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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Guidebooks'

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Lean, Jeffrey Robert. "A comparative study of interactive rockclimbing guidebooks and conventional hardcopy guidebooks." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2010.

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Climbing guidebooks have been in existence ever since people started climbing cliffs for recreation. It has only been recently that these guidebooks have started to include photographs to help identification of climbs. To date, there are very few interactive guidebooks that are available online which include the ability to filter climbs and climbing areas based upon specific characteristics. Being able to interrogate a database of climbs and climbing areas by grade, style of climbing, quality of climbing,and length of climbs would be a significant addition to the guidebooks that are currently available. Integrating a fully illustrated database of climbs with open source mapping software such as Google Maps would extend the utility of current guidebooks significantly. As portable devices become more commonplace, the ability to further combine these guidebooks with GPS technology would make the location and identification of climbs much simpler. This study compares conventional hardcopy guidebooks with several online guidebooks. In addition, several Decision Support Systems are analysed to assess the ways in which Geographic Information Systems are integrated to assist in decision making. A prototype interactive guidebook was developed after presenting a survey to a group of climbers to assess what they would find useful in an online resource. This survey found that most climbers would like to see climbs represented on a map of the climbing site in order to aid in locating them. They also suggested that being able to filter climbs by various criteria would be useful. These features were subsequently integrated into the prototype. After review by several climbers it was found that this system has many benefits over conventional hardcopy guidebooks; however, it was also noted that to be even more useful further work needed to be done to improve the functionality of the prototypes. This work would include an ability to print a selection of climbs from those ranges searched.
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Riddy, Paula. "The representation of the country house in individual books and guides, 1720-1845." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2015.

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During the eighteenth century a trend began for the publication of books devoted to the description of single country house; an early stage in the development of the country house guidebook. A survey of this largely unanalysed genre found it to be a much larger phenomenon than had previously been thought, with a peak in new publications later than has been suggested. The issue of the commission, details of production and uses and distribution of the guidebook are all previously neglected aspects of research. Analysis of these has given a greater insight into the context of production, and has shown the direct involvement of the house owner in many cases. In the secondary literature which does exist on this genre, the bias towards considering the contents of guidebook from the perspective of the tourists' reception, or as an objective document, neglects the huge potential for analysis of the sub-agendas which were involved in these publications. These less overt potential messages included a justification of the country estate in general, as well as more individual markers which related to the house owner himself. This thesis has begun to rectify the lack of research into the guidebook, and to highlight this fruitful source of material on the eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. It has begun the innovative task of looking beyond guidebooks as merely a factual account of the estate, and to acknowledge that their objectivity is in question; the books were often nuanced towards given a particular impression and motivated by specific agendas. The house was represented both as an object of admiration in its own right but also used as a vehicle for the projection and display of the individual qualities and identity of the owner.
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Quinlan, Sarah. "?Never short of a smile?: A Content Analysis of Travel Guidebooks." Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2005.

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Guidebooks are argued to be significant elements of the tourism infrastructure (Koshar, 1998), influencing the perception of destinations and the travel practices of millions of tourists (Gilbert, 1999). Guidebooks have been depicted as mediators, interpreters, and communicators of place and people, yet the examination of these texts as part of tourism has received little attention in the academic literature. There are few studies focusing on what information guidebooks are presenting to tourists (Bhattacharyya, 1997; Lew, 1991; McGregor, 2000).

In pursuit of cultural, environmental, and leisure experiences, tourists are going all over the world and there is increasing concern over the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of this activity. Information on these impacts can be found in academic literature and government reports, but rarely is it presented to tourists.

The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe how travel guidebooks communicate information on socio-cultural, environmental, and other destination specific issues. The republic of Peru was the case study area for this research.

Destination data was collected through interviews with tourism representatives in Perú, Destination Management Organisation (DMO) website analysis, and participant observation. This data was analysed to provide a coding scheme for the current issues and impacts in Peru relating to tourism. This coding scheme was used to analyse the content of the most commonly used commercial guidebooks for Peru (Lonely Planet, South American Handbook, Rough Guide) to understand if and how guidebooks are addressing current issues in Peru tourism.

Qualitative content analysis of destination data resulted in 29 emergent categories which were evaluated based on theme distributions (socio-cultural, environmental, and other) and source information. Categories were grouped based on importance values to allow for further examination of the main issues and impacts involved in Peru tourism.

Qualitative analysis of guidebook content resulted in 4 additional categories for a total of 33 items. This was followed by quantitative analysis of guidebook content to better understand theme distributions, statement types, marketing communication types, and relationships with original category intentions. Guidebook content was organised into groups based on importance values and compared with the importance groups found in the destination data to determine differences in category relevance.

The implications of this research in presenting information to tourists are discussed in terms of their relevance to socio-cultural and environmental interpretation, marketing and communication theory, and responsible tourism. Similarities and differences found in comparing destination and guidebook data are examined. Findings and discussions based on this research indicate that the role of the guidebook is multi-dimensional. These texts, juxtaposed between host and guest, mediate and interpret ecological, cultural, and social information. Findings of this research suggest that though guidebooks are involved in persuasive messaging which raises issues of power and representation, guidebooks are the only popular tourist information source in Peru attempting to influence tourists to reduce cultural and environmental impacts. This discussion is followed by suggestions for future research in this area.
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Epelde, Kathleen R. "Travel guidebooks to India a century and a half of orientalism /." Access electronically, 2004.

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Cheng, Oi Man. "Model missives : epistolary guidebooks for women in early twentieth century China." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2012.

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Zillinger, Malin. "Guided tourism : the role of guidebooks in German tourist behaviour in Sweden." Doctoral thesis, Östersund : Umeå : European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) ; Department of Social and Economic Geography, Umeå University, 2007.

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Dijkstra, Anna-Lou. "Wales in Continental guidebooks (1850-2013) : a country on the imaginative periphery." Thesis, Swansea University, 2017.

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This thesis examines the representations of Wales in German-, French- and Dutch-language travel guidebooks published between 1850 and 2013. The analysis focuses on the conceptualisation of the country in these texts within the framework of ‘imaginative peripheries’. This framework is mainly based on the work of Edward Said and his model of ‘imaginative geographies’, which examines the perception of spaces through texts and discourses. In the thesis it is asserted that guidebooks have the power to significantly influence tourists’ views of a destination, thus affecting the socio-spatial construction of the area in question. The thesis scrutinises how Wales is conceptualised as a cultural, linguistic, ethnographic, historical, geographical and political entity and how these representations influence the country’s spatial realisation in the texts. In conclusion it is argued that during the course of the centuries under examination, Wales has been increasingly recognised as a distinct entity, but has simultaneously been moved to the periphery on a textual and conceptual level. Finally, these shifts not only provide insights into the way Wales is perceived in overseas travel guidebooks, but also reflect broader discourses concerning the changing balance of power in our globalising world.
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Suhett, de Morais Raul. "The evolution of tourism destination image through travel guidebooks. The case of Barcelona." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019.

