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Kudrin, Egor I., and Elena I. Serpionova. "Functional Specificity of the Guidebook to the Concentration Camp Memorial." Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture 28, no. 3 (2022): 178–87.

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This article forms part of series of comparative studies dealing with tourist guidebooks to the memorials of various former concentration camps in Germany published years ago during the GDR era and today. The authors substantiate the need to consider the former concentration camp memorial guidebook as an independent kind of genre identifying both functions for the memorial guidebook and inappropriate functions and underlying the need to expand the usual genre functionality of the guidebook. A new group of tourist guidebooks has been introduced. These are guidebooks of so-called places of traumatic memory as the former Nazi concentration camps can be considered. These guidebooks form homogeneous group among a vast variety of tourist guidebooks.
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Mann, Paisley. "A Paris of Their Own: Guidebooks for Anglo-American Female Travellers and the Rewriting of Mainstream Travel Culture." Journal of Victorian Culture 25, no. 4 (July 2, 2020): 553–73.

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Abstract Both E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View (1908) and Charles Dickens’s Little Dorrit (1855–1857) satirize British guidebook users, depicting them as mindless followers rather than as individual explorers of foreign landscapes. Series by John Murray and Baedeker dominated the landscape of Victorian travel, and scholars have pointed out that while mainstream guidebooks made foreign tourism more accessible for the middle class, they also presented travel as a heavily prescriptive and systematic endeavour, one that often sheltered British travellers from an encounter with foreignness. This article extends our understanding of the Victorian guidebook’s legacy by examining three Anglo-American guidebooks for women travelling to Paris – Mary Abbot’s A Woman’s Paris (1900), Elizabeth Otis Williams’ Sojourning, Shopping, and Studying in Paris (1907), and Alice M. Ivimy’s A Woman’s Guide to Paris (1909). It suggests that these fin-de-siècle women’s guidebooks emerged as a critique both of mainstream guidebooks’ prescriptive approach to foreign travel and of the narrow interests to which they catered. This article shows how, in actively resisting the genre’s emphasis on uniformity and expediency, guidebooks for women instead privileged spontaneous discovery, personal interest, and an encounter with the Parisian culture and landscape. In doing so, it seeks to reformulate our understanding of women’s travel narratives and of the cultural legacy of Victorian guidebooks.
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Vejlgaard, Henrik. "Depicting National Cultures: Comprehensiveness of 21st Century Travel Guidebooks." Tourism Culture & Communication 21, no. 3 (September 16, 2021): 167–81.

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Travel guidebooks play an important role in tourism as an information source. They not only give practical information but also cultural information. However, this latter aspect of guidebooks has barely been researched. Guidebook authors can choose to write about any aspects of a country's national culture, but we do not seem to know which aspects they chose to write about—that is, how comprehensive the guidebooks' depictions of culture are. In order to establish the comprehensiveness of contemporary guidebooks, a framework of cultural categories is developed based on theories about culture and intercultural communication. The method is content analysis of document data. In the empirical part of the study, three guidebooks about Denmark are examined quantitatively in order to establish how comprehensive their representation of the cultural values and cultural behavior categories of Denmark is. Based on the criteria set, travel guidebooks cannot be considered comprehensive. Readers should be aware that guidebooks only give a partial view of a destination's culture. With the increased availability of online hotel and restaurant resources for tourists, the publishers of travel guidebooks could expand the sections on national culture. This will increase readers' experiential value of the guidebooks and give guidebooks a competitive edge, whether the guidebooks are printed or digital.
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Szabolcs Radnai, Dániel. "The Nation as a Touristic Experience in a Guidebook to Lake Balaton (1878) by Aladár Jalsovics." Acta Philologica, no. 58 (2022) (August 19, 2022): 145–59.

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This analysis explores the imageries of Lake Balaton and its region created by guidebooks and other publications of early tourism. These works refer to certain elements of the cultural and literary traditions related to the lake. The paper also identifi es the most emphatic elements of these traditions in the guidebook genre. Consequently, the analysis demonstrates how Hungarian literary history narratives and cults represented in guidebooks defi ned the complex touristic imagination of Lake Balaton’s region. Firstly, a typology of the guidebooks and the evolution of this genre in the 19th century are outlined. Secondly, the paper shows a detailed analysis and interpretation of a Balaton guidebook by Aladár Jalsovics from 1878.
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Jayanto, Sentot, and Aryanto Firnadi. "Peran Buku Guru Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Buddha dan Budi Pekerti di Kecamatan Gangga Lombok Utara." Jurnal Nyanadassana: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial dan Keagamaan 2, no. 2 (December 30, 2023): 103–11.

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This study aims to describe the implementation of the Buddhist Religious Education and Moral Education teacher's guidebooks in three schools (high school, junior high school, and elementary school) in the Gangga District, North Lombok. Another objective is to identify the constraints or challenges in implementing these teacher's guidebooks and to find solutions or strategies to enhance their usage. The research employs a qualitative approach using interview, observation, and documentation as instruments. Data analysis is conducted using the Miles and Huberman model through data condensation, display, and conclusion drawing or verification stages. The results indicate that the implementation of the teacher's guidebooks in the three schools has been effective. Proficient teachers have successfully applied the guidebooks, which contain learning steps, objectives, and functions. Nevertheless, the usage of these guidebooks still faces challenges. Insufficient teacher's guidebook and student textbook facilities in schools, uneven book distribution from the government, and inadequacies in the content of the teacher's guidebooks are notable hindrances in the learning process. Therefore, solutions or strategies are needed to enhance the use of the Buddhist Religious Education and Moral Education teacher's guidebooks. Possible solutions or strategies involve increasing support from schools, the Education Office, and the government in monitoring the distribution of teacher's guidebooks and student textbooks. Subject Teacher Professional Development (STPD) could organize training related to teacher's guidebooks through workshops, seminars, panel discussions, symposiums, and workshops.
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Idayanti, Ni Luh, Nyoman Dantes, I. Ketut Gading, I. Ketut Dharsana, and Kadek Suranata. "Development of cognitive behavior counseling guidebook with bibliocounseling techniques to improve junior high school student academic motivation." Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia 10, no. 1 (March 10, 2024): 125.

