Academic literature on the topic 'Guerrière'
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Journal articles on the topic "Guerrière"
Shin’ichi, Saeki. "Figures du samouraï dans l’histoire japonaise Depuis Le Dit des Heiké jusqu’au Bushidô." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 63, no. 4 (August 2008): 875–94.
Full textTôru, Morishita. "Les guerriers et leurs domestiques dans la ville seigneuriale de Hagi." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 66, no. 4 (December 2011): 977–1004.
Full textPostel, Philippe. "La légende des quarante-sept ronins : un marqueur identitaire incertain du Japon." Questions internationales 112, no. 2 (April 27, 2022): 118–24.
Full textMouton, Gauthier, and Priscyll Anctil Avoine. "Grammaire bienveillante et rhétorique de combat : stratégies discursives des dirigeantes en Islande, en Nouvelle-Zélande et à Taïwan durant la pandémie de COVID-19." Section 3 – Crises sanitaires et crises de la démocratie, no. 88 (July 27, 2022): 237–57.
Full textPrendergast, Maria Teresa Micaela. "The Aesthetics of Railing: Troilus and Cressida and Coriolanus." Renaissance and Reformation 31, no. 3 (January 1, 2008): 69–101.
Full textHuyghe, Bernard. "La masculinité guerrière : codage culturel ou structure psychique?" Culture 4, no. 2 (June 22, 2021): 3–19.
Full textGal, Stéphane. "La chanson durant les guerres de Religion." Chroniques allemandes 10, no. 1 (2003): 25–37.
Full textPemboura, Aïcha. "Écrits épiques royaux et identité politique guerrière au royaume bamoun (Cameroun)." Cahiers d'études africaines 255-256 (2024): 795–816.
Full textMéniel, Bruno. "L’ardeur guerrière chez Montaigne." Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, no. 34 (December 31, 2017): 317–37.
Full textDijoux, Mathieu. "Roland rit. De l’imaginaire d’une pulsion." Hommage à Gilbert Durand, no. 34 (June 30, 2013): 173–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Guerrière"
Zacaïr, Philippe. "Antonio Maceo Grajales (1845-1896) : biographie guerrière et politique." Paris 3, 1999.
Full textDessart, Laurent. "Les Pachtounes : économie et culture d'une aristocratie guerrière (Afghanistan-Pakistan)." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2000.
Full textNerich, Laurent. "Les New Zealand Wars : la culture guerrière maorie face à l’impérialisme britannique." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020.
Full textThe New Zealand Wars are the conflicts in which British fought Maori tribes for the control of New Zealand in the XIXth Century. Their origin can be traced back to the divergent interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi, signed in 1840 with most prominent Maori chiefs. This treaty is in fact a taking of control of New Zealand by the United Kingdom. From the « Wairau Incident » in 1843 to the surrender of chief Te Kooti in 1872, these conflicts were fought almost exclusively in New Zealand’s North Island. One of the longest crises of the Victorian era, these conflicts were also the first open conflict between Europeans and a Polynesian people, and the only one with such a large scale. In this regard, these conflicts are meaningful because both sides had to implement deep changes in their strategy. Capitalizing on their warrior culture and the experience acquired during the intertribal wars of the beginning of XIXth Century, Maori adapted outstandingly. For example, the pa (Maori traditional fortifications) changed drastically and became the center of Maori strategy. As for British, they had to adapt the tactical procedures used in other colonial conflicts while using the might of their empire to prevail. This research focuses in particular on mutual adaptation processes in colonial conflicts and their legacy, since pa heralded trench warfare and dug out shelters
Oulés, Marie. "La guerrière dans l'estampe japonaise aux époques Edo et Meiji (1603 - 1912)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textFrom the beginning of the Edo period, the printmaking technique experienced a tremendous rise thanks to the development of the publishing industry. Artists experimented with this medium and multiplied their subjects, ranging from everyday life to classical literature and theatre, all of which came from what the population called ‘the floating world', or ukiyo. Among this great diversity of themes, one particular subject stands out, inspired by Japanese legends and history: prints of warriors. And among all these historical figures are those of women warriors, characters who are little studied yet abundantly represented.Print artists put a great deal of emphasis on depicting these women, whose lives combine historical veracity with legendary elements, adding to the keen interest shown in them by the Japanese population