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Les guies turístiques impreses son una font excepcional d’informació per a futurs turistes. Aquests llibres proporcionen consells, suggeriments, pistes, recomanacions i molt més per a que el viatger pugui entendre el Destí i són, per tant, un mediador entre el visitant i el lloc visitat. Les guies turístiques impreses donen forma a l’experiència turística al interpretar el Destí i, fent-lo, donen forma també al Destí. En temps en que turistes corren cap a Internet buscant per informació sempre canviat com si visquéssim en un món Orwellià on els fets d’ahir ja no existeixen, les guies en paper són crucials per a un estudi longitudinal perquè la Imatge del Destí Turístic (IDT) que elles tenen de qualsevol lloc dura allò que duren les seves pàgines. La meva recerca pretén entendre com una IDT canvia al llarg del temps i, per fer-ho, utilitzo el Mètode de la Teoria Fonamentada (MTF) per a tal de recollir dades de diverses guies turístiques de diferents èpoques i determinar com la imatge canvia al llarg del temps. La recerca està construïda sobre una revisió de la literatura actual en Geografia, Autenticitat i, és clar, Turisme. El meu estudi de cas es Barcelona i he seleccionat 13 guies turístiques impreses des de 1888 –l’any de la primera Exposició Universal– fins a 2016. Degut a la immensa quantitat de dades i la fragilitat d’algunes guies, utilitzo el software d’anàlisis de dades qualitatius assistida per ordinador ATLAS.ti per a ajudar-me amb la codificació, recodificació, visualització, recuperació i anàlisi dels llibres. La recerca en Turisme es coneguda per dependre fortament de teories i mètodes d’altres camps per a entendre els intricats problemes del fenomen. Tant treballar amb guies turístiques com aplicar el MTF a la recerca en Turisme són maneres innovadores de proveir el tòpic amb els seus propis marcs de referència i pot ajudar a desenvolupar nous paradigmes, teories y pràctiques per al fenomen. La recerca conclou que utilitzar guies turístiques impreses com font de dades per a analitzar la IDT de Barcelona és un mètode vàlid i pot ser reproduït en altres Destins; que Barcelona ha tingut diverses IDTs al llarg de la seva història com a Destí Turístic i que la que experimentem avui és només la més recent; que un estudi longitudinal a través del MTF enquadrat per una recerca d’Estudi de Cas és una mena vàlida d’entendre l’evolució de la IDT d’un Destí; que la història del Destí influeix en la seva IDT; que la imatge Fonamentada (Grounded image) de Barcelona ha canviat d’acord amb les tendències de cada període de la seva història, però que la seva imatge de Densitat (Density image) s’ha mantingut estable enfocant-se al Barri Gòtic. Per fi, aquesta Tesi presenta alguns tòpics per a recerques futures.
Las guías turísticas impresas son una fuente excepcional de información para futuros turistas. Estos libros proporcionan consejos, sugerencias, pistas, recomendaciones y mucho más para que el viajero pueda entender el Destino y son, por lo tanto, un mediador entre el visitante y el lugar visitado. Las guías turísticas impresas moldan la experiencia del turista al interpretar el Destino y, al hacerlo, moldan el Destino también. En tiempos en que turistas corren a Internet buscando por informaciones siempre cambiantes como si viviéramos en un mundo Orwelliano donde los hechos de ayer desaparecen, las guías en papel son cruciales para un estudio longitudinal porque la Imagen del Destino Turístico (IDT) que tienen de cualquier lugar dura lo tanto que duran sus páginas. Mi investigación aspira a entender cómo una IDT cambia a lo largo del tiempo y, para ello, empleo el Método de la Teoría Fundamentada (MTF) para recoger datos de diversas guías turísticas de diferentes épocas y determinar cómo la imagen cambia a lo largo del tiempo. La investigación está construida sobre una revisión de la literatura actual en Geografía, Autenticidad y, por supuesto, Turismo. Mi estudio de caso es Barcelona y he elegido 13 guías turísticas impresas de 1888 –el año de la primera Exposición Universal– hasta 2016. Debido a la inmensa cantidad de datos y la fragilidad de algunas de las guías, utilizo el software de análisis de datos cualitativos asistida por ordenador ATLAS.ti para ayudarme con la codificación, recodificación, visualización, recuperación y análisis de los libros. La investigación en Turismo es conocida por depender fuertemente de teorías y métodos de otros campos para entender los problemas intricados del fenómeno. Tanto trabajar con guías turísticas como aplicar el MTF en la investigación en Turismo son manera innovadora de abastecer el tópico con sus propios marcos de referencia y puede ayudar a desarrollar nuevos paradigmas, teorías y prácticas para el fenómeno. La investigación concluye que usar guías turísticas impresas como fuente de datos para analizar la IDT de Barcelona es un método válido y puede ser reproducido en otros Destinos; que Barcelona ha tenido diversas IDTs a lo largo de su historia como Destino Turístico y que la que experimentamos hoy es sólo la más reciente; que un estudio longitudinal a través del MTF encuadrado por una Investigación de Estudio de Caso es una manera válida de entender la evolución de la IDT de un Destino; que la historia del Destino influye en su IDT; que la imagen Fundamentada (Grounded image) de Barcelona ha cambiado de acuerdo con las tendencias de cada periodo de su historia, pero que su imagen de Densidad (Density image) se ha mantenido estable enfocada en el Barri Gòtic. Por fin, esta Tesis presenta algunos tópicos para investigaciones futuras.
Travel guidebooks are an exceptional source of information for future tourists. These books provide advices, suggestions, clues, tips, and much more so that the traveler can understand the Destination, being, therefore, a mediator between the visitor and the place visited. Travel guidebooks shape the tourist’s experience by interpreting the Destination and, by doing so, shape the Destination itself as well. In a time when tourists are rushing to the Internet to find always-changing information similar to an Orwellian world where yesterday’s facts disappear, paper guidebooks are crucial to a longitudinal because the Tourism Destination Image (TDI) they have of any given place lasts as long as their pages exist. My research aims to understand how a TDI changes through time and, in order to do so, I employ the Grounded Theory Method (GTM) to gather data from several Travel Guidebooks from different periods and determine how the image changes throughout time. The research is built over a review of the current literature on Geography, Authenticity, and, of course, Tourism. My case study is Barcelona and I have selected 13 guidebooks from 1888 –the year of the first Universal Exposition– to 2016. Due to the immense amount of data and the fragility of some guidebooks, I use the computer assisted qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti to help me with the coding, recoding, visualization, retrieving, and analysis of the books. Tourism Research is known to strongly rely on other areas’ theories and methods to understand the phenomenon’s intricate problems. Both working with travel guidebooks and applying the GTM to Tourism Research is an innovative way to provide the subject with its own research frameworks and it can help develop new paradigms, theories, and practices to the field. The research concludes that using travel guidebooks as source of data to analyze Barcelona’s TDI is a valid method and it can be reproduced in any other Destination; that Barcelona has had several TDIs throughout its history as a Tourism Destination and the one we experience nowadays is only the most recent one; that a longitudinal study through a GTM framed by a Case Study Research is a valid way to understand the evolution of a Destination’s TDI; that the history of the Destination influences its TDI; that Barcelona’s Grounded image has changed according to trends of each period in its history, but its Density image has remained stable focused in the Barri Gòtic. Finally, this Thesis presents some topics to future research.
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Truxell, Timothy Carlton. "Corporate Chivalry in Malory's "Morte d'Arthur": Chivalric Guidebooks and a Fifteenth-Century Chivalric Ideal." W&M ScholarWorks, 1992.

