Academic literature on the topic 'Guerre – 19e siècle – Espagne'
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Journal articles on the topic "Guerre – 19e siècle – Espagne"
Becker, Annette, and Pour George Mosse. "Guerre Totale et Troubles Mentaux." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 55, no. 1 (February 2000): 135–51.
Full textPan-Montojo, Juan. "Démocratie et agriculture en Espagne, de la fin du XIXe siècle à la Guerre Civile." Histoire & Sociétés Rurales Vol. 57, no. 1 (June 9, 2022): 137–45.
Full textCanal, Jordi. "Une guerre civile longue et persistante. Libéralisme, anti- libéralisme et violence politique en Espagne au XIXe siècle." Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 114, no. 2 (2002): 679–93.
Full textWaddell, Éric, and Claire Doran. "Les Franco-Terre-Neuviens : survie et renaissance équivoques." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 23, no. 58 (April 12, 2005): 143–56.
Full textReyns-Chikuma, C(h)ris, and Catel Muller. "Entretien avec Catel Muller." ALTERNATIVE FRANCOPHONE 1, no. 7 (September 13, 2014): 71–85.
Full textSerrano Mañes, Montserrat. "L’Espagne du XIX siècle vue par un hussard : John Rocca, un précurseur des voyageurs romantiques français." Epos : Revista de filología, no. 25 (January 1, 2009): 121.
Full textMaldavsky, Aliocha. "Financiar la cristiandad hispanoamericana. Inversiones laicas en las instituciones religiosas en los Andes (s. XVI y XVII)." Vínculos de Historia. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 8 (June 20, 2019): 114.
Full textMolero García, Jesús. "El castillo medieval en la Península Ibérica: ensayo de conceptualización y evolución tipológico-funcional." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 11 (June 22, 2022): 141–69.
Full textCorderot, Didier. ""Biblioteca Rocío" (1937-1939) o las virtudes de la novela rosa durante la Guerra Civil española." Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, no. 23 (January 26, 2015): 26.
Full textCressier, Patrice. "Castillos y fortalezas de Al-Andalus: observaciones historiográficas y preguntas pendientes." Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, no. 11 (June 22, 2022): 116–40.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Guerre – 19e siècle – Espagne"
Aatif, Jamal. "La guerre de tetouan (1859-1860) et ses consequences generales sur le maroc." Toulouse 2, 1987.
Full textThe subject treats of the war of tetouan between spain and morocco in 1859-1860. After the introduction, it was necessary approaching a historic general study on the town of tetouan from the 9th century until the 19th century basing on the principal stages that have put a mark on the history of the town. The first part (period before war) is divided in two principal chapter: the hispano-moroccan relations during this period, and the causes of the war. This study begins from the year 1830 until the date of the war (1859). These causes are limited into indirect causes breed the study of the general state of spain and different aspects. The direct causes are limited by some happened events which have led these countries to declare the war. The importance of the united kingdom in the period that preceeds the war being considerable, a little chapter has been consecrated to the study of a series of correspondences exchanged between spain and england, while a second chapter treats the attitude of the moroccan government. The second part that treats the war includes the compositions of the spanish and moroccan armies and is based on the major battles that took place between both parts. There are three stages of battles that end on the occupation of tetouan by spain. The third part treats the general consequences of the war in morocco: consequences on an economic, social and politic level, while analysing their different repercussions on the morocco. The conclusion is consecrated to the advantages of spain in this war
Langé, Christine. "Pouvoir royal, pouvoir foral. La capitainerie générale et le pleito du capitaine de guerre en Aragon, XVIe-XVIIe siècles." Toulouse 2, 1997.
