Academic literature on the topic 'HAdFA'

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Journal articles on the topic "HAdFA"


Marlowe, Frank W. "Hadza Cooperation." Human Nature 20, no. 4 (August 25, 2009): 417–30.

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Howell, Nancy. "Hadza Demography." Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 26, no. 4 (July 2017): 191–92.

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Hadfi, Abdallah, Said Ben Aazza, M'barek Belattar, Said Mohareb, and Ali Driouiche. "Study of the physico-chemical quality of the water of irrigation in Biougra circle along with highlighting the effectiveness of an inhibitor of calcium carbonate precipitation." Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 7, no. 4 (November 21, 2018): 272–85.

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Localized irrigation is characterized by localized frequent and continuous water supply. It ensures the efficient use of water. However, this fertigation system suffers from the problem of clogging of the distributors. The present study aims to study the physico-chemical quality of the water of irrigation within the Biougra circle; analyze of the type of scale deposited in the water pipes and the highlight of the effectiveness of an inhibitor of calcium carbonate precipitation. This study was carried out at a temperature of 25°C, using the technical "LCGE". Indeed, the classification of irrigation water, according to Piper, revealed that the analyzed waters are characterized by calcium and magnesium bicarbonate facies with a slight tendency to migrate to the calcium and magnesium chloride and sulfate facies. The characterization of the scale collected in the irrigation water pipes of Biougra circle by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis (ATD-ATG) made it possible to prove that the scale is mainly formed of calcium carbonate with calcite variety. The inhibition of calcium carbonate precipitation by a food inhibitor was obtained with a concentration of 0.6 mg/L.
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Yazbak, Mahmoud. "MUSLIM ORPHANS AND THE SHARĪ'A IN OTTOMAN PALESTINE ACCORDING TO SIJILL RECORDS." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 44, no. 2 (2001): 123–40.

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AbstractAccording to sharī'a, an orphan is an under-aged infant or child, until the age of puberty, whose father or both his/her parents have died. In the sijill cases (Muslim court records) under study here, under-aged children who lost their mother are not defined as orphans. This way of defining orphans reflects the different socio-economic roles fathers and mothers played. This paper, depending essentially upon the sijillāt of Nablus, Jerusalem and Haifa during the Ottoman period, investigates the social status of the orphans, how families and relatives acted, and how the sharī'a court fulfilled its job in this sphere. Selon la sharī'a, un orphelin est un enfant mineur, n'ayant pas atteint l'âge de la puberté, dont le père ou les deux parents sont décédés. Parmi les cas notés dans les sijill (registres des tribunaux) étudiés ici, les mineurs ayant perdu leur mère ne sont pas considérés comme des orphelins. Cette définition de l'orphelin reflète les différents rôles socio-économiques du père et de la mère. La présente étude est fondée sur l'exploitation des documents des registres des tribunaux de Naplouse, Jérusalem et Haïfa à l'époque ottomane. Elle examine le statut social des orphelins, les comportements des familles et parents proches à leur égard et également le fonctionnement du tribunal dans ce domaine.
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Syihabudin, Syihabudin, and Najmudin Najmudin. "Pendapatan, Religiusitas dan Trust: Efektivitasnya Terhadap Minat Membayar Zakat Profesi Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat Harapan Dhuafa (LAZ HARFA)." Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS) 3, no. 4 (May 30, 2022): 768–77.

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This study aims to determine (1). Effect of income on interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA. (2). The influence of religiosity on interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA. (3) The effect of trust on interest in paying zakat at LAZ HARFA. and (4). The effect of income, religiosity and trust on interest in paying zakat at LAZ HARFA. The object of this research is the employees who work in the industry in the Cikande Halal Industrial Estate. The research method used is a quantitative method. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression method through SPSS version 23 program. The results of this study indicate that (1). Income has a positive and significant effect on interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA. (2). Religiosity has a significant effect on the interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA. (3). Trust has an effect on interest in paying zakat at LAZ HARFA. (4). Income, religiosity and trust simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA. The total contribution of income, religiosity and trust to interest in paying professional zakat at LAZ HARFA is 53.9 percent, while the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
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Najib, Mohamad Ainun, Najmudin Najmudin, and Isti Nuzulul Atiyah. "Analisis Komparatif Manajemen Wakaf Produktif LAZ Harfa dan Dompet Dhuafa Banten." Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law 5, no. 3 (December 31, 2021): 445.