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Villalobos, Acosta Cesar. "Archaeology in circulation : nationalism and tourism in post-revolutionary Mexican coins, notes, stamps and guidebooks." Thesis, Durham University, 2011.

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Anderson, Jocelyn Kristen. "Remaking the country house : country-house guidebooks in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries." Thesis, Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London), 2013.

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Daniel, Jerome Milne. "Discourses of Japan in Anglophone Tourist Guidebooks: Transformations and Continuities Since the End of the 19th Century." Kyoto University, 2016.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 前川 玲子, 教授 Hayashi Brian Masaru, 教授 中嶋 節子
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Beining, Steven George. "Improving Assessment Practice at the Course and Programmatic-Levels in Community Colleges: Developing The Guidebook For Student Learning Outcomes & The Assessment Loop." PDXScholar, 2013.

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This project-based dissertation described, in detail, a seven-step research and development (R&D) process used to create, and bring to operational use, an educational tool that supported the academic use of the assessment loop: the Guidebook For Student Learning Outcomes & The Assessment Loop. The dissertation established the problem that this product solved, provided relevant research, including a literature review, and the process and methods that led to the development of this useful product. It described the purpose of this specific guidebook and for guidebooks in general. This project was informed by research of instructional design of text-based teaching materials, R&D-focused field-testing procedures, assessment theory and practice, programmatic and online course assessment needs and practices, and use of Moodle as an assessment tool and evidence repository. About the product: The guidebook is designed for use by Community College department chairs (DCs) and faculty members. It describes, from the viewpoint of a practitioner, each step in the process of assessment: from creating and measuring student learning outcomes (SLOs) to using assessment for improvement. It is hoped that use of the Guidebook by its intended audience will lead to more comprehensive assessment practices at the colleges where it is used.
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Lywood, William George. "From Russia’s Orient To Russia’s Riviera: Reimagining The Black Sea Coast/Caucasus from Romantic Literature to Early Tourist Guidebooks." The Ohio State University, 2009.

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Herndon, Christopher Michael. "The history of the architectural guidebook and the development of an architectural information system." Thesis, Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007, 2007.

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Ongaro, Marta <1997&gt. "Beyond 19th Century Guidebooks: John Ruskin’s Gaze on St Mark’s Square from “The Stones of Venice” to “St. Mark’s Rest”." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022.

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This thesis constitutes an attempt to study two of John Ruskin’s main works: "The Stones of Venice" (1851-1853) and "St. Mark’s Rest" (1877). Written during very different periods of his life, in these works he provides a reconstruction of the image of Venice guiding travellers to visit it properly. By investigating these two works together with the beginning of mass tourism and the rise of guidebooks popularity, I shall examine how Ruskin enters the tourist scene and evolves his gaze proposing new solutions to “the few travellers who still care for her monuments”. From varied descriptions of St Mark’s Square found in Murray’s famous series of "Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy" and Ruskin’s works, this thesis deals with the way the "the drawing room of Europe" is differently described over the years.
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Benefiel, Hannah Elizabeth. "Let Me In!: An Examination of Two Guidebooks for Rhetoric and Composition Women & Their Entanglement in the Self-Help Genre." University of Findlay / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Alexandersson, Tomas. "En studie i historiebruk : Analys av reseguider från Estniska SSR." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, miljö och teknik, 2014.

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The use of history is the concept of people using and analyzing history in the society for various purposes. Study in this area has largely emerged because there are many different reasons for people and societies to be interested in history. To investigate the use of history, a historical material needs to be present in some form. With this study, I intend to show how older tourist guidebooks can provide such materials of study and therefore I use travel guidebooks about Tallinn released under the USSR (Estonian SSR) between the years 1960 to 1990. The analysis is based on Klas-Göran Karlsson's (Professor of History) typology of seven different uses of history: scientific, existential, moral, ideological, political, educational, non-use of history and a commercial use of history. This paper has highlighted several different historical dimensions in travel guides and reasons why they can be analyzed. Results of this study show that the travel guides can act as a medium for existential orientation and that they can function as a communicational, educational and an interest raising tools. They can also develop a critical approach towards historical events and help to "sell" history through various commercial products. Thus, tourist guidebooks can be used and analyzed more systematically by professionals, interested individuals or a group who feel the need, desire or interest in the way history can be used in their practices.
Historiebruk handlar om hur människor använder och analyserar (brukar) historia i samhället för olika syften. Studieområdet har till stor del vuxit fram eftersom det finns många olika skäl att intressera sig för historia. För att undersöka historiebruk behövs ett studieobjekt som på något sätt tar upp historia. Med denna uppsats ämnar jag undersöka hur äldre reseguider kan utgöra sådana studieobjekt och därför kommer reseguider om Tallinn från Estniska SSR utgivna mellan 1960 till 1990 användas i historiebruksundersökningen. Analysen utgår från historieprofessorn Klas-Göran Karlssons typologi med sju olika historiebruk – ett vetenskapligt, ett existentiellt, ett moraliskt, ett ideologiskt, ett politiskt-pedagogiskt, ett icke- bruk av historia och ett kommersiellt. Undersökningen har belyst flera olika historiska dimensioner i reseguiderna och motiv till varför de kan analyseras. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på fyra punkter. Den första är att reseguiderna kan agera medium vid existentiell orientering. Den andra att de kan fungera som kommunikations-, kunskaps- och intresseprocess. Den tredje punkten är att de kan utveckla ett kritiskt förhållningssätt och fjärde punkten handlar om att reseguiderna kan vara motiv för att “sälja” historia vid utvecklingar av olika kommersiella produkter inom exempelvis turismen. Likaså att reseguiderna kan nyttjas och analyseras av antigen en individ eller grupp som känner behov, önskan eller intresse.
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Norris, Mary Beth. "A walking tour for elementary students of the historical district of Highland, California." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1998.

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Pimentel, Maurício Ragagnin. "Uma abordagem geográfica do turismo: visitando Porto Alegre." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017.

