Academic literature on the topic 'Group medical practice – Economic aspects'
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Journal articles on the topic "Group medical practice – Economic aspects"
Bliss, Joy A., and Gregory G. Caputy. "The business education of Canadian plastic surgeons." Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 4, no. 1 (September 1996): 1–10.
Full textBlack, Douglas. "Expensive Medical and Surgical Technology." International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 5, no. 3 (July 1989): 308–12.
Full textMcKenna, M., and A. Abdelaal. "Group & save sampling in lumbar decompression: A review into current practice." Journal of Perioperative Practice 31, no. 1-2 (November 22, 2020): 15–17.
Full textSpringer, Svenja, Peter Sandøe, Thomas Bøker Lund, and Herwig Grimm. "“Patients’ interests first, but … ”–Austrian Veterinarians’ Attitudes to Moral Challenges in Modern Small Animal Practice." Animals 9, no. 5 (May 15, 2019): 241.
Full textStefanicka-Wojtas, Dorota, Marta Duda-Sikuła, and Donata Kurpas. "Personalised medicine – best practices exchange and personal health implementation in European regions – a qualitative study concept under the Regions4PerMed (h2020) project." Medical Science Pulse 14, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 1–8.
Full textSvistushkin, V. M., G. N. Nikiforova, A. V. Zolotova, and V. A. Stepanova. "Using of topical bacterial lysates in modern clinical practice." Meditsinskiy sovet = Medical Council, no. 6 (May 12, 2021): 49–56.
Full textMovig, Kris LL, Antoine CG Egberts, Albert W. Lenderink, and Hubert GM Leufkens. "Selective Prescribing of Spasmolytics." Annals of Pharmacotherapy 34, no. 6 (June 2000): 716–20.
Full textV K Singhal, Shalini Ray, Priyanka Sachdeva, and Vishesh Yadav. "A Study on Gender Preferences and its Sociocultural aspects among Married Women (18-45years) in Rural Gurugram." International Healthcare Research Journal 3, no. 5 (August 24, 2019): 185–88.
Full textMaric, Nadja, Dragan Stojiljkovic, Zorana Pavlovic, and Miroslava Jasovic-Gasic. "Factors influencing the choice of antidepressants: A study of antidepressant prescribing practice at University psychiatric clinic in Belgrade." Vojnosanitetski pregled 69, no. 4 (2012): 308–13.
Full textGupta, Anmol K., Anita Thakur, Tripti Chauhan, and Nidhi Chauhan. "A study to determine socio demographic corelates of reproductive tract infection amongst women of reproductive age group." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 9, no. 8 (July 23, 2020): 3463.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Group medical practice – Economic aspects"
Muir, Lauretta, and n/a. "The impact of economic theory on the art of clinical practice : a study of science, meaning, and health." University of Otago. Dunedin School of Medicine, 2006.
Full textTucker, Melody A. "A Time Study of Audiological Practice Patterns and the Impact of Reimbursement Changes from Third Part Payers." Scholar Commons, 2001.
Full textPinheiro, Isabel Cristina Barbosa. "Efeitos da Regula????o Econ??mico-Financeira nas Estrat??gias de Financiamento das Operadoras de Plano De Sa??de: cooperativas m??dicas versus medicinas de grupo." FECAP - Faculdade Escola de Com??rcio ??lvares Penteado, 2014.