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This research discusses and analyzes the comparison of two of the collecting agency of ZISWAF, namely LAZ HARFA and Dompet Dhuafa. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine the management of the fundraising and distribution of productive waqf in LAZ HARFA and Dompet Dhuafa in Banten. This research uses a scientific-normative juridical approach. The results of this study showed LAZ HARFA and Dompet Dhuafa Banten has four same strategies in fundraising waqf: the First, both institution make the millenial as the object of waqf; Second, provide education of waqf to the community; Third, did the campaign of the waqf; the Fourth, LAZ HARFA establish a relationship and a discussion with the founder, while the Dompet Dhuafa has monitoring and reporting. Related to the distribution LAZ HARFA prioritize the results of the waqf is intended to turn the waqf asset that is not productive. The target distribution of waqf in LAZ HARFA is in educational, economic, and health, while the target distribution of waqf in Dompet Dhuafa is in the health, economic, dakwah, social and education.Keyword: Fundraising; Distribution; Waqf, AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas dan menganalisis tentang komparasi dua lembaga pengumpul ZISWAF, yaitu LAZ HARFA dan Dompet Dhuafa. Secara khusus, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen fundrising dan distribusi wakaf produktif di LAZ HARFA dan Dompet Dhuafa di Banten. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan saintifik yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan LAZ HARFA dan Dompet Dhuafa Banten memiliki empat strategi yang sama dalam fundrising wakaf: Pertama, kedua lembaga menjadikan millenial sebagai objek wakaf; Kedua, memberikan edukasi wakaf terhadap masyarakat; Ketiga, melakukan kampanye wakaf; Keempat, LAZ HARFA menjalin silaturahmi dan diskusi dengan para pendiri, sedangkan Dompet Dhuafa melakukan monitoring dan reporting. Terkait distribusi LAZ HARFA memprioritaskan hasil wakaf diperuntukan guna menghidupkan aset wakaf yang belum produktif. Target distribusi wakaf LAZ HARFA adalah pendidikan, ekonomi dan kesehatan, sedangkan target distribusi wakaf Dompet Dhuafa adalah kesehatan, ekonomi, dakwah, sosial dan pendidikan.Kata kunci: Fundrising; Distribusi; Wakaf
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Yerushalmi, Dorit. "‘Proximity is Not a Simple Co-Existence’: an Interventionist Work at the Haifa University Theatre." New Theatre Quarterly 29, no. 4 (November 2013): 370–84.

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He production of Haifa / haifa, performed in winter 2011 at the Haifa University Theatre, based on Tamar Berger's essay Rooftop, Cellar, 1, 100 Stairs and Four-Way Exposure, directed by Helit Michaeli with Jewish and Arabic theatre students, was a piece of devised or ‘post-dramatic’ theatre. The title of the play hints at its general stance, not only by using both languages, Hebrew and Arabic (here represented by italic caps), but also by replacing the hyphen, symbolizing co-existence, with an unsettled slash. In this article Dorit Yerushalmi examines the various layers of Haifa / haifa: first, the literary context of Berger's essay; second, the participants‘ voices which reflect the whirlpool of interpersonal relationships in which they found themselves when confronted with conflicting narratives; and finally, the theatrical means of expression which comprise what, following Emmanuel Levinas, she terms the ‘poetics of proximity’. As a case study, the Haifa / haifa project illustrates how an interventionist work in a university theatre may provide a shared space in which a new understanding of dialogical practice can be constructed – dialogue not merely as a meeting of equals but also (and mainly) a call for responsibility for the ongoing suffering of the others among ‘us’. Dorit Yerushalmi is a lecturer in Theatre Studies at the University of Haifa. Her research interests include Hebrew-Israeli theatre history, theatre and gender, theatre and pedagogy, and interventionist theatre.
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Von Sury, F., and J. Nösberger. "Effects of season, altitude and daylength on floral initiation of two contrasting genotypes of Trifolium repens L." Journal of Agricultural Science 106, no. 1 (February 1986): 149–54.

