Academic literature on the topic 'Graphe de communication'
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Journal articles on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Hilton, N. Zoe, Elke Ham, Kevin L. Nunes, Nicole C. Rodrigues, Cairina Frank, and Michael C. Seto. "Using Graphs to Improve Violence Risk Communication." Criminal Justice and Behavior 44, no. 5 (September 22, 2016): 678–94.
Full textSHOUBRIDGE, PETER, MIRO KRAETZL, WAL WALLIS, and HORST BUNKE. "DETECTION OF ABNORMAL CHANGE IN A TIME SERIES OF GRAPHS." Journal of Interconnection Networks 03, no. 01n02 (March 2002): 85–101.
Full textKusper, Gábor, and Csaba Biró. "Convert a Strongly Connected Directed Graph to a Black-and-White 3-SAT Problem by the Balatonboglár Model." Algorithms 13, no. 12 (December 3, 2020): 321.
Full textLI, YINKUI, ZONGTIAN WEI, XIAOKUI YUE, and ERQIANG LIU. "TENACITY OF TOTAL GRAPHS." International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 25, no. 05 (August 2014): 553–62.
Full textAlanazi, A. M., G. Muhiuddin, A. R. Kannan, and V. Govindan. "New Perspectives on Classical Meanness of Some Ladder Graphs." Journal of Mathematics 2021 (June 30, 2021): 1–14.
Full textEshaghian, Mary Mehrnoosh. "MAPPING ARBITRARY HETEROGENEOUS TASK GRAPHS ONTO ARBITRARY HETEROGENEOUS SYSTEM GRAPH." International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 12, no. 05 (October 2001): 599–628.
Full textManjusha, O. T. "Set Domination in Fuzzy Graphs Using Strong Arcs." Pan-American Journal of Mathematics 1 (August 3, 2022): 9.
Full textYang, Chao, Bing Yao, Hong Yu Wang, Xiang'en Chen, and Si Hua Yang. "Graph Colorings Applied in Scale-Free Networks." Advanced Materials Research 760-762 (September 2013): 2199–204.
Full textRANAWAKE, U. A., P. M. LENDERS, and S. M. GOODNICK. "ON LOWER BOUNDS FOR THE COMMUNICATION VOLUME IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS." Parallel Processing Letters 01, no. 02 (December 1991): 125–33.
Full textManghi, Paolo, Claudio Atzori, Michele De Bonis, and Alessia Bardi. "Entity deduplication in big data graphs for scholarly communication." Data Technologies and Applications 54, no. 4 (June 26, 2020): 409–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Glacet, Christian. "Algorithmes de routage : de la réduction des coûts de communication à la dynamique." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2013.
Full textCarvin, Denis. "Mécanismes de supervision distribuée pour les réseaux de communication dynamiques." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2015.
Full textWith the massive rise of wireless technologies, the number of mobile stations is constantly growing. Both their uses and their communication resources are diversified. By integrating our daily life objects, our communication networks become dynamic in terms of physical topology but also in term of resources. Furthermore, they give access to a richer information. As a result, the management task has become complex and requires shorter response time that a human administrator can not respect. It becomes necessary to develop an autonomic management behavior in next generation networks. In any manner, managing a system requires essential steps which are : its measurement and its supervision. Whatever the nature of a system, this stage of information gathering, allows its characterization and its control. The field of networks is not the exception to the rule and objects that compose them will need to acquire information on their environment for a better adaptation. In this thesis, we focus on the efficient sharing of this information, for self-analysis and distributed performance evaluation purposes. After having formalized the problem of the distributed measurement, we address in a first part the fusion and the diffusion of measures in dynamic graphs. We develop a new heuristic for the average consensus problem offering a better contraction rate than the ones of the state of the art. In a second part, we consider more stable topologies where TCP is used to convey measures. We offer a scheduling mechanism for TCP flows that guaranty the same impact on the network congestion, while reducing the average latency. Finally, we show how nodes can supervise various metrics such as the system performance based on their utilities and suggest a method to allow them to analyze the evolution of this performance
Augeraud, Michel. "Systel-D : un modèle et une méthode d'analyse et de conception des systèmes de communication prenant en compte leurs aspects dynamiques." Poitiers, 1989.
Full textCoussy, Philippe. "Synthèse d'Interface de Communication pour les Composants Virtuels." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne Sud, 2003.