Full textIn the 16th century, the territorial-type general captain institution became permanent in the aragon kingdom, bearing four characteristics : permanent office, fixed territorial jurisdiction, union with the viceroy in one same person, and limitation of its competence, particularly concerning military jurisdiction, to "time, persons and matters of war", by a fuero entitled about the captain of war. The general captain, previously main co-ordinator of local military forces, became at the end of that century, chief of the royal garrisons settled at the pyrenean frontier and in zaragoza. The political interest of that office for viceroys and kings was such that the general captain was generally considered as not having to observe the kingdom's fueros although he had to respect the fuero about the captain of war. He was then able to do things that the viceroy couldn't legally do. The political use of the general captaincy by the monarchy mainly resulted in the prohibition of trade between aragon and france and the seizure of goods owned by frenchmen resideing in the kingdom. Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, this motivated an opposition (pleito) to the general captain's military jurisdiction, trade bans and goods seizures, by the authorities of the kingdom (justicia of aragon, deputies, cities) that requested the respect of the fuero about the captain of war. The study of this opposition enables us to measure the respective powers of the royalty and the fueros. The evolution of the pleito, illustrating the relationship between the king and his kingdom, shows that the transition from radically different positions to a mutual collaboration never excluded an aragonese particularism resulting in the impossibility to forbid trade with france and leading to the rising role of the governor as compared to that of the viceroy - general captain
Lafon, Jean-Marc. "Le paradoxe andalou (1808-1812) : contre-insurrection, collaboration et résistances dans le midi de l'Espagne." Montpellier 3, 2004.
Full textThis work strives to elucidate attitude changes in Andalusia during the Peninsular War. Despite a propitious geopolitical context, mobilization and extreme violence, which overcame the Dupont forces during the summer of 1808, were followed by the surrender of Spring 1810 and the makings of a Guerrilla associated with plunder. On the other hand, both military and civil collaboration were undeniably present. Over and above the innovative program of counter-revolt stimulated by Soult, there existed the effect of the ambiguities of the revolt itself along with the contradictions of meridional society. The fiscal restrictions, howewer, imposed by the Occupant to provide for the needs of the Southern Army and finance its military and industrial program, made long-term pacification difficult. Poverty, rural exodus and plunder marked the last phase of the Occupation
Galofaro, Sophie. "Saragosse sous l'occupation napoléonienne (1809-1813)." Aix-Marseille 1, 2008.
Full textBlanchard, Rubio Laetitia. "Les provinces basques et la Navarre en guerre vues par les Français, 1833-1839." Paris 3, 1999.
Full textFrom 1833 to 1839 took place in the spanish basque country and in navarra a civil war opposing queen isabel's partisans and the ones of the pretender to the throne don carlos. Through that succession war can be seen the opposition of the two main government principles existing in europe at that time : absolutism and liberalism. The study of three kinds of documents dealing with the carlist conflict shows as many different views of the events and the protagonists. The french policy towards the belligerents is fluctuating, hesitating between intervention and isolation. The reports of french military and diplomats give evidence of contradictory attitudes, like the policy they are supposed to define and implement. In books tending to give a more personal interpretation of the conflict, authors interested in spain (essentially travellers and military) cannot avoid the stereotypes of the main literary tendency of that time, romanticism. Finally, the three great tendencies of the french press give a view of the provinces at war which is distorted by their respective political conceptions. Legitimists, orleanists and republicans transpose the political fight that they are leading in france in their articles about the carlist conflict
Martinez, Marie-Véronique. "Poliorcétique et récits de sièges en Espagne de 1635 à 1643 : les îles Lérins (1635-1637), Leucate (1637), Fontarabie (1638), Salses (1639 ; 1640 ; 1642), Perpignan (1642)." Paris 4, 1998.
Full textThis study focuses on the one hand on the development of the technical processes of defense during the transitory period of the first half of the 17th century before the poliorcetics influenced by Italy was substituted by Vauban’s theories, and is based on the fortresses located in the Guipuzcoa and the Roussillon areas. On the other hand, the study concentrates on the analysis of the historical discourse as it was given by the French and Spanish monarchies through documents on record, and of the censured discourse of documentary literature, propaganda of the ruling power and the true reflection of mentalities. As a matter of fact, the conflicts of the Lérins islands started with Louis XIII's declaration of war to Philip IV in 1635, and the blockade of Perpignan in 1642 put an end to the loss of the Roussillon. These wars lie within the scope of both France’s policy of hegemonic conquest and Spain’s attempt to assert its centralizing power with the beginning of the Catalonian rebellion
Hermant, Héloïse. "Guerre de plumes et campagnes d'opinion : résistance et dissidence dans l'Espagne de Charles II (1665-1679)." Paris, EHESS, 2008.