despite their lesser popularity compared with portraits of beauties and actors. It was thanks in no small part to the work of artists that the warrior woman aroused an immutable craze during the Edo and Meiji eras. Experimenting with the art of wood engraving, artists composed grandiose scenes in which female warriors were at the centre of the action. The main characters in exploits celebrated in both oral and written traditions, women warriors were depicted in all their glory in portraits, battle scenes and illustrations for books.Despite radical political change and extensive modernisation, the Meiji era and, above all, its artists continued to pay tribute to these warrior women through prints, despite strong competition from lithography and photography. Mixing Japanese traditions with Western techniques, these artists produced images of female warriors that were unprecedented, combining the heritage of the ukiyo-e schools with artistic models imported from abroad.The enduring nature of the subject of the female warrior and her depiction was underpinned by the constant enthusiasm of the public and print lovers for this multi-faceted female figure. Alternately wife, concubine, mother, aunt, empress, noblewoman or commoner, the female warrior is above all a woman in combat whose exploits still resonate today. The Japanese population of the Edo and Meiji eras saw them and their lives, like those of warriors, as models of virtues such as courage, loyalty and wisdom. Whatever their gender, rank in society or the era in which they lived, women warriors are illustrious historical figures whose representation in the Edo and Meiji eras testifies to their celebrity and the esteem in which they are held by the Japanese people
Rabinovich, Alejandro Martin. "La société guerrière : pratiques, discours et valeurs militaires au Rio de la Plata, 1806-1852." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textAfter the legitimacy crisis opened by Ferdinand VII's capture was raged for more than half a century over the vas territory of Rio de la Plata. During this period, the local people was placed war at the very center of social life, which lead the alarming levels of military mobilization and eventually the terminal collapse of the central State. This dissertation raises questions about the social conditions of this total and protacted state of war. It first analyzes the transformation of social values, behavorial patterns, and institutional forms. Then it recreates the military practices that sustained the war effort decades via massively coercive recruiting systems, guerrilla tactics and a combat order that mimicked the rural population's way of life. Proper identification of the social mechanics that characterize this newly established "warrior society" proves a crucial fact : its constitutive elements were as much a consequence as a cause of the state of war
Alaperrine-Bouyer, Monique. "La vierge et la guerrière : rencontre de deux imaginaires dans le Pérou des XVIe et XVIIe siècles." Bordeaux 3, 1994.
Full textThe theme of this thesis is the study of the two essential antagonistic female figures of christian imagination which are the virgin mary and the amazons as they were envisaged at the time of the conquest, and see how they corresponded the female figures of the indigenous imagination in the xvith and xviith centuries. The amazon, the woman of the discovery and imprecise frontiers was a myth still very much alive for the men of orellana's expedition - a comparative study of the two manuscripts of the expedition will be found in the second part of the thesis - , and for the jesuit missionaries in the xviith century. This myth came into contact with that of "the country inhabited by women", an indigenous myth of the forest, but for the creole peruvian society as well as for the spaniards, the amazons were merely an allegory. The virgin mary, essential figure of the conquest, becomes more and more a warrior, and her apparition in cuzco where she thwarted the indians victory over the spaniards becomes a foundation myth of colonial order in the xviith century. The importance of the immaculate conception underlines the political role of the virgin mary in peru, just as the spanish crown sees her army's decline in europe. 51the indians subjected to evangelisation and victims of the policy of extirping idolatry, found comfort with her, but a way of resistance too
Holder, Gilles. "Le système politique Sama : parcours et relations d'une société guerrière dans la boucle du Niger : analyse comparative." Paris 10, 2000.
Full textWeissgerber, Eric. "Grevouse est la guere e dure l'endurer : Violence guerrière et narration de la Guerre en Angleterre, 1296-1485." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.