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SUMMARYThe effects of season and altitude on floral initiation of two Trifolium repena L. cultivars, Haifa and California Ladino, were tested in the area of Ayacucho, Peru (2730 m, 13° S), with regard to their seed production potential. Specific effects of daylength at a constant temperature (20 °C) were examined in growth chambers.In Ayacucho, the proportion of inflorescence-bearing nodes was found to be lowest between December and June (Haifa 10–20%, Ladino 0–10%) and highest in August (Haifa 30%) and September–October (Ladino 15%). Late in the cool season, floral initiation of Ladino, but not that of Haifa, increased strongly at a high altitude (3250 m). In growth chambers, Haifa initiated few inflorescences and Ladino none in a 10 h daylength. In 16 h, the floral initiation of Haifa was very limited but Ladino formed many inflorescences. Floral initiation of Haifa was most pronounced and lasted longest after a daylength shift from 10 to 13 h.It is concluded that seasonal and altitudinal variations in low temperature were the main factors influencing floral initiation in the region of Ayacucho. Haifa is considered to be an intermediate-day plant, suited for seed production in the region because of its marked and early flowering. Ladino was classified as a quantitative longday plant, unsuitable for seed production at this low latitude because of its retarded floral response to low temperature.
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Siebenlist, Kevin R., Michael W. Mosesson, James P. Di Orio, Shulamith Tavori, lllana Tatarsky, and Abraham Rimon. "The Polymerization of Fibrin Prepared from Fibrinogen Haifa (γ275Arg→His)." Thrombosis and Haemostasis 62, no. 03 (1989): 875–79.

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SummaryFibrinogen Haifa is a congenital heterozygous fibinogen variant (γ275 Arg→His) characterized by prolonged thrombin and reptilase times and normal fibrinopeptide (FPA, FPB) release. We compared the polymerization rate (by turbidity measurements at 350 nm) and the ultrastructure of Haifa α-, β-, and α, β-fibrin with that of normal. Haifa α, β-fibrin polymerized less rapidly than did normal and formed a highly branched matrix with a smaller mean fiber diameter; this network closely resembled that of normal α, β-fibrin with EDTA added. In the presence of CaCl2 (1 to 10 mM), Haifa α, β-fibrin polymerized more rapidly than in buffer alone and possessed a matrix structure closely resembling that of normal fibrin. From these observations it appears that the functional defect in Haifa fibrin can be related to the inability of the abnormal molecule to effectively utilize available calcium. The polymerization profile of Haifa α-fibrin differed only modestly from that of normal α-fibrin, whereas that of Haifa β-fibrin was markedly impaired. This finding plus similarities in the ultrastructure of Haifa and normal α-fibrin specimens suggests that the defective γ chain structure of Haifa fibrinogen results in greater impairment of the carboxy terminal “b” polymerization domain reacting with the site exposed by cleavage of FPB (“B” site) than it does that of the carboxy terminal “a” domain reacting with the site exposed by cleavage of FPA (“A” site). Whether this effect is due to absolute differences in the degree of impairment of these two types of polymerization sites, or whether proper utilization of the “B” to “b” site is dependent upon participation of the “A” to “a” site remains to be determined.
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Cool, James F., and Deck Dorval. "Urd Hadda murdita!" World Literature Today 65, no. 4 (1991): 747.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "HAdFA"


Enklaar, Arnold Helmig. "The Hadra vases /." Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1992.

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Doležilová, Huangová Jo-Chih. "Historický vývoj hry na harfu na Novém Zélandu." Master's thesis, Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Hudební a taneční fakulta. Knihovna, 2018.

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This master's thesis is about the history of the harp and the harpists of New Zealand. Thanks to the journals of the Harp Society of New Zealand, information will be found out about who the Harp Society of New Zealand are, what is the purpose of their organisation and what are their past, current and future projects. Through the information found in the journals and the interviews conducted with New Zealand harpists and the family members of past harpists, there will be chapters that discuss the international harpists that toured New Zealand and the national harpists of the past and the present in New Zealand. There are also chapters that talk about the other important people who have contributed to the harp world in New Zealand. A comparison is also made between the life of a harpist from the past to a present-day harpist and that includes past and current teaching methods on the harp in New Zealand. To conclude this thesis, the final chapter will compare two solo harp pieces by two New Zealand composers. This comparison will show how these composers use the harp to create a unique voice to express New Zealand music.
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Ulehlová, Kateřina. "Harfa a její uplatnění v komorní hudbě." Master's thesis, Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Hudební fakulta AMU. Knihovna, 2006.