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Esta é uma tese sobre Geografia e Turismo. O problema investigado: como Porto Alegre (RS), metrópole regional de 1,4 milhão de habitantes, constitui-se em destino turístico? O relato desse trajeto investigativo foi estruturado em quatro momentos. Em um primeiro movimento se buscou visitar as controvérsias sobre a episteme do Turismo e o modo em que a Geografia tem se dedicado a esse campo de estudos. Posteriormente se procurou interpretar a relação entre Turismo e urbano. Apresentou-se uma tipologia de locais urbanos investidos pelo Turismo, sublinhando a variedade de modos que os espaços podem ser turísticos. Neste conjunto está a cidade com função turística e a cidade de trânsito, que parecem corresponder à realidade de Porto Alegre. Investigou-se a maneira como o Turismo passa a ser um signo de urbanidade que atua no coração das metrópoles e na arquitetura produtiva do capitalismo contemporâneo. Considerando esse percurso teórico, buscou-se então uma melhor compreensão da situação de Porto Alegre. Assim, foi feita uma breve revisão da evolução urbana da cidade e sua vinculação com o Turismo. Avaliou-se a situação e a inserção de Porto Alegre na dinâmica global do Sistema Turismo a partir de uma análise com indicadores em três escalas: global, nacional e local. Tendo em vista esse contexto, se propôs então o exame da produção do discurso turístico sobre Porto Alegre. Para isso foi analisado um corpus de 135 documentos produzidos entre 1915 e 2015, incluíndo guias de viagem, folhetos, catálogos, reportagens de revistas e jornais, além de um recorte da base de dados de comentários da plataforma Trip Advisor. Esse corpus serviu de subsídio para quatro roteiros investigativos No roteiro A examinou-se o caráter pragmático dessa literatura e tem como resultado um quadro das cenografias (MAINGUENEAU, 2011) dos enunciados turísticos sobre Porto Alegre. No roteiro B, em analogia as 'cidades invisíveis' de Calvino, descreveu-se as balizas e os marcadores a partir dos quais constituí-se uma intencionalidade turística sobre Porto Alegre. No roteiro C tomou-se os documentos do corpus como testemunhos dos arranjos institucionais e espaciais que permitiram a emergência das iniciativas e políticas de turistificação de Porto Alegre. No roteiro D analisou-se quais são as práticas turísticas existentes em Porto Alegre, onde se localizam, e aponta um quadro com as trajetórias possíveis das dinâmicas dos lugares turísticos da cidade. Em geral, constata-se que Porto Alegre apresenta as características dos tipos espaciais cidade com função turística e cidade de trânsito. O Turismo na cidade sofre tanto uma concorrência interna, de outras mobilidades e atividades, quanto externa, em competição com outros destinos em um sistema mais amplo. Essa concorrência e a pluralidade caraterística de atividades em uma metrópole contribuem para certa invisibilidade do Turismo na dinâmica da cidade. O sistema turístico de Porto Alegre é intermitente e vulnerável, fortalecendo-se ou debilitando-se ao sabor da conjuntura local e extra-local. Entretanto, não se podem desprezar as variadas iniciativas e políticas de ativação turística do território porto-alegrense, que recebe 3,5 milhões de visitantes anuais, muitos em projeto de descoberta turística da cidade.
This thesis is about Geography and Tourism. It's research problem is how Porto Alegre, the southernmost brazilian metropolis with 1,4 million inhabitants, becomes a tourist destination? The text is structured in four chapters. Firstly there is a review on the controversies of tourism definitons and on the way that the geographical science has dedicated itself to this field of inquiry. The following goal was to interpret the relation between tourism and urban. A typology of urban sites invested by tourism is presented, in which is stressed the variety of ways that spaces might be touristic. Among those there are the city with a tourist function and transportation hub, which seems to fit Porto Alegre's reality. Another concerning topic it the way by which tourism becomes a sign of urbanity that is active in the heart of today's metropolises and capitalism productive architecture. Considering this theoretical path, a better understanding about the situation of Porto Alegre is seeked. Therefore, it is presented a brief description of the city's urban evolution and its ties to tourism. To assess the situation and insertion of Porto Alegre in the global dynamics of the Tourism System, an analysis with indicators operating in three scales: global, national and local is displayed. Minding this context, it is proposed an analysis upon the production of tourism discourse about Porto Alegre. In order to so it was collected a corpus of 135 documents, issued between 1915 and 2015, including tourist guidebooks, leaflets, catalogs, magazine and newspaper's coverage, and also the Trip Advisor database From these documents' analysis, four research paths are followed. Route A examines the pragmatic feature of this literature and as a result it presents a table of Porto Alegre's tourist statements scenography (MAINGUENEAU, 2011). Route B, in analogy to Calvino's 'invisible cities', describes the markers from which the tourist intention upon Porto Alegre was constructed. Route C considers this documents corpus as witnesses of the institutional and spatial settings that allowed Porto Alegre's touristification initiatives and policies to emerge. Route D analyses which are the tourist performances existing in Porto Alegre, where they are located, and points to a set of possible tourist city places' dynamics. Broadly, it appears that Porto Alegre displays the characteristics of the space type city with tourist function and transportation hub. Tourism in the city suffers both from an internal concurrency, with other mobilities and activities, and an external one, competing with other tourist destinations in a broader system. This competition and the typical plurality of the activities in a metropolis contributes to a certain invisibility of tourism in the city's dynamics. The tourist system in Porto Alegre is unsteady and vulnerable, strengthening or weakening, according to external or internal conjuctures. Nonetheless, the multiple attempts and policies of touristifing Porto Alegre's territory cannot be dismissed, as well as its 3,5 annual million visitors, many of those planning to discover the city as tourists.
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Graham, Tracy Ann. "A Preventive Conservation Guidebook." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2009.

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Steiner, Maureen Parrella. "Non-sexist Language Curriculum Guidebook." UNF Digital Commons, 1990.

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Included is a skills development curriculum unit for secondary English students which encourages the use of non-sexist language with creativity within the content area. The study contains lists of objectives, writing, reading and group activities, an attitude survey for students and an evaluation checklist for teachers. Classroom discussions, films, fairy tales and skills development exercises are used to help students recognize and find alternatives to sexist language. The rationale for the teaching of non-sexist language is based on the theory that how we speak stems from how we think, and visa-versa. If sexism in reading and writing is identified and avoided, stereotypical attitudes would be less likely to occur. The study's intent is to challenge teachers and students to employ non-sexist language so that its usage becomes more familiar and acceptable in every day life.
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Garland, Denise Michelle. "Law enforcement instructor effectiveness guidebook." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2001.

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Quinlan, Andrea Elizabeth. "A cross channel comparison of the illustration of the capital cities in Augustus Charles Pugin's Paris and its Environs and Gustave Doré's London: A Pilgrimage." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Fine Arts, 2008.

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This thesis presents a close comparison of Augustus Charles Pugin's illustrations for Paris and its Environs and Gustave Doré's illustrations for London: A Pilgrimage. This comparison will reveal what is distinctive about each publication. To achieve this, the thesis begins with a consideration of how these illustrated books fit into the oeuvres of the artists and writers involved, and how the works were subsequently received. The thesis then seeks to discover the ways the books adhere to the picturesque and Realist aesthetic modes. A comparison of the representation of social and political issues within the publications reveals how the city is either celebrated or critiqued in them. This is extended by a comparison with other English views of Paris and French views of London. The thesis concludes with the suggestion that the works under consideration are akin to illustrated guidebooks and novels. The illustrations themselves form the primary evidence for this comparison, supplemented by the accompanying written texts and other sources - including contemporary periodicals and biographical material. Paris and its Environs is a significant work within Pugin's oeuvre and shows how he created a view of Paris which would appeal to the tastes and aspirations of his readers. With London: A Pilgrimage, Doré created a view of London which would entertain his English audience but challenge them at the same time.
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Lin, Tai-jung. "Restaurant recommendation system (RRS)." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2006.

