Academic literature on the topic 'Graphe de code'
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Journal articles on the topic "Graphe de code"
Azkarate, Igor, Mikel Ayani, Juan Carlos Mugarza, and Luka Eciolaza. "Petri Net-Based Semi-Compiled Code Generation for Programmable Logic Controllers." Applied Sciences 11, no. 15 (August 3, 2021): 7161.
Full textMÜLLER, T., and J. S. SERENI. "Identifying and Locating–Dominating Codes in (Random) Geometric Networks." Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18, no. 6 (August 11, 2009): 925–52.
Full textHudry, Olivier, Junnila Ville, and Antoine Lobstein. "On Iiro Honkala’s Contributions to Identifying Codes." Fundamenta Informaticae 191, no. 3-4 (July 22, 2024): 165–96.
Full textSaenpholphat, Varaporn, and Ping Zhang. "Conditional resolvability in graphs: a survey." International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2004, no. 38 (2004): 1997–2017.
Full textJosé, Marco, and Gabriel Zamudio. "Symmetrical Properties of Graph Representations of Genetic Codes: From Genotype to Phenotype." Symmetry 10, no. 9 (September 8, 2018): 388.
Full textTang, C. S., and Tyng Liu. "The Degree Code—A New Mechanism Identifier." Journal of Mechanical Design 115, no. 3 (September 1, 1993): 627–30.
Full textLeslie, Martin. "Hypermap-homology quantum codes." International Journal of Quantum Information 12, no. 01 (February 2014): 1430001.
Full textSchlingemann, D. "Stabilizer codes can be realized as graph codes." Quantum Information and Computation 2, no. 4 (June 2002): 307–23.
Full textHwang, Yongsoo, and Jun Heo. "On the relation between a graph code and a graph state." Quantum Information and Computation 16, no. 3&4 (March 2016): 237–50.
Full textAl-Kadhimi, Aymen M., Ammar E. Abdulkareem, and Charalampos C. Tsimenidis. "Performance Enhancement of LDPC Codes Based on Protograph Construction in 5G-NR Standard." Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 30, no. 4 (November 1, 2023): 1–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Graphe de code"
Bertrand, Sébastien. "Modèle de maintenabilité logicielle par analyse statique du graphe de code du programme." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textThe high cost of software maintenance requires a focus on software maintainability. Although it emerges from the structure of the source code, its evaluation is subjective, as it depends on developers and the context. Current maintainability models tend to reduce maintainability to a one-dimensional score based on metrics, often poorly defined, which inadequately represent the structure of the code. Our work is based on the static analysis of code graphs to evaluate maintainability. It led to the development of Javanalyser, an open-source tool that automatically generates the code graph of a Java program. These graphs enabled the formalization of 33 static metrics as declarative queries, and allowed the successful replication of a study by Schnappinger et al. Our extension of the study confirmed the importance of size as a factor influencing maintainability, while also recognizing the impact of other metrics. This work opens the way to a deeper understanding of maintainability through a multidimensional representation that takes into account the variability between developers
Roux, Antoine. "Etude d’un code correcteur linéaire pour le canal à effacements de paquets et optimisation par comptage de forêts et calcul modulaire." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019.