Full textNous proposons dans ce mémoire une approche de réutilisation des IPs dans les applications orientées traitement du signal, de l'image et des télécommunications. Pour cela, nous basons notre approche sur la notion de composants virtuels de niveau algorithmique, définie dans le cadre des projets RNRT MILPAT (Méthodologie et Développement pour les Intellectual Properties pour Applications Telecom). Le flot de conception proposé s'inscrit dans la démarche Adéquation Algorithme Architecture du projet RNRT ALITPA (Définition et Application d'une méthodologie de développement pour les (IP) intellectual property de niveau comportemental dans les applications de télécommunication) et est basé sur l'utilisation de techniques de synthèse haut niveau sous contraintes d'intégration. Les unités fonctionnelles constituant l'architecture cible du composant sont (re)conçues en fonction des caractéristiques de l'architecture de communication du système et de la spécificité de l'application.
Dans ce contexte, la spécification de l'IP est modélisée par un Graphe Flot de Signaux (SFG) qui, couplé aux temps de propagations des opérateurs et à la cadence d'itération, permet la génération d'un graphe de contrainte algorithmique ACG. Nous avons développé une d'analyse formelle des contraintes, qui repose sur les calculs de cycles, et permet de vérifier la cohérence entre la cadence, les dépendances de données de l'algorithme et les contraintes technologiques.
Les contraintes d'intégration, spécifiées pour chacun des bus (ports) connectants l'IP aux autres composants du système, sont modélisées par un graphe de contraintes d'Entrée/Sortie IOCG (IO Constraint Graph) dont la sémantique est issue des travaux de Ku et De Micheli. Ce modèle supporte, entre autre, la modélisation (1) du type de transferts, (2) des varations temporelles des dates d'arrivées des données, (3) du séquencement des données échangées (4) des mécanismes liés aux protocoles. Les contraintes d'intégration et les contraintes algorithmiques de l'IP sont fusionnées pour fournir un graphe détaillé des contraintes GCG (Global Constraint Graph) exhibant les points de synchronisation entre l'environnement et le composant. Des optimisations pour l'implémentations sont proposées à partir de transformations formelles du graphe.
La synthèse de l'unité de traitement (UT) est réalisée à l'aide de l'outil GAUT (Générateur Automatique d'Unité de Traitement) dont l'ordonnancement est contraint par les paramètres temporel de l'intégrateur du composant virtuel. La synthèse de l'UT génère un ensemble de contraintes au E/S, modélisé sous la forme d'un IPERM (IP Execution Requirement Model). Ce dernier modélise (1) les dates de production et de consommation des données dans l'UT et (2) les bus sur lesquels elles transitent entre l'unité de communication et l'unité de traitement. Les modèles IPERM et IOCG sont finalement utilisés pour synthétiser l'unité de communication.
Nous avons appliqué notre méthode à des algorithmes des domaines du TDSI et des Télécommunications. La première expérience est réalisée sur un exemple de Transformée de Fourrier Rapide (FFT). Pour les conditions d'expérimentation retenues, l'optimisation du nombre d'opérateurs est en moyenne de 20% et celle des registres de 7%, par rapport à une approche classique. La deuxième expérience utilise une Transformée en Cosinus Discrète (DCT) pour comparer les résultats, obtenus en appliquant l'approche d'intégration proposée dans ce manuscrit, avec les résultats des méthodes utilisant des adaptateurs. Pour l'exemple considéré, le gain sur les registres de communications varie de -2% à 88% à débit d'E/S constant. La dernière expérience, réalisée en partenariat industriel, démontre l'applicabilité de notre méthodologie sur un composant virtuel comportemental complexe (Maximum A Posteriori MAP) dans le contexte d'une application de Turbo décodage temps réel.
Gharbi, Ghada. "Gestion autonomique d'objets communicants dans le cadre des réseaux machine à machine sous des contraintes temporelles." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2016.