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<p>Learning motivation greatly affects student success in receiving lessons and greatly impacts the improvement of student learning outcomes. This study aims to produce a guidebook design, determine the validity of the content, know the practicality, and test the effectiveness of cognitive behavior counseling guidebooks with bibliocounseling techniques to increase the motivation to learn junior high school students. The method used is research and development (research and development) with a 4D model (Four D) developed by Thiagarajan (1974) which is limited to content validation testing. Three experts and five counselling guidance practitioners were involved to assess the feasibility of the guidebook. Test the validity of the contents of the guidebook using the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) of Lawshe (1975). The analytical technique used to test the effectiveness of cognitive behavior counseling guidebooks with bibliocounseling techniques to increase student learning motivation is using Posttest – Only Control Group Design. The design of this shape uses a comparison, grouping is done randomly and no pre-test is held. The results of this study show that (1) produce cognitive behavior counseling guidebooks with bibliocounseling techniques to increase the motivation to learn junior high school students. (2) The results of the CVR analysis obtained a value of 24.7 and a CVI value of 0.88, this shows that the guidebook is valid. (3) The practical test of the guidebook on the assessment of 5 guidance and counseling practitioners obtained an average score of 89% (practical), which means that this guidebook is practical for use by guidance and counseling teachers. (4) The effectiveness of the guidebook obtained the values of the experimental group and the control group Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the implementation of cognitive behavior counseling guidebooks with bibliocounseling techniques is effective in increasing the motivation to learn junior high school students.</p>
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Susanto, Eko, and Melissa Shasya Bonita. "Application of Technology Acceptance Model on Electronic Book Design of Bandung City History Travel Guide." Barista : Jurnal Kajian Bahasa dan Pariwisata 9, no. 01 (June 15, 2022): 1–14.

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Historical tourism resources are one of the comparative and comparative advantages of Bandung city over other tourist destinations in Indonesia. The unique characteristic of historical tourism is that the power of narratives poses a broader need for means of interpretation in the form of travel guides. By applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this applied research reveals the process of designing electronic guidebooks that can aim to be used for the interpretation of historical tourism visitors in The City of Bandung. The design method with a descriptive writing pattern is used to produce research reports on the design of electronic guidebook products in Bandung. This applied study has gathered opinions from 132 respondents through questionnaires about the components of travel guidebooks following the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) concept, which is then analyzed descriptively. This applied research has resulted in a travel guidebook product and an understanding that tourists require accessible travel guidebooks to use and value for themselves.
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Historical tourism resources are one of the comparative and comparative advantages of Bandung city to other tourist destinations in Indonesia. The special characteristic of historical tourism is that the power of narratives poses a broader need for means of interpretation in the form of travel guides. Through the application of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this applied research reveals the process of designing electronic guidebooks that can be used as a means of interpretation for historical tourism visitors in The City of Bandung. The method of design with descriptive writing pattern is used to produce research reports on the design of electronic guidebook products in Bandung. This applied study has gathered opinions from 132 respondents through the dissemination of questionnaires about the components of travel guidebooks in accordance with the concept of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is then analyzed descriptively. This applied research has resulted in a travel guidebook product and an understanding that tourists have a need for travel guidebooks that are easy to use and useful for themselves.
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Ziarkowski, Dominik. "Guidebooks in the context of the development of knowledge about art in the ‘Polish lands’ of the 19th century." Turyzm/Tourism 29, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 83–96.

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Former guidebooks are an important category of historical source that allows for the reconstruction of many aspects of the history of tourism. The dynamic development of guidebook literature began in the 19th century when a modern type with descriptions according to routes and containing much practical information was developed. The guidebooks also presented a lot of other information of a general nature, such as geography, ethnology, natural science, as well as descriptions of monuments and works of art. The importance of Polish guidebooks for writing about art is very high yet underestimated. The aim of this paper is to define the role that these publications played in the field of artistic historiography, and to indicate the relationships between the guidebooks and the development of academic research on art. These problems are undoubtedly an interesting area of interdisciplinary relation between the historical development of tourism and academia, with a particular focus on art history in this case.
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Manai, Adel. "North Africa in the Tourist Guidebooks of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 11, no. 3 (May 10, 2020): 63.

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By the dawn of the twentieth century, a guidebook was a vital element of a tourist’s packing list and an item, which a tourist could not do without. The guidebook not only provided practical and useful information, but also advised the tourist about what ‘ought to be seen’. It accompanied the development and maturation of modern tourism and witnessed an explosion in the second half of the 19th century and after. The guidebook was gradually improved, highly commercialized, popularized, and extended to many parts of the world and somehow managed to impose ‘beaten tracks’ on tourists. Similarly, the guidebook accompanied European colonial schemes, served as a tool for them and reflected their agendas and the mindset of the age. This paper is based on a large number of French and English guidebooks spanning approximately the period between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and addresses the following questions: when and how was North Africa included in the tourist guidebook literature? What visions did the guidebook provide of the region? How far did the guidebooks contribute to placing North Africa in the global tourist networks and with what effect?
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Sumiati, Ati, Andhika Laksana, and Romel Noverino. "Translation Error Taxonomies in Indonesian Tourism Guidebooks." Lililacs Journal : English Literature, Language, and Cultural Studies Journal 1, no. 1 (January 12, 2021): 21–32.