Full textReliably transmitting information over a transmission channel is a recurrent problem in Informatic Sciences. Whatever may be the channel used to transmit information, we automatically observe erasure of this information, or pure loss. Different solutions can be used to solve this problem, using forward error correction codes is one of them. In this thesis, we study a corrector code developped in 2014 and 2015 for Thales society during my second year of master of apprenticeship. It is currently used to ensure the reliability of a transmission based on the UDP protocole, and passing by a network diode, Elips-SD. Elip-SD is an optical diode that can be plugged on an optical fiber to physically ensure that the transmission is unidirectional. The main usecase of such a diode is to enable supervising a critical site, while ensuring that no information can be transmitted to this site. At the opposite, another usecase is the transmission from one or multiple unsecured emitters to one secured receiver who wants to ensure that no information can be robbed. The corrector code that we present is a linear corrector code for the binary erasure channel using packets, that obtained the NATO certification from the DGA ("Direction Générale de Armées" in French). We named it Fauxtraut, for "Fast algorithm using Xor to repair altered unidirectional transmissions". In order to study this code, presenting how it works, its performance and the modifications we added during this thesis, we first establish a state of the art of forward error correction, focusing on non-MDS linear codes such as LDPC codes. Then we present Fauxtraut behavior, and analyse it theorically and with simulations. Finally, we present different versions of this code that were developped during this thesis, leading to other usecases such as transmitting reliable information that can be altered instead of being erased, or on a bidirectionnal channel, such as the H-ARQ protocole, and different results on the number of cycles in particular graphs. In the last part, we present results that we obtained during this thesis and that finally lead to an article in the Technical Computer Science. It concerns a non-polynomial problema of Graphs theorie : maximum matching in temporal graphs. In this article, we propose two algorithms with polynomial complexity : a 2-approximation algorithm and a kernelisation algorithm forthis problema
Richa, Elie. "Qualification des générateurs de code source dans le domaine de l'avionique : le test automatisé des chaines de transformation de modèles." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2015.
Full textIn the avionics industry, Automatic Code Generators (ACG) are increasingly used to produce parts of the embedded software. Since the generated code is part of critical software, safety standards require a thorough verification of the ACG called qualification. In this thesis in collaboration with AdaCore, we seek to reduce the cost of testing activities by automatic and effective methods.The first part of the thesis addresses the topic of unit testing which ensures exhaustiveness but is difficult to achieve for ACGs. We propose a method that guarantees the same level of exhaustiveness by using only integration tests which are easier to carry out. First, we propose a formalization of the ATL language in which the ACG is defined in the Algebraic Graph Transformation theory. We then define a translation of postconditions expressing the exhaustiveness of unit testing into equivalent preconditions that ultimately support the production of integration tests providing the same level of exhaustiveness. Finally, we propose to optimize the complex algorithm of our analysis using simplification strategies that we assess experimentally.The second part of the work addresses the oracles of ACG tests, i.e. the means of validating the code generated by the ACG during a test. We propose a language for the specification of textual constraints able to automatically check the validity of the generated code. This approach is experimentally deployed at AdaCore for a Simulink® to Ada/C ACG called QGen
Richa, Elie. "Qualification des générateurs de code source dans le domaine de l'avionique : le test automatisé des chaines de transformation de modèles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2015.
Full textIn the avionics industry, Automatic Code Generators (ACG) are increasingly used to produce parts of the embedded software. Since the generated code is part of critical software, safety standards require a thorough verification of the ACG called qualification. In this thesis in collaboration with AdaCore, we seek to reduce the cost of testing activities by automatic and effective methods.The first part of the thesis addresses the topic of unit testing which ensures exhaustiveness but is difficult to achieve for ACGs. We propose a method that guarantees the same level of exhaustiveness by using only integration tests which are easier to carry out. First, we propose a formalization of the ATL language in which the ACG is defined in the Algebraic Graph Transformation theory. We then define a translation of postconditions expressing the exhaustiveness of unit testing into equivalent preconditions that ultimately support the production of integration tests providing the same level of exhaustiveness. Finally, we propose to optimize the complex algorithm of our analysis using simplification strategies that we assess experimentally.The second part of the work addresses the oracles of ACG tests, i.e. the means of validating the code generated by the ACG during a test. We propose a language for the specification of textual constraints able to automatically check the validity of the generated code. This approach is experimentally deployed at AdaCore for a Simulink® to Ada/C ACG called QGen
Robillard, Benoît. "Verification formelle et optimisation de l’allocation de registres." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, CNAM, 2010.