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The main theme of this dissertation is based on some historical facts from harp history in context with its role in chamber music. The musical world around harp caused quite a big amount of influence on it and nowadays we can say, that since the last few centuries gets the world of European-style culture much in return. Another part of this dissertation is also focused on several topics regarding common aspects of harp chamber music praxis.
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Stankovic, Katarina. "Preludes Op. 28 for piano by Chopin played on harp - A Comparison." Master's thesis, Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Hudební a taneční fakulta. Knihovna, 2018.

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Solo harp performance has gained a tendency towards playing solo piano works on harp. Because of the different technical properties of the two instruments, hence the different way of playing, each individual piano piece requires new solution and cannot solely rely on some previously established universal instruction regarding this matter.
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Fitzpatrick, Katherine. "Foraging and menstruation in the Hadza of Tanzania." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018.

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The Hadza, residing near Lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania, represent one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer populations. Inhabiting the same area as our hominin ancestors and exploiting very similar resources, the Hadza maintain a foraging lifestyle characterised by a sexual division of labour. Studies of their foraging and food sharing habits serve as the foundation to numerous hypotheses of human behaviour and evolution. Data from the Hadza have featured heavily in debates on the sexual division of labour. These debates focus predominantly on men’s foraging, including how and why men provision. Women’s provisioning, on the other hand, is seldom explicitly examined and is often presumed to be constrained by reproduction. This thesis contributes to debates on the sexual division of labour by investigating how a woman’s reproductive status affects her foraging behaviours. Observational data on women’s foraging are investigated from 263 person/day follows (1,307 hours total) across 10 camps between 2004 and 2006. These data present the first quantitative documentation of forager women’s eating and sharing outside of camp. Interview data on women’s reproductive timeline are also analysed from in-depth interviews with 58 women from 9 camps in 2015. Spanning from menarche to menopause, these data offer the first quantitative and qualitative documentation of forager women’s menstruation. The results demonstrate that Hadza women eat and share over 800 kilocalories outside of camp per person/day. They regularly give and receive food, including gifts of honey from men. Breastfeeding women are more likely to give gifts and give more gifts than non-breastfeeding women. When they bring nurslings with them outside of camp, they forage less kilocalories per hour. Post-menopausal women eat less relative to what they forage, are less likely to receive gifts, rest less and forage more than pre-menopausal women. Although Hadza women describe their foraging workload as most difficult during late pregnancy, no significant differences in eating, sharing, resting or foraging are observed for pregnant women. Menstrual data from the Hadza reveal that menstruation is not only culturally relevant to the sexual division of labour, but it is also biologically relevant to current understandings of fertility. The majority (60%) of Hadza women report not doing their normal work during menstruation. They also report menstruation-related taboos for berry picking. The thesis presents an in-depth review of women’s menstruation, from the duration of menses to the menstrual cleaning process.
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UPC, Alumnos de Periodismo, and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). "Absenta: el vuelo del hada en Lima." Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2015.

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Siala, Mourad. "La Hadra de Sfax : rite soufi et musique de fête." Paris 10, 1994.