Full textFrom 1665 to 1679 quill pen wars surround Juan José of Austria. He appears both as the mastermind and the victim of these wars. The intricate relation between quill pen wars and the political ascent of this prince is obvious. After the first war he becomes general vicar of Aragon and after the last one he becomes Prime minister In both cases he obtains the exile of the valido. Don Juan's aim is not as much the fall of the valido as the ability to portray himself as the defender of the common good in order to seize power. This study analyses political practices allowing for resistance without direct disobedience. These practices are built upon the modes of action enabled by the written form. Quill pen wars create a polemical arena in which texts are articulated following dynamics that are exploited by don Juan to bargain his place at the court. More, the juanists broaden the contours of the political public, transform power practices and unsettle paradigms of the political culture
Sempéré, Julien. "Le consulat français de Barcelone : guerre et commerce en Méditerranée (1679-1716)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.
Full textThis thesis studies the birth of the French consulate of Barcelona as a royal institution (1679-1716). The long adaptation to the reforms of Colbert and Pontchartrain characterizes the life and the development of the institution as shown through the study of the correspondence, the birth of the chancellery or the vice-consulates and the obtaining of the consular position. The local study of the consulate is envisaged in the global consequences of its management, in particular with the prospect of the economic policy led by Seignelay, Louis and Jérôme de Pontchartrain in Spain and, beyond, via the illicit business, in Latin America. To this end, the figure of the trade consul and his attitude towards the royal instructions are studied through three successive consuls: Laurent Soleil (1679-1705), Jean-Philippe Monclus (1705-1709) and Simon Dupin (1709-1716). Laurent Soleil's consulate and its trade activity in Barcelona are detailed. The implication of the latter in original experiences with the Catalan theorists of the economy such as Marti Piles and Josep Aparici is demonstrated. The common interest of diverse actors, in a context of rivalries, for common economic projects is studied through the example of the trade with Tw1Îs. The question of the use of the consulate as the way to strengthen the trade business of his holder and as insurance in front of hazards of the war is put. More generally, the attitude and the adaptation of the trade actors in a province regularly affected by the wars are studied
Dentone, Catherine. "Images de la francophobie en Espagne : l'écriture de la crise de 1635." Paris 4, 2000.
Full textBenitez, Roca Sylvie. "Aben-Humeya et les morisques dans deux oeuvres de la littérature espagnole du XIXe siècle : (dimension poétique et idéologie)." Montpellier 3, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Guerre – 19e siècle – Espagne"
Grévy, Jérôme. Le cléricalisme, voilà l'ennemi: Une guerre de religion en France. Paris: A. Colin, 2005.
Find full textLe cléricalisme, voilà l'ennemi: Une guerre de religion en France. Paris: A. Colin, 2005.
Find full textAngels and citizens: British women as military nurses, 1854-1914. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988.
Find full textUncle Sam's War of 1898 and the origins of globalization. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Guerre – 19e siècle – Espagne"
Kołacki, Jerzy Józef. "La fuite et l’expulsion des Allemands pendant et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans l’historiographie polonaise de 1989 à 2013." In Fuite et expulsions des Allemands : transnationalité et représentations, 19e-21e siècle, 115–26. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016.
Full textSchubert, Katja. "« Fuite et expulsion des Allemands après la Seconde Guerre mondiale » dans l’œuvre tardive de Christa Wolf : retour du traumatisme ou adieu à l’Histoire ?" In Fuite et expulsions des Allemands : transnationalité et représentations, 19e-21e siècle, 231–42. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016.
Full text"Les richesses du Congo au service des alliés durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale." In Belgique, Congo, Rwanda et Burundi : Guide des sources de l’histoire de la colonisation (19e-20e siècle), 2167. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
Full text"Notices relatives aux territoires africains sous autorité allemande : Afrique Orientale Allemande (1890-1916) / Notices relatives aux archives d’origine allemande produites dans le cadre de l’occupation de la Belgique durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et concernant des sociétés belges actives au Congo et au Ruanda-Urundi." In Belgique, Congo, Rwanda et Burundi : Guide des sources de l’histoire de la colonisation (19e-20e siècle), 1967–72. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
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