Full textThe need for trustful programs led to an increasing use of formal verication techniques the last decade, and especially of program proof. However, the code running on the computer is not the source code, i.e. the one written by the developper, since it has to betranslated by the compiler. As a result, the formal verication of compilers is required to complete the source code verication. One of the hardest phases of compilation is register allocation. Register allocation is the phase within which the compiler decides where the variables of the program are stored in the memory during its execution. The are two kinds of memory locations : a limited number of fast-access zones, called registers, and a very large but slow-access stack. The aim of register allocation is then to make a great use of registers, leading to a faster runnable code.The most used model for register allocation is the interference graph coloring one. In this thesis, our objective is twofold : first, formally verifying some well-known interference graph coloring algorithms for register allocation and, second, designing new graph-coloring register allocation algorithms. More precisely, we provide a fully formally veri ed implementation of the Iterated Register Coalescing, a very classical graph-coloring register allocation heuristics, that has been integrated into the CompCert compiler. We also studied two intermediate representations of programs used in compilers, and in particular the SSA form to design new algorithms, using global properties of the graph rather than local criteria currently used in the litterature
Robillard, Benoît. "Verification formelle et optimisation de l’allocation de registres." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2010.
Full textThe need for trustful programs led to an increasing use of formal verication techniques the last decade, and especially of program proof. However, the code running on the computer is not the source code, i.e. the one written by the developper, since it has to betranslated by the compiler. As a result, the formal verication of compilers is required to complete the source code verication. One of the hardest phases of compilation is register allocation. Register allocation is the phase within which the compiler decides where the variables of the program are stored in the memory during its execution. The are two kinds of memory locations : a limited number of fast-access zones, called registers, and a very large but slow-access stack. The aim of register allocation is then to make a great use of registers, leading to a faster runnable code.The most used model for register allocation is the interference graph coloring one. In this thesis, our objective is twofold : first, formally verifying some well-known interference graph coloring algorithms for register allocation and, second, designing new graph-coloring register allocation algorithms. More precisely, we provide a fully formally veri ed implementation of the Iterated Register Coalescing, a very classical graph-coloring register allocation heuristics, that has been integrated into the CompCert compiler. We also studied two intermediate representations of programs used in compilers, and in particular the SSA form to design new algorithms, using global properties of the graph rather than local criteria currently used in the litterature
Stange, Yuri. "Visualization of Code Flow." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2015.
Full textVisuell representation av flödesscheman (eng. Control Flow Graph, CFG) är en funktion tillgänglig hos många verktyg, bland annat dekompilerare. Dessa verktyg använder sig ofta av grafritande ramverk som implementerar Sugiyamas metod för uppritning av hierarkiska grafer, vilken är en känd metod för uppritning av riktade grafer. Sugiyamas stora nackdelär att metoden inte tar hänsyn till grafens natur, loopar i synnerhet behandlas som andra klassens medborgare. Frågeställningen hos denna rapport är; Hur kan vi förbättra den visuella representationen av loopar i en graf? En metod som bygger vidare på Sugiyama-ramverket utvecklades och implementerades i Qt. Metoden testades genom att hålla informella kvalitativa intervjuer med testpersoner, vilka fick testa implementeringen och jämföra den med den vanliga Sugiyama-metoden. Resultaten visar att alla testpersonerna stämmer in på att loopar, så väl som den overskådliga representionen av grafen förbättrades, dock med vissa reservationer. Metoden som presenteras i denna rapport har vissa problem, vilka bör adresseras innan den kan ses som en optimal lösning för uppritning av flödesscheman.
Li, Chao. "Semidefinite programming, binary codes and a graph coloring problem." Digital WPI, 2015.
Full textSaeed, Mohamed Ahmed. "Approche algébrique sur l'équivalence de codes." Thesis, Normandie, 2017.