Full textThe decrease in communication costs, the improvement of networks performance and the evolution of the dedicated services platforms managing multiple objects, led to the appearance of new practices and applications gathered under the designation of Machine-to-Machine communications (M2M). M2M systems have to integrate in a coordinated way various devices and software modules such as sensors, actuators, displays, middleware, etc. M2M expansion gives rise to extensive data exploitation, effective routing and reasoning mechanisms for an appropriate decision making and a coordinated control in a predictive and reactive way. This work aims to meet self-management challenges characterized by recent studies of autonomic computing. It deals with the modeling and the validation of M2M systems operating in a dynamic context and under a set of functional and non-functional properties, specifically temporal ones. To do so, we propose to rely on graph grammars and model checking related techniques. This allows to configure and to reconfigure a set of communicating objects by considering a set of constraints. First, we were interested in the validation at design time of M2M communications operating under temporal constraints. A verification and validation approach based on timed automata was proposed. A smart grid scenario was developed to validate the proposed model. This step is necessary, however it is not sufficient. Indeed, M2M systems are dynamic and verification at run time is important. To validate the execution of an M2M system, we focused on in its functional and temporal aspects. We referred to the European standard smartM2M to define an architectural style for M2M systems. This standard was selected for the following reasons: (1) its independence of the application domain and the objects' communication technology, (2) its broad scope and (3) its deployment on industrial systems. To validate the M2M system' functionalities, a multi-model approach was proposed: a first model, named functional, representing a real-time view of M2M system and a second model, named formal, based on a graph grammar incorporating the concepts of the functional layer. To conduct dynamic reconfiguration actions, graph transformation rules have been defined. Bi-directional communication mechanisms have been set up to maintain coherence between the real system and its models. A smart metering use case was developed to validate the proposed approach. With the aim of validating temporal properties of an M2M system during its execution, this approach has been extended with new concepts. We have defined a three-layers based approach to describe the features and temporal properties of an M2M system: an application layer which incorporates the concepts defined in the formal layer of the previous approach with extensions to express temporal properties between applications M2M, a service layer to describe the necessary components to meet the specification of the upper layer and infrastructure layer describing their deployment. An autonomic manager interacts with these layers to supervise and control the temporal behavior of the system. These layers are part of the autonomic manager knowledge base. The autonomic manager architecture and dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms were detailed. An eHealth scenario has been designed to illustrate the proposed approach
Addad, Boussad. "Evaluation analytique du temps de réponse des systèmes de commande en réseau en utilisant l’algèbre (max,+)." Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2011.
Full textNetworked automation systems (NAS) are more and more used in industry, given the several advantages they provide like flexibility, low cost, ease of maintenance, etc. However, the use of a communication network in SCR means in essence sharing some resources and therefore strikingly impacts their time performances. For instance, a control signal does get to its destination (actuator) only after a non zero delay. So, to guarantee that such a delay is shorter than a given threshold or other time constraints well respected, an a priori evaluation is necessary before operating the SCR. In our research activities, we are interested in client/server SCR reactivity and the evaluation of their response time.Our contribution in this investigation is the introduction of a (Max,+) Algebra-based analytic approach to solve some problems, faced in the existing methods like state explosion of model checking or the non exhaustivity of simulation. So, after getting Timed Event Graphs based models of the SCR and their linear state (Max,+) representation, we obtain formulae that enables to calculate straightforwardly the SCR response times. More precisely, we obtain formulae of the bounds of response time by adopting a deterministic analysis and other formulae to calculate the probability density of response time by considering a stochastic analysis. Moreover, in our investigation we take into account every single elementary delay involved in the response time, including the end-to-end delays, due exclusively to crossing the communication network. This latter being however constituted of shared resources, making by the way the use of TEG and (Max,+) Algebra impossible, we introduce a novel approach to model the communication network. This approach brings to life a new class of Petri nets, called Conflicting Timed Event Graphs (CTEG), which enables us to solve the problem of the shared resources. We also manage to represent the CTEG dynamics using recurrent (Max,+) equations and therefore calculate the end to-end delays. An Ethernet-based network is studied as an example to apply this novel approach. Note by the way that the field of application of this approach borders largely communication networks and is quite possible when dealing with other systems.Finally, to validate the different results of our research activities and the related hypotheses, especially the maximal bound of response time formula, we carry out lots of experimental measurements on a lab facility. We compare the measures to the formula predictions and check their agreement under different conditions
Sghaier, Manel. "Combinaison des techniques d’optimisation et de l’intelligence artificielle distribuée pour la mise en place d’un système de covoiturage dynamique." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2011.
