Academic literature on the topic 'Grammaire française – Étude et enseignement (primaire)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Grammaire française – Étude et enseignement (primaire)"
Martini, Caria Corradi. "Moreau de Saint -Méry e l'istituzione della prima cattedra di lingua francese all'Università di Parma." Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde 8, no. 1 (1991): 183–93.
Full textSvetlana, Kaminskaïa. "(Non-)variabilité du rythme en français canadien." SHS Web of Conferences 46 (2018): 09004.
Full textGécseg, Zsuzsanna, Aradi Csenge, Huber Máté, and Dóra Székesi. "Enseignement monocentrique face à une réalité pluricentrique ? Étudiants africains au département de français d’une université hongroise." SHS Web of Conferences 191 (2024): 02005.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Grammaire française – Étude et enseignement (primaire)"
Boutonné, Laurent. "L'apprentissage de la grammaire en ZEP au cycle 3 : entre la DFLE et la DFLM." Paris 3, 1999.
Full textTrajcev, Sonia. "Repenser la grammaire de phrase : les apports de la "Role and Reference Grammar" à l'enseignement de la langue." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2010.
Full textVaubourg, Jean-Paul. "Apprendre à réaliser les accords au cycle 3 de l'école primaire. Aspects linguistiques, psycholinguistiques et didactiques." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017.
Full textMastering French spelling is governed by major social issues, particularly as it is one of the more complex systems in the world. In this respect, linguistic agreements represent an integral part of the learning process because they highlight how words are connected; not only are they understood through a knowledge of grammatical rules, but also a keen awareness of how language works. Their complexity makes them a highly challenging subject matter. Their complexity makes it an area of great difficulty.Understanding of the difficulties students have in realizing grammatical agreements can not do without an examination of the linguistic mechanisms that govern them, nor of an attention paid to the processes implemented by the writers. It is on the basis of a linguistic, psycholinguistic and didactic reflection that this thesis defends the hypothesis that, on the one hand, the learning of agreements within the nominal group and that of the agreements between subject and verb must be disjoint and that, on the other hand, the work of spelling should gradually lead the pupils to enlarge the span of text on which to draw attention, the phrastic framework being most relevant for learning the agreements. It is therefore appropriate to extend the area of implementation of the agreements by means of procedures designed to make the sentences more complex, allowing joint spelling and production work. By combining learning activities in grammatical spelling and syntactic complexification activities in written productions in cycle 3 workflows, experimentation has shown that it is possible to advance students in the field of the spelling and benefit from it when producing writing
Baker, Bélanger Émilie. "Le traitement des classes de mots dans des cahiers d'exercices utilisés au Québec." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018.
Full textDurrieu-Gardelle, Magali. "Langage et recherche collaborative : effets de la construction d’une communauté discursive d’enseignants en grammaire sur leurs modes d’agir, parler et penser et sur ceux de leurs élèves dans la discipline." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textOur doctoral work focuses on oral language for teaching and learning in grammar at the end of French primary schools. It examines the effects of collaborative research into language for learning in grammar in cycle 3 (9-10 years old), on teachers‘ classroom practices, their pupils’ use of language and their awareness of oral language and grammar as a subject. It is rooted in a historical and cultural perspective that leads us first to look back to the establishment of school grammar as a discipline in order to understand the difficulties faced by teachers. Following in the footsteps of Vygotski (1934/1997), our roots lead us to attribute a major role to language, conceived as a semiotic, dialogical tool with contextualised uses (Bakhtin, 1984), and to the teacher's mediation of language in the construction and appropriation by pupils of the knowledge deposited in culture. We are thus led to mobilise, the concept of the Communauté Discursive Disciplinaire et Scolaire (Jaubert, Rebière and Bernié, 2003) at the class level to understand, and at the language level, the teaching-learning co-activity that enables pupils to appropriate ways of acting, speaking and thinking that are specific to grammar. This position leads us to question the dominant model of the masterly grammar lesson followed by drill exercises inherited from the Middle Ages, which leaves little room for the