Full textCode equivalence problem plays an important role in coding theory and code based cryptography.That is due to its significance in classification of codes and also construction and cryptanalysis of code based cryptosystems. It is also related to the long standing problem of graph isomorphism, a well-known problem in the world of complexity theory. We introduce new method for solving code equivalence problem. We develop algebraic approaches to solve the problem in its permutation and diagonal versions. We build algebraic system by establishing relations between generator matrices and parity check matrices of the equivalent codes. We end up with system of multivariables of linear and quadratic equations which can be solved using algebraic tools such as Groebner basis and related techniques. By using Groebner basis techniques we can solve the code equivalence but the computation becomes complex as the length of the code increases. We introduced several improvements such as block linearization and Frobenius action. Using these techniques we identify many cases where permutation equivalence problem can be solved efficiently. Our method for diagonal equivalence solves the problem efficiently in small fields, namely F3 and F4. The increase in the field size results in an increase in the number of variables in our algebraic system which makes it difficult to solve. We introduce a new reduction from permutation code equivalence when the hull is trivial to graph isomorphism. This shows that this subclass of permutation equivalence is not harder than graph isomorphism.Using this reduction we obtain an algebraic system for graph isomorphism with interesting properties in terms of the rank of the linear part and the number of variables. We solve the graph isomorphism problem efficiently for random graphs with large number of vertices and also for some regular graphs such as Petersen, Cubical and Wagner Graphs
Lestringant, Pierre. "Identification d'algorithmes cryptographiques dans du code natif." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2017.
Full textThis thesis is about the design of automatic or semi-automatic methods to detect and identify cryptographic algorithms inside programs compiled into machine code. Two methods are presented. The objective of the first method is to identify cryptographic primitives. A machine code implementation of a cryptographic primitive, regarded as a sequence of instructions, is represented by a graph structure. During a normalization phase, a set of rewrite rules is used to modify this graph representation while preserving a specific notion of semantics. The goal is to converge towards expressions which are shared across several implementations of the same primitive. We use these expressions as a basis to create efficient signatures. A subgraph isomorphism enumeration algorithm is used to search for signatures. The second method is built on top of the first one. It produces a synthetic representation designed to help in the identification of modes of operation. This synthetic representation is defined as the smallest subgraph which preserve distances between sets of vertices previously identified as the input and output parameters of the primitives involved within the mode of operation
Books on the topic "Graphe de code"
Blahut, Richard E., and Ralf Koetter, eds. Codes, Graphs, and Systems. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.
Full textFoo, Simon. Convolutional codes on cayley graphs. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 2002.
Find full textTonchev, Vladimir. Combinatorial configurations: Designs, codes, graphs. Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1988.
Find full textTonchev, Vladimir D. Combinatorial configurations: Designs, codes, graphs. Harlow: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1988.
Find full textLint, Jacobus Hendricus van, 1932-, ed. Designs, graphs, codes, and their links. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Find full textMorris, Anthony Robert. Self dual codes generated by graphs. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1994.
Find full textCameron, Peter J. Designs, graphs, codes and their links. Cambridge: C. U. P., 1991.
Find full text1971-, Kim Saejoon, ed. Fundamentals of codes, graphs, and iterative decoding. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
Find full textCull, Paul. Perfect codes, NP-completeness, and towers of Hanoi graphs. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Dept. of Computer Science, 1998.
Find full textCull, Paul. Perfect codes, NP-completeness, and towers of Hanoi graphs. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Dept. of Computer Science, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Graphe de code"
Johnsson, Thomas. "Target code generation from G-machine code." In Graph Reduction, 119–59. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
Full textMohan, Anshuman, Wei Xiang Leow, and Aquinas Hobor. "Functional Correctness of C Implementations of Dijkstra’s, Kruskal’s, and Prim’s Algorithms." In Computer Aided Verification, 801–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textReinders, James, Ben Ashbaugh, James Brodman, Michael Kinsner, John Pennycook, and Xinmin Tian. "Where Code Executes." In Data Parallel C++, 25–59. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2020.
Full textMaitra, Deepankar. "Introduction to Graphs." In Beginner's Guide to Code Algorithms, 101–17. New York: CRC Press, 2021.
Full textRódenas-López, Manuel A., Pedro M. Jiménez-Vicario, and Andrea Giordano. "Poetics of Code/Code of Poetics. Generative Design Applied to ‘Arte Concreta’ Masterpieces." In Graphic Imprints, 23–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textShokrollahi, M. Amin. "Codes and Graphs." In STACS 2000, 1–12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.