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There are many tourism guidebooks spread all around Indonesia yet they are not of good quality. This study embarks on the idea that the quality of tourism guidebook is still far from perfect. This study intends to explore the type of error taxonomies found in the tourism guidebooks by employing qualitative method. Six tourism guidebooks were collected and used as data and the theory being used is proposed by Dastjerdi and Abdolmaleki (2012). They modify the classification of errors in translation based on Keshavarz and ATA and proposed the name of error taxonomy. This error taxonomy has four major error types of syntactic error with three error patterns, semantic errors with 12 error patterns, pragmatic errors with 4 patterns, and translation-specific errors with 4 patterns. The selected guidebooks are then analyzed sentence by sentence using the error taxonomy in order to find out the error in the translation. Total data gathered are 519 with 292 are recognized as errors. These are then broken down into four types of errors: semantic errors having 149 errors (51%), syntactic errors having 133 errors (45%), and the least occurrence of errors is in the type of both pragmatic and translation-specific errors with only 5 errors (2%). This result will provide recommendation for the tourism boards or the local government who published these guidebooks to take prompt action to review and revise their edition of tourism guidebooks.
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FEI, SIYEN. "Ways of looking: the creation and social use of urban guidebooks in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century China." Urban History 37, no. 2 (July 6, 2010): 226–48.

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ABSTRACT:This article explores the intricate relationship between guidebooks and place-making in an early modern Chinese city, Nanjing. Despite all apparent similarity to a modern guidebook, the seventeenth-century guidebook Jinling tuyong (Illustrated Odes on Nanjing) offers no information regarding shopping, dining or lodging; instead, it catalogues all the possible experiences of sites in and around the city. Such a concentrated focus on spatial experiences brings to light an important change in the social role of guidebooks in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century China. As landscape appreciation developed into an important venue for status performance and social networking, the representation of space became an integral element to the construction of urban communities. In the case of Tuyong, its images even supplied a critical source of cultural continuity for Nanjing-neses during transition between the Ming and Qing empires, a finding that sheds a new light on the links between urban space and empire and serves as a useful entry for cross-cultural comparison.
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Kostiv, Orest. "“The Other”, Official History, and Memory of the City in Soviet Guidebooks to Chernivtsi." City: History, Culture, Society, no. 15 (1) (December 15, 2023): 87–104.

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The paper examines attempts to create new interpretations of the memory and history of Chernivtsi during the Soviet era through the prism of guidebooks and tries to deconstruct it. Guidebooks are considered primarily as textual representations of official policies on reconstructing Chernivtsi's past as valuable narrative sources for understanding how the totalitarian state ideologically dominated this culturally diverse city. A linguistic approach based on the theoretical model of newspeak is applied to the study of publications in order to identify discourses and analyze them. Soviet newspeak in guidebooks functions as a means of constructing narratives and an instrument for their internalization in society. The author also examines the guidebooks in the context of official historical and national policies in the post-Stalin USSR, which, in the case of the annexed territories of the Ukrainian SSR in the aftermath of the Second World War, involved the assimilation of new regions by Ukrainians along with the cleansing and demonization of local “Others.” The ideological framework for these actions included discourses on “Old Russian ethnicity” (davnoruska narodnist) as “a cradle of three brotherly peoples,” “Russian-Ukrainian friendship,” “Great Patriotic War,” and others. The study also seeks to understand the motivations of the guidebooks' authors, drawing on their biographies. It concludes that Soviet guidebooks to Chernivtsi, adhering to the official doctrine, create an exclusive and sanitized image of the city's past, aimed at erasing the history and experiences of the local “Others,” represented primarily by Romanians, Jews, and Germans, who, before the Soviet annexation, were demographically dominant ethnic groups in the city. In specific contexts, markers of “Others” create the illusion of presence and agency; however, the guidebook`s texts mostly ignore the multicultural past of Chernivtsi. Simultaneously, when the “Others” are not excluded from the narrative, their very presence in Chernivtsi's history was mainly interpreted as a hostile phenomenon, a historical mistake, and a consequence of colonial oppression in the city declared by the Soviet authorities to be primordially Ukrainian. As publications aimed at tourists and guests of the city, guidebooks appropriately represent Soviet memorials and objects of the symbolic space of Chernivtsi, through carefully crafted textual interpretations. Tourist guides are regarded as significant sources for researching local memory and history policies.
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WYNNE-HUGHES, ELISA. "‘Who would go to Egypt?’ How tourism accounts for ‘terrorism’." Review of International Studies 38, no. 3 (February 21, 2012): 615–40.

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AbstractThis article examines the tension between British and Egyptian counterterrorism discourses and Western tourism industry discourses. I analyse how guidebooks like theRough GuideandLonely Planetattract tourists by representing Egypt as an appealing tourist destination in a way that accounts for its positioning, in counterterrorism discourses, as a location and source of terrorism. They do so by producing ‘risk’ in a very specific way. Guidebook representations construct one extreme of Egyptian society as ‘bad’ Muslims who pose an essential threat to Western tourists and their inherently progressive liberal democratic values. Having defined risk in this way, guidebooks justify the production of ‘states of exception’ and ‘exceptional states’ that exclude ‘bad’ Muslims and protect Western tourists. These strategies function together to construct Egypt as non-threatening and appealing to tourists. I argue that guidebooks not only account for terrorism but represent Egypt in a way that largely reinforces British and Egyptian ‘war on terror’ strategies. These strategies similarly protect subjects and spaces that uphold Western liberal democratic values. This article highlights the constitutive role of tourism in international politics and simultaneously helps us better understand the complex and mundane means by which the current Western liberal order is (re)produced.
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Engelmann, Sebastian. "Aufwachsen und das Aufwachsen unterstützen – Zur Thematisierung und Unterstützung von Übergängen in Christian Heinrich Zellers Ueber Kleinkinder-Pflege." Historia scholastica 8, no. 1 (August 2022): 39–58.