Full textIn an attempt to address the transportation problems now ubiquitous, may them be financial, environmental or any, we are mainly involved with the establishment of a dynamic optimized carpooling service. Shared cars came to remedy these problems and meet the longtime remained unsatisfied needs (spatiotemporal flexibility…) and so promote the comodal practice. The stress is then put on the complementarity between collective and individual means of transportation and comes to confirm the shared car and more particularly the carpooling as a transport mode as a whole. Based on this, we are mainly interested in setting up a real time ridesharing service providing the needed efficiency in such a context. In fact, the problem we tackle has a complexity of exponential order which must be wiped out preventing from adverse impacts. Blending the agent paradigm with the optimization technics helped reach our goals of implementing a large-scale competitive and fully automated support and providing the necessary efficiency and quality of service. The proposed alliance is realized through communicating optimizing agents spread according to a distributed dynamic graph modeling. The latter is established through a subdivision process of the served geographic network and has been inspired from clustering technics to put the stress on limited and intersecting areas of high density. This helps to promote the parallel requests treatment over a decentralized process. Thus, each optimizing agent firstly manage the requests parts included within the zone it is responsible for and then recompose global responses in coalition with concerned agents in a distributed artificial intelligence context
Gutekunst, Samuel C. "Characterizing Forced Communication in Networks." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014.
Full textCandell, Richard. "Performance Estimation, Testing, and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems Employing Non-ideal Communications Networks." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020.
Full textWireless technology is a key enabler of the promises of Industry 4.0 (Smart Manufacturing). As such, wireless technology will be adopted as a principal mode of communication within the factory beginning with the factory enterprise and eventually being adopted for use within the factory workcell. Factory workcell communication has particular requirements on latency, reliability, scale, and security that must first be met by the wireless communication technology used. Wireless is considered a non-ideal form of communication in that when compared to its wired counterparts, it is considered less reliable (lossy) and less secure. These possible impairments lead to delay and loss of data in industrial automation system where determinism, security, and safety is considered paramount. This thesis investigates the wireless requirements of the factory workcell and applicability of existing wireless technology, it presents a modeling approach to discovery of architecture and data flows using SysML, it provides a method for the use of graph databases to the organization and analysis of performance data collected from a testbed environment, and finally provides an approach to using machine learning in the evaluation of cyberphysical system performance
Cassagnes, Cyril. "Architecture autonome et distribuée d’adressage et de routage pour la flexibilité des communications dans l’internet." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Full textLocal routing schemes based on virtual coordinates taken from the hyperbolic plane have attracted considerable interest in recent years.However, solutions have been applied to ad-hoc and sensor networks having a random topology and a limited number of nodes. In other hand, some research has focused on the creation of network topology models based on hyperbolic geometric laws. In this case, it has been shown that these graphs have an Internet-like topology and that local hyperbolic routing achieves a near perfect efficiency. However, with these graphs, routing success is not guaranteed even if no failures happen. In this thesis, we aim at building a scalable system for creating overlay networks on top of the Internet that would provide reliable addressing and routing service to its members in a dynamic environment.Next, we investigate how well P2PTV networks would support a growing number of users. In this thesis, we try to address this question by studying scalability and efficiency factors in a typical P2P based live streaming network. Through the use of the data provided by Zattoo a production P2PTV network, we carry out simulations whose results show that there are still hurdles to overcome before P2P based live streaming could depend uniquely of their users
Books on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Koster, Arie, and Xavier Muñoz, eds. Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textGusdorf, Georges. Auto-bio-graphie. Paris: Editions O. Jacob, 1991.
Find full textCrow, Wendell C. Communication graphics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Find full textYong, Chen, ed. Tong xin wang tu lun ji ying yong: Communication networks graph theory and applications. Beijing Shi: Ren min you dian chu ban she, 2010.
Find full textLye, P. F. Graphic communication. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson, 1987.
Find full textRaw communication. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 2005.
Find full textJohn, Jones Michael, and Chartered Association of Certified Accountants., eds. The communication of information using graphs in corporate annual reports. London: Certified Accountants Educational Trust, 1992.
Find full textPrentice Hall graphic communications dictionary. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Find full textKarsnitz, John R. Graphic communication technology. 2nd ed. Albany, N.Y: Delmar Publishers, 1993.
