Academic literature on the topic 'Grégoire de Nysse (0335?-0394? ; saint)'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Grégoire de Nysse (0335?-0394? ; saint)"
Sferlea, Gheroghe Ovidiu. "Aoristos. Le thème de l'infini chez Grégoire de Nysse." Paris, EPHE, 2010.
Full textThe thesis provides a comprehesive analysis of the theme of infinity in Gregory of Nyssa. It is distributed in five sections corresponding to the registre in which Gregory uses the concept of infinity: anthropological, Trinitarian, Christological, epistemological and spiritual. The first chapter shows that this theme is not dependent on Gregory polemic against Eunomius. In the second chapter, I study the importance of the concept de infinity for the Trinitarian debate with Eunomius and the Macedonians. The third chapter is devoted to analysing the use of this concept in Gregory's Christological reflexion. The fourth chapter examines the consequences that the attribute of infinity has for the conceptual knowledge of God. The final chapter concerns Gregory's spiritual doctrine. I conclude that it is in this registry, much more that in the others, that the theme of the infinite shapes profoundly the thinking of Gregory
Seguin, Josette, and Grégoire de Nysse. "Grégoire de Nysse : De Oratore Dominica : introduction, traduction et notes." Paris 4, 2001.
Full textThe 'De oratione dominica' of Gregory of Nyssa is a series of five homilies devoted to the commentary of the verses concerning the 'Our father'. It represents a synthesis of the theology and the art of its author. It is complete echo of its time and reflects the way of life and the issues of society. .
Rousiers-Gonçalves, Cécile de. "Le péché dans l'oeuvre de Grégoire de Nysse." Dijon, 2008.
Full textSkaltsas, Georgios. "La dynamique de la transformation eschatologique chez Grégoire de Nysse : étude sur les rapports de la pensée patristique à la philosophie grecque ancienne." Paris, EPHE, 1999.
Full textMaalouf, Charbel. "Erôs de Dieu, érôs de l’homme. Une mystique érotique chez Grégoire de Nysse." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010.
Full textThis piece of research into Gregory of Nyssa’s mystical theology provides a rereading of Gregory’s mysticism, based upon two leading themes in his work: gnoseology and eros. The study demonstrates the considerable space Gregory gives to gnôsis in his work, and redefines the role it plays in the soul’s ascent to God, which is closely connected with love. This love, designated as erôs, constitutes the dual movement of mystical experience, and is defined as the erôs of God for human beings (incarnation of Christ) and as the erôs that draws human beings towards God (divinisation of humanity). Such a conception of erôs is both continuous and discontinuous with the Greek philosophical tradition, a relation that invites a redefinition of theology as genealogy. On the basis of this erotic adventure between God and humankind, Gregory establishes an intrinsic relation between faith and reason, and lays the foundations of a genuine dialogue between theology and philosophy. For according to him, authentic mystical ascent cannot be detached from the gnoseological process, which, in turn, is closely linked to erotic experience. In this way, a mysticism founded on gnôsis and erôs leads to a redefinition of theology as mysticism
Zhang, Liang. "Le progrès perpétuel (ΕIIΕΚΤΑΣΙΣ) selon Saint Grégoire de Nysse : études sur la terminologie, les fondements, les moyens et les effets." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Full textThe perpetual progress of the soul towards the perfection of virtue is usually designated as "epektasis", a basic concept of Gregory of Nyssa (cf. Phil 3, 13-14). Does the word "epektasis", which comes from the Greek term ἐπεκτείνω, have a single meaning or different meanings in Gregory? What are the treasures of the perpetual progress? Is it more about the rational dimension as Ekkehard Mühlenberg focuses on, or the mystical dimension as Jean Daniélou shows? Is it methodologically justified to study Gregory and the Fathers of the Church by distinguishing in their works philosophy, theology, anthropology, etc., when they did not do so themselves? Are there other methods to study the Fathers? The thesis tries to study in a synthetic way the epektasis to show its originality and its place in Gregory's works and thoughts. The thesis begins with an analysis of the relevant terms and texts to clarify the meanings of the term ἐπεκτείνω in the contexts and demonstrates the continuity and evolution of Gregory's thought. The second part deals with the foundations of perpetual progress. The radical difference between the Creator and the creatures is essential: God is immutable while human beings are always changing; God is infinite and limitless while human beings are not by nature but possesses a kind of “infinity” by participation in God; human beings can acquire certain knowledge about God but can never completely understand God. Humanity is created in the image of God, which manifests both likeness and unlikeness to God; he must become more like God without ever becoming identical. The third part tries to show the means of progress. To manifest his thoughts, Gregory often uses images such as the race, the ladder, the flight, the mountain, etc., and takes Moses, the Spouse, Paul, David, Basil, etc. as models of epektasis. Continual purification and divinization are also means. True freedom according to Gregory is to always choose the good and to maintain this choice. The last part deals with the effects of perpetual progress. The most remarkable impact is the spiritual or even mystical aspect in which we find many oxymorons and paradoxical expressions. It is important to emphasize the eschatological aspect by showing the relations between epektasis, the original state and apocatastasis. If all three manifest the perfection, what are the links between them?
Cassin, Matthieu. "L’écriture de la polémique à la fin du IVe siècle : grégoire de Nysse, Contre Eunome III." Thesis, Paris 4, 2009.
Full textThis work proposes the first French translation of Gregory of Nyssa’s book III Contra Eunomium (end of the 4th century), with comprehensive annotation devoted to the biblical and classical sources and the vocabulary used by the author. The first part of the commentary, which is conceived as a preliminary study for a new edition, deals with the transmission of the Greek text and offers a tentative reconstruction of its textual history. The second part is a study of the literary tools put forth in the controversy and pays particular attention to classical sources. The third and last part deals with the use made of biblical citations. By examining closely some exegetical passages, we show how Gregory’s opus goes beyond the contextual frame of the controversy against Eunomius and widens the scope of debate. Our main argument is to highlight the importance of the Contra Eunomium in the development of a Christian polemical style and points out the main characteristics of this literary genre
Swietochowski, Jerzy. "La place de l'homme dans le cosmos selon Gregoire de Nysse à la lumière de la crise écologique contemporaine." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018.
Full textThis thesis presents Gregory of Nyssa’s point of view about the relation between man and the cosmos. The current analysis aims to understand and explain Gregory’s concept of creation and the way this concept perceives the role of the human in the creation; this is in order to verify if it makes any eventual addition to the contemporary debate on ecological crises. Actually, this contemporary problematic contributes in renewing our view on Gregorian texts and shows a way of behaviour towards the nature/creation itself in accordance with the theological vision of Gregory. The analysis of concepts concerning the human and the cosmos stresses a twofold relation between them, expressed through the idea of ontology and cosmic ethics. In this case ethics seem to be the experimental liberty of man on this earth and as a consequence, the active principle of the relation with the rest of the creation in the frame of life. According to Gregory, the human approach towards the environment is only a question of free will which nevertheless determines the way of man to the new creation established by Christ