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Transitions are a hot topic in educational science. At the same time, they have been addressed in educational literature for quite some time, and the multitude of guidebooks in particular have always been concerned with supporting transitions. This paper elaborates how a nineteenth-century guidebook formulates advice on the upbringing of young children to help facilitate the transition from the post-natal to the toddler stage, as well as providing a religious upbringing. The question is answered by a discussion of the selected guidebook Ueber Kleinkinder- Pflege by the pietist teacher Christian Heinrich Zeller.
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Crease, Robert P. "Quantum guidebooks." Physics World 25, no. 06 (June 2012): 19–20.

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Schoonmaker, David. "Geological Guidebooks." American Scientist 99, no. 4 (2011): 346.

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Kersey, Robert D., and Susanne Graner Raedeke. "Practical Guidebooks." Athletic Therapy Today 8, no. 5 (September 2003): 56–57.

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Fitria Rahmawati, Desti, Dedy Hamdani, and Desy Hanisa Putri. "DEVELOPMENT OF WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WATER VOLUME PRACTICUM TOOLS USING THE YF-S401 FLOW SENSOR ON DYNAMIC FLUID MATERIALS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL." Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA 14, no. 2 (July 14, 2023): 162.

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This study aims to: 1) develop practical teaching aids for discharge and water volume using a flow sensor YF-S401 and Arduino Uno, 2) determine the feasibility of teaching aids, and 3) determine students' perceptions of the teaching aids that have been made. developed. The research method used is Research and Development with the ADDIE model which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, the research and development carried out is still limited to the development stage. The instruments used in this study were: 1) media expert and material expert validation sheets to test the feasibility of teaching aids and guidebooks, and 2) student perception sheets to determine students' responses to teaching aids and guidebooks. The results showed that the flow rate and water volume practicum teaching aids using the YF-S401 flow sensor along with the guidebook were feasible to use in the learning process.
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Kopelson, Karen. "“Know thy work and do it”: The Rhetorical-Pedagogical Work of Employment and Workplace Guides for Adults with “High-Functioning” Autism." College English 77, no. 6 (July 1, 2015): 553–76.

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This article examines the rhetoric and pedagogies of employment and workplace guidebooks for adults with high-functioning autism (HFA) to demonstrate how the texts reflect and reinvent cultural desires or fantasies about contemporary employees and also work to norm real autistic employees to be closer to a neurotypical ideal. This norming is achieved in large part through the guidebooks’ surprising appropriations of and appeals to rhetorical training.
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Hoeritz, Kimberly J., Allan B. Corderman, Max Reed, and Edward B. Fiske. "Publishers' perspectives: Guidebooks." New Directions for Institutional Research 1995, no. 88 (1995): 73–89.

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Lamoureux, François. "“The Most Distinctively Canadian City” Representations of the City in Montreal Guidebooks, 1876–1892." Urban History Review 51, no. 1 (June 1, 2023): 23–43.

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This article explores three guidebooks written in Montreal between 1876 and 1892. They are all similarly constructed and were subsequently reprinted, the latter testifying of their relative success. Most importantly, they allow a glimpse into the ways in which Anglo Montrealers wished their city to be perceived around the world. As such, I argue that they illustrated understandings of history, of urbanization, of the Dominion, and of Montreal that were characteristic of post-Confederation industrial Canadian elites. Following the lines of the framework of identity construction in a settler-colonial setting, I look at these guides as a window into the perceptions and expectations of this “adolescent” Canadian collectivity. Furthermore, I demonstrate that these guidebook writers wished to imbue the materiality of the city with historical significance. In doing so, they instilled a sense of progress and modernity to the landscape, while symbolically laying claim to distinct urban places. In fact, these guidebooks also enlighten us on the means we use to provide a sense of self, whether individual or collective, to the city. Borrowing from historical geography theorist Brian Osborne, this paper shows how the Canadianness that these booklets promoted relied on interconnections based on social mores, values, and ideas. Places are also conceptualized as the repository for meta-narratives of the nation. By situating these subplots in space, they cultivate an awareness—an “a-where-ness”—of the collective identity. Indeed, the narrative poetics of the guidebooks were grounded in a place whose inhabitants and visitors dove into the story mid-stream, providing social continuity.
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Sunjayadi, Achmad. "THE EARLY TOURIST GUIDEBOOKS TO THE DUTCH EAST INDIES AND MALAYA IN THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURY." Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya 9, no. 2 (August 28, 2019): 167.

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<p>At the end of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century, International tourists have begun visiting the Dutch East Indies and Malaya. Therefore, guidebooks about the Dutch East Indies and Malaya were published for travellers and tourists. Using the historical method, this article discusses which information, how and why the information presented in the early tourist guidebooks. The result shows that the guidebooks provide various information not only about the objects that can be visited, but also about natural scenery, peoples, culinary, flora, fauna, and customs in the regions. They presented in a long narrative and practical text with illustrations. The illustrations in the Indies’ tourist guidebooks are more varied and accentuate nature and culture compared to Malaya’s guidebooks. Both of them presented exotics objects with the aim to attract western tourists in particular.</p>
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Vat, Alfia Putri Ligeana, Putu Ari Dharmayanti, and Dewi Arum Widhayanti Metra Putri. "Pengembangan Buku Panduan Konseling Kelompok Teknik Role Playing Untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Siswa SMA." Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia 9, no. 1 (July 29, 2023): 473.