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Depuis quelques décennies, après l'extinction des manifestations des confréries religieuses de Sfax, la Hadra, qui est la musique de ces confréries, ne se pratique plus que dans un contexte profane, c'est-à-dire les fêtes familiales. Mon intention a été donc d'essayer de passer en revue cette musique dans une perspective historique, d'examiner son organisation, ses activités et son influence sur ses auditeurs dans le passe et dans le présent ; et enfin, de mettre en évidence son originalité à travers l'analyse de son système musical et la transcription de tout son répertoire, textes musicaux et paroles en langue originale. La Hadra, en tant que concert musical, date au plus tard de la fin du XIXe siècle, l'époque ou furent fondées les principales édifices mystiques des grandes confréries. En dehors de sa fonction principale qui consiste à faire danser les gens, la Hadra se particularise par son influence magique sur certaines personnes qui, à l'écoute de certains airs musicaux, ne peuvent pas se retenir de s'engager dans une danse qui les ramene a un état de transe. D'après le comportement des sujets lors de leur accès à la transe, l'état auquel ils parviennent est lie a la possession, bien que celle-ci n'est pas reconnue comme telle par la société. Un sujet qui, comme on dit, "a les ahwal" - c'est-à-dire qui a une prédisposition a la transe par l'audition de son air de prédilection - n'est pas considère comme un possède, même s'il l'est réellement et qu'il entre dans cet état dans un but thérapeutique. Le système rythmique représente le cote le plus fort et le plus important du système musical en général, ce qui traduit la prédominance des instruments de percussion dans la formation instrumentale de la Hadra
Since few decades, after the extinction of the religious brotherhood’s manifestations in sax, the Hadra, which is the music of these brotherhoods, is no longer played except in profane context that is family parties. My first intention was then to historically review this music and examine its organization, its activities, and its influence on its auditors in the past and in the present. My second intention was to show the originality of this music by analyzing its musical system and the transcription of its repertoire, its musical text and words in native language. The Hadra, as a musical concert, goes back at the latest to the end of the XIXth century, the period during which the main mystic edifices of major brotherhoods were found. Other than its main function of dancing, the Hadra is known for its magic influence on certain people who, when listening to some of its musical airs, loose control of themeselves and become in a state of France. The behavior of these subjects, during this trance state, is related to possession, but this is not recognized as such by the society. A subject, as said has the "ahwal" - i. E. Has a predisposition to the trance by listening to its predilection air - is not considered as posseded even if he really is, and that he enters this state for therapeutic purposes. The rhythmic system represent the strongest and the most important side of the musical system, in general, which explains the predominance of percussion instruments in the instrumental constitution of the Hadra
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Sandoval, Ccancce Benjamín Abhat. "Campos figurativos en ¡Oh hada cibernética!de Carlos Germán Belli." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2015.

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Nosotros buscamos definir el poemario a partir de la siguiente hipótesis: El viaje es el medio por el cual se configura la identidad de la voz poética en ¡Oh Hada Cibernética!, relacionada esta con la frustración, el desencanto y la alienación. Consideramos que, en el poemario, esta visión es planteada a partir de la idea del viajero, como ser que construye una identidad a partir de su relación con el mundo. Además que las etapas características del viaje, como son la partida, el tránsito y la llegada, se encuentran presentes en el texto. Tomamos la idea de las etapas del viaje del trabajo presentado por Ángel Gasquet en el libro Diez estudios sobre literaturas de viajes (2006). Nuestra metodología de interpretación parte de los conceptos sobre la Retórica General Textual de Stefano Arduini (2000), este investigador plantea que las figuras son el medio por el cual podemos ordenar y conocer el mundo, a causa de la relación de estas con el lenguaje, siendo este la manera por la cual lo construimos. Desarrollamos nuestro trabajo a partir de tres capítulos. En el primero presentamos los conceptos operatorios sobre la Retórica General Textual. Abordamos lo referente a campo retórico y campos figurativos. De manera general, Arduini (2000) define el primero como la vasta área referencial que usa el sujeto para producir su texto y el segundo a través del concepto de las figuras como medios para ordenar y conocer el mundo. También, exponemos, de manera breve, algunas generalidades en torno a la idea del viaje. No buscamos debatir sobre este tipo de literatura, ni definirla como género o subgénero, solo mencionamos elementos centrales relacionados a este concepto; presentando aquello que se entiende por viaje, las implicancias de este y cómo construye el viajero su identidad a partir del movimiento. Señalamos las tres etapas presentes: partida, tránsito y llegada. Estos nos permitirán ordenar nuestro análisis. Nuestro segundo capítulo lo desarrollamos en tres partes, usando como base lo referente al campo retórico. En estas, presentamos lo relacionado al contexto de la producción de la poesía de Carlos Germán Belli, limitándolo a su primera etapa, la cual está relacionada a lo social y, de manera particular, en la situación del sujeto en el mundo. Presente en esta etapa se encuentra, también, la conjugación entre un lenguaje moderno y uno antiguo de Siglo de oro. El contexto de estas producciones está relacionado con el de la Generación del 50, como ya se ha mencionado en las primeras líneas. En el segundo subcapítulo centraremos nuestro interés en torno a la crítica y la recepción de la poesía de Belli y sobre qué perspectivas la han definido los estudios literarios. Concluiremos el capítulo exponiendo las periodizaciones definidas sobre la producción de nuestro autor, y con ello, determinar bajo qué límites se encuentra el ¡Oh, Hada Cibernética! A partir de los campos figurativos, en el último capítulo interpretaremos el poemario, buscando demostrar que la idea del viaje funciona como medio por el cual la voz poética define una identidad de frustración, desencanto y alienación. Analizaremos cuatro poemas, divididos estos por las etapas del viaje: partida, tránsito y llegada. Para finalizar, debemos mencionar que usamos la primera edición del poemario impresa en el año 1961. La decisión de trabajar esta edición y no otras posteriores del texto, parte de nuestro deseo de buscar centrarnos en lo primigenio, conocer la edición príncipe nos ayudará en futuros trabajos a determinar qué razones pudieron llevar al autor para presentar nuevas ediciones del ¡Oh Hada Cibernética!, con cambios en la cantidad de poemas y los versos.
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Gaibar, Constansó Vanessa. "Cruzando fronteras: parejas palestino-judías en el barrio del Carmel (Haifa, Israel)." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017.