Find full textCaldwell, Raymond. Graphic communication. Tonbridge: Hands On Publishing, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Sun, Rujun, and Lufei Zhang. "The Various Graphs in Graph Computing." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 153–64. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textLiang, De-Ming, and Yu-Feng Li. "Learning Safe Graph Construction from Multiple Graphs." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 41–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textErciyes, K. "Graphs." In Computer Communications and Networks, 11–21. London: Springer London, 2013.
Full textSpyratos, Nicolas, and Tsuyoshi Sugibuchi. "PROPER - A Graph Data Model Based on Property Graphs." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 23–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textAli, Alabbas Alhaj, and Doina Logofatu. "An Analysis on Graph-Processing Frameworks: Neo4j and Spark GraphX." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 461–70. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textQuaglia, Paola. "On Beta-Binders Communications." In Concurrency, Graphs and Models, 457–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textWeik, Martin H. "graph." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 687. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full textRaj P. M., Krishna, Ankith Mohan, and K. G. Srinivasa. "Kronecker Graphs." In Computer Communications and Networks, 233–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textRobertson, Margaret. "Graphs and Diagrams." In Communicating Sustainability, 119–27. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.
Full textButragueño Díaz-Guerra, Belén, Mariasun Salgado de la Rosa, and Javier Francisco Raposo Grau. "Information Design: Communication-Design-Record." In Graphic Imprints, 264–73. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Francis, Krista, Michele Jacobsen, and Sharon Friesen. "The Use of Graphics to Communicate Findings of Longitudinal Data in Design-Based Research." In InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: USA. Informing Science Institute, 2015.
Full textOnur, Şeyma, and Gökşen Bacak Turan. "Geodetic Domination Integrity of Transformation Graphs." In 6th International Students Science Congress. Izmir International Guest Student Association, 2022.
Full textFricke, Gregory K., Guoxian Zhang, Adam Caccavale, Walter Li, and Devendra P. Garg. "An Intelligent Sensing Network of Distributed Swarming Agents for Perimeter Detection and Surveillance." In ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textChen, Jianwen, Shuangjia Zheng, Ying Song, Jiahua Rao, and Yuedong Yang. "Learning Attributed Graph Representation with Communicative Message Passing Transformer." In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021.
Full textSong, Ying, Shuangjia Zheng, Zhangming Niu, Zhang-hua Fu, Yutong Lu, and Yuedong Yang. "Communicative Representation Learning on Attributed Molecular Graphs." In Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Seventeenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.
Full textOkoloko, Innocent, and Yoonsoo Kim. "Distributed Constrained Attitude and Position Control Using Graph Laplacians." In ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textZhang, Mingxing, Youwei Zhuo, Chao Wang, Mingyu Gao, Yongwei Wu, Kang Chen, Christos Kozyrakis, and Xuehai Qian. "GraphP: Reducing Communication for PIM-Based Graph Processing with Efficient Data Partition." In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). IEEE, 2018.
Full textDurham, Joseph W., Ruggero Carli, Paolo Frasca, and Francesco Bullo. "Discrete Partitioning and Coverage Control With Gossip Communication." In ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textDehghani, Gholamreza, and Hossein Morady. "An Algorithm for Visibility Graph Recognition on Planar Graphs." In 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC). IEEE, 2009.
Full textSomkunwar, Rachna, and Vinod M. Vaze. "A novel approach for graph isomorphism: Handling large graphs." In 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT). IEEE, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Graphe de communication"
Wendt, Jeremy, Cynthia Phillips, and Arvind Prasadan. Quantifying Graph Uncertainty from Communication Data. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2020.
Full textBerlinski, Samuel, Matías Busso, Taryn Dinkelman, and Claudia Martínez. Research Insights: Can Low-Cost Communication Technologies Bridge Information Gaps between Schools and Parents? Inter-American Development Bank, October 2021.
Full textStriuk, Andrii, Olena Rybalchenko, and Svitlana Bilashenko. Development and Using of a Virtual Laboratory to Study the Graph Algorithms for Bachelors of Software Engineering. [б. в.], November 2020.
Full textПахомова, О. В. Using Scaffolding Strategy for Teaching Creative Writing. Маріупольський державний університет, 2018.
Full textPerdigão, Rui A. P. Information physics and quantum space technologies for natural hazard sensing, modelling and prediction. Meteoceanics, September 2021.
Full textMonetary Policy Report - January 2022. Banco de la República, March 2022.
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