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This study aims to develop a group counseling guidebook with role playing techniques to improve interpersonal intelligence of high school students, as well as to test the content validity and test the effectiveness of the developed guidebook. The research and development procedure by used the 4D method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Tthe validity contents test of the guidebook based on three aspects, namely the usability aspect, the feasibility aspect, and the accuracy aspect. Result of the validity test by experts and practitioners were analyzed using CVI (Content Validity Index) obtained value of 0.77, this stated that the guidebook being developed had a content validity index categorized as very appropriate. To find out the effectiveness of implementation of the guidebook was obtained with through the one group pretest-posttest experimental were analyzed by applying the t-test formula. Result of the effectiveness test get Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.001 which means the application of group counseling guidebooks with role playing techniques is effective to improve interpersonal intelligence of high school students.
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RAAB, JENNIFER. "Panoramic Vision, Telegraphic Language: Selling the American West, 1869–1884." Journal of American Studies 47, no. 2 (November 27, 2012): 495–520.

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Along with Appleton and Rand McNally, George A. Crofutt helped to establish and popularize the genre of the general traveller's guidebook in the United States. From 1869 to 1884, Crofutt would sell millions of his guides to the American West, which he distinguished from the competition by including copious illustrations. Although the guidebooks claim to arrange and order the West for easy, and almost passive, consumption – to “tell you what is worth seeing” – this article argues that there are two different yet also complimentary modes of representation operating in these popular works. While the images express a “panoramic” mode of vision, evoking the mythology of the endless frontier and a divinely inspired manifest destiny, the text exemplifies a “telegraphic” language based on instantaneity, fragmentation, and velocity – the thrilling, and disorienting, compression of time and space made possible by the railroad and the telegraph. Crofutt's railroad guidebooks mark a double transition: a historical shift in the concept of the West as a limitless, undefined frontier to a region of commerce and culture, and a corresponding aesthetic shift from a mode of representation based upon mythic expansiveness to one that mimics discrete aspects of modernity.
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Halida, Halida, Syawaluddin Syawaluddin, Yogi Damai Saputra, and Zaky Ibrahim Zayn Borneo. "Development of symbolic modeling videos containing syair gulung to improve students' social citizenship harmony." Jurnal Pendidikan PKN (Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan) 4, no. 2 (October 30, 2023): 155.

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Based on needs assessments in the field, Guidance and Counseling Teachers need guidebooks and symbolic modeling videos containing interesting and fun local wisdom. Guidebooks and symbolic modeling videos containing Syair Gulung are designed to improve students' social and civic harmony. The composition of rolled poetry lines and symbolic modeling videos can have an effect on changes in students' cognitive and behavior. The aim of this research focuses on producing products, namely guidebooks and Syair Gulung videos. Research and development is hereby adopted from Borg and Gall, then modified according to needs and limitations in the field using seven steps, namely (1) preliminary study; (2) carry out planning; (3) initial product development; (4) initial product validation by assessors; (5) product revision; (6) user testing; (7) final production. The books and videos developed have been validated by three media experts, two Guidance and Counseling experts, two potential users from Guidance and Counseling Teachers and three cultural experts. The research results revealed that the guidebook for implementing group guidance services using symbolic video modeling to improve students' social and civic harmony was declared suitable for use because it met the elements of excellent product acceptability with high validity. Social harmony which is enhanced through symbolic modeling containing rolled poetry consists of four indicators, namely awareness of cultural diversity, tolerance, self-openness and resolving conflicts constructively. This research only extends to testing media experts, cultural experts, guidance and counseling experts, potential users, and product trials on a small scale. It would be better for future researchers to conduct large-scale experimental research to see the effectiveness of this product.
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Kinayung, Dian, Difa Ardiyanti, and Muhammad Hidayat. "Validation of Career Planning Guidebook for College Students." Jurnal Psikologi 47, no. 2 (August 24, 2020): 151.

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Career exploration is one of the career development tasks that individuals commonly go through. In reality, these activities may cause problems for specific individuals, including students. Career guidance can assist individuals in successfully passing through this stage of a person’s life. Of the many career intervention models available, no previous research has utilized career planning guidebooks as a form of intervention to help students make career plans. This study aimed to validate a career planning guidebook created by the researcher and test its content and functional validity. Tests of content validity were conducted through professional judgment, while tests of functional validity were conducted via a quasi-experiment. The results showed that all the contents of the career planning guidebook were aligned with the goals of the career planning guidebook (Average of V= 0.6). The experiment results indicated significant difference in perceptions of career planning before and after the intervention (Z=-3.987; p=0.000). The findings concluded that the career planning guidebook is valid, both in terms of content and function.
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LISLE, DEBBIE. "Humanitarian travels: ethical communication in Lonely Planet guidebooks." Review of International Studies 34, S1 (January 2008): 155–72.

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AbstractAside from the more mundane purpose of telling us where to eat, sleep and sightsee in foreign lands, guidebooks communicate an ethical vision that sees travel as the key to reducing cultural differences and inequalities. This article argues that Lonely Planet guidebooks in particular encourage a form of ‘responsible independent travel’ that both reflects and produces a powerful discourse of humanitarianism. By examining the controversy over Lonely Planet’s publication of guidebooks to Burma, this article uncovers the problematic colonial logic embedded in that ethical vision.
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Brown, Barry, and Mark Perry. "Of maps and guidebooks." ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin 22, no. 3 (December 2001): 28–32.

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Groth, Paul. "Guidebooks as Community Service." Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 62, no. 1 (2000): 122–36.

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GOLIKOVA, S. V. "REPRESENTATION OF THE URALS SPACE IN GUIDEBOOKS AT THE END OF THE XIX - EARLY XX CENTURY." History and Modern Perspectives 6, no. 1 (March 28, 2024): 84–88.

