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Roger, Sherman. Market regulation. Boston: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2008.

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Government's place in the market. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2011.

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Free the market!: Why only government can keep the marketplace competitive. New York: Portfolio, 2009.

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Chesnutt, Thomas W. Market responses to the government regulation of chlorinated solvents: A policy analysis. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1988.

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L, Weidenbaum Murray. Business and government in the global market place. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1995.

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Michael, Ollinger. Regulation, innovation, and market structure in the U.S. pesticide industry. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1995.

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Michael, Ollinger. Regulation, innovation, and market structure in the U.S. pesticide industry. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1995.

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Boddewyn, J. J. Barriers to trade and investment in advertising: Government regulation and industry self-regulation in 53 countries. New York, NY (342 Madison Ave., New York 10017): International Advertising Association, 1989.

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Chesnutt, Thomas W. The Market response to the government regulation of chlorinated solvents: A policy analysis. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1988.

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Asian perspectives on financial sector reforms and regulation. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2011.

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Chesnutt, Thomas W. Market response to the government regulation of toxic substances: The case of chlorinated solvents. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1988.

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), Committee on Capital Markets Regulation (U S. Interim report of the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation. [Wash., D.C.?: Committee on Capital Markets Regulation?, 2006.

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Fuess, Scott M. The effects of government safety regulation in an equilibrium market model with compensating wage differentials. West Lafayette, Ind: Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, 1985.

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Beckerman, Wilfred. Pricing for pollution: An analysis of market pricing and government regulation in environment consumption and policy. 2nd ed. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1990.

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Beckerman, Wilfred. Pricing for pollution: An analysis of market pricing and government regulation in environment consumption and policy. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1990.

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Brunekreeft, Gert. Regulation and competition policy in the electricity market: Economic analysis and German experience. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003.

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Swaan, Wim. Behaviour and institutions under economic reform: Price regulation and market behaviour in Hungary. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1993.

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Terrell, Katherine D. The industrial labor market and economic performance in Senegal: A study in enterprise ownership, export orientation, and government regulation. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1989.

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Minford, Patrick. The housing morass: Regulation, immobility and unemployment : an economic analysis of the consequences of government regulation, with proposals to restore the market in rented housing. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1987.

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Merger control in post-communist countries: EC merger regulation in small market economies. Abingdon, Oxon: New York : Routledge, 2011.

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Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities 1998. Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1998.

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Emerson, Michael. Regulation or deregulation of the labour market: Policy regimes for the recruitment and dismissal of employees in the industrialised countries. Brussels, Belgium: Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Commission of the European Communities, 1987.

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Zheng fu jian guan yu hang ye zi lü: Lun hang ye xie hui zai shi chang zhi li zhong de gong neng yu shi xian tiao jian = Government regulation and industry self-regulation study on the functions and conditions of the industry associations in market governance. Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2011.

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United States. Government Accountability Office. Financial market regulation: Agencies engaged in consolidated supervison can strengthen performance measurement and collaboration : report to congressional committees. Washington, D.C: GAO, 2007.

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M, Besen Stanly, Hayashi Toshi, United States. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission., United States. Dept. of Energy., and Rand Corporation, eds. Regulation, efficiency, and competition in the exchange of electricity: First year results from FERC bulk power market experiment. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1985.

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Office, General Accounting. International finance: Regulation of international securities markets : report to congressional requesters. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1989.

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Overview of the regulation of the bond markets: Hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, on the regulation of the bond markets, focusing on fixed income market transparency, Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) enabling investors to access current price information for U.S. corporate bonds, and state, local, and Internal Revenue Service regulations of municipal issuers, June 17, 2004. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2006.

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1957-, Simon David, and Whiteing Anthony E. 1954-, eds. The British transport industry and the European Community: A study of regulation and modal split in the long distance and international freight market. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower, 1987.

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C, Mann Patrick, and Trebing Harry Martin 1926-, eds. The impact of deregulation and market forces on public utilities: The future role of regulation : proceedings of the Institute of Public Utilities Sixteenth Annual Conference. East Lansing: Institute of Public Utilities, Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University, 1985.

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Energy market transparency and regulation: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, to receive testimony on draft legislation to improve energy market transparency and regulation, March 25, 2009. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2009.

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Energy, United States Congress Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on. Energy market transparency and regulation: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, to receive testimony on draft legislation to improve energy market transparency and regulation, March 25, 2009. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2009.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Energy. Energy market transparency and regulation: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, to receive testimony on draft legislation to improve energy market transparency and regulation, March 25, 2009. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2009.

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Crops, United States Congress House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Risk Management and Specialty. Regulation of the over-the-counter derivatives market: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Risk Management and Specialty Crops of the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session, June 10, 1998. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1998.

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Dumez, Hervé. Understanding and regulating the market at a time of globalization: The case of the cement industry. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

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Balleisen, Edward J. Government and markets: Toward a new theory of regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Corsepius, Uwe. Government regulations, external financing, and economic performance: The case of Chile. Kiel: Kiel Institute of World Economics, 1988.

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Equity market structure: A review of SEC regulation NMS : hearing before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, February 28th, 2014. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2014.

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Bijl, Paul de. Competition and regulation in telecommunications markets. Hague, Netherlands: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, 2000.

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Materials, United States Congress House Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous. PNTR: Opening the world's biggest potential market to American financial services competition : hearing before the Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, 2nd session, May 23, 2000. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2000.

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Bank, Asian Development, ed. Harmonization of bond market rules and regulations in selected APEC economies. Mandaluyong City: Asian Development Bank, 2003.

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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Governmental Affairs. Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. Pirates of the 21st century: The curse of the black market : hearing before the Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia Subcommittee of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, April 20, 2004. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2004.

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Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service, ed. Government securities market: Disturbances and regulation. Washington, D.C: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1987.

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Drobak, John N. Rethinking Market Regulation. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Rethinking Market Regulation: Helping Labor by Overcoming Economic Myths tackles the plight of workers who lose their jobs from mergers and outsourcing by examining two economic “principles,” or narratives that have shaped the perception of the economic system in the United States today: (1) the notion that the U.S. economy is competitive, making government market regulation unnecessary, and (2) the claim that corporations exist for the benefit of their shareholders but not for other stakeholders. Contrary to popular belief, this book demonstrates that many markets are not competitive but rather are oligopolistic. This conclusion undercuts the common refrain that government market regulation is unnecessary because competition already provides sufficient constraints on business. Part of the lack of competition has resulted from the large mergers over the past few years, many of which have resulted in massive layoffs. The second narrative has justified the outsourcing of millions of jobs of U.S. workers this century, made possible by globalization. The book argues that this narrative is not an economic principle but rather a normative position. In effect, both narratives are myths, although they are accepted as truisms by many people. The book ties together a concern for the problems of using economic principles as a justification for the lack of government intervention with the harm that has been caused to workers. The book’s recommendations for a new regulatory regime are a prescription for helping labor by limiting job losses from mergers and outsourcing.
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Seneca, R. S., and Peter Asch. Government and the Market Place. Thomson Learning, 1985.

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Seneca, R. S., and Peter Asch. Government and the Market Place. Thomson Learning, 1985.

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China: Internal market development and regulation. Washington, D.C: The World Bank, 1994.

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Market Regulation (Addison Wesley Series in Economics). Addison Wesley, 2007.

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Spitzer, Eliot. Government's Place in the Market. MIT Press, 2011.

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Thomas, Kenneth H. Optimal CRA reform: Balancing government regulation and market forces (Public policy brief). Bard College, Jerome Levy Economics Institute, 2002.

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