOLEPTIK OLAHAN DENDENG IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus)." Fish Scientiae 11, no. 1 (June 30, 2021): 55–67.

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Dendeng adalah produk olahan daging tradisional khas Indonesia dan sampai saat ini minat masyarakat dalam mengonsumsi dendeng cukup tinggi. Dendeng didefinisikan sebagai makanan yang berbentuk lempengan yang terbuat dari irisan atau gilingan daging segar yang diberi bumbu dan dikeringkan. Dendeng yang berada di pasar kebanyakan mengandung air antara 9,9-35,5%, kadar gula antara 20- 52%, kadar garam antara 0,4-0,6%, kadar lemak antara 1,0-17,4%, serat kasar antara 0,4-15,5%, dan aw antara 0,4-0,5 (Purnomo, 1996). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan yaitu Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah O (tanpa penambahan jahe merah), A penambahan jahe merah 1 %, B penambahan jahe merah 2 % dan C penambahan jahe merah 3%. Parameter yang diamati adalah uji organoleptik (rasa, warna, tekstur dan aroma). Berdasarkan penilaian panelis diketahui bahwa perlakuan C merupakan perlakuan terbaik dengan spesifikasi warna dengan nilai 2,7 yang dimana mendekati agak coklat kehitaman, untuk aroma dengan nilai 5,6 menyatakan mendekati kuat aroma bumbu, tekstur dengan nilai 4,2 menunjukan agak empuk, dan rasa dengan nilai 4,2 menyatakan cukup manis dan gurih. Dengan kadar air 33,19 % ,dan berdasarkan penelitian Harnisah dkk, kadar protein dendeng ikan nila sebesar 27,67 % yang dimana menurut Astawan, 2004 bahwa dendeng tergolong dalam bahan.makanan semi basah yaitu bahan pangan yang mempunyai kadar air tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu rendah yaitu 15-50%. Dendeng ikan nila memiliki nilai rata-rata untuk uji organoleptik berbeda nyata pada setiap perlakuan terhadap spesifikasi warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa H1 dapat diterima pada pembuatan dendeng ikan nila Dendeng is a traditional Indonesian processed meat product and until now the public's interest in consuming beef jerky is quite high. Dendeng is defined as food in the form of plates made from sliced ​​or ground fresh meat which is seasoned and dried. Most of the jerky on the market contains water between 9.9-35.5%, sugar content between 20- 52%, salt content between 0.4-0.6%, fat content between 1.0-17.4%, crude fiber between 0.4-15.5%, and aw between 0.4-0.5 (Purnomo, 1996). In this study using 4 treatments, namely the treatments given were O (without the addition of red ginger), A was the addition of 1% red ginger, B was the addition of 2% red ginger and C was the addition of 3% red ginger. The parameters observed were organoleptic test (taste, color, texture and flavor). Based on the panelist's assessment, it is known that treatment C is the best treatment with a color specification with a value of 2.7 which is closer to dark brown, for an aroma with a value of 5.6 which indicates that it is close to the strong aroma of spices, the texture with a value of 4.2 indicates a bit soft, and the taste with a value of 4.2, it is quite sweet and savory. With a water content of 33.19%, and based on the research of Harnisah et al, the protein content of tilapia jerky is 27.67% which according to Astawan, 2004 that jerky is classified as a semi-wet food ingredient, namely food that has a water content that is not too high and not too low at 15-50%. Nile tilapia has an average value for the organoleptic test which is significantly different in each treatment with respect to color, flavor, taste and texture specifications. This shows that H1 is acceptable for making nile tilapia
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Nita, Fatma Rahayu, Slamet Setiawan, and Lies Amin Lestari. "MEANING-MAKING OF INTERNET MEMES TO CREATE HUMOROUS SENSE: FUNCTIONS AS SPEECH ACTS." Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching 5, no. 2 (December 28, 2021): 465–79.

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This research explored how the memes were created with multimodal elements that could make meaning to create a humorous sense and function as speech acts. With the complexity of meaning-making, nowadays, it had become a trend that people could communicate online through Memes. Semiotics provides how the combination of modes, media, and potential meanings, that were applied to make meaning in memes. At the same time, pragmatics proposes details on how memes can function as speech acts. This research adopted a qualitative method using multimodal analysis by Leeuwen (2005) and speech acts theory by Bach and Harnish (1980) that were employed as the theoretical framework. A total of 16 memes were retrieved and captured as JPG files from social media and other internet websites; therefore, documentation was the only technique used in this research. The results of the study showed that (1) the integration of semiotic resources such as mode, media, and meaning potentials in memes aided the readers to understand the background knowledge of memes (2) two types of communicative illocutionary acts were found in the memes: constative and directive illocutionary acts which function to express the emotion or opinions and question something (3) the effects of using internet memes could be seen through verbal and non-verbal perlocutionary acts which showed an agreement and had the same feeling as in the memes. Finally, the memes containing multimodal components composed of semiotic resources interacted creatively to make humorous sense, and it could aid the readers to communicate online.
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