Full textWar is a cultural phenomenon whose only redundant character is violence: its representation is a strong disclosure of human nature. Wars and battles exist only through their accounts. Omnipresent in medieval primary sources regarding England, they were perceived as fundamental elements of life by their contemporaries. While complying with specific stylistic requirements, the chronicles' narrative framework from the late 13th to the 15th century stands out as a coalescence of feats of arms, ethos or cultural ascendancy, martial knowledge and personal opinions. The peculiarity of the reporting of war in the Middle Ages relies on this symbiosis. Its representations stress the importance of those who fight: they are able to stimulate the collective memory or fascinate by the use of ideology or example, and follow a defined path. Nevertheless, this vision of war isn't necessarily precise nor unanimous. Skill and variable recourse to narrative impressionism create a relation dominated by human limits. A brutal clash of arms, which is part of the order of the world, defines battle and is sometimes used to represent annihilation. However, ambivalence towards warlike behaviors, rather than organized criticism, balances the idea of a monolithic martial mentality during the Middle Ages. Chronicles are indeed mainly full of praises when reporting feats of arms and powess. They construct a selective and mastered sequence of action based on a selective timescale, but they remain sensitive to a traumatism acquired by experience or fantasy. These representations also benefit from strong religious and literary references. A reflection on war and its violence ensues, acknowledging or proscribing their punctual practice. The account of violent action, despite its overall epic tone, finds its unity in these ambivalent arguments, rather than in a synoptic and commonplace tale of warlike and chivalric behaviors
Fathally, Jabeur. "Les principes du droit international musulman et la protection des populations civiles en cas de conflits armés : de la binarité guerrière au Droit de Genève. Histoire d’une convergence." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012.
Full textAlbertim, Alcione Lucena de. "A excelência guerreira do herói clássico." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2012.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
La proposition de ce travail est d analyser l excellence guerrière du héros classique, qui concerne à « areté » dans le monde grec, et à « virtus » dans le monde latin. Le corpus à rechercher est l Éneide, de Virgile, cependant, nous ferrons une étude préliminaire sur le héros classique, en traçant son profil et en analysant les caractéristiques qui le composent. À cette fin, nous établirons une étude comparative à propos du processus de formation de celui que nous considérons le premier héros, Zeus, ainsi comme d autres grands héros, à savoir, Héraclès, Achille et Énée, afin d identifier les similitudes et les différences dans les étapes constitutives de ce processus de formation. Outre l Éneide, nous prendrons aussi comme base pour cette étude l Iliade, Le bouclier d'Héraclès, Théogonie et Les Travaux et les Jours. Nous verrons que « areté » et « virtus » expriment une valeur semblable, l excellence guerrière du héros, pourtant elles se configurent de façon différente. Nous montrerons, à partir de l analyse étymologique des mots, que les deux valeurs parcourent des chemins distincts pour arriver au sens guerrier qui leur est attribuée. Après cette discussion, nous procéderons à l étude la plus précise du corpus proposé, en analysant la « virtus » d Énée à partir de la structure binaire du poème proposé pour nous, qui a dans le VIe livre sa ligne de démarcation, où se produit la « katábasis » du héros, qui nous considérons sa « belle mort » symbolique.
A proposta do presente trabalho é analisar a excelência guerreira do herói clássico, que concerne a areté, no mundo grego, e a virtus, no mundo latino. O corpus a ser pesquisado é a Eneida, de Virgílio, no entanto, faremos um estudo prévio acerca do herói clássico, delineando o seu perfil e analisando as características que o compõem. Para isso, estabeleceremos um estudo comparativo acerca do processo de formação daquele que consideramos o primeiro herói, Zeus, e de outros grandes heróis, a saber, Heraclés, Aquiles e Eneias, de modo a identificar as semelhanças e as diferenças nas etapas constitutivas desse processo de formação. Tomaremos como subsídio para esse estudo, além da Eneida, a Ilíada, O escudo de Heraclés, a Teogonia, e Trabalhos e Dias. Veremos que a areté e a virtus exprimem valor semelhante, a excelência guerreira do herói, porém, configuram-se de maneira diferente. Mostraremos, a partir da análise etimológica dos vocábulos, que os dois valores percorrem caminhos distintos até chegar ao sentido guerreiro que lhes é atribuído. Após essa discussão, seguiremos ao estudo mais detido do corpus proposto, analisando a virtus de Eneias a partir da estrutura binária do poema por nós proposta, que tem no Livro VI a sua linha divisória, onde ocorre a katábasis do herói, que consideramos ser a sua 'bela morte' simbólica.