Full textThe Brazilian public health system is deficient and doesn't fully meet the needs of the population. As a result, the private health care market has grown in recent years, which has changed the role of the state from executive to regulator of that sector. Regulation includes tackling the economic and financial issue. Our study aimed to identify the behavior of financing strategies adopted by medical cooperatives and group medicines to meet the regulatory benchmarks of the supplementary health care sector in Brazil. The survey results show that the mandatory Guaranteeing Assets (Ativos Garantidores, AG), 1st regulatory moment, resulted in a significant increase of both the overall and the long term indebtedness indexes, which reveals the use of Third-party capital instead of Equity capital. Only the Medical Cooperatives featured increased Overall Indebtedness, which means that the Medical Cooperatives, unlike Group Medicines, are capitalized by third party funds rather than by Equity Capital. Both modalities adopted the strategy of increasing their long-term debt and reducing their short term debt (debt composition). With the introduction of the Health Guarantor Fund (Fundo Garantidor da Sa??de, FGS), 2nd regulatory moment, the Overall and Current Liquidity indexes decreased, showing that the goal of the FGS program to reduce financial guarantees and to improve working capital wasn't met. Medical Cooperatives managed to reduce their overall debt, whereas the overall debt of Group Medicines increased. We conclude that there was a balance between the Indebtedness indexes and Liquidity over the period and that operators who wish to remain in the market must comply with the rules, adapting and improving the quality of their management
A rede p??blica de sa??de no Brasil ?? prec??ria e n??o atende de forma plena ??s necessidades da popula????o. Consequentemente, o mercado privado de assist??ncia ?? sa??de tem crescido nos ??ltimos anos e com isso a fun????o do Estado vem se alterando, passando de executor para regulador deste setor de atividade. Um alvo da regula????o ?? a quest??o econ??mico-financeira. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar o comportamento das estrat??gias de financiamento adotadas pelas cooperativas m??dicas e medicinas de grupo frente aos marcos regulat??rios do setor de sa??de suplementar no Brasil. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que com a obrigatoriedade dos Ativos Garantidores - AG, 1?? momento regulat??rio, os ??ndices de Endividamento, tanto geral quanto de longo prazo tiveram um aumento significativo, o que indica a utiliza????o de Capital de Terceiros ao inv??s do Capital Pr??prio. Observou-se que apenas as Cooperativas M??dicas apresentaram um aumento no Endividamento Geral. Isso indicou que as Cooperativas M??dicas, diferentemente, das Medicinas de Grupo, se capitalizaram com recursos de terceiros ao inv??s do Capital Pr??prio. Notou-se que ambas as modalidades adotaram a estrat??gia de aumentar a d??vida de longo prazo e reduzir as de curto prazo (composi????o do endividamento). Com a institui????o do Fundo Garantidor da Sa??de - FGS, 2?? momento regulat??rio, os ??ndices de Liquidez Geral e Corrente diminu??ram, indicando que a proposta do programa FGS, de reduzir as garantias financeiras e melhorar o capital de giro, n??o ocorreu. Observou-se que para as Cooperativas M??dicas o endividamento geral diminuiu e em contrapartida para as Medicinas de Grupo aumentou. Contudo, conclui-se que houve um equil??brio entre os ??ndices de Endividamento e Liquidez ao longo do per??odo e que para as operadoras se manterem no mercado ter??o que atender as regras, adaptando-se e melhorando a qualidade da sua gest??o
Bilazarian, Ani. "Primary Care Practice Structural Capabilities and Emergency Department Utilization Among High-Need High-Cost Patients." Thesis, 2021.
Full textLombard, Kristen Cronk. "Nurses' experiences of the practice of the PeerSpirit Circle model from a Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutic perspective." Thesis, 2013.
Full textThe PeerSpirit Circle is a non-hierarchical, intentional, and relationship-centered practice of collaboration. There is a lack of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon of the PeerSpirit Circle in nursing or its potential impact on nursing practice, education, research, and the evolution of the profession and health care. The health care milieu is often entrenched in ways of being that do not support sustained change. For vitality to prosper and creativity to abound, paradigmatic shifts and new models of practice that emphasize collaboration are being called for. The purpose and aims of this phenomenological research study are to explore and give voice to the experiences of nurses who have participated in the PeerSpirit Circle model of practice with other nurses. The study includes interviews from five registered nurses from Canada and the United States conducted from 2009–2010 and interpreted from a Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutic perspective. The research findings reveal three themes: (1) experiencing the Circle container” where participants begin to understand the value of intentional preparation of the interpersonal space for safe human interaction and stronger collaboration—there are experiences of gathering, protecting, appreciating ritual, and sharing stories; (2) Experiencing space where protected space seems to be the essential element to inspire the presencing of participants with self and other, which in turn engenders genuine dialogue, a sense of sacred space, and freedom to be authentic; and (3) Experiencing our humanity, an unfolding theme, where participants experience reconnection with and understanding of their deeper humanity, stronger congruence with their core values, deeper experiences of caring and courage, personal and professional growth, and a profound appreciation for belonging to a lineage of nurses. The findings inspire a deeper understanding of barriers to congruence between values and action in nursing and nurses’ need to acknowledge, honor, support, and protect each other’s vulnerability. The implications for nursing practice, education, and research show that the PeerSpirit Circle model is a beneficial for use in all settings.