Full textBrouwer, Andries E., Arjeh M. Cohen, and Arnold Neumaier. "Graphs Related to Codes." In Distance-Regular Graphs, 345–73. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
Full textKarrenberg, Ralf. "Dynamic Code Variants." In Automatic SIMD Vectorization of SSA-based Control Flow Graphs, 127–39. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.
Full textDjordjevic, Ivan, William Ryan, and Bane Vasic. "Graph-Based Codes." In Coding for Optical Channels, 179–206. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.
Full textFay, Colin, Sébastien Rochette, Vincent Guyader, and Cervan Girard. "Optimizing {shiny} Code." In Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps, 267–88. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Graphe de code"
Nikolentzos, Giannis, Polykarpos Meladianos, Stratis Limnios, and Michalis Vazirgiannis. "A Degeneracy Framework for Graph Similarity." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018.
Full textHsu, Cheng-Ho, and Kin-Tak Lam. "A Method for the Identification of Displacement Isomorphism of Planetary Gear Trains." In ASME 1992 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992.
Full textSchatz, Y., and B. Domer. "Optimizing IFC-structured Data Graph for Code Compliance Checking." In The 29th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. EG-ICE, 2022.
Full textZhou, Kaixiong, Qingquan Song, Xiao Huang, Daochen Zha, Na Zou, and Xia Hu. "Multi-Channel Graph Neural Networks." In Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Seventeenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.
Full textGupta, Rajeev, Madhusudhanan Krishnamoorthy, and Vipindeep Vangala. "Better Graph Embeddings for Enterprise Graphs." In CODS-COMAD 2024: 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD). New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024.
Full textKataoka, Tetsuya, and Akihiro Inokuchi. "Hadamard Code Graph Kernels for Classifying Graphs." In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2016.
Full textEl-Gayyar, M. S., H. M. El-Eashy, and M. Zaki. "Structural Synthesis and Enumeration of Epicyclic Gear Mechanisms Up to 12-Links Using Acyclic Graph Method." In ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2006.
Full textJongsma, T. J., and W. Zhang. "An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Optimum Code Under the Condition of Incident Degree." In ASME 1992 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992.
Full textZhang, Yangkang, Chenye Meng, Zejian Li, Pei Chen, Guang Yang, Changyuan Yang, and Lingyun Sun. "Learning Object Consistency and Interaction in Image Generation from Scene Graphs." In Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-23}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2023.
Full textZhu, Hua, Hong Huang, Kehan Yin, Zejun Fan, Hai Jin, and Bang Liu. "CausalNET: Unveiling Causal Structures on Event Sequences by Topology-Informed Causal Attention." In Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Graphe de code"
Wang, Yanli, Sam Sham, and Mark C. Messner. Report on FY19 Testing in Support of Grade 91 Core Block Code Case. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2019.
Full textShashkov, Mikhail Jurievich, and Konstantin Lipnikov. Dependency graph for code analysis on emerging architectures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2017.
Full textBoutin, Debra, and Victoria Horan. Identifying Codes on Directed De Bruijn Graphs. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 2014.
Full textTripakis, Stavros, Dai Bui, Bert Rodiers, and Edward A. Lee. Compositionality in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular Code Generation from Hierarchical SDF Graphs. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 2009.
Full textZhai, Liangliang, and Xuanlong Ma. Perfect Codes in Proper Order Divisor Graphs of Finite Groups. "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, December 2020.
Full textRickard, N. D. STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA FOR REPLACEABLE GRAPHITE CORE ELEMENTS. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1989.
Full textKang, Grace, Sifat Muin, Jorge Archbold, Bitanoosh Woods, and Khalid Mosalam. Expected Earthquake Performance of Buildings Designed to the California Building Code. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, July 2019.
Full textRobert L. Bratton and Tim D. Burchell. Status of ASME Section III Task Group on Graphite Support Core Structures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2005.
Full textDuffy, Stephen. Modeling Stress Strain Relationships and Predicting Failure Probabilities For Graphite Core Components. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2013.
Full textBOGER, R. M. Test Plan for Rotary Mode Core Sample Truck Grapple Hoist Level Wind System. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1999.
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