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En el Estado de Israel las relaciones de pareja entre población palestina y población judía son un tema controvertido que genera una gran expectación social. Una cuestión tabú, que en el contexto de conflicto del verano de 2014, emergió con fuerza y alcanzó una especial relevancia en el debate social. A partir del estudio de las experiencias cotidianas de parejas palestino-judías residentes en Haifa pretendo mostrar como las percepciones sociales existentes en torno a estas parejas y las reacciones sociales que provocan son un microcosmos de las dinámicas que se producen en la actual sociedad israelí. Para entender porqué estas relaciones son tan problemáticas en Israel, esta tesis analiza el contexto histórico-político de la región, la segregación social y geográfica existente en el país, el sistema legal y la regulación de los matrimonios, los procesos de construcción de los discursos identitarios y las relaciones de género que se producen en el territorio, entre otros aspectos. En este contexto las parejas deberan hacer frente a una serie de obstáculos y dificultades y para ello llevaran a cabo estrategias diversas con tal de poder hacerles frente. Los datos etnográficos recopilados en el terreno se complementan con un análisis terminológico de los conceptos empleados para definir a la población israelí y a las propias parejas y con otras fuentes complementarias que permiten analizar la realidad social, política y legal del Estado de Israel.
In the State of Israel, relationships between Palestinian and Jewish population are a controversial issue that provokes a great social expectation. A taboo that grew especially strong in the context of the conflict of the summer of 2014. Through the study of everyday experiences of Palestinian-Jewish couples that live in Haifa, I will try to show how the social perceptions and reactions about these couples are microcosms of the dynamics of the current Israeli society. To explain why these relationships are so problematic in the country, this thesis analyze the historical and political context of the region, the social and spatial segregation in the country, the legal system and the regulation of the marriages, the identitarian discourse building processes and the gender relationships, amongst other aspects. In this context, the Palestinian-Jewish couples should face difficulties and limitations, so they will need to develop several strategies to confront them. The ethnographic data collected in the fieldwork, the conceptual analysys of the terms used in the country to define the Israeli population and another complementary sources will allow to present a picture of the social, legal and political reality of the State of Israel
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Geva-Kleinberger, Aharon. "Die arabische Stadtdialekte von Haifa in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts /." Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 2004.

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Texte remanié de: Diss.--Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2000.
Introduction et commentaires en allemand. Glossaire arabe transcrit-allemand-hébreu. Bibliogr. en allemand, en arabe et en hébreu. Bibliogr. p. 347-357. Notes bibliogr.
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Books on the topic "HAdFA"


Gurmukh, Singh. Hadsa. Amritsar: Ruhi Parkashan, 2001.