Books on the topic "Group medical practice – Economic aspects"
D, Moore Keith, Clarke Richard L, and Healthcare Financial Management Association (U.S.). Educational Foundation., eds. Capitalizing medical groups: Positioning physicians for the future. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Find full textKirschman, David. Practitioner compensation in group practice and HMOs: A 1993 report. Tampa, Fla: Physician Executive Management Center, 1994.
Find full textKirschman, David. Practitioner compensation in group practice and HMOs: A 1994 report. Tampa, Fla: Physician Executive Management Center, 1994.
Find full textKirschman, David. Practitioner compensation in group practice and HMOs: A 1992 report. Tampa, Fla: Physician Executive Management Center, 1993.
Find full textKirschman, David. Practitioner compensation in group practice and HMOs: A 1991 report. Tampa, Fla: Physician Executive Management Center, 1992.
Find full textPiepenburg, Marcus. Die Verteilungskonflikte zwischen Haus- und Fachärzten vor dem Hintergrund der Kostendämpfungspolitik: Eine Analyse des Verhaltens und der Strukturen von Ärzteverbänden auf der Grundlage der neuen politischen Ökonomie. Regensburg: Transfer, 2003.
Find full textD, Havens Joe, and American Medical Association, eds. Physician practice mergers. [Chicago?]: AMA Press, 2001.
Find full textManning, Willard G. Use of outpatient mental health care: Trial of a prepaid group practice versus fee-for-service. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1986.
Find full textCresson-Steinauer, Geneviève. Cabinets médicaux de groupe à Genève: Approche sociologique. Lausanne: Réalites sociales, 1985.
Find full textSelling or buying a medical practice. Oradell, N.J: Medical Economics Books, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Group medical practice – Economic aspects"
Patrick, Stephanie. "What Went Right? The Story of US Medicare Medical Nutrition Therapy." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 137–58. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textKondrup, Jens, and Janice M. Sorensen. "The Magnitude of the Problem of Malnutrition in Europe." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 1–14. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textJensen, Gordon L. "Malnutrition in North America: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?" In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 15–28. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textElia, M. "The Economics of Malnutrition." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 29–40. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textHoffer, L. John. "The Need for Consistent Criteria for Identifying Malnutrition." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 41–52. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textParver, Alan K., and Sarah E. Mutinsky. "Enteral Nutrition Reimbursement – The Rationale for the Policy: The US Perspective." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 53–70. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textPahne, Norbert. "Enteral Nutrition Reimbursement – The Rationale for the Policy: The German Perspective." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 71–78. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textSilver, Heidi J. "Food Modification versus Oral Liquid Nutrition Supplementation." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 79–93. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textTorgerson, David J. "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Health Policy." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 95–104. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textMcKinlay, Alastair W. "Implementing Nutritional Standards: The Scottish Experience." In The Economic, Medical/Scientific and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Nutrition Practice: What Impacts What?, 105–11. Basel: KARGER, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Group medical practice – Economic aspects"
Liu, Chengcheng. "Strategies on healthy urban planning and construction for challenges of rapid urbanization in China." In 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Beyond Metropolis, Jakarta-Bogor, Indonesia. ISOCARP, 2019.
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