Books on the topic "Guerrière"
1961-, Beaudin Christian, ed. Vézelay: Une église guerrière. Paris: Éditions Édite, 2012.
Find full textMavrikakis, Catherine. Diamanda Galas: Guerrière et gorgone. Montréal, Quebec: Éditions Héliotrope, 2014.
Find full textDelvaux, Martine. Nan Goldin: Guerrière et gorgone. Montréal: Éditions Héliotrope, 2014.
Find full textSavignac, Jean-Paul. Bellina la Guerrière et l'oracle de Lutèce. Paris: Fayard, 2009.
Find full textDumézil, Georges. Heur et malheur du guerrier: Aspects mythiques de la fonction guerrière chez les Indo-Européens. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1985.
Find full textVandy, Josyane. Jeanne et Michel de Ghelderode: La guerrière et l'archange. Bruxelles: Racine, 2012.
Find full textIII, Université de Paris, ed. Antonio Maceo Grajales (1845-1896): Biographie guerrière et politique. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1999.
Find full textHébert, Pierre. La nouvelle université guerrière, ou, Le mythe de la caserne. [Québec]: Éditions Nota bene, 2001.
Find full textValérie, Lécrivain, ed. Clientèle guerrière, clientèle foncière et clientèle électorale: Histoire et anthropologie. Dijon: Ed. universitaires de Dijon, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Guerrière"
Guille-Escuret, Georges. "Le corps du délit et l'exotisme artificiel: à propos de l'anthropophagie guerrière en forêt centrafricaine." In Le Corps Humain, 109–35. London: Routledge, 2024.
Full textVones, Ludwig. "Mission et frontière dans l’espace Méditerranéen: Tentatives d’une société guerrière pour la propagation de la foi." In International Medieval Research, 203–22. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2000.
Full textLauwers, Michel. "Introduction." In Guerriers et moines, 9–14. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textDubreucq, Alain. "La littérature des specula : délimitation du genre, contenu, destinataires et réception." In Guerriers et moines, 17–39. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textSavigni, Raffaele. "Les laïcs dans l'ecclésiologie carolingienne : normes statutaires et idéal de « conversion »." In Guerriers et moines, 41–92. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textHenriet, Patrick. "Sainteté martyriale et communauté de salut. Une lecture du dossier des martyrs de Cordoue (milieu IXe siècle)." In Guerriers et moines, 93–139. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textIogna-Prat, Dominique. "La Vita Geraldi d'Odon de Cluny : un texte fondateur?" In Guerriers et moines, 143–55. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textLauranson-Rosaz, Christian. "La Vie de Géraud d'aurillac, vecteur d'une certaine conscience aristocratique dans le Midi de la Gaule." In Guerriers et moines, 157–81. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textCochelin, Isabelle. "Quête de liberté et récriture des origines : Odon et les portraits corrigés de Baume, Géraud et Guillaume." In Guerriers et moines, 183–215. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textFacciotto, Paolo. "Moments et lieux de la tradition manuscrite de la Vita Geraldi." In Guerriers et moines, 217–33. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Guerrière"
Audet, René, Yvonne Bellenger, and Robert Hamm. "Commentaires de la proposition d'Olivier Guerrier." In Frontières de la fiction (décembre 1999). Fabula, 2021.
Full textMilquet, Sophie. "Personnage, récit et société face à l’événement guerrier." In L’héritage littéraire de Paul Ricœur. Fabula, 2013.
Full textDarrault-Harris, Ivan, and Sonia Grubits. "Le paysage dessiné : un espace de projection identitaire." In Paysages & valeurs : de la représentation à la simulation. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2008.
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