cognitive and linguistic activity required by pupils to negotiate the meaning of grammatical activity and the knowledge they need to acquire. Moreover, the ministerial injunction to develop language for learning in every subject leaves many teachers bewildered. We therefore hypothesise that collaborative research into the question of language for teaching and learning in grammar could help the teachers involved to become aware of the importance of the language of the various players in the classroom and to modify their practices for the benefit of pupils' cognitive and language learning and to strengthen their disciplinary awareness (Reuter, 2007). We set up a 2-year collaborative research project, based on activity analysis (Clot & Faita, 2000), with four cycle-3 teachers We had films and verbatims of 8 grammar sessions conducted by the teachers on the notion of simple/complex sentence, before and at the end of the research, 12 verbatims of self-confrontations, cross-confrontations and group work sessions as well as two series of student questionnaires aimed at (1) identifying their written language practices in grammar and (2) defining their awareness of grammar and oral grammar, at the beginning and end of the research. The comparison of the verbatims of the sessions enables us to observe transformations in the actual teaching practices (corpus, activity solicited, discursive interventions, handling of errors, knowledge taught) as well as the speaking time of the actors, the nature of the verbal interactions, the enunciative positioning and language uses of the pupils. The analysis of the interview transcripts shows that the elements of practice that were transformed were all the subject of discourse, either reformulated or questioned, or debated or even reconfigured as a sign of cognitive and linguistic shifts on the part of the participants. Finally, the initial processing of the student questionnaires showed changes in their use of written language, a disciplinary awareness more in tune with grammatical activity and the beginnings of an objectification of oral language for learning grammar
Elalouf, Aurélia. "Histoire de la première nomenclature grammaticale officielle en France (janvier 1905 - avril 1911)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textThis study recounts the history of the first official grammatical nomenclature in France, since the first public debates on the necessity of a terminological simplification and unification (from January 1905) to the promulgation of the three official texts that are the decree of the 25th of July 1910 (that fixes the list of the grammatical terms that have to be known in the exams and examinations of both primary and secondary educations) as well as the circular of the 28th of September 1910 and the note of the 21st of March 1911 (that both explain how the decree has to be implemented). The study raises political, theoretical and epistemological issues: the simplification and unification of grammatical nomenclatures encounter the State’s will to improve the command of the national language and to unify education on the entire territory; the elaboration of the nomenclature reveals the problems caused by the analysis of verbal constructions and the complex sentence at the beginning of the 20th century; the reform of the nomenclatures highlights the tension between a terminological ideal and the reality of practices. These issues consistently intersect with didactic questions: on the place of an explicit teaching of grammar in the teaching of language, on the relations that school knowledge has with academic knowledge or furthermore on the limitations imposed by what can be taught
Janichon, Daniel. "Le nouveau cours de langue française de E. Rotgès, Belin 1896, un manuel au tournant du siècle : approche d'un genre du discours." Dijon, 2004.
Full textWe first define the actors of his utterance. Upstream, the addressers of the school programs of 1882 direct us towards an all-powerful enunciator. In the handbook itself, they are the literary authors quoted by E. Rotgès who bring to the discourse their guarantee of authority. Then, we examine the discourse formations existing in the handbook. The grammar lessons try to structure the world of their enunciate. The lectures, exploiting the ambigui͏̈ty of the personal deictics, try to involve the reader, imposing to him who to be, what to do and who to. . . Become. The vocabulary lessons impose a normative vision of the story and moral. Lastly, we find in the grammar lessons, and in the subjects of french composition, traces of a founder deixis identified : the catholic catechisms. Then, we establish the contextual, enunciatives, intertextual and hypertextual characteristics of a specific genre to this handbook, genre attested between 1871 and 1968
Clauzard, Philippe. "La médiation grammaticale en Ecole élémentaire : Eléments de compréhension de l'acivité enseignante." Paris, CNAM, 2008.