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The article studies the presentation of the Urals space in Guidebooks published in the end 19th - early 20th centuries. The publication of the guidebooks is recognized by the author as an important milestone not only in the development of tourism, but also in the formation of the cultural geography of the region. They allow us to present the process of producing knowledge about the Urals from a special point of view and clarify the changing approaches to describing the territory of the region. An analysis of guidebooks to the Urals showed the absence in their texts of clear principles for dividing the Ural macro-region, and the region itself was presented discretely and incompletely in them. The increase in the number and species diversity of tourist attractions in guidebooks compensated for this deficiency. It was they who made it possible to form an impressive and multifaceted geocultural image of the Urals.
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Nishikawa, Mariko, Masaaki Yamanaka, Akira Shibanuma, Junko Kiriya, and Masamine Jimba. "Cross-Cultural Information for Japanese Nurses at an International Hospital: A Controlled Before–After Intervention Study." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 19 (October 7, 2022): 12829.

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This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of providing health information through an ordinary travel guidebook combined with a short digital video compared with an ordinary travel guidebook alone by measuring the anxiety levels of Japanese nurses dealing with foreign patients. We conducted a controlled before–after intervention study in 2016 at a major international hospital in Japan. We created two interventions: (1) a brief piece of health information from a travel guidebook for Japan, (2) the same travel guidebook, and a four-minute digital video in English on health information in Japan, titled Mari Info Japan for nurses. After each intervention, we assessed the nurses’ levels of anxiety about caring for foreign patients. We evaluated the results through statistical testing and the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y. Of 111 nurses, 83 (74.8%) completed both interventions and the questionnaires. The second intervention (the guidebook and video) proved more effective than the first (the guidebook) for reducing anxiety related to caring for foreign patients. Japanese nurses can lower their anxiety about dealing with foreign patients by learning about the content of various forms of health care information currently accessible to overseas visitors. Using both guidebooks and digital videos can help to reduce nurses’ anxiety.
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Sari, Anna Yunita, Dedy Hamdani, and Andik Purwanto. "DEVELOPMENT OF ARDUINO BASED TEMPERATURE AND HEAT PRACTICUM TOOLS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL." Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA 14, no. 2 (July 14, 2023): 147.

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This study aims to develop an Arduino Uno-based temperature and heat practicum tool using the DS18B20 temperature sensor for senior high school (SMA). This study uses the Research and Development Method following the procedure for designing a practicum tool that applies the ADDIE model development stage with stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. However, this research is limited to the development stage. The data collection techniques used in this study were : (1) media expert validation sheets and material expert validation sheets to determine the feasibility of practicum tools and guidebooks, (2) student perception sheets to find out students responses to practicum tools and guidebooks. The results of experimental data using temperature and heat practicum tools as learning media that were developed fulfill the valid requirements with an average validator by media experts for practicum tools of 96.64% with the very feasible category, while for guidebooks 90.59% with the very feasible category. The validator material is 95.80% in a very feasible category, while for guidebooks 95.81% is in a very feasible category. Students' perception of practicum tools is 91% with a very feasible category, while for guidebooks 95% with a very feasible category. I think the tools can be used for physics learning.
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RĂDULESCU, Anda. "DISCOURS DES GUIDES TOURISTIQUES FRANÇAIS SUR LA ROUMANIE." Analele Universității din Craiova, Seria Ştiinte Filologice, Langues et littératures romanes 25, no. 1 (January 24, 2022): 135–45.

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Using a strategy for celebrating a country or a region, the guidebooks turn out to be one of the most important instruments in encouraging tourists to discover unusual places, cultures or gastronomies. Blending description, stories, explanation and argument, the discourse of the guidebooks is hybrid, insofar as it relates to descriptive, advertising, procedural, critical and didactic discourse. In our article we wanted to reveal how these different types of discourses are entangled in three French guidebooks on Romania and by what stylistic devices each of them attempts to enhance the tangible and intangible heritage of this country.
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Bălănescu, Eleonora-Olivia. "The Orientalist Discourse of Nineteenth-Century Travel Guidebooks to India." Romanian Journal of English Studies 20, no. 1 (December 1, 2023): 138–46.

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Abstract The travel guidebooks emerged in the nineteenth century as a genre which apparently featured an objective source of information; yet, the guidebooks to India stemmed from the publishers’ own interpretation of the Orient, shaped by the Orientalist discourse of the time, as well as from their business interests, closely linked to the state apparatus. This paper will focus on the relation between tourism and the British Empire, and the role played by the early guidebooks in English, edited by John Murray and Thomas Cook, in the colonial endeavour to control all forms of indigenous knowledge.
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Darmaji, Astalini, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Hanaiyah Parasdila, Irdianti, Siti Hadijah, and Rahmat Perdana. "PRACTICUM GUIDE: BASIC PHYSICS BASED OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL." Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7, no. 4 (September 4, 2019): 151–60.

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Purpose: This research aims to develop basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills that can assist students in training and developing students' science process skills through practicum Design/methodology/approach: This research is development research that uses the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation that adopted from Branch Findings: Based on the validation results indicate that the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills that got good category result so that it can be used. Research limitations/implications: The results of student responses when using the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills are well categorized so as to improve students' science process skills Social implications: By using the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills of this student can have good skills so as to have experience as a prospective teacher so that later can teach it to students in science class.
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Darmaji, Astalini, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Hanaiyah Parasdila, and Irdianti. "PRACTICUM GUIDE: BASIC PHYSICS BASED OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL." Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7, no. 2 (August 29, 2019): 594–603.

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Purpose: This research aims to develop basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills that can assist students in training and developing students' science process skills through practicum Design/methodology/approach: This research is development research that uses the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation that adopted from Branch Findings: Based on the validation results indicate that the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills that got good category result so that it can be used. Research limitations/implications: The results of student responses when using the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills are well categorized so as to improve students' science process skills Social implications: By using the reconstruction of basic physics practicum guidebooks based on science process skills of this student can have good skills so as to have experience as a prospective teacher so that later can teach it to students in science class.
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Diastrimarina, Ni Nyoman, I. Ketut Dharsana, and Kadek Suranata. "Pengembangan dan efektivitas model konseling behavioristik teknik role playing serta modeling untuk meminimalisir perilaku bullying siswa." Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia 9, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 13.