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Khūrī, Muwaffaq Rafīq. Ḥayfā Bayrūt Ḥayfā: Riwāyah = Haifa Bairut Haifa. ʻIbillīn: Dār al-ʻIlm wa-al-Maʻrifah, 2010.

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Ndraha, Taliziduhu. Hadia nosomi? Tangerang, Banten: Sirao Credentia Center, 2005.

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Kawalec, Julian. Harfa Gorców. Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Twórcze Krakowski Klub Artystyczno-Literacki, 1999.

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Dunia hadaa. Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, 2007.

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Brzezińska, Anna. Żmijowa harfa. Warszawa: Agencja Wydawnicza Runa, 2007.

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Mughal, T. J. Tarikhi hadsa. Lahore: Haq, 2001.

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Stiegen, Margareta. Einladung nach Haifa. Langwaden: Bernardus-Verlag, 2004.

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Kletnikova, Fima. Harfa od zborovi. Skopje: Dijalog, 2011.

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Muṭahharī, Murtaz̤á. Hadaf-i zindagī. [Qum]: Daftar-i Intishārāt-i Islāmī, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "HAdFA"


Marlowe, Frank. "Hadza." In Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, 425–32. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.

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Marlowe, Frank. "The Hadza." In Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology, 689–96. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2004.

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Musleh-Motut, Nawal. "Haifa Staiti." In Connecting the Holocaust and the Nakba Through Photograph-based Storytelling, 103–25. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Rodrigues, Jamila. "‘De-code' hadra." In Sufi Women, Embodiment, and the ‘Self’, 78–93. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Dymke, Bärbel. "Kamban, Guðmundur: Hadda-Padda." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Hyamson, Albert M. "From Haifa to Jaffa." In Palestine Old and New, 239—A—45. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Kadish, Alon. "The Galilee and Haifa." In The British Army in Palestine and the 1948 War, 170–233. London ; New York, NY : Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2019. |: Routledge, 2019.

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Rashford, John. "The Hadza Baobab Retreat." In Baobab, 329–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Azaryahu, Maoz. "Revisiting East Berlin and Haifa." In The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes, 56–73. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.

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Ran, André C. M. "Reminiscences on Visits to Haifa." In Advances in Structured Operator Theory and Related Areas, 13. Basel: Springer Basel, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "HAdFA"


Zamanian, Amir Hosein, Daniel Allen Porter, Paul Krueger, and Edmond Richer. "Multi-Physics Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Hydraulically Amplified Dielectric Elastomer Actuators With Large Actuation Strokes." In ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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This study presents the design and multi-physics finite element analysis of a novel hydraulically amplified dielectric elastomer actuator (HADEA). The design was optimized for additive manufacturing and consists of a hyper-elastic silicone toroidal shell enclosing a dielectric liquid filled chamber and a pair of elastic annular electrodes partially covering the opposing actuator surfaces. Application of voltage on electrodes leads the central region of the HADEA to be compressed due to the induced Maxwell stress. Consequently, the peripheral region of the HADEA is axially expanded by the pressurized dielectric liquid. The finite element modeling and analysis that couples the structural, electrostatic, and fluid-structure interaction effects in the model is presented. We investigated the effect of two geometric parameters, the electrode size relative to the actuator diameter and the height of the actuator, on the actuation stroke of HADEAs. Numerical results showed actuation strains up to 63.1% while maintaining the electrodes’ voltage in instrument range. The proposed design shows promising potential for the application of HADEAs in bio-mechanical systems, soft robots, and co-robots capable of human interaction.
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Zwamborn, JA, F. Di Castro, M. Radomir, and JTM van Doorn. "Nautical Design Studies Haifa Port Extensions." In 26th International Conference on Coastal Engineering. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999.

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Cao, Jing, Zirui Lian, Weihong Liu, Zongwei Zhu, and Cheng Ji. "HADFL: Heterogeneity-aware Decentralized Federated Learning Framework." In 2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). IEEE, 2021.

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Zou, Youjiao, Wenping Ma, Zhanjun Ran, and Shangping Wang. "A New Multivariate Hash Function with HAIFA Construction." In 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). IEEE, 2011.

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Alkoby, Arie, and Rafi Aharoni. "Underground Emergency Hospital - Rambam Medical Center, Haifa Israel." In Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE 2014). Global Science and Technology Forum, 2014.