Full textThis research has for objective to understand the situation of grammatical learing in elementary school, in the student under the angle of the activity of the teachersx, in the fault, quite particulary the tracked down episodes as significant of a gliding towards the abstract. It tries to indentify the specific characteristics of these situations of transfer, the types of schemas of gliding abstract as the operatives models and the singular strategies were developed by the actors according to the abstract structure of the situation of education/learning of the grammar in elementary school. We tracked down two organizing concepts of this abstract structure ; the abstract gliding (instanciation of a secondarisation in the grammatical learning) and the adjustement of a type og grammar at a level of class
Kantari, Mohamed. "Les problèmes d'arabisation dans le primaire marocain (CM2) et la grammaire de transfert." Rouen, 1988.
Full textThe questionning raised in this work deals with the teaching of classical Arabic to primary schools pupils who already have acquired a linguistic competence in their mother langue. First Arabic language and Morroco's dialects are replaced in their socio-historical and sociolinguistic environment. Then a sociolinguistic survey (whose population includes pupils and their teachers) puts light on the usage of classical arabic within and outside school. The last part deals with a transfert grammar as a global analysis approach. The elaboration of such a type of grammar has brought about deep analysis of verbal forms (primitive forms) both in dialectical and classical Arabic in order to show the differences and the similarities. Such a comparative approach is the application of some of the most important "transfert rules"
Sarraf, Scarlet. "L'apprentissage de la lecture-écriture en langue française chez les enfants libanais." Paris 5, 1999.
Full textThe control of the written language is a primary condition for school improvement. This study concerns the Lebanese children at the first school grades, when they learn French language: mainly the problems thuy meet between maternelle and ce2 concerning the grapho-phonological and metacognitive levels, the consciousness of phonology and text understanding. The appropriate followed analysis will be a developmental and cognitive one. It deals with the cognitive processes that take place during the reading activity and writing. It helps us to determine Lebanese childrens competences and to define their "sensible zone": when Lebanese children first approach reading and writing, wath is their strategy? Which relationship has this strategy in french with general development? Does this strategy depend or not on the child operationnal ability? On the one hand, our research aims at to providing some arguments about the activities involved in learning French. We will describe different and successive strategies that Lebanese children adopt in the progressive control of such learning. We will try to value their competences and conceptions of oral and written french. On the other hand, this ressearch aims to gather within the same framework, different pedagogical concerns linked to on another with learnig french as a second language in Lebanon
Books on the topic "Grammaire française – Étude et enseignement (primaire)"
Mareuil, André. Si la grammaire m'était contée --: 2e cycle du primaire. Saint-Laurent, Québec: Éditions du renouveau pédagogique, 1993.
Find full textRoy, Gérard-Raymond. S'approprier l'orthographe grammaticale par l'approche "donneur receveur". Sherbrooke, Qué: Éditions du CRP, 1991.
Find full text1948-, Fisher Carole, ed. La grammaire nouvelle: La comprendre et l'enseigner. Montréal, Qué: Morin, 2006.
Find full textBrassard, Geneviève. Rafale: Français : 2e cycle du primaire. Montréal: Chenelière éducation, 2014.
Find full textPéladeau, Isabelle. J'apprends avec Péli [C-D]: Stratégies de lecture, grammaire, écriture : français, 2e année du 1er cycle du primaire. Anjou (Québec) Canada: Les Éditions CEC, 2011.
Find full textLefebvre, Danielle. Ardoise: Français, 2e cycle du primaire. Anjou: Éditions CEC, 2001.
Find full textSacré-Coeur, Frères du, ed. Grammaire du premier âge, avec exercices faciles. 3rd ed. [Lévis, Québec?: s.n.], 1986.
Find full textGuillemette, Suzanne. Memo 1: Manuel de l'eleve 2. Boucherville, Que: Les publications Graficor (1989) inc, 1990.
Find full textSuzanne, Guillemette, Letourneau Ginette, and Raymond Nicole, eds. Mémo 1: Guide pédagogique 1. Boucherville, Que: Les publications Graficor (1989) inc, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Grammaire française – Étude et enseignement (primaire)"
Jollin-Bertocchi, Sophie, and Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gerand. "L’émergence du couple terminologique « phrase simple / phrase complexe » dans les grammaires françaises." In Simplicité et complexité des langues dans l’histoire des théories linguistiques, 79–104. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2023.
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