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The aims of this study is to (1) compile and produce a behavioristic counseling guidebook, (2) determine the content's validity of the behavioristic counseling guidebook, (3) find out the practicality of a behavioristic counseling guidebook, and (4) determine the effectiveness of a behavioristic counseling guidebook using the role playing technique. as well as modeling to minimize bullying behavior of junior high school students. This research method uses research and development (R&amp;D) with the 4D (Four D) model developed by Thiagarajan (1974). This study used a bullying behavior questionnaire as an instrument. Expert examiner on the guide product involve five experts from Guidance and Counseling Professors. The results of this study indicate that (1) produce a behavioristic counseling guidebook consisting of covers, prefaces, guide schemes, steps, evaluation and closing (2) behavioristic counseling guidebooks using role playing techniques and modeling to minimize student bullying behavior are declared valid. high with CVR = 1 (CVR&gt; 0) and CVI got a score of 1, (3) the practicality test of the guidebook on the assessment of five guidance counseling practitioners was declared practical (89%), (4) The application of the guidebook behavioristic counseling technique role playing and Effective modeling is used to minimize student bullying behavior with a value of t = 19.171 with a significance &lt;0.05
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Moore, Kathryn Blair. "The Disappearance of an Author and the Emergence of a Genre: Niccolò da Poggibonsi and Pilgrimage Guidebooks between Manuscript and Print*." Renaissance Quarterly 66, no. 2 (2013): 357–411.

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While the anonymous Viaggio da Venetia al Sancto Sepolchro et al Monte Sinai, first published in Venice in 1518, was the most popular Holy Land guidebook in Renaissance Italy, the historical origins of the book have never been fully understood. From four illustrated versions of an earlier manuscript guide, the Libro d’Oltramare (1346–50), one can hypothesize about both the text and its author. The ultimate prototype for the Viaggio da Venetia was very likely one or more of these illustrated manuscripts, and the original author of both the text and illustrations was the Franciscan pilgrim Niccolò da Poggibonsi. Despite the eventual erosion of his name from the printed versions of the guidebook, the assertiveness and originality of the author parallels the production of other vernacular literature in mid-fourteenth-century Italy. Unlike Latin guidebooks of previous centuries, the intent to include illustrations that re-create the pilgrimage experience and the unprecedented descriptiveness of the prose together suggest that the book can be considered the foundational text for the genre of the illustrated pilgrimage guidebook.
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Ikari, Steven David. "DEVELOPING A GUIDEBOOK OF BRIDGE POSITIONS FOR GRADE IV-VI STUDENTS’ SPORTS EDUCATION." Interdisciplinary Social Studies 1, no. 5 (February 20, 2022): 568–83.

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Background: The bridge position is contained in the material book in school and joined by other materials such as large balls, small balls, and so on, which is the advantage of this rich guidebook is that it can be used anywhere and has barcodes to access bridge position training tutorial videos. With this guidebook, learners can do bridge position activities independently and also teachers have additional material resources to train bridge position on learners. Aim: This research aims to give more insight into the development of guidebooks for sports and health education for students, especially those who are in the 4th-6th grade of elementary school. Method: The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D). The product developed by the researchers is a guidebook with the title "Bridge position Method Guide For Class IV-VI". The guidebook of bridge position method was developed by researchers using expert judgment, then processed to get perfect results. Findings: Based on the results of the data analysis obtained from expert validation tests with excellent criteria, it can be stated that the guidebook product of grade IV-VI elementary school is a valid product and can be used as one of the learning resources for learners.
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Jesisca, Jesisca, Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan*, and Afandi Afandi. "Eligibility of the Conservation Education Guidebook for Senior High School." Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia 11, no. 2 (April 28, 2023): 421–36.

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Indonesia does not yet have a curriculum that implements conservation education, several schools have carried out conservation activities but do not yet have guidebooks or written documents related with the programs, so it is necessary to prepare a conservation education guidebook. This study aims to determine the eligibility of a high school conservation education guidebook. This study uses the RD research method with the ADDIE limited to the development stage. The eligibility test of the conservation education guidebook was carried out by validating by five validators with the validation sheet assessment instrument and analyzed using Aiken's content validity and ICC (intraclass correlation coefficient) reliability. The aspects assessed in the validation test are material aspects, presentation, language, and guidebook graphics. The results of Aiken's validity were obtained for the material aspect, namely 0.92 very high categories, presentation aspect, namely 0.87 very high categories, language aspect, namely 0.93 very high categories, and graphic aspect, namely 0.92 very high categories. The average validity of the four aspects is 0.92 in the very high categories. The results of the ICC reliability analysis showed a reliability value of 0.965 and agreement between validators was at a very good criteria index. It can be concluded that the high school conservation education guidebook is eligible to use
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Munro, R. W. "Monumental guidebooks 'in State care'." Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 115 (November 30, 1987): 3–14.

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A new series of guidebooks to Scottish monuments in State care is being produced by the Historic Buildings and Monuments Directorate of the Scottish Development Department. The origin and progress of Government-sponsored guidebooks in Scotland are considered chiefly from the point of view of the non-expert user or casual visitor.
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Bond, Kevin. "The “Famous Places” of Japanese Buddhism: Representations of Urban Temple Life in Early Modern Guidebooks." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 43, no. 2 (May 20, 2014): 228–42.