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Discusses the development of an online restaurant recommendation system that allows users to search for restaurants in the Los Angeles area. The user can retrieve restaurant information including, name, type of restaurant, address, phone number, rating, prices and map. By logging in, users can also give their own recommendations and rate restaurants. The system also provides functions that allow a system a system administrator to manage the contents of the site. The project is based on Java Server Pages (JSP) language, Java Server Programming, which is a server side scripting language. Utilizes MySQL to maintain persistent data and Tomcat as a web system server.
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Sjöberg-Hawke, Carina. "Translating a guidebook: addressing reader expectation : A small-scale corpus study of direct reader address in a Swedish-English translation." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2018.

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This study analyses the comparative frequency of “direct reader address” in English and Swedish walking guidebook texts. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of specific linguistic features that constitute “direct reader address”, the study aims to highlight the importance of considering reader expectation of a text, i.e. the target culture’s text conventions when translating. The linguistic features in focus are those which help to establish a familiar relationship between reader and writer and thus set up an imaginary dialogue. These are: second-person pronouns, first-person inclusive plural pronouns and verbs in the imperative mood. A translation corpus of walking-guidebook extracts (10 English originals, 11 Swedish originals and their English translations) and my own Swedish-to-English translation of such a text were analysed in order to a) determine to what extent “direct reader address” is used in Swedish and English original walking guidebooks; b) determine to what extent “direct reader address” is retained and used in English translations of Swedish walking guidebooks; and c) discuss the implications of this for translators of such texts. The results of the investigation show that although “direct reader address” does appear in both Swedish and English original guidebooks, it is more prevalent in English ones. Imperative verbs are the most common of all the relevant linguistic features. The results also show that the trend is not only to retain in English translations what “direct reader address” existed in Swedish originals but also sometimes to add “direct reader address” for reasons of syntax and idiomatic usage. The implications are that a target culture’s text conventions are consequential when translating a walking guidebook because they relate to reader expectation, in particular in relation to linguistic features of “direct reader address”. To translate well, and where deadlines allow, it is recommended that a translator’s strategy should try to address reader expectation.
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McCormick, Ray William. "Guidebook to teaching the parallel squat." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004.

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The information covered in this project is intended to give the physical educator and coach an easy-to-follow manual with illustrations to guide them through basic instructions on the parallel squat. This project will include biomechanical principles of the squat exercise.
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Granath, Otto. "Selfies, souvenirer och Djävulsbibeln : En kvalitativ fallstudie av biblioteksanställdas syn på biblioteksturism på Kungliga biblioteket och Stockholms stadsbibliotek." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2020.

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The aim of this master thesis is to examine how two Swedish libraries approach library tourism. Library tourism is a growing phenomenon seen in libraries across the world. The case study has been made on the National Library of Sweden and Stockholm Public Library. The study was conducted through qualitative measures in which methodological techniques have been used, such as interviews and analysis of relevant documents from an organizational perspective. The study aims to determine how two libraries in Stockholm are used as tourist attractions and how the personnel perceive their workplace as being a tourist attraction. The analysis is based on Foucault’s theories primarily addressing the relationship between power and knowledge and the theories of economic, social, environmental, and cultural implications of tourist-related services by both John Urry and Jonas Larsen as well as the authors So-Min Cheong and Marc L Miller. The study shows that neither of the two examined libraries has special staff for dealing with tourists, nor guidelines for this activity. The study also shows that libraries can be viewed as important rising cultural tourist attractions during the last years. Having an increasing number of tourists has been disturbing for the locals and those employed at the libraries. Both libraries’ primary focus is being an indispensable part of community life as promoter of literacy, provider of a wide range of reading material for all ages and wide-ranging loan services based on systems of branch libraries. This study suggests that both libraries have a similar approach to tourism, but also that they could be more involved in the process in order to make tourism available on their own terms. Disclaimer: This subject was decided/chosen in November 2019 before the outbreak of Covid-19 which made future tourism development more uncertain. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Horton, Kimberley. "A hospitality management student career planning guidebook." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2015.

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The purpose of this project is to create a career planning guidebook for undergraduate hospitality management students. This guidebook will allow students to determine what their interests are in various hospitality careers. Students’ interests will be determined by performing a self assessment via the web based O*Net Interest Profiler™ instrument. The Interest Profiler report will identify students’ interests based on the six personality types adapted from John Holland’s typology of personality types and work environments.

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Martell, David D. "Developing a guidebook for an outdoor classroom." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1992.

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Hartnett, Kimberly Mackay. "A guidebook for implementing a writer's workshop." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1998.

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The purpose of this project is to provide beginning teachers or teachers new to writing instruction with a step-by-step guideline for implementing writer's workshop in a K-3 classroom. The first eight weeks of writer's workshop are outlined and defined complete with prompts and reflections teachers can use to make this strategy responsive to the needs of their students.19 440 0 Thesis (M.A.)--California State University, San Bernardino, 1998.
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Gustavsen, John Andrew. "Tension under the Sun: Tourism and Identity in Cuba, 1945-2007." Scholarly Repository, 2009.

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My dissertation on Cuban tourism links political, economic, social, and cultural history to show how the development of tourism on the island between 1945 and 2007 has been crucial in helping to cultivate identities for Cuba and the Cuban people on multiple levels. I focus on three distinct periods - 1945 to 1958, 1959 to 1979, and 1980 to 2007. While significant shifts occurred within each of these three phases, this periodization best illuminates the relationship between tourism development and identity. The fall of the Soviet Union, for example, certainly altered the pace of the industry's growth. Arrivals soared beginning in the 1990s, yet much of the institutional framework for conditioning the relationships between touristic actors had been established years earlier. Cuban planners had begun to target a range of specific markets by 1980, over a decade before the economic strife of the 'Special Period' in the early 1990s virtually forced them to move in this direction. For the entire period between 1945 and 2007, tourism and Cuban identity were linked in two very important ways. Tourism provided a lens for foreign visitors to view the island, its people, and its culture; to know what it meant to be Cuban. As well, the industry offered a framework for powerful interests to control the behaviors of Cuban citizens; to instruct them on how to be Cuban.
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Muir, Kelly. "Theory and practice of youth ministry a guidebook /." Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2004.

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Prieto, Álvarez César. "Álvaro Cunqueiro. Viajes literarios, puertas de imaginación." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019.