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Abels, Monika, and Paul Vogt. "Speech acts addressed at Hadza infants in Tanzania." In The Evolution of Language. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang12). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2018.

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Templalexis, Ioannis, Theodore Lekas, Agelos Koutsomichalis, and Anestis Kalfas. "Unmanned Air Vehicle Interdisciplinary Design Project." In ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Mechanical Engineers graduating from the Hellenic Air Force Academy (HAFA), are initially appointed in a military squadron, to support and manage the aircraft maintenance workload. Throughout their career, they will at some point, be appointed in a procurement or in a research department, where they will need to have an integral understanding of how a certain aircraft in conjunction with its propulsion system, can meet prescribed operational needs. The syllabus of the Mechanical Engineering degree offered at the HAFA, encompasses several modules related to Aircraft Design, Material Science and Propulsion Systems. The Aircraft Design Project (ADP) presented herein, aims to stimulate the cadets in applying a diverse field of knowledge on a single application, building thus soon enough the missing communication link between those who deal with the power plant and those who deal with the aircraft design. The assignment input is only confined in a short description of the operational profile of an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) to be designed. A number of teams are formed which act competitively and develop a design proposal, each one for its own sake. As part of the project, they also have to print a 3D mock-up and do a testing in the wind tunnel operated within the HAFA. Finally, each team has the obligation to defend its design in front of an audience consisting of HAF military officers, HAFA academics and delegates from industries. The proposed exercise constitutes a novel conception of coursework type, extending over one year, engaging three Academic Sectors and aiming to achieve the following educational targets: a) Learn to work in a team within a competitive environment. Each cadet has to collaborate with his teammates and compete with the members of the other team(s). b) Combine and apply knowledge acquired from various scientific fields. c) Learn how to “sell” a product to a diverse audience being interested in engineering excellence (academia) cost effectiveness (industry) and degree of compliance with operational needs (military).
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Pelleg, Dan, Eran Raichstein, and Amir Ronen. "Using machine learning techniques to enhance the performance of an automatic backup and recovery system." In the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Oh, Yongseok, Eunsam Kim, Jongmoo Choi, Donghee Lee, and Sam H. Noh. "Optimizations of LFS with slack space recycling and lazy indirect block update." In the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Faibish, Sorin, Peter Bixby, John Forecast, Philippe Armangau, and Sitaram Pawar. "A new approach to file system cache writeback of application data." In the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "HAdFA"


Englebretson, Ronald E., and Richard D. Gilmore. Severe Weather Guide - Mediterranean Ports. 15. Haifa. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1988.

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Pardo Igúzquiza, Eulogio. Karst y fractales. Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos, December 2022.

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¿Qué tienen en común la distribución de galaxias en el universo, la red del metro de Madrid y la estrategia de caza de la tribu de los Hadza en el norte de Tanzania? La respuesta es que las tres están conectadas con el karst, tal y como se describe en este trabajo, a través del carácter fractal del mismo. En efecto, el karst presenta un comportamiento fractal tanto en superficie como en el subsuelo. En superficie, tanto la topografía kárstica como las depresiones cerradas (dolinas) que caracterizan el paisaje kárstico son fractales. En el karst subterráneo, la red de conductos kársticos (cuevas) presenta asimismo un comportamiento fractal.
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Khuder, Wafaa Sabah. Rehabilitating Heritage After ISIS: Economic, Sociocultural, and Historical Considerations in the Case Studies of Al-Nouri Mosque, Al-Hadba Minaret, and Lalish Temple. Institute of Development Studies, November 2022.

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This paper explores three case studies of the Al-Nouri Mosque, Al-Hadba Minaret, and Lalish Temple in the aftermath of the ISIS war of 2014–17 and the occupation of Nineveh governorate. It analyses the role of these sites as part of northern Iraq’s heritage and the mechanisms in place for their reconstruction and preservation. The paper explores the role of the different actors and how these have influenced different understandings of heritage and therefore different responses and approaches to restoration. It argues for the role that international organisations such as UNESCO have in monitoring reconstruction processes, as well as the role of international aid in heritage protection, along with the importance of community consultations and of responding to the needs of affected communities in the rehabilitation process.
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