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This paper examines the commercial and recreational cultures of the urban Buddhist temple during Japan’s Edo or early modern period (1603–1868) as depicted in popular guidebooks to famous places ( meisho ki). Encouraged by advances in travel and communication, and a vibrant bourgeois culture, meisho guidebooks presented religious sites to the common public not as static, immobile spaces catering only to otherworldly spiritual concerns, but as open and elastic geographies simultaneously offering immediate material rewards and leisurely and commercial attractions to visitors. As unique media of local religion, guidebooks reflect how the reputation and allure of popular Buddhist temples among the general public were driven by the commodification of local legends and objects of worship, as well as material pleasures of religious spaces. This paper argues the importance of guidebooks in the production of public knowledge and expectation about religious sites in early modern Japan. These guides reveal material concerns and entertainment not as having been antithetical to the operation of Buddhist institutions, but rather as supports for the spread of Buddhist teachings and popularization of deity worship among the urban populace.
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Nian, Zhaohao. "Comparative Study on Curriculum Guidebook of Kindergarten." Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 11, no. 1 (January 4, 2021): 11.

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With the global emphasis on early childhood education, more and more countries put early childhood education as a strategic position for comprehensive national development. The kindergarten curriculum guidebook is the primary resources for the daily teaching in kindergartens, ensuring the effectiveness and regulatory in kindergarten teaching. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to analyze and evaluate the kindergarten curriculum guidebook and make education more scientific and comprehensive. From an international comparative perspective, this study selected two sets of kindergarten guidebooks between China and South Korea have carried on the comparative analysis and study from five aspects: the guiding ideology, frame structure, general goal, educational contents, and implementation characteristic (Crossley &amp; Watson, 2003). The results provide kindergarten educators a reference to reflect on the focus of the domestic kindergarten curriculum&rsquo;s educational content and the country&rsquo;s current educational problems and try to find possible causes or solutions from international comparisons.
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Payne, Adam A. "From Old West to Cosmopolitan: Changing Narratives of Oklahoma City Tourist Guidebooks." Tourism Review International 23, no. 3 (February 19, 2020): 149–64.

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This article seeks to bridge the gap in scholarship between entrepreneurial urbanism and the understanding of place image as presented through tourist guidebooks. Tourist guidebooks have long been used to sell regions and attractions to prospective tourists. Narratives in these guides often shift to reflect the changing economics, politics, and culture of a region or city. More recently, the rise of entrepreneurial urbanism has been one of those factors that have impacted tourist guidebooks. The (re)construction of a place image through entrepreneurial policies results in the promotion of a select package of facilities or highlighting specific attributes associated with that place. This article illustrates how entrepreneurial urban projects and policies can directly shape a city's tourist promotions. I use Oklahoma City as a case study to explore these impacts and examine more than 30 years of tourist guidebooks to understand the changing narratives of the city in light of entrepreneurial urban policies. More specifically, I show that Oklahoma City officials shifted tourist narratives from overt Old West constructs to constructs rooted in cosmopolitanism in light of entrepreneurial agendas, like the Metropolitan Area Projects and business improvement districts.
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Mruk, Wojciech. "Jerozolima – święte miasto w średniowiecznych przewodnikach dla pielgrzymów." Peregrinus Cracoviensis 28, no. 4 (2017): 91–114.

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Jerusalem – a holy city in medieval guidebooks for pilgrims A literary genre, typical for the high and late Middle Ages, connected with pilgrimages to the Holy Land, were lists of holy places. The tradition of making such brief, impersonal, and often anonymous catalogues of places worth visiting dates from the 12th century. Such registers were prepared for people guiding pilgrims or even pilgrims themselves who travelled from Europe to the East. That is why, the literature tends to treat works of that type as “guidebooks”. Comparison of three medieval guidebooks i.e. Descriptio de locis sanctis by Rorgo Fretellus (ca. 1137), and two anonymous textes: Les sains pelerinages que l’en doit reqquerre el la Terre Sainte (ca. 1229–1239) and Peregrinationes totius Terrae Sanctae (1491) allows us to analyse changes of pilgrims’ needs and expectations. Creation and collapse of crusaders’ states, as well as development of Ayyubid and Mamluk empires changed political situation in the Holy Land and had a serious impact on pilgrimage movement. Forced modification of pilgrims’ routes took place during decades of important changes of piety of Latin Christians, so pilgrims needed updated guidebooks.
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Day, Alan, and Vaughan Hart. "The architectural guidebook: from Palladio to pod." Architectural Research Quarterly 11, no. 2 (June 2007): 151–58.

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In 1554 the Renaissance architectural master, Andrea Palladio (born Andrea della Gondola, or ‘di Pietro’), produced two little-known guidebooks to the city of Rome. These were unillustrated texts, one of which described the ancient wonders of the city while the other concentrated on the later medieval churches. Guidebooks of this kind had existed since medieval times but Palladio introduced a new kind of structure to the guide by organising the material into logical routes which the tourist could follow. Since then architectural guidebooks have proliferated and the introduction of photography and high quality graphics has changed their appearance significantly. However, in many respects things have not altered a great deal. Architectural guidebooks still present a view of a city which is that of a single individual (or small group of authors) and the selection of the material determines what is deemed to be of significance. Some guides, such as those by Nikolaus Pevsner, attempt to present the buildings in as neutral a way as possible in order to give the work a degree of objectivity but, nonetheless, the visitor is still being presented with a particular view of the city.
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Sack, William H. "Guidebooks for Parents, Briefly Noted." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 33, no. 1 (January 1994): 149.

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Whetstone, Michael M. "Rehabilitation Guidebooks: Theory and Practice." Contemporary Psychology: A Journal of Reviews 42, no. 8 (August 1997): 719–20.

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Erdős, Péter, and Mihály Ormos. "Pricing of collectibles: Baedeker guidebooks." Economic Modelling 29, no. 5 (September 2012): 1968–78.

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