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La investigación que nos proponemos abordar con la presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo situar, dentro de las obras no estrictamente literarias de Álvaro Cunqueiro, el fenómeno conocido como intertextualidad. La hipótesis de trabajo que se formula está orientada a demostrar que la presencia de citas o referencias literarias en la obra ensayística del autor gallego no tiene como principal finalidad mostrar erudición o servirse de argumentos de autoridad, sino dotar a sus textos de un poder fabulador que los transforma en verdaderos artefactos literarios, cercanos o amalgamados a su obra narrativa y poética. Como objetivo añadido a esta formulación de técnicas textuales que potencian la ficción en géneros poco proclives a ella, emprendemos una clasificación del corpus turístico, gastronómico y periodístico de Cunqueiro, apenas estudiado –sobre todo en los dos primeros ámbitos- y recuperamos alguna obra olvidada para integrarla en su bibliografía. La investigación se articula en tres bloques. En primer lugar se despliega un marco teórico que perfila qué entendemos por intertextualidad, de qué técnicas se sirve para asaltar textos ajenos y cuáles son las diferentes maneras de actuar que van marcando su presencia. Sin pretensión alguna de exhaustividad, pero ahondando sobre todo en los conceptos y los mecanismos de conexión, se proporcionan los paradigmas de referencia necesarios para calibrar cómo Álvaro Cunqueiro encaja material de otros autores en su obra y qué pretende conseguir con ello. La base documental recoge desde los primeros artículos que se ocuparon del fenómeno –tomamos como inicio de su estudio a Mijail Bajtín- hasta autores que publican ya en el siglo XXI como José Enrique Martínez Fernández. Un segundo apartado aborda la presencia de la intertextualidad en sus obras de carácter turístico –desde guías de viaje hasta folletos que habían permanecido olvidados- y gastronómico. Observamos en dichos textos cómo la intertextualidad es utilizada por Cunqueiro con el propósito de dinamitar géneros que están marcadamente sujetos a normas muy estrictas y, que en manos del escritor gallego, traspasan su carácter instructivo para situarse en el reino de la fantasía. Una tercera parte explora estas técnicas intertextuales en sus textos periodísticos. Obligado, en muchas ocasiones, por motivos económicos, su producción en el campo del articulismo es ingente. Con un margen más elástico que en las obras del segundo apartado, Cunqueiro también logra aquí traspasar la frontera genérica para convertir unas piezas que de oficio han de prestar atención a la actualidad en verdaderos campos de fantasía en los que la noticia aparece únicamente como excusa irrelevante. Para ello, nos proponemos emprender en un principio la catalogación de todas las cabeceras en las que Cunqueiro participó, incluso aquellas que cuentan con un único texto salido de su mano. En definitiva, la tesis doctoral que aquí se presenta abarca dos objetivos. Por un lado, ordenar el extenso corpus cunqueiriano en lo relativo a su obra turística y gastronómica –la periodística cuenta con algunos estudios clarificadores- y marcar ejes temáticos de sus abordajes intertextuales y de las técnicas que consiguen convertir textos que en un principio debían ser neutros en explosiones de imaginación.
The research that we intend to address with this doctoral thesis has as its objective to place the phenomenon known as intertextuality within the non-strictly literary works of Álvaro Cunqueiro. The working hypothesis that is formulated is oriented to demonstrate that the main purpose of the presence of quotations or literary references in the essay work of the Galician author is not to boast scholarship or use arguments of authority, but to endow his texts with a power to fantasize that transform them into true literary artifacts, proximal or amalgamated to his narrative and poetic work. As an added objective to this formulation of textual techniques that enhance fiction in genres scarcely prone to it, we undertake a classification of the tourist, gastronomic and journalistic corpus by Cunqueiro, barely studied, especially in the first two areas, and we also bring forward some overlooked work to be integrated into his bibliography. The research is divided into three blocks. First, a theoretical framework is displayed to outline what we understand by intertextuality, what techniques Cunqueiro used to tackle texts by other authors and the different ways in which he does it that reveal heir presence. Not intending to be exhaustive but instead specifically wanting to delve into the concepts and their connection mechanisms, we provide the reference paradigms necessary to calibrate how Álvaro Cunqueiro embeds material from other authors in his work and what he intends to achieve with it. The documentary base comprises articles from the early stages dealing with this phenomenon, considering Mijail Bajtín as the initial reference of the study of this phenomenon, to authors who are already publishing in the 21st century, such as José Enrique Martínez Fernández. A second section focuses on the presence of intertextuality in Cunqueiro’s gastronomic and tourist works, from travel guides to brochures that had previously been forgotten. We observe in those texts how intertextuality is used by Cunqueiro with the purpose of dynamiting genres which are markedly subject to very strict norms which in the hands of the Galician writer go beyond the instructive character and are placed in the realm of fantasy. A third section explores these intertextual techniques in his journalistic texts. As a result of many different occasion when he faced economic problems he ended up writing an enormous production in the field of articulism. With a more elastic margin than in the works of the second block, Cunqueiro also manages here to cross the generic line to change pieces that in fact need to pay attention to current affairs into real fantasy fields in which news appears only as an irrelevant excuse. To do this, initially we intend to undertake the cataloging of all the newspapers in which Cunqueiro collaborated, even those in which he only published a single article. In short, this present doctoral thesis encompasses two objectives. On the one hand, to order the extensive Cunquerian corpus in relation to his tourist and gastronomic work, since his journalism has some other clarifying studies, and on the other, to mark thematic axes of his intertextual approaches as well as his techniques that successfully transform texts which essentially should be neutral into explosions of imagination.
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Bardet, Pascal. ""not in the guidebook" : departs et derives. itineraires fitzgeraldiens." Paris 3, 1997.

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Cette etude se propose d'examiner en detail toutes les composantes de l'espace fitzgeraldien. Toute l'oeuvre de francis scott fitzgerald aborde un theme majeur de la litterature americaine : l'inadaptation de l'homme a son environnement. La quete de son identite, par consequent, s'inscrit dans la recherche d'un centre vital. Cette demarche mene l'individu aux quatre coins du continent american ainsi qu'en europe et l'incite a tenter de saisir le sens profond de son espace immediat. Incapable de jeter l'ancre quelque part, l'homme est en quete perpetuelle mais l'errance de son ame ne permet pas la renaissance de son etre. Les maisons n'offrent pas de valeurs protectrices et s'apparentent a des prisons. Fuyant le giron maternel, le heros espere trouver dans l'aventure les fondements d'une identite nouvelle. Mais la tentative d'integration au sein de la ville americaine se revele etre un leurre. Le miracle urbain se transforme en mirage; le sud, terre de l'exaltation romantique, n'est plus qu'un paradis perdu : l'europe, enfin, pole artistique des expatries americains, perd son authenticite et devient une deuxieme amerique. Dans la fiction fitzgeraldienne, les departs se transforment en derives. Cette etude est donc une invitation au voyage a travers la geographie symbolique de l'oeuvre et devrait permettre au lecteur de mieux apprecier les differents poles de l'univers imaginaire de francis scott fitzgerald
The purpose of this study is to examine in detail all the features of fitzgeraldian space. Francis scott fitzgerald's entire works analyse a major theme in american literature : man's alienation from his environment. Therefore, the search for his own identity is in keeping with the quest for a place to call home. This process takes him to the four corners of the american continent and to europe and incites him to try and grasp the true meaning of his surroundings. Unable to settle down somewhere, man is in perpetual quest but the wanderings of his soul forbid the rebirth of his being. Houses are devoid of protective values and look like prisons. Willing to run away from the family circle, the hero hopes to lay the foundations of his own identity by seeking new adventures. But his attempt to become integrated in the american city turns out to be a delusion. The urban miracle becomes a mirage ; the american south, the land of romantic elation, is nothing more than a lost paradise ; finally, europe, the artistic centre of american expatriates, loses its authenticity and becomes another version of america. In scott fitzgerald's fiction, departures become drifts. This study is, therefore, an invitation to explore the symbolic landscapes of his works and should allow the reader to better perceive the different components of francis scott fitzgerald's imaginary world
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Chambers, Kristy LeAnn. "Stewardship of creation: A guidebook for the Episcopal Church." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2007.

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Rosas, Pedro. "A process of using mini-shared and guided reading to transition fluent readers in Spanish to English." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2002.

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A descriptive study was conducted using a modified approach to Guided Reading and Mini-Shared Reading to improve the reading comprehension levels of bilingual second graders in their second language, English.
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Ligman-McCormick, Etta Margo. "The Salton sea wetlands: A guidebook of curriculum based lessons." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003.

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Bonzer, Dilma Cordeiro. "Coordinated compliance review: Guidebook for the English language learner coordinator." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.

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The author has designed a guidebook to accompany the State of California Department of Education's Coordinated Compliance Review Manual. The purpose of the guidebook is to provide English language learners' (ELL) coordinators the information needed to facilitate and achieve compliance with the State of California's rules, regulations and policies that will insure that ELL students' needs are being addressed and met. The design and method of the project are discussed.
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Alves, Allana Mirella. "Development and validation of educational guidebook for prevention of elderly fall." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2017.

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FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico
Elderly are more prone to fall due to changes in functional reserve and due to exposure to several risk factors for many years. In view of the importance of this problem of public health, basic safety and prevention care measures should be taken. The aim of this work is to develop and to validate an educational guidebook for the prevention of elderly fall. This methodological study was carried out from March 2015 to September 2016. The following steps were applied: situational diagnosis with 15 elderly woman of VIDA group, literature review, guidebook elaboration, material validation by 30 judges, evaluation of the suitability of the material through SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials), calculation of Flesch readability index and pilot experiment with 40 community elderly. The Health Belief Model was used as basis to elaborate the guidebook. Workshops with elderly were carried out to collect information about falls. The following topics were noted: balance, fear of falling, stand up at night, visual deficit, stairs, carpets, slippery/wet floor, walking animals through the house, bed and hammock height, inadequate house infrastructure, insufficient financial condition, polypharmacy and not adapted bathroom. In the bibliographical review, publications that consider the variables of the Health Beliefs Model (susceptibility, severity, benefits and perceived barriers) were included. Nineteen publications were selected. The guidebook was elaborated based on the workshops and a designer was consulted to make the figures. Thirty judges were selected to evaluate the content and the guidebook appearance according to pre-established criteria. An excellent agreement between the replies was observed and the guidebook was validated with an overall Content Validity Index of 96% agreement between responses. The SAM evaluated the guidebook as excellent or superior with general index of 90.9%, classifying the material as superior and recommending its use by the intended audience. Flesch readability indexes ranged from 71 to 82.5%, classifying the material as reasonably easy, easy or very easy and as acceptable for the schooling of the elderly. Lastly, the pilot experiment showed that 100% of the 40 respondents rated the developed guidebook as good, great or excellent.
As mudanÃas na reserva funcional somada aos anos de exposiÃÃo a inÃmeros fatores de risco, torna os idosos mais propensos Ãs quedas. Em face da importÃncia das quedas do idoso como problema de saÃde pÃblica, medidas devem ser tomadas, como cuidados bÃsicos de seguranÃa e prevenÃÃo. Objetivou-se neste estudo desenvolver e validar uma cartilha educativa para prevenÃÃo de quedas em idosos. Trata-se de um estudo metodolÃgico realizado de marÃo de 2015 a setembro de 2016. Para realizaÃÃo da pesquisa, foram seguidas as seguintes etapas: diagnÃstico situacional realizado com cerca de 15 idosas do grupo V.I.D.A., levantamento bibliogrÃfico, elaboraÃÃo da cartilha, validaÃÃo do material por 30 juÃzes, avaliaÃÃo da adequaÃÃo do material atravÃs do Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM), cÃlculo do Ãndice de legibilidade de Flesch e teste piloto com 40 idosos da comunidade. Utilizou-se o Modelo de CrenÃas em SaÃde como base para construÃÃo da cartilha. No diagnÃstico situacional atravÃs de oficinas com idosas para extraiu-se informaÃÃes acerca do conhecimento sobre quedas a partir do Modelo de CrenÃas em SaÃde surgiram os termos: equilÃbrio, medo de cair, levantar à noite, dÃficit visual, escadas, tapetes, piso escorregadio/molhado, animais transitando pela casa, cama e rede na altura correta, infraestrutura da casa inadequada, condiÃÃo financeira insuficiente, polifarmÃcia, banheiro nÃo adaptado para a realidade do idoso. ApÃs esta etapa foi feito o levantamento bibliogrÃfico a partir de publicaÃÃes que contemplem as variÃveis do Modelo de CrenÃas em SaÃde, assim foram selecionadas 19 publicaÃÃes que contemplaram as variÃveis do Modelo de CrenÃas em SaÃde, que sÃo suscetibilidade, severidade, benefÃcios e barreiras percebidas. ApÃs isso, foi realizada a elaboraÃÃo da cartilha a partir das informaÃÃes levantadas anteriormente e consultado um designer para confecÃÃo das figuras. Para validaÃÃo de aparÃncia e conteÃdo foram selecionados 30 juÃzes, conforme critÃrios prÃ-estabelecidos, que avaliaram a cartilha como vÃlida em conteÃdo e aparÃncia com Ãndice de Validade de ConteÃdo geral de 96% de concordÃncia entre as respostas, contatou-se como excelente nÃvel de concordÃncia entre as respostas dos juÃzes. O SAM para avaliaÃÃo da adequaÃÃo do material avaliou a cartilha como excelente ou superior com o Ãndice geral de 90,9 %, classificando o material como superior, sendo recomendada sua utilizaÃÃo pelo pÃblico a qual se destina. Os cÃlculos dos Ãndices de legibilidade de Flesch para testar o nÃvel de leitura dos textos, ficaram em torno de 71 a 82,5 %, com o total de 80% classificando o material como razoavelmente fÃcil, fÃcil ou muito fÃcil, sendo aceitÃvel para a escolaridade dos idosos. E por fim, no teste piloto 100% dos 40 idosos que foram entrevistados classificaram a cartilha como boa, Ãtima ou excelente.
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Hansson, Marie. "Fixed Expressions and Culture-specific Phenomena : a translation study of a guidebook." Thesis, Linnaeus University, School of Language and Literature, 2010.

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The aim of this study is to classify and analyse certain areas of interest that occurred intranslation of parts of the guidebook Edinburgh, published by Phaidon Press. The analysis focuses on the translation of fixed expressions (idioms and metaphors) and culture-specific phenomena (proper nouns and terminology). The theoretical model of Vinay and Darbelnetand the translation strategies by Rune Ingo are used as the basis of the analysis.The analysis of fixed expressions shows that the majority are translated with fixed expressions in the target language, according to Ingo's translation strategies. Some of the fixed expressions in the source text are replaced by regular expressions. A few regular expressions in the source text are replaced by Swedish fixed expressions; two English fixed expressions are translated word for word.The second part of the analysis deals with the translation of culture-specific phenomena, i.e. proper nouns and terminology. The result shows that the procedures borrowing and adaptation, from Vinay and Darbelnet's model, are the most common ways of translating culture-specific phenomena in this study.

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Smith, Martha Josephine Dick. "A choral director's guidebook to Handel's anthems : an historical and musical perspective /." Access Digital Full Text version, 1987.

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Ripper, Mark. "A Curriculum Project for Itinerant Teacher’s Guidebook for Best Trauma Informed Practices." Otterbein University / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Grisham, Jason Lynn. "A guidebook to evaluate the use of distributed generation in distribution systems." Master's thesis, Mississippi State : Mississippi State University, 2004.

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Lofton, Dana Renia. "Guidebook for middle and high school teachers and students in conflict management." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004.

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The purpose of the project was to design a one-semester core curriculum guidebook for middle and high schools. This curriculum will provide a tool to teach students to manage conflict in middle and high school settings. The curriculum, guidebook and materials developed will establish guidelines that can be used by middle and high school teachers to teach useful conflict management skills.
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Perry, John Jason. "Historic residential loft development in Georgia : a best practices guidebook and case study." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001.

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Pack, Austin Cody. "Understanding Chinese Language and Culture: A Guidebook for Teachers of English in China." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2013.

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Many experts on English teaching in China argue that native-English-speaking teachers are too unfamiliar with Chinese culture and the Chinese language. Many of the resources available for these teachers do not address these issues and are not adequately tailored to the native-English-speaking teachers' specific needs. This 35 page guidebook in printable pdf form addresses three key issues with English teaching in China. First, the guidebook helps teachers understand how to bridge the gap that exists between their teaching styles and their Chinese students' learning styles. Second, the guidebook provides explanations of common errors Chinese students make in English because of interference from their native language, Chinese. Lastly, the guidebook answers some of the most common cultural questions that teachers have concerning China, Chinese students, and language teaching in China. The guidebook is available free to download at
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Restaino, Hilda Cristina. "O ensino de Língua Portuguesa e de leitura na República Velha: Aliados da cultura brasileira ou representantes da tradição?" Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2005.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Mestrado_Hilda Cristina Restaino.pdf: 631435 bytes, checksum: 8248ee1fffa9043e4ee71a68ccf6e97e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-14
This dissertation is based on the History of the Linguistics Ideas. The way the Old Republic had absorbed the national culture as well as differences in Portuguese Language in Brazil has been studied in this work. To do so, the Pedro II School s Teaching Programs ( Programas de Ensino do Colégio de Pedro II ), the National Anthology ( Antologia Nacional ) , written by Fausto Barreto and Carlos de Laet, the History of Brazilian Literature ( História da Literatura Brasileira ) from Sílvio Romero, and the Portuguese Grammar ( Gramática Portuguesa ) written by Júlio Ribeiro have had to be analyzed within it. In this matter the changes in the teaching of Portuguese Language and reading as well as its difficulties and connection with national culture might become known and interpreted. The starting point is the work basis of the History of the Linguistics Ideas, and a panorama of politics, economics, society, intellectuality, and culture in Brazil. The aim has been to know the Brazilian society at that time as a whole, and furthermore, comprehend the nature of the decisions made at the Ginásio Nacional ex- Pedro II School s in the teaching of Portuguese Language. Moreover, the three above mentioned works were analyzed and their authors roles in the teaching and in the national culture cleared up along with the choices presented in each compendium related to the themes and authors National Anthology and History of Brazilian Literature. The connection between these compendiums about a supposed build-up of a Brazilian culture belonging is presented after having identified their writers attitudes towards the language changes in phonetics, morphology, and syntax. At last, the teaching in Portuguese is related to the heritages of the Old Republic.
Esta dissertação fundamentada na História das Idéias Lingüísticas estuda como a cultura nacional e as diferenças da Língua Portuguesa no Brasil foram absorvidas pela escola brasileira da República Velha. Para fazê-lo analisa os Programas de Ensino do Colégio de Pedro II, a Antologia Nacional de Fausto Barreto e Carlos de Laet, a História da Literatura Brasileira de Sílvio Romero e a Gramática Portuguesa de Júlio Ribeiro, a fim de conhecer e interpretar os caminhos seguidos pelo ensino de Língua Portuguesa e de leitura, suas dificuldades e seu relacionamento com a cultura brasileira. O trabalho principia com o embasamento teórico proporcionado pela História das Idéias Lingüísticas, seguido por um panorama político, econômico, social, intelectual e cultural do Brasil, visando conhecer a sociedade brasileira do período como um todo e, assim, compreender o porquê das resoluções tomadas no ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Ginásio Nacional ex-Colégio de Pedro II. Continua com a análise das três obras pesquisadas, esclarecendo o papel de seus autores no ensino e na cultura nacional e, também, as escolhas feitas por cada compêndio quanto aos temas, aos escritores Antologia Nacional e História da Literatura Brasileira e à posição a respeito do Português do Brasil. Nas análises, ao identificar as posições de Fausto Barreto, Carlos de Laet, Sílvio Romero e Júlio Ribeiro relacionadas às modificações fonéticas, morfológicas e sintáticas da língua, estabelece o envolvimento dos compêndios na concretização do que pertenceria à cultura brasileira e, finalizando, associa o ensino de Língua Portuguesa hodierno às heranças oriundas da República Velha.
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Torstensson, Elisabeth. "Translating culture- specific phenomena and names from English to Swedish : A case study of a walking guide text." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk och litteratur, SOL, 2012.

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The present study discusses some of the culture-specific and name issues encountered during a translation from English into Swedish of the walking guide Leisure walks for all ages - The Lake District. Peter Newmark’s model of translation procedures forms the basis for the analysis and a variety of his translation procedures are examined in relation to the two specific aspects – culture-specific phenomena and names. The results show in reference to culture-specific phenomena that whenever a cultural word in the source text did not seem to have an established translation in the target language, either the cultural equivalent-, functional equivalent-, descriptive equivalent- or the additions translation procedure were used. With reference to names, Newmark’s transference translation procedure was used. If the name merely served as a label or was likely to be understood by the target reader transference alone was used. However, when the purpose of the name was to explain the way or a place, or if it was likely that the geographical feature might be unknown to the target reader, transference was used with a